w GIRLS! TmCKEN AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR AND STOP DANDRUFF Try This.! Your Hair (Jets Yav. ('lossy and Abundant at Once. To he possessed of a head of h.-ivy. beautiful hair: soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from ctandrnff is nit -re- favorite sport is riding around on the ly a" matter of using a little Dar.-lor- grocer's wagon with Bill Chidscy, who "'it is easv and inexpensive to hsv-kuver,. When Fatty father fall nic.-. soft hair and lots of it. Just heir to a little money he buys How get a 2"-cent bottle of Knowlton's ard a pony, and he is also the most Pandenne now all drug strres rcc- suc(.essfui rajscr 0f rabbits and white emmor.d it apply a little v.s direct?'! . , , . ami within ten minute, ther.- will bo mM ' an bp town- . an appeannce of abundance, fresh-! 'The townspeople call diet Mole ncss. fluirness an,', an iue.miaarab''-! hill a character. By profession he is gins and lutre. and try as you will! a han.lv man. Men who are urged you can not f.rd a t'a--f 10 do it lf Chct cun bc ,ml away or falling h.ur: but y u- real suipri.M ; will he after ab mt two woi ,vs use, when you will see new hairfnie and downy' at first yes but really new hair sprouti ig out all over your scalp Dumlo'Tne is, we believe, ti e only sure hair grower, destroyer of dan ilruc and cure for itchy scalp and it never fails to stop falling hair at once. It ...... ,,.o nw nvoltv and soft your hair really is, moisten j stable where there is more going on a cloth with a little Dandorine ami 1 and no woman "to boss" him. Chet carefully draw it through your hair L.m aiwavs find the coolest spot in taking one small strand at a time. ; , h wanm,st wner in our hair will be soft, glosrty avmi if beautiful in just a few moments a winter. delightful surprise aw? its everyone who tries this. I is IT .SERVIA OR SERBIA, VXD 1 PROBLEM OF DRUG HABITFES Slate Should Make Pnnision, Opinon of Pr. Howell Way. It is the opinion of Dr. J. Howell Way, of Waynesville, Frcsident of the North Carolina State Board of Health, thatthe State should provide for the examination and treatment of narcotic habitues as a wise ard patriotic pub lic policy. He cites the example of the progressive state of Michigan along this line which provides that pereons addicted to the excessive UBe of intoxicating liquors or narcotic drugs may be declared by a probate judge, after due examination, incom petent, and a guardian of his or her person and property may be appointed. Dr. Way believes that the sale of hypodermic syringes should bo regis tered rnd restricted to physicians' pre -ner-'i.tiona in North Carolina, r.s in the State of New York, as these instru ircit' e used solely for the introduc 1! oi' narcotics or stimulants into the h :man body. ' A mowtnt'iit is now on foot in New York State 1 1 ycrre the passage of a Mod.! Ar.ti-Xarcotic Law, which law, Dr. Way believes, will have an expe rience like the Model Vital Statistics Law. It went th? rounds of the va rious State legislature.---, gradually win ning favor, until finally it haw been adopted as a model for all the States. Hut Dr. Way says, in sper. W'.r.-r, of the dr-ty of the medical profession to : nromot:ng the beneficial 'csults that are hen. .1 to necrre fr..:n ;lio Anti-nr imp'.os.- n Law. th: of remedi' o Don't Merely "Stop" a Couch 0t P Stop the Th!n- Jhot Caiwe It X SJ and the r:;Kh will O K Stop llN.-lf O A cnujrli is rcnllr nne frii'iids. It warn- 11s tl,a of best naiiiniatmn or ohsti action ii nis iilai'e. 'therefore, when daily 1 !-'et. a j luid cough don't proceed t dosi- MMirsi-lf with ,a lut of ilrnsrs timt nurelv "stop'' lie eimsli temporarily by dendenin ' tie throat nerves. Treat the cause hciii t lip intlunicd membra lie?. Jl'-re i, a bono made remedy tliat gets right at the can e and will make on obstinate rough viinish more quickly than you ewr ibuugl t pos bible. Put 2!& ounce? of Tinnv i."0 certs worth) in a pint bet He nr.d till t !i bolilo with plnin gninuliiu d sugar synn.. This gives vou a full pint of the most tdcnsiint .,(r,-,fiw,. ,.v.n.i... ....... -....t at a eost of onlv h renta. ' N. bother to1 Fote.grad (St. Petersburg), the prepnre. Full directions with I'inex. j ca ital of the empire and the largest Tt heHls the inflamed Tnemhrane- i.