IT VS it r I'm r .u i - r i v -A 'V " A f IHli'. ii 1 ;:o.-o of is' i d.y; i.i ccLh cI3 r-ci'y nJ 'o noS: Lliilve ihcy r need the purc,nchliruid food in son .Ulld except 0 put i 1' I., t -rt i a tlx; f; ike male hilt! L- i he us i.bout th pulitMs tk.; t when t .' fori ;o!ution. ips 1 I, jiioumi UTaiion w. A.:u :'a:u iat tli.' Nt IV ! 10111 A: ll'.Ui to start ihem growing and keep them coing. Children relish SCOTT'S and it carries rare nutritive qualities to their blood streams and gives them flesh food, bone-food and strength-food. Nothing harmful in SCOTT'S. Srott tofflc. l!loomfiilJ. N. I. 16-1 tr!-h Pol ;:i !..!.-;, that it is ih u.1 nto.-i 1.i ti-..1 iki; a hiidi price. vo a.'.ii Liirco vi ar olil Inns f el ir..nd consi itut onul vino:', co :w i-tioruvst chick ami uie i ns 1 ruin v hu h to breed, s i:io v isc p ,ion who has kept eariv-hatchcil iial'.its, tor not.. vitu housing i.nil cue. tluv vi,l produce manv ckus while the o .1 kii!vs a iv .ht'ililinjr Uieir coats aiM nuiKiiif:- now powns tor next t-ouson. !. that the poultrv house is of modern type. Ail tho vtntihiti .n from'' now on till next summer should taken Irom the front. A litter ot '' stiaw. shivihleil stover, or loavi s "nx . used in ihe hen-house in i 1"" the u rain I'tied thrown in this t nv k.' that the hirls si ratch and get the prop i ex-Tciso 'three thine are r.rers l. I U ioi-t. ! rovi ! Sundav i the m Vi !' ir.r.uva'.iou n Miio. t.ui.ana, i.o cen'.lniT.t, as a:i i Ouakf :n tac ultra I L of :! i! Cumin : ii an.l ; rosi. v or :.!i.r:.v. ' coteh-histt, t specially the a .!. .-e soils mis which clay inn j:re sort a mull milliner ot rjnis in air. no niat'n r what their breeding', are: l';rt. ex. rcise; so.on i. third, animal fojd of sonic in- : i- ; i.i k sal ,s;;a tul llv wluli at' a'.i"ti !' tl'.e e!:is is constumly dis l.aitid hv th.- noi.-e all! of the wliolc sja-.'k What hoard of trustees in chiiii- oar public or hi'h schools would think of Imikii'i;; on" largo room ar.. puttinjr ail the studints anil te.icht i.- into it lo do their work as host ih. c ceu ,! .' 1 he inoa is ahsuid. et .c are lioinir lli:s very thiiiu' m our i-'aniiay schools. No aiiaimi l'.l is tiece.-sary to prove need vi .-eparate rooms lor iSun ..ilicol chi.-ses. 1 lie onlv uiusiun I lew are thev to he secured .' i iviri iies are so built thr.t with tie I't'inoiielinu- comfortable and . !: m i aa.-.-. rooms could be nro I at small cost. Communities aie plaar.iiiK to improve their 'old cluii-i la .- or to build new ones i should not fail to plan for the i llici- n-v to lire- encv of the Simdav school as well as I the ,'U: a t ..e-uia nar I i-rew n tj in a settlement suhsUn- !l..!k on lite WaLa.i: a Na' They used to r.uM in a .oy aoa.-e of tlie Sitticrs, way back In mv recollection, during the loi'K winter niKhts an.i talk about Norm Carolina. The most of them we:e Whigs, especially the Friends. In sH) John Motley Morchead v..s elected governor on the Whig ticket of the Mate of North Carolina. The most of that North Carolina settle ment supported him and believed him to be a man of high character, and great enterprise, who perhaps founded whatever there was in in dustries, outside of agriculture, in North Carolina, at Greensboro. Th tarim rs n: . to-a.itc ami !'.i ,-ipi g the i I)) hi sc is to l- .-t of the i'iu) a iv u,.-' i lniiic prin-' ce tin ued in troy all par-l late winter. tially decoiniios.d vegetahle matter, and to get them in a fairly uiid d state, th. 'ii before planting tune, which' should not be lata- than the loth of February, the rows should he laid iff :! feet a'pait and from MO to 1,000 pounds of commercial fertilizer should be applied per acre. This fertiiizirl should analyze about fc-4--". It should be applied in the row, and thoroughly! incorporated with the soil, this can bp done by running a ball tongue in the furrows behind the distributor. If the seed are planted in direct The best grain feed is earn, wh:at. and eats, iua! parts. The best dry mash is, perhaps, wheat middlings, 2" pounds: wheat bran, 25 pounls; ground oats; 20 pounds; corn meal, 2o pounds; and meat scrap, 10 pounds. This dry mash is fed from dry-mash obj hoppers. If plenty of rggs are wanted from the pullets, and they are properly housed, properly fed, and are not giv ing proper returns, give them a Hot mash just about sundown. lonversation was concerning the Oil l""u" " 11,1 mt , 111111111 1 ,,a" " i North State, and largely about C.ov- very often results. C our.