YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT DELONG’S NEW STORE JEthelwold Building, Broad Street, Brevard, N, C. Inspect his stock and get his prices. A general line of Dry Goods, Hats, Groceries, Crockery and Tinware Try Roller King Flour NOW ARRIVING My line of SHOES that are daily expected are. without exception, the BEST for the money ever on our market. if you want a SUIT OF CLOTHES to wear well and look well Get it at DeLONG^S It’s the BesL in Town. Country Produce, Fruits, Cigars and Tobaccos Are Specialties. My new line of Stationery is very pretty* Come and look it over* When in town make my store your lieadquarterts. Your patronage will be appreciated. MY TERMS ARE CASH MY PRICES ARE RIGHT Plespectfially, I I. L. I^eLOlNTGr ^^^l^emember the Place^-^JEthelwold Building, Broad Street. icAL PmWHS.'■ this Spa« for ^gains. Ernest Bh^t k will sx.n ho^in work on his ilwellinii’ on .\uiin street. (! lover, tiie photo^i apluT, is ^oiuy: 1o ImiUl SI studio on tlie lot jii»t l»:u k <»1* the Xkws ottice. ]». L. f^n^lish ?>(!. niowd into tlie Jioiiso lV)rnu‘rly own**'! l>y Z. W. Nich<ils on the conit'r ol' i^oor ar.'l streets. The Sn*e»‘t Oversei'r ni.xle a impr'.'Vi'inent in j<‘nioviiiir the l)t);»Ml w.jIktMul ivphii iiij? it with ^o<*(] mav- Xotioes ill this colnuin will he in- sei-ied at the price of cts iier line. H-inimoeks and p(»rch ciuiirs nt I)e\'ane’s. f^alt niMckt-rcl at Fea\ er I'e Lot'ti^’, “The C»rocers.” Fine eotlVe at Deaver Jc Loftis’, ' I'he (ir»)eers.’' Hon’t l(»r;jj< t that W. L. Aiken »!(: l.'o. are si'llinj^ it*t\ Fancy camieil u<>ods at i>eavf*r c\: Loft’s’, “The (ivocers.” .^notlv rlot ot rea«lv-!ua eloth- fl on East Main strc<'r. He* shouM Just arrivedWhitmire’s, nii'ike a similar ehai);.;(? wherever pos sible. I'lie railroad will he completed liiis week to tin* ].a!<c ;in<l excursi<»ns Vn ill Soon he run from the neiuhhor- inu towns to tiiat point. We advise all whe- can to take a ti ip uj* th re liaruaiiis at Ledhetter’s in all lines as lie is t'«>in.u' to move next we**k. r.<-’st—Small hlack tan. Finder i will receive reward. This office. Ha'iil)uri; emhroi«lery, .!U colors, {‘or s.iU^ at cost at Kiiisland v'c Wells. Whitmire’s clothiny; tri<le this statement of W. H Dtn k-'onli. Ci.mity Treas urer. for uioiith L-ixliiig .Inly 11, I'.HiJ: | sTiM K I.AW. ; ■June 11. ]!(03 —Hy iiiiit. oil luut<i ^ 41 ~~ 17, —lU unit. K‘c'«i of .1. L. Kiiii; 7*i '>7 i'IJS 2S July*), l!ii)3—Hy amt. paid .1 .1. Shipniai) 4 mi Balance on hand Ii4 u's < O.NTINi; K.NT T/ \ May 1:^. 1!)03 —ISsi •iiii< o on liaini S 1.') .Anit. paid oui. .t'O .lu'y 11, iy,'8—Balance on baud S l5 tH II. i:. TAX .T'iiiv 11, 'It i-’l By i'liil. on liand .■6 Vi;.5 .III y I'J'i.’i—By anit ]>aid fo: It H (■OU(iOll.'.. . l.'ll.") Ol Ha’ance on liai d . . -1-.J SI-Ki [Al. TAX. .’in 10U8 By anit. on I’.ai.d ? !M .)i i\ C. i'.ii —1 V ; int. paid to fl. (J. tri.- l.'-p.v -JH IS Balan( »■ on hand s -.iai 7:5 l-Afl’KI; TA X. .IiiUL’ 11, l'i)){ -B a IhUco on hand $ “21'!