W. L KUYKENDALL Optician Every Friday at Tally’s store. PENROSE, N. C. Ycu Live to See, and See to Live. Kyej» t«'stod by improved instruments and needed {rlasses «upj>lied. Weak or failiny^ s?iyfht, mio])ia or short si^rlit, astiymatisra and other ci'enciencies of vis^ion cured by wear- inf>- my improved lasses. i^et me kn(.»\v your needs and I will rail and test your eyes at your own home. Address as above II. F. I).—Iloute No. 2. Strawberry Plants. The L,argest Stock in the World. Nearly 100 Varieties. All the choice, luscious kinds for The (Jai'den and t'aric; Market. Also ^'^li;>])i!ll! Varieties. Also FRUIT TREES OP HIL KINDS TO GROWERS AT WHOLESALE RATES. V'e wi!l save pu half in piantlrig an orchard. Dew berries. *\.spara>>us. lihubarb, Gra])e Vines, etc. Our 120 page Manual, free to buyers, enables everpbody to grow them with success and profit. A>! ]>lants ])ac::'*d to i-arry across the continent fte.-li as when duo-, il lustrated cataloyfue free. S]»ecify if \')Vi want ratalo;ii:e of .Ship])in*j Va- 1 .dies or Fancy (Ji'.rden kimis. GDntinental Plant Co., KITTIIICLL. X. C. A FREE PATTERN (rour own solectioii) to every sub scriber. Ouly 5<> cents a year. MTMLCS,^ MAGAZINE A : ije itititiil c.ilorod piatcs; latest i (sh; ,ti> ; ccunnniirs ; {jr. :y >■ ; h m'i'jiici J hints , tiMion, etc. Siih- «cribe to-day, or, s«nd for lattrvt copy Lady aijc-nts wanted Send for tvrms. Sty’.i«!li, Reliable, Simnle, Up-to- date. Ecoiii):!!ical atul Abs»)!utely Perfecl-Fittiii;,’- Paper Patterns. m CALL ^ BAZAR* I IkTTERNS Seams 4lln-*ed and Perforations she* ttie Basting ani Sewing Lines. <^fi!y lo and 15 cent^ each—rone hiijher Ask for them S >lil in noarly eveiy cily a:id town, or bv m.iil Irom THE r^cCALL CO.. S:3-I!5-1I7 Hest 3Jst St, NCSV YORK. neawaRBBBHffl NOTICE. is :i l:n;in'tt (tor of W. l i-iM'!, i. 1: t'‘ • !' 'r;a:i.'ylv;.ii’;! (<.iin«y, S W .1) 1 : I* !y :1 I ), •v. ,•,» ti vj ;r_’- fiailil '!ii‘s.iiit W C. Klv|., r U) » X i illi)U!:■ ;ii>' ii: ; i.'i*'• will I..- *i i'l b;ir.i!' Ill-i.-M'. uviTv. A!' pt'r-oi:.» iii- t(» siiiil vsiatv.* will j>U’a-o niakf iiiinu-cliat.* , iaviii>‘i;t. I i li.. l:^. 1!* i3. ' h. i’l.'IIi:r. Aihiiinistralor. , n vv. ZACHARY. AltoMi.y. ^ To Tax-Payers. 1 •Ml tax-payei-s of Traii.>vlvania i I'ounty will Ihkl- nolict- th;u 1 will l.e i at Il':e loliowirrj- phict's to collect taxes j o;i diitct; publi>!'.v_‘.l ot?low: i (’atheys <'reuk. ()ctobcr 1!>. { <;^)ucc^ter. '.iaccdonia <'liiirch. (X*-| lober liO. S tli.';_''ltaek. lloj^'oack .School House, j ()cioD»,*i'lii. I < a;iu K<»lt(;ius. Alexaniiers. Store October l!ll. Ka^tatoe. Zion ( I'.urfii (>>_*Lo’=)<*r '2'\. j I'oi’k. !>;;pti.i’l;!is I iocic. i.ioiiis' (>.(1 Store, j < ) to: -jr 2f;. I '' ■ ; iU--'. I >un:;i in. < ox’s .Stoiv^. (,>ct. 27 I I Liver. >•.>;r>v«ii‘I.hSl«>i‘o. (/c- tcber 2l<. lloytl. V/. .1. Wilson's Store, t )i.er'2\». <‘lotiio. I)aue;{i!‘‘^ Stofe. < )cl. -’>0. I>!‘evard. ( ilo'.'.se. ocl. •>1. '!';iaCs must K..> ai oiu e. Thi- h'.w coIlipel^ iiiC to rjiaue S'.*li;ciuont o: liiit.ixen due sii-.le :i:iii ct^i.niy tiy cer tain dates, s!! luee: lue on a!>o\e dalc‘^ a:iil scIiIl" in luii. i will ],i-.tce..Hi to lovy (»n and sell jii-oi*i‘rty ailer Nt . lit ;<»i- la;-es n<»l }>aiv ."Cltiin;^ ]>i-oniptlv. Verv '-espect- f.nly. .lA.'