LihcrU News On.' of the lKll'pi'ii'Nfc- ' jjivrn hv the .M. I', chu'vh ing. the K!i, K.-tiicr Kc.ce. loom, am! most U-'iirttt fid so i .1 : i'" si a.-, 1:1 v as : h ,t I'ii' at hi a class f the on last 1: ursii ly 1 v. fi at tin- homo 1 .Mis 'i'li ' 1 ar in . i liiin : 'I'C Hi inn thrown open tii the guests. Yi tro,.i music was very much n joyed thr. turn out tht evening, while quite a num ber of games were inuu'g. d in by both classes. The members of e; en class were represented in taikey 10s t limes, w ith presents presented to th LWe.-t boy anil gill, with .Miss A nio Ashburn and I.. Hoy Cox w lin ing the prizes. At the close of the games the guests were invited into the spacious dining room where an elegant course of re freshments were served, with .Mi s Lizzie Cameron toasting in behalf of the Caracas, while .Mr. Wister Lynch verv appropriately responded. Mr. ami .Mrs. A. A. Teague and Miss Kmily Recce, of the M. K. chu eh, were invited guests to decide en the best costumes. Mrs. Tom Ashburn. Miss l.ysten l'razier, Miss Maude .Mcl'he: son or; on committee in charge. .Miss Fannie Dark, of Siler City, was hero last week on a visit to her brother, A. E. Dark. lleniescntative J. r. I lckctt is homo from Raleigh. Dr. ami Mrs. R. D. Patterson wMi Mrs. A. Fugleman spent Tuesday of last week in Greensboro. Miss i'.issie Pepper, of Hamlet, was a week eml visitor in Lib rty the guest of Miss .Martha Caudle. Miss Lizzie Cameron will leave this week for the millinery world to pui lur snrinir sock of goods. Liberty is very proud to know she will soon have electric lights. Poles have been planted, and quite a num ber of homes are being wired, and soon will be lighted. . Miss Florence Owen is leaving this week for the millinery markets. Severe Cold Quickly Cured "On December first I had a very se vere cold or attack of the grip i s it muv be, and was nearly down skk in bed," writes 0. J. Mctealf, Weatherly. Mo. "1 bought two bottles of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and it was only a few days until I was complete ly restored to health. I firmly b.'luve that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is one of the very best medicines and will know what to do when I have an other cold." Obtainable everywhere. Staley Route 1 Items The roads are very bad on account of the rainy weather and heavy haul ing. The farmers have suffered heavily from the recent cold weather. Wheat and oats under the most favorable conditions can't make more than half a crop. Shady Grove school No. 7, which was closed two weeks has opened up again. The school was stopped on account of measles in this neighborhood. We are sorry to know that Etta Ed wards does not improve any. She has that much dreaded disease, tuberculo sis. Shellie Overman's family and Dolph 1 .ackey have just recovered from mea sles. Misses Mattie and I.ela McMas ters visited Miss Cordelia Craven Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. J. F. Kivett is much interest In sheep raising. He has 17 ewes which have 25 lambs. He has been offered a piece for the lambs. Hilly McMasters. colored, had the misfortune of losing a son. He wi s carrying a cross tie and fell with it on his head receiving an injury from which he died the 16th inst. Dr. T. R. Williams, of Staley, has opened up his new drug store. He is worthy of our patronage in his medi cal profession, being a first class physician. Miss Allie Brower, of Staley, has been confined in bed with measles, but is out again. John T. Brittain, of Asheboro, was In Staley Saturday on business. Stiff, Sore Muscles Relieved Cramped muscles or soreness follow ing a cold or case of grippe are eased , and relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. Does not stain the skin or clog the pores like mussy oint ments or plasters and penetrates quickly without rubbing. Limber up your muscles after exercise, drive out the pains and aches of rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, strains, sprains, and bruises with