J- ISSUED WEEKLY PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN AlH.on, North Caroling. Thursday, November 1G, 1316.' ONE DOLLAR PER YEAK VOLUME XXXXI number 4.-. CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW INDUSTRIAL .FAIR AND Was Held at Franklinville November 10 and 11 List of Prizes and the Winner Totted Plants I. Largest bloom on potted plant, any variety, $3 given by Hugh Turks won bv Mrs. W. A. Grimes. 2 Second largest bloom, any varie ty, $2 given by Hugh Talks won by Mrs W. D. Maner. 3. Third largest bloom, any variety, $1 given by James Buie won by Mrs, B.' F. Craven, . 4. Largest bloom on potted plant( red, $1 given by W. D. TenderWon by Mrs B. F. Craven, v 5. Second largest bloom, rod, 50c, given by W. A. Grimes won by Mrs. W. A. Grimes. 6 Best collection of 15 plants, ce dar chest given by W. T. Mullican won bv Mrs. 15. F. Craven. 7. Second best collection, rug given bv Franklinville Mfg. Co. won by Mrs. B. F. Craven. 8. Third best collection, enameled roaster given by M. G. Maner and Clarence Parks won by Mrs. W. D. Maner. 9. Largest six blooms, white, $1.00 Franklinville sheeting, given by J. H. Marlev won by Mrs. B. F. Craven. 10. Second largest six blooms, white, pair Turkish towels, given by R. D. Garrison won by Mrs. G. H. Patterson II. Third largest six blooms, white, piece enamel ware given by Mrs. J. M. Ellison won by Mrs. W. A. Crimes. 12. Fourth largest six blooms, white, meat platter given by Mrs. B. F. Craven no contestant. i:;. Largest 8 blooms, yellow, one dozen cans fruit, given by AUred Brothers won by Mrs. B. F. Craven. 14. Second largest eigth blooms, vellow, enamel dish pan. given by C. H. Julian won by Mrs. W. A. Grimes. 15. Third largest eight blooms, yel 'low, 50c. given by Lindsay Luther no contestant. 16. Fourth largest eight blooms, yellow, piece of china, given by B. F. . - Craven no contestant. ty ' ' 17. Largest five blooms, pink, pair linel towels given by H. S. Edwards won by Mrs. J. H. Fentriss. 18. Second largest five bloom, pink, two glass cracker bowls, given by Neil McCorquadale won by Mrs. W. A. Grimes. 19. Third largest five blooms, p.nk, bureau scarf given by Miss Ura Aus leV won by Mrs. B. P. Craven. 20. Fourth largest five blooms, pink, pair towels given by Miss Net tie McDonald won by Mrs. J. a. Fentriss. ... 21 Largest four blooms, black hawk, pair hemstitched pillow 'ases, given bv Miss Lucy Stutts won by Mrs. B. P. Craven. 22. Second largest four blooms, black hawk, box toilet soap, given by Haywood Parks won by Mrs. W. A. Grimes. Cut Flowers 23. Largest eight blooms, white, set of dinner plates, given by Miss Mary B. Williamson won by Mrs. W. D. Maner. 24. Second largest eight blooms, white, picture, given by Miss Grace -Moon won by Mrs. J. C. Williamson. 25. Largest 8 blooms, yellow, center piece given by Mrs. Eliza Stuart won by Mrs. B. P. Craven 26 Second largest eight blooms, yellow, one half dozen handkerchiefs, given by Miss Vannie Ausley won by Mrs. B. P. Craven. 27. Largest eight blooms, pink, en amel wr.terbucket, given by Miss Belle Dove won by Mrs. B. F. Craven. 28. Second largest eight blooms ink npiviiln Khirtwaist. iriven by Mrs C. H. Ellison won by Miss Bessie Williamson. Cooking 20. Best loaf cake, sack flour, giv en by Roller Mill won by Mrs. J. H. Fentriss. SO. Second best loaf cake, soup tu reen, given by L. P. and J. H. Fen triss won by Mrs. M. L. Buie. 31 Third best loaf cake, $1 worth ladies' ho6e, given by Miss Minnie Tip pett won by Mrs. Mary Thomas. 32. Best layer cake, $1 worth bleaching, given by Mrs. Mary Steele, wnn hv Mrs. J. H. Fentriss. 33. Second best layer cake, mixing bowl, given by w. a. jjuie won Dy Mrs. B. F. Craven. 34. Third best layer cake, embroid ered centerpiece, given by Miss Ollie Maner won by Miss Verta Brower. 35. Best chocolate layer cake, cake stand, given by Mrs. R. D. Garrison won by Mrs. E. A. Routh. 36. Second best chocolate layer cake, piece china, given by Miss Mat tie Buie won by Mrs. B. F. Craven. 37. Best biscuits, box baking pow der, given by Mrs. M. W. Free won by Mrs. M. L Buie . 38. ' Second best biscuits, piece china, given by Mrs. Abe Hudson ; Mr. N. A. Kimery, Liberty. One . of v..ti. 