FOE "tlEMNG" WITH MR. PAGES MISTAKE Some of our Republican contempo raries are very much pleased with the report that Congressman Page of the Seventh District favors "tinkering" with the tariff again at the next st sion b Oongres. If Mr. Page has been quoted correctly he is malting a intake, and we are' confident that a maiority of the Democratic Repre- ntAtives in Congress will tell him so whM he trets back to Washington. There has never been a tariff law that worked better than the Underwood- Simmons htw and we do not believe the eountrv "wants to interfere with it. Nothing would injure the Democratic party more than "tinkering" witn me tariff again -next winter. Mr. Page is said to favor a modi fication of Ihe tariff which will place a duty of "fifteen cents a pound on wool." We are at a loss to know upon what ground he bases his belief that his narticular commodity should be restored to the dutiable list. As was nointed out some time ago by the vircinian-Pilot. the price of raw wool in the United States during the last twelve months "have been considerably kitrnr than at any time within number of -years, while manufacturers have been drawing heavily upon for eign sources of supply to meet their demands for the product. The Wool en industry, -too, if we may give cre dence to a comparatively recent state wnt of President Wood, of the Amer ican Woolen Company, who certainly ought to know whereof he epeaks, is nmsiierine today as it has not pros- .1 pered for a comparatively long time past. What is there in such conditions to euggest the need of an impost duty which could -only have the effect of increasing the price to the manufac turer of his imported raw material, without conferring any benefit upon the wool prower"? On the contrary, do hot these conditions demonstrate ' the wisdom of i3ie wool schedule of 4Wnnnrfic tariff law, wnich free- lists the raw product and reduces the duties on the manufactured articles ' .nnNxiiablv below those obtaining un ' Pvne-Aldrich measure- The proof of the pudding is in chewing the bag, and, measured By unw buhio . -j ha -wool schedule of the Under wood-Simmons law, as has the law In Its entirety, has conclusively made m, Democratic Corrirressman -who should agitate "tinkering" with rfc would consult the best interests .M;tW of the country nor of the party. Winaon-Sil em Journal. PAGE AND THE TARIFF Wilson paper, has -the following: An Eminently Sensible Position. Mr." Page, says our Washington correspondent, will favor a -revenue tariff on sugar, wool and other com modities now on the free list. "An eminently sensible position to take. The treasury cannot very well stand much more experimenting along these lines. It, -was a very great and grave mistake in the first place to put sugar on the free list. The sugar growers, events have ..clearly shown, did not need the little protection they were receiving as much as the coun try needed the money. Many thought ful Democrats had a full realizing sense of this, and there is little doubt that the radical extension of the free list in the last tariff bill was one of the President's mistakes. It ought to be rectified at the first opportunity, There are few Democrats who do not admit this to be the case in pri vate conversation. Moreover, these Democrats feel it would be the best form of party patriotism to make these changes as quickly as possible, lest the country commission the Re publican party to make them. Demo crats standing with Mr. Page and they will -be-strong both in character and numbers will have the conscious ness of serving both the country and their party. No less sensible are the views of Mr. Page on the subject of Prepared ness. They coincide with those en tertained by Senator Kern and Mr. Ritchin. Adequate coast defenses, submarines and torpedo boats are the things needed by the country, and they are all that is needed. Very few people in this country are inter ested in a bier naval program, if that means billions for battleships. "Let Roosevelt Rajre!" If the war continues long it may be necessary to make some chances in the Simmons-Underwood bill, but it is I ighly important that we have as iittle tariff tinVeriMt as possible and such changes as are made should be upon the basis of a revenue tariff with only such incidental protection as would accrue thereby. A Pine Whooping Cough Remedy. Mathers. