The Courier "PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY WM. C HAMMER, EDITOR Asheboro, N. G, August 19, 1915. " FOR MR. BICKETT . The woods was full of candidates for the Democratic nomination for Governor a month ago, but they have narrowed down to Attorney General Bickett and Lieutenant Governor Daughtridge. Both of these gentle men are splendid types of North Car olinians, and both would make ac ceptable Governors but Bickett is at present a long way in the lead and is gaining strenght each day and it would not surprise us any day to see him given an open field. Bickett is popular with all the dis cordant elements in the party and it would be the part of wisdom to nomi nate him as it would unify and solid ify the party and completely wipe out all the differences engendered by the late Senatorial contest It now looks like it will be Govern or Bickett. Hertford County Herald. LOCAL BALL NEWS Asheboro and Sylva will play ball at Ramseur in the Ramseur ball park Wednesday August 25. Shiloh Against Coleridge Shiloh crossed bats with Coleridge Saturday in a game which resulted in a score of 5 to 6 in favor of Shiloh. Shiloh will play Parks Cross Roads next Saturday. Ramseur Wins Championship Ramseur and Worthville played for the county championship on the for mer's diamond Saturday. The Ram seur pitcher held the visitors to 3 hits and struck out 11, winning the game by a score of to 0. Mt. Pleasant Defeats High Point The Mt. Pleasnt team played High Point last Saturday, the game result ing in a score of 14 to 2 in favor of the Mt. Pleasant nine. This team has i played several good games and made a fine record this season, having lost ; only one game. ASHEBORO AGAINST SILER CITY The Asheboro ball team went to'vf w; fVl c'(a , aiier city last naay to piay mat city's team, but came away defeated i in a shut-out game. The game was ' . . ... ... last ana snappy nmu tne seventn in- lung when the Siler City boys made O runs. I oy oeain, resignation, or oinerwise. Asheboro Score R. H. E.I . Sec. 3. The board of road trustees s;io mfl 1ln rnn o iQ i ! shall meet at the courthouse in Ashe- Siler City ..010 110 500 8 13 1 boro North Carolina( take the oath Asheboro 000 000 000 0 3 6 0f 0ffice before any one authorized to Batteries: Murchison, Lambe and ' administer oaths, and organize by ap-nnnrnn- T.pwij. firiffin nnd SmwoH. I pointing one of their members chair- e,i, v.. jt.-.i.; o v,rnan and another secretary, on the i. T J7 Lambe 3, by Duncan 4, by Lewis 9, by Griffin 3. TUP, PORTERS np mNST Att. ' vnpr -p J the duties to them intrusted, at the " " call of the chairman or the secretary More varied, as a spectale, than the on five days notice to th other mem veiled women of the Galata Bridge bers of the board by letter addressed are the hamals, or coolie. Most of tnese carriers ars Kurks, tierce peo-, pie oi tne eastern mountains who have. the members of the board can be r.rd fallen to the low estate of selling their a actually present; and meetiiiRS strenght to city dwellers. I know the J" he,d anywhere in the county - . 6 . . . .. . . , . fr the more convenient dispatch of feats of transportation achieved by the business of the board. The secre Chinese servants, by Japanese go-, tary shall keep a record of their pro rickkies, by hill women of the Him- j ceedings. alayas, by dusky coolies of India and Sec- 4- That 5t shall be the duty of the Straits, but to the Kurdish hamal J? t7sttfe8 eami"e j j 7 i 1 ,T1to the condition of the public roads must be accorded the palm as a bur- ( 0f the countv and kcep themselves len bearer. j posted in regard thereto, and shall, on Yonder man carries on his back a op before the first Monday in June of bedstead and mattress, fastened on 'fch k Sl'?e?nb- - . . . , . . i lie roads, as to the work that has been top of a great basket. The next man , rtone thereon during the preceding carries twenty watermelons as one twelve months, and as to that contem load. Here is another with twenty- plated in the immediate future, four square feet of plate-glass mirror ' Sec. 5. That the said board of road carries a roll-top desk, and on top , without petition if they shall deem it of that an office chair. There must for the best interest of the public, to have been a furniture sale somewhere 'ay out, alter, or discontinue public lor the next fellow bears a sofa and"??"