Page Four THE ASHEBORO COURIER Thursday, April 5, 1917 THE COURIER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY VU. C. HAMMER, Editor. GUILFORD COUNTY ROADS HE KEPT UP Guilford county has adopted a plan Auhoio, X. C, April 3, I'JIT TO Proceedings of the Commissioners of CHAMP CLARK RE-ELECTED iiiuiuiin iuuimy ur inr. iiii.r. i ne Doard ol countv commissioners ,.. , ,1,01 of K in.'nhili .minti' m. t i ih. ( hamp Clark whs re-elected tCUKOr to divide the county into nine districts,'uuse jn Asheboro. X. C. April Jof the House of Representatives Vlon two townships to a district, and overjl!17, in regular session. This beinjriday of this week, receiving 21" voles, each district there will he a road su-!le irsit Monday in the month, and pj'more than his opponent James R. r-vi,orc.mrRodwi Five Republicans refused t roads in his district in Kood repair. e(i( and ordered paid' aie vote for Mann because he opposed Ih The man who docs not get busy tins year in his garden is either a lazy man . " ' -v-u.. . - ... . (..... ....on pages ..1 to 00 both inclusive and freedom of Americans to sail on ves wie best way 10 cut down grocery bills following wise provision as to the pro- under orner number 4-- 10 412 bjth in-1 , . , 11 1 . c - ;-v,,,,f w . , , . . .11 1 sels ot all neutral nations wiinouc let is to grow vegetables. bate of wills: ,iiuie. , "That when one or more of the' is ordered that A. S. Callicutt or hindrance. an subscribing witnesses to the will of a lu refunded tax on J-L'.OOO assesse.11 Claud Kitchin is again at the head testator, resident of this state, the vi,lue amount usieu iwice. if tne Wavs and Means Committee. Committee. Webb, of the Judiciary, and all the In order to get ready quick American merchant marine it hus oeen ,, 1 .1. . 1 u ;hown in disbursement register No. j President in his position as to the . ..; nit ml I's'i'iuit u,lion pages .11 to S3 both in ;ilue account listed tw ice, pvnmin:itirin nf sn. h itnocnc m-.i- hr. ii is oroereu inai . . i.. .ance. o: I r 1-..: -f r..l .1 ;.i.i !.,. ,,,k n. . . ......... i . , . , . , r.i J ou ciiai riiian 01 ivuic uii..uiii iv """" " n,r ..L....L-L. v. nail, taken and subscribed, in the form i VVMKoni iuii.-inp, w pim iioni r ' ' ' e ... iiiii.i. . l .1 'i a uiiaij uuimil . ... -. . '. : -.. . members from North Carolina have such witness or witnesses reside; and Roland township, from payment of n..h affi, c ia i,.h.v tax on $1,000. error in listing. inese snips can De ouiu s-wuuy in h ,i bp transmj.,,,.! hv sn.h nl;nv " is ordered that -Noah K. M3;l cs- yards, but in woodworking factor.r- at a distance from the sea coa9t sections and assembled in the ship- public, under his hand and official seai yards. It is absolutely necessary that to the clerk of the court before whom there be a creat increase in the nutn- such will has been tiled for probate; Julian News ber of vessels for shipping, and in or- natjon hy guh lerk.'fouml to esta'b- der to get them built at once and win- jsh such facts as are necessary to be out too much expense this plan established before said clerk authorise been adopted. tne Probate of such will, had the w it- good assignments. Mr. Robinson is on three important committees, Labor, Insular Affairs and Elections. tate be released of tax on SoO.OO val. account listed twice. i It is ordered that the following b? released from payment ef poll tax ior i year l!lb. T. 1?. Bingham, Concord township t armer. Mi.- Di'.l Hill, Randlemrn township, Ran-. dleman. Ira lirown, Union township. R C. Scotten. Coleridge, Coleri.;ge. lance Lambe,, trwnship. ' J. A. Coltrano, Liberty township,' Liberty. Jesse Lanj,iey, Staley. - .,-...,..u.. u : . u..n ,u .,,.. r Francis G. Caffey. Solicitor of the thp ;ha haw wo; Department of Agriculture, has been to order said will to probate, an.! re- selecteil as the next United States cord such will with the same effect Attorney at New York, to succeed H. as if th subscribing witnesses had ap- , i ii.,- un ... peartid before him in person, and been Mvmden Marshall, ho four year cxamilK.a Un,ler oath." t.