The Courier. XTheboro, N. C, December 9, 1915 LOCAL A Nil PERSONAL Mr. Edward t. Murray, of Burling ton, was in town Sunday. Attorney J. H. Scott, of Bennett, Was in Asheboro on business Monday. Mr. Duke Robins, Greensboro, was the guest of hone folks Sunday. Mr. Albert Peele, Guilford College, was in Asheboro Monday on business. Mr. J. M. Brown, of Coleridge, was among the visitors here the first of the week. Mr. C. L. Presnell left Monday morn ing on an extended business trip through the State. Miss Mary Bunting, of Greensboro, was the guest of friends in Asheboro Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Dyel Cranford, of Farmer,, was a visitor at Mr. W. C. Hall's for the week-end. The Courier recommends early shopping for the people of Randolph county. The Randolph Book Club will meetj with Mrs. W. O. Coffin on Friday at 3 p. m. Mr. C. S. Morris, Salisbury, was in Asheboro the first of the week visit ing his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hammond, Mrs. Agnes Barker and Mrs. Hancock were in Greensboro yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hayworth were visitors Sunday at the home of Mrs. Hayworth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farlow, near Flint Hill. Messrs. Jonas Luther and Cicero Lucas were in Asheboro Monday on their way to Federal Court in Greens boro. Several ladies from different sur rounding towns attended the District Meeting of Federated Clubs here Sat urday. The attractive cottage which is be ing erected on North Fayetteville St. by Mr. Jesse Miller is nearing comple tion. Mr. Walter Cox, who was eeverely injured by a railroad motor truck near Ulah a few weeks ago, asd who is un der treatment at the Rex hospital at Raleigh, is improving very slowly. Misses Bettie Steed, of Mt. Gilead, and Mary Holton, of Winston, were the week-end house guests of Miss Harriette Hammer. A committee from the Woman's club is working to get a moonlight school started here. This movement should have the co-operation of all the people. Four silos have been built in the county during the past past year and wherever they have been built they have given entire satisfaction. They have been constructed on the farms of Messrs. W. J. Gregson, Spero; I. H. Foust, Ramseur; J. R. Royals, Trinity; Mr. Johnson, Liberty. J he Hit! iiraini Mr. Fletcher Brown has accepted a position in the telegraph office at Cli max. The foundation has been laid for the erection of a handsome residence for Mr. Eli Leach, of Erect, at Seagrove. B. F. McDowell, Hf.rris Birkheaa, Misses Eugenia McCain and Mildred Birkheod spent Sunday at Sanatorium, N. C. Misses Lillie and Mabel Parrish and Miss Bertha Cox were in Greensboro Saturday. Miss Luis Steed returned to her home at Edgar Monday after a few days' visit to relatives in Asheboro. Mr. Bert Pierce, of Thomasville, spent Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shube W. Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Amnions and Miss Nettie Seawell and Mr. Perry were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shube Laughlin Sunday and Monday. Mr. J. M. Caveness, secretary and treasurer of the Central Falls Cotton Mills, has opened an office over the Asheboro Grocery store. Miss Sallie E. Slack announces that her millinery store at Seagrove will be closed after Saturday, December, 11th until March 1st, 1916. Miss Cobb, of High Point, who at tended the District Meeting of Feder ated Clubs in Asheboro Saturday, re mained over Sunday, the guest of Mrs. Basil Brittain. Mrs. Kime, of near Grays Chapel was here the first of the week to see her son, Mr. C. C. Kime, who is suff ering from a dislocated hip. Mr. Kime's condition remains about the same. The new hardware store at Seagrove is almost completed. The building is constructed of brick and is a large and commodious building. This is the lat est of the new enterprises for the growing town of Seagrove. At the North Carolina conference of the colored M. E. church at Winston Salem, W. C. Skeen was appointed to the pastorate of Asheboro and Mitch ell, colored churches; Randleman and St. Marks, A. B. McQueen; Trinity and Liberty, W. O. Thomas. Medical inspection of schools was begun in Northampton county last week with Dr. A. C. Bulla, of Ashe boro, in charge. The money appropri ated for this purpose is well spent and it would be well to have medical inspection of schools in Randolph. The Cravenian Literary Society met last Friday in its regular weekly ses sion. The regular order was suspend ed and an extemporaneous debate was given instead, on the question "Resolv- de: That a Negro With a Mule, 40 acres, a gun and a dog is happier than a millionaire. The affirmative won. Every woman in Asheboro is invi terd to join the Woman's Department Club. There is a large field in which every one can work thereby benefit ting the town. Women Kftve a part as well as men in community building and if all will give a push the pull ing will be easier. Apply this to yourself by converting your money into 6 per TTTk m Capital Stock President Wilson's message to Con gress delivered Tuesday is published in full in this issue of The Courier. Don't fail to read it. You can get The Courier and four splendid magazines one year for only $1.18. Look up the announcement in another column of the paper and send in your subscription. Dr. C. A. Hayworth, of Coleridge, passed through Asheboro Tuesday en route to High Point where be will at tend the meeting of the North Caro lina Medical Association. The roof of the Winslow building caught fir around the stove flue Mon day morning. The fire was extinguish ed before the flames spread and any serious damage was done. This build ing is occupied by Miss Eugenia Ty- sor's millinery store. Richard J. M. Hobbs, of Greensboro, will lecture on "Quaker Principles" at the Friends church in Asheboro, at 2:30 p. m. Sunday December 12th Everybody invited. Note the hour, 2:.'