'o.ni.no' i .t Farmerc 1 armers. . . Mr N. A. Kimery, who lcturnea lo.lrom ui! over Kuiv.loipn county came a ieun.i m imv- his" native county a few years ago t ' to Ashcboro to participate in the celc- ' Jon; she was married in early 1 f e to cast his lot, has proven-that he is one ' N ation of the lwleetion of President I VVinsnip M. Wilson. Deceased was 78 Of the foremost farniers in the country j Wilson. The Asuebro C-uriev was 1 "ea,'s of K- She is survived by her His wheat crop which va about 1,000 the ilict newspaper in the .slate to pub- j luusband and only son, Oscar E. Wil bushels, was shipped from his farm lish the clad tidings and did so f .ll,w- ,K011 wh0 Wltu n'3 ram-iy res.clos with nn miln nut from liberty from a Rid,' track leading to the farm. Mr. Kimery ! North American had ' giv n out the ! -ul'eni,d woman, always active in corn has been offered $75 per acre for his 1 news, notwithstanding the fact that I nmnity. upbuilding, and m nistcr.ng to land, for which he paid $22.50 per acre 1 the Greensboro Daiiv News in re-1 11,0 nee,ls ot" humanity. Funeral was ill 1997. The following is an expires- spouse to an inquiry over the phone at Springfield church, services being sion from Mr. Kimery: claimed to know nothing at that time ! eonilucted by Rev. George Welker, aft- i -nHt uVct iKtw nr.,1 -,vob n-' nf VVUs.mV 1-P-plor! i.m Hvpvvhnriv wlm ( er which the body was laid to rest in gaged in farming in Moulton, Iowa, In 1900 1 sold my farm and went tJ r.rpplnv. Colnrnflo. where I bm;eht a 640-acre farm, which 1 sold during the year 1914. Knowing the many advan- tages offered in my native county, 1 1 burning when the pedes; r'ans from the I returned to Liberty, North Carolina, 1 suburbs cams in and when the auto I in the year 1907, and bought a farm ; mobiles reached the town. Art old I one mile from town, containing 200 i time torch light procession started the acres for-$22.50 pa- acre, where 1 have j parade, about ons hundred boys of all I devoted my attention to raising co;n, sizes leading, while near the front wis wheat, oat's and grasses. 1 now have J a large picture of President Wilson, I nearly 100 acres in cultivation, and , carried by Mr. Austin, the tallest and .during the vcar 1915 I raised some-1 biggest man in town. To the music if thing over 3,000 bushels of orn from the factory whistles, the honk honk of 55 acres at a cost of about 20 cents a (the automobiles the prr.cession form bushel and marly 1.0(0 bushels of ling at Randolph Motor Car Company wheat from forty acres. In addition ' passed Depot Street to Fnyetteville to the corn and "wheat crop I laised Street, then north to Salisbury Street oats, clover, truck and pork ample for1 and down Church Street wiuro tho pa home consumption. My giObi receipts j ralc disbanded. From the fidewalks l-rfom this farm for 1915 were some- I thing over $4,000, and a net prol.t of , over $2,000. ! "Lands in this vicinity c:.n be bought at $20 to $(0 per acre, according to; location and improvements." 1 What Mr. Kimerv says of the Lib-i ertv section of Randolph tounty is ' equally true as to other sections of the county. Randolph is truly 0 tine ag - ricultural county. Much iaini can be bought in the county for ten dollars an i acre and less. j won by Mrs. Jesse Denson. 39. Best pound butter, take pan, given by Mrs. W D Maner won by Mo T C Wilinmerin 40. Second best pound butter, in- ' iiPnI; ln 1111,1 WIS miormed mat n was 01 me poor may nave as goon meuicai amel dipper given by Mrs Josie Cox 4,'(,nl tne homo of Mr. Fr-nk Phillips. ' and hospital attention as the stricken won by Mis. Mary Thomas i 'l'il(ks were scattered over ttio ! child of the rich. . 41. Best quart peach preserve, six streets in the direction of where the j . cakes Ivory soap, given by Mrs. Vir-: alarm was sent in, and also another) L;nn c Brown Shot By Accident trie Williamson -won by Mrs. 'V A ' "treets. Many auto tires were tvined. j Liiinie the sixteen year old son of lack ! ome f the inner tubes hnd-ss many Neil. Brown of Pleasant Grove town- 42 ' Second best quart peach pre- 1 a fifty to seventy-five holes in them, j ship was accidentally shot by Kiss serves berry dish, given by Mrs. P D Many who came to town frem remote i Jones, while out rabbit hunting yester Lutner wo by Mrg.G H Patterson. I sections of the county before gett'ng j day afternoon. Shot took effect in the 43 Best quart pear preserves one ' far on the road home found all their , face and the young man is in a critical 'f' ,,, r.v n w s 'tin p 1 tires going down. All the tires went condition. Dr Hayworth Coleridge won dv Mrs. Mary C Weatherly, 44. Second best quart pear pre serves, salad bowl, given by Miss Bes sie Williamson won by Mrs. John R Craven. 