Administrator's Notice* Having qualiliea as administrator of Mary F. Jatijwi, ueceasetl, late of Transylvania lounty. this is to notify all jwrsons having estate of said de(’eased to ex- (iVk 1 undersigned on or before the i J r June. 1904, or this notice will be plead in Daroi their rorovery. All perMHis iu«lel>ted ostjid estate will please make immediate pav- inent. tills 9th day of June, 19()8, J. ti. PATTON, Administrator, NOTICE. Having qualified as admini'strator of W. C. Ki>ner, uect?a>ea, late of Transylvania county. iN. C., this is lo notify all persons having' cluiin the estate of ;liesaid W C. Fi-lit?r to ex Uibit them lo the uiidersigiud on or tjeiore tin- i.-}th day of August, 1904. or this iiotlee will be V * ”of their ret overy. Al^ per»ons in- •lebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This August 13, 1903. HHOUa E. FISHKR, Administrator 'V. W, ZA(;HAKY, Attorney. Notice—Entry No. 2426. i •Johns I’rtUoii euiers ami v!aim>i -J'l acres o la «i in Brevard Township, lyin^ on the water >»1 hreneh Hroad Kivor.'uni}'the Ian s«l the heirs of Chares Fatton, Win. Jolmson aii' others. Betiitiniim at a hi* kory ( horles Patton hens’ (‘orii*-r in Wm. .lohnsoirs line and nin.- nor h ati poles to a ihestnut oak thence wes^ W'tth their line IK po’es to a blai k oak. then* e f'outl) a6 pole*-to a siaike in \Vm .)»).)nson's line thence easj with his line to ili-; bej;nining. i-on- t .iniujf ;i9 acres. Kuieicd I5ili dav of.inlv, 1903 W. M. Hh-XRY, Eiitjv Taker. Execution Sale North Carolina - Transylvania County. In the Superior Court. State Bank of Commerce to the use of Z \V. N'.chols, Trustee, foi the b.;ne^it of M. D (.’oyper, vs. J. K. Zachary. Notice of Kxecution Sale. By virtue of an exei ution directed to the un dersigned from the Superior Coutt ol Transyiva- nia Ci)Uiity m ihe al>ove entitled action in tavm of the State Bank of Commeu’e, a d as-igned 'o Z W Niihol', for the use ai d beiit-titin M. 1» C K>per, against J. K. Zachory, J wii. on Tuc.^ .a\, the 1st day of Septeaibcr, liiO i. at . Ju'clo. k M , at the court hou-e dtxir ot said t ouiiiy. >eli i t pablic auction to the hifjhest biildt-r for casi to satisfy said execution ano costs, ail ihf i i.uht. iiile and intcreH utm h the saio .1. K. Zi< tiar\. delendant, had at the time of the <J<>ikeiing oi said iudi?meni in the folIowiiiK <1‘. scr bed t »i i>ie<‘t‘ or parcel of land, situate in uic >a «. County of Tran-yivania. adjoiniiif;: theland.^ot \V. . «iash, .1. T-. Bell and others. Be.t:inniiu at a stone near .I. II. Uuckwortirs coriR rai.ti ru s Fouth 1*4 poles to a maple on ttie .lumpi g branch; thence i:p and with .said l>ra < h ' a maple in tiie l»cVaiK-lint.": t'lencv North T dt- .urees Ei^t 5* poles to a locust stake in the lant, .1. H Duckworth's line; thencc soutn •,>»idi- grees East 14 iioics and ao links to the **cginmiu . C.»niainiiig 2i ncres moie or less, exi-ejt;nt;, however, ihe homestead of tiie sai<l.l. K. Zj< h- aiy, which has heretofore 1 ecu allntied to h:m aiid which i> iiu luded in the above des< rilied ivoundary and for <U'stTiption of whirh r forenct is hereby made to the return of tiif ;'i)prai'ers tiled in the supeiior Court (' ei k's <illice. excepting the followin}: inarcel' of h.nd that hive heretofore bi'ea convevi-.i out of said lioundary to-wit: one acre to W 1*. Whitniirt by K. i.ucas; ten acres to .’ L B I ai d wife by .1. K. Zacluiry and wife, and tt lee acres de in a f!ecd from IViia 'iash a d others to T, 1, Gash. KecoideU in iMiok .No. l(i at page.'O ol the ricord of deeds ol s.iid Tran^ylv^lT> a County. 'Aliich said tracts extc. ted as uiort-said will v>u ije Mtld. This the loth day of July. 1!*«3 J. C. KIN'?, Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. 15y virtue of a certain jiulyment duiy luatie and entered at tiie Mai-ch terru of the superior court of Huneoiiilie county, N. C., wherein I. A. Harris, administrator of Medora \Ve;-r. wa: j)laintiiT. and D. D. Davenfiort, T. M. West, Jno. Tlioinpson. Krnily (' Thompson, C. F. Jiesse. 11. F. Miler. ,Iane Miles, Fben Bearden, (’has. A Moore and 13. F. West wei-e dtfeml- ants, I, I. A. Harris, the admini-»tra u.r of the estate of the late Medor;. West, will on Monday, tlie -51st day o: Aui>’ust, ItKKJ. otter for sale and .-.ei for cash to the hi}^hest bidder at tht c<»urt house door, in the town of Bre vard, Transylvania county. N. (’.. at I o’clock p. m.. the followin;^ descM'ibed latids and premises, the same beiM^ two certain lots or tracts of land situ ated in the town of liiward. N. ( formerly l^elon'i-inir to the said Me dora West, intestate, and bounded and more particularly tlescribed as l(»lio\v-«: First Lot—Known as lot No. To. be- f.