* I'i , By amt pd Sandor> K'.eve.'s 1 rm ' By anit pd fVrry lira a 4 ni. Bv anit pd '1' Btia.loway »i (•') I liy a nt pd lieheri'i swant-y r, 00 Bv anU [d Sx' Ira Hunt :i4 no l y a I 1-1 .1 .1 Biov. 11 10 ( 0 By anil pd \V t' Mi;<julia ‘iJ Special Sale Each Saturday of certain goods below cost* On Saturday next, the 30th, I will sell 150 Pairs or OT Men% Wcmen^s SHOES more of AT AND BELOW COST. and Children's Come and see and you will buy. W. L. CARMICHAEL it is one oi the prittiist spot^ w<* tnonth donhied anvthiny; here- s ;♦ 7s -2 >4 C.4 Phone 19. Main Street. ever saw tofore. }>arties h;ive recentiv asked u- Have your sprin<; hats r trimnicd ahout e.'tnhlishin:^ a chi< ken farm by Mrs. Norton an d they will look as near I’revard aial \\(* toM tluMu it , ^;ood as new. would he u tine invtstm»Mit. Son.<" <‘ilizei'i ]iad better ^et hn<y aiul start <i!tf I'or iumself Ol'another will i^et in ihv* tield , , . , , ( r<»ps will soini he la.d by, then Several remarks have l.e^n ovei- ^iiould paint the houM*. De- \'ane has all kinds of paints, oils and 1 • • I varni^ne.s. $ i-ii n 10 e[) cr<»l by e itini> ict^ cream and drinking iced iteverajres at (,'ha[)el r^iiiilis’n's Ii,’e('reani Parlor. heani oji the street^ lion of many of ii:our the coniii- tlie sidewalks. t:\vll, I'.io j —Bal me on hand i;i:ii».K T^x June 11, 1'.))} —ii I'.an eoa hani! . . B/ aniD jiai l out •luly 11 r.);)J -Balanci* o i hm l S( llool, TAX. Ji ni' 11. l'..Oi—By :inu on iian l *.")i;’!( 1 .Ui y 8 l'.H.;l -Hy aint pit U I. I'aini riiaci :i o By aint p.i T S W- od 4 i By anit pd 1 I N \vn>.i .... 0 By i nu pd J \\ .McMuiii. 4 o S 16 I 0 Ju y 11, I9i3-Balanc e on ! and il W. H. 1>( < k'WoKlH. • I'lva-iirer. N. C. The McMinn House There is ph-nty of money in the treasury and it does stem as it' the o.*a.‘^s should he cat otl' the walks j There lias heei\ some trouble about ' »:et{ino hands but we notice oth- ■ t^rs are able to j^et laborers. ‘ CHARGED WITH GIRL’S MURDER. The attention of visitors is called t<* the nire liae of p. K.. outing’ and moMiitaiii hats at .Mrs. No» ton’.s mil- li'it rv store. New arrivals in Wh it mire’s gro cery department Isas follow—liand- The I’.uildin^ Committee of packed tomatoes. California peaches. Valley Ii.stirute, next Saturday .Iu!y j white cherries, pineapph'S and pears iS, lUOo, at 1 o’clock p. m., at Knon , Heii z' little sweet midget pickles, rhnrcli. will let tlie contract lor ad- cejerv .^auce, tomato chutney, mus- ditions to its school bnildiic4- to the-tard tlressinj^, prepared mustard, lowest responsible l)iddei-. Those j plain gherkins and baked beans. wli'i dt'sire to i/iii and wi^h lo see , i...—. ■ .,n. speoiHcations can call <.n or a.idress | Teachsrs’ Interstate Examination Course. V,(. Hall, [ji odd N ane\ , . L. : Teachers wishing to prepare tor The St. Philip’s .lunior Auxiliary examinations should write at once to will hohl their ivoular monttdy Mis- V-’ . . , , Randolph nuihliu};, Memphis,Tenn., sionury meeting; next .Sunday, the t*or particulars concerninir his special l*Mh at 9.4") a. m. K ven<on;»: on Fri- teachers’ examination course. iiay next the 17th at 0. Sul'ject: A This course is taught by mail, and laik on Missions. It is earnestlv Prepares te.