45. Best quart mixed sour pickles, waiter, given by Mrs. John W Craven won by Mrs. B if Craven. 46. Second best quart mixed sourj p'ckles, piece china, given by Mrs. F 1 L Ellison won by Mrs. J W Craven. 47. Best quart sweet pickled ,a , pnutncl Un n-ivpn hv Miss Lottie Moon won by Mrs. J W Craven 48. Second best quart sweet pickled peaches, enamel washpan, given by iif!- o; ATn,.,,o,iQio i.i. Mrs G H Patterson. 49. Best quart grape juice, pan stamped pillow cases, given by Mrs. Sarah Hutton won by Mrs. H B Buie. Fancy Work 50. Best collection of embroidery, six pieces, rug, given by Randolph Mg. Company won by Mrs J T F.uie. 61. Second best collection of em- broidery, six pieces, coffee pot, given by G C Russell won by Mrs. G C Russell. 52. Best embroidered table runner, set of soup plates, given by Mrs. J 11 Fentriss won by Mrs. G P Craven 53. Best embroidered ccnterpierr, five yards roller toweling, given by Mesdames Mary and Cornelia homas won by Mrs G C Russell. 154. Best collection of crochet, $1 worth of coffee, given by T B Dove won by Mrs. W D Maner. 55. Second best collection of cro chet, piece of Rogers' silverware, giv en by J T Buie won by Mrs. J II Fentriss. 56. Best crocheted table runner, pair of towels, given by Mrs. L F Fen triss won by Mrs. J H Fentriss. 57. Best crocheted center piece, box of toilet soap, given by Miss Lelia Ausley won by Mrs. W D Maner. 58. Best tatting centerpiece, pair of towels, given by Mrs. Mary C Weatherly won by Mrs. Mary C Weatherly. 59. Best yard tatting, pair of tow els, given by Mrs. G H Maner won by Mrs. G P Craven. 60. Second best yard tatting, six spools thread, given by Mrs. Bessie Butler For Girls Under 18 Years of Age 61. Best plate of tea cakes, 25c, given by Mrs. G H Patterson won by Miss Sula Marley. j 63. Best ginger snaps, 25c, given County. Wide Celebration of Woocirow i . i.. i,..",, t !.... I-,. ' - - ' , , i r..;.i.,j. n , ' ui.ii i"uij ii v-mi"i; : int? liiessnirp th.it Ihn I'hihulehihf.l j came to Ashcboro was happy. The j Democratic citizenship of the( town was hannv ami everybody came with : the idea of having a good time. JY bar - rel of tar had been provided and was and business houses camp shout;! and cheers for Wilson. Mr. L. C. Phillips ! made from cne of the automobiles a ' stirring speech. Great numbers 0,1 people were in Ashcboro from all thn near-by town- "" 1!ny v.-ere present from cvt,'y township in the county. The ; 1 , " " 1M"V,1KS . K 1,1 ,y 1 f,ull.,of, Vc0Pcy A lcw m.seieants daie- devil Republicans, undertook to break the parade and c.Ubration Ed Sjkcs at the power house was called up and j Dr. Clarence Poe, editor of the Tro asked to give the tire alarm, thr.t the : gressivii Farmer, says there should be house of Mr. Hammer was en lire. a medical inspection of school children Having doubt i'b-mt Hi" correctness of agai'ist typhoid, malaria, hookworm the information, lie called central and ! and tuberculosis. Some plan must be asked from wh-'t nhnnr the fdarm was ' worked out by which the stricken child unll Uliu ill nic)iijr iiisiKu.ito ...... ad children were forced to rtmain for hours and some remained until nearly day. Warrants have been issued for several of the offenders. The, evidence 1 's nt Hven to the public, but the au - thoritit3 claim that June Frazier had j ginning the first Monday in Dccrm tacks, which he says were given him . ber, Judge W. P. Carter presiding: by Carl Richardson who said "they arj First Week having their fun now and we will have j Ashcboro township W W Jones, ours." Frazier says he knew the lacks i S M Caveness, Jesse M. Scarboro. were given to him to scatter on the Union. W R Luther, John Richard- I streets, but he did not scalier mem. i Mr. Richardson denies that ho scatter- I ed any tacks, but says he knows who !'i scatter tacks, but for the reason that wnen ne goes in v. 1 an w do anything he will not tell on him. I There are others implicated but the otiiciais are Keeping meir inuiriiuiiiuu to themselves. North Carolina Sunday School Con vention Meets in Burlington Novem ber 17-19. The Stale Sunday School Convention vill meet in Burlington November 17 ! 