-ity in Russia, and the chief northern gently and promptlv that ..u wonder' . . , , , how it dors it. Also loo-ns .1 dry, henrso ! -""'ipurt, is built on the delta of the or tight comrh nnd slops the forinatinn of 1 '(,va !lt the head of the Gulf of Fin phlegm tn the throiit ami brei dual tidies, ! , .,. ... , thus ending the i.c.sistcr.t looso cough. : ml- (2 R1'. northern eea- Pines is a ln'gldv eoncentr.ited en!n. oort, about seven miles from the gulf round of Xorwav pine e-net, rich in .f the same name, an inlet of the cuaiiicol. nrii is fimoiis the world over , . ., . lor its hcnlir.g effect on the uiemhranes. Ha't,c ) Moscow, the se-or.d To avoid dinppnintment. n!k vour : city the empire, the former capital, druggist for "2H mtnees of riney,"' ami .lnd the chief manufacturing center, is t ficecpt anything u'o. A puaraotoe .. , . , , , m anxoiute Ratistaetioii. or money prompt-j ly refumled I. g-'icf v jili f.ii- preparMioo. ; 1 be Pmex Co., It. U in w. lid. ; HOW TO MAKE GOOD VINEGAR OUT OF STRONG DARK MOLASSES Add a quart of forghum molasses to three gallons of clean rain water. drop into the mixture a cake of dry yeast; tie a thin cloth over the jar and let it stand until done fermenting, then strain carefully and add a lit tle good vinegar within a reasonable time. Other kinds of molasses could probably be used in this way, bat this Jtecipc calls for sorghum. BRAN ?5 sack, flt, at ba LuWrt Stores. LOCAL OlAU U li-IiS "F.very Mil:,1! tu'.w." vriie Helena Sr.iitK 1 :i vt'vn in Cart'-m.- .Mairaniin', "has a fat hoy. Unwar.l is the name of the fat t)- in most small towns. Of course hi' is never called Howard outside of tho homo circle. Up to the ape of 14 years ho is called Fatty, and after that he id called Butch. Howard is usualy seen munching an apple. in.un ii st-.ii. on an 111411.V u,.x m- I rnnw a law n. hang a screen door, turn ; an ice cream freezer, get up on a lad j der and whitewash the kitchen ceil 1 ing. beat rags, put dow n straw mat j tings, wash windows, clean a well. 'Work in the garden, or shovel snow (He prefers to work around the livery THE REASON FOR CHANGE OF ST. PETERSBURG TO PETROGRAD . Servia (with the letter "v") was till quite recently the common and almost only form used in the English tongue as may be seen by glancing at Eng lish atlases, geographic, encyclope dias, etc. Serbia (with a "b") has been widely adopted in the press since the period of the Balkan war though the older form is still used by many writers. The native Slavonic word has "b," not "v," and the ?ame of the country is spelled "Srbiya." A note in the Encyclopedia Britrnnica has the following in connection with the dou ble spelling: "The English-speaking races alone write this word with a "v" instead of a "b" "Servia" for Serhia," a practice (said to be) re sented by the Serbs as suggesting the derivation of their name from the Latin "servus," a slave. The French use both forms as we do. The changing of Petersburg into Fetrograd soon after the outbreak of the European war marked the change of sentiment of the Russians toward their enemy the Slavonic termination "grad" replacing the Teutonic "burg." PAPE'S D1APEPSIN FOR INDIGESTION OR SOUR, ACID STOMACH In Live Minutes! No Djspipsia, Hcarlhurn or Any Stomach Misery. Sour, trass v. upset stomach, indiiro lion, hciirtln.rn. dysni when til id 11 I lump! sick ; ;ul- inn f.-l Hid niiscrahle, that's vhen you realize tile tuagic mi t apes Diapepsin. It makes stom ir'- mis ery vanish in ,'ive minutes. lf joiir stomach is in a t'.mou revolt if you can't get it 1 guk'tod. phase. Tor your sake, try Tape's Dia nepsiu. It's , so m'dless to have a bad stomach make your next meal favorite food meal, thga tnVe n little Diapepsin. There w!H not be any d;s r'ss eat without fear, it's because l'apc's Diapepsin "really docs"' regu late weak, out-of-order stomachs that giis it its millions of sales annually. Get a large hftv-cent case of I'apo's Diapepsin from any drug s'.or. It i-' Ine quickest, surest str.macn reliel and core known. It acts almost like magic --it is a .scientific, harmless and