!? nrhre county of 4 it. ".Randolph: Provided, that any person two parlor chairs. j wh0 shan BUStain damagetby any such Now comes a hamal groaning under . action on the part of the board of the weight of two kegs of white lead road trustees shall have ttie right to or pain-a heavier load than his 3'" therefr 88 hercafter mate's more showy burden of thirty-1 rSeCC.e6 " xhe eaid board of road trus. eight five-gallon oil cans. And here tees shall have general power and con comes one with thirty-three wooden ' trol over the public roads in the coun boxes on his back. I tv and may employ some competent Mf oil i, t , , 1 pwson as road superintendent to de- Not all the hamals are young and ote his entire time or agreed Btrong. Here comes and old Albanian, part of it to the public roads of the whose load of figs bends him to the county under their- directions. They ground. As if to point the contrast,! shay fix his compensation and the said twn Vinva witv, v imrul road superintendent shail be subject t" two boys with huge hampers on then- ren,ovaf without cause being assigned, backs come prancing and playing at the will of the said board of road pranks. Is not this next coolie carry-: trustees. They may also employ road ing the heaviest load of all ? On his ""yrs or highway engineers when back is a full-sized packing case, and i eTf they J a11 du"m ad ab'e' ' iooi, ; ,: i , Sec. 7. No public road in the coun- lashed to it are six other large-wood-1 tv shall be IaillIJout built) or construct- en boxes. That is no white man's , e- less than twenty-four feet or more burned. A not uncommon load for than thirty-six feet wide, except upon hamals, I am told, is three hundred e approval of the board of county pounds. Is there r.ny other city ,n the world where men work hard to earn five or ten cents? William T. Ellis, in The Youth's Companion. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA IMPORTANT NOTICE The Randolph county Fublic Road Trustees met on August 16th and or ganized. The new law is now in full force. In the future all contracts and disbursements for public road work in the county are to be made by this board. People interested in public road matters should see this board in stead of the county commissioners or Township Trustees as heretofore, Arthur Ross, of Asheboro, was chosen as chairman and Clarence Parks, of Franklinville, was elected secretary, The board adjourned to meet again on the 7th of September, at the court house. ARTHUR ROSS, Chairman. CLARENCE PARKS, Sec. AN ACT TO REGULATE THE CON STRUCTION, IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF PUB LIC ROADS IN RANDOLPH COUNTY The General Assembly of North lina do enact: Section 1. That power, authority, and duty to lay out, construct, build, improve, alter, repair, and maintain public roads in Randolph county are hereby vested in a board of five mem bers, which shall be designated as the board or road trustees of Kandolpn county. The members of said board shalj be appointed by the board of county cummissiunrrs vi iwuiuuipu county from among those who are cit izens, and residents of the said county The board of county commissioners shall designate one member of their own board who shall ex officio be a member of the said board of road trustees of Randolph county, find shall also designate and appcint the other four members of the said board, Sec. 2. The board of commissioners shall as soon as shall be practicable after the passage of this act select and appoint the five members of the saiu ooarn ui ruau trustees, mui member who shall be appointed from among the members of the board of commissioners shall hold his othce un til tfce second Monday of January, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen. On the first Monday of January, A. D. one thousand nine hundred and seven teen, and of the odd years of the cal endar thereafter, a successor shall be appointed for a term of two years, to enter upon the duties of the office on the Monday following his appoint- mpnt Of the other four members or said board of road trustees, two shall at the same time be appointed, who Mnn . , . th hundred and seventeen, and two who shall hold until the second Monday of January, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen; and upon the first Mon- hoard of commissioners shall-appoint their successors, each to hold for a f m. 01 .I0UJ years commencing tne Monday next following his appoint- mt. -l.a the Wrd of commifuiioners shall fill any vacancies that may occur, first Monday following their appoint merit, and on the second Mondays of January, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and of the odd years of the calendar thereafter: and shall hold meetings for the performance of ing BhalI be necessary whenever all of cmisMonera previobuiy that there is anythmg necessary or pper to be done