m T \ Sylvan Valley News MINER & HKEESE, Editors and Proprietors. V'V«W/X« V.'V Friday Morning, Sept. 4, liWS. Town and County Items. Death of Mrs. Jane Orr. An Old and Highly Respected Mother Is Gathered to Her Final Rest. Mks. Jane Ork. r>r. i. A Harii>, ot Jupiter, N. C-, i Editor Sylvan Valley News: has been tireiilatiiig among his I Jane Orr (whose maiden name frieB.1s and aequai,stances here this, Fletcher) widow of George I Orr, was born June 5, 1814. and nrevard public sihool opened [ died August 21, 1903, aged 89 Monday morning as a.niotniced last; yea,-s, 3 months and IB days, woek with studeHts. a laige att^r.daiice ofj married to George Orr November 28, 1839. She Leroy liall. of Asheville, was on | professed faith in Christ when our Streets VS ednesdiiy havin;*- been . about 20 years old. and one oHhe ^Hld Fellows who came to Baptist church, and 4»jganiKe the lodge hei e. been a consistent member J5orn, A»j?. 31, at Selica, X. C., to j for 70 years. i?ie wife ot H. C. F»'nwicke, l.ttej She was the mother of eight lieutenant Northumbeilaud Hu>!'a!'!?,; —seven bovs and one II. JVMmperhd Yeomanry, a son. husband and four This is September, the first month boys have preceded her, leaving «»r the Fall >enson. \\ e li.i venot no- three sons, one daughter, 26 tiivd any iftll in prices, but the full 1 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren, and a host of I friends to mourn her loss. The Brevanl Drug Co. change their I She spent her last days in ii\\ tbis^week and tell the people , singing and praising her Savior. Tlie future seemed indeed brisht weJcoTiie. kind of drugs tlipy are selbng. The is none too good for their ^ i 1 t i 1 i, j to her, and she died as she had prtt.^on^. lived—a Christian. Boilston The Brevard Industrial school church has lost one of its best l.aildingisrapidl.v nearin,! the point ,„embers. Her words of cheer and deeds of charity will be missed, and it will be indeed lonely for the where fnnii.shing can begin. The ]>lasrering iiii nearing a finish and lluors are b-ing laid. grand daughter who attended her Ja.*?. O. r^JcCarter ;n)d wift^(Mis^. iJessie ’Whitmire) let't Tue-d.iV p -..i n • u 1 . i ^ so faithiully in her last days, morning tor their Soutli Carolina ^ . home after an outin« of several On Sunday. Aug.L’a the writer, ■weeks in the mountains. assisted by Ke\’. A. W. Beck, at Davidson River, preached her funeral to a large congregation— W. A. Smith, Esq., of Fiendei son- *v'ille. i\nd iSolieitor IJrown are the only court visitors who reniv^nibered 1h;ti» the News exists in Urev.-mi. They were welcome callers at tliis has brought to town r.-.tny larmers from nil sections of the 4N*uniy, an(i t'roin them we lt*arn that ci’op prospects now are vety much l>etter than seemed i>o.ssible a jjjonth ago. text: Acts ix, 80. ‘-This woman was full of good works and alms deeds which she did. ” The text was truly applicable to the life of Sister Orr. Her remains were then laid to rest by the side of her husband to await the second coming of our Lord. Peace to her ashes! “Well done good and faithful servant.” “Servant of God, well done: Rest from thy loved employ; The battle louf'ht. tin* victory won. Kilter tliy .Mu>iier's .joy.'’ Ti'.e pains of dentil are pa.-t: Liiljor aii',1 MM row <.-ea.*>e: Aiid life's lo.ig warfare el»»sed at la!?t, H ‘r soul iias iouu<l ii.'i j e;u‘e. ]h‘f pastor, S. \V. Hall. Upper Glade Creek. f^iiimeneing with next Sunday, j Sepl. t^^th there will l>e revival ser-1 vi.es nt Oak (irove .M. Y.. chnrcli fori i»ne week. Rev. C. P. Moore will be I us-isteil by Rev. ,'j. B. Hyder. ofj <\*iinesiee, N. (’. 1 .f. F. Hawkins and three dau>;ht-^ <i>, »>t'Mi^yiield, S. have b-'eu vi.<-1 iting their cousins, W. 11. and Mrs. ■ I!hof!es, They visited Drevardai d.' i.w.iwJ the many recent imj.rovements. j sylvan Vadey Xew^: Hope they will Come again. i ^,r rn tr \ir ’ - ^ I Mrs 1. H Allison is The •%Siiver tea ’ at the \\ o<«l-' .siciv list this weeiv'. hri'Ige w>ttage last Week bv the ladies I ^ ..i .St, Philips 1>. K. .-hnVd,. «as a -Morgan and family spent MU'Cfs- in every way. tjnite a \\uelc with Airs. Morgans 'Slim t)l' Uioiiey resulted! niothei, Alrs. Llizaoeth l^ov*ler. frojn Jhe sale of ices and lancy good., j Mack Hamilton and Mark Case The pro{x*rty fouml near }l(»cicy ' speiil a day last week with E. B. hill by Surveyor Hardin and po«-se i Clay ton. v.eek. and supposed to have beer; oil the has been identified aiul claim- ni by j>arties trom Pickens, >. C. The i^npposilion of theft was corret-t bjit j)0 eiue to the thief has been found. Th#* continueil illiH-s-j <>f thf-junior uian anti a ru>h of work tbi- the JJilfleiigents leaves "Ui* local columns short ol their usual interest. ]"or the l>ene!'