-rm expires April 4. Jlr, l alley s lection was made at the instance of Col. Roosevelt called at the White Col. K. M. House, backed by the m- House Tuesday of this week to in dorsement of Secretary of Agriculture gratulate the President on his great Houston. message and to assure him that he de township asking that Cassanla 1'ieree be laced on tne list ot u. r. It is ordered that Cas.anda Pierce be placed on O. P. list of the county 'of Columbia township have tax ; funded on $400 assessed valuation, ac- count error in listing. Petition of citizens from Tabcrna- Mr. Caffey was born in Alab.ima. believed it would I He Is a member of the law firm oi the years to come. Clark. Rivckenridge and Caffey, of not at the White New York, and has been head of the Roosevelt left his c law division of the Department ot Agriculture for more than two years. e so considered n The President wa House, but Col ;trd. PI.AX TO RAISE ARMY The Th a world crisis hooves every one to use his best m trt is to relieve the food shortage n ih as possible. There was not only a short crop in the United States last but there was a shortage 'tl '.iter countries. There is a short i r.-p of wheat in the Argentine Re ; ..bile tills year. The shortage of the ,:fa:n crop alone in the United Staus la.-t year was more than one ano? a rtiurtor billion bushels, and through out the Vkorli! it was more than three and three-fourths billions bushels. The one matter of most tremendous im portance is to give tirst importance to the growing of food stuff. I it be- irmy ( ! on tl plan to raise tne ttrst half ;, million .-oMiers is base principal oi universal liability for vice. A detailed sihome has worked out. After marriid nun. otint- u I'.h pendent- and tho.-o whose svrvii requlrid in industries have been c-mptod. others witiiin the ago li fixed oiil be rxaminrd phy.-ii'a'ly. those found lit w ill !v -i looted. sibiy by lot. until the l::st .'iOO.OOO to be trained are secured. The age limit is understood to be from 18 to 2:J year.-. Mary Johnson, of Liberty Rt. pending the week with her .sis ter. Mrs. l.ora Deviney. Mr. James lirower of Winston-Salem, spent Friday and Saturday here with his parents. Miss Aleen Lamb who has had charge of the school here this winter left Tuesday for her home in Randlo man. Miss Anna Hardin went to Greens- . ,. 'bom Saturday to spend a few davs Columbia township,; yjting It is ordered that D. H. Fogleman.l Jami; :im, AU,,n j .nl; motored to Greensboro Saturday. The Julian public school gave a day Monday night entitled: "Rusher's Girl.' .Miss Mary Pickett who has been teaching near Asheboro has returned home for the summer. Mr. G. L. Whitaker was a buine..n I " :,l "m. visitor in Greensboro one dav last week , .... 1,.,' u.. u i Misses 11a Ilurrow and Sarah tion it is hereby ordered assessment of $1100.00 on tin; land of f!i-. m. l avmoss ot Asheboro townsnip I be reduced to .!00.00. 'i It is ordered that W. C. Paitershali ""lr" i of Columbia township be released of :ci n V.!7 tax on assessed value of !?6:1.00. 'account error in transcribing. , . It is ordered that W. 1). Lee be re ''""i leased from tax on $-100 assessed va' 0 ,s .tie on land in Level Cross township, tx-1 account error listed by Tyson G. Trog-nitsl'ion. It is ordered that K. M. Hil! bp re funded .2.S0 poll tax. Ps- It is ordered that Andrew Tony be 0 to 'added to the O. P. list of the county. at $1.50 per month and that same be sent to K. N. Howard. It is ordered that the board pay the Weatherproof Home- The extremes of weather and temperature are a great factor in deteriorating property and giving It a run-down appearance. Unless it is kept well painted with good paint, moisture gets at the wood and starts decay, and soon repairs are needed. The House Painted With Hanna's Green Seal Paint is practically weather-proof. This plaint dries with a hard gloss that is practically impervious to water SOLD BY and' Meeting of Roard of Koad Commis sioners April 3, 1917 The board of road let in regular sessio The committee was called to order tv commissioners Like Washington. Jefferson, .lack- met in regular session April 3, 191 son, Lincoln and Cleveland, President .1. H. Hnmhlp i-hairm.m nt 1 Cl a m anil wiison nas oeen censured oiten mi- went into the transaction of business terly, but he has given no sign of The board first received all bills having heard of it or being in the brought in by people who had been disturbed by it He has follow- ed the plan adopted by most sensible ( recting all bills they were O. K. and public men. It must be gratifying to ordered paid. On motion adjourned him indeed to realize that the coun- at 1 P- to meet again at i p. m. tru is hehind him in this