OUR nARVEST TRINITY NEWS 1 v-f V lb TAe Chewiest Chewing Gum ever Chewed i -tXf mm mv ..V ere Bobs 5c. the packet or two "Bobs" for a cent at all the better stands and stores. At no time since our great country Miss Polly Heitman, of High Point, became a nation has old mother earth j spent a few hours in town last week yielded her increase so bountifully as with friends. this year, and at no time in the history J Mrs. W. N. Elder has returned from of this troubled, warring sphere has aian extended trip to Richmond and great harvest been more welcome and Hopewell, Va. Mr. Elder, of Washincr- more necessary for the well-being of j ton, D. C, joined Mrs. Elder in Rich our own and other countries. We can- mond and together they witnessed the i &j iLbl Bobs is the tti oriirri f nr Ofir- trade. Thecandiest,minti- est heart, full of gum that's good to start with and gets better with every chew. "Bobs" ior a cheerful smile WE ARE ABLE And willing to do everything for our customers that a good bank ought to do. Why don't you open an account with us? With a record of seven years of successful business and re sources of more than two hundred thousand dollars, we solicit j our business. Call .to see us. , BANK OF RAMSEUR not help being proud of our great harvest, the greatest in the history of tue world. No other country on earth can or ever will approach it either in size or diversity of its prod ucts. The United States is not the only country that looks gratefully up on our harvest, for nearly all the world waits expectantly for our crop returns. America is truly the Univer sal Provider, for this land of ours, to a greater extent than almost all the countries of the world combined; pro duces most abundantly those foods that support life on this planet. All Europe, excepting Russia alone, calls upon us annually for millions of bush els of wheat with which to sustain the lives of their citizens. We should riot only be thankful for this bountiful crop of nature, but we should praise and honor those who gave their lives on the battlefield, that we might reap the rewards of nature in peace. If ever the United States had rea son anu cause to be thanktul it cer tainly has in this year of grace, above all others since the landing of the Mayflower in 1621. While we rejoice over our wonderful harvest in this land of peace and pros perity, we see the rich fields of Europe crushed beneath the blood-killing ma chines of hirsty monarchs, and the once golden grain washed in the crinr son blood of the dying. Let us be thankful that our harvest is great, great enough to feed a hun gry, suffering, warring world, great enough to make our land a land of prosperity. Above all things let us be thankful that we have reaped nature's reward in joy .and peace, and not in tears and war. . HAYWOOD PARKS, Franklinville, N. C For Rheumatism. As soon as an attack of Rheumatism begins apply Sloan's Liniment. DornT waste time and sutler unnecessary agony. A few drops of Sloan s Lim ment on the affected parts is all you need, lhe pain goes at once, A grateful sufferer writes: " I was suffering for three weeks with Chron Rheumatism and Stiff Neck, although I tried many medicines, they tailed; and I was under the care of a doctoj Fortunately I heard of Sloan's Lin ment and after using it three or four days am up and well. 1 am employ' ed at the biggest department store in S. F. where they employ from six u. eight hundred hands, ami vhey surely will hear all about Sloan's Liniment. H. B. Smith, San Francisco, Cal. Jan. 1915. . At all Druggists, OFFER DISC GRAIN DRILLS AT $60.00. Onlv have a few at this price. Come to see us at once. MCCRARY-REDDING HARDWARE CO. i-jj .is FOUR MONTHLY MAGAZINES s-jj And Our Paper All One Year THIS IS A REAL BA3GAIN ACT QUICKLY! Send ui your order right away, ci givf Jt to our rej'esentatie, or call and see us when in town. If you have never subscribed to our piper before, do it now and get these four magazines. If you are a regular iubcrilr r to our paper, we ure you to send in your renewal at once, and get thee four inajpfzir.rs. If you are a sub scriber to any of these majj-.izir.is, tend your renewal order to us and wc will extend your subscription for one year, . ,.. Th!nlf fif It ou can "el ess our Majjasincs for I lllllft Ul II; If yoa Subscribe to our paper tar one year. JLC? We have sample copies of these magazines on diipfcy at our office. Call anJ see them. They are printed on book paper with illustrated covers, and are full of clean, interesting stories and instructive articles on History, Science, Art, Music, FasliionFancy Needlework, Genera! Farming, Live Stock and Poultry. t.18 Send Your Ordsr Before You Forget It $ ' ' Tk lliovoitnss Uilt Cti. Dr-.tlr.tly USkal Tiwe 1c ll mo mugatmcs it hi diui r luiiijiuji mtcu urns i vp I'M ACRES 550 ACRES annual foot ball game between Vir- nia and North Carolina. From Rich mond they