-\ of our readers as well a> per >co»)rtUy we are anxious that health returii to our versatile j)artner in ’lUige C‘hwnks at the earliest opportu nity. Evidently the malaria which }ie brought back from Central Amer- ic:s l»ist winter is a hard customer to get rid of. One of tjie co-ored waitei-s at the jEthelwold got into a “rucas” in tht hotel on 3Ioncl:iy and \vh“U the mar shal undertook to arrest him hi .started to run. After chasing hin nearly to the grove aiour.d th« house and finding that, h* would Tf^ach the woods and e^cape lW«rsba! l^ryson sent a bullet througl his leg and stopped him. Thedarke\ is not seriously injured, and thi> prompt action nnd gOv>d marksman i>hip has j^robahly s.ived Joe many hArd races after violators. They art col going to run trouj him hereafter Mrs. Esther Patton, of Arkan sas, has been visiting her broth er, Taylor Cairnes. Cleveland Morgan and Riife Connell passed through onr sec- cion last week with some nice liielons for sale. Ed Fowler and wife are here from Jacksonville, Fla. They will spend a few weeks aL his old iiome on Glade creek. K-innie Orr spent Wednesday afternoon with Hessie Cairnes. Rosebud. A lioy’s Wild Ki<le. With family around expecting him CO die, and a son riding foi* life, 18 luiies, to get Dr. King’s New Discoy- ^vy for Consumption, Coughs and 'olds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, [nd., endured death’s agonies from isthma: but this wonderful medicine lave instant relief and soon cared lim. Rewrites: *T nowsleep soundly !very night.” Like marvelous cures »f cousumption, pneumonia, bronchi- is, coughs, colds and grip prove its iiatchless merit for all throat and ung troubles. Guaranteed bottles "iOc and $]. Trial bottles free at W. N’Icuols’ drujf store. Cnnnestee Lodge No. 2371. 0.0. F. Prominent Young Business Men of Brevard Or ganize an Odd Fellows Lodge. On the night of Tuesday, Sept. 1, at the Masonic Lodge rooms in Brevard, a lodge of Odd Fellows with the above title, w’as institut ed, the ceremonies incident there to being in charge of Grand Mas ter Dr. L. B. McBrayer and a staff of assistants. Among the staff were members of the order from Asheville. Hen dersonville and Hickory, N. C , Knoxville, Tenn., and Jackson ville, Fla., about twenty-live vis iting members being present. There were eighteen of Bre vard's young men w’ho \vere ini tiated into the mysteries of Odd- fellowship, and nine more who will be added at the next meeting. The officers elected w’ere J. A. Forsythe, N. G.; E. R Black, ViceG.; Z. W. Nichols, Record ing Sec’y; W. J. Puette’ Finan cial Sec'y; T. D. England. Treas. Regular meetings will be held but at present it is not possible to announce detinitPily where and when. An effort is making to secure the use of the Masonic hall, which many hope will be successful. This new society, new at least to the citizens of Brevard, starts out with a fine membership and glowing ])rospects. Previous tf> this move the Masons have had the field to themselves—now they will be compelled to make their meetings attractive or the natural growth of secret orders will go to the Odd Fellows. The News bids them godspeed on their mission of well doing. Broad Valley Notes. l'>litor Sylvan Valley >.ews. School is doing well. There are more than a hundred in regu lar attendance and more are daily coming. We are glad to report that Dr. W. M. Lyday is, rather slowly but surely recovering from liis re cent illness. He will soon be with his ]>atients again. Prof. Hall attended the Union meting at Cathey's Creek Satur day and Sunday. He seems overjoyed on account of the kind treatment of those good people. Messrs. Joe and Silas Sim mons, two v’ery ])rominent young men of South Carolina, entered school September 1st. We are glad to know throug’ them that others are coming from that state. Rev. Mr. Kuykendall visited our school one day this week and made a })leasant talk. He is looking for a house for the pur pose of [)utting his children in our school. We most heartily welcome him. Elza Lyday and Prof. Bradley went to Reba on last Saturday. They returned late Sunday even ing and speak in the highest terms of the royal entertainment they received at the hands of those loyal citizens. As it is rather late in the seas on for Snowballs to blossom, I will call off and wait for another warm shower. Best wishes to Editors and all who read the paper. Snowball. STATIONERY As a rule a man will feel well satis fied if he can hobble around on crutch es two or three weeks after spraining his ankle, and it is usually two or three months before he has fully re covered. This is an unnecessary loss of time, for in many cases in which rhamberlain’s Pain Balm has been promptly and freely applied, a com plete cure has Ijeen effected in less than one week’s time, and in some cas*^s within three days. For sale by Z. W. Nichols, Brevard, and O. L. Erwin, Cherrytield. millTS AND PEODTJCE DeLONG’S Broad Street Phone 83 Room Wanted. 1 need room for iiiy large stock of Fall and Winter Clothing and to get it I am going to sell my entire liiu* of men’s and boys’ stylish spring and summer clothing COST! Yon can also get bargains in my shoes and hats which 1 am selling at lirst cost. Come in and see me. W. L. CARMICHAEL Breuard, J^. C. bhe:va.rd, N. C The McMinn House CHARLES R. CLARKE, Proprietor. Open all the Year. New Managements. $2.00 per Day. Special Rates per Week. In the Mountdns of Western North Carolina, “The SwifiiS of America/* J. A. MILLER Builders’ Hardware and Building Materials Dressed Lumber Laths Shingles Sash Doors Blinds Locks Hinges Window Pulleys ^>lastering Hair Cement Lime Ready Roofing Glass Putty Sash Locks Window Lifts Sash Cord and Weights A McCormick Reapers and Binders: Mowers, Rakes, Corn Cutters and Grain Drills Cor. Main and Caldwell ’ BREVARD, N. C.

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