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Hon ey is just" the remedy' for your -children's cold ailments. The fact is that pine is a quick enemy of cold condi tions. Its sualities loosen the mucous in the throat, soothe the lung3 and onen un the air nassaires. The com bination of honey, soothing and pleas ant, with the loosening pine quality makes this an ideal cough remedy for nhiMren. V.ach nassincr vear brintrs for it, new friends. A family of grow ing children cannot afford to be witn out it. 25c. a bottle. LAND SALE T!v virtnp of the nower contained! in an nrrW of sale in the snecial Dro-I ceeding entitled O. G. Kivett, admin istrator of A. roust Kivett, deceasea, ymiinet FrinrSa FWailSOn. ft- &1. The undersingned commissioner will on the 18th DAY of OCTOBER. 1915 at 12 nVlnrk M spll ' at the court house door in Asheboro, North Carolina, the I fnllnu-incr HoenrihpH trOi-tfl of land. 1 Second tract: Adjoining the lands of T. V. York and others and bounded as follows: Beeinninir at a stake A. F. Kivett's corner; thence east 96 nr. ps nnH 20 links to a stone in Pueh's line; thence south 12 poles and 17 linVc rn a atnnfl in oricin&l line. Kiv- ett's corner; thence west poies ana 20 links to a stone piie Mvem cor ner; thence north 12 Doles and 17 links to the beginning, containing acres more or less. TV;! tract; AHioinincr the lands nf VranV Pntrh. Wid York and others bounded as follows: Beginning at a I stone in Wid York's line running east OK nnloo nnrl 20 links to a Stone in Puarh's line; thence north 4 poies ana links to a stone in said line to a I ctnna in WiH Vntrh'a line: thence south! -. '. .. I 29 poles and 18 imtcs to tne Begin ning, containing 33 acres more or less. Torma nf oaI- nnp-hiilf cash the re maining one-half on a credit of six months. Purchaser giving bond to prove security. Title reserved lor fur ther order of the court. n a vivntt. nnmmisainner. This the 18th day of September 1915. SOUTHERN TUBERCULOSIS CONFERENCE, MEETS A Contention That No Tariff Tinker ine is Necessary. Th Norfolk Virginian Pilot.) Tf Pr.rantAtive Paee of North fw,i,n allv favors, as The Char lotte Observer hears hfe does, a mod ification of the tariff which snau place a duty of "15 cents a pound" on woo), it would be At least inter esting to know upon what ground he foases hie belief that this particular .commodity should be restored to the .dutiable list. . During the last 12 months the price cf raw wool in the United States have been considerably higher than at any time within a number of .years, while manufaatur w hfl drawing- heavily upon j snn9 of suddIt to meet demands for the product. Tfce woolen industry, too, if we may giw credence to a camparatively recent .atatement of President Wood, of Jibe a Woolen Comnany., who certainly .ought to know whereof lie epeakfl, is prospering today as it nas not prospered for a comparatively leng.tune past What is there In such conditions to euggest the need t an imnntt dutv which Could Only v.a ).i offset of increasing: the wriee to the manufacturer of his im ported raw material, without conferr ing nv unon the wool grower? On the contrary, do not these condi tions demonstrate the wisdom ol uie wool schedule nf the Democratic tar iff law, which free-lists the raw prod mot and retW.Mt the duties on the manufactured article anoreciably be low those obtaining under the Payne- Aldnch measure? The proof or tne Duddine is in chewinsr the bag, and, measured by that atanderd, the wool schedule of the Underwood-Simmons law, as has the law in its entirety. has conclusively made good. The Democratic Congressman who should agitate "tinkering" with it would con sult the best interests neither of the country nor of the party. Tttebrculosis Conditions of South Spe ial Study Dr.' L. B. Mc Brayer Vice President. The second Southern Tuberculosis Conference will he held at Columbia S 7 Oi.tnt.flr Stth and 9th. Br. L. B McBrayer of Norti Carolina Sana torrum for the treatment 'of tubercu losis is vice president of the confer ence and will address the assembly on the subject: "Tuberculosis Policies in the South." Furthermore, Dr. Mc Braver will srive at this meeting a re sume of his recent work and findings in the investigation of tuberculosis conditions in the Wadesboro silk mills This conference, known as the Southern Tuberculosis Conference, is one of five that will meet either this month or next in five different sec tions of the United States. Methods of carrying on mone effectively for the comine year the -war against tu berculosis. both by physicians and lay men, will form the chief subjects for discussion at the various conferences. North Carolina is fortunate to be in close touch with one of the five na tional conferences. At the Columbia conference every asnect of tuberculosis in the South will be discussed. Considerable attention will be eiven to the problem of the tuberculous seero. It is expected that a big delegation of interested North Carolinians will be in attendance The following