pleas ant, stomach preparation which truty belongs in every home. -IX R( SSIAN CITIES AND WHAT THEY ARE REMARKABLE FOR ,"'u"l' u J" luu.iw.v. Ds site is well chosen because of the .. , - . . rivers wni'pn now irom mis region, and since railroads have been built it has become the greatest railway cen ter of Russia. (4) Odessa, on the Black' Sea, is a great grain market, and flour milling city. (6) Warsaw, in Russian Poland and now in the ;hands of the Teotons, an important railroad and trade center. (6) Nijni- Novgorod, on the River Volga,, is noted for its animal fairs. It is suited, by its superior water connection, to be a great center of exchange for Asiatic and Russian products. Children Cry CASTORIA jM'BJKlTS FOR I'FBLK' DKBA'I i j 1. All lai.d. improved and ut::M . proved, should be taxed alike, at i: natural or unimproved. value. 2. Food and live stock farmers ac cumulate wealth f:i.4..v than cotton and tobacco farmers. 8. The crop lien should hp abolish ed by law. 4. Race segregation is desirable. 5. It is better business to rent than to own a farm. 6 Land monopoly is the worst of all monopolies. 7. The poll tax ought to be aboli.-h-ed. 8. North Carolina ought to have a graduated land tax. 9. Taxing the fruits of industry is a vicious principle of taxation. 10. Farm tenancy is the great st obstacle to s:gricultural development in the South. 11. Building up the surrounding farm region is the best way of build ing up a city. 12. Most of the money spent in road building in North Carol 'nu has been wasted. 1.1. Road repair with free labor failure. 14. Bond issues for public improve ments are advisable. 15. Newspapers ought not to ac cept patent medicine advertisements. 16. A who'e-time health officer is indispensable. 17. Diet is more important than drugs. 18 Women should have full and equal rights of suffrage. 19. The United States should adopt the policy of preparedness for war. 20. Military training should bc provided and required in all high schools, colleges and universities. 21. Commission government is de sirable for North Carolina towns of 10,000 or more inhabitants. 22. Congress 6hould place an em bargo on the exportation of arms and ammunition. 23. The governor of North Caro lina should have the veto power. 24. The hope of farm communities lies in organization. 25. The government should aid in financing rural credit societies. 26. The farmer does not receive a righteous share of the consumer's dollar. 27. Co-operative farm enterprise has usually succeeded in the United States. 28. Improved public highways are as important as railroads. 29. The contract prison labor sys tem should be abolished. 30. Convicts should be used in public road work. ol. Toll gate roads should be abol ished. M2. The frequent change of teach ers is the greatest obstacle to public school education. S'-'i. The. country church is decreas ing in power and li.sefu'ness. ol. The resident minister is indis pensable to country church develop ment. '."). The United States should adopt the policy of greatly enlarging its Navy. Debate Outline. Resolved: That cabinet ullicers should have seats in Coogrons with the privilege of discuss'; ig questions but not of voting on them. The following poinU for a debate on this proposition were furnished by the class in English 15-ld in the Uni versity of North Carolina. Aflirmative Argument. 1. The present system is ineffici ent, for A. The branch on which responsi bility for legislation rests, that is, the administrative branch, has no oppor tunity to influence legislation in a pub lic way. Congress passes laws or fails to pass them contrary to the Presi dent's recommend:ition, but the coun try holdt; the President responsible. H. Owin to th'a tystem Congress can throw on the Preside r.t responsi bility for unpopular laws, -ind can claim credit for the popular laws, for Comparatively few people read the rccoinr.Hiidations in presidential mes sages, but every Ojne-rossmcii can bring his record before his constitu ents. C. Th only wi.ys in which the President or h.'s ef.hinet officers can influence! the legislation for which the administiation is held responsible are through messages to Congress and through private interviews with lead ers in Congress. II. The proposed system would remedy the faults of the present sys tem, for A. With the President represented by his cabinet officers in Congressional debates, the administration's part in shaping legislation would be public, and the responsibility would be placed where it belonged. - B. Congress would not be deprived of any of it3 rights, for The cabinet officers would have no vote. III. Reason shows the need for the proper system, for Polk, Taft and.yrrfson haxe ad vocated it. N-".itie Argument. 