rni. nrl BoAT-d Was Called together by chair- man Humble at 2 p. m. and received that the soundness of his judgment varjous committees from all parts of and his superior wisdom and great the county on general road questions, ability are recognized by all. His A committee from Back Creek town growing responsibilities has broaden- ship came before the board asking that ...... , i a road leading from Bullars siding cd and increased his strength. running the course of the old Moon i road by W. Z. Powels, X. C. Farlows REFORMATION OF COURT FRO- and others to point in the old plank CEDURE , road be surfaced. Board agreed that !the county would grade the road pro- The New York" American calls at- vidi"K th the. subscribers along the . . iL , . , . road would raise enough money to tention to the reforming of legal pro- surface same. cedure and notes the evils and into- j The board agreed that the county erable evils that exist in some in- would pay $1,000 on grading and sur stances when respectable and respon- faei,nS road intersecting r. gravel ... ... , . , . road at J. H. McLcod s place and run- sible citizens involuntarily become njnK by w A Cravens, Demsey witnesses in petty suits in court. At- Beans and others. This road to be tention is called to the fact that a cit- built according to specifications, izen is dragged away from his busi-!, A petition wm granted for the grart- , , ing and surfacing of a road beginning ness and sits for hours in a crowded atA R Yorks runninR by Abraham courtroom where a "cheap John" law- Wards crossing the lands of Mrs.'Jul- yer who ought to be plowing wastes ian R. Amicks, thence south by A. L. time and public money in a ridiculous Yorks. J. LT. Ki.rmans to a public voad . r . , . . -,, which passes J. Allreds. effort to browbeat witnesses. The A 0mm jUee ajlpear(1( bpfore' tne American insists that arrangement board asking for a road leading from hould be made to telephone witness- M. C. Ridges to Davidson county line cs when needed. This would be un- be graded and surfaced and it was .... . , , , agreed that the road should be con- w ise, but there is much delay In pro- struct0(, provi,ied Davidson county cedure which could be avoided, an would grade and surface road into arrangements could, in many in- Denton. stances, be made to prevent the at-' , Several citizens from Concord town- . - .. , , j,, ship petitioned for a road leading tendance of witnesses for several days M,Mast(,rs place to Da. waiting for a case to be called. vidson line a distance of four miles to be graded and surfaced. This mat- SOME THINGS THAT CAN BE ter w as deferred to a further meeting . DONE ' for definite action. -v ' It was ordered that three road , . .. . ,,, -, Wheelers be purchased from H. H. It is greatly to be regretted to Kan- Kenne(.. r olph county has not a farm demon-( There being no further business to strator and someone in charge or do- come before the board they adjourned mestic science demonstration, for botn until next regular session. are of great value to any community, Asheboro Route l New. though not an absolute necessity, ine Tne pe0pie jn the community are wide-awake, earnest teacners ana busy preparing corn grouna. iofj. i ovorw .nmmnnitv will have Mrs. Clifford Hinshaw, of near to undertake the work which a non- Central Falls, spent Sunday at Mrs, progressive board of commissioners f Mjsg Myrtie pugj, 6pent Saturday would not provide for. The selection njjj-ht and Sunday with Miss Annie of trees, building, gratting aoes noi vesiai, call for long and tedious training, ,,r,,,1A,, i .Misses 11a Ilurrow and Sar; 1 nt tl " Hi'Highton, of (.litensb. ro. visited ivl; ,il i. i tives here Saturday and Sunday. I The infant (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. lirown died March. In terment was made at Shiloh. Mrs. I.ora l.viney. Rev. L. 1. Olf- nian and Dr. A. C. Whitakir made a , business trip to A.-ht lioro one day lat 'week. Mrs. M. lirown and Miss Ada nar row returned home Saturday from dreensboro wh.ere they hi.d been .