FOOD FOR FAMILY COW DURING WINTER Bargains In Winter Clothing. III i ....... I r l i i T 1 f i L The tfetftat forttiof thi9 old reliable remedy mokes it possi ble for you to check any illness at the very onset. Ii. is a safe guard against coughs, cyldp and other catarrhal tbnCi'tions, no matter what symptoms are manifest Catarrh-is on Uiflammav tion of the Mucous membrane that lines the breathing apparatus and the digestive apparatus. PERUNA relieves catarrh. In tablet 'form h is EVER-REApX-TO.'TAKE Its prompt action makes' li in valuable for men and women ex. posed . fa eud den , cbdnges in . the weather or compelled iy be cut la slush and rain. It will also. be found most aatis . factory's a tonic following an at -tack of illness. CARRY A BOX wherever you go. Travelers and other earn pelted toake tool drive In the cold and anyone bcM orctiaatfqn (ubjecta bim te the danr of eudden ceM nay uae It a a ' preventive arith the asauranca that taa tablet made are from the earn formulary aa the liquid medicine arithj (la 44 year ot j iiutN wiorc tin Axtriean Public. ' ' Robinson Pledges Service to District Hon. L. D. Robinson, new Congress man from this the Seventh Congres sional district, has sent the following letter to bis friends in HSanadpbhi To the Voters of Randolph County: It would be impracticable for me to ' Weil-Fad Dairy jw Slves Owne 'fartP'tynfa.', "? 1 food I grto B .RJa. . wicathEbbtOne. To lay Jn a supply of winter far .the family, sol neglect to cai the fatmlly cow is an overnight retaliates upon the owner straig Lwttji un err) a Brruqacy, for the cow measures to ber owner In portion as be metes out to he, Omterials from which she la to f$ai Jp her cfrr strength and vltalltuaad proauce a gooa now oi miia. m The demands of her body for gwatav the winter m&ths oariTOeWTiPfirat- claaa mudltlun which the 7th of November, 1916, and I take this method of thanking each and ev ery one of my friends for the loyal support which they gave me in said ejktion. jj r ' to each anevery one of my support ers that if 1 can Berve them in any way 1 want them to call upon me: In mat ters political, I, of course, will act with my party, butfin rnattors non-political. lMiiblffifentx(Utftbe ep tire peoplr trf The1 districts Vegardless u.v. -c.ts.JH tnl.MUmf ihltMio ....... B want them to call upoa me at any tim vored vegetables are Also rellshjd dhji tiifeOIcarieJtelten.jIi-j 'J'ly nUM &Wjtt??(i iVFtM aho,e- Acam thankinc mv sunnorters for some, but as they gtwe an unpleasant the handsome vote which I received in flavor to the milk, cannot b ad Bitted the late cLecUop ad JriivtX.4 ftc. fit ' . -. af'elW, m)J U J EfefciyeA -fer1 mor&yfVuW or Brege- Yours very truly, tnhies should, naadlese to state. Be re-' 7 I ; QrnT 7 rrei Tff ft WJyp J Tne 3elshouii pe reejoved I .jprrTf on? h,rrnot the facilltl f jjppjyiig eftiiilagk the vegetabld my Th Rtorv nf PimnlM The story Si pWilirid hifc&nl have them is a short one to relate, but to put into practice and accomplish re sult is quite-another story. ItbL dif ficult, firtv beuseYievf o fiave Dimple ltl.