News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. k BREESK. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1903. VOL. VIII-NO. 37 Dunns Rock Lodge No. 267 F, ^ J^. Meets Pficlay on or before the fiill |noon in eacli month, at 2 p. in. ^ isit- in}>- xMasons are cordially invited to meet with us. sptly ’\vm. Maxwell, Stc’v. Brevard Telephone Exchange. Daili HorKs: i.v—7 a. in. to ](► ]). in. Sunday—S to iO a. m., 4 to p. m. <^’entral Omce—('ooper iiUu'k. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McNIinn Bld’g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWOR.TH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty, lioonis 1 and 2.1’ickelsinior Huildin^. Shall We Vote Bonds? Brevard Must Heve a Sewerage System in tiie Interest of Health. Since the publication of our ar ' conservative estimate there has tide on issuing bonds for schools, been spent in Bi evard alone, W. W. ZACHARY, A T T O R N E Y-A T-L A W Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, K. C. D. L. ENGLISH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. I', s. ('ourt ]n‘aigiu<1 on or (x.‘fo e tln’ are making a determined ettort j 'i arnf ilitir lecoverv. Drinking Fountains for Man and Beast Are Public Necessities. Brevard has a healthful and copious supply of the purest mountain spring water that it is possible for a town to have, and yet we doubt if animals outside the livery stables l^now anything about it. There is no })lace in Urevard where even a stray dog [of an opportunity of having a good time and placing one oi‘ mort* bricks in the grand tem[)le building. to erect a handsome Masonic Temple in Kaleigh, the capital city of the state. They are now preparing a grand Masonic Fair on a lai’ge scale to be held in Nash Square. Raleigh, October i’2 to lU. 1908. CoT. Noble F. Martin, one of the best managers of such events in the United States, has charge of the fair, while various committees are hard at work, and Masons all over the state are talking and pulling for the success of the fair. Col. Martin will inti’oduce many new and novel features in this fair. There will be abso lutely none of the usual vulgar midway attractions about it. Everything will be clean and bright, and the standard of Ma sonry will be kei>t elevated. The railroads will grant reduced rates so that all can avail themselves »* 1 . -5 . -All ]ier.'Oiis ji:- (1c*bfe t o said Lntat.; Will [tlease make ininuHliau* payint-nt. 1 rtiifrust \\. ZAtH.iin, AttuJlicv, Notice -Entry No. 2426. i-unipr in Wni nor h '^r, ^ oIe« to a ihn^oii's line and riin could slake his thirst, and no place anywhere on our streets where a belated traveler could <>et a drinic of water after the stores are closed for the night. This statement reminds us of an exp»'rience in Hendersonville on Sunday. Two weeks ago we were at the de})ot in our mothei- town, waiting for the train. W( H'ot thii’sty, and so did several still our ti]-st consideration is nol | )ther passengers—among them oar visitors but our own families, i women and children. There was While irarbage can be carelessly no drinking water at the depot— T. B. CRAR-Y, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Work. (Vni.*nt Work. Plastering. dash and Hough Castin-- a ^i)ecial ^ BREVARD, N. C. ^ J. O. DERMiD, .ou The Reliable iew^f Watches and Je\veh*y for >a;^ Fme \Vatc-b and Clock repairii- All ' Wolk'-uaranteed. W-st Mf .n st. A. C. NORTON, Practical Boot and Shoemaker Harness Work a specialty West Main Street near Caldwell liandled in sparsely settled com- aiunities and in the counti’y, it is dangerous in towns not to have some means of conveying all re fuse matter to some distance. Sewers are not needed in the country, although many fatal cases of Typhoid fever would be [)revented by their use. Brevard is too large not to have a com plete sewer system and although it will increase our tax a little, who is there in our town wiio is so lost to feelings of humanity that he would rather endanger the lives of his family and his ueighbors than }>a3’^ a little more tax? For the ])i-otection of our families we must have sewerage. We can never realize the full ben efit from our splendid water sup ply ij,’itil have sewers. Be- for another summer is here, be fore some loved one dies of fever let us have our town sewered There is no use in having schools and educating our children if they are going to be ex^msed to disease and death by lack of sewerage. the water closet was closed and locked. We started out on the hunt for wetness and after a fi’uitless attemj^t to get into some of the nearby places where lem onade. milkshakes or mineral water was usually dispensed, were directed to a well in tht rear of a house on a side street aw’ay from the business thor oughfare. There was a tini(‘ when Hendersonville had a hy drant on the street near the de pot, but their street paving has abolished this great convenience and now it is on a ])ar with Bre vai-d—no place to get a drink witliout trespassing or begging. T^revard should do better than this. In the tirst place the coun ty ought to furnish its citizens who are compelled to come here to court with a public drinking fountain, where both man and beast co'ld slake their thirst,some whereon thecourthouse grounds. Then these conveniences should be duplicated, either by the town or by the railroad company, near the'depot and where every stran- The Asheville Daily Gazette, ihe leading repuljlican paper ot Xorth Carolina, has succumbed to the inevitable and is no more. The office and good will of the paper have been bought by a stock company headed b3' Messi's. Hackney i't Hilderbrand ■ )f the Evening New.s. It was foreseen, when Senator Pritch- ird withdrew from tlie political ield in North Carolina, that the lays of r(*publican newspaper.'