articles published in the Winston-Salem Journal and Nor folk papers are in line with th? ma jority of the Democratic press. Fair brother's Everything, a publication that stands for protection says that at least one half of our delegation in Congress have said we must have a bigger tax or go bankrupt. The Greensboro News, now an anti SECOND CAMPAIGN PROGRESSES Over 22,00) . Vaccina J jrd Third Cam vanrn neaay to L,auncn. The fourth week of the second anti tvnhoid State and county, campaign reports 22,384 as the total number of persons in the five counties taking the vaccine treatment. Halifax is stiM ksadinir with a number of with Iredell following with 6,884. Next is line w Wilson with 3,601 fol lowed by Edgecombe, 4418 and Wayne 1095. It i gratifying that the interest in thfa line at ouWic health work is net wan'ng though Bummer with its hot weather and flies, the seaeon when in fection is considered gteateat, has al most counted the sanda. What may be termed the third State and, county anti-typhoid campaign is readv to start m Warren and Craven counties. September 13 will launch the movement in these counties m full force and order. It is expected that the end of next week will show a total number of com nlete immunizations of three treat ment for the second campaign amounting to near 25,000. Lee coun ty's total of three complete treat ments will be included in this number. Report of the Condition of THE BANK OF RAMSEUR at Ttnmspur in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Sep tember 2nd, 1916. Reaourees. Loans and discounts .... $110,568.07 RunVinc houses, furniture and fixtures .. .. .... 4,000.00 Demand loans 48.075.00 fh.P from National Banks 46.900.60 Cash tems 71.0& Gold coin 3,767.50 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency . . 1,859.23 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 1,601.00' Total $216,842.45 I.iahilHim. Capital stock paid in ... . $12,000.00 Surplus fund iu.uuu.uu Undivided profits, less cur rent PTnenses and taxes naid 2.030.47 Deposits subject to check 70,383.53 oit 11.328.00 Savings deposits 110,544.14 Cashiers checks outr standing 231.31 Aerriipd interest due de positors 325.00 Total $216,842.45 State of North Carolina, County of Randolph, ss: T T F flravwi. rhashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to, the best of my knowledge and belief. 1. f . JKAVJ!iiN, uasnier. Correct Attest: W. H. W ATKINS, E. C. W ATKINS, K. R. LEONARD. T)iwtnr!i. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th dav of September, iii. H. B. MOORE, Notary Public. COHFESSIOII A Complete Line of Clothing. Our buyer has just returned from the northern markets where he bought the most complete and extensive line of Fall and Winter Suits that has ever been seen in Asheboro. Here are some of the best bargains ever offered in suits men's and young men's, boys' and children's suits. We have about 50 tailored suits rang ing in value from $18.00 to $35.50, which we are offering, while they last, from $12.50 to $18.00, We also have an elegant line of regu lar stock clothing ranging in value from $9.50 to $18. We are closing at from $6.50 to $12.50. When you get directly in front of our store stop. After you stop come in. We do not want a moment of your time. We want you to see our new suits. We must show you our smart styles. The choicest models are here. Wood Cash Clothing Company Cal-Sino STOCK and POULTRY REMEDIES k inectflo remedy for every illmenl of Horse. CtU. Swine and Poultry. Pur. drum. nroDerlT Dro portioned (or bet re- ult. No tiller uwsd. Try diem. You'll use them ever after RANDOLNH SUPPLY CO.. fbeboro. W. L. TR0G00N a CO.. SeaKrove. I M- SH.W. New Hnpr aradtiny I M. HUSStLL a tU., opoi. I 0 BRAME. Tnuity. ELLIS I0R0N E. IEAN. C. r. tux a i;u- Former President Taft, in a speech at Los Angeles, declares that the United States is nearer with war with Mexico than at any time in the last five years. He says this is due to the policy of "watchful waiting," and that we have "neither watched nor waited." Hopes Her Statement, Blade Public, vill Help Other Women. Hines, Ala. "I must confess", ay Un Mm X)rA nf his nlarit "thol Cardui, the woman's tonic, has done me l grew ueai 01 goou. Before I commenced using Cardui, I .-n.iM mil un Mraruthixn I nf I haI . tired, sleepy feeling all the time, and was irregular, i couia naraiy arse vouna, ana wotua nave severe ncaaacoci con iinuouslv. - ' Since taking Cardui, I have entirely quit spitting tip what I eat. 