1. Tin iv. p-e-od system is not suit ed to our form of government, for A. 1; d..-tr.y.-i the balance between the executive ami legislative branches, for 1. It fives the executive branch a voice in legislative debates. 2. It is most successful where; no such balance is in the English govern ment where the Parliament is not a co-ordinate branch but ia supreme. II. The proposed system would not be an improvement in efficiency, for A. All legislation of any import ance is shaped in Committee, and B. The cabinet officers are often called on by these committees for ex port opinion and advice. III. The present system is more uittd to the needs of our people, for A. It is divided between the exec utive branch elected by the people as a whole and the legislative branch elected by the people acting as States and sections of States. University News Letter. A CHILD GETS GROSS, SICK AND FEVERISH WHEN CONSTIPATED. Look, Mother! If Tongue is Coated C lean Little Liver and Dowels 'If you little one's tongue is coated, it is a sure sign the stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleans ing at once. When your child is cross, peevish, listless, pale, doesn t sleep, eat or act naturally; if breath is bad, stomach sour, system full of rold, throat sore, or if feverish, give a tea spoonful of "California Syrup of r igs, and in a few hours all the clogged-up, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. bick children needn t be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy be cause they know its action on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. They also know a little giv en today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Fics," which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Heware of coun terfeits sold here. Get the genuine made by "California, Fig Syrup Com pany." THE BEGINNING OF THE MEXI CAN REVOLUTION In November, 1910, the revolution broke out openly and after a pro longed struggle the rebels or consti tutionalists, with Madero at their head compelled President Diaz to resign, May 22, Hill, when Madero became the leader of the Constitutional prog ressive party. On May 2G Diaz made a sc iet journey to Vera Cruz with the inU'i.tion of mailing from that port for Spain on the ."lut On June 16, 1911, Ex-l'n -idents Diaz, of Mexico, was official')' weleomeu at Vigo, Spain folds Need Attention. lal tlnvat and client troubles proiiur infl'unni uion, irrit.uion, swell i rones and unless cheeked at once, troub' re t'krly to lend to serious Caught in time Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-TIoney loosens the plegm and dest;ovs the germs which have settled in t';e throat or nore-. It is sooth ing and healing. Fine is antiseptic; honey is soothing both togetuer pos sesses excellent medicinal qualities for light irg cold germs. Insist on Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar-lloney. 25c. all Drug' gists. AVERAGE WAGES OR INCOME PER FAMILY It has been figured from a ccmpari sos of census reports o' va,?es, profits and production that the average in come per family in the United States is $600 a year. The figures probably are too low. The average wages of the l,f00,000 employes of iailroads ia 1913 were $705. The. av.Tage wages of the 228,906 employes of the United States Steel Corporation in 1913 were $005. TRY "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AN3 BOWELS IF SICK CR BILIOUS. Tonight! Clean Your Bowels and Sto Headache, Colds, Sour htomachs. Get a 10-ccnt box now. Turn the rascals out thj headache, biliousness, ir.dig,stion, the sick sour stomach ad had coaiii turn them out tonight ard keep them out with Cas- caretf . Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by a bay liver, cloggert bowels, or an upset stomach. Don't put in another day of distress, Let Cascams cleanse your stomach remove the sour, fermentine food take the excess tile from your liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret tonight straightens you out by morning. They' work while you sleep. A 10-eent box from any drug store means a clear head, sweet stom ach and clean, healthy liver and bow el action for Months. Children love Oaaearets beeanm ttvy aerer gripe ot Lit i I '0 J v& J he. Lhewipst m Chewing Gum .m everLzewea .sw 'Vi X. Chew ?v,t;.V:. 5c. trie packet or two "Bobs" for a cent at all the better stands and stores. FLIP a "Bobs" into your mouth and smack your lips. The fresh tingle of peppy peppermint the chewiest chewing gum heart coated with candy. Try "Bobs" and Keep It Up New Series Saxon Roadster s-;;7T- . " UJMM mfW No other car selling for $400 New Series Saxon Roanster. Economy is the Saxon Watchword. The light weight of the Saxon Roadster makes it the ideal car for winter use. Saxon Two-Passenger Specifications: MOTOR 15 h. p., L-head. four cylin der cast en bloc, with crank case inr tccral, 2" bore, 4" stroke. CAIM5URKTOR Special Mayer, with adjustments for air ana gas on the dash. FUEL Gravity feed from C-gallon crasoline tank, located under cowl. IGNITION Atwater-Kcnt. OILING SYSTEM Pump-circulating splash leading to main bearings. COOLING Thermo-syphon, cellular tvne radiator, fan. VALVKS Nickel steel head with car bon steel stem. 1 3-16" diameter, V" lift. CAM SHAFT Drop-forged special stoel, diameter 1", cams integral, driven by helical gears, two bear iners. CRANK SHAFT Special drop forged steel, two bearings; iront l?i di ameter x 2"; rear, 114" diameter x 3". Crank bearings, 1" diameter x 1". CONNECTING RODS Drop-forged steel. I-beam section, 8" centers. CRANK SHAFT BEARINGS Bronze babbitt-lined. BODY Streamline, two-passenger. Seat 16" deep, 40" wide, SO" from heel board to dash. 18" door. COLOR Body, Richelieu blue; run ning gear and bonnet, black. CONTROL Left-hand steer. Center control. Throttle control by foot accelerator and hand control on uaeh. TRANSMISSION-S Speed selective type, one reverse. Transmission mounted on rar axle. Hyatt roller See this car before you buy. THE1HOME BUILDING & MATERIAL CO. fAsheboro. N. C. WE ARE ABLE And willing: to do everything for our customers that a good bank ought to do. Why don't you open an account with us? With a record of seven ycrs of successful business and re sources of more than two hundred thousand dollars, we solicit your business. Call ito see us. BANK OF j T 1 1 MgS OFFER DISC GRAIN DRILLS AT MM. Onlj hare a few at this price. Come to see us at once. - MCCRARY-REDDING HARDWARE CO. 4) 4' 0 m J ..:'f-.iv Two Passenger, 4 cylinder Saxon Roadster Fully Equipped, $395 f. oJ. has the modern features of the bearings on main drive shaft of transmission. DRIVE Shaft drive, one universal joint, concentric torque tube. CLUTCH Dry plate .five plate, steel on rabostos. STEERING GEAR Bevel gear type, sector and pinion, 14" diameter steel tube post, 1C" wheel. Drop forged steering connections. BRAKES Two sets brakes on rear wheels. Service brake 8" diameter, lined with thermoid heat-proof ma terial. Emergency brake, steid on steel, 7 11-16" diameter. Both brakes 1" face. FRONT AXLE Single-piece drop forging, I-beam section, heat-treated. Ball bearings in hub. REAR AXLE Semi-floating. Pressed steel housing. Outer end of drive shaft carried on Hyatt roller hear ing. Differential, Hyatt roller bear ings. SPRINGS Cantilever type, front 2r long, 1" wide; rear 23" long, lto wide; main leaf vanadium steel. FRAME Channel section prefsed steel. 2" X IK", x , TRUAd Standard or 60" optional. WHEEL BASE 96". TIRES 28" x 3" clincher. WHEELS 28", wood, beet grade hickory. EQUIPMENT Top, windshield, two gas head lights, oil tail light and two dash side lamps, gas generator and bulb horn. Electric stratinr and lighting system, with EiH battery furnished on new cars w $50 extra. i Demonstration any time. RAMSEUR stcaea. U,

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