to accomplish the kt interests of thfe necessary public road work, and the manner of secur ing or performing the same has not been provided for by law, it shall be lawful for the same to be done accord ing to the order of the board of road trustees of Randolph county. See. 9. The said board of road trustees shall maintain and improve the public roads of the county as best can be done with the resources availa ble therefor, and to this end they shall have the right, power and authority to make contracts with individuals from time to time for the performance of any part of such work. Sec. 10. In relocating, straighten ing, or widening roads now in use or in opening new roads said board of road trustees may cause a survey of the proposed change of an old road or of the new road to be opened. If they shall adopt said survey, they may con demn the same for the use of the county for a public road and enter thereon and take possession. Any person who shall obstruct or hinder any person in making a survey for the changing of a road or for the opening of a new road at the request or on be half of the said board of road trus- tees, or shall obstruct any one in the performance of their powers or duties in regard to the public roads as speci fied m this act, shall be guiltv of a misdemeanor and fined or imprisoned or both, in the discretion or the court. Sec. 11. WTienever possible, said hoard of road trustees shall agree with the owner for the purchase of ar.y lo cation, gravel pit, stone quarry or any gravel, stone, or other material need ed in the building or the repairing of said roads or for crusher plants or convict camps or for the removal from adjacent property of any condition or thing which may in their judgment be injurious to a public road: but said board shall have the right at any and all times to enter upon and take pos session of such lands, premises, or property in person or by its agents, employees, or contractors and do therewith or thereon anything that may be needful or proper in carrving out or performing the duties of their office and the maintenance, construc tion, or improvement of a public road, as in this act provided. Sec. 12. Any person who shall sus tain damage or injury to property by anything done in pursuance of this act may at any time within six months thereafter petition the board of coun ty commissioners, who shall cause the sheriff of the county to summons a jury of three disinterested freeholders' to view the premises or property in question at a time which shall be des ignated in the summons and assess the damages to the petitioner or peti tioners. Said jury, determining the damages, shall take into consideration all the benefits which will accrue to the claimant or his property from any new road being built or old road be ing improved, in connection with which the work was done which occa sioned the alleged damages, and also the damages sustained by the owner of the property, if any; subtract the former from the latter, and the bal ance, if any, shall be their verdict. They shall file their report with the clerk of the board of county commis sioners within ten days; and the said report, on motion of the petitioner or of the board of road trustees, upon ten days notice to the other, party, may be modified or set aside, but will be affirmed as of course, provided no such motion is lodged with the clerk of the board of commissioners rwithin the next twenty days following the fil ing of the report with the clerk' of the board. An appeal from the decision of the board of county commissioners, in case of a motion to modify or set aside the same as hereinbefore provid ed, may be taken to the next succeed ing term of the Superior Court which shall convene as much as twenty days thereafter, by the petitioner or by the board of road trustees, upon giving bond in the amount of two hundred dollars to secure all costs which .may be adjudged against the appelant on the appeal: Provided, notice of such appeal be served on a member of the board of commissioners and on the adverse party within ten days nfte the decision is rendered. Any dama ges, whether determined bv agree ment or assessed as hereinbefore pro vided and determined, shall be paid out of the funds hereinafter provided. In case of an appeal to the Superior Court by the board of road trustees, no bond shall be required of it. ' Sec. 13. The board of county com missioners of Randolph county is here by authorized and cmnow-ered to make such arrangements with the board of road trustaes of the county relative to the working of convicts upon public roads as may