Sloan's Liniment. Get a bottle today. At all druggists, 25 cents. Liberty Route 2 Items Mr. Ernest Humble and Miss Cora Smith were married Saturday at 2 p. m. at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Carra Smith. Mr. W. T. Causey, J. P. performed the ceremony. A few frienels and relatives were present to witnss the ceremony. Mr. David Humble is quite sick. Mrs. Tab Burgess, of Greensboro, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis. Mr. T. A. McPherson is cutting tim ber to erect a new and up-to-date barn. Mr. Vent Coble is quite sick. Wheat is looking very bad in this section. The ladies of this section are re quested to meet at the home of Mrs. R. C. Palmer Saturday, February 24, at 2:30 p. m. to organize a fancy work and crochet club. Hope to have a large attendance. The boys and girls enjoyed a can dy party Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs; X. E. Reitzel. Curtis brothers are having quite a lot of cord wooel cut on their place, having had about 2."0 or I!00 cords cut already and work continues. Little Anna May Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Smith, is rap idly recovering from measles. :To. Thii i a prescription prepared especially lor MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVTF!. I iv or lis doiei will breuk nny else, unci U uikcn then as a tonic the Fever will pot ; -luro. It acts on the liver butter then aiooicl and doe not gripe or tickva. 25c . ; V I O I Law nme. J (' llainmei, W It V TO!' OH? CirjWCC;I-"tlT. A R Lowe, S H Fr.y. K L wLiwJj SiwAi1iLJ:M'ftt . j (i MK i' J r-x y r ! Richardson, G i Waddell Isaiah H:'.m- ! iit.-i, D X H.imi't n, L Howard, J T . . t -M'!:tt. J T Collett, T C Lambe, J C iy CeR Const?.nlly Supplied Willi i Allen. J H McPh. 1.-0:1, A .1 Macon, !! ' ' ! Moll'.tt. J W Vuneamioii, T W l'arks, TL::Iford'3 Dlack-Draught. 1 R 1- White, Ira I) Poole, W R:;y S.nith, H W Klder, W G Patterson. 1) M Hin- Ishaw, S K Way, M Burris, W F John- Ison, ,1 S Williams, J 1! darner, T E jM:Duff. Va. "I ruffcred for several , I hu g, ss, Dr. !' C Craven, J I John treai? " srys Mrs. J. B. Whiitaker, ol : son. Mrs. J 1! Johnson, J A Parks, dti pace, "witn sick hcauacne, :ach trouble. and Ten venrs aco a friend to'd me to fry Piedior'd's Black-Draught, which I ciiif, uid I founJ it to be the best family medi- :me for young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the ! alien. T W Lawrence, Pearle ime row, and when my children feel a Pi itchard, R J Lawrence, Cle itlle bad, they ask nie for a dose, and it tus Lucas, J A Burgess, T H Ellis, C does then more good Ihan any medicine j h Routh. T C Russell, R W Pugh, they ever tried. ,(' L Spencer. C R Siler, Mrs. M F We never have a long spell cf sick- Snider, H L Chandler, N D N'anee, E .iess in our family, since we commenced H Bray, G M York. G H Bean, Mrs. sing Llack-Drauht." I Frank Minor. W E Hughes, Gid on Thcdford's Black-Draught is purc'y 1 Bynl. L.I Presnell, .1 I. Harden, Miss vegetable, and lias been found to reu- ISessie Williamson, J V Webster, A late weak stomachs, aid digestion, rc-,W Ragsdale, M E Hammer, J C Cra lieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, ven. J L Spencer, C E Kearns, Mrs. headache, sick stomach, and similar 'W A Coffin, Comma M Ke irns, Mrs. symptoms. I A Smith. W l Burgess, T H Brady,' It has been in constant use for more Monroe Cox, K F Kearns, H A Pierce, lhan 70 years, and has benefited more 11 O Barker, Mont Lewis, John Pr. s ihan a million people. jnell, G H Hussey, Frank Vainer, Win Vnnr rfriirraiat eplte and trmmmNHi 1 AHi'llfeder, Jasper Aunvin, A J KlacK-IJraugiit. rnce only jc. Cici a oackage to-day. N. C 123 " , , , 1 Graves, N M Moore, S W Cox, erno,i Western Randolph News ' Curtis, B 1! Moftilt. Mrs. J W Pugh, Miss Muriel Lowe who has been in ' W P Fox J W Elliott Otha Elder. Florida for several weeks returned T ' .Musters, A T Nixon, Daniel home a few davs ago. , Mcl.ead, C t 1' l azier, V Wright, Mr. Charlie Burton had the mi'sAv- J M