.l KS (•. KING. Sheriff and Tax Culiecior. llrevard. .Sc])t. 21. "** ~ ^ ijMil ’'.V<‘i;jhi!)i!- '>! lbs. to l.'i'>he’; raised oi land v eliiML;- .'{I i»ushels ])er acre. I’i'icc* =i< 1.-'ni »u*i‘ b'.:siii‘i. l. ali at Brevaid RcISer Mills. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Cieoro Loftis tells u.s that Sam Lance has the larj?est “it*” hog in the county. E. J. Hawkins of Greers, S. C., has been visiting his brother, D. S. Hawkins. Ml’S. Plato Heffner is improving enough to allow her husband to re sume his work. The News had a very pleasant visit from Mesdames Rumbough and Dodge of Cleveland, O., on Mon day last. W. W. Zachary, Esq., went to Asheville and Marshall on paofe.‘<- sional business Monday, returning Wednesday. Duff ('antrell dropped in the office on Wethiesday and reports every thing in a flourishinj^- condition in his section. We are glad tp see Miss Stnnsell in town again. She is to hav’e charge of one of the departments at tlie Industrial school. Our farmers have had a splendid season to take their fodder, and the rain that came on Wednesday was needed and did no harm. The Asheville presbytery covened t>n Tuesdnv with Davidson River church. Many prominent presbyte- rian ministers were pre.sent. Mesdames Slt*ymaker and Wicks and MissSlaymaker of Berkley, Va., iNliss Jessie l-*iper and Mis. (J. W. Morgan visitetl Lake Toxaway on Thursday last. Rev. T. L. Weldon of Chick .Springs, S. C., who htjs bee!< visiting D.ivid Hawkins, preached a .splendid sermon at the JJnptist church on 'rnc.-il..y night. Hy the Asheville (\tizen we see that Caldwell Whitmire of (’herry- field jiiid F. L. DeVane of lirevard li.ive been drawn as jurors for Ihe I ext term of Federal court which is .set for Nov. 2. If our farmers w'ould use a ma- cl'.ine to cut and hind their corn and then have it shredded they would find that thej' had much more feed tor each, acre cultivatetl. I^ook into tiie matter, farmers, (io and see those farmers who have adopted that method and yoM will be con- vihc* tl. Henderson county Is surnnitting tlie proposition of a bond issue to l)uild a new court Iioush costing to a vote of its taxpayers. This is one item of e.xpe«-e which our county will not be caile-l onto inciu’ for several y»^ars; we « an de- vole our ."urplus cash to making better roads and building britlges. n;Mi(lersonville is just at ]>resent ii;aking strenuous efl'orts to 5»t‘t ‘>ut a bjj4 crowd at tlie Western Xortlj Carolina Fair to be held there Octo ber 2s atid 2‘->. The promoters seem to recojrnize the fact that} succe.«s det»ends on the profuse and judii?ious u.«e of j)rinters’ ink, and the Hustler this week contnins a page of irtfor- mation concerning the enterprise, li-it of premiums, etc. As tl;i< is the tirst effort in this line made by our mother town it might pay Hre- vard to watch proceedings and take note-—there i*: no telling what may hapi»en hereanotlier year. Two of our jn-ominent carpenters c<>nclu(b‘d that Tuesday was a ^ood (lay to go tishing. It wns very en joyable floating down stream, bitt when they undertook to pole the bo.