B. W. HAMLIN Painter LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. I Business Locals. -AND- Interior Decorator ARTISTIC Paper Hanging All w(*fk atid ])ru*es i'cuisoiiiil)k‘ Shop on Broad Street* The University OF North Carolina. Departments: Jlcademic, L aw. Medicine, Pharmacy. «>;-.c K i.'.ii •-.! am! V'i'ii'.t scLohi' sliips. I ; a'i.t to ~ons <*’. tm!:)’-u i's. Loans I’oc t'.n* hi-cu\. 608 Students 66 Instructors waioi' works, cv ntral !ii»i*ai-y4 m’u* aiui ]>!-oft“s>io!ial ix-i^ius Si-pi. 7. N\ w ii.-ai: I'-'aii Ailu: THE OPERATES Dovble Daily Trains -aTTYln;:^ Pullni i’l Sleepsr.3. Cafe Cars ja la carte) c.ud Cwair Lar^ (-ssais free). Electric Lighted Throughout BETWEEN HirminiTliam, risaipfiis and Ka:jsas City AND TO All points IN Texas, Oklahoma anJ Indian Territories AND THE Far West ani Northwest me ONLY THROUQM SLEEPINQ CAR LINE BETWEEN THE SOUTHEAST AND KANSAS CITY E. A. Aiken was in town on last Saturday on his way to Henderson ville. Mrs. Orr, mother of A. K., Chas. K. nn«l Walter, has returned home I'roni a trip to Pittsburj^h. Fleming Rnnisaur and his brother (’arl were called to Charlotte on Wednesday by the death of their sister. The gate reeeipt.s of the hist two jranies were good and shows that I Brevard is one of the best ball towns in the state. ] Press Patton is now with our bnll ’ tKun and he is a tower of sf ength. I Not much need of a back stop when i i’ress is behind the bat. i Our farmers an«l gnrdeners are smilin<.>‘ over the tine weatlier we have h.ni rec(=-ntly. Fine growing weather and good and hot. The base ball t<‘am goes to Spar tanburg loday to play two games with the local team, and we can safely bet on one of the games. Rev. D. C’hapntan will officiate at St. Philips next Sunday morning, July oth. V.itany and Holy ('om- munion with .«ermonat 11. Sul>ject: “Freedom.” The St. Philips branch will meet at the Jlectory on Tuesday afternoon .'t r> o’clock. Evensong on l-'riday at •'). I-^arly celebration the sn-ond Sunday in the month. The city fathers could turii an hon- (*st penny by renting: out someof’tlie sidewalks a-« <(*w ]>astures. Xi<*e >tand of grass on them; juarly too good to l>e pastured, tniglit to l>e mowed and used as hay. If soTiU‘thing is not dom* at once about that Electric Lighting })lnnt thf Xi-AVs iso()jii^to put in one ot'its ov.ii. Wc can’t ri'a^l the print of some of oiM’ exchanges with an ordi- n;'.ry ;^*)U candle jiowc^r kero.sene lamp. On last Tuesday night Miss Salome Maxwt‘11, the attractive daughter of Wm. Ma.xwell, was married to Fred Johnson, of Mills River, Rev. D. 31. Douglas otticiating. Both parties ar<‘ well known to the ])eople of the county and beh)ng to |-rominent 1‘amilies. ' Baverly Tranliiam Hyrt. I ' 'I'be rope ol‘ a swinging s'-alfold ' broke with Beverly Trantham whih‘ he was painting th(^ coi iiice of t he .VUbel wold and be fell to the ground, receiving pr.inful injuries. Night T<*rroi*. “1 would cou;^h Deucly all niglit lonj^/' wcites ]\irs. ( h:is. A}>i>legate. of Alexandria. Ind.. •‘aiuicor.ld liai-il- iy get any sl<'ep. 1 had (!oiisiini)>ti(in s>() ])ad that if 1 walked a block 1 would i-ough fci;^htfuliy and s|)it blood, but when ail olhei- ir.edicines failed three si.00 bottles of Di\ King's New T^is- eovei'v wholly »‘Ufcd me and I gained ■'s pounds." li’s absolutely guaran teed to cui-e coughs, colds. la grip})e, bronchitis ainl all throat and lung I tfoutdes. i N-ices ."iOc and $LtK). Trial I nottle.s fi'ee at Z. W, Xichols’ drug I ' store. Descriptive literature, tickets ar- r'^nged and throuarh leservatious made Upon application to lit/. T. SAUNDERS. Gcn'l Act. Pass. Dept. O R F.E.Clark, Tn*v.Pass.Act.. Atlanta, Ga. W. T. SAUNDERS Gen'l Ag«nt Passsnger Dbpartntivnt ATLA.NTA, GA. ^ We promptly obtain U. S. aud 5'oreia PATENTS ^ fiend model, sketch or photo of invention for , <( ?reereport on patentabilitv. For free book, r . MARKS •qBUUTJABS JO ‘UOSlHO'Bf 'H papu«iULUO.J 4uouiigdJ aq? oj 'jB ?b.vl puB •(sadOiuniOA BiSaoao ?sji^ “V AUB(liuoo) .