p Buy diss- Cligfacrs Sk33Now .UV A K: ' If save vances from pi Fire-passenger Two " Severn " To Sunday School Workers To the Sunday school workers and all who are interested in the Uelgian children: We have confronting us one of the most blessed privileges wc have ever had. I hesitate to say duty, because when vou and I see a child starving and wi'th a small amount of $1.00 per month can keep that child from dis ease and starvation, 1 feel that I have a great privilege of making a contri bution. , , I want to appeal to the officers of each township and superintendents of each school also teachers of every class in the county to give all you can. We may never see the result here. Eternity only will reveal the good we have done in this and I like the idea of doing things that we can't hope to get anv physical return and that we cannot 'know what good it has done. And to start off the county the Baraca class, Liberty M. E. church, gives ?12.00 to keep one child in grow ing condition; James H. Johnson, $12; Mrs. D. M. Sharpe, $12 j Mr. C. P. Smith, ?5, all from Liberty M. E. church. I feel, Sunday schools folks, as presi dent of your association, that 1 would like to bring this matter to your at tention and have sent on the $12 from the Baraca class, and any class or in dividual, who will give to this cause mav send amount to me and I will send on to the Belgian children's fund. Yours to do all we can to help the work. . D. M. SIIARTE. "The Belgians have come to look upon American as their sole saviors, ' was assorted tha other day by Mr. Herbprt C. Hoover, head of the Amer ican Commission for the Relief of arch, April, may you place your order sow for the 5-passenger 6-30 $180. B Visaed Ample recompense for hastening your purchase. You get great value in this Chalmers, with its smart looking body; its distinctive radiator; its large, high, power lamps; bread, deep, soft seats; roomy front and rear compartment and costly outlay of instruments. Not to mention the reliable and powerful motor velvet in action and a giant for pulling. And the saving en the 2-passenger roadster, if you put your order in now, is $180. Present $1090 1070 1350 (All f.a.b. Touring Roadster Touring Belgium; and then he added: 'Within six weeks I have visited a: station in the slums of Hrussclls where and mt.ke a pledge to care lor the 1,500 children are fed daily. The chil- hungry children of some town in liol dren were sitting clown to their meal, I gium especially designated? That and when they saw me they rose and! would give your entire townproplo a fccblv sang the first stanza of "Thejlrcal interest in one particular neigh-Star-Spangled Banner.' Now, know-jboi hood. It would almost personalize ing that the food-supply was not! their gifts. American, I could feel nothing but! The people of Lancaster, Ta., under shame." Mr. Hoover is now- in this country, seeking to arouse such a sentiment and inspire such a purpose as will make America's bounty match her boasted munificence and worthy Belgian be lief. Quoting him, the New York Times well says, and asks: "If Mr. Hoover, whose administra tion of the Commission for the Relief of Belgian has been, perhaps, the most splendid American achievement of the last two years, 'could feel noth ing but shame' when that American song was sung by Belgian children whom the Commission has fed, what should the rest of us feel?" "This relief," says Mr. Hoover, "has come to be America's greatest exhibit in Europe. We want to give a dem onstration of that great humanity which we know runs through our peo ple." The Literary Digest's readers have responded nobly so far as they have responded at all; but we have hoard from less than" one-tenth of 1 per cent of. them. Inone week the Belgian Children's Fund has jtmpd from $75,000 to $150,000, and this is en couraging yes, inspiring. But even at this rate it will take three months or more to get that million dolb.rs. And millions more will be needed. Concert of action must win the goal. It should begin at once, in a way to let whole communities share in the m miy cars in ii Chah? YOU 1 $1250. Prices Seven-passenger Sedan Seven " Limousine Seven " Town-car Detr.it) benefaction. Why may not the people I of your town undertake a proposition leadership ot the enterprising puu- lishers of tfic New Era, undertook to do this very thing