-it back to its mooriny:s it was up liill business. After several failures ro get over a shoal the cajitain con cluded to get out and make a “canal luuse” of himself for the moment. .Just as he bad put this idea into ex ecution the pilot discovered that his coat had been swept from its dock i>y an overiianging limb atid was on its way to the Mississippi river. Ih* also concluded that it was a jjood lime to “take water.” and ati on looker would have discovered that b.)ating, with the captain and crew- Aae in serted at the price of .'cts per line. Cottaife for rent—A. H. King. New line of shirt waist goods at J. E. Clayton’s. A car load of salt just received at T. I). England’s, Fresh cotton seed meal and hulls at T. D. England’s. See Clayton's new and stylish line of fall and winter dress goods. Nice fn^sli groceries at reasonable prices can be found at Osteen's. Ladies will fiiul a lan:e assortment of cloaks and capes at Clayton's. Jim Aiken will [lay hisrhest prices tt)^r buixlles tops and fodder.* ' t*ed wheat—10‘> bushels Fulcaster vvh«it at per bu. \V. K. Osborne.* 3!rs, Norton will have in a new ship-itient of stylish hats on Satur day. First class »rreen cotft^e, 12 pounds for one dollar, at J. JC. ( ox’s, the cash grocer. Beft're buyin<>;^ your flour j.inl sta ple - lic for the very liberal i>atronaj>ce giv. Q us. Our business has grow’ii rapiuiy since the day we opened our doors. AVe lioi>e to merit a continu ance of same. Hespm-tfully, The Brevaril Dru*> Co. Don^t Forget when you are in Brevard to call at . DeLONG’S For he can save you money on Clothing, etc., and sell you Groceries at the low* est cash prices. Selica Slices. 101 itors Sylvan Valti;y News: Key. J. P. Hyder u ili [jreach at Catheys Creek church the 3d Sunday at 4 p. ni. Mrs. F. W. Ellis left for her home at Ha,^ cl hurst. Miss., last Friday. Miss and Mrs. J. 8. Brumfield are w’lth H. P. Clarke's camping- party this week. The church here is to under,^o many improvements—new roof, painting, etc. I undei’stand quite a large sum will be expended and work is to begi i at once. Di\ and Mrs. Nick of Hender sonville have been guests on the Symington farm for a lew days They went to Lake Toxaw’ay and were highly pleased with all they saw. Bob. OOFFEE! Elk Brand High-grade Blended Coffee* Try it. 25c. lb. Electric Good as the best and better than the rest. 15c straight at DeLONG’S. NEW GOODS of all kinds to arrive this and next week, including Die W. L. DouElas Hand-Made Siioes. A lot of Jewelry already in. Anything you want in the Dry Goods line. W. L. CARMICHAEL Phone 19 Special Sales Every Day -OF— FBESH, NEW, UP-TO-DATE OHOOEHIES. PRICES VERY REASONABLE. I give o^y customers their money's wortJa of first class gtx/ds and do not try to see how much I can make. biU how mucli I can give my juatrons. Come in and see my stock, loarii my prices and be convinc-ed. J. IE. CO X^ The Grocer King Building Main Street J. A. MILT.-RR, Builders’ fiardware and Building Materials Dressed Lumber Laths Shingles Sash Doors Blinds Locks Hinges Window P«lle3^s Plastering Hair pement Lime Ready Roofing Glass Putty , Sash Locks ^ Window Lifts ^,'Sash Cord and Weights isCormick Reapejs and Binders Mowers, Rakes, Corn ,^rs and Grain Drill^ Cor. Main and Caldwell BREVARD, N. C