Furr. Mrs. Mattie ( risp, S A tune of cutting his foot last Saturday 1 Spencer, 1 J l-raley, A J Macon, J I w hile cutting wood. i Russell, M E Allen, S E Allen, C E Mr. J. G. Black, of High Po nt, is1 Allen, Cora Parks. J L Jordan H V at home with measles, a disease which Hobson, Mrs. J W Cox, C W Melds, has been verv prevalent throughout Mrs. Josie L Cox. C.oe. I-erguson, h the country this winter. W Walker, W B Miller. J H Keains Miss Lula Marsh, who has a posi-'E A Hoover, M I Pugh, Rev J H tion in Thomasville, was the week en t Stowe, John W Welborn. Mrs. E li guest of her father, Mr. Clark Marsh. Kearns, Mrs. Mary E Ring, I. R Sper. Mr. W. C. Wilson, of Davidson cer, Walter S Davis, T 1 A'lams, A county, returned to his home last week H Crowell, J M Trogdon Mrs. L P after having spent several weeks wi.h Byrd, Lewis Dorsett r H Tysor, E 1 his brother in Missouri. , Williams, H C Royals, Mis. W B La- Mrs. H. C. Helper, who has been fiter, Chas. Lewis, 0 M Henry, Chas. ...!.,n.. ,11 i,.,i- iPrntts. C O Ineod. Mrs. D M Wei- Mr. Lee Rovals has arranged to s?ll his dairy cows and hogs on Feb. 28. I Mr. J. C. Younts, after undergoing an operation at the High Point ho?- pital returned home last week. Mrs. Vomits is much improved. Mrs. J. C. Frazier, who has been vis'itiiig her sister, Mrs. W. O. Woolen, at Randleman returned home Friday. Randleman Route 3 Xews Wheat is not looking very good n Eli Pritehard, Emma F Kearns, Gto this community, ground hog weather ver C Ellis, Byrd Hicks, R C Cox, has hurt it considerably. I A A Hurley, Hugh Hiller, Chas. M Mrs. Bart Prevost and children, tf Staley, Brazilla Bobbins, Mrs. Fannie Randleman, are visiting Mrs. Davis' Cranforel, J M Hicks, Oras'.us Johnson, father Mr. Orlendo Davis. lo W Parks, A W Gray, Mrs. Corina Mrs. Joseph Pickarel has returned Fuller, Carl Elder, Milton Williams, to her home after spending some time C H Harden, J C Nixon,, T M John with her daughter Mrs. Walter Red- son, W A Wooel, W C Henley, Mrs. J P ding, of Randleman. I Mrs. Isaiah Rich recently went to High Point to spcnel a few elays - with her son Mr. Grady Hall . She) Health of Babies and Children will go to Asfieboro and spenel a while jn behalf of the babies, health woik with her son Mr. Ivey Hall before rc- has t,,,en extensively done. The emes turning home. lt:on ot- nure milk has been most gen- Miss Notra Kobbins spent one night last week at the home of Mr. Ed Canoy I of Sophia Route 1. Several of our young people at-, tended the spelling match at Sophia jg a means of protecting health anet Friday night which was enjoyed by preventing diseases among older peo all. . pie that they may live and serve Ion- Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Stridor, of er at the m0Rt valuable period of Randleman, were the guests of Millard tneir jveg- jt has been found to hi Allred Sunday. ' j thc most practical and effective meth- 7, TT! i . r, i- u.e od of combating "old age" diseases. Miss Caudle, of Hamlet, Delightfully, Entertains in Honor of Miss Bessie -phe Coldest Weather Pepper, of Franklinville jfr, y, A. Ellington writes the Saturday night Feb. 17, 1917, Miss Chatham Record as follows: Martha Caudle delightfully entertain-, jn the report of Mr. A. H. Merri ed in honor of her week end guest, wno was the observer at this place Miss Bessie Pepper, of Hamlet, who for the weather bureau, and who not--is on her way home from an extend- e(j the temperature each day in the ed visit to Franklinville. month of January, 1893. Progressive rook and conversations Gn the 6th, 14 degrees above zero, were the games of, the hour, and aft- 0n the 7th, the same. On the th, er several exciting games thc host- 1R. !)tht is; loth, 21; 11th, 2; 12th, ess served a delicious course of re- 20; 13th, 9; 14th, zero; loth, 24; 16th, frshments, after which the guests 4 below zero; 17th, 5 below zero, extended a vote of thanks to the This is thc minimum ten.perature hostess for her kind hospitality, and departed lor their nomes. tjme jjve