PEOPLE WELCOME TOD TO asheboro, -center of north CAROLINA” i MOST PEOPLE IN ASHEBORO AND RANDOLPH COUNTY READ THE COURIER—IT LEADS "jsSUEDV^EEKLY ypT.IJME U3L_ MEN , NOVEMBER 7, 1935. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE NUMBER 45 Busy With Business Of County Interest TW.HT Minor Matters Come "ToVftKl!- S“ Official Session Monday County Notes Are Renewed For Time TVifl Hold Adjourned Session 'On November 11th, In Aitennoou For Unfinished -Business The November meeting of the board county commissioners was held on Monday at the court house in Ashe boro with a full attendance and con siderable business before the body. ■Various items of small business, such as the revoking of :peddler’s license and the repayment of some cash to Mrs Cvrus Allred, -by error of the equalization board, were disposed of at this meeting. It was ordered by the board Lcdnum, Columbia Township; D. L. Moody, Columbia Township, J. W. Williams. Coleridge Township; John J. "Leonard, Columbia Township; (Please turn to page 8) Happenings Prom Trinity Route One Of Varied Interest Trinity, Route 1, Nov,. 5.—Mt. Gi lead Sunday school is doing nicely un der the management of E. C. Crow son. Mr. Crowson is a great church worker. We wish him many more successful years iin his good work. Those from this section, taking ex tension work at High Poiut College are Mrs. R. M. Briles, Misses Cletus Sumner, Lillian Myers, Seritfch John son and Mary Led well. There are several students from this section attending Trinity High school this year, more than usual. The Tabernacle township institute Will be held a*. WeStfwfld ChurCb the second Sunday Sn November at 22:00 o’clock P. M. Farmers in this section are ’busy sowing wheat and gathering com. Miss Fhsta Sumner visited Trinity school -recently. Mrs. Leroy Cratta of Durham waa a week end visitor in this Vicinity. Carl Croft* .of Durham Visited 'hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. X Crotts last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sumner Visited Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Sumner But Sun day. Carl Crafts and Pauline Sumner vis ited Misses Moxed and Jewel Crowson last Sunday. Miss Bertie Skeen visited her aunt, Mrs. Cleveland Kennedy, in Orange county, recently. Miss Ola Snider, who has a position in High Point, waa a visitor in this community Sunday. «r. and Mrs. Charlie Hill of Areh dala were visitors in this section Sun day. James Cashatt had a corn shucking at his home Saturday. Mr. Cashatt had a nice bunch of corn. To the housewives in cooking cab bage and turnips, add a spoonful ©f vinegar. Will help kill the odor. Reunion Sunday 10th On Sunday, November 10th, a re union of the ance and Steed families and their connections will be held at the home of Mrs. Mary Lassiter at Kandleman. This reunion of several prominent families in this section of the state is held in honor of Mrs. Ma mie Nance of Santa Maria, Califor nia, who is visiting friends in the county. AH members of these families and connections are asked to come With picnic lunches on Sunday morn ing for an all-day celebration. Attend District Meet Among the members of the Ashe boro Woman's club attending the dis trict meeting of dubs held at Leaks mile recently included: Mm. J. D E. V. Hobbs, Mrs. W. L K ’ X*' k W j Appears First Time | REV. HOWARD P. POWELL M.P. Church Will Be Well Represented Annual Conference X. \F. [Ross And O. E. Rich, Dele gates With Br. Taylor And Others Attending The Sunday school will meet at the usual hour at the Asheboro Methodist Protestant church next Sunday morn ing, but there will be no preaching services during the day owing to the fact that this is Conference Sunday. The pastor, Dr. S. W. Taylor, left [for Henderson Tuesday morning to meet .with the conference faculty, and to be there for the .-opening of the conference Wednesttay-at 1ft a. m.iThe local dhurch will be represented in the conference by L. '.F. Boss and O. E. Rich. [Mr. Rosswlll go for the open ing session Wednesday. Mr.: Rich will go over later in the -week, probably Friday. It is expected also that other members col tthe; hjcSS rehurth l will go to the conference for the Thursday night session, rand for the Sunday sessions. A number of .young men will most ’likdly be ordained Sunday morning. In the afternoon at"3 o’clock -a-memorial service willbe’herd in hon or of ministers and minister’s wives ■who ’have died during the year. The -pastor, Dr. Taylor, will take a most gratifying report to "the confer ence. He will report all financial ob ligations paid in fUll and SS new mem bers added to the churdh during the year. The Womeri’s Auxiliary has •raised more than "$1,400.00 during the year, and the Sunday school more than $1,000.00. The Sunday school en rollment is 427, ■tfhidh is a gain df more than 100 over the previous year. The church -paid to the Children’s Home at High [Point during the -year $461i0(l, most -of which came through the Sunday sdhoo'l. During the year-the churdh