-C getmkJ tleVJkith-l out paying the price "or removing the cause. They wantTto gfcfrfi for nothing andWAuld raiheir sums of money to have them removed with nasty medicine if it were possible rather than go about it in the only nat oral and possible wav. warmth, but Is of a nature to the appetite to Its keenest la esi to keep the milk flow at Its best Like otlnr domestic anJals enjoy vaflety. The (vajabie fPl-f4itJ?d fa; hiTy.ornetaTOBiTwpWni. b: quantity of undersized, unmarkj apples, potatoes, squashes, beel carrots are a delight to the hi cow. for and fruits mentioned above are a mffct ex tend to diminish the flpw of illKJrWithie ESTJ must peuplt iu leuiuie piiaplea is that aougl combusi a different form. k venture tabellewthat If such) heir living habits the eatiag of. can jies.meats and heavy foods without inking en8eiit vnter and takinir arouna wixb pimpiaa utaa wonc mora. get been fellow the eating of rich, heavy.food1 and sweets and are an indication of an iaatitivewUfev xiUia anaDdvJgent -pv tit "'it ,ar,r.-' ' , - k 'there are Uioussinds d t thefewoilld be ngajt-wniing ai In the first plam, food mas d with advantage. The houlil he of tie boat and the frent fdV)d'frtrofitfreT given diildren .rhoare bright underdeveloped ttheyi play with their food they catch colds mZMQW not thrive they only need MPh ..WtloB In Jarjre Quanl P-tlmte -TjWld'.Jbirt 'aUowevf Ideat It 1 Ji J!I l O CT) J n TteSiSj !!jrthreef oU ; ( i V "11 SCOTTSi .and it cames rare mil Jbe some and nutritious It must be under approved conditions. Pea hay, well cured, keeps In m vf TWrrw of boa llritMirlarWTrkually rick f doors. This Is satlsfactorv 1 )Ahly dry when rlckei ugniiy pacaea inui mose neath are thoroughly protected sloping outside layers. The carbon m the food we ord. snnow jS ven- eJ out rathe IHUHTi b th carbeii hawit la Jo fwroaee heap In which. the, ration are mixed, together. li., shouWr.Jw. XorfOttan thai large quantity of water or ,cld man gela or.,cabbafvx,mena..ilM) .pff of certain proporUfln of;th faod. foppjled wklck UiliUly'natd4n4h.t ipg f theae cuatiaiV' That eoeh: m 'savlnc 'Wovld bo e, fecfevj WttU iM 'wvjathtir thar ban.. fnot thf uptW'V iMHR la tot this re!i M soiv) firtrMrt pstv vide f "mUfnt floor" W Trt t which' chaffpulpad roots, Dad. gralna, cotton cakea'and the like are piled, aMVi'uHbf and allowed W remain for1 II Itomis to ferawaCi'. FermenUtlcoe miaW heat!tg nd hi' this way thefood is not ioal VrtLrmed and Wade certainly mofis taist J1 to ihe cattle, Jut prtlvely .roorv:'" Vow 'thi''wilikltr:ilrltid; fcf tobd: employed atfflnAthnes? :h appears' fo me that 'Julcicfur hinovft-, tions .mavTbS;,4e: yv4w;'fjfjcla, cfe "curottaiices. .,.';r.-. ,.''" There may, fo InBtince.e an ad dlUo pf Jiaaeed cake,, which,; i" peciaily useful to .tQfck joa,. account .it Its richness 1rt:oli,"9r of the best form of otWccakjft" for, 4h.vaatta. reaf pn. The beet hay should bfeuiwad in prf erenreio that-whWh ia.-M0Wl rate. .for while bulky food Is msAntial, U Is w41 tkdrmiood-gWen tiavUttM-w stresfiouWS atlsitehsst, affofdf Ing more MilrlsanMMt aid Ti(eiuenV' ly supplying 'fra heaf M'ttii body!" If succuli-lgWWr( n ha3 beiUr-be supplied in a way Burftd through the procseZ-of ferffiaivUt Jon: An'nooncSd bf bnft8'twtea'D);Nrw mam imyncuirarvj aa v-ht vwv Thepclckly, peif ofTTews Is s ment of Jc-ulju je toe fifle fodcfQ da1nJ,-VfB.'' Q,: .fcV w '.IDronr; 60 ;tj&..10.u, pounis. f slajba,M pounds of sorghum hay and oaa pound of i cottonseed mi Is atd(?be l tfialbtenanca ration, fo adry. cow, pi less of the pear and mot baytls-better -Thts W'ttbottt th txo iisplne fesifcaetos1 ekceDf ftf XMr' JtliOrna whch have to be burned' -"dSV ' "; The'c6mrneTidatloni wtfuld 1 Voniy', vpn?M6 . (tT sileiii'actua; hfch 's M6YiuiiXl.Mjt,iffMi also,. thorna. '6r-Jrr.'fV'. ' ,ni .yjw To Prsvarrtfiwjsftirtdri Ji.v' gBeJsr4hk aWrforniJ flf WtjJ scrpissB arilaiiBiih3atitaiSt: idf ppl7taiwwooi96(Ain isa.'J North Carolina Drainage vonve