Sylvan Valley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. WNER & BREESE. BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBRR 2. I!)n3. VnL. Vin-NO. 40 Dunns Rock Lodge No. 267 A. F. Jh - M. fleets Qn or before the full |Qoon in each month, at '1 p. in. Visit- Masons are cordially invited to meet with us. sptly MaxWKLI., S(t'v. Brevard Telephone Exchange. , HOI'KS: r>aily—7 a. m. ti> 10 p. ni. SutKiay—8 to 10 a. m.. 4 to (» ]). m- ^’entral Otiice—(\»oj)er HlocU. Professior^cl Cc^rcls. W. A. GASH, attorney-at-law, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn Bld’g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTO RN EY-AT-LA W. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Koonis 1 and 2, I’ickelsiiner Uiiildinjj. W. W. ZACHARY, A T T O R N E Y-A T-L A W Offices in IVIcMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. D. L. ENGLISH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. I’, s. ( '(uii-t )))‘aL*ti**e a specialty. Offices in Cooper Building, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT-l AW. 1’I'aciiccs in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10 KcMInn Block, Brevard, N. C. Brevard Tannin Plant. A New Bridge Oyer tiie French Broad River at Tliis Point Is a Necessity. For the fu-st time since April to grow in population or impor- \ve found time on Monday last to taace as a business center it visit the new ])lant of the Hre- should encouraj^e tlie buildin*? of yard Tannin Company near Pis-j bridges—there are not half ^ah Foi-est. In the tive montiis | enough in the county. If we aim that have intervened since we ' at any notoriety as a summer re- wert^ oil th(* £j:round, quite a re-i sort we must have attractive spectable village has grown u}),di’ives for our summer visitors in the b»-autiful farming country ! and this bridge would o])en 4o which has ever been one of the S them the Tannin plant, Pisgah j. H. mm. Dental Sorger^. Rooms 1 and 2 Cooper Bld’g, Brevard. N. C. Mlscellaf^ecus. T. L. SNELSON, Biacl(smitli and H irse-shoer. Shop in Rear of Orr's Livery Siablc. ('arriiiii'e and Wa^on l^uildiui:-. Wheelwright work a si)ecialty. princi[Kil Davidson river attrac tions. In addition to the exten sive buildings which contain the huge n]achinery and otlier para [)hernalia necessary for extract ing tannic acid, there liave been built IT) c()ttiiges for homes of workmen who will have perma nent emi)h)yment when the works get to I'unnina’. The genial su- Forestand Vanderbilt’s road up Davidson river, and wonld m.ake one of the most attractive drives in the county. The [)etition being circulated alr("a<]y contains the names of several of the heaviest tax payers in the county, while the moun tain people would be most bene- titted: T. T. Patlon gives the I)erintendent Mr. W. P. Long was right of w;iy through his Dunn’s ready and willing to impart in formation, but as it was not oui- intention to describe the plant until completed, our interview was not extensive. His tinswer to the question as to when tlu^ l>lant would be in o[)eration was this; *-()ur condensei's, ordered in May, have not yet been ship ped fiom the fa(ttory, OtheJ' or (iei’s were in ahead of us and we iiave been compelled to wait oui- turn. We ex})ect, however, that tli(\y will be shi[)[)od veiy short ly.” As the contlensers turn out the finished product ready for shipment there can be no grind ing of wood or tilling of vats un til they are in position and roady for business. Tlu^ enterprise is a vast undertaking and repre s(Mits an investm(Mit of man^’ i<-liars. It lias already doubled ii<* })}-ice <>r wood in the county lud will be a permanent njarket for many years to come. A XKW ]JKMD(JE NEEDED. Learning that a petition was in ciregulation for a ne'.v bi idge over '/rench Broad near the Tannin plant, and that said petition would b(‘ presented to the County i- I'Uiuiissioners at their next i-eg- ular meeting, we concluded to [jejsonaliy inspect the ground I letTrn who would be most ben- t(^d. As we se(‘ it the])eople — j o live ou the Dunn's Kock side T. B. CKAKY, ( the river would be vei-y great-' Contractor for All Kinds of Brick WOi\|l i)enelitted by this bridge, ^Vork, iMasterin,-. Ij|^'hether they wish to come to Jonofh C.’astinjr a S]).j<-ia\lt.