snows fell on the 4th, 7th, Among those present were Misses 11thf 14th anel 17th. Emma Reece, Mary Lee, Annie Lou s, -rne next coldest weather and d.ep and Laura Etta Smith anil Messrs. snovv when nearly all the bluebirds Parks Pickett, J. F. Amick, Robert and much of the other game elied, was Smith, Glenn and Leroy Caudle. , jpeD. 54 i8i)f, the thermometer regis- tering 9 degrees below zero, as re Cedar Falls Items 'ported by the weather bureau in Ral We are expecting a bigger and bet- eigh. ter town in the near future. The above figures are taken from Messrs. D. B. MeCary, W. J. Arm- the Chatham Recorel as published field anel T. H. Reeleling were over then. here one day the past week with Mr. ' Birberstcin, of Charlotte, looking EAT BIG MEALS! NO SOl'R. ACID over the new site for the mill. STOMACH, INDIGESTION OR Mr. Crotts and family, of Vanccu- GAS ver. B. C are visiting Mrs. Crotts' . ' brother, Mr. A. L. Briles, for a few "Pane's Diapepsin" is Quickext, Surest days. Stomach Relief Known Try It! Messrs. H. I. Cross and s. u. 1 nil-, lips maele a trip to Franklinville Sat- ureiay atternoon. 1 Mr. Earl Allred, of Burlington, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. H. Allred, for a few days. 1 Mr. Theo Allred, of Worthville, spent Saturday night and Sunday in town. I Mr. Clyde Hutcheson maele a tup to Greensboro Friday afternoon. Mr. Chas. Laughlin left Friday noon for Durham where he goes to spend a few days. I Miss Fleta Free, of Greensboro, spent Saturday anil Sunday with her parents near this place. Mr. R. W. Allred, of High Point, has moved his family to this place. Mr,,u. J.un:ap is very 111 ai mis writing. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dunlap are visiting at Mr. W. T. Wrenn's fir n few days. ' , Something Gexid Thiise who hate nasty medicine should try liambe rluin's Tablets for constipation. Tin y are pleasant to take and their effect is so rgrceable and so that you will not alize that it has been produced by a medicine. Obtainable everywhere. Subscriptions Paid S'nee Fcliriiarv lt i P.I17 Bctt:e Craven, Wor.h Lowe, T B Bur gess, H T Bray. C F Burgess, C W l!ur;ress, Lacy l'arks, Ellis Jordan, W P. Owen. K P Newsom. R E Patter- M,n. Rev. J K Corner. W O Wrisrht. V A Craven. W C Gaines, E E l.e.v- Hunhes. J W Cheek, Mrs. W U Lewis, R R Ross. V M Cox, J M Yow, J C Kearns, G C McCain, Mrs. J F bern, E M Siler, S E Bostick, O K; Leach, O H Callicutt, J N Cagle, M C Auman, U 1 niacK, ah jra, . i. Medlin, A C Cox, J S Redding, C W Redding, Mrs. B r Bulla, C C Kime, G H Jones, J M low, Chas C Ir.s- nell, Nancy Honn, k nancocK, ;urs. J H McLeod, R L Albright W Wright, J R Chnsco, C C Chi C, B Freeman, Mrs. Gen. (, Gray, isco, , Abel II Grav. J J Turner. T P Barker, Ar thur F Farlow. G M Pugh, J S White, Phillips, R L Royals, Leland Tucker, Mrs. Louella Maness, E W Davis. .,nv fmio-ht out. and has -won. Vnr u- honlth of the children, meeli- cai school inspection has been planned. Th r.oi.irlin nhvsiral examination during each 24 hours. During th's rime it! Pane's Dinensin will sweet- en a souri gassy or out-of-oreler stom arn within five minutes. I if vour meals donf fit comfortably,' or what you eat lies like a lump of, lead in your stomach, or if you have; heartburn, that is usually a sign of) acidity of the stomach. Get from your pharmacist a fifty- cent case of Pape's Diapcpsin and take . a dose just as soon as you can. There ! -will 'be no sour risings, no belching cf . undigested food mixed with acid, no! stomach gas or heartburn, fullness o.-l heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea,' debilitating headaches or dizziness.-' This will all go, and besides, there will' ,p no sour f00d left e.ver in the stom-i at.h to poison your breat with nause- ous odors Rape's Diapeps'n helps to neutralize the excessive arid in the stomach which is causing the food fermenta tion and preventing primer digestion. Relief in five minutes is waiting you at any elrug store. These huge lifiv-einl enses conta'n enoiign "rape s I lumens n lo estie.l v i;n the en'. ire f.mii'y f ee from slorr-li-Idity and its svmpt ins of in tion, dy.