^ in this state* wej’e numbered, and "he death of the Gazette is only a legitimate result. NV. M. HKXKY. Kiitiv Tak(‘r Big Land Opening. thoijsands of ncrt>« lertii^ laiKls in the iium.n-. Ki-d Riv r Viiil»*\ 1 his b. d;. ,,i land Iu-> din.-rtlv adio' in>'^ tnai; Am?,” the Kiowa ai .? - ud Kivers. wuhin a lew milesoi Voni(,n lex.iN. a i,<)uriv|iin I . f M,. , . Two lines of railroad^ V hr nVh M i run< dirf. t- whPH r ‘‘ '• v t:iv and alfalfa uiow >ihippiii- i-yto'; where tlie t:mv in-- ea«on^ are Ions? :iini ii l-oiii> diid kanvK I'lty t.) Vernon, IVva- ;i poim"; low rate, from ail otli*. r If It is your intention tl.j v. rite to K. I.cnion. •^'•I'lefiijy. hri-co Sy«t. ui linniinration lIiKr.m ^t y.nis in or.h-r th >t :irr .nirtnifnts for voui tcoonii.ioi],,iion may he niailc. Are our people aware that the tines and fees collected by Mar shal J. A. Bryson go a long way towards paying his salary. It most certainly pays the town and its people to have an et^cient po lice official. His Ut<‘ SavfMl !iy (.’haniberlain'ii (/olic. Cholera anti Diarrhoea lieniedy. ■‘B. L. Hyer. a well known coo])er ot tliis town, says he bc*lieves ('hainber- laiii'.s Colic. Clioloi'a and Diarrhoea IJemedy saved his life last Sunnner. tie had been sick for a month with what doctors call billions dysentery, and could oet nothing to do him any ii'ood until he tried this remedy. It irave him immediate i-elief.’’says B. r. Little, movliant. Hancock. Md. For sale by Z. W. Xiclu)ls. Brevard, and O. L. Krwin. (,’herrvfield. Spartanburg, .“^lASil DOOK.'^ BLIXD.S s. c. I iV ) I (ill itUli DR ]) LUMBEll Ir. It is not necessary touseanyjger who comes to Brevard by argument in favor of a good I train could not fail to see it. school, no one will oppose its es tablishment. We all know the benefits of education, of training the minds of the children, and all our tax payers would be willing to bear their part of the expense. The need of better sidewalks is well known to every citizen and it would not only be of great use to us who live here but would be appreciated by the tourists. While we should consider our Notice—Entry No. 2435 , ,V Henderson enti rs and . hii:i;s T'> aeres of - needs and comforts first, ’f. G.' still we should ever think of those C laixl River, anj Galloway and otliers, a hickory (i. W Hrii<^ersous Begiiiniii.-- of Pine Kid^^e and runs corner on (.oinpienients. Entered tliis if July, 1*3. 'I; 7th day Entrv Ta‘Ker. visitors who come and spend many thousands of dollars in our midst each year. From a very These are not costly additions to our attractiveness as a town, but they are absolute necessities if we w’ould attract and retain visitors. Our w^ater supply should in some way be made available to the thirsty at night or on Sunday as well as during the business hours of other days, and we hope our county and town officials will take the matter in hand. We have a u’ater sup ply which should be the pride of both county and town and it is a matter of right that citizens from outside the town should have an opportunity of testing it. When Senator Hopkins, of Illi- noise and Senator Hoar, of Mas sachusetts will recommend ne groes for the Supreme court of the United States and for the Cabinet, the world will cease pro claiming the hypocrisy of the re publican party. A Loy’.s AVihl Kide. With family around exj)ectino’ him to die, and a son ridin«- for life, 18 miles, to «ret Dr. Kinij's New Discov ery for Consumpcion, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of LeesvilJe, Ind., endured death’s a^ionies from asthma: but this w'onderful medicine g'ave instant relief and soon cured Ixim. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every niy;ht.’■ Like marvelous cures of consumption, pneumonia, bronchi tis, coughs, colds and Q-rip prove its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50e and $J. Trial bottles free at W. Nichols’ dru}r store. roll work and ca'liuy:^ <>t every eriptioii. Ksiiuiates turai'-lied [>roniptly on all work. Wm. M. JOSES, Fres. and Trcas. J. 1. MUlLlfIJtX, Suph BREVARD Machine Shops hy send your money abroad when you can get lowei’ prices at home for Turned Columns and all other turned work. Door and Window Frames mantels and all similar machine work. Call and see me before sending orders away. Very truly, Kilpatrick’s & King, J. .\I. KILI’ATRICK, iraiia-or. Galloway, Duckwortii & Co., REAL ESTATE DEALERS, Rooms 3 and4, McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate. Collect rents, and attend to prop erty when ow^ei* is absent. Farming and Timljer Lands a Specially. 1