Mortgagee’s Sale. By virtue of a power of con tained in two certain mortj^aire deeds executed by J. G. Stamey ^ud wife, M. E. Stamey, to \V. H. *.^"aulkner, and ftsgig-ned by the said R^ulkner to li. J. Pickelsimer, whichP niortj^age deeds are registered in tfie ottice of Keg'ister of Deeds for Transylvania county, N. C., in Book No. 1, at pages 34f> and of the record of iiiortj>at;es. And default havin'*' been made in the payment of the indeV)teel- iioss secui*ed by the said deeds, I will sell at the court house door, in the town of Brevard, county of Transyl vania, to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday, the 22ud day of June. the followinyi' described tract of land lyin^ and beinjif in the county of Transylvania, N. C., adjoininir lands of T. O. Croft and others, bounded as follows, viz.; Be;5inning’ at a stone on the south side of a rid*je, T. J. Koss unvl Deaver heirs’ corner, and runs south 120 degrees west ci*ossinir the north pron^ of Patterson's creek 5KS }K>les to a stake and pointers on a ridtre, tlience north de^rtes west 14 poles to a stake, thence north 22 de crees west SK poles t(.> a stake, thence north 41 degrees west 8 poles to a stake, thenco north 7’> degrees west poles to a stake on top of a ridge, thence north tiO degrees west 22 poles to t roft's corner on tlie southwest side (if I'rushv Kn*>b ridye. thence with <'roit’s line north 2’> degrees east 84 poU's crossiiig Patterson s ci’eek to a stake and pointers, thence wiili Deaver heirs" line soutii degrees enst J>2 p<>ies t(\ the beginning, containing acres more or Itss. beitig tlie sanje ti’act of land conveyed bv T. J. Ross lo ,f. O. St.tiney by deed dated Febru ary K'tlu liec<)rded in book K* .it pa'j;e-Uri of the ivcord ot deeits of Transylvania county. X. Hi is Mav !‘»th. ino:{. \V. F^'. I' ATLKXKPv. Mortgatree. !l. J. PK'KKLSIMKII, Assignee. Painter —AND ARTISTIC Paise: Ail wofk g!1.•lr:lnt^■t" ,..1 . ■ 1. : . I< Iln. . S V. .l.J. t . i < i'. lCiline; '> Su U)o:. :i:ui t iie ;ul- d»-e.-s. liinghamton, X. V., (>n evei y botlli:. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Business Locals. Perry Galloway is the happy father of a boy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Poole, a fine youiig girl. Mis.«? Georgia Bel! has returned home for the summer. S. W. Moore, father of Rev. C. P. Moore, has returned to his home in New Jersey. Mr. Jlol)inson, of the Hackney & Monle Publi.sjjiing Co., was a visitor at the News office on last Friday. Dr. Young has been unwell for several days but is now up and able to attend to his duties as postmaster. llobert H. and Edmond C. Hreese liave returned home for thesunnner vacation. They are attending Clem- son College. Hendersonville has two very allur ing attractions—its country roads and the double daily trains for Bre vard. Both are well patronised. Heginning with Sunday, June 14th, ilu*re will l»e preaching at Oak (irove JNI. E. Church South every Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock until further notice. The lecture given in the Methodist church on Tuesday night by the Kev. Dr. Abernathy of Waynesville to the f\. O. K. A. was greatly enjoyed by the large audience piesejit. Leroy Ball was down from Lake Toxaw.iy on W(‘(hu‘sday on busiiu'ss connected with plunibing the new hotel. Ho thinks the hotel will be leady for business by-Inly I*’). Key. and Mrs. (Mia])inan and Miss •leiniie Hume were on the train which was wrecked just outside ol Hendersonville last Friday. They received n»> injuries fortunately. J. W. 3!cl\linn and wife anti ("has. K. ()rr Miul wife went to .\sheville last Tuesday intending to n'tnrn th(‘ SMiiie night, but they niissiMl their train anil stay«*d over until Wednes day. The News kept (juiet on the “lussian ma>s;icre of Jews and the Ser\ ian assassiiuition u;itil the result of th(* trials of I he Kentucky leiidists is announced. It may save writing two itrticies on the same subject. Albert X'eidery came up last Sun day to sp.*nd the sumni<‘r with iiis fathei-in-law, M. |). Cooper. Mr. \"erdery met \v irh a painful accident while oil the way. having tiu' fingers of his left haiid caugiit in the (*ar d( or and badly mashed. St'veral comi)laints have recently ! (en heard in regards to pariii*s rid ing bicycles aiound tlu‘ streets a! night with no lights. 'Phe Alder men sln^uld investigate* and stoj» '•uch an o'’ciirr.-iic(—make bicycle ridiMs ust‘ a li^xht ai night. All \\ ho hav(* fri(Mnls or relatives buried at Davidson river cemeterv aie !'et|U( sted to meet on the groimds next I'riday, .juise 2i>, to helj> in dealing and b(‘autifyi:ig the prein- ises. It is ho}K‘d tl'.at there will b(^ a ii<)!>d lurnout, as ‘*niany hands make liubt work.” The brickyard whistle is once more eniert:iiniiig our citizens with thematic of inilustry. .