-e manures, ernor Morehead. , alv lw 'vco.umcnded, as they toi.F 1 recollect askim- mv father after to produce rough potatoes, an 1 a.c they had gone from the house on a thought by same to- increase damag? long winter evening as 1 had sat and 'aine by scab. Potato land floes nU listened there 1 said, "Paddy, when require lime, as the p. tat., rather lik s T,. .lie will we e-o to Covrraoi- More- u soil slightly acid. C.ood, clian SCOfl RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumati&ni Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains. Bruises, Cuts am? Burns. Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c for tin convenience ol the pri aching service. Tii is has been lamt ntnbly negleetid in the building of our coun try churches. Where no class rooms can be built they can be provided by the u.-e of curtains. The elliciency of the school can be increased to an ex tent that will easily justify their use. Many object to the use of curtains their appearance is unsightly which t ion is justitied in many instan but the fault is chiefly in the wav the curtains were strung or in the material of which they are made. If properly put up, this objection may be eliminated. The best method is to string the curtains on iron pipes. This method is somewhat expensive as the service of a plumber or mechanic is needed to take the measurements and lit the pipes. The easier and cheaper method is by the use of wires. The wires must be absolutely tight or they wiil swag under the weight of the cur tains. A very convenient way to stretch the wires is by means of a threaded iron hook reaching through the walls vith a nut on the end out side the building; then by runnning up the nut the wire can be stretched to its limit of endurance. Large wires J-.eatl . (l.augnter.) it is wemter- --""nm oe tmuui 1..1 uhiihk ful. but thoS'J imm'gran.s, not only Friends, but those who were not Friends or Quakers, who came t Il linois and Indiana, first to Ohio, and so on across the continent, were of Vtori'r.g werlh. I never knew a It requires about v to 10 basin Is to plant' an acre, this depending upon the nuni-, her o! ;;i:ces eat f r. m each potat . It is a general rule with t xperienced I growers, to cut their seed so as to , icave about two eyis each piece.; V.M tli C-i-nlini-m llvit u .ns -l Vi eivel- 1'I On tr.f p.CCl S tl'Olll 1 to lO incites of public or private charity or that apart in tne on I, aim cover about o, .'id not pav his debts and who was inches ueep. Winn tr.e young p.aats. not a good citiztn. (Applause.) are almost r.ady to come througn, a1 They made their mark n.t only tn peg ttioth harrow should be dragged' Indiana, but clear across the conf-,',,-iS to level flown the, nent. A member of this house was ridges. This , mures a bctta- stand born on the Wabash and his forbears , at the same tune destroys a cropl were from Guilfoul county. I refer of young weeds, which may be4 start-, to the gentleman from Washingtrn 'g at this time. (Mr. Hadley.) I'x-tiov. Had'ev of Irish potatoes i Citiiie fn qu.nt sha'-, Missouri was of that stock. The Cof-, low cultivation, using hai r, ws cr lins held high positions, manv of them scrapes. They should he la d by about Industrially and otherwise, in various the time they begin to bloom. States in 'the Northwest tfrritorr-. Sometime seed are infected with1 S. V. White, who was formerly a mem ot the house, tor a long time sc ib; seed in this conditii n should be soaked for at least two hours in tor- resident of and, I believe, a citizen of malin I 10'. ) using S oz. to 13 gallons the State of New York, eminent as a of water. If diseased seed are planted, untreated, their yield will he consui- husine Mr man. was from that county. Ir. Sp-aker, North Carolina has a erably lower and the crop will not look it history. They used to ca'l it as well, as quite a number of potatoes! the Hotany Day State. I once asked will haw a rough scaby appearand, w hy they' called it the Hotany Hay j The Colorado beetle can be c-.ntreli-State, and the answer came and to ed by the use of Paris green. LVd as the best of my knowledge I have ver- a spray this poison is more effective.' ihed the truth of it that as a col-'Lse ' pound ot cans green. 