just one week be fore this item is written. They said to us: "Yes, wo will with pleasure take care of St. Croix and its eight hundred needy little ones, and we will gladly raise $9,600 for this purpose." And to show that they meant business, they went right to work with deter mination of doing it, as evidenced by the announcement in the tabulation of cash below, showing a remittance of $4,000 already, or nearly one-half the amount they are to raise. And the New Era's managing editor wrote: "Never in the history of charity movements in this community have the people responded more promptly and generously than to this Belgian appeal, first presented to our readers through the courtesy of The Literary Digest. The first day's appeal brought us considerably over $1,500. The New Era has in the last two years aided in raising several different war-sufferers' funds, but from none of them nave we had such magnificent results as from the present one. It seems to have stuck deep into the hearts of our neople.the tots dragged from the bread line because they looked too well fed, the children forced to sleep at the ta bles where they are served with their poorhouse rations, and the piteous plcns for food from the emaciated children, have touched them deeply, 1 i i. y 1 111 will ad- $1350 2550 2550 and it would not bo .surpri.-in. t.i .-n: the Lancaster fund crow to at least $10,000. One of the mosi, remarkable features of the movement is the very large number of new names foun.l n our contribution list person;-, who have not been in the habit of tivln to these war-charities and thoy come from all walks of life." There are hundreds of -such commu nities in the United states, and all that is necessary in. each one is a lead er. There must be among the people in your town many men and women of spirit akin to that of one woman who signed herself "A Widow with a small income," who wrote: "I had said to myself, I will give $5 a month for Belgian relief, if I can.' I send it now, for fear sickness or some other need might get is; and her remittance of S(iO was enclosed, while she added: "Surely at least a million American will give $5 a month or more, as they can. I would like to be ono of a million so to pledge my self." A traveling man sends his check for $12, reminds us that there. are sev eral thousand like him in this conn try, and savs that if they can be reached "not one will turn down" our appeal. Can you reach one? The Mountain States Lumber Deal ers' Association, in convention assem bled at Denver, unanimously resolved that each member on the rst Monday m the months of February. March April, May, and June, will contribute to the Hele-ian Children s Fund 5 nor cent of his gross sales of merchandise for that day, and will use his best efforts to secure like nrtion from ev ery non-member lumber dealer in hts respective State. A long telegram told of this action, so characteristic of the generous West. Literary Digest. Fill In Picture li' SO 29 19 ciiiidrcn, t ha t the la.'t putnre yn; ilrew v.-'iuhl r.'iuipj y.iu 1 n!;er t! ii m r..li!e. Isift that ls;ht? It is paM that the cac, i :ie nave the alarm t'i limine when a begirding urmy -.rk. N'iv, -:i a one a. lmlo hauler than the others. (let out yo i;i ul .N". 1, mi. I ym'U draw u bird v. h s v. h'ile 1'.: 'il'y ':! lins rf tsi scale tJ;.' wulls. sort por.cll unJ 1 about twenty ve Notice of Land Sale Belonging to W. J. Miller s Estate By virtue of the powers vested in the undersigned by decree rendered in the Superior Court of Randolph county in the special proceeding enti tled "Jas. T. Wood, Guardian et. al. vs. Page Trust Co. Guardian et. al" will sell at public auction at the court house door in Asheboro, N. C. on Monday the rth day of Man , 1917, at 12 o'clock, M., the following real estate situate in the town of Ashe boro, N. C, bounded as follows, to wit: Tracts Nos. 1 and 2: The W. J. Mil ler store building and lot. For partie ular description see petition in said proceeding. Tract No. 3: lhe W. J. ftlilier home place on North Fayetteville street. See said petition. Tracts Nos. 4, 5, and 6: The W. J. Miller, D. B. McCrary and T. H. Red ding lot bounded by North street, Salisbury street, Southern Railway right-of-way and the Cox and Lewis lot. This will be subdivided into lots and sold in lots then as a whole. Lot No. 7: The W. J. Miller