!0 instead of 7:00 p. m. Messrs. Clarence Rush, Leo Barker and others went to Mebnne Sunday. They reported the roads were in excel lnt condition. Th trip of sixty miles was made in two and a half hours. Collie Chambers a young colored boy sixteen years of age, died at the home of his parents Saturday of tu berculosis. He was the sos of Wyatt and Luzena Chambers. He was a good honest boy and faithful in his duties. On the 19th of last month at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller, on Lexington Route 2, the 69th birthday of Mr. Miller was celebrated. . Mr. Miller is the father of Mrs. R. A. Gaddis, and Mr. Roscoe Miller, of Asheboro. Miss Hester Stuart has organized a moonlight school at New Center school house. She is having great success with this school, six having enrolled the first night. Capt. S. L. Lineberry, one of the veteran railroad men of the South, died at his home in Lexington Sunday, aged 65 years. He had been retired from active railway service since last June. Messrs. G. F. Wilson, J. A. Col- tranc, W. H. Davis, and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cox, all of High Point, and Mr. Clay Mikell, of Lexington, were re cent visitors at the home of Mr. A. C. Cox, near Asheboro. The report of Mrs. Jane S. McKin non, State agent in Home Demonstra tion Work, for the year ending De cember 1, 1915, shows that there were 30 girls enrolled in the canning clubs in Randolph. These girls canned 5, 862 cans of tomatoes, beans, etc., of which 24.26 per cent, was used at home and sold fresh on the home mar ket. The total money value of the 5, 862 cans was $833.11 of which $568,08 was profit. This report for Randolph we understand, includes only the Ramseur club and does not embrace the work done by the club at Providence. AFETY FIRST ERVICE NEXT ATISFACTION ALWAYS SPECIAL GUARANTEE BY ont BURLINGTON, N. C. WRITE FOR County Farm Demonstrator Foust reports two fine plats of alfalfa in the Seagrove section. One of these plots, about an acre in extent, is on the farm of Mr. J. H. McLeod and wras sown this fall. The alfalfa is up and is starting off fine. The other plot is on the farm of Mr. J. B. Slack and was sown last spring. Mr. Slack has made two cutting from the plot. Several weeks ego Mr. Foust, the farm demonstrator, announced that he would lay out terraces for the far mers of the county who desired his services. Since then he has been busy in this work and has helped many far mers of the county in this important phase of farming. All over the county he is meeting with hearty co-operation in his work and much is being done in the way of good farming in the county. On last Monday evening Miss Mari etta Betts entertaind the Philathea class of the M. E. church at her home on South Fayetteville street. While the girls were in the midst of their business meeting the following, much appreciated telephone message was re ceived from the Baracas who were having their meeting at the same hour: ''Just a good old-fashioned greeting just these few words today we wish the Philatheas a happy meet ing." After the business meeting the girls spent a very pleasant evening singing songs, telling stories, etc The chief feature of the evening was a bird contest in which Miss Blanche Birkhead excelled. She was given a lovely crepe de chine handkerchief, The hostess, assisted by Miss Allie Vestal, served delicious fruit salad, hot chocolate and wafers. Mrs. J. D. Ross was hostess last week to The Randolph Book Club at her home on Worth street The pro gram consistel of the following: His tory of William I'enn, Mrs.' E. G. Mor ris; Fhiladelpnia, The Quaker City, Mrs. T. H. Redding; Whittier the Qua ker Poet, Mrs. J. O. Redding. The ar ticles were unusually interesting. They were followed by Thanksgiving gratitudes. Each lady was given a paper and requested to write the things for which she was thankful. These were collected and read. The ladies then voted on the best which was written by Mrs, W. H. Moring. A iainty nine teeming boy was pre sented. A salad course with coffee sandwiches and stuffed dates followed. The hostess was assisted in serving by Miss Esther Ross, Misses Julia Ross and Clara Belle Morris, also Master Joseph Ross. The High Point Enterprise in a re cent issue gives this worthy praise of a worthy man: "The departure this week of Rev. H. C. Byrum, for three years pastor of the South Main Street Methodist church, was a matter of re gret to a large number of High Point people who had learned to appreciate