Sylvae News miner & BREESE. Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 190!i. VOL. VIII-NO. m ®unns Rock Lodge No. 267 F. 4' M. fleets Friday on or before the full ^oon in each month, at '1 )>. m. ^ isit- ioj; Masons are oordially invited to meet with us. sptly Wm. Maxwkll, S- Sunday—S to 10 a. ni.. 4 to <> V- m- ^'entral Ottioe—Cooper l>loek. THE TRUSTS ABE NOT BUSTED. T!i8 Paople Hava a Rsmeiiy in Tlieir Own I1an!is-Wli8n Tiisy Apply It? Professios^r! W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 7 i 8, McMinn Bld'g. Bre*ard, K. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Iloonis 1 and 2. I’iekelsiiuer liuiUiin;:. W. W. ZACHA.RY, A T T O R N E Y-A T-L A W Offices in McWlinri Black, Brevard, N. C. D. L. ENGLISH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. V. s. Court practice a s])ecialty. Offices in Cooper Building, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT l.AW. l‘rav*liuiltiinii. \Vht‘olwri^ht w(u k a f^peeiiiity. C. C. KILPATRICK, CONTRACTOR AND BUILOEB. Room 13, McMInn Block, Brevard, H. C. KstimatOf^ yiven on all kinds of work in tiie buildin;.:- line. T. L. CLARKE, Arc!iit8Gt and Contractor. Fhin'J and specifi»*ati-ons on a 1 k idv of huildini.; work. T. B. CRASCY, CoRtractor (or All Kiiiiis of Biick Viork. C'einent Work. I Masteriiij:-. I’ebtile- dash ai d Kou;,^h Castiny- a speci-Jty. BREVARD. N. C. J. O. DEkMID, The Belialile Jeweler. Watches and .Tewelry for >ale. Fine Watcli and (Jlock i-i.-pairinjr. All ^Vo'•k u’uaranteed. West Mainst. A. C. NORTON, Practicai Boot and Sfioe^naker Harness Work a s]x;cialty. West Main Street near Caldwell. Notice—Entry No 2*435. P HcndPFsoii enters mul c ain'T' T.") su n*'; of i«nd in Hogback Tov.n.-iiiji. rransylvaiiia rmiiitv, N. t:. : lying oa the* watA*rs of Flat rrpek of flie soiitli proiitr of Fr ■iV'di Broad HivtT.’ adjoining the lands of (J. U . HllJiZfe-'Oii. j }.' Keecc, .1uli»4 y'lin (iallowav aiJ Resinninvr on a hickory \v ' H, rnrnoron the south end f>l Pino Kidj ‘ rums courses for coinplenients. Knt] ^fh da' of July, 19C3. \\. JI. ifKi ‘ ■ Kiilry] Washington Correspondence of the Sylvan Vallky Nkws. The trusts are still in the s:k1- (lle. The anthracite coal trust is advancing the i^rice of coal a»^tiin, I though it is reporteil to have ; mined and stored some millions I of tons more tlian can be sold !this yeai, and yet this trust has ! such a monopoly that it can put I up prices as it pleases. The I meal trust also tiles uotice that it intends to raise the price of its [)i ()ducts to a level more in ac cord witii the times and ])ermis- sive of the garnering of larger profits. Congress, last winter, when the coal trust was a live issue, appropriated a special fund of ^501),000 for the De[)art- ment of Justice to use to ijrose- ciite trusts. Congress also pro- vitled for a number of assistant Attorneys General to prepare (*ases against the trusts. Many months have elapsed since this money and tiiose attorneys wt^re placed at the disi»osal of the ad ministration, but no action has been begun. There is on tile with the Attorney (reneral more.* tliaii one case against trusts, ])i'e- Ocired by private ent(‘;-pris<\ such as the case against the coal trust i)repared by William R. Hearst, and the case against tlie tolxicco trust has been on file lor over two y(?ars. but it liJis r('[)osed In a pigeon-hole in the dei)artment. and even tlie extra mont'y and the extra help have been unabh* to drag It into court. There seems to bo nothing that c-'.n stop this insatiable greed of bloated trusts, except business dopi-v^ssion. That with its re- suliinil reduction in the people's purciuising powei’, will prove the only elfective means to bring prices down again to a reasona ble limit, so long as the republi can party remains in the saddle. So far as legislatures and courts are concerned, they are. appar ently. unable or unwilling to do anything to protect the consum ers. Anti-trust