be mutually satisfacto ry: Provided, however, that nothinir be done by cither board contrary to law; and in all cases where provis ion is made by law for the workin of convicts upon the county roads it shall be held and deemed sufficient if the same be done by the board of road trustees, or under their direction. Sec. 14. In case the authorities of the town or city shall agree thereto, a highway or highways leading through or into said town or city may. at the option of the board of road trustees, be adopted as a part of the roads to be improved and maintained under this act, and shall thereupon be improved and maintained within the said town or city in a similar man ner to the other parts of said rocd or highway, as long as such arrangement proves mutually satisfactory. Sec. 15. The board of road trustees are authorized and empowered to pro cure any and all tools, machinery, ap pliances, and supplies which may be necessary or proper for use upon the public roads of the county, and the cost thereof shall be paid out of the moneys hereinafter provided. bee. lb. All persons who shall bo liable to road duty under the general laws of North Carolina m specified in chapter sixty-five of the Revisal of one thoifcand nine hundred and five of North and the general law? amcndr.tory thereof may be from time to time warned and renuired t work on the nublic roads in their respective townships, and within reasonable dis tance of their homes or pbces of abodo, not exceeding five mile, (inf lect to the pains find penalties bv said laws provided. They may be notified or warned by any one designated and appointed by the road superitendent or the road trustees fo the purpose, in the manner specified by the general road laws of North Carolina shove mentioned: Provided, that nnv one iablc to road duty, as aforesaid, mav at his option pay to the road superin tendent or into the county treasury on or before the first day of February in . '"MM mmimmmBm 'mm Courtesy Charlotte Observer P Aunt Lettie Baldwin is perhaps the oldest residents of Asheboro, her age being 107 years and 8 months. Soon after the war she migrated to Ashe boro with her husband. Uncle Bob Baldwin, from Montgomery county, where she had been bom a slave. They raised a family of 18 children, all of whom are dead or gone to parts unknown. Uncle Bob died about 15 years ago and 3 years ago Aunt Let tie married Tom Pike, just an ordi any year the sum of three dollars, tak ing a receipt therefor, and the posses sion of such receipt by any who has actually paid therefor, as afore said, shall exempt him from the liabil ity to road work in the county for that calendar year. The road superinten- dent shall keep an itemized statement j nf tVia mnno.rii mi'J A kin ! 1 of the moneys paid to him in accord ance with this section and shall pay the same into the county treasury to the credit of the road fand on or be fore the tenth day of the month fol lowing its collection. To insure his compliance with this provision, and also to insure the faithful performance j of all the duties imposed upon him by I law, the board of road trustees, upon j making a contract of employment with i him, shall require the road supcrin-, tendent to give a good and sufficient bond, payable to the St.ite of North ' Carolina, in an amount not less than ore thousand dollars nor more than five Ihousand dollars, as the board shall determine. Said road cuperin tendent shall also keep an inventory of all county tools, machinery, and supplies, indicating the location there of, and keep full records, showing the disposition of any and all property in trusted to him. Sec. 17. The board of county com misioners of Randolph county at the time of levying other taxes shall levy a special county road tax of not less than fifteen cents nor more than twenty-five cents on each one hundred dol lars of assessed value of property for taxation, which, after the payment of the costs of collection to be determin ed by the laws in force at the time of collection, shall be paid into the coun ty treasury and- set aside and used exclusively for public road purposes: Provided, that the payment of interest on indebtedness or obligations which have already been incurred or shall hereafter be incurred in necessary county public road work, together with adequate provisions for the pay ment of the principal of such indebt edness er obligations as the same shall become due, shall be a first charge upon the proceeds of srid spe cial road tax, and the full balance of said tax shall be used to pay the ex penses of carrying out the other pro visions of this