KINER & Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 21. 100;5. VOL. VIII-NO. lU l>unns Rock Lodge No. 267 Jt. F. ^ Jl. M. Meets Friday on or before the full •Qoon in each moiitli. at 2 }). in. ^ isit- iuj? Masons arc eoiHlially invited to meet with us. sptly \VM, MaxWHLL, Srr’//. Brevard Telephone Exchange. iKtrixF.: Daily—7 a. ni. tt> 10 p. nu Sunday—S to i(» :i. ni.. -i to (5 ]). m. C entral Oltiee - ('*>o|km' iiloek. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, MoMinn BId’g, Brevard, N. C. William Randolph Hearst As a Candidate for President on Tiie Democratic Ticket He ih W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigation ot Land Titles a Specialty. lloonis I and Piekel^^itner liuildinj^. W. W. ZACHARY, ATTO R N E Y-A T-L A W Otilces in McUlinn Block, Erevard, H. C. D. L. ENGLISH. ATTO R N E Y-AT-L A W. I*. S. ( Ourt prartiee a s]HH'ially. Offices in Cooper Building, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. 1 *ra.*lices in all tht* eoui'ts. r.Gonts 9 and 10 KcMinn Block. Brevard, N. C. oi I TRAIN WS PIUKGE Accident on Denver and Rio Grande Eoad. Doctor Osnts! Surgery. Rooms 1 and 2 Cooper BId’g, Orevard, N. C. Misceilai\eous. T. L. SNELSON, Biacksniitli snd Horss-shcer. Shop in Rear of Qrr's Livery Siable. (';irria!io and ^Va>^•on Huild \Viu‘ei\vri;iht work a SMettialty. C. C. KiLPATR.fCK, GOITRACTOe AND ByiLOEB. Room 13, RficMinn Eicck, Brevard, fi. C. I'stimate.-^ i;iven on all kind.s of worlc in llie buiMinj.;- Hue. T. L. CLARKE, Arcliltect and CGntractor^ ’I;ins and sp<‘citicatioi]; of liuililinii' work. on all kl^* T. B. CRAKY, \ Ccntncbr for All Kincs cf Brick Work. (Work, i’ia-tci-ify. Pebble- d;ish and Hoanii rasuiiL- a Spicialty. BREVARD. N. C. J. O. DERMIC i.8 III Wptclii'S and .lewelry for sale. Fine Will'"!’- and ('lock j-rpaii-iviff- 'Wo' k u-uarantee<1. West M^iin st. A. C. NORTON, ^ t PrsstlGd Boot anti Stioemaker Ilarno.'^sJ Work a specialty^ West Main Street near Caldlwell. Notice—Entry No. $435. /' w enters pnd clainiT^ acros of , 1 "in Hogback To\viislii|>, >'• *’• ' b'ing the wiitJ-'rs of Flat / .i- ’of the f-outli pron;; (if Broad ndjoiiiinfi: the lauds of G. W. HendeiNou. ■ P^.ecf, .luli-i Aim Gallowav a|"d otliers, o xrhminiT on a hickory W ' the soutli end oi I’ine Kid^ti: an«l runs i vi« «nur.-es for coinijlemeuts. Ka./^rcd tlii-s 'V. M. HjtNUV. , Washinjrton Correspondence of the Sylvan Vallky Xkvvs. Thei*(‘ luive turnod up here many friends of the Hon. William Kand<)l[»ii Hea.rst. Tlu\v seem to be the most entlinsiastic bunch amon^' all the ])iliticians who have discussed this thiu slates of Xew Y»)i k. Connecticut and New Jersey will vote the so cialist labor ticket which will give tViose slates, ab.^olutely es sential to democratic success, to tlie republicans. The,y claim tiiat Mr. Hearst, wlio has en deared himself to the laboring people of the country by lighting theii’ battles at all times, can car ry every center of industrial ac- tivit}^ in the country, thus as- surin] i {■];) iiLiXDS Ir()n work ami c.'otitiir': ('(' cverv descriidion. luri-isheil promptly on ali work. Wm. M. JONES, Fres. ar.d Treas. J. A. miimi Siipt. Catheys Creek C hurch having extended a cordial lnvii„ation to the union meeting to convene with tiiem L riday. Saturday and Sunday, I'i'th to r>Oth August, inst., tliis is to give notice that the invitation is accepted and the following program is suggested: Friday, i!^, 11:00 a. m.—Ser mon by Prof. Hail, of Broad Val ley Institute. Intermission. Or ganization. •*Wiiy the dii'fei’ence in the ardent outburst.s of public i over excejiting the ten-.5er. The ba worshi}) in the past and tiie a[>- j sagnes a.s a 1‘o.sult of unberaide ]>ain from ovei*- taxi*d or^aii.s. I?ut tliank.s to Dr. K Xew Life I Mils they put an end lo it all. ^i'hey are j'cntlc hut thorot!:j}>. Ti\v them. Only 2.