^'.nninj^' at a si ike nl the corner ol V aldwell and Poor streets, and runs north (i4 dejfrees west lUS feet to a stake: thence north 2."> deyree*; east HW Icet to a stake: thence south .‘)4 deyrees east 1U8 feet to a stake: thence south deorees east 19?S feet to the lx‘j^innin*>-. 'Phe same havin*; been })reviously «!<>n- veyed by (i. F. and F. F. .\l(jore to lOllen Moore. .See Book of Deeds, paye 2K). Second Lot—Separated by an un opened alley from lot No. 7.'>. beyin nino' at a stake on said alley, the iiorthwest boundary of the town oi Brevard. 20 feet northwest of the northwest corner of lot 7.*) and runs north 2<) dejr:’ees east •i(H> feet to ;i t^take in W. W. Moore's line: thence with said Mooi-e’s line in a southeast erly direction 12.") feet to a stake: thence south .‘{.t dej^rees west 2.50 feet to a. stake in said lirst named alley, and then with the northei-n b()un(iar of said alley lOS feet to the V)eyinnini>'. The same was previously c-onveyed b} T. L. and W. A. Gash to Ellen Moore. See Book 3 of Deeds, pajre 2*>7. I. A. HAIvllIS. Administrator. AujjustSd. ]<>03. By order of the superior court. Sylvan Valley News MINEtl & BREESE, Editors and Proprietors. Friday Morning, August 28, 190S. Town and County Iteihs. We are glad to report that Mrs. Kinshind is much better. Our visitors and citizens would greatly appreciate it if the property owners who live on Main street and have water connection would take their *>arden hose and sprinkle the street every afternoon. W^onder if there is truth in the re port that n. wliite oak tree j;ot killed by beinjj accidentally kicked to- death ii few days ago. But when a man W. A. Gash and family are spend-, niisses as bitr a thing as a co\v .some- ing a tew days in the Pink Beds. Mis.«< Sitton, who has been visit ing her sister, Mi*s Ida, left for her home on Monday. thing is surely going to happen. Notice. Jurors, witnesses and all persons attending court can get good meals at all hours at the Tandy Kitchen, i Cha[»el & English, Proprietors. Reduced Rates. On the first and third Tuesdays of July, August and September the Frisco System (Saint Louis and ??an Francisco Railroad) will have on .«ale reduced one way find round trip tickets from Birmingham, Memphis and Saint Louis to points in Arkan sas, Missouri. Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Texas. Write W. T. Saundei’s, G. A., P. D., Frisco Sys tem, Atlanta, (ja., for information. Opening of A. M. College. Elbert Gilbert, of Saluda, who has been working at LakeToxawav, was a Brevard visitor Tuesday. H. P. Clarke and a party of his friends left on Monday for a camp ing trip to the Pink Beds and Pisgah. | State A«^ricultural and It's hot weather, anti donH you' Mechanical College will open forget iL Tuesday our otKce ther-1 Thursday, September 3. En- mometer marked degrees and the^ trance examinations will be held next day SS. j College the day before. Henry Osborne. Esq., one of theUpj-,0 capacity of the college has most prominent young lawyers of upper South Oirolina i.s visiting his admission is still t.wher, \\. K. Oi-boiiie. ; very {large. Students desii'iiig Mrs. J. J. Miner, accompanied by i-ooms will have to be present her grauf’-daughter, Toonie Call went to Hendei.>onville last Sun ^ ^^tra is charged all who are day tosi>end a w'eek among relatives.' 1. mu n • n ^ n * *’ late. The college is usually full The Baseball games Saturday last by night of the first day, and the were ;i standofl one each for Bre-j work is carried on jwith the precision and punctual- STATIONERY FRUITS AND PRODUCE vanl and Mills River. We are not njfV)rmed when the deciding game .vill be played. iity of chick work. Young men i who are training for industrial Governor and M?s. Hloxham, ot | gyg. Hoiida, who ha\e been spending the I promptness are the tirst .ununei- in Brevard left last «v.-k for : of U a bnv home. They niav stop in Hender-1. , . . ^ * p a/i ^ , I IS late in entering the A. & M, sonville tor a few’days. L, „ , , . I College, you may kuo .v he is a A. H. 1 ochterman and family left I student. Many of the old on Wednesday for Knoxville wl«re I week in they will reside in the future. One i , , • ..i *. j- ... I advance to review their studies •)t the ( hiel reasons for this family I . , , . 1 1 4* 1 1 I and get a "ood start, leavritf was the lack ot >chool fa- ci 11 ties. Wa!