The Courier Asheboro, X. C, December 9, 1915 "PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY " WM. C. HAMMER, EDITOR LONGWORTHS SPEECH. The speech made in New York re cently by Hon. Nicholas Longworth was severe in its arraignment of the Democratic party. According to an assertion in his speech "The American people under the administration are riding hell-bent to bankruptcy and paying for their privilege with a war tax. Their boasted prosperity has not come. Want and misery have pre vailed in the land. Some industries, it is true, are prosperous, but they are industries which are not supply ins; the. American nv'rket, but the mar kets of the warring countries of Europe." Mr. l,o;-.gworths assertions are not borne out by present business condi '.i in:-. The fads and figures show that the buriness cf the country is flourish ing under the present administration as' it never did under the Republican rule. The Philadelphia Record says: "If vic.vo cf a Democrat on sucii a subject may be considered prejudiced one should consult the trade journals, which arc supposed ti contain the un varnished truth. Instead of the United States 'riding hell-bent to bankruptcy' it is flourishing as it nev er did under a Republican regime, if one mav believe the reports of bank clearings and the news of remarkable activity in nearly every industry. This is not due to war orders, but to the , splendid crops, and the steady devel opmcnt of our unparalleled resources." A diagnosis of business conditions! ,n hpr a(,,.ogs bofore thc ;uring U-.c mom.ii ei " y-.n,h Carolina Teachers' Assnmhlv hi finished goods are not in normal de mand. There is a broad general im provement, the point has been reach ed where the fear of not being able to get deliveries is stimulating pur chases and prices are advancing in many lines to the best figure realized in recent years. The earnings of the United States Steel Corporation for the third quarter of 1915 were the largest for any -quarter in several years. New capital has begun to go into the steel industr'i some of the important companies are undergoing reorganizanation, and capacity is be ing increased considerably. Attention is given to this elsewhere. "Current railway earnings and bank clearings aro now comparing with the subnormal figures of a year ago, and show heavy gains, for traffic and trade a year ago were about as poor as could be. Allowance must be made for extraordinary activity in certain lines, notably automobiles and war materials, but the general merchan dise movement is much freer, and more confidence is manifested in com mercial and industrial circles than at any time since the outbreak of the war. The figures for idle cars have taken a sudden drop, and complaints of car shortage, congestion of traffic and labor shortage arc becoming fre quent. Business is not booming in all "lines. Large construction work is still below what it should be in normal times in this growing country, but the amount of building of the smaller class makes a good showing. The available supply of labor is so fully employed that the situation is on the verge of being critical. Food supplies promise to be abundant and moderate in price for the coming year, and the outlook for general comfort and pros perity in the United States is at pres ent promising." 1 y the National City Rank, one of the largest b inking institutions in the country. This can be com. hVred un prejudiced and an unpolitical authori tv. We submit this as an answer to T.oc.gwo rili's assertion. "T'.i.i outstanding feature of the I buskers situation in October has been the fact that all has been tm- i a. '.-!'.'.'; b!y bettor. We expressed thc .pinion two r.