Sylvan Valley News :M1XER & HKEKSE, Editors aud Proprietors. Frida!i Mvnuiuj, Sept. 1903. Town and County Items. II. (J. C'litf, of Asheville, is visit ing; .]. \V. Baily. Dr. Drafts of Hendersonville was town on \\'edne.s'lay on profession- businer^s. J. O. Waters left on ’Wednesday )'<>r Alabama and other southern states on a busiiiess trip. Mavor Bel! left for a business trip i<'i South Cjiroliii.i to-ny the -Ai>ts. ’\rany of our s]tortsnien are enjoy- th*' <'xei‘llent s.juirrei sliooting can be had iii the various cov*-s near town. Our Marchaiits Organize. Self Protection as Well as Protection of Honest Men Secured by United Effort. Owing- to the lack of space we are unable to publish in fall the constitution and by-laws of the Merchants Protective Associa tion of Transylvania County, but will give the gist of that part which refers to the public at large. As the name implies the Association was formed for the protection of its membei’s and its aim is to put a stop to the making of uncollectible debts by irresponsible parties. The by laws provide, among other things, for a Credit Clearing House to which all the members belong and the api)ointment of a Collector and Inspector of Ac counts. If any debtor shall refuse or neglect to pay debts owing to any member of the Association with in thirty days after notice, the account shall be i)laced in the rhe many fi iet.ds of Mi>s ^bu’ion | of the Collector and he will I lia-iter will bt* ^lad to learn that she notify all the merchant.s iti Sias returned and will sj>end tiie wni-; " •’iting, giving the name of the with >’rs. II. P. Clarkt'. ; party or parties owing said ac- !;. I*. Sinilli, i>fA>l»'Vil!o. tlji-Assoc-iutioii will at * Nl'WttMl t(* :ii lliH Jili from ull ••ia!- eiinr<-h here at 11 o’chic-A aild at parties so rei)ort*'d. and credit Davidson Iliver Llnnvh at 4 ni shall remain wii hdrawn until t he n<*xt Sunilay. account is settled. And when < jarenee ^lorir.Mi has ac{*ej)t‘d the' luis bf‘en withdrawn trom M)siuu!i with tlie l)t‘\*ane Stipply it shall also be with I'u., i\>vp,u-v!y lu'!d in I.oyd Allen, drawn from his family or [)arties Ah'* will soon leave on a i>U'iiiess d(*pendent upon him loi'\siipporl. Hi}' to the Soutli. If any merchant (extends credit M'hos. n. Alli'o!’, a re'^-'steri'il lit* i'as been noti u iHaC’ist of niiu* v(‘ars’ experi- hed tliat there is an ac(*ount in • iicc‘ and for-ncrly with Dr. T. ('. the hands of the Coli.'!cior against *'.nith of Asl'ev.lle, has ;avej)i<*d a said }>arty tiien t he iiierchant will with the i?i-v;,rd Dru^'(i). and, |,;tve to pay a fine of twtMUy dol- oe leain, w ill be inae r-ooji. lars to the Association besides il( v. >;v. { a-i;'.v»'li, \vhi> h been losing the tolal ainonnt of thi' 'oiiductinu' the protra. U'd meetijiM-at d^*bt. The CollcH:t(jr iias the pow- >i;<“ Ba]>tist church, left o3i i iiesday er to look ovh‘}‘t he accounts of t }j(! hi< horn... All ^^ho h.^anl Mr. .„enil,*ers of the Associatilea.-ed witli '•is .-erjnons rnd his woj'l; did nuich 4(iod in the coMiinujiity. Mayor i'e!I i< to l>e a^-er.i for '<:ine t;MU> tiie P<:ii(| of .'