-pending a few days with their !ter. ! I j ! The German submarine must be driven from the s;ea or annihilated.! ! The tirst and most important job eon I gress has to do is to sweep ihc sias t tin tierman sulimarint s. The ocean It is ordered that the board pay the , , . , .,... .... expenses of the countv phvsiei-xn to "hoidd be combed so as to get every Asheville, X. C. April 1 Gih, lfl count North Carolina Health Officers Association. It is ordered that Oscar Low be re leased from payment of poll tax for, the year 1316. The plant of the United States Lea ther Company, at Old Fort, was com pletely destroyed by lire Monday night as was also the plant of the Old Fort It is ordered that on petition of the extract company, the loss to the latter ,. u 0-i-N. oiinwr.-li'ompany being estimated at $1,000,000. t Several of our young folks attend thn ovhihilinn nt Midilleton Satur- Start an experiment area in your com- . munity; organize tree clubs, grafting jev. joei r. Trogdon will preach bees, budding parties. To get aid at Brow ers Sunday morning at II from the Department of Agriculture o'clock. at Washington, or at Raleigh, costs CounlyFarra Loan Association to nothing but the price of a postal caret Meet and the time it takes to write it. Or-1 The Randolph County Farm Loan ganize canning clubs, tomato clubs, Association is to have an important .. , , . meeting at Asheboro on next Satur- potato clubs, pig clubs. Have meet- J flAJril 7 at whit.h a fun tend ings and co-operat3 with the youn- ance js requested in order that a name people of the community. It is to te may be selected for the association hoped that someone in every commu- and the organization completed. Each .... . .,, ... . member should be present so that his nity will take hold and push these appHcation (.an hcl male in writmfr matters. Patience, industry and cn-jvitn two witnesses signing. Money ergy will accomplish much. All in- can be borrowed at the rate of not formation can be obtained from the exceeding 5 per cent, payable on eapy . . , , . ., . . terms, on what is known rs tne Department of Agriculture that i mortzntion plan so oftcn explained necessary to direct the work. jn The Courier. recipients that the quarterly allow ance of J. O. Wall be sent to McPher so'i and Co.. instead of C. R. Curtis, and the quarterly allowance of MrsJl J. A. Butler be sent to Frazier storA Co. instead of C. R. Curtis. It is ordered that the sale of lot-No 3 of the old court house and jail prop erty, being the lot on which the old jail buildings stand, be, and the same is hereby confirmed to W. F. Redding at the nrice of $1035.00 It is ordered that the sale of lot No, 4 of the old jail property, be, and the same is hereby confirmed to Morris and Holder at the price of ?3U5.t(. The following were appointed list takers to list the property for taxation in the anous townships for the year 1917. Trinity -J. P. Collett. Trinity. Tabernacle M. L. Wood, Fullers Route 1. Concord M. N. Morgan, Farmer. New Hope, J. T. Thornburg, Rachel Union Walter Parks, Ulan. Richland, W. E. Bean, Seagrove Route 1. Brower W. S. Gardner, Spokane. Pleasant Grove J. T. Powers, Bear Crc"ek Route 3. Coleridge J. E. Stout, Moffitt. Columbia-Howard Frazier, Ramscur Route 2. Liberty Oscar P. Brower, Staley Route 1. Providence E. P- Trogdon, Millboro 1- rankhnville J. F. Kouth, Millboro, Grant W. E. Humble. Asheboro J. B. 'Ward, Asheboro. New Market -I. 'M. Russell, Sophia, Cedar Grove W. G. Kinney. Randleman O. C. Marsh, Handle man. Level Cross G. Elwood Stanton, Randleman Route 1. Back Creek N. H. Ferguson, Ran dleman Route 3. The bid on lot No. 2 having been raised more than $10110, it is ordered that the same be resold at the court house door in Asheboro, N. C, at 12 o'clock M. April 26. 1917. to the high est bidder for cash, and that this sale be final, and that said sale be adver tised for four weeks in the Bulletin, beginning with the issue of April 5 1917. On petition from citizens of Concord townshm it is ordered that a special railroad bond election to be held on the 15th day of May, 1917. As is ev idenced by proper resolution and no tice which become apart of the pro ceedings of this meeting, and are filed with Daners of said meeting. On motion by A. B. Coltrane, sec onded by Frank Tally, this meeting adjourned to meet at tne court house in Asheboro, N. on April Zotn, iui A high wind blowing at the time car ried burning embers to nearby build ings, which were with great difficulty saved from destruction. The fire u Jfrfi posed to have been of incendiary or Flae and Bible Presented by J. W. Se chrest of High Point to Charlotte School Last Week. Exhibition Sat urdav The closing exercises of the Char lotte school were held Saturday. Ex