laws passed by the 1-iw-givei‘s are, as a rule, i ])ron]ptly and neatly knock(>d out ! by the judges, who seem to be exceedingly anxious to protect what they consider the constitu tional rights of corporations. Did you ever hear of the consti tutional rights on an individual? Never in j^our life. Some months ago, newspa|)ers were full of statements to the effect that the Federal Government wouldn't do a thing to the per nicious, rapacious coal trust af ter Mr. William Randolph Hearst had put it in a hole, soaped the sides and pulled up the ladder. Well, what has been the result? Nothing, The coal trust is still doing business at the old stand and determined to give prices another boost this winter. Verily, the consumer's is an unhappy lot. He pays double prices for the things he needs, and at the same time looks in vain for redress for grievances innumerable. He boasts of con stitutions which do not protect him. and of courts which consid er it great si)ort to sot at naught laws designed to safeguard the rights of the peoi)le. Extortion is the watchword all over this broad land of ours. There is none among consumers who can escape its arroganceand tyranny, none who can tlevise means to bring it to an end. Oh, prosper ity, what sins and injustices are committed in thy name! And these will never stop until the re publican party is kici^ed off the face of the earth, the unholy al liance betvvec'n that party and the cormorants of the country is pulverized, and the democratic party alloyed to rij) the roci\!t off tile taritf wall that gi-ants special privileges to tlie favoied few. When will the people act? yf tii6t i! ; Rumored Sale of ilie Tiansylvania Raiiroad i ' to tiie SoL’tiiern. Several of our exclianges on Saturday last jmblishtHl a rumoi’ tljat the Transylvania railroad had been sold to vhe Southern. Railroad ofrtcials in the general lotUces of the Tjansylvania road in ]>r(ivard wei'o non-committai. I and if a de.-il has btM*n consum- i mateti tiu'y eithej’ don't know it or won't t»‘ll. One of the ofncers hece in answering in sale should be nrade have \)0!'n ad vanced. but in our estimation this remai'k (*ontains the “milk' in the cocoanut." It has been a mystery to us ever since the road was completed to Toxaway that the StuUhei’n or some com[)eting line did not take the road and buildalin(^ to the south via Kirk's survey. The protiles of his sur vey (if we have been rightly in- ! formed) showed that he could cross Ulue Ridge from Toxaway ; with a maximum grade of 90 feet to the mile. As the Saluda grade is '2iM feet to the mile and as there seems no way to amend it, we have never been able to ac count for the delay in utilizing the more available route which Capt. Kirk discovered. If tiie Southern has bought our road we believe that its principal object in the deal is to get a safer line for its heavy freight business. We believe that a connecting link between Toxaway and some point on its Piedmont Airline branch will be built in the near future and that Brevard will be on a great trunk line instead of a.“way station be tween Lake Toxaway and Hen dersonville,” as one of our con temporaries puts it. It is well known that a road from Horse Shoe to Fletcher would reduce the distance to Asheville by 10 miles, while tap ping the Soul hern at some station south or southwest of this coun ty would shorten the distance from Asheville to Atlanta by nearly a hundred miles. It would seetn to an outsider that a shorter I’oute and safer grade were sufficient inducements for the construction of this much needed amendment. However, this is only specula tion. We don't know that the Transylvania road has changed hands—we must wait until the officials see tit to give out the news. In the meantime i)y wait ing “we shall see wdiat we shall see. ” The beauty, fertility, healthful ness, scenery and other attrac- ti(msof the French Broad valley are too well known for the jeal ous tlings of our Hendersonville contem))oraries to longer deter the traveling puljlic from visit ing us, yet as an illusti’ation of the jealousy which animates them we co[)y astpiib from the Times of last wtiek. It woukl be a pro gre.