-.cni'.hs ago that as the j season for fall trade came on thc; country would swing into a broad ; gem ral state of activity, and that ex- I peotri'ion has b-r-n rwil'scd. Every j part cf the country now sends good reports and the eor.trn.'t they make with the condition? of a year ago is calculated to inspire the most pro- i found scrt'merts cf relief, satisfac- j and ,':vatitr.i:e. "Tie Soulb. which a year r.g; was j.rnalr.:-c. with cot'.on selling at 7 cents p : in.;r.d or Irss, has regained !''.:' .: its coi'ra.'-'e. Although ron is smaiicr i y per cert., the ici- hi-:;hcr than last on raised at a pa rt. Furthermore, wii more cf other corn and wheat ad has r..-n-.-hcd the Raleigh recently the president of the association, Miss Mary O. Graham, j made a very sensible plea for eltieicn I cy in the schools of the State. She insisted that there must be intelligent and complete co-operation among the j teachers of the Strte. Miss Graham j declared that the hardest blow that j has befallen the cause of education in j this State h ot February when I the legislature vote 1 down the bill to j put the teachers on professional basis designed to gradually raise the stand ard of eiiicieacv. Tn a speech before the board of a- , ricuiture at" Raleigh last Wedne sday I Governor Craig reiterated his ! cf returning to the farm about a year from now to devote Irs time to i'arni i ing and the practice of law. lie spoke f theVreat strides made by the .State in :'gri"'iiiture in the last few years ' ami said that this was onlv the be- ' ginning, "Rut m "re all'' t IF IT'S CANDY YOU WANT -:- i i I 80C. THE POUND Any size box attractively designed to suit your taste. We have the agency for TANLAC, the Master Medicine, $1.00 a bottle. Get your Christmas Tags, Seals, and post cards here. We have a most attractive line. The Standard Drug Co. J. T. Underwood, Mgr. Asheboro, N. C Asheboro Wagon Co., smithing County Home 2.10 Presnell and Brown, difference in mule trade 250.00 Randolph Supply Co., mdse. for County Home . 42.54 L. B. Lambert, mdse. court house .50 Randolph Supply Co., mdse for County Home 14.42 North Carolina Granite Co., mdse. new jail '. 31.&1 E. K. Clark, work in court house !).42 Royal & Borden, mdse Co. jail . . 30.00 The Beckman Co., mdse Co. Jail 40.50 Nathan Burrow, work, new jail .80 J. F. Birkhead, painting floors '. . 6.50 D. T. Wright, conveying pauper to Co. Home 3.50 G. H. Black, et. al., work on bridge 21.22 Randolph Mfg. Co., mdse. for new jail 20.30 Randolph Mfg. Co. mdse. for bridge . 13.53 11. M. Worth, checking sheriff's settlement 4.00 J. W. Birkhead, serving jurors 1S.30 F. K. Asbury, medicine and supt. of health 23.06 ('. T. l.uck, seizing distillery 20.00 J. E. Presnell, painting metal work on court house 5.00 Home Building & Material Co., mdse, Co. 11., new jail and court house 10. (kJ J. U. Welch, burial of pen 20.00 Piedmont Furniture Co., burial pensioner 20.00 W. II. Jennings, burial of pen. 20.00 The Electric Shop, lamp for jail l."."j Marker Bros. mdse. C. S. C. office .25 i J. S. Ridge, J. P. fees ."..00 j Asheboro Motor Co., car hire, conveying prisoner 3.50 I. M. Nance, posting game laws 22.00 McCravy-Redding Ildwe. co., ! mdse. for bridge, etc SO. 1 G J Randleman Drug Co., mdse for, i road force 75 II. M. Worth, checking C. S. C. 1 report, etc 12.00 I A. W. Bulla, ex. lunatic 5.20 The Courier, ptg. court calendars 1.00 j J. M. Caveness, postage, etc . . . .8.38 The Courier, ptg. notices 3.00 j .1. W. Birkhead, frt. charges paid 6.17 j H. M. Robins, atty. to board, etc. ' 10S.30 State Hospital, exp. trmsporting , lunaic 15.51) i C. W. Steed, con. pri.-.oncr .... 1 ".!