act. Sec. 18. Acounts or bills for mate rials furnished or work done pursuant to this act shall be approved by three members of the board of road trustees on behalf of saij board, and upon such approval shall be audited and paid out of the aforesaid funds by the board of county commissioners, who shall pee to the disbursements of said fund3 for the purposes herein set forth: Provid ed, it shall not be necessary to have the approval of such members of the road trustees before the payment e-f the principal .or interest of any money which has been or may hereafter be borrowed for the public road work, or before making payments of such dawi- ages as shall have been determined acording to section twelve of this act. Sec. 19. The members of the board of road trustees, while actually en gaged in the performance of their duties as herein provided, shall be en titled to the same compensation as that provided toy law for county com missioners of Randolph county. Sc. 20. Cartways, tramways, and church roads shall be laid out and es tablished by the bor.rd of road trustees instead of by the board of supervisers but otherwise in the manner provided by chapter sixty-five of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina and the laws amenda tory thereof. Sec. 21. thapter five hunnrsd and sixty-seven of the Public Laws cf North Carolina, session one thousand nine hundred and nine, is hereby re pealed. Any funds now on h?.nd, in . .- wr i4?-s hoto by C. S. Ridge, of Kodak Studio. nary Asheboro"nigger,"about 45 years old, with whom she is now living in a li'tle cabin in the eastern end of town. The "Baldwin-Pike" wed ding was a church affair and quite an event in colored social circles. The two work enough to make a living, Aunt Lettie doing the house work and Tom supplementing this by doing'odd jobs for the people all over town. eluding taxes which have been levied but not yet collected, to the credit cf the several townships of the county under said chapter, shall be expended in the townships entitled thereto, re spectively, Dy tne board of ror-d trus tees of Randolph county created by this act, in such a way as to crrry M . ' uut me purpose ior wnicn tho same were levied or collected. Any tools ana macninrey belonging to any town ship shall be turned over to the board of road trustees of the county, who shall use same under the provisions of this act, wherever the same cru be used to advantage in the county road work. The value thereof, as shall be determined by the person who is chairman of the township trustees when this act shall go into effect and the chairman of the board of road trustees of Randolph county, who, in case of disagreement, shall appoint a uiBinieresiea intra person to act as umpire and cast the deciding vote, shall be paid to the credit of such township and expended in tho same manner as any unexpended balance of funds. Sec. 22. It shall be the duty of the board of road trustees, as a part of the public roads, to build, construct, and install and repair any and all cul verts, drains, and bridges not exceed ing ten feet in length that may be needed on the public roads of the county, and the same shall be paid for out of the funds above mentioned and provided; bridges of greater length, whenever necessary, shall be built and kept in repair by the board of coun ty commissioners out of the general county funds. Sec. 23. Chapter three hundred and seventy-four of the Public Laws of North Carolina, session one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and chapter seven hundred and fifty-eight of the Public Laws of North Carolina, session one thousand nine hundred and seven, are hereby repealed; and it is hereby expressly enacted that chapter four hundred and forty-eight of the Public Local Laws of North Carolina, session one thousand nine hundred and thir teen, is an enabling act, and shall not limit or require the board of commis sioners or the county of Randolph to proceed in the manner or according to the wayj or method therein set forth. Sec. 24. This act shall go into ef fect immediately upon the appointing of the members of the board of road trustees of Randolph county by the board of county commissioners of said county, as hereinbefore provided, but shall apply to Randolph county only. Ratified this the 8th day of March, A. D. 1915. SUFFRAGE CAMPAIGN TO BE LAUNCHED IN NORTH CAROLINA A strong campaign for woman suff rage is to be launched in North Caro lina within a few day3. Miss Emily K. Perry will arrive in Raleigh soon for a conference with Chief Justice J Walter Clark, an avowed advocate of equal suffrage