his services. He labored under many difficulties, as all pastors do, and had much to try his patience, but through it all he worked for the interests of the cause he represented with an un failing courage, and with a consider- Trust BOOKLET. hamhti abl miccesB. The best wishes of ais many friend here g with him to his new field at the Ramseur-Franklin-ville chargw. H la succeeded by Rev. H. II. Robbins, who will reserve a hearty co-operation at the hands of the members of the South Main Street church and the people of the city in general.'' DBLK CRI SCO. Mr. Bert Delk and Mbs Ora Crls- co were married at the home of Rev. Joel. B. Trogdoa, at Farmer, Dec. 1. Mr. Dclk i3 a prosperous ysung far mer of Jdcksin Crsek. bride is an accomplished young lady of Seagrove. YOW-CAVENESS Mr. Robert Yow and Miss Blanche Caveness, of Coleridge, were married Thursday night, 'squire H. T. Moffitt officiating. Miss Caveness is the pop ular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Caveness. Mr. Yow ic the soa of Mr. W. H. Yow and is a promising young farmer. They will make their home near Coleridge. MISS MARY TUCKER DEAD Miss Mary Tucker, a maiden lady, died at the home of her brother Levi Tucker, two miles south of Aberdeen Saturday about noon. She had been an invalid for sixteen years. Two years ago she had the misfortune to fall and break her hip and since that time has been helpless. Deceased was the daughter of Jonathan and Jennis Tucker. She had reached her 76th year. Surviving her are on brother, Levi Tucker, and two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Trogdon, near Cedar Falls, and Martha Tucker who resides with her sister, Mrs. Trogdon. Miss Tucker was born and reared in Montgomery county. In early life she joined the M. P. church at Love Joy, and on moving to this county she moved her membership to B rowers. Burial was conducted at West Bend Sunday at 11 a. m., Mr. J. F. Birkhead officiating. REV. AND MRS. GEO. L. CURRY LEAVE FOR SEATTLE, WASH. Rev. r.nd Mrs. Geo. L. Curry and family are here the guests of Rev. Stowe's family. Mr. Curry has been pastor of the M. P. church in Burling ton and was urged by the Board of Home Missions of M. P. church to go to Seattle Washington, to do mission ary work. They leave today for Seat tie stopping to visit relatives in In dianopolis, Ind. Mr. Curry is a splen did man and it is with regrets that the N. C. conference gives him and his family over to this new field. DYNAMITERS BLOW OPEN SAFE The safe of the Store of the Revo. lution Cotton Mills at Greensboro, was dynamited Sunday night and $334 se cured. There is no clue to the identi ty of the robbers. 11 Gold C $100,000.00 NEW ATTORNEY FOB ASHEBORO Attorney G. H. King, a n&ttr of Union county, but recently of Wake Forest College, has located in Aske- boro for the practice of law, witfc of fices in the McDowell building. Mr. King, who was admitted to the bar in 1912, comes to Asheboro highly rec ommended and we are glad to wel come him to oer town. MRS. W. F. TROGDON DEAD" Mrs. Miusah Trogdjn, widow of the late Wm. F. Trogdon, died last Thurs day evening about if o'clock in the 92nd year of her age. The burial was at old Mt. Tabor cemetery nn Satur day. Mi's. Trogdon leaves one son, Wm. M. Trogdon, of Asheboro Route 1, and two daughters, Miss Frances E. Trog don, of Asheboro Route 1; and Mrs. Thos. Lambert, of Asheboro. Tlie decerned was a sister of the late M. S. Robins, of Asheboro. Elder J. A. Asl.buin, of Winston- Salem, will preach the funeral of Mrs. Trogdon, Tuesday, D -comber 28, at 11 o'clock at old Mt. Tabor. Mr. Ash burn will preach at the same time and phico, the funeral of Mr. Trogdon, who died in July. BULLET IN ARM MORE THAN 50 YEARS In the war between the North and the South, 1861-65, Coleridge township Randolph county, furnished one Hiram P. Gardner, and while he was serving his country at the battle of Bristow Station in the State of Virginia, on the 14th day of October, 1863, just two days before he was 20 years old, he was shot in the left elbow. The ball that caused this wound has re mained in this arm for just 52 years, one month and 17 days, it having come out on the 1st day of December of its own accord. Mi. Gardner now has this bullet and it could not be bought for any price. The bullet weighs a heavy half ounce. When it went into the arm it hit the bone and shows very plainly the battered part, of the ball that hit the bone. From this in jured bone this arm has hurt and dis charged pus all the time for more than 50 years, and at times this wound would give ext.vsme pain and trouble, and this writer hua at various times had to lance this arm, but Mr. Gard ner would never consent to an opera tion, though often advised. The pain this old soldier has stood hc been something fearful, besides having a stiff arm. Yet we find, him cheerful and he has made a splendid living, a most excellent citizen, and has raised a large and respectable family. Its truly wonderful what these old sol diers have stood, yet we in out? com forts and pleasures are heard to com plain more than they. ROBERT L. CAVENESS, M. D. Coleridge, N. C. Miss Sudie Brown, of Asheboro Route 1, was a visitor in Cedar Falls Sunday. cent. Bonds