19. Mr. j0hn Alexander, Chicago, III., j ;s one 0f the leading speakers. Mr. Alexander is superintendent of the I Secondary or "Teen Age' Division of ' the International Sunday School As- sociation. A new glove factory has bren es tablished by J. W. Stivetman at Mari cn. by Miss Patlie Lutterloh won by Miss Minnie Craven. 6-i. Best quart pear preserves, cen trepiece, given by Mrs. Claudia Pugh won by Miss Lucy Buie. 65. Best quart cucumber pickles, 25., given by Mrs. Jesse Denson won by Miss Ethel Way. 66. Best yard tatting, 23c, given by Miss Lula Hayes won by Kather ine Buie. "67. Best yard crochet, ona half dozen balls crochet thread, given by Mrs. T -I Fox won by Miss Ollie Fentriss. 68. Best embroidered center piece, box handkerchiefs, given by Mrs. D S Sumner won by Miss May Hudson. 69. Best pound sea foam candy, 25c. given by Miss Bertha Fields no con testant. 70. $1.00 donated the Society by D. M. Weatherly. The following pupils of the graded school received prizes for drawing: Harvey Butler, Lizzie Parks, Lena Grimes and Clarence Grimes. Mrs. W. M. WiNon, Archdale. Dead i !!, m -.ii;,-. o;'.,t, wr: ..,:u.i..iA - - , . 1 died at her homo Thiir.d:iv of hist , . , :. I t'ieu parents, MM. ilSOll WAS j 1-riemls graveyard at Spr ngfield katun'ay. 1 Miss Evelyn Smith Hostess to Book Club at Rainseur Last Friday evening, November 10,' She bore her long sufferings well. She Miss Evelyn Smith entertained the so-Reaves a father, mother, brothers and cial meeting of the Bachelor Maids sisters and a host of friends to mourn Book Club, at the home of Mrs. John 1 her departure. Black, in East Ramseur. The younger! men were guests of honor and a de- Cyrus B Watson Dead lightful evening was ; spent .Rook was Q , fc Satl,rday at his home in played at four tables The ( hostess ; winston.SaIem Norfh Carolina, Hon. served ice cream and cake r.t the close u Wutgm (,iC(, fifter a H of the entertainment. . m d ?2 ycars For sevPral I hose participating were Jlisses he .J suf1eic-d from diaboter. Evdyn Sm.tn, Jessie Whitoher.d E.l.th ;rhe dccea8wl wa8 a mcmber of the Sco t, Leo Cramer. Ophelia Barker, Mclhodist t.hurt.h nnd wa8 one 0f the Nellie and Mabel ftpoon, Madge Mof-j Btate.g most pramincnt mCn. He was Whitehead, Woosley Marlcy, Phillips,' Lace Black. Egbert Baldwin, crnon SSler and I. D. Wagger. Di Clarence Poe Advocates Medical School Inspection Medical school inspection work which is on the program of the State Board of Health to be dona in various country and city schools this winter has already begun and is now in oper ation in Beaufort, Iredell and Scotland counties vur, ,11 noiuuJiu iviujr aim nam unfortunate boy cannot live. Jurors for December Term of Court The following jurors have been 1 drawn for December term of court, be- son, r,nos MKes. Tabernacle. Lee A Briles, II S Crotts. j Richland M C Auman, C C Pres- j nei . Randleman It W Giles, John L Ficlds. Allen Bean. Coleridge T R Burgoss, E S Caven ess, T A Craven. Liberty R C Palmer, W L Smith. vw limin TnVm i.nv .inmM I.jissi- ter. Burwell Allen. T H Thomburg. C,..,tS P Snoon. O R Burns. D L Smith, C C Smith. Columbia J W Kivett, G II Lineb. r- ry, W E Poe, J R Lane, Jr., D CI eve- land Williams. ' Trinity W O Smith. Edward Hill. T i.,vkiii Concord J W Bingham, J R Ragan, John R Morris. i.onnie uwrn liennen, ami iwo s.siers, Back Creek B P Bulla, R C Sny- Mesdames Lucy Ritter Kanoy and der, I Mary Coley Erect. Level Cross A C Jackson. Second Week I Vivian Holder Passes New Market B F Ridge, D S Vivian, the 11-year-old daughter of Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holder, of West Coleridge L E Brady, J G Garner. Ashcboro, died Monday at 4 p. m. C C Ferree, B S Mollltt. Vivian was in school all last week; Franklinville W C York, Thomas on Friday she complained of not fcel- Loflin. I 'ntr we'l hut did not want to go homo. Liberty June M Kirkman. OnFriday night she was taken violent- Concord N W Hill, J G Sheets. ! ly ill. Tho doctors ronottneed her case Back Creek W P Snyder. j scarlet fever and dyptheria. She had Columbia J I Lambert. I a weak heart and although