raised for all purposes about $6,5toAK>. The closing services 'last Sunday were largely attended. This was -also true of the Sunday school. At night the church and Sunday school officers and teachers were duly installed, and with this final official act the confer ence year was brought to a close. Miss Thorns To Washington Miss Julia Thorns and Mrs. Kemp Alexander left Tuesday for Washing ton, D. C., where they go to visit Mrs. John Rulla and other relatives. Mrs. Alexander plans to return the latter part of this week but Mins Thoms ■rill remain for an extended visit. Chas. Bossong’s Mother Dies C. G. Bossong was called to New Yoric City Saturday on account of the sudden death of his mother, Mrs. Chas. Bossong. Mrs. Bossong had been in ill health for several months, hut her death came unexpected. Mr. and Mrs. David Almond visited friends in Albemarle Saturday. Asheboro Will Celebrate In Fitting Fashion On Armistice Day Monday, November 11th Members of the local post American Legion and Legion Auxiliary are join ing bands in interesting plans for the annual Armistice day celebration to be held in Asheboro, on Monday, Novem ber 11th. The entertainment will be in the form of a banquet hpld in the din ing room of the Baptist church. The speeches and entertainment will be staged around the banquet table. La ter the group plans to adjourn to the armory where they will enjoy a dance. Tickets for the banquet are now on sale at the Old Hickory cafe or upon application to Roland Briles, comman der of the legion or Mrs. George Burk head, president of the auxiliary. These two officers will preside over the banquet. Speakers for the occasion will in clude Hon. Harold D. Cooley, Con-j greseman from this district, who will; speak on the soldier’s bonus and by ''Will -Preach Sunday Morning And Evening Services To Local Congregations Outstanding Work Wins Signal Honor Comes From Marion Church Af ter Four Year’s Service And Unusual Record On Sunday morning, November 10th the people of Asheboro will have their first opportunity to hear Rev. Howard P. Powell, new pastor for the 'First Methodist church of Asheboro Rev. Mr. Powell comes to Asheboro from the Marion First Methodist church after a most successful stay of four years. Echoes from Marion, as well as press reports, indicate sin cere regret from several sources at the loss of the Powells from the church and town. Rev. Mr. Powell was educated ht Duke University, Asbury college and Emery, being admitted into the West em North Carolina Conierence in 1924. He has served three charges during his ministry, at Spray, Mur phy and Marion. In addition to this, he traveled in 1930 with the Travel In stitute of Bible Research in Palestine, Syria and Egypt, coming to Marion from that experience. Because of his outstanding work this minister was during this year rec ommended by Dr. J. J. D. Hall, Epis copal minister of New York City, to be included in “Who’s Who In the Clergy,’’ a catalog of the outstanding ministers of America in all churches. During his four year’s pastorate in Marion, the church membership was increased by 195 members, which is an unusually large record. Rev. Mr. Powell has an interesting family, his wife and a small son, How ard, Jr. Mrs. Powell was, before her marriage in 1926, Miss Eunice Claire Rich of Graham. The family was most popular socially in Marion as well as well liked within the circles of the church. The topic for Sunday morning will be, The Eleventh Commandment and for Sunday evening, The Lure of the Unattained. The public is cordially in vited' to" hear this new pastor In his pulpit for tlie first sermons on Sun day. All Day Rally Is Arranged For Sunday At Pilgrim Holiness A rally is planned for the members of the Asheboro Pilgrim Holiness church and their friends for Sunday, November 10th. The morning services will begin With Sunday school with George Ledwell, superintendent, fol lowed by a sermon by the pastor, Rev. Mrs. J. B. Fulp. The special service at 2:30 o’clock will feature several well known speak ers. Rev. R. I. MoClusky of Greens boro, pastor of the First Pilgrim Holiness church •’spill speak as will Hon. D. B. McCrary of Asheboro. Their subjects will be timely and in interest of furthering Christian edu cation. Special music Will be an added interest at this service to which the public is cordially invited to attend. A warm -welcome will greet visitors at the "7:00 p. m. service, which will be evangelistic in nature. The mem bers of the ChurCh are urged to invite their friends to these services. Honolulu Strollers Sweney Prosser, and his Honolulu Strollers will malce a personal ap pearance at the Randolph county court house, Friday night, November 8th, at 8 o’clock. They are famous ra dio and Victor recording artists With their beautiful and romantic Ha waiian music and native songs. Gil bert Young and 'Bill Villegas, a native Hawaiian, on the all electric guitars, the South’s best guitar players. Sponsored by the C. E. Society, of the Frien