.Mermen > I ' icd Alderina't M. !\ilp;itriciv as >iayor ]»ro teas. Mr. Kilpatrick is ’ ci; titled to t:!; the liositiois ;;i,d Ihe iii' I'.and" >’Mrv adaiini'.tra- .'laii'-of i'revai'' will he in ion. Mr: Celavan . u< K«‘r ”ave an ni- ■‘attia! d.;ncc at tlie rrankiin last '’.ii'day ev:,in;jr which w.»-^ >_'r«"ai'y iuuei aiu; : *wti. l{('frcs!it‘ients wer^ served Clayton. J. A. ^.iii]t‘r. Z. \V. Xich- Ini-a-^- thf> evenin;*- a:;d the music o!s. Vv'. L. Aiken Co.. Tlie Bre- vas ;,l! that n uUl he ask mI. vard Drug Co.. UeVane !1. ]]. (.iovcr, tlie phot'-'j-raplicr. Tiiisl'-y cc Xorton. \\. L. Car- .i::- ;Moveii hin:s.a.f_ ii|s bu~iiie>s aiid ii'iichael, K. J. Piclvlesiiiier; T. W. ill- I’.vo s!-f('rs i!ito his n»*\v -tudio on Whitmire anil Deaver & Loftis. street next tMtheXc\v> oftic . I in- . i-i > '■pecially :irfectioa wiii result from " l-il" l!lOV(‘. J M 1 !:(• tent Ui There have been several com- It is no lo;ij;er -‘Glover j)l:iints mad(? to us in regard to ‘‘ the' condition of some (if the small V. e liatl a vej-y pleasant vi-it t'roni bridges near the de[)ot and also 'mv. Adams, the genial Prc'si'l*^iit of in I’egard to the overliead bridge ■i\.c iM-^'vard T-ntiiu Conipai’y. It at the end of Main street. i»e of ;rr. at henelit ro tlie p)o- The condition of the pla?ik walk < f tlMMNaUity if ;Ir. Anauis would •'<■1 I)'.'; a ]i.'.w«-rtMi whi-tie tor the .\ci«l plant a>^ it would l>e a '^r.iue to till' wo«’kim-n from l.;b<.r to rc- v^-ii.ii.ent aiid call them on a'lain in <‘n,- season. iMease y,ive U" the ‘A Jii^tie .>]r. Adaa*~. in front of The Franklin is a dis- gr:i(!e to the town as well as a dan ger to pedestrians. Tliereisalso a complaint as to the condition of a bridgeinNortiiBrevard close to I\I J. Orr's residence. This is I ... ; not a o'lticism but simply pub- Trof. h. iC. P.ishoj! of ouruiij, Kv., ,• i i n .. • „ , , ,. ‘ , lisried for the information ot the street overseers of the tv.’otowns. -ii» re to takf' cha%re ol‘ thi^ ilrevard Jadir~triai Schoo!, and the Xi;usof- ticf Hi^ht in faitli we muse [low }T|-ows in Pfii'adise our store. J. R. Owen. Broad Vailay Notes. lOditor Sylvan Valley News. Our music teacher, 31is.s Daisy Buckner, of Democrat, X. C., will be here TJuirsday of this we( k. She is indeed well e- fod der pullinjj. We were indeed <»lad to welcome the two Messrs. j'eece fro n the J*];isr 1^'ock section as students to our school on ih(* tirst of this week. They seem to mean busiiiess. Terry JJeck came in from Ashe ville tii(i latter part of last week and spent a ft*w ilays at the liome of his father, iiev. A. W. iieck. A. J. I>cck and wife have ju.-t re turned trom ^.lars Hill wheie they visit(‘d Mrs. Bcck’s paicnt>. -lack seems to he attacked \\ ith a case of “western fever” of late, i*ut hop.- it will cool dowji before lie can mak(? ready to go. Onr school boys have i)ecome thoroiigldy awakened to ball play- iufi’. \\ ith so.i.e ellort we are rij;lit v^ell j>repar(*d lor playing. 