the fam New Hope Lloyd Lassiter, Ollie ily summoned all of the physicians of Cranford. Level Cross G F Cox, Thos. Hodgin Providence Felix L York. Grant J S Henry. Tabernacle Jesse M Robbins. Trinity T W Maness. Asheboro E H Morris. Richland Vance Garner, D W Mc Carn. Cedar Grove W D Luck. Pleasant Grove Henry W Brady. Arthur Evans, a young man of Win ston, apparently absent minded, step ped in front of a locomotive on Mon day of this week and was instantly killed. Died j .,., 0i)SOn t,e wjfe 0f Perlaman n . i , . , iiouson, meti at tier nome iovemoer 8. She leaves a husband, two sons, a father, mother, brothers and sisters and other relatives and a host of friends. The flower girls wore AHha Pike, Lela Leomans, Lena Wright, Ethel Wright. May Andrews. Fov Ves- . tal, Annie Tierce and 1-onna Vestal Bessie Frances Wicker, daughter of Mr. anl Mrs. A. A. Wicker, vho lived near Flint Ridge church, died Novem ber 3rd. She was 26 years of age. She had been a member of that church for great portion of her life, having ! Kiven herself to the service of the j or(j at tne eariv &g0 0f 12 years. She had always been a faithful worker in the church, and when her time was I near to die she was at peace with God, an able lawyer, disunguisneu as a criminal lawyer and as a civil lawyer as well. He served two terms in the State Senate, was defeated for Gov ernor in 1896 by Daniel L. Russell. He was a candidate for the U. S. Sen ate against the successful candidate, Hon. Lee S. Overman, fourteen years "go Surviving him are five children: Thomas W. Watson, Mrs. P. J. Brame, Mrs. J. P. Morris, Fred Watson, and Mrs. G. A. Follin, the latter of Jack sonville, Fla. All, with the exception of Mrs Follin, were at the bedside when the end came. Winter Institute of Newspaper Men at the University The winter institue for newspaper men of the stale will be held at the University of North Carolina, Decem ber 7, 8, and 9. It is tlie purpose of thj institute to bring together the news paper men to consult concern ng the many problems that arise in their work. 1.011 CV.Saitz, the big man of The New York World, who probably knows newspaper making better tn;:it any man in America, will make one of the nrincipal addresses. Presidtnt Taft will also address the meeting on the first day and will mh:i': to the ed itors on the night of the 7th, when the sessions begin. Talcott Williams, head of the Pulitzer School of Journ alism, will be on the program, as will also Walter Williams, president of the School of Journalism at Columbia, Mo. Death of Mrs. J. A. King. Mrs. James A. King Why Not died at her home Monday night following a long illness. Mrs. King was taken to the hospital in High Point several months ago and her case was then pronounced Impress, however she was relieved temporarily. Mrs. King was the daughter of John C.,-nd Nancy Owen. She was more thit. fifty years of ace. In early life she connected herself with the M. E. church but aft er her marriage October, 190S, to Mr. James Kiiiir. she identified herself iwith the M. P. church at Pairgrove, ' where she has been a faithful nemT) (Funeral services were conducted ny Rev. C. L. Whitaker, pastor of the M. P. church of Ashcboro. Twenty-five children in primary department of I Sunday Schoo of which Mrs. King was teacher, were flower bearers. Deceased is survived by husband, one brother, I the town, they could do nothing to help her. Vivian Was a quiet, unas suming girl, punctual to her school duties and church services and consci entious in her home. Funeral was con ducted at her grave by Rev. C. L. Whitaker, her pastor. Interment was in the local cemetery. Beautiful flow ers were sent as sympathetic offer ings to the bereaved family. Quail Season Opened November 15th The hunters of the country are re joicing over the opening of the quail season. Rabbits are on the market, too. Some of the citizens of Asheboro have been out hunting. Randolph County's Progress Ten Years Ahead of the Voters of the County Since the Democratic defeat of our county no doubt many questi ns are being asked as to the real cause of the defeat, and a variety of answers are given. I do not claim to know the cause but like all citizens of the coun ty I have my opinion and as usual many minor things enter into the cause, but the real or