(! Town of Asheboro, water ami There's always satisfaction in getting the best and the fresh lights io.2C , est groceries for the Christmas eats. You deserve the best, and ivrd ingcid, per diem making i you can get it if you will phone your order to HANNAH. We maumg snoring sciticmciu, , ,, . . . ... - , and cie-icai work 12.00 make a specalty in prompt service with the freshest groceries. J. ' C. Far low, pay Vo'll ' .' .' .' .' .' .' ' 13&99 f ew suggestions: Fresh Fruits BUSINESS BUILDERS Fine Spencer variety of Sweet Pe Seed for sale by MRS. Wm. C. HAMMER, Asheboro, Jf. c. FOR SALE Two young, well-Wain- ed dogs for ceoa, opossum and rab bit hunting. OTTIS OSBORNE, 3t Randleman, N. C. R. F. D. 3 WINTER TERM of Gwawboro Commercial School, Greensboro, K. C. begins Jan. 3rd. Bookkeeping and Shorthand our Specialty. Positions for all. Write for Catalogue. n' Make Excuses Just buy Her a box of . -:- Norris Exquisite Candy And you are sure of the very best. 80c and $ 1.00 the pound. Any size box in attractive coloring. Get it in Asheboro only from us. ... ALL SIZES CANDLES. Asheboro Drug Co. The Things you will Want For Christmas FR AN K LI N V I LLE N EWS r.ev. II. C. Byrum, our new pastor at the M. K. church, made a very fa vorrbb impression on cmr people Sun day by preaching two able sermons a? a pr.-'uda to the wo;k ho has plann- 'd the' el f-r the romin'r year. Nuts Chrystalizcd Ginger fruit Cakes Fresh Pure Candies Oranges Spaghetti Shelled Almonds .lion ity-liv i! b. !-:.s I ,'C r c; is !vr (i'iein"' tluit wo Lli-r iw.'i cat production belter )eeplc. .e hiirg about the bet. N T V to; or Ti.o Ih; ' tWvl .itinos:- y.i: With the vire of cotton cenrs per pound, a i;ue.rciiL y0. re pervade J thc t-'oulh and y 'j n r.n active fa.-t.r in thc hi V- --oiinti-y. C:.n.t) H.u.,,t -rain farmers arc not Hiring ; Wiley Ward v..i as n.-i year, lur iirui.-, inro as ure lower, but the yields are so largo v. that they have little cause for com- board to plaint. The o".o aeriov.s disappoint- i The fu l:','"nt in j'gr'tr'lture this year has been (.cl- f a considerable por ra crop in the northern ,r"L to rcarh. maturity, '.. i f iL'.'tge tvps ale to , ' ;- v.'il! 1 e borno Ti'i.s is the ivh.g li'.e corn crop cut i. ' .i.on cf by '.'h curtails nil plant fruit i.n 1 root crops arc n.. i com- sesiion M r".ve his bor.d and ., clerk i.f ti'.i: f;,:: r'uf ii'ST J. M. Cvcncsa. uco eded W. J. Scar- remmisaioner, Clarence c'ecti-d chairman of the cceed -M.-. Scaii.oro. wing aciounts were tdiov.- ia the JVi! in of r'.n p.nt i'i "h but th h' :.h!'. . i'ih :.' dov j;-ro-.vth. t'tnerai! cl'r-VcT-r that th. pro.-p'r yields r crop.T c i The fo- thu d.ii ; : John JIod-e c. id. building barn cm jail hit $"5.i.'i K nii and Craven, lumber ior , biidtre ICT.ri J. L. (Iimter, lun.her for hl';.?j . . 0. 3 1 i Vv. J. Si arboro, one day r.'.emb r ; board of H. alth 4.00 J. C. Cox, el. al., buiid.r.- I brdgc , I. II. Fuust, farm d moiiilrutcr d. The wet season i Malilin Wicker, witness fee tft? plains states, so , j. q. Lowdcrmilk, pay roll i.Vlf. .t5 "dry" f r.ive had a :s seavor., with unheard of .hr.-r1,, as well as abundant sajfir brf-!:.; and the grasses, ipecta for a continuance of (a :.ur:-.r ir.crea.soK the cheer fulness of the Went. Thc wool rrrow trb h:r,r F'.U this yer.r's clip at record prices and the live stock interests ore ixcej,l.:onal'!y prosperous. Farm seek ers from other spates are pouring in to the dates ef tho noi-th.wet wher's a limited amount of comparative ,y cheap lr n.'i are still to bn had. "Tho metal mining ind.if.try of the West, v-'r.irh was badly er'pp'.cd n year ago. is no.v in full swing. Tbcio is fcronneus activity in the production of copper, lead and zinc; it is now up to capacity of the mine3 and emcH ers, and in thc case of zinc, the smell er capacity is being materially increas ed. So far as agriculture, stock rais ing and mining go the West is exceed ingly prosperous. "The iron and steel industry has expanded steadily and rapidly in the past six months until the production .c? basic material is now surpassing building bridge. 