'I'he oi«ler marrird Jiien and l)aciieiois (i'has. Aikt‘11 l.eiiiy out* of ilie lutiei ) liave clialUaijit'd lheseh/)el tor a ^aiue oiv t.b.e coming ►Satnrd.ty. Come aiul h'^u^ h. Snou n.\[.i.. Small Profits and Quick Sales! Ill order to make room for a larger stock of Groceries I am olleriiig my entire line of Dry Goods, Xotioiis, Hats, Shoes, aii.0<)0 worth of merchandise. Yours very truly, W. L. CARMICHAEL Phone 19 Stoinat'h Trnuble. ••J have been troubled with my stoni- ’u-'arini:'co?npk"tio!i and Prof. I^ishop past four years.” says D as-uves us that the school will open i'.iOC.t; the loth of <)etol)er. Vo en- -eniri-e could ir- established :m P-re- that wonh' be <^f mole p rnia- etent benefit to onr town tiian a ooo.l deal better.” If ;;ou have any scle o., and t e >ew- earnestly W!sh-^ trouble u-ith your stoiaach trv a box es-liiat the Industri'1 may n.erit and "f these Tal>!ots. You :M-e certain to ...wvw be T'leastnl with the re^'Uh. Price c. For sale by Z. Vv . X'ichols. Hre- ol‘ (’lover nook Farm (^reenlield, Mass. ”A few days a}>(> I was induced to buy a box of Cluun- berlain's Stomach and Liver Tabkt.r I have taken ])art of thc-m and feel a recejye a lari-e anv! vania fuuaiy LaKe iU)Lie.-- i.,aL i wiii i.e ai. l.ic loiiowiau- lti j ijiJ . III. (iuta l>(/tt»;.'xi.s.. Al(j.'-:aiu!crs Store, K‘lo;x‘ i‘ 'J,—. t^aslatoe. Ziuu ('Irurc’u (./'<*t.ob'.M' 2.‘l. I^ast i'oriv. Lia[)iist v_ liurcii. OcL. -It. Diuuis liuck. tiolii.''' Old Store. Ocluber Ll<), t edar Jioun».ain, C’ox‘.» Store. Oct. 2T tiiver,. Asiivvorlii’s tit-uru, toinir IIS. Hoyci, W. .). Wilson's S^ore, Uc- t.)i)or li‘». C'ioiiio, Duncan's Store. .‘lO. Hrevard, Court liou>e. Oct. .'U. T.L:*es umst ho seiileti ai t)aee. Tlic law vsjuipeis me to make seLtiement of all taxes due stale a:id cuvaity hy eer- taiii Liates. so meet me t>n above dates aaa set lie ui I'ul;. 1 \vill f)r<>eeed to levy on and sell })roi)eriy ai'cer X(>v. f«a* taxes UijL paia hy that dale. You will savec»-»t by seltliuj*: ])romptly. \ei-y iespecL- faily, .lAMKSC. KlXvi, SlieriJl and Tax Loliecc.or. r.revard, Sept. ”1. iDO.’i. Specia -OF— m eiooEiiES. Town Taxes* The Tax List for the year 19()3 of the Town of Urevard i.s now in my hands i*or collection. All ta.x payers are notified that the ta.'i is now due and prompt pa.\ menr. w ill be en- forred without favor. J. A. URVSOX, Town Ta.v Collector. PRICES VERY REASONABLE. I give my customers their mo>ney’s worth of tirst class ixcods and do not try to see how inuch I can tn.ike, but how mucii I cati give my patrons. Come in and see my stock, loarn my prices and be convinced. E. COX The .Cdsh Grocer King Building Main Street J. A. MILT.-F.T?, Builders’ Hardware and Building Materials ?^lastering Hair Cement yime / /jReady Roofing I / Glass \ Putty \ Sash Locks ^Window Lifts feash Cord atid V/eights Dressed Lumber Laths Shingles Sash Doors Blinds Locks Hinges Window Pulleys Weiohiny lbs. to bushel; raised on hind yieldin>2- 31 bushels per acre. l-*rice $l.oO per bushel. Call at Brevard Roller Mills* Mctaiek Mm' and Binders Mowers, Rakes, Corn Ci Cor. Main and Caldwell [xii*s and Grain Drills BREVARD, N. t