and H. T. Caveness lot adjoining the Ashlyn Hotel property. Terms of sale: One third cash, bal ance upon a credit of six months, ap proved security to be given for de ferred payments, the same to bear in terest from day of sale, title retained until all purchase money is paid. This Feb. 2, 1917. R. C. KELLY, Commr. Notice of Land Sale By virtue of the powers vested in the undersigned by the last will and testa ment of A. R. Curtis, deceased, the lands described below were sold at public auction on February 10th, 1917, at a priae of $7,000. This bid stands open for a period of twenty days, or until noon, Friday, March 2, 1917, sub ject to a 10 bid. The lands known as the A. U. Curtis tract containing 159 acres and being located on the west of Liberty, just outside and adjoining the incorpora tion line of the said town. Good farm buildings are located on this tract about one half mile from Liberty. The tract is well timbered and well watered. Tnvnn nf snip- One-third cash. balance upon a six months credit, de- j ferred payments to bear interest. ii. A. CURTIS and I D. E. CURTIS, i Executors of A. R. Curtis, doe'd. Hammer and Kelly, Attorneys. ' Married y !-V-, 'I'! t n.-hip el Mrs. ', at EVazo Jamrs I'. irtie Jolly, the- IV wv -Sell Mi-. i;n.--e;i ., farrier ! Mvtion; M'-.:. Jolly N f rm Greensboro and is a daughter of Mrs. Tilda Staf ford i f lireen.-lmro. Both groom and bride had been married, the groom being (ill years old and the bride P7 year.-, old. The ceremony was per formed bv James W. Luther, J. 1. Wood's Special Grass Clover Seed Mixtures Best for Permanent Hay and Pasturage Yields. Put up In proportions as experi ence has shown best suited for the different soils and purposes for which they are recommended. Enthusiastically endorsed by our customers. Wood's Seed Catalog for 1917 Rives full information, to gether with letters from customers giving their experience. Catalog mailed free on request. Write for it and prices of any Farm Seeds required. T.W.WOOD SONS. SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. Sow Wood's Evergreen Lawn Gim for beautiful green lawni. Write for special Lawn circular. Pusde No. 12 Dr. Max Rones EYESIGHT SPECIALIST HIGH POINT. N. C. I grind my own lenses. Office hours, 8:00 a. in. to 6:00 p. m. Wm. C. Hammer R. C. Kelly HAMMER & KELLY ATTORN E YS-AT-LA W Office, Second Door From Street in Lawyers' Row C. S. TATE. MD. Physician and Surgeon Ramseur North Carolina E. C. SHAW Jeweler Next door to Hoover & McCain's Furniture Store G. H. KING Attorn ey-et-Law Office McDowell Building Practice in all courts, collect and ad just claims, wind up estates. All busi ness entrusted in my care shall have prompt and painstaking arrenticn. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD For reliable and prompt service route your shipments via Norfolk Southern Railroad. Fast Package freight service a spec ialty. DR. J. G. CRUTCHFIELD DENTIST Office Over Bank of Randolph Phone 28 Asheboro, N. C DR. JOHN SWAIM Dentist Office over First National Hank. Asheboro, N. C. Phone 192 ASHEBORO HOSPITAL Open to Receive Patients Eil her Medical or Surgical The Asheboro hospital is open to the people and physicians of the coun ty and vicinity, hot It medical and sur gical oases received. New X-ray and laboratory THE B N K OK KANDOLPH Asheboro. N. C. Capital and Surplus. $60,000.00 Total Assets oyer $250,000.00 With amp'e assets, experience and protection, we solicit the business of the banking public and feel safe in saying we are prepared and willing to extend to our customers every fa cility and accommodation consistent with safe banking. D. B. McCrary, President. W. J. Armfield, V-President. W. J. Armfield, Jr., Cashier. J. D. Ross, Assistant Cashier. Administrator's Notice Having- qualified as administratix on the estate of A. C. McAlister, deceas ed, late of Randolph county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to ttie wndersigned on or before the 15th day of February, 1018, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are reriuested to come forward and make settlement without delay. This the 31st day of January, 1917. (Miss) May D. IVIcAlister, Adminis tratix of A. C. McAlister, deceased. Asheboro, N. C. H. M. Kobins, Atty. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A

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