4 pountlS ony or as a State there never was im- of Quick Lime, and 50 gallons of wa prisonmcnt for debt there.' I think ter. Mix Paris green and lime, using there is no imprisonment for debt enough water to make paste, then add i now in any State of the Union, and in ' remainder of water. Apply with a' the absence of fraud there should not Rood spray pump, fitted with a n zz'e. be. I which will throw a very fine mist. Mr. Speaker, I believe it is for the The crop is ready to be harvestrd! benefit of the oncoming generation about the 25th of May, and is shipped in North Carolina and throughout in standard barrels, covered with Hur-. the country that this battle ground lap. Particular attention is paid to should be "marked. After all, there the grading and packing, as good is much in sentiment. You may say, grading and parking will enable the awav with sentiment, but after all Is grower to put a better product uoon saiil ami done, sentiment well founded he market, which demands higher lies at the very base of our civiliza- prices. tion. (Applause.) Without detain-1 Irish Cobbler is the variety prefer ing the house further, I trust that this red by experienced growers. Y'ields in motion may prevail without a dis-,the North Carolina section average Henry Page is Riled and Yet the Little Hirds Sing Sweetly ( News and Observer) Very much displeased with the s"ou 11 "? use"- Kmgs must be put News 'and Observer is Representative on "l0 supports so that the curtains Henry A. Page of Moore. Likewise ma' bt" seNve,l on t( them. Mr. Pace is disnlcased with Suneiin- The number of rooms needed will tendent of Public Instruction Joyner depend upon the number of classes in and a big bunch of county superin- the school and of windows in the build tendents of schoosl if we" can judge ing. There should, if possible, be a by the expressions of Mr. Page in ad- separate room for every class, dressing the House committee. Some Next in importance to the way the folks would say that Mr. Page was curtains are strung is the material of mad. hut we rather prefer to think 1 which they are made. There are many of him as simply being riled, and of kinds of suitable material for making being driven to intemperate speech curtains, there is also much very un by the heat of his own words. desirable material. Cloth that is "According to Representative Page,' flimsy or easy to fade should not be who is making a fight to have a law ' used, neither is white cloth often sat made to put the election of school isfactory. Regular curtain material boards to the ballot box a measure can be hail but it is rather expensive, w hich the Republicans have endorsed Imported burlap is good and the price in their platform State Superintend- is not out of reach of all, while the cut Joyner is a "glutton for po er,"j denims are durable and easily obtain various county school superintendents ed. Never use material that catches are "bumps on a log," while his open-'dust easily. The curtains should not ly expressed and loudly proclaimed be allowed to touch the floor, desire is to find himself rising in the, Curtains put up in the wav hci.c House to introduce a bill or resolution ( lescribp(1 win not se,-iouslv mar the to "consign the editorial page of The appcarancc 0f anv church, however, News an.l Observer to the Mate 'School we must r,mcmbt.r that it is not the f01 tl,e, 1l el,l?-.M'nlt'! t Kmston.- purposo to ,0l.0rate the building but Ri ed Certainly the highly esteem- to make om. Suntlav st.hool work more ed Mr. Page is riled! He did not like effective bv providing a more whole what the News and Observer had to' m..;r'nnnl. ,. the rln and ay about schools in its issue of Tues-1 teachers. I nay. ne cm; not iiKe it Decause it omj j am in(icbted to Mr. E. L. Middle not agree with his bill, and so he ost ton of Raieigh, N. C, for many of, that sweet poise of character antlplac- these SUrtrestions on the use of cur tains. 