^sive move for the town if Hendersonville would enjploy a n::‘.naging editor for both of its [):ipe!'s: T. F. Pace of lilue Ridge was in town Friday and called oii the Timt'.s. .Mj-. Pac(' toll.-, us that he re(rently mad(?a tri() with Mrs. Pace to Brevard and was much ini{)ress(Hl b^' the foggy climateof that city. Wiiile thorc he met C’ol. T W. Taylor and other fi'ionds wliose warm wel come lu'ljied to dis])ell th(? gloom wiiich tlie fogs would otherwise have caus('d. The Asheville Daily Citizen failed to reach us last Sunday atid as it is about the only Sun- (lay i):ij)er tliat can get hm-e the day of pui>licalion iiKjuii’ies as to why it failed w(3re numerous. Monday morning it came in, and tlu? reason why it f iiled was an swered. it consisted of jiage?. of illustrated write-ups of Ashe ville and vicinity and all els ' which enters into llie make-up of an up-to-date city daily. It was creditable even in conijiarison with the Sunday publications of metropolitan cities, and the most creditable jxirt of the matter was that it came an unexpected and unannounced visitor. Who says that the mountain towns of "West ern North Carolina are not pro gressiv(‘ and enterprising? The presid(uit lias caused to be sent out frcnn Oyster Bay the announcement that congress will positively be called in extra ses sion on Novemt^er 9. This is for the purpose of completing the ratification of the Cuba)i treaty and will not be interfered with by failure to agree on a plan for financial lejjislation. A !5oy’s \Vi!d With family around ex})octino- him to die, and a son ridiny foi- life. ]S miles, to pet Dr. Kind's New Discov ery for Consum])cion. Couijhs and C’olds, W. H. Drown, of Leesville. Ind., endured death’s a<>-onies from astlima; but this wonderfid medicine jrave instant relief and soon cured him. He w'rites: “I now sleep soundly every nii»ht.” Like marvelous cures of cousumption. pneumonia, bronchi tis. couo-hs, colds and oi«ip ])i*ove its matchless merit for all throat and lunfT troubles, (Juf.ranteed bottles r>Oc and $1. Trial bottles free at W, Nichols’ dru!mi( 'lnni oak. ilu-tie<* w •-(; with iiiic* jS • io n I; <»:r: t * .south‘JG poles to a srake in Win .(oIuim.m’s liru tnencceast vviih hi.s liiu- I.) ih • l>.-inniini. (••••.’ t linin.tiacri's. Kntered day of .hi V \iis K- i K;'.'i now thrown open to t.hc iml.lic This body of land lies . 011,1 to no;;e and taxe:- o:i ■-^;rr! th:;!.': Kiistern ami NortluTii St'it(>'. i r-aj-is va the Frisco system will nni to t :i-< h.r.:;. ie- V:i St. I.onis at 8:;^j.5iind u !i: av-^ ’’ sas City at ; anil 11:8(»|. i; '■ n,se,.. tcmber P'>, nexr. l ow nit.- Louis and Kansas (’;ty to X'etr.nn. le.v.-i-. a-\d r.*rurn. Proiiortionatefv low r;' ■ sp .jM ;i i otiier poiiUs. If u is your int<'ntif>n to i 'lUo-J'js'i->. Im I",in* a valwj-.hle homesiie, w:ii ■ to 1-., s .'^.•cretary, Fri-r-r> Syst.-m Itiu.: St I.oul' in ori!<‘r t!iar :i; r !!■/• i .i • 7. accommodation may hi* ma«li . % ^ MORGAN WORKS Spartcnbizrg, - .S. C. SAiSH i:()r(.ll :ti>d Doc>i:s BLINDS Iron work and (.*usti;)o, «>i’ pv.'-ry d(*scr;i>tion. l']stinial,i tuiii."l.e{l promptly on .til work. Wm. M. JONES, P.'-:;;. sni/ Tiias. J. A. MULLIKAX, Supt. BREVAE.D Machiise V* hy send your ri;(Vi,t‘y p.lji .iad when you can get lowei- at home for Turned Columns and all other turi.ed v/c.ri>:. Door and Wiiidov- Frariie:^ mantels and all siu]i!;ir njaeiiii.e w’ork. Call and see me ijeforo sending orders away. Very truly, Kilpatrick’s & King, J. KILDATUICK, ^[:Hu\,^2or. uiiDKwerfti s, S5„ HIE BEMEiS, Rooms 3 and4, McWlinn Block, B’t?.i'ard, G. Buy and sell all kinds of ! 'e:\l Collect rents, and att«-;i:i lu ]>rop- erty when ownei* is absent. Faming and Ttinker Lai):io a Spei;iuily.