/'.• '■ 0., 'Aoo- ISSUED WEEKLY. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUME XXXXIII. Asheborp, North Carolina, Thursday, February 7, 1917. NUMBER 6. RANDOLPH’S REGISTRANTS Classified By County and District Boards THE FIRST 653 SENT UP TO DIS TRICT BOARD BY LOCAL BOARD Number in Class I in Randolph The Local Exemption Board for Randolph was instructed to prepare first class, I, for the district board, and to leave claims in classes II, lU, and IV until later; This is done in order to procure as early as possible the first quota to complete the first draft, which is in complete, there being due fi'om this county 29 of Randolph’s quota of 117 for the National Army. The Local Board for Randolph has not competed certification of .class I to the District Board. . There are 653 registrants so certified in class I, forty-two of whom • appealed, not being satisfied with their classification. Some of the appellants claim they should have been classified with dependent relatives. Three hundred and sixty-nine in Class i who did not appeal from local Board to the district board. Two hundred and forty-two were placed in class I by the Local Board, for the reason that their classification either for agricultural or industrial claims over which the Local -Board had no jurisdiction, and they v/ere au tomatically appealed or referred to the District Board. There will be a fev/ more registrants in Class 1 ‘.certified to the District Board within the next week. As to other classifications the Local Board will certify them as early as they can get them, properly arranged for class ification and certification. The local board for Randolph coun ty has disposed of the following regis trants in three classes or divisions; Class I Ear*l Joseph Beck, Nebraska Brown, Isaac Hill Way, John Wesley Williams, Tola Frank Jordan, Jeffrie Towns, Solon Tobias Wood, Wilbur W. Scot- ten, Fred Ralph Procter, Alson Clif ford Williams, Lola Cled Boon, Mar vin Robert Bean, Edgar -Oolumbus Lmebevry, William Eigc... Ltott, Lew is Edgar Hoover, James Carson King, William R. Brower, Martin Ir vin Cooper, Albert C. Frazier, Will Taylor, Luthgr Nelson, Sidney Monroe Redding, Jacob E. Trotter, Roscoe Clayton Moffitt, Hiram Clayton Kearns Percy Samuel Kirkman, Carmalus Al fred Pierce, H. Dennis Smith, Lola Clark Snider, Henry Clayton Brower, Callier Adderton, Vernon Rufus Wil liams, Samuel Kindley, Rufus McKin ley Williams, Otis P. Brower, Gurney McDaniel, Adlai Scott, Henry Briles, b'red Hoskins, Joseph Addison Lamb, June Langley, George Wade Payne, Grady Brown, James Hurley Hooker, Charles Coley Gee, Cecil Carl Lyndon, Charlie Luck, Calvin Graves Frazier, Jr., Andrew Johnson, Will Frazier, John William Biitler, Reed Franklin Summey, Arthur Cotton, Lonnie Ed win Presnell, Henry Alexander Thorn burg, John Craven Collett, Charlie Roscoe Myers, Corbett Lester Scott, Robert Gi'over Hicks, Carr Vaden Red ding, Foster Sell, Max Vuncannon, George Alfred Brown, Jeremiah Wm. McLeod, Floyd Franklin Craven, Al- fonzo Hayes, Clifford Reginold Hin- shaw, James Vernon Siler, Lonnie Reed Loflin, Daniel . Robert Bulla, Thomas Cecil Frazier, Rufus Young Blanchard, James Lee Black, Parker Holmes Laughlin, Charles Anthony Sheffield, Wm. Char-lie M. Allred, Jo seph Elisha Allred, John Franklin Hancockr Claude Edgar Williamson, Henry Harrisj Jonah Andrew Johnson, William Poole, Alfred Chalmers Brooks, W’illie Cleveland Davis, Rob ert Bruister Prevo, Robert McKinley