« s and Toonie McCall, son an<l daughter of J. W. McCall, of Easley, (formerly of Gloucester, this county) are spending a summer outing among their many mountain fViends in Transylvania. Union Meeting. Catheys Creek Church liaving extended a cordial Invitation to the union meeting to convene w’ith them B'riday, Saturday and Sunday. liHth to 80th August, inst., this is to give notice that The street overseer and his hands have been removing the snake dens from tfie sidewalk on South Caldwell invitation isac(;epted and the street this week and it is n<»w possi following program is suggested: bletoi t.vo pedestrians to pass with ! Friday. 11:00 a. m. — Ser- out te.iring their < h*tlies jn a brier | mon by Pi’oi'. Hall, of Broad Val- patcn. For which the residents <ai j ley Institute. Intermission. Or- s.iid street are duly thankful. We had the ple.isure of taking Dr. Winston fora drive over part of our (.’ounty an<l he said that Transylva- ni.i Was one c»t' the best farming ganization. “Why the difference in the ardent outbursts of public worship >ii the past and theap parent abl^ente of emotion of the present dcayV’ F. M. Jordan, A. counties that he had seen in the slate, jj Garrenj. “Can the heathen be .Vs president of the A. * .M. ColUj-e i tlie gos|.eir’ A. the .lortor has heen over most of the! ji> j Wilson. -tate and i> t lierefore capable of ex ^ , . j Saturdav, _9, 9:80 a. m.—De pressing a valuable opinion. I . i-, ’ votion; .Johin Bow’en. “Must our preachers \be educated to enable them to prt'*ach the gos])el’:'*’ Can da Henderson, Joseph House. ll:0Oa. m., sermon. Elder Kuy kendall. “What is the sin against the Holy GhostV Can it be committed today?” J. K. Owen, C. M. Gallamore. “Teach us how to pray,” I. T. New^ton, We this week introduce a new cor- respondmt from Hogback, “Big Eyes.” This Is an important and srrowing section of the county and vve have l)een anxious for a regular writer from this locality. We hope big eyes will keep w’ide open for the news and that our readers will have the benefit of what they see. Many of our readers w’ill recogn-' Joseph A. Henderson, ize in -‘Mark,” whose letter from | Sunday, 80. 10:00 a. m.—Song California on first page, will be found service, P. P-Orr. 11.00 a. m., sermon—Preacher appointed by deacons of Cut hey Creek Church JUDSON COKN, J. M. Hamlin, For Committee. very interesting, an old correspond ent of the Xkws from the grange section. They may also recognize the writer as Gordon Williams. We are always glad to hear from him as his letters, even as neighborhood news, were always entertaining. The Athletic Editor of the French Broad Hustler seems rather mixed when he tries to figure out that Hen dersonville had a better team than Brevard. The way the standing of ball teams is counted is by the num- l)er of games won and not by the nuuiber of runs made. The team that makes the greatest number of runs wins the individual game, and the team that win*i the greatest num ber of games wins the .series. Bre- vanl won the most games in the se ries of games with Hendersonville, the number of games in the series with Concord and the greatest number of games with Shelby. K-l-F-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-oent packet is onoiigh for usual occa^ ons. The family lx>ttle iW <*ei»ts) contains a for a year.* All druggists .sell them. My boy when four years old was taken w’ith colic and cramps in his stomach. I sent for the doctor and he injected morphine, but the chid kept iretting worse. I then gave him half a teas})oonfiil of Chamberlain’s Col’ic. C'holera and Dia”rhoea L’emedy, and in half an^hour h3 was sleeointj;' and soon recovered.—i’.'L. WilkinS, Shell Lake, Wis. Mr. Wilkins, is book keeper for the Shell Lake liumber Co. For sale by Z. W. Nicho'/s, Brevard, and O. L. Erwin, Cherr^field. DeLONG’S Broad Street Phone 83 Room Wanted. 1 need room for my large stock of Fall and Winter Clothing and to get it I am going to sell my entire lino of men's and boys’ stylish sjiring and summer clothing JIT COST! You can also get bargains in my shoes and hats which 1 am selling at first cost. Come in and see me. W. L. CARMICHAEL Brevard, C. BREVARD, N. C. The McMinn House CHARLES R. CLARKE, Open all the Year. New Management*. Proprietor. $2.00 per Day. Special Rates per Week. In the Mountains of Western North Carolina, “The Swk2erlar>d of America.’* ■1= J. A. MILLER Builders' Hardware and Building Materials Dressed Lumber Laths Shingles Sash Doors Blinds Locks Hinges Window Pulleys Plastering Hair Cement ^ Lime , Ready Roofing ^ Glass Putty ^ Sash Locks Window Lifts ' Sash Cord and Weights McCormick Reapers aod Binders Mowers, Rakes, Corn Cuttters and Grain Drills Cor. Main and Caldwell BREVARD, N. C.

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