-'pevs"n. sourness, gasn. n,., re-'dig' )v inirn. ftvi npv.i'.iciie, tor m, nv n.ontha. It belongs in your home. Monej, Money, .Money! A pj hcii :.;n.s for nv n than ("4.000 have la , n made to the R .n tV' Li.iid 'l:g L nil Ajiiii;iU.ui for the puvpose o.f buying ;.nd build ing hmii. . . These applications wi.l li."- suppi: . d hi lore many montns. Banc aicouuts this building and loan association have already b.'i n started for more than ."O.OOO which w ill mature in seven y.ars. Do y. u want to start a bank account of $1,-' OCO? If you d ) take ten shares. If you want to start a bank account of $."00 take live shares. There is no better way to save your money and to make money than to take shares in this county building and loan as sociation. Many homes are going t ) be built through this association and seven years will be given in which to pay for thtm. Do you want one this way ? If you don't need a home just take shares and. save your money and get about six per cent above all taxes. The building and loan is conducted in this way: The treasur?r is re quired ta give heavy bond. The pay ments are made the first of each month to the secretary, and on the pight of the first of each month the board meets and audits the books and sees that the money is all in the bank. The board and the attorney pass s upon every loan to see that there is no bad loan made. By this meth;;d there can lie no loss. It is as safe as any bank. By way of correction: Through i:n oversight the name of Mr. C. L. Amiek. a member of the board of di rectors, was left out when their names appeared in the paper. Shares are still being taken. You can come in at any time. Let me ex plain this to vou. G. H. KING, Secretary. Davidson Offers Prizes for Health Composition Work In order to awaken a lively intcrpst in the preservation of public health, Davielson county has inaugurated a prize contest for the public s.nel high school stuelents of that county. Sixty dollars in- prizes are to be given for composition work on health subjicts, recitations on the health catechism, correction of greatest number of phy sical defects as repotted by school principal and highest average attend ance. Dr. E. F. Long, whole-time roun:y health officer of Davielson, is the au thor of this novel campaign for teach ing health in the schools and awaken ing interest in better health through out the county. He has enlisted the co-operation of the three banks of Lexington and the bank of Thomas ville to the extent that they each of fer a .$10 prize, while Doctor Long offers four $5 prizes. A prize of $10, second pme, $0, Is offereil to the students of the public schools preparing the best paper on "Typhoid Fever, Its Source, Modes of Transmission and Methods of Preven tion," while a similar prize is offered the students of the high schools for the best paper on "How to Live Long." A first and second prize of $10 and $5 are offered both' the public anel the high schools for the school grading highest in health composition work, recitation in the health catechism, correction of physical defects and highest average attendance for the 1916-1? session. Eleven hundred boys are enrolled in the com club at present, according to the corn club agent, Mr. A. "K. Rob ertson. Madison, Stokes, Stanly, Wayne, Buncombe, Clay and Wilkes are leading. Some interesting letters are being receiveel from members who were enrolled last year, in which they express their determination to improve on the 1916 records. Town and Country The Fayetteville Observer and the Sanford Express have called attention to the growing spirit of co-operation between town and country dwellers. The spirit of improvement of the schools, and the increased interest In building and maintaining good roads have contributed more than anything else toward this most desirable bet tered condition of affairs. Tho rniintrv dwellers are