* ' ' qq business or haul wood and bark to the acid plant. The distance in either case would C. C. KiLPATRJCK, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Room 13, McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. Kstiniates ^iveu on all kind> of work in the building- line. Rock land, so there could be no cost for damages; It would open Pisgah Forest station to the peo pie of Dunn’s Kock township, and would add to the pU'asure of our summer visitors by attract ive lirives. Tlier(^ ai’ea hundred valid r(;as(nis why the bridge should be built while there are none against it. We need mor< roads and bridges and we sin {‘(‘rely hope thi‘ Commissioner.'- may see the matter in the same light. A Sad Incident. T. L. CLARKE, Arcliitect and Oontracftir, Plans and specifications on all iinu^ of building- work. C’ejuent W dash and f BREVard. n. c. J. O. DERMID, The Reliable iewelei ai»l -’e'vi-'li-y for sal.-. WMtch :*iid (^lock n'pa.rtii^. y wlM-k !.naranteed. West A. C. NORTON. Practicel Boot and Sliosma yiest Main Sheet near Caldviell. ■ Town Taxes. Tlic TUX for llie yeur I'm:) t theT»«n of Brevard .s now i, P I tnr collection. All tax paye. ''‘‘"tlilt'l that the tax is „ow,l„ Jl without Irtvor. loi<^d\Mi J. A. HPvYSOX, Town Tax Collector. be shortened and a better road for business or pleasure. The merchants of Brevard would be jenetitted because many who •ow go to Hendersonville to trade ould come here. The Tannin )mprny would only be benetit- 1 by reaching a little farther o the mountains for their wood ply, and yet the company ises to give the right of way ch its premises and pay ■e cost of the bridge—a >eral proposition, y new bridge that is built to bring the various sec- of the county in closer [)uch and therefore benefits ev- ry citizen. If our town expects :p.^ )ns Mrs. P. B. Wiis(3n, of Pee P211. Wash.. whos(‘ visit in this section during August will be ]'enu‘mber- ed by her many friends, sends us the followingcli})[)ing from the Arizona Range News, of Se})t. 4. The parties interested are well known and have many friends f'.nd relatives in Brevard wlio will >9 ])ained to learn of their trouble: “Sunday afternoon as the west ,^ound train })ulled into Willcox two ladies with a little child in their arms, dangerously ill, were seen to leave the train and hasten to the hotel. Dr. Nicholson was summoned and did all a physi cian could to alleviate the suffer ing infant, but it expired about t) ]). ni. In the meantime it was ascertained that the strangers, names were !Mrs. Roliert Wilson, motiiei’ of the child, Mrs. P. B. Wilson her sister, and they wei'e enroute from Brevard, North Carolina to Pe Ell, Washington, where they were to meet their husbands. They were strangers in a strange land and in distress, but the ladies of Vvillcox were equal to the emergency and assisted the unfortunate travelers in ev ery way possible. The Masonic lodge also tend ered its services and the use of their hearse. The funeral which was well at tended took place Monday after noon, the remains being interi-ed in the local cemetery. Messrs. H. A. Morgan, Kasper Hansel, M. J. Soto and W. R. McCoinb acted as pall bearers and W. M. Ayers officiated. O. C. Shronfe, Superintendent cf the Tucson division of the S. P. Railroad happened to be a visitor to Willcox at the time and hearing of the predicament the str'ingers were placed in, at once instructed Station Agent Lean to exercise (‘very precaution and sec that delay necessitated at this point did not mconvenience the travelers in tie further use of tbe’r tickets in raching their destination. The unfortunate strangers left Tuesday on the west bound train but not, however, before express ing their appreciation and thank ing the citizens of Willcox for the Idnd assistance tendered them in their hour of distress.’’ LOW RATES TO Cdifornia the NOR.THWEST! TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Cfifton Branham was executed at W^'isG. Va.. for wife murder. Before sroing to the scaffold he made a speech and asLked indorsement of his deed Ahont 300 of the crowd agreed witr him. Mississippi is experioncins a bor famine. The mills and bricl; yards are having trouble getting hands as well as the farmers. In the case of Aaron and Archi? Dill, charged with peonage, at Bir mingham, Ala., gross cruel^ties fane' theft were charged. The German cruiser Falke. is at Pensacola, Fla. The president and the kaiser were toasted whe-n off:, cial? visitel the Falke. The army worm has appeared i’l the delta around Vicksburg. Druggist? are getting rich selling paris green Sherman Stephens, a negro, hanged at Wedowee. Ala., yesterday for the murder of his aged father. At yesterday’s session of the sov ereign grand ledge of Odd Fellows at naltiincre, the report of the com mittee on the proposed million dollai memorial building was adopted. The marriage of M'iss Ruth Bryan daughter of Hon. W. J. Bryan, to Mr Charles B. Leavitt, will take place at Lincoln, Nehr., on Saturday evening. October 3. Dynamite was exploded under th< huggy of Contractor Ferguson, ne? West Middleton, Pa. Mr. FergusoiT who was killed, had $5,000 in a satch el, which is missing. Troops that will take part in tht army maneuvers at W®at Point, Ky. are beginning to arr^5^9 there. The maTi'S'jvera take j)lacc October. EHlg Roberta, trensr ^'sr of tt<5 Unit ed Btates, mad« an. t© the T)if/trict cf Qslambia Baakerff* aseoci ation last night. Hon. Harvie Jordan, of Georgia, has been elected president of the Farm ers’ National Congress, PAcin ') I ulc VV’^ill sell d:i:ly between l.)tli and X()V'-iiil>c‘r I'.i colonist ticlce^s Lu poiiil> in Washington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Jtrizona. and -Vt"tv Jife.Klco. .Short line, qirck time, no i^. fr.>o re- iiiiiii,ir t liaiirs. For r.iti-s, seliecluics tioii write to F. E. CLARK, Traveling Pass. A^t. Cie;.. A. A i I..-.NTA, «4A, W. T. SAUIiOEBS, MORGAN For a idea.-^aiit physic take Cham- Ix'rlaiirs Stomach and Ijiver Ta!>lets. to take. Pleiisant in etreet. For sale by Z. \V. Xichj)Is, lirevard. and C). L 1''r\vln. ('herrvtield. New Road Is Now Complete. Raleigh, X. C., Sept. 26.—Five thou sand persons, representing six counties, at Dunn, participated in the celebration of the completion of the Cape Fear and Xorthern railway fron! Apex to that place, a dis tance of 40 miles. Governor ^Aycock and the other state officers were pres ent and the governor spoke. The company which owns this road, o. which B. Duke, of New York, is the president, is building, at Duke, on its line, the Erwin cotton mill No. 2 with 35,000 spindles and 1,500 looms. These mills were visited. Wooi& WOFJi Spartanburg SASH DOORS BLINbS S C. Iron work and castin^> ol‘ < vei v de.'icription, K.<timale.> ri:n.i: !,> 1 promptly on all work. Wm. JGt^ES, Pres, 'dvl IiTr.s. J. A. mium, supt. Ladysmith Defender. New York, Sept. 28.—Lieutenant General Sir Ian Hamilton, who partic ipated in the defense of Ladysmith, arrived from Liverpool on the jLu- cania today. A Lovo Lottor Would not interest you if you’re lookinj^ for a guaranteed salve for sores, burns or piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, mo., writes: safiiered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salvs cared me. It’s the bf*st salve or. ea.ith. 20c at NichoFs drug store. BREVARD Machine Why send your moiit-y when you caii get lower ]ii io ^ ;.t home for Turned Columns and all oilier turned win i-:. Door and Window FrariJCH mantels and all similar machine ^^olk. Call and see iih‘ sending orders away. Very truly, Kilpatrick’s & King, J. KILrATKICK, .Managci . REAL ESTATE BEkLn,, Galloway, Daokworfii & iiCi, ! PR' ItK t Rooms 3 and4, McMinn Block, SrevBris ii. C. Buy and sell all kinds of Collect rents, and atteii.i to erty when ou nL-i* is Farming and Timljer Lands 2 SpBcislty. Subscribe for the Svi>va\ Y.\) i.i:v News, only paper in the county.

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