went to Hopewell to visit their sons, Drs. D. L. and J. N. Elder. Rev. and Mrs. A. S. Raper stopped over in Trinity on their way back from conference. Their visit was en joyed by all. Rev. E. N. Crowder, who so faith fully served the people of Randolph circuit last year, was returned to us again, and as usu.il preached a fine sermon on last Sunday. Capt. rarktn met with a severe ac cident one day last week while haul- ng corn. His horse became frighten ed and ran away, throwing him on the ground. We are glad to learn that he is able to be out again. Mr. J. W. Hill has bought a large farm near Hillboro and intends to move his family there in the near fu ture. Mr. Hill will be greatly missed n this community as he is one of our best citizens. Alligator Holds Up Mail 1LDER BUT STRONGER To be henlthv at seventy, prepart at forty, is sound advice, because in the strength of middle life we too often forget that neglected colds, or careless treat ment ot sligat acnes ana pains, eimpiy undermine strength and bring chronic weakness for later years. To be stronger when older, keep your blood pure and rich'aud active with the Btrengtn-Duuaing ana Diooa-nourisniug food, a tonic and a medicine to keep your blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and avoid sickness. No alcohol in Scott's. Scott & Bowne. EloomCeld, N. J. Negro Killed at Winston Patrolman E. E. Wooten of the Winston-Salem police force shot and instantly killed George Christy, color ed, Sunday night when the negro at- temnted to resist arrest. The verdict of the coroner's jury was that the of ficer shot in self-defense and in the faithful performance of his duties. A rural mail currier a short wa out of Newport Saturday encountere an alligator in the road which showr signs of disputing traffic over that part of the road on which he was iy ing. The mail carrier fired several shots into the alligator with a revolver with very little effect. A shot gun was obtained finally and the animal killed. Old, Family Cough Remedy, Home-Made dully Prepared ConSa Very Little, but 1.; Prompt, Sore and RnTectiv? Ky making this pint of old-timo conli Byrup at home you not only nave about $2, nn compared with the reiidy-nnido kind, but you will also linve a much more prompt ami positive remedy in every wav. Jr. overcomes the vam.l coughs, throat arid chest colds in 21 hours relieves even whooping eolith quickly ami is excellent, too, for bronch-titi, bronchial anthiiia, hounaoncss unJ wiinsi.ioilie croup. Hot from unv diu stove 2 ounces of I'incx (T0 ccntR worth), imur it, into a pint bottle and till the bottln with plain granulated Mipar syrup. l''nll directions with Puiox. iieops perfectly and tastes go"d. Vou pan foci this take bold of a oohkIi or cold in a way that means bushiest!. It quick!) loudens t'.ic dry, hoarse or pain ful courIi and hcaU the iiiMtuncd mem branes. It also bus a remarkable effect in oveveominu the persistent loose courli by stopping the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes. 5 Tli rflect of Pine on tie membranes in known hy ubnost everv one. Pinex is a ni'Tt v.ilnnhid concentrated compound of Pennine Norway pine extract combined with i.'imiueol and other natural heulinjr pine elements. There ure many worthless imitations of this famous mixture. To avoid dis appoint ment., us!; vonr drurrgist for '"lk ounces of Pinex," and d' net accept any thing el 6. A punraivlec of absolute, satisfaction, or morey promptly refunded, goes with V.iitt rrei 'i ration. The 1'iuex Co., I't Wayne, Ind. SEVERE PUNISHMENT Of Mrs. ClappeD, of Five Yeas' Standisj, Relieved by CarduL Mt. Airv. N. C Mrs. Sarah M. Chap- pell of this town, says: "I suffered for five years with womanly troubles, slso stomach troubles, and my punishment was more than any one could tell. I tried most every kind of medicine, but none did me any good. I read one day about Cardul, the wo man's tonic, and 1 decided to try it. 1 had not taken but about six bottles until 1 was almost cured. It did me more pood than all the other medicines I had tried, put together. Mv mends becan askine me why I looked so we!!, and I told them about Cardul. Several are now taking it." Do you, lady reader, suffer from any of the ailments due to womanly trouble, such as headache, backache, sideacbe. sleeplessness, and that everlastingly tired feeling? If so, let us urge you to give Cardul a trial. We feel confident it will help you, just as it has a million other women in the past half century. Begin taking Cardul to-day. You won't regret it. All druggists. Writ tt: Chattanooga Madicln Co., Ladles' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga, Tann.. for Sttcial Instrm-tien on vour case and G4-pa book. "Home TieaUnent lor Woman," in plun wrapper. N.C. 1S4 LIVESTOCK IN THE SIXTIES AND NOW Surlrage Petition is 18,000 Feet Long I will sell &3 a whole, or subdivide to suit purchaser, a tract of 550 acres of land, lying on both aides of the Norfolk and Southern railroad, and both sides of the Asheboro and Pine Hurst gravel wad, seven miles south of Asheboro, N. C. The land lays well with some buildings, and improved, farm land, and orchard side tract on place, also stood church within the boundary. Any ofca wishing a bargain will communicate with ' SetW'W LiaUghlin, Asheboro, N.C. Woman suffrage representatives will present to the present Congress a pe tition over 18,000 feet in length and signed by over 600,000 people. The arrival of the petition will mark the opening of the first national conven tion of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage which will hold daily sessions throughout the week. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S (CASTO R I A Since I860 we have brought 2,300, 000 acres more of land under cultiva. tion in North Carolina. Our farms are three and a third times as many, and upon an average about one-fourth the size of the old plantations. Our pop ulation is a little more than two and a third times that of 1860. How To Cure Colds. Avoid exposure and drafts. Eat right. Take Dr. King's New Diseov cry. It is prepared from Pine Tar, healing balsams and mild laxatives. Dr. King's New Discovery kill and ex pels the cold germs, soothes the irri tated throat and allays inflammation. It heals the mucous membrane. Search as you will, you cannot find a better cough and cold remedy. Its use over 45 years is a guarantee of satisfaction. POSTOFFICE RECEIPTS SHOW LARGE INCREASE Marked improvement in business is shown by the November revenues of the CO largest postoflices of the coun try, producing approxmately over half of all the postal rece;pts. The state ment of the postmaster-general shows an increase of $2,033,138 or 17.96 per cent, for those offices over November a year ago. New York led the list in the amount of receipts and was close ly followed by Chicago. New Orleans ranked first among the five Southern cities in the list The Fireside That Comes With You "'QU needn't have a cold i room, a cold corner in your house, or a chilly moment in the day if you have a PerfectionSmoke less Oil Heater. Just take it wherever the extra heat is needed. In five minutes it changes chills to cheery warmth. It's no trouble and it's very little expense ten hours of comfort on a single gallon of kerosene. Why start a big coal fire when a little oil heater will do? The Perfection is smokeless, odor less and absolutely safe. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain. best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nevr J:rey) BALTIMORE Chirlotte. N. C. Charleston. W. V. Charleston, S. G. Waahineton, D. C Norfolk, Va. Riohmuud, Va. Look for the Triangle Trademark. Sold in many styles and sizes at all hardware and general stores. Hihnl award Panama-Pacific Expetitiom . PflllliilQ ""Ti SvhSv six ( "Sr J ' ' ' I Christmas Holiday Excursion Rales via Norfolk ;-; Southern Convenient Schedules, Pullman Sleeping and Parkr Car Service Tickets on cale December 17, 18, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24 and t 25. Final return limit January 10th, 1916. f Ask nearest Norfolk Southern Ticket Agent for com plete information, or write I II. S. IBRD, G. P. A., Norfolk, Va. f HONOR ROLL MT. PLEASANT SCHOOL First grade Pearl Kimrcy, Lull a Turner, Cora Turner, Edna Coble, Pearl Kivett, Grady Kivett, Lewis Kivctt, Walter Langley, Colon Lj-.ng- ley. Second grade Alma Kivctt. Third grade Vestal Langley, Les ter Turner, Junius Crutchfield. Fifht grade Dora Fogleman, Flor ence Wright. Sixth grade Luria Turner. Ruby L. Staley, teacher. HONOR ROLL TAIN'S SCHOOL First grade Mr.ry Freeman, Jessie Jordan. Third grade-Beulah Freeman, Swan nie Kivett, Jewel Kivett, . Fifth grade Gibson Jordan. Seventh grade Sallie Freeman, Let tie Freeman, Deete Henderson, Floy Jordan. Wade York, teacher. WINSTON-SALEM MAN SAVED FROM DEAf Q J. E. l'rou Erwin i Says Wonderful Remedy ught Him Astonishino- Pi; J. h. Krw,n of Winston-Salem, N. C, was for a long time the victim of ?r iUSnd'iS?r erS,0f the stomach Ho dU&Sr of treatment ad haj vh dra? ne t00,k a dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and was aston-i-hcd at the results. The help he 3ought had come. He wrote ,J'1 ?Ti sa.t.,"sfieil .through 'personal wB a 1'fe-sav"& Powers of your Wonderful Remedy. You have saved my hfe. I could have lived but a few weeks more had it not been for your remedy. I am inclosing a list of friend sufferers who ought to have some of your remedy." Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives permanent results for stomach, .liver and intestinal ailments. Eat as much and whatever you like. No more dis tress after eating, pressure of gas in the stomach and around the heart: uet one bottle of your druggist now and try it on an absolute guarantee it not satisfactory money will be returned.