hrnefitien most by gooel roads while the town derives 9 nurt from the increased Dros- perity which gooel roads bring to tne farmer. Asheboro and the other towns of Ranelolph county have contributed lib erally toward the building of good roads in the county. The result of this liberality has kept trade at home. Many farmers trade at Asheboro who formerly went out of the county to buy their merchandise. Two reasons have contributed to this deservable enel, the fact that good roads have con nected town and country and the other that the frienelly relations in creased by the generosity of town people in helping build roads to con nect town and country. f Learn to Love Fresh Air When you come in from out-doors and find the air in rooms stale and stuffy and foul-smelling open the win dows wide and let in plenty of fresh air from outside. Open the door too, so that the fresh air can drive all tlis-ease-laden air from the room. Become a fresh-air crank even at risk of being dislikeel. Better a live fresh air crank than almost lifeless hot-house invalid. Avoid large crowds in closed, or poorly' ventilateel rooms. Not on'y does the bail uir lower your resistance, but you are in elanger of catching dis ease from others. Don't ride in crowded street car.i whe'n going a short elistance. Walk! Walk a mile in the open air twic a elay. It will ndd ten years to your life; if you don't believe it, try it. CASTOR I A For Infants and Chilurjn In Use For Over SO Ytnra Signature of Milihoro Items Miss Xe!l;e Ellis, (if Ctdar Fal's, spent Saturday wit'ei in ni: folks. Mr. 1. (). C'ble ha; sold his faim .south of town to a Mr. Taton, i;f Lib el ;y, and bought W. J. Wood's faim west of town. .Mi.-s Minnie I'ndeiwood and X. P. ' jonnson, oi Kantueman, spent Sund.iy the jov ot it. Your hair becm ' at W. D. Underwood's. light, wavy, fluffy, abundant tn.l an- lhere was a large crowd at the pears as soft, lustrous and beautiful spelling here last Wednesday night as a young girl's after a DaneL-nnc and all reported a nice time. j hair cleanse. Just try this moisten Mrs. W. C. Barker is on the sick a cloth w ith a little DaneU rine ;.nd list this week. earefully elraw it through your hair, Several from here attended the taking one small strand at a time, spelling at Grays Chapel last Friday , This will cleanse the hair of dust, el it n'tfht. or excessive oil, and in just a' few .Misses Oliie Julian and Eula Hays moments you have doubled the beautv returned to Randleman Sunday after.of your hair. A delightful surprise spending the week etnl with home 'awaits those whose hair has been neg-fo'k,s- ,,. .. T ,. . ,. lecteel or is scraggy, faded, lry, brittle .Airs. Charlie Julian is spend ng some or thin. Ueddes beautifying the hair, time with her parents, Mr. sind Mrs. Danelerine dissolves every particle of Scott Lineberry, on Route 1. Idanelruff; cleanes, purifies and invig- ... ; ; , orates the scalp, forever stopping iteh- Miss Swanna Lowdermilk, of Sea- ing and falling hair, but what will grove. Becomes Bride of Rev. X. C. please you most w ill be after a f w K0RRJ,n , , week's use, when you se0 new hair- On Monday evening, I-eb. l!)th at, fine and downy at first ves but re the homo "' the bride's parents near ally new hair grow ing all over the Soagravo, Miss Swanna Lowdermilk, scalp. If you care for pretty, ift ua inimi oi .hi. aim .urs. i. . i.ow - rmilk be thn bride of Rev. N. C. Coggin, fe" ! .Ir. and Mrs. Z. D Coggin, of Ne .endon, Rev. Baueom, of Aberdeen, o,,l, using the beautiful ring remony. The parlor was beautifully deeora'. ed with pines and ferns. The wed ding music was rendered by Mrs. M. C. Auman. The bridal party entered in the following order: First canm the groom, dressed in conventional black on the arm of his brother, James Coggin, as best man. Next came the briele, wearing a lovely traveling suit of blue, carrying a buuquct of white carnations and ferns, on the arm of her cousin, Miss Almeela Lowdermilk, then came little Odessa Lowdermilk, cousin of the