y smothering a Press yo hard enough )uth and you caij Bnt you can- ot cure I., way, Tako Com]^^und Syrup of White Pine and Tar. Put up and sold by Z. W. NICHOLS Druggist 5. Phone 5. Sylvan Valley News I>KL,ON(i & R‘ >SSE. Publl.'liers. Friday Moriiina^ Feb. ^7, Vj(>3. Town ai^ Couuty Items. '^miro’ Everything. ewton has been on ^dftvs. DoVanes for Hardwju'e & Furjutaro Hon. E. A. Aiken came in from Raleijih, Wednesday. Mr. (’hoster of Hendersonville was in IJrevard this week. Eitlier to sell or rent—house and GO acres of land. Mrs. S. L. Norton. S. J. Justice, a well known sur veyor of Hendersonville, i«i in Bre vard this week. J, R. Ledbetter is movin? from the rooms over his .store to the King pJac®, near Dr. Hunt’s. Miss Della Kin^ left this week for an extended visit in Greenville and other points in South Carolina. The Atlanta Journal is preparin'r lo erect a seventeen-story hiiilding. This will be a little improvement on the News building. Surveyor Hardin is in the Kust Fork soc(ion tJiis week nninin«r the lines of tlio tract of land recently bought by J[. Searle, of Wisconsin, from K. A. Aiken and others. J4. proprietor of the Ashe- yihe Piano Parlors, was in Brevard last week. He reports the sale of two or three j>ianos at this place in (he last few days. See his ad on this pnge. John Schotte of Pensylvania, ar rived here last week and will spend some time iiore. Two years ago 'Mth Z. W. Nichols has many '»ere. Notice, Taxpayers, The time for paying town taxes is past due and all parties who have not paid same are noticed to do so pot later than Tuesday, March 3rd. 1 will be at Whitmire’s store Monday and Tuesday, March 2 and 3, to re ceive taxes, and will advertise and sell all property on wiiich the tax are not pa id at that date. Ii©si)ect- fully, P. A. Aikk.v, Town Tax Collector. Klectiou of Offic'crs, liditor Sylviin VaiU*y >s'evvs: The Woman’s Home Mission and Aid Society of the M. E. Church, South, met in regular session at the parsonage Thursday afternoon. Jan uary 19th, and elected the following officers for the fiscal yenr beginning March ist. President, jNIrs. (’. P Moore; 1st vice-president, Mr-^. W. J. Puett; 2nd vice president, Mrs. J. A. Forsythe; ‘ird vice-president, Mrs. Ethel McMinn; secretary, Mrs. 1>. F. Egerton; treasurer. Miss Delia (iash; local treasurer, Mrs. Mary M. Henning; agent for “Our Hi)mcs.’' Mr?;. Fn'd Sliuford; snj»erii5ter,ty enibrace^ i\ broa'i Held for nspfulness and fords unlimited opportnni’- ’•iiual growth and ”its inst- pav-tr'- piY m --FUBIirnjIlE-PAIITSi! (Formerly Prank L. DeVane.) i ^iiillUfdifiLuikuLji Carpenters’ Tools Carpets, Rttgs, Etc. A new lot just received. wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year, and than!- yoii i'oi’ your Icind patrouag'.; in the past year, and hoj e to ujerit < contiiiiianee of the .saum. It i.s ou!* intenlioii to keo[) ii larger and more complete stock of Hardwas#, Farni^ura and Paints than ever bef()re, and will anywhero. We soiic'^ inspect our sto^ ’ as grood prices ;i$ yp.u oati get i;e and ihviie yon to call and Phone 2 i American Baiikitig,^SIiorthandj Typewritiag: aud'Busiiies^ F ractict? WilJ be theleade^^in thp ppursa of instruction at Ash'^ville Busi ness College this >'car. The following SITUATfcNS 200 Years Old. Mii-g. Kussa, Ft.‘b. '2i nvspapers say that »s))ital at Tomak They say this by docu- has been a years. He has in aj^ed 00 f e m e in b e r > e i j > .•rat. He ;s ; id- rVitaliy sound, ers of Public Iloads iJi were secured durinr the past, ten days: Miss Nellh- Dayis with W. B. McEweii & C o City; W. J. Mayo wi h V.*'''’ Textile Co., French 1-- 'or; Misv . • iiie Rai l H Reed 'i-My., Cn.\ iv>' vvitli Armour /v'ianta ' tm. ; jNHss Jf ibon witli Mark W. Brown, A tty., City. The following APPLIOATlOiNS have been received since the firs^ of the month: Manufacturing Co., Chaltanopga, Tennessee, Book-keeper and ‘Steno"r?i^>]fi^r^ Manufacturing Co.. Bristol^ Tenu., Stenographer; Law tirm, Raleigh, N. C., Stenographer; Manufacturing Co., Marietta, Ga., Book-keeper and Maipiagei^ Company’s ^tore. These posi tions are still open and most of them are lirst class. We con sider applications only from tir^t class help. Over 100 SITUATIONS c:«n be secui'ed this year tha^ •.'.'ill pay "'go^d salaries. It wil^ pay you, young nfin, young wp- man, if you haven’t ‘he money tq borrow U a'^d c^r i.'; us once and we will p* ar^* you for a good situation ni) 'iace you a.^ soon as you are tlnj- igh Address for fuvt K^;. irjioi niaiioi^ ASHSVlLLE H. c. Sale o^' aliisble Lande '7