for women. Other prominent North Carolinians will be conferred with. Senators Simmons and Overman, Representatives Webb, Page, Small, Stedman and the rest of. visited. Miss Perry claims she has se- cured the support of several hundred al hundred l ruimneni women oi tne state Who will accompany her on these visits. I BUSINESS BUILDERS FOR SALE My Old Home Plae" At Farmer. Those N interested in a small farm near church, school post office, store, 'phone, etc., address or see MRS. D. T. LEWIS, Asheboro, N. C, WANTED All kinds of country produce. Highest cash price paid. J. C. HANNAH, The One-Horse Grocer. School will soon open and the little folks will need lots of new clothes. Just received a nice line of ginghams and percale suitable for school wear, R. C. JOHNSON. FOR SAFETY and first-class auto livery at all hours 'phone O. W. RICH, No. 159. WANTED R. C. JOHNSON (at new stand) Asheboro, N. C. Wants 1000 men and boys to buy THE FAMOUS VICTOR BRAND CLOTHING Quality good enough for any- body; price cheap enough for everybody. WANTED Ash timber, standing, cut in logs, billets, or lumber. See us before selling as we pay the highest cash prices. BALDWIN TOOL WORKS, ' a5-6t South Richmond, Va. WANTED A good man to take charge of farm on shares. Have ev erything necessary. Give full partic ulars, experience and size of family. Address "Roberts" care of Courier. LOST On the streets of Asheboro August 18, 30 pounds of green coffee. Finder please leave at Courier office and receive reasonablo reward. JOHN LAMBERT, Asheboro Star Route . Thirty-Six for 23 Cents Dr. King's New Life Pills are now supplied in well-corked glass bottles containing 35 sugar coated white pills for 25c. One pill with a glass of wa ter before retiring is an average dose. Easy and pleasant to take. Cheap and eonomical to use.' Get a bottle today, take a dose tonight your constipa tion will be relieved in the morning. 36 ior 25c, at all druggists. RUB-r.1Y-T!Sr.l Will cure your Iiheunrhtijm Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Barns. Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Ajnodyne,used in ternally and externally. Price 25c Why is it men who are as sharp as tacks in most things are as care less as in infant in others? Drive around the country and you will see farm implements everywhere exposed to the elements out in the rain from January to December. Lift a five spot from the pocket of one of those fellows and he will want to either lick you or send you to the. penitentiary to square up for his loss. But lets many time the amount go to rack and ruin in exposing his machinery, and implements to the elements without an apparent thought as to their value. Queer but true. Chapel Hill News NOTICE LAND SALE By virtue of an order of sal hv tha Superior Court of Randolph county in the special proceeding entitled, "N. N. Newitn, Administrator of J. C. Fra tier, deceased, vs. Marti tia Stuart, et al." entered on the 17th day of Aug-, 1915, the undersigned will, on Monday September 20th. 1915. sell at the court house door in Asheboro, N. C, at pub lic auction to the highest bidder- tor cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: All that tract or narcel of land, be ing situate in the county of Randolph on the waters of Deep River, bounded as follows: , Beginning at a stone, thenc south 4.25 chains to a locust; thence west one chain to a Btone; thence south 10.80 chains to a white oak: thence east 7.50 chains to a white oak; thence south 9 chains to a black oak; thence east 18.50 chains to a stone; thence north 20 chains to a stone; thence east 23.50 chains to a black oak; thence north 25.75 chains to a black oak; thence west 20 chains to a stone, Polk's corner; thence south 19.25 chains to a pile of rocks and white oak; thence west 2C.25 chains to the beginning, containing one hundred and twenty-four acres more or less; SUBJECT, however, to the deduction of 35 acres more or less thereof sold and conveyed by J. C. Frazier to ' q3U,T?m, b0 Jii.i book 55, pages 521, 522, etc. For a further description of the said property see deed of John A. Johnson, Administrator, to J. C. Fra zier, dated June 5, 1882, registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Randolph county, in book 60, at page 222. etc. The sale will be subject to the con- , "Vl? K a.., ,o,5 N. N. NEWLIN. Administrator and' i Commissioner. &SMkit AlUe This Is Dretcriotioa bmukJ etneciiTlr !r MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVZR. .VT? GO,e wl JT . u taken tnea at a tonic me tevtt will sot mi.. It A. k. II-.. im !,. Colooel sad doe not fiipeef sicken, 25c