bride, as ring bearer, tlresseel in white, carrying the ring in a beautiful white flower. After thc ceremony the party left for Seagrove where they boarded the train for Xew London to spenel a few elays with the groom's parents, after which they will leave for Syracuse, Neb., by way of Washington and Chi cago, where Mr. Coggin will resume his work at that place. Elon College Has Week of Interesting Events The present week is to be filled with public events on the Hill of an unusu ally attractive and interesting charac ter. On Tuesday evening a representa tive oi the New Edison Phonograph will give a rublic concert in which he will demonstrate the practicability of the phonograph for public lecture teaching and concert purposes. On cd.usday evening the Peace Contest will be held to be participat eel in Ly iive orators, from which con test thr r:ie who will represent Elon in the Mate Contest, to be held some time E.e.i, v. Ill be selected. The ora tors for thc feaion ; re: W. C. King, Seagrove, X. C, H. T. Floyd, Roanoke, Ala.: W. O. M t!ev, Burlington, X. C; H. Babeock, Appomattox, Va.; and J.'all to know that I appreciate all that L. Cr. ' iot i, Roxboro, X. C. you all did to the highest and hope On Thurse'ay evening tollowing tne lebration ih. rational holiday commemorating the birth of the fath er of our country, the Clio literary society will present its. annual public celebration. A elelightful program, varied and comprehensive has been pi 'pared covering the many-sieledness of the activities of this organization. The nrocrr.m is ns follows: Oration, H. M. Redding. Humorous, G. C. Donovan. Vocal solo, Floyd Alexander. Impersonation, E. R. Reidel. Query: Resolved That free tide would be a better commercial policy for the United States than protection. Affirmative: B. W. Everette, L. D. Martin. Xegative: H. W. Carter, H. S. Hard castle. On Friday afternoon the music de partment will present in a matinee performance about a dozen of its ad vanced pupils in piano and voice. Franklinville News The sermons delivered at the M. P. church Sundav bv Rev. C. H. Byrum were very much appreciated by his Thjs weakness made her health very congregations. poor. After taking Doan's Kielney Messrs. H. S. Edwards anel J. H.!pil,Si she began to improve and it re Marley made a business trip to quired only three boxes to cure her. Greensboro one day last week. she is now strong and healthy." Mr. W. C. Burrow has bought his Pri.0 rn n Aoaiora nf father's (J. H. Burrow) stock or iroods in the Burgess building and will close it out in the next 30 days. Jesse Marley, of Siler City, was in town last week. Mrs. W. A. Grimes spent the week end at Greensboro. A fine new boy at Mr. W. C. Bur row's. Messrs. Tom Marley, of Siler City, and Wm. Marley, of Greensboro, came over last Wednesday. Misses Fannie and Laura Sumner, of Greensboro Normal College, and Mr. Geo. Sumner, of Guilford College, came home Friday on account of the sickness of their mother, Mrs. D. S. Sumner, but returned Monday as Mrs. Sumner is improving. Mr. J. A. Russell made a business trip to Asheboro Monday. Mr. C. E. Henson has been making some improvements on some of our roads. Miss Bell Sockwell, principal of the Shiloh Academy spent Saturday and Sunelay at Mr. R. D. Garrison's. Mr. W. S. Buie spent the week end at Hrgh Point. Mr. H. T. Reder, of Greensboro, was in town Monday. A car-load of pure-bred beef cattle will be distributed in the territory around Wcaverville by the Farmers and Traders Bank of that town. Ar rmjpinenls are being made by the count v apent of Buncombe county, Mr. ::. D Weaver, and Mr. L. I. Case, 1 r f Cattle Feld Agent of the Exten sion Service, to obtain the cattle at an early elate. Hew Roll 3rd Month Marley's School First grade--!!: yd Frazier. .:'V"nd Pearl Frazier. Third grade James Ifb-ks, Kerinit Frazier. Pepsin Patt'shall. FourJi riadi Moody Pattishali. G. rt: u !c R' ynold-', Ti ache '. I DRAW A M.MXT ( LoiH M (;n H aii:. doi bli; its BRA I TV Try This! ILtir Gel