1 would also add that the work of securing and putting up curtains can be most satisfactorily done by K- -1 --, rrTTrv 1jrH"FJirt'r,n t '4 '! Vi jf V, s 'V;'V-''i' ?! fiiiZLTiriL ; v-i- :;";- JT-,'- , , -:- -X .j X. Carries the guarantee it has for the past seventy live years the same in substance as the warranty given by pianos of highest rank and greatest cost. If the Lindeman tV Sons Piano was not really a very temarkable piano in all those qualities that go to make for excellence, it would hardly be rea sonable to suppose that it would carry the same guarantee as that of pianos retailing for twice as mucn. And it is on that basis that we ask you to try the Lindeman & Sons Piano, which is sold at the right price and on reasonable terms. Let us give you a personal demonstration. Frazier Piano Company Greensboro, N. C. id smile for which he is renowned, and said things about folks who do not agree with him. Somehow we have an idea -that the editorial that he taiKet ui the work jn the han(,g of a about must have hit something in his .om tent committee composed of neighborhood from the way he ' hoi- m embers 0f the church and Sunday school. If any one should desire fur ther information on this subject it will be gladly furnished unon application. R.'W. PREVOST, Sec. Randolph Co. S. S. Association. lers" about it. senting voice (Applause.) in this great body. 1 t Dry, Hoarse or Painful i Coughs Quickly j Ended none-Made Rrmedy hnt Parra You 2 Dora the Work Thoroughly. The prompt and positive action of thi pimple, inexpensive lioine-inaile n-medv in quickly healing the itillannil or vwollcn membranes of the throat, chest or, bron chial tulx-s and breaking up tight coughs, lias caused it .o be used in mora homes than any other rough remedy. Under its healing, Bootliiiig influence, chest soreness goes, phlegm loosens, breathing becomes easier, tickling in throat stops and you get a good night's restful sleep. The umiiiI throat and chest colds are conquered by it in 24 hours or less. Nothing better for bron chitis, hoarseness, croup, whooping cough, bronchial asthma or winter coughs. lo ma',11 this splendid cough syrup, pour ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth ), into a pint bottle and .fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar scrap mid shuke thoroughly. Vim then Imve full pint a family' supply of a much liettir cough svrnii than vmi c i'M luiv rendy-made fur .2 .",0. Krcns perfectly uid children love its pb M--niit trst -. Pinex is a smci-iuI end liWYv incen tratcd cnmpouni! of t:ii!. Norway liine extract, c-Mr.liiued g'-ciacid ind is kn.nv.ri v , -'A ,,vi-r U.v iij promptnefj. oii-e uinl cirt. lutv in over coming stvbliorn cimgbfl an.i i-lie-; e'-H. To avoid d'nmppointni' nt :i l" yonr ni:fgist for ounces of I'm- k" with ' .II directions, and don't neevnt nnv--.r else. (Iiiariinfeed to rive nlwolufe ; " ' ion or inoiic.v iiromptlv rciur.-id- Roes with this preparation. The Pinex Company, 252 Main Street, Fort Wayne, lnd. jfrom SO to P25 barrels per acre, cost ing the farmer, loaded on ears, about "tr to $1.00 per barrel. Last season the crop of over 3,000 cars of No. 1 potatoes sold at prices ranging from $.'5.00 to $6.75 per barrel, nettirfi the grower from $100 to over $400 per acre. After a crop of Irish potatoes, one ran grow a enp of corn and soy beans on the same land, without addilicnil fertilizer. The potatoes come off by the 15th of June and corn planted im mediately, will have ample time to mature, due to the unusua'ly long growing season. Yields of 50 to 75 bushels of corn and 15 to 25 bushels of soy beans have been grown on the same land, which produced a 1C0 bar rel crop of Irish potatoes in the earlv spring. Corn sells at !)0c per bushel, and soy beans at $1.00, besides in creasing the nitrogen content of the soil. In some cases, corn or cotton is planted between the potato rows bef jre the potato crop is harvested. The orn and cotton is planted thick in s"ch I cases, to insure a good stand after dig ging, as mere win ne some oi me m tercultural crop destroyed in harvest ing the potato crop. Snowy Afternoon in February The day is ending-. The night de-cnding; Tho m-irsh is frozen, Tiie river dead. Through clouds 'Ike ashes The r; d sun i;:shes On village windows Tb-Jl g'iinmer r' d. The ?n"vv recommences; The buried f.nccs Mark no longer Ths road o'er the plain. H. W. Longfellow. I To Prevent Blindness In Infancy The bill entitled an act to prevent blindness in infancy went before the annronriations committee of the Gen- leral Assembly Friday and met favora-. Government Offers Reading oCurse In ble consideration. The bill calls for a American History law requiring all physicians and mid Thc bureau f e(lutotion, department wives in the state to instill or have in-1 f th interior has a(1(io, ro 8 ,iBt of stilled, immediately after birth, in the(reaiU courj.vs a rea,,ing course m eyes of the new-born babe two histo,.v. Dr. P. P. ciaxton, of a solution of silver nitrate, to bs :,.:. ,- .i ; ! furnished bv the State Hoard of i :,. tul ..,,0.' i 'All American citizens should know WMM-r-W4-1 ! ! ! !' -I' I CLEANLINESS According to the old proverb, b next to Godliness. Cleanliness does not mean merely a clean face and hands. It includes neatness of dress. If your clothes are cleaned and pressed here, you are eligi ble for membership in the Cleanliness Club. Clothes sent for and delivered anywhere in town. W. P7ROYSTER -M-:-M-tX--t ....... '..I........H. m.