^s.ieSuaAv auiuiB^ 'JUX.. BB U.ViOU>l S3AV AUBdUlOD SI]I ‘USl'Bd >OIBO ^uoqSnoaq^ uiB:jciBO sb 3ui ■AJ.SS puB ‘sdtjiiijsoii JO ^uduiaDuauiraoa aqj }B :)B AUBduioa b paz{UB§ao SuiABq ‘JBAi. UBOixai^ em }o uBaa:jaA B SBAV 0H 't’8 0UJ JB pBap SI ‘su^-zi]iL> :;uauiuio.ul :^solu paB )sapio s.uBUAvaM j.o auo ‘:)ue3JBB '£ UOSl.UBH 'IZ -'^BK ‘UBUAi8i^ ■|1®0 sjaMSuv About eighteen months ago Mr. W. .S. Maniiiiit:, of Alf)any, X. Y . widely kuowu ill trade circles as the represen tative of the A litany ( ’hemical Co.. was suffering from a ])i-otracted attack of diai-rhoea. •*[ tried Cliaraberlain's Colic. Ch.olera and Diarrluiea Reme dy.*’ lie says. *‘and ootained immedi ate relief. T c'.ieeifully recommend thi.s jr^edicine to those .'-imilarly af- llicted,” Jorsa’e by Z. W. Nichols, Brevarf, an 1 L. Erwin. C lierrytield. Notices in this column will be in serted at the price of octs per line. I Paints, oils and varidshes at De* i \’'ane’s. Best shoe in town for sale at Whitmire’s. Fruit jars and jelly glasses at Whitmire’s. Mrs. Lott has the best candies and chocolates in town. 1. A. Harris, administrator, a«lver- tise.s some valuable Rrevard prop erty lor sale. For rent—A o-room cottage in the tlepot section of Rrevard is for rent during the summer. Ap])ly at Tran- sylvania I^odgv Straw hats and shoi>s for sale at half cost nt ('lay ton’s. T^andreth’s turnip se(>d can only hi? found at T. E. England’s. DeVane sells furniture ;tt lower priccs than any one in Urevard. The new style white incjue hats are now on sale at Mrs. English’s. For sale—Nice young Jersey cow with young calf. Apply to J. P. Aiken. A new line of ribbons atul trim mings are expected this week at Mrs. Norton’s. Mrs. Norton has jnst received a shipment ot* ladies and nnsses white duck hats. Wire screi^n doors and windows Ibrs.ileat DeVane's. Try them aiui keep Hies out. Fjatlies will please remember that Mrs. r.ott has alt kinds of emltroitlery silks and twists. E. fL (Jlover, the photographer, has an a«l isi this pa}>er. Read it and |»rortt by what it says. Remcnilter that you can have your ey*s examined free by a gra«li:ate optician on July l')th at llaWKins’ the jeweler. .Mrs. (’harles T^ott enlarges her ad this week in order to ;ist more of h(‘r I’ancy goods. Jlead the ad and then call on her. The rniversity of North Carolina at Chapel f iill pnblishivs a prosi>ectus 1biswi*t*k. It is w<‘ll ku'nvu to our jieople an«l will doubtle.ss secuie some pupiU from this t'ounty. All goods rtnnaining in the W. H. Allis-m stock hijs been moved to t!i(i Miller corner and will lie sold at cost oi- It ss than cost. l''r(‘.-'ii home raised and water groMud corn meal always on hand; also ear co;n. 4 * (Private ) lirevard, July 4, P.,'0:>. Mr. Street Overseer: 1 take my ]>en in h.-ind to e hear from yon real soon. Call a meeting of the street hands an(l give them my love. Your old friend, P. B. Pubi.ico. P, s.—This is a private letter to the overseer. Please don’t any one else read it. P. It. P. Xo Pity Shown. ‘•For years fate was after me con tinuously,'’ wi-itis F. A. Giilledge. Verbena, Ala. “I had a terrible case of ])iles, c iueing 24 tumors. When all failed Pucklen’s Arnica Salve cured me. 1- qnally good for burns and all aches andj:ains. Only 2')C at Z. W. Nichols’ di'Ug store. o CO > u CO O O m CJ .. X a o o CJ cn a rd a Pi a o e/1 u O -•-» CO •v» CQ «>. M (J •VH O C/i u o •4-* e/J O -*-• G O t)JO C 'TJ C c Q Watch this Space for Bargains. 1 ■ H* Special Sale Each Saturday of certain goods below cost. On Saturday next, the 30th, I will sell J 50 Pairs or Men^s, Women^s SHOES more of ^ ^ a J and Children's AT AND BELOW COST. Come and see and you will buy. W. L. CARMICHAEL Phone 19. Main Street. BREVARD, N. c. The McMinn House CHARLES R. CLARKE, Proprietor. Open all the Year. New Manasement^. $2.00 per Day. Special Rates per Week. li\ the Mountains of Western North Carolina, “The Switzerland of America.” J. A. lilLLER Builders’ Hardware and Building Mat^iafs ^Plastering Hair Cement Lime ^ Ready Roofing w Glass Putty Sash Locks Window Lifts \ Sash Cord and Weights Dressed Lumber Laths Shingles Sash Doors Blinds Locks Hinges Window Pulleys McCoriiiick Reapers and Bindel^ Mowers, Rakes, Corn Cutters and Grain Drills Cor. Main and Caldwell BREVARD, N.