lilleVfwinVeVltjuteleWWrl ajtfw for?" i" 1 r r'l7?ii nfl ut. nam hHiwtid-nthe North ina Drainage Association will be rlat-, Greensbonor r November ZZm at the-Guitf-ofy ttdteK The ing will be held In the Elks Clui cTtkensrfho are interested in 1 Mmati7ilof the swamp lands coast or overflowed areas in ( and Western North Carolina are Ayikmie tledi&UhfulnesB of the s of the ountry in which the swai iveifjwd aas wt? (2) to mi t&fkme&i& fcdlAfitkai,JB.di tt thircimAaB.toc)xon; aWmctl ave7ttrganiz fdf drainage, these lands were at from 25 cnts to XI per acre. lion age of these area jftiU (JiMu ai?' irOr, taTt)iriVr;Qri. oO-'rue we baisig sro lehiifenad itttlthe A6etn,1atMi.ioi' mi- smutm-BalM iiarmer, wWtjwji t- the beat re port, nf henphta actually re- All ceived tfi'Jige, and to a thro; mjPffi BPlr)t4 J$i( the ,u W .con- The MienKi toti)e CMwrmon wm See Te'g ,.rf:JgRp8 th piani ox ine roruuna i?rr wu voni pany whers, tile . dafn1ff Aetbtf Aanis- .VJ' Bad C6S2sfYonY Llftfe 'SnscEes G Isv rv'J t-T if r.z: V A r'aqA p:pyeW' loWHi?t3w'al' draii o: tz'jiVjR iswir..r.x-:r rv. hiy . ft r'.rrr::' rx'-L svn Ana, ...von. tment will break them trrZ mv's "New Drsco very, with ft anntfing, anfiappHp plarna. hl P breaking updvTiAi)elingx)uhs or yorms; ai King's NewWIi nam 1 Iih 7.clfiArB-J 'i Iif 9t? ocii siaol a m mdi oii k erU itirtxf iwfl tdi do na li .muTv , j iC jniah 10 srjrj tos tKt bat bmoiay , We have a few tailored suits for men left that we are selling at greatly reduced fee. VpricqSaDo not fail to "to calf and see .us when ..: in,; tovn,' we- will save ...... you-moneyon anything; vmpiir"liiie r: 'ceivmg ev'teMSi e . SPciajv rimrgain&-: m; men boy's cltith- ' V "f -IWso have some special xbaiamS;in IBfal m6n ah3' young UU :mehftj3otKltf . jy.-'jcjpaiouti7 lot that - t,,n,a 'wafo&lysoM-at .nJTvwv.uH Jiii.'j t(, vgw ti,Bl- nt, upvtivrifcA ! .iu?u:itjitJl it? EJitiw' !v7n L" t T'MorSatt styles, Mak,;Quy gtiore headquarters .nnii.i.H staO .J vd-io-Jn-M v:nl.t.ut Jit. i,vUl- .SWT imiji no-jBtTiorUiA t i 'KC dmir .yiCi? .ifcBV n: iijwt!' ofl w mf?(,".r innn At i v) is 7itrl. no iodriA n fivf vjoc ;TJKW&od. Cash , Ct&p$hg&omptw; 1 .iivr btw vio .ttnovid "nuo'j T ttii e I'SKtfjv tbr: j- .-.'!!.0r. -r' -- .'r nv.r 1 "n?T)? -liiini l muh tyf!5jip sir tew ( W1 VKl- Milt Z 3jl Xlvty.1 iiiw oftw 33"v 2 "af'-i 8 i - fcnii? Dental Skwxesai .hrnooictnt r.J.1 1AJ BIEMAN. G. ,n.,rr iBi: Offlce Second Floor Dreg Stoca JKd' j-nlSBB srri7T 1 f -- . Trf T reri Mr, sm-i nwn w: ife'lr to extend to our customers Vtff;fji Wt3 MflvowfnofDn. 1. D. Eoaa. AMdstant' aluil Ili'lHPUr ttBfl I rl.fl..l.. , -XieBtoTTJfiUc Hit. nn Ir- vin v -ool da ..that ban on, albjwin' lJ itart .Bidk. . mm amima a eympwmB.fwW! oi; r! i irstidsrifc .r-.II'ni: -if ''tr3r3t.TM oriew'nyK Jic aJ4- ijoiJW' SBf'HC Ji'jl 9-I9WJ W9J 3Ha rJ 10? riHLf JM TirfllB o.VriBo'J .rfT St. 'ibnlfcajOVio' rtJvvBrvn-vr noumyqo ; ran nodrltA .yjUitL 3wL' larj loori jt . . -7V IVUIi merandiSaturf? 1 Jit T J' .1U .v.iJi flS if.! fw.rkVv1H'v,:01 ".vJiHonit! ''"'T"-' w baun-jjle at vairlqsw.; Hurt nfael jri1j aaS. idistetiIMtfc ti-ma LavdanuBkA U hsmeAiiil7'aJiir be- -v2 .fnoT; thik noiuaumi be. uieir reevverjr au frwp , to said eetats axa expected iviji mm ana tftH mm , uniflMf i .j I iuaetuajf js got tstf g; gaaan 9 rvuiu iruiui. a a - i j.j.awi. fvM'at. tewi-tL Lwuxii ijouj; a ai: im yioasatA ilf I wow AvirJ nc ViiCfiU lO SCO U8-3l3Wf Jr.Ji mtiiw vf - 1c siqti ri. ti;!i vtr' CoiC 9aj fwvira snj law sri

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