7S.S" S. T. Hill, l.nrial of pauper .. .. 5.(i0 A. V. Fuller, painting bridge roof 3.50 D. P. McCrary, ? Or.ys member Loard of Iir;hh ., 8.00 Dr. J. V. Hunter, 1 day meirber bwrt of l.e.:'h 4.00 T. I'. iiulla, 1 day member bard of health, etc 5.00 JT. II. Routh, rr.c'so, Co. H dAS j Jlilt. n r.-i"., '.ij.b''.n,7 grave 1.00 I H. II. Diub:ui, r.iaking pauper colun 1.00 L. C. Parriiih. mdsj. Co. 11. .. 20.00 j John F. J.aiT"!!, p!.oro rent 2.00 j John F. Jarred, Mdse. Co. Home S.f'O P. L. CIptV, lure of wheat drill . . 1.150 C V. fetecd, Jailor, No-a 2G.P5 W. G. Urnvti, ridd' . convict force 62.83 Randleman Stora Co., mdse for convict force ' 8.38 J. C. Farlow, cash for mdse .... 3.00 I. M. Russell, mdse, convict force 8.21 Tom Milling Co., mdse. for con vict force 10.50 Tyson Trogdon, mdse. for convict force .. .... ...... 2.90 McCraryrKedding Hdwe, Co mdse. (;i'e : n interesting teacher-' mcet 'g wps held at tho M. E. church Sun day ev. k'i ::',. There was a full i,ttnii(I anre and the new course for teachers tr;.i:iiiig was liighly commended by every one present and it is earnestly hoped t!:;:t every teacher will avail themselves of the rare opportunity to he prc.-er.t at every session and cn ileivor to become more rfilcient in i'.ieir work as teachers in the Sunday srhool. It is of tho hiirhcst callings that mortal man Ins even been allow ed to enter. Mrs. J. C Mancr and daughter, Ollle, Mif.scs- Jlinnio Tippott, Eva Cox and Elanche Cox made a shopping trio to Circensboro Thursday. Mr. Lum Browcr, of Cedar Falls, he.s moved to thc residence recently vacated by P. B. Stutts. J. II. Marley and P.. C. Curtis spent evening at Silcr City. W. II. Campbell left Saturday for Tt;.!'.;h, Irs foiTTier heme, and will move his family to this place this work. Tho r.lay rendered at the academy Saturday night by the Ladies Aid or icey was quite a success. About $2i.00 was realized and our people r.rc no.v cjr.vinced on the women suffrage question and if the weather is favora ble t'"-y will likely convince the good town cf Eaniseur Saturday night on lht fame theme. Messt.i. C. H. Ell'fon, II. F. All red and C. E. Allied have returned from i.heir hunting and fishii'g expedition in Montgomery county and Lave placed to their credit CO rr.upkrat.-s, 1 mink, 2 'possums, 2 raccoons, r?veral scp:r rols, 3 turkey", a let of fme fish, ona eptnsh 19H inches long and 4 inches between the eyes. There will be cnterta;pnicnt3 p.nd Xmas trees for the Sunday school at a':i three of the churches, where everybody will bo welcome We will have a few Christmas Turkeys for a limited time only. If you want orn phiae your order :u once before they are all gone, Batter eirly than too hte. If it's groceries them at J. c. HANNAH'S THE ONE HORSE GROCERY. York Piano A Favorite in Sanford, N. C. i Eat you my DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION TO MEET AT ST. LOUIS The Democratic National Convention of 1916 will be held at St. Louis, be ginning Wednesday, June 14, at noon, Bear This in Mind.' "I consider Chamberlain's "Goueh Remedy by far the best medicine in the market for colds,, and rrouD," says ikiis. Albert jliosiier, Luna, Ohio. Many others are of the same opinion. For WANTED Young men and omen to leam Bookkeeping, Civil Service, Banking, Typewriting and Shorthand. Position Guaranteed Pay from sala ry; earn while learning. EDWARD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. High Point, N. C. AUTOMOBILE TO EXCHANGE We will exchange a few cars for a few good pairs of work mules- HOME BUILDING AND MATERIAL COMPANY. FOR SALE Webster's