Black, Theodore Redding Allred, Fred Payne, Charlie Gilespie Black, Orlen- do Wright, Ben Henry Lynn, William McCane, John Sampson Ashworth, Cicero Lamb, Fred Ross Burgess, Ed Clifford Hinshaw, William Henderson Coble, Ralph Allen Cox, Janee Addi son Lamb, Crowell Lee Kearns, Er nest Tate Coward, Newby Franklin Phillips, Waldolph W. Coble, Lonnie Siler, Major Williams, Paul Virgil Parks, Washington Taylor Linens, James Marcus Spencer, Benjamin Har rison Bell, Willie Frank Ingram, Wal ter Edgar Scott, Fred Hugh Fogle- mana. Ivory Foust, Henry Frederick Lewallen, Charlie Clifford King, Wins ton Smithennan, Claude Homer Var ner, David El-nest Curtis, Jesse Guy Lane, William McKinley Brady, Roland Alva Briles, . Cicero McCoy Pierce, Alpheus Reid, Keai-ns, Urban Seymore Trogclon, John Grady Johnson, Zemmie Hadley Cox, John H. Way, Douglass Phelps, - Wm. Carson King-, Wm. Penn Kf;arns, Thos. Marion Pugh, Cliarlie Newsome, Chas. Worth Burrow, Gonc;-.al Moffitt, Delias L; ster Redding, Lrey Matthev.-s, Burgess Clyde Allred, .Daniel Bulla, O.S;;cv -! King, Robert Horace Swiggett, Wil’ut'd Franklin Kimrey, Snoton Ca gle, John Wm. Hill, Robert Franklin Steed, Wm. Elias Graves, Martm A. Trotter, Julius Franklin Mendenhall, John V/esley Alford, Cpy Lee Kear-ns, Lester Kendall Mendenhall, John Bean, John Henry Loyd, Franklin Wesley York, Samuel Edward Holland, Rqb- ert L. Fields, Colbert Wm. Walker, Gene Colbert Farlow, Claude McLamb, Wm. Sanders Lowdermilk, Wm. Eu gene Hicks, Rufus McKinley Lowder milk, Grover Cleveland Wall, Arthur Monroe Burrow, Floyd Cole Caveness, Jack Lowe, Joseph Woodard White, Charlie Monroe Allred, Charlie E. Purvis, Dennis Holland Burgess,Thom as Alton Winslow, Wm. Grady Brown, Railway Systems of United States in ^ Three Divisions For purposes of operation railroads of the United States have been placed in three divisions, as follov:.-:: Eastern railroads—The railroads in that portion of the United States north of the Ohio and Potomac Rivers ard east of Lake Michigan and the Indiana ! Illinois State line; also thos^ railroads i in Illinois extending into that State j fx’om points east of the i'ri'ltvni-Il'i-1 nois State line; also the Chcsirocak-^ & Ohio, the Norfolk & Wcslci’n; and the Virginia Raihvays. Southern railroads—All r^dlroads ir- that portion of the Unit-’- I Stal.-s south of the Ohio and Potcmsic Rivers and east of the Mississippi iiivc?-, ex cept the Chesapeake & Ohio, Norf-olk & Western, and the Virginia Railways, and al»« those railroads in Illinois and Indiana extending into those ' States from points south of the Ohio River. Westei-n railroads—All railroads not included in the above definitions and, broadly speaking, all railroads in the territory west of Lake Michigan and of the Indiana-Illinois State line to the Ohio River and west of the Miss issippi River from the Ohio River to the Gulf of Mexico, excepting those' railroads in Illinois included in eastern territory and those railroads in Illi nois and Indiana included in southern territory, as above stated. vey Farlow, Oscar Ray Pugh, Edmond Covington, Will Thomas Po%/eIl, John Hammonds, London Alcxaiu’.or Spen cer, John Clifford Pugh, Roy Ray Vaughn Ant' 5Iarvin Sinitii/ FI : Mo os Beane ;Mrani Those George, B. McPherson, Thomas Harri son Lawrence, Charles Lewis Lam beth, John Rufus Hill, Wm. Heni-y Cox, Joshua Lamb, Wayman Alson Ridge, Samuel Clarence Hodgin, Zexn- ie Hadley Brady, Vester Shears, Claude Franklin