‘)C. (;uaranteeLl \>y 7.. W. icbolti. d.iu^'^'ist. Captain Lamson Dead. Portland, Ore., August 17.—Captain Roswell H. Lamson. United States navy, retired, is de;^d; aged 05 years He was the first naval cadet to be apt pointed from Oregon, but was a native of Iowa. Very truly. Kilpatrick’^: & J. M. KlLPATllKi:, Mun:iLL: store. the day set for his marriage to Miss Geraldine Yeatman. sweetheart of his boyhood, and divorced wife of a doc tor, who lives at Kennett Square. Pa. The wedding i£ to take place on Wed nesday. My boy uhen lour years old wie taken with colic and cramps in his stomach. I sent for the doctor and ^ injected morjihine, but the chid kept oettiuo- worse. I then «-ave him half a teaspoonful of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrh.oea llemedy, and in half an hour he was sleeping- aud soon l ecovered.—F. L. WlLKiXS, Shell Lake, Wis. Mr. Wilkins is book keeper for the Shell I^ake Lumber Co. For sale by Z. W. Xichol.s. Brevard, and O. L. Erwin, Cherryfieid. Execution Sale Nortl: (.'aroliiiu-'l'n'ii-N ]vaii’;i • in till' suinriiui < nurt. .'^tate H.iiik oT (’oimju tr t. i;-- o: Z . Tru':«.-e. i<». li.c i'. M. 1). Co'jpfi. 'S. .1. li. Z.iciiary. Xotici-cf Kxcr-.itioii .Sa’e. Hy viriii'.'i>f an (.xe-ur’iiii d 1r. tl;o ui-- dorsitriii'ii I'tmi tlic CciUitoi '1 raii>viVii- ;iia t'oinity In ihe alj<>\ t.- ai tioii m fa\or of o sr i’f Kauk fif Con iiM < !■' d : > tu /, \V N; n-- I'l-iit-t.l cf .M. 1) t\ iiper. ..I'l’.hist .1. K. Z-i< !ii'’ V I v. il' n" , i. i iit ii; <(■ fidi-k . at ti!0(i rrhou'e di:’d rouiny. sel. ar a'.li r'on to tiio l»iali>fy '.*‘d f.\fcutil'll a;..I I'O'i". i:l' ihe i i_I r titl',‘aiU!ni< !i tl:o saio .1. H. Zuha.y d'-feiidavt. had at t!u-t’Hi'-• .1 tlic dot lirniij: •.■. said j;!d^i!i<-nt in tiie ful'c. ' ! (k"( r l i-'i trai t PU-t-e 'i! [ai'i-ol oi' hiiicl. Cmintv • : '! ran^x iva da. ; \V. .1. I.; lk!l and a'tiiiif iirar .1. II. I>urk\\« ><)Utti 1V4 [■ ile- tw a It a t>l;:>ich ; ’lir’ife up and i;iai'l(‘ ill I>cVat'f iiiu-: 1" >■! pole^ N. a loc .1. H I u i:\voriir> liiu-: ^^n'es Ka-: M iioie-i and liuk:-. to ilie l)i.-^iinii’!U. C<’iitiii:di '-‘t i CIV' in" <• or l« ss. excel t i. :, ho\ve\«,T. Iloine'-tead ('! ;iie>aid.I. K Z;n i. aiy. >v!ii(!; has herctf'fore ) eeti allotted to li;>ii ai'd whii !i is iiiciuded i:. tn<‘at <'\e descril ••<' boundary and for description o:’ whicli rcfeie:.' e is li.Tcby . idile to tlu' rtturnnf t^ie .•1!lprai^el^ filed ill 'till* -"upeiior <’(',iiir t'etk’." oiiire. A.m> exeeptin^ Till' followii:'.; paicel' of i^iud t!:;n have lu-reiofoie been eciiM-yiii out of s...;.. I'ouiidaiy to-wit: One id-’e to W, 1*. Wiiitui::*- by s. K. i ueris: ten aeri> t<> .1. L. Hell a;.d \VU'' by .r. I\. Z H ilary aud wife, an-1 thiee r.cre.s li - seribed ii'. :i 'i T. L (-ia'i). KeeoideiJ in boi.k i(; at pafre ii of the* r. f ird of deeiK of sai.l Tran>yiva;. a t’-ninty. \\iii< li said traet-^ exct.ilt*d a> a:ore.‘-aid will lib'^ b»_‘ void. This til*. i-‘th day of July. l'. i*3 ' .i. f, i\IN(^. ^lierili. situate ill tiie 'ji'il ■ inin;.^ il e laud- o: tv. heuil.liili.; at : eoi'!i<. r au«l ri;u-- : ■ oil tlie .illlilpvi.; . nil saiii bra* t-h i«> a : :iel,e>‘ Ncjltll T~ i!e- ;'t stake in tl^e lai..', tiiellee souttl •.'() de Teachers’ Intarstata Exairilnatioii Geurse. Tcaeiiers wisliino’ to pre}>are lor examinatioiirs should write at once to Proi*. J. L. Crraluim, LL. D., Randol})ii [>uildin<>', .^leniphi.'^,Tenri., for particulars coiiceniing' hi.s P]»eciul teachers’ examination couise. This is taught by mail, am! prepares teachers I'or examination in every state in the union. Leadii';^ educators pronounce it the he.^^t course ever offeied to the teaching profession, and all teacher.' wishiPi): to .'ulvance in their proressi^ui shoul(l ininiediately avail tliem.selves of it. Enclose stamp for rei)ly.