-M C. C, Kime Wants Your Patronage Health. HOW YOU GET SICK Sometimes you overlnad your utoniHch with rich foods. Your life may be an active one, and thus you may earn for all you cat. But a few days of Inactivity show your system does not call for so much. You awake in thn nioriilni? tired. Your body feels heavy: you know you are not up to the murk. Your digestion has not cared for -the overload. Part of ft remains. It penerntes fras that Inflames the d'-lli-ate linlnirs. They fail to pour out the dipreottre fluids and neglect to absorb the life-KivinK elements. You know something la wronff. Your body gets wenk, and soon opportunity is offered for soma se vere nines. - Taken In time, the Indigestion would not become serious. First re move the overload: then soothe the Hore membranes; then build up the weakened body. It's simple to say. but not too easy todn. Ymi need help, A tonic that will quicken diRes tbin. help remove waste, soothe tho soreness and arouso th" system that's Just whnt you need. l'erur.rt has on enviable record In this respect. It lias ulili.) many In the list di.tjry to overcome Just these findltlnns. and tlvrebv prevent serious flcknes Tin-" tablet f'Tin is convenient for regular administration. l If fl a I 1 Tnlilel are th. ideal 1 ixatlve an 1 r tonl Y have unpleas f t'!Wfiltt.i&. an-l form ''.A.xA- V j'-ifr:sy33- " " habits. 't&'ifrtV&V 100 ani1 25a The Pcruna Ce frays' XCoIumbu.. o, yj ti' y more of the history of their country than can be learned from the meagre outlines of the textbooks used in our elementary and high schools. "No country has a more interesting history that the United States, from its beginning in the scattered settle ments of immigrants from European shores, have grown through colonial and national life until has become the greatest, wealthiest and most powerful ' and most prosperous, the freest and the most self-controlled and the most. firmly united nation the world has ever known. The story of the United States is the story of the people, their life,1 their industries, their aspirations and I the democratic institutions through which they have sought to attain these aspirations, the story throbs with present interest and future meaning. ! The books in the course were select-1 ed with a view to presenting a, com plete record of the United States, in cluding the European backgroun, ex-1 ploration and settlement, the war of independence, the division over sec tional issues, economic development, the civil war and reconstruction, and the concentration and expansion of the I United States as a nation. This course was designed primarily i for those who huve left school, but any I one is eligible who can find time to. read, lor particulars cd.urss the Homo Education Divini.n, Unit'd States Ilureau of Education, Wa-i:ing-ton, D. C. He has a full line of canned goods, groceries, fruits and candies. He will pay highest market prices for country produce. TWICE IT HAPPENED Children Ory FCR FLETCriEil M I O A S T O R ! A A grocer kept no Bank Account. He paid his bills in cash. Twice in one year he was obliged to pay the same bill twice. He had lost the receipts. He had no other record to show. Thereupon he opened a Bank Account and paid all his his bills bycheck. Since then he has never been obliged to pay a bill twice because his cl tcks sie icceipts arid the Eerk hss a record of all payments made. Tt y t y theck and you paya bill once. Pay. by cash Jand you 'may have to; pay it twice. BANK OF RAMSEUR RAMSEUK, N. C Valentine's Auto Paint. Think of it,, two coats will give a good finish over your c!d paint, and give you a first class job. Cost is only $2.50. Call to See Us. McCRARY-REDDING HARDWARE COMPANY

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