Toomes, Tom Lamar, Henry Clyde Holt, Calvin Earl Bulla, Pearl Balfour, Noah Galloway Stevens, Will Lyghts, MUlard Filmore Talbert, Arlie Hall, Gaither Lindo Freeman, Franklin Clark Barney, Carl Bascorn Jones, Charles Lee Lane, Hay.vood Parks, Tine Keek, Harris Lassiter, Hall Hoover, Early Eugene Wilson, Hurley Lee Green, Robert Colon Ham lin, John Thomas Kidd, Carl Bed\ifell Richardson, George Henry Trogdon, Gui-ney Lester Auman, Edward Lee White, Charles Herbert Craven, B. Allen Steele, Joshua 0. Brov.n, Pearl Craven, James Coltrane, Barney Clay Seotten, Robert C. Spinks, Imn- i-y Walter. Brown, Parks Wrightsell I^ckett, "Wm. zier, J’-..‘.'Tohn Farris''r'Iaok,‘K Alien Lynn, Earl Allred, Franklin_,Cai-l Bul la, James Wm. Glov-^er, James F. Rod- wine, Arthur Cecil York, Hurley M. Williamson, James Bracton Overton, Arthur Waddell,Robert Clyde Lambert, Abijah C. Howell, Carson Leonard, Jesse. l^lton Kearns, Jesse Al exander McKenzie, Aster Bynum Aster Bjmum Cagle, Lemis Elmore Cagle, Lewis Elmore Jones, Charlie Emery Core, Geovgo Thos. Rightsell, Cecil. Wade York. James Oliver Pickard, Henry Rransor Marley, Everett Black, Cliarlie Ba-;- com Allred, Robert Thomr.s Jerdrr:. Gurney Smitherman, Samuel Oser;,- Walker, Herbert Phillips, Lacy Evex' ett Wrenn, !^ert V/illlamson, Lor-ii. Lester Lowdermilk, Carl Themes Richardson,Guy Edward Parsons, Jolm Hal Lassiter, Jesse Madison Fai-le--,-. George Thomas Garrett, Robert Ed ward Scott, Clarence B. Parson, Robit- Talraage Hinshaw, Henry Bryan Parks, Autie Jones Shaw, V/alter Har vey Brown, William R. Pell, Robert Obie Wall, Grady Bird, William James Lassitex*, John Edward Hanner, Van Gibson, Jesse Roy Coble, Wm. Oscar McCollugx, John Heni-y Coble, James Olney Coble, Cicero Fi-anklin Piei'ce, John McKinley Siler, Joseph Hai-rir- Redding, Zcbulon Vance Harris, Cui ' Joseph Rich, Earl Yates, Alson Li say Barnes, Andi-ew Thompson, Al- fi-ed Columbus Coble, Lacy Wm. Black, Geox'ge Overman Hunt, Wm. Oscar Bulla, Isaac Lee Bi-ay, Lester Don aldson Chi’istenbeiTy, Edwai-d Rector Hughes, Will Gai-ner, David McKinley Free, Georg? Riley 'Maness, Clifford James Hill, George Laui-ence Exxglish. Edgar Bowyer, Lendo P. Dorsett, Fx-ank Talmage Shaw, Earl Edwai-:' Bax-ker, Joseph John Leonard, Chas.' Hari'ison Redding, Lacy S. Lewis. Clate Moon, Jonah Hill, James T. Turnei-, Ji-., Ei-nest Smithei-man, Roy Melford Caudle, Thos. Elmer Lassiter, John Arthur Bulla, David Orla Off- man, Cleophus Spencer, Gurney Kirk- man, Doctor Boyd Presnell, *Gurney' Hodgin, John Thomas Presnell, Oscar Hill, John M. Davis, Charles Vernon Spencer, Wm. Penn Smith, Robei-t L. Hax'i’is, John Hai-rison Hughes, David Winslow Luther, Calvin Mom-oe Coop er, Arnold Dewey Hayes, Charles Ver non Lambert, Dowsey Orlendo Comer, Eugene Grandison Morris, George Heni-y Bx-owm, Samuel S. Strickland, Everett Cox, John Lowe, Gilbert Gat lin, Herman Cox,‘ Theodoi-e King. Sam Goss, Ai-temus Smithei-man, Charlie, Edwin Hughes, Thadcus Alvin Tonmos, i Robert Carson Saunder, Jesse Robert Lambeth, Chancy Bradv, Davi ’ Joua- V^lson. Matthew F. Stalrv, t.'/al- ter C. Worth, Thomas Hatwo''d. AMr -d V/ade. Dennis. Edward Euftie-.-, L'm ’^Till, TTni'vy Baldwin, -Tesse V.-'o ‘./ho Have i>:3ti'i€t iioax 1x0 have as: by the l.e .0 District Board. (da:wi :11 bojnaihd to the. y va • dr h a- : . Cai-r'Co’umbus Brown, Lacy A. Mof- I'ltt, /reyvig,Thomas Dougan, James Hen- Wall, Ralph Whatley, Hazel Vino.; xt Bpnkemeyer, James Monx-oe Brer,; ii, Axthur Jim. I'lnance—C. C. Cx-anfox-d, chaix-- 1. h'. Graven, Ramseur; atti-acted more attention tha.. anyt'iing that has been seen for many "long days. Since'Christmas theiv'have boon about x'our da./;;, 'tbcief V. has oeen A. B, Beasley, ivandloi.ian. C. Sv'iools. I.