'Everything seems to digest all right, and I have ous tils so common to your sex, it is nirnna lo'aufier ' . v' . ' For half a century,' Cardui has been re- thousands of letters, similar to the above, which Dour into our office, vear bv vear. Cardui is successful because it is com- on the womanly constitution, and helps build the weakened organs back to health and strength. - Cardui has helped others, and will help you, too. Get a bottle today. You won't regret it Your druggist sells it vliory Dept.. Chattanooga, Tean.. for SpcatU In- I ttructions an your casa and 64-pace book, "Home i Trwtntm for Wobms," sent la plalo wrapaar. NC 120 RUB-r.lY-TISr.l Will cure your Rhenmatisnz Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, nolie. Snrataa. Braises': Cuts an I Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in teroally and externally. Price 25c. WHAT CATARRH IS It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. Science has shown that nasal catarrh often . indicates a general weakness of the body; and local treatments n the form of snuns and vapors ao ame, if any good. To correct catarrh vou should treat fta muse bv earichinir vour blood with the oil-food la Scott's Emulsion which U a medicinal food and a building-tonic, free fromalcoholorany harmful drugs. Try it. Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield, N. J. x a. ' i jr ' Why not give your boy and girl an opportunity to make their home ttudy eaty and tffeeUmt Give them the same chances to win pro motion and success as the lad having the advantage of fs-TyEBSTER'S KEl'i iHTERHATIONAL Dibtionaxy in his home; This hew creation answers witn. aniu auuior in all kinds of nuKzlinK questions in history, geography, biography, spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, and sciences. o,oo Vacahulary Terma. VIM JPaflea. Over euoo l Huatraoona. coiorao raia. At aalr aiaatr wttk taa nraM n. i Th trpa matter ia equivalent to that f of m 16-volume encyclopedia. Mora Scholarly, Accurate. Convenient. 5 and Authoritative than any other Eog- REGULAR 3 AND i INDIA. I PAPER EDITIONS, i WRITE for 1 flpeoimea pages, 5 illustrations, etc. . Mtnf Pocket - S Mape if you name toil I .MOOUUICQL I I cPswrariKto. mass. KWimmMIIWI)IMIMIMIIIIUIIieilllimkf 1 m A .alt " Illll1 ill 1 I II mm-Kmemmmmmmmmmm, I QUALITY Muicians call me quality; my proper name is York; and I am known and loved in the leading homes of America. llencand women are liked for what they are, so am I. On first acquaintance, a pleasing appearance may be the basis for mutual attraction, but the test of friendship is intrinsic merit. Appear ance oeunts, of course, and I am proud of my beautifully designed and finished case. You will be proud of me because for classy lines and rich, lehaste design, I have no superior but my real merit is based upon mifch more than appearance for I will give a long life time of -service. In thousands of American homes, churches and schools I have been for many years demonstrating my durability and have proven to my friends that my sweet and mellow tone and delicate and responsive action can always be depended upon, even under the most trying conditions. I can be relied upon at all times to meet the exacting demands of the most critical musician. I want to come to your home and spend a lifetime. I want to give you some of the joy and sweetness and melody which I am today giv ing so many lovers cf good music. Will you Itt me come? Join my club and save not only the middleman's profit but also secure the unheard of advantages of fered through that club. These advantages are not confined to price alone. I come direct from the factory to your home and al ways please people who are able to judge real merit. I was care- r i'ully and conscientiously made by the Weaver Organ and Piano Co., of York Pa., who guarantee material and workmanship for a period of ten years. I am rated as a high-grade ana standard in strument by the "Piano and Organ Purchasers Guide. I am The Charming Toned York Piano. "if you want sunshine in your home, let me come and spend a . lifetime with you. For more complete particulars, write immediately to A. N. and E. Mcintosh Cullom TROY, N. C. and ASHEBORO, N. C. No. Six-Sixty-Six This ia a preacriptioa prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doeea will break any case, and if taken then a tonic the Fever will not return. It acta ea the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or ticken. 25o English sovereigns to the number of 2,000,000 were melted down in a single day last week, at the New York assay office, and converted into gold bars. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tt8 Kind You Kara Always Bought Bears the fcftgnatoro of Secretary Daniels says he will ask Congress on increase the number of cadets at the U. S. Naval Academy to 1,200.

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