main cause is county progress. In the last few years we have gone forward in improvement in our schools, roads, public buildings and farms and it has almost swept the voters from their feet the citizens!,! of our county is good, but when we mention to them our progress and name the things that have taken mon- ? ey to give these improvements and benefits, I fear they do not fully un derstand the full meaning of the fine things our county should be very proud of and many really are and it seems many have not fully realized the meaning of the fine things schools, roads, public buildings, bridges and farms. Not everybody seems to be interested in getting their children into church work, but ail want their children in school, and they should have an education, and the Democratic party has done and is do ing all in its power to educate the children of the county and to succeed has required quite a sum of money. In road building we have made wonderful progress and required much money, but the people demanded that tlie roads be built and no way was open but to borrow the money and as for me, I am glad of our county's indebt edness and wish it were double what it is if we had the same good things in return as we now have for what has been spent. There are many roads and bridges in this part of the county that need building next year and the people are expecting them ami have a right t') expect them, but will they -be built ? No. The progress and devel opment of Randolph county is not dua to the Republican party, but is due ti the Democratic party. Who started the good roads movement in this coun ty Was it the Republicans? Who started it in Davidson? The Republi can party in Randolph county is not progressive but would have the voters think so. They haven't the nerve to carry out our progressive ideas for fear of defeat, and very well consid ered. Seeing their opportunity t ) cry high taxes to tho people they have been sikcessful in getting the offices of the county but they will not hold them long. They cannot, for just vs fast as the. voters of the county are educated up to the right place they will quit the party. The progressive leaders of Randolph county are ten years ahead of the voters of the coun ty in advancement and development and we are proud of our highway com mission, our county board of Commis sioners, our board of education, our county farm demonstrator, because they are no less than ten years 11 head of our vote rs in modem ideas and we need in this county a political awaken ing and will have it and when this is done the Republican party will be hopelessly defeated as is just i.head for them. Education is the hope of the country and the people of Ran dolph county need time to see vh;it has been done for them during the last few years. When a new court house and jail was advocated I was much op posed to them only a case of beij behind our leaders, but when they were built I saw my great mistake. Many others could say the same and to say the voters of the county are proud of both, but I am sorry to say our citizenship is badly behind on in formation concerning road building. The public improvements given us during the five or six years V6 vere.. not prepared to accept them for lack of time. Take for instance, the ques tion of prohibition and stock law. It required the voters years to catch 11 p with our leaders but today after we had resisted and made all kinds of objections we have had time to think and catch up with the leaders of theso great questions and we are proud cf such leaders and in a few years cur people will be proud of our progress and praise will take the place of criti cism, , -Yours truly, ' " . ROBERT L. CAVENESS, Coleridge, N. C. Hunting on Lands of Another Forbid den - It is against the law to hunt, trap, or trespass on the lands of anrther without permission, and written per mission is required in Asheboro, Ce dar Grove and Back Creek townships. There is a determination on the part of the public to enforce the law against those who overrun the farms and fields in an effort to kill birds. It is to be honed that evevv rno whn knows of violations of this law will report every person who is seen hunt ing to the game warden or to the oth er officials.

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