Thick, (.lossy, Wavy and Beautiful at Or.ce Immediate? Yrs! C i ".ain ? that's- .nair, anil lots of t sure v t cent bottle of Knowltnn's' from any elrue store or toiht- cnimt,.,. anil just try it. Liberty High Scheio Society .Meets The Athenian Literary soeiev of Liberty high school was called to or eler Thursday by the president. The study for the afternoon was the lives of William Cullen Bryant f.nd Henry W. Longfellow. Every member re sponeled to roll call with some quota tions from their works. The follow ing program was renelered: Song, society; elevotional exercises, Annie Ashburn; "Sketches of Long fellow's Life," Mabel Crutchfield; reaeling from Longfellow, Lueile Kime; "Sketch of Bryant's Life," Irene Clapp; reaeling from Bryant, Willie Andrews; stuelying etiquette, Miss Moye. A contest was engaged in and Miss Marylee Smith was the lucky one in the cut for the prize. The report of the critic and censor was made and the society adjourned. For a Bilious Attack When you have a severe headache, accompanied by a coated tongue, loathing of fooel, constipation, torpid liver, vomiting of partly eligested food and then bile, you may know that you have a severe bilious attack. While you may be quite sick there is much consolation in knowing that relief may be had by taking three of Cham berlain's Tablets. They are prompt and effectual. Obtainable everywhere. Letter of Thanks Caraway Route 1, Feb. 13, 1917. Mr. Editor: I wish to express myself through The Courier to my frienels who visited me on the llinst., that I feel sure that you did accomplish your job nice ly in surnrisincr me. and I wunt van that there may be many Sabbath days like this to one anel all of you. I only regret that I did not tell you ail at the time my appreciation to you and hope you all w ill pardon any neg ligence and come to see me again and that others may join you. MISS JULIA PIERCE. CHILDREN NO EXCEPTION In Asheboro as Elsewhere Youth and Age Suffer Alike From Kidney Weakness Is your child weak, frail and pale? No control over the kidneys' action? Kidney weakness is a serious thing Far too serious to overlook. It may mean a life of sickness. Profit by Asheboro experiences. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Endorsed by Asheboro parents. Read this Asheboro mother's en dorsement: Mrs. J. F. Lewis, Sunset St., Ashe boro, says: "One of my children hael weak kidneys and at night was una- t ,i u v,-,i n Bjmpiy ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kielney Pills the same that Mrs, Lewis recommends. roster-Mil-burn Co., Props., Buffalo, X. Y. Farmers' Union Meeting The farmers of Randolph county will meet in Asheboro the first Sat urday in March the 3rd, 1917 at the court house at 11 o'clock a. m. We want every local represented . Please come and bring some one with vou. W. M. COBLE, Jr., Sec. MAMMA! DON'T YOU SEE YOUR CHILD IS SICK, CONSTIPATED? Look at Tongue, Mother! Move Poi sons From Liver and Bowels at Once Mother! Your child isn't naturally cross and peevish. Sec if tongue is coated; This is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listess, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gentle liver anel bowel cleansing should al ways be the first treatment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's ills; give a teaspoont'ul, and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and ferment ing food which is clogged in the bow els passes out of the system, and you have a well playful ehild again. All children love this harmless, delicious "fruit laxative," and it never fails te effect a goed "inside" cleansing. Direction.-, for babies, childrin of ail ages and prov. n-tms are plainly on the bottle. Kee p it h:nv'y in y- ur li. m . A little U-iven today, saves a ; ick child tomor row, lvit tf -t the genuine. Ask your drugirist for a fiO-eent b it tie of "C:iii fonvH Sypp ef F!g-" 11 en look rnd see that it i- made by the CaFfornct Fig Syrup Co. (.MIL: l .1,

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