IntermedU ate Dictionary, Reference History, conveniently arranged; every histori cal event of importance is recorded. Reason for selling, have two copies. Apply to DR. C. L. WHITAKER, Asheboro, N. C. MULES WANTED I want to trade a good young horse for a pair of mules or will trade a Ford auto or the Harm Birkhead Perchon Colt for one or more mules. E. G. MORRIS, 3t. Asheboro, N. C. The Ford Trader. Fine Frostproof Cabbage Plants by parcel post. Jersey Wakefield, Charleston Wakefield and Success ion, 1,000 for $1.00 postpaid 104 for 15c postpaid. R. O. PARKS, Ulah, N. C. Cabbage plants Early Jersey, Charleston Wakefield, and Allseason, $1.00 per 1,000, 2,000 or more express prepaid. ArchdAle Truck and Plant Tana A. J. Luck. Route No. 3, High Point, N. a FORD RUNABOUT For sale or trade Come at once with your mules or horses and drive a good Ford back. I am going to trade it. E. G. MORRIS, Asheboro, N. C The Ford Trader. CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE. Early Jersey Wakeleld, Fine Frost proof Plants. Postpaid anyvhere, 100 15c; 1,000 $1.00. Orders filled prompt ly. Miss Bettle B. Shamburger, Hill's Store, Is. C. I am agent foi- C. W. Jennings, florist, Greensboro, and am able to supply cut flowers and funeral de signs at any time. Your patronage is solicited. Mrs. W. C. Hammer, Asheboro, N. C. LOST Crocheted centerpiece on Thanksgiving at Loflin building. Cen terpiece advertised for last week was found. Fined of crocheted piece please return to Mrs. Arthur Ross. Gentlemen: I am enclosing check for the last payment on York Piano, bought Nov. 22, 1912, and ask that you please send me cancelled note. 'oumd ew xniM p33toid jCiiiStu xav t and after three years of pratty con btant use it sunds just a3 good as new I have had it tuned one time, my dealings witti your company have becii very pleasant and I thank you for the courteous treatment 1 shall uhvays bo glad to epeak a good word fcr you and your York piano. With best wishes, very respectful ly, (Miss) FLORA WICKEI, Sandford, N. C, ll-20-'15 The cnfcsiasiic .endorsement cf the York Piano cf people yen know by people who know the York Piano and its goad q-lbs iz the best reason for you to bay a York. Its ckirniiM tcne and wonderful durability will prove a source of n2yer ending pleasure to you and your family. We are ih direct factory representatives and want you to have one of tee raigaificeut instruments. You will be. surprised at the. reasonable terms and price. Write or call on us at once. A. N. & E. M. CULLOM Asheboro, N. C. Only a few more of C. W. Jennings fine Spencer Sweet pea seed. Mrs. Wm. C. Hammer. Thone 33 for flower3 for Christmas. Corsage bouquets, roses, lilly of valley violets, ranging in price from $1.00 t ?5.00. Carnations $1.25 per dozen. FOR SALE 2 Berkshire pig. weight 40 pounds; each worth $5. S. C. FRAZIER Trinity. - CARD OF THANKS I want to express my hoart-fett thanks to the many friends who gave me such friendly and timely support in The Courier contest, and holped me to win the piano. Am well pleased with my prize. HANNAH JOHNSON. It is certainly surprising that M7 woman will endure the miserable feelings caused by biliousness na constipation, when relief is so easily had and at so little expense. f Cbas. Peck, Gates, N. Y., wn "Al out a year ago 1 used fvo botww of Chamberlain's Tablets and tMT cured me of biliousness and constiP tion and biliousness. For sale by " dealers. PRESIDENT AND MRS. OALT TO WED DECEMBER 13 Announcement has been made the White House that the wedding President Wilson and Mrs. Gait te solemnized at the home of Gait December 18. Only member! i the two families will attend the cere ' --'--.1 -3, although some line cf for convict force .... 8.65 sale by all dealers. - mony.