tensive preparations had been made and the days' entertainment was a great success. Mr. J. W. Sechrest, of High Point, delivered the address, aft er which he presented t flag and Bible given by the Jr. O. U. A. M. Four pupils were awarded attend ance certificates. They were Serona, Leona and Hammer Pierce and Amos Hunt. Children Cry" FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Kinds Words for The Courier Mrs. E. M. Marley, of Liberty Route 1, recently wrote The Courier "we are always glad to get The Courier." Mr. Cornelius Cagle, of Seagrove Koure J, was in iheboro Mondav and said "I discontinued The Courier a few weeks ago, and my wife says she can not get along without it." Mr. t . L. W illiams, of Stalev Route 2, says "you failed to stop my Courier wnen 1 asked you to discontinue it and now I want to pay for it a year in auvance. Mr. J. W. C. Craven, of Franklin- ville, said "The Courier is one of the essentials in our household." In a recent communication from Mr. E. D. Lewis who is with the National Museum in Washington, he says: "The Courier is the greatest comfort that I have here in this great city among strangers, anil don t think that 1 can afford to drop it not even at one dol lar and fifty cents per year." Mr. b. H. bpoon, of Archdale, says it seems as natural for his family to ead lhe Courier as it is lor thern to read the Bible in his home. BUSINESS BUILDERS FOR SALE One two-horse wagon and harness, 1 buggy ar.d buggy har ness. W. P. Bray. Kandleman Route 2, N. C. m22-3t FARM FOR SALE 73-acre farm mile from Moffitt postoffice, mile from gravel road, good buildings. E. O. York, Randleman, Route No. 2, N. C. WANTED Youne women of irood character over 16 years of age to work in our Cigarette factory. Good clean work. Good wages paid. A limited number of young men also needed. W. DUKE SONS & CO., BRANCH, Durham, N. C. fl5-10t. FOR SALE Some second hand fur niture, consisting of 1 bed room suite, springs and mattresses, 2 bureaus, 1 leather couch, 1 refrigerator, good as new; 1 writing desk and book case combined. 3 tables. 2 rockine chairs. 2 straight chairs, 1 nice large Brus sels drugett, and 1 crex druggett. Ad- ply at The Courier office. North Carolina, Randolph countv. John A. Hodgin: You will take notice that the un dersigned on the first Monday in July, 191b, at a sale oi land for taxes bv the sheriff of Randolph county, pur chased a tract of land containing 1 9 Va acres in Franklinville township. Randolph county, listed in the name of John A. Hodgin for the years of 1914 and VJio; that the amount due there on is twenty dollars and five cents; that the time for redemption will ex pire on the 3rd day of July, 1917. The ml John A. Hodgin will further take notice that if he fails to pay said nmount and interest thereon on or be fore the said 3rd dav of July. 1917. the undersigned will apply to the sheriff of Randolph county for a deed for said tract of land. This 2nd dav of April. 1917. J. W. C. CRAVEN. 4t-pd. McCrary-Redding Hardware Co,, Asheboro. N, C, Easter Millinery Call and make your selection early. Our hats are going fast. We will sell as reasonable as the season's prices can afford to be sold. Eugenia Tysor Community Silver Given Away at Standard Drug Company With a two dollar cash purchase we will give a piece of Communi ty Silver. A coupon is given with each cash purchase. COMMUNITY SILVER IS GUARANTEED FOR 25 YEARS HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT STANDARD DRUG COMPANY Asheboro, N. C. HORSES and MULES We will have at our stables on Satur day, March 31, one car load of horses and mules, well broke. We also have 12 medium mules and 6 horses on hand at present. Come and see us before you buy. We will have mules suitable for saw milling and road work. PRESNELL & BROWN Our Straw and Panama Hats "'jDiamctut Jpajp have arrived and they are in good style. Also our Palm Beach and Keep Kool suits. We have marked these to sell mighty close. Come in and make your selection before they are picked over. W.W. JONES' CASH STORE ASHEBORO, N. C. FOR SALE Goodman's Prolific Seed Corn a large two-eared variety. Can fully selected in the field, '!. per bushel. C. C. Frazier, High Point, Route No. 5, N. C. m2)2t WANTED Old false teeth; don't matter if broken. I pay $1 to $10 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. F. Terl, 403 North Wolfe St., Baltimore, Md. m29-4