-C. Moser, cliaii-man, Asheboro; J. 0. Redding, Asheboi-o; Vy'’. a. Young, Fai-mer; D. C. Johnson, Ti'Inity; J. D. Brame, Trinity; S. G. Ne\.Iand, RamUefixan; W. H.- Watkins, Ramseur; J. Rom Smith, Liberty; D. C. Molt, Liberty. D. Churches. L. F. Ross, chairman, Asheboro; R. W. Pr’l'ro.y is expected 43,428 to return Satur.larfrom /flveGiaj" 24,200 leave ot absence. 41,030 22,484 49,200 . . A T. 1 .y T 1 '-nr TYllJl/oUll XJLilY^L'L', XiAillta^C -./VVtxll, vm Lewis Allen, I aul Vestal Me- Alfred Wade Thompson, Nathan l-I eviv W....... t ... ..... ^ Y. ' Phei-son, Penn Houston Bi‘own, John I-. Clixrk White, Emory Lewis Walker, jy . James Ruffin* Loyd, Jacob CliiToi-d j f;!.’ th, Pngh, Ed Hill. Clarence S Rush, Whitt RnssoH. Cl T.,anghlin, Jol’n CaBin liam GVady Ferguson. C’--/-' Linthicum. John 'Rright r-.-If nie Fi-ec Bf'll, Rov Ah-.-'-i Pei-cy Lee Cox, Oliver Oscar Davis, Claude C. Edward Pickett. Wm. E - m • Houston Bean. Oliver C?vl James Glenn Hendi-icks, 0!--> Stokes, Carl Beaufox-t Cox. Cicero Routh, Joseph T’'o.s, t Ralph Bei-nard Russell, E-wyn Eugene Austin York. Thmma: Eugene Austin York, Eax-1 Gr — Clar Ralr.li Perjitt, Albert Hill. Fred Steele, C-el- vin Fraziei-, Elsie Wm. Ovei-ton, Pearl WardT Ea\nnond Bidles. Fred W. Mc- :o, Jams.-; in AIYM . vtlmr J ohn u: Lowe, Ernest Filmore Moffitt, .itlri- IVIetz Piekeit, Fred Eugene -en, A.ster McNYl, Wm. Willard "’ho.;. C-ivmo-.d Staley, WaU-r ■ K vlidx ■ m. Asheboro Ramseur Randleman The basis of appoi-tionment is the estimated population on July 1, 1917, at $20.00 per capita, which is the basis for the whole of the United States. The respective township apportion ments include the towns within theni- Number of Paint siiides ’.Vili lie Ro- duced After July I To conserve tin, linseed oil, and oth- er_ ingredients of paint and paint con tainers necessai-y for war use, pxanu- facture \vi]l be limited to 32 shades of house paint after July 1. Some fii-ms are-now making 100 shades of this class of iiaint- Enamois y; restricted by the ’ d o .t vcjiion Spehoor, Lc: V../ I iCryk his (aydo Cul-.' h-irt Luca'::, . r-;I;-;on, VI’. ’an ./ill ry Grady- Miller, 'v/illiam Leon ton IGcdg'.i Ei-utiitv Hoi;3t( ■^ i .--/’.uvNon, Dcl- dIm A’Hivd R-ch- Clifford Pi-esncii, John Jenning: Hin.shaxv, Pearl Lovett, Luther Wilson Robbins, Fred P.Iartin Kearns, Ernest Laban Slack, Roscoe Ray Hill, Wil- Pherson, Glee Hoover, Nathaniel Har-1 liam Cebert Pierce, Otho Carl Brown, C’' Av?nn SK.ut, Ed l.a- gU.:/, C; ■’.’de t /.bram Garner, Jen Fred Jones llor-u Lavton. Sar.iuol Winslow Walker, To- sojilx Willie Coe, Lonnio Wm. Bui-- gesp, Roy D. St‘’.h.-y, Roland Rudwlnh Amick, V/m. Vaughn Brower, John Emmons Bx’ower, James Wesley Browm, Cephas Hepler, Benson Okley Jolt.x Wm. t - ’ OO 1 Iinmj.toix Adu Gray Hurley, Teague, KWc-lt' I rx .Y-l,‘l’ id Tra G. Hinshaw, Geo. Thos. Wm. Ernest Cx-aven, John Jlilton Hilfi Charles Everert Richardson, Samuel Erasmus Henley, Washington Duke Smith, William C^-1 Page, William (. .'llraric, Si- tei- Cox, Ho- I Kearns, Joseph Clai-kson Davis, Jasper Mede Amick, Reuben Lazcll Allred, Donnie Elba Cox, Luther Sikes, Thomas H. Eider, Calvin Harrison Bean, Percy Nixon, 'Claude Vestal Jones. mm