^chers for examination in every state in the union. Leadinti' l.o|.e.l thatalltl,eii,o.>.l..rsoMli«ht. pn.nounee it the best Philips branch ot The Woman’s course ever offe;ed to the teaching Auxiliary will try to be present. profession, and all teachers wishing; to advance in tlicir prote.ssion should Mayor J. L. lle'l returned from immediately avail themselves of it. (JIveenwood, S. C. on Monday ni^ht Enclose stamp for reply. where he had been to attend the fu- ^ , o i« Teachers Wanted. neral ot his a^ed mother, xirs. Bi'^b Ate Alleged Poisoned ”andy Given by Her Lover. Savannah, Ga., July 11.—Roach Bar nard was arreste'l at Glennville, in the lower part of Tattnall county, charged with the poisoning of Mis9 Weeks last Sunday. It seems that Barnard and Misa Weeks were sweethearts. He called on her Sunday and spent the day and before leaving gave her some candy. After he was gone she ate a piece of It and remarked that it was the most bitter candy she ever ate. It is not known whether or not Mr. Barnard gave her ihe candy knowing that it contained poison, if it did con tain any. Dr. G W. Toctle oondncted the pcs*- mortem examination, but could tind no cause for her death other than poisoning. He removed thi .tomach and it v. ill be sent lo a cheuiist to be analyzed. A coroner’s jury has been empaneled and has carried the examination as far as it can until the jurors can hear the result of the analysis of the stom ach. A warrant charging Barnard with murder has been sworn out and the preliminary trial has been arranged for. CHARLES R. CLARKE, Proprietor. Open all the Year. New Management*. $2.00 per Day. Special Rates per Week. Ii\ the Moun2;ains of Western North Carolina, “The Swi^erfaii^ of America.” ^ jTa^Wll^T^ Builders' Hardware and Building Materials Dressed Lumber Plastering Hair was one of (^leenwooil’s oldest in- liabitants anil was beloved and re- AV** need at once a few more teach ers tor fall schools, (^ood positions are beino- filled daily by us. We are spected by all. Fier death will be jvceiviny: more calls this year than keenly felt by the the youn,i>- pe<)ple ever before. Kchools anil colleges a.s her advxe aiul c»)un.'?el s^upplied with teachers tree ot cost, was eaterly sou{,fht alter and cheer- ’^‘plj fnllv jjiveu. The sympathy of this oommunity is extended to Mr. Bell aad family. < A.\ii:uic.\N Tka(Iii:iis’ Asso( iatiox, J. L. (iJIAHAM, LL. D., Manager. 15‘i-lo4 Kandol])h Builuing, Memphis, Tenn. Living Girl Put In Coffin. Berlin, July 11.—A terrible case of a person being placed in a coffin alive occurred at Altona Thursday. In a coffin, containing the supposed re mains of a 14-year-old girl being de livered a^ the cemetery, the attend- I ants heard cries emanating from the coffin. The lid was removed and the j girl was ft;und to be still alive. S'he I died two houra later. Laths Shingles Sash Doors Blinds Locks Hinges Window Pulleys Cement Lime Ready Roofing / Glass Putty Sash Locks Window Lifts Sash Cord and Weights. McCormick Reapers/and Binders Mowers, Rakes, Corn Cutters and Grain Drijls Cor. Main and Caldwell BREVARD, N. C.

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