\ir. Siianks has returned from his labors ,-it Lake 'I’.'ixauay and will push tlu‘ making of orick dm*ing the remaindei of the year. There a ready market hen* for all tile plant < an produce. The News is iiifornu'd that the pernicious ns(M»f dyna mite in killing lish in the river has l»een again in- aiiguiatt'il in the (Mierrvlield section. The nanu's of the ;>-oiuig men who are guilty of this violation of law i'.avo been 1‘urnished us, but we i-t*- frain from j uolishing .'-arne until positive proof is secured. This dynamiting is i>reventing the stork ing of Kreiich i road river with rain bow trout, carl the young men who are using the explosive are depriving thems(‘lv(\s as w( 11 as others ot many enjoyable tisaiiig irijs. We wish to warn all vioialors tluU t ie >ews will do all in il.s pov. e;- to stop this nefa rious business. IJeware! Notices in this column will be in serted at the ])rice of octs per line. If you are interested in bargain.s read DeVane’s new ad. Fresh pineapples received twice each week at DeLong's. Have a nice lawn by using one of De Vane’s lawn mowers. Dr. J. H. McLean, the dentist, will be away from Brevard from June 14th to 21st. 2 * Clayton has the best bargains in mattresses and bed springs. See him before buying. Parties desiring good, country board for tlie summer will please ap ply at this office. * Clayton will pay half cash for chickens and eggs. Country produce bought and sold. The largest and nmst stylish as sortment of rii)bons aiul fancy goods can be found at Mrs. Norton’s. It won’t take you but sixty sec onds to read DeVane’s ad, and if you wish it will save you money. ]\frs. Norton will receive a new lot of ladies street and dress hats next week—the latest styles and shapes. The best trade yet has been the good luck of T. W. Whitmire in his ciothingand drygoods department. W’hy not buy your farm tools where you can select from the largest stocK and get the best prices? De- Vane has both. Your house is still unpainted; you are losing money by i:Hglecting it, and DeVane is anxious to sell you the paint. T. \V. Whitmire has ju-t received another big lot of shoes of all kinds, and is prt‘pared to til any one in price and style. Theie is no better way for the farme s to battle with the weeds tlian to g(‘t one «tt‘ those llal.ock weeders at DeVane’s. Austin Ni(*hols (’o.’s gr(n*eries are gaining every day; have sold more of them to date than all of last year, (lood an«l pure groceries will sell.—T. W. Whitmire. Don't you think you ha«l l>etter discard that old worn harness ainl ge*t a new outfit? [;e\ ane has a most complete st}>rices are as good as you g>-t anywhere. All goods rcMnaining in the W. II. Allis!*u stock has been move«l to the .'\iiller corner and wdl i»e sold at cost or li ss than Cost. Fresh h«)iue raised and watiM’ ground corn nie;il always oil luind; jilso ear ct).'n. 4 * 'fhe I’revard Drug ^ omi>ai:y will open up Ml tlu^ tine room under the ,Ktlu*hvold on or about .\ugust 1st with a full lm(‘of drugs aiwl fancy articles. I’rices will be moderat'* and sat’sfaction guaranteed. o CO 1/2 X/1 o c:q C C o u 00 CJ (J o CO .Si s o vQ PQ •VH U O CO u O jC c/i vQ tj JC •4-t c o (li bo C o C to ■*-» C u in c/I C o ro CO CJ o Vi cu 1 X c o xA S' S -S' s *t5 L> U 9: K/1 •1 £ CO o %VH u s o >- o CO XU [Ih a o o PQ c/3 ♦n d o hJ Q Watch this Space for Bargains. 0 J d R J H Special Sale Each Saturday of certain gds below cost. On Saturday next, the 30th, I will sell ISO Pairs or OT Men^s, Women^s SHOES Phone 19. more of ^ V ^ and Children's AT AND BELOW COST. Come and see and you will buy. W. L. CARMICHAEL Main Street. I). W. iladham, vic<‘ i)tesir. Ni'w I'iiis. 'I liou^ of >ut!'. rors iiiiM' tlu'ir ii'.atclilcs inctit foi-sick ainl Ncvi'U' i'ln y iiiakc jiui’c li <>o(t ainl liuii'! up \our lu'iilih. only ( vMiis, ji'.oih v l):u'k if imtcuii'ii. SoM b;.'Z. W. Nidiols. i);' -- N. C CHARLES R. CLARKE, Proprietor. Open all the Year. New Managements. $2.00 per Day. Special Rates per Week. ii\ the Moiintains of Western North Carolina, “The SwitzerlancS of America.” i- On M«niday tiflernooii next, in I ho ball ])ariv at 4 o'clock', the i^reatest ball <:’aiiie of the season will bo phiycMj. All are cordially invited and several iiou)-s oi threat s[)oi l c*an be enjoyed. Tlie^ame will be between the InvincMbles and the Invulnerables. No one '"in aiiord to niiss tliis game. Every player on both .sides is a iea.n'ue phiyer or iirol’ossional. or thinks he is. Heavy battinsr, swiil pitehinir. fine slidin»’, much sweat'iiu:. o-real lalliino-. short ness of wind and many calls ft r the “tisic bottle ’ will be the leact- ing features of the game. J. A. MII.LER Builders’ Hardware and Building Materials Plastering Hair Cenifnt Lime Ready Roofing Gl?ss Putty Sash Locks V^ indow Lifts Siish Cord and Weights Dressed Lumber Laths Shingles Sash Doors Blinds Locks Hinges Window Pulleys Mowers, Rakes, Corn Cutters atid Grain Drills Cor. Main and Caldwell ' BREVARD N C.