Sylvan Valley News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. miner & BREESE- BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1903. VOL. VIII-NO. 47 Dunns Rock Lodge No. 267 F. Sr -A- Meets Pi-iday on or ))ofoiv the full moon in each montli. Jit 2 i>. n\. Visit ing' Masons are cordially invited to meet with us. sptly \ym. Maxwkli- Scc’v- Brevard Telephone Exchange. HOT’US: D.aily—7 a. in. to 10 p. in. Sunday—8 to i«» a. m.. 4 to '» P- ni. Central Office—(’oopei' lili« k. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McP^inn Blci'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, attorney at law. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Ivoonis J and 2, I’ickt*lsinn.‘r liiiil'Hu”'. W. W. ZACHARY, ATTO R N E Y-A T-L A W Offices in McMinn Blick, Brevard, N. C. D. L. ENGLISH, ATTO R N EY-AT-L A W. U. s. Court pi*ai*tice a sift'<. Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn iJiocI:. Crevcnl, N. C. H, McLEAH. ^DflOiOr Mi Siirgeri^ Rooms 1 and 2 Cocper Bid’g, Brevard, H. C. Miscellaneous, T. L. SNELSON, BlacksiTi!*!! and Horso-sfioer. Shop in Rear of Orr’s Livsry StaUe. (’ai‘i‘iaL!<‘ and Wayo?i l>iiiltli:iL;. Whoelw i-iyht work a ."iK-cialty. C. C. KfLPATPvICK, lk.ibHL.1 Roam 13, iiffc!V!inn Biock, Brevard, N. C. K?;tinia'n‘s iiiven on all kinds ot wor in liu- building- lini*. T. L. CLARKE, ArciiileGt ant! Csiitractor, ‘ Plans' and s])ecilications f>n all kim;:- of huildinii' work. T. B. CRAR.Y, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Work. | I'eiiK'nt Work, I’lastfi'ii!;'. I’diiiK'-j dash and lloujrh ('astin^ ;< >p>cj;iit.y. BREVARD. N. C. J. o. iewe!i Watoln‘s and Jeweli-y for ■. Watci'. and Clock li iii:;- \Vo'’k ijuarantced. W. si .n:.;; A. C. NORTON, n lUiJl Gnu Harness Work a si)eciahy. West Main Street near Caldwsi!. Town Taxes* The Tiix List for tlie y« ar r.tii, tiie'j’own ot ]?revard is now jn liands tor collection. Ail tax are it"\\ . and prompt i)Mvn!ent will for< fd without favor. J. A.r.lvVsov Town Tax Collccior Republicans of Massachusetts Raise the “Bloody Shirt” Issue. As an indication of the pei*ni cious political iiietliods of the G. O. P. even in strongly republican stftes, the Washington (D. C.) Times contaitis the editorial be low. It shows only too plainly the trend of republican teach iugs—their pai ty must w’ln no :aatter whose charactar and in lluencH is ruin('d. Prejudice is !ai- more potent than princi[)le witli their foil owners and the leaders do not hesitate to appeal to j)rejudice in order to win. The Times Says: “The republicans started such i)ractices b^^ making an attack up'on the war record of the Dem ocratic candidate ifor secietary of state, the Hon. ] 5ekiel M. Eze kiel. It appears t.. at Mr. Ezeki- •"], against whose conduct as a citizen there is no Just cause for criticism, is a nati\o of V'irginia. ind during the civil war served in the Confederate a rmy, as nn- iler the circumstance >s and his (‘uvironments it is (|i. ite natural 1k‘ should li:ive done. For moi'( i han twenty-live years. how3ver. le has been a resideiit of Ma ssji chusolts. and has pJ•<)^'<*^ him -<‘!i !•) be a man of })robity and onor. nnd htis won thi conti ieiice and esteem of his neigh- ;oj's, to say nothing of th;«i favoi >i liis ]iarty. Not wit hs'rindiii!: his, liis opponents have seen tit () revivi* the old. '^orn-out bloody sliirt' issue and i ilaunt lie tiireadbife irarniei in the ru't* of the democrat Thiw lave sought to rekindle smol U'riiig embers of si'cti il hat fed, and to rt'vive ([t t'-'ns viiicli thecounlr/ is en ml;- 1o forget. Years r ss iilod anuK ' >li lI I(J 1 llO ’*7^ •it!c<‘ that time 1 )ii' men who w a; i;>’ sixties ' ■ ions under •‘n(h>rt'(i ■ •ounti'y )i;'ss i’o;ig S‘ Wasiiington Correspondence. Lessons From the Recent Election—W. R. I Hearst for President. j Wa.shingrton Corres])ondence of the j Sylvan Valley Ni-nvs. I Thiy election teaches a levSson, and I it may be summed up briefly. It j has made some men and lias put oth ers very much on the “t»link,” so to speak. Tlie result in M;issachusetts teaches us that tlu? so c.illed reoruan- ized democracy which controlled thiiifis in that state cannot wMii with out the rank and tile of the party that stood h\vally to the ticket in the years of 18i)() and 11)00, and it is be lieved tliat a good many of them went tishing on election day. There will, it is confidently l>elieved hy many leader.^ of the party here, be a repetition of this piscatorial eiierresidency. The re sult in the city of Xew' York means many things for many people. It means that Charles K. Murpliy, the new leader of Tammany Hall, who managed the camp,lign, if one of the biggest figures in New York City politics to-day. It moans that old Jioss Mcrjau^hiin, who tor so many years has coniroll(*d the desti- aies of the deinoeracy in the city oJ Urooklyn, is ji “ileadone” and uevei attain will lu‘ figure in national politics or in the jiolitics of the fiiy of (;reat(*r X e w York. II is place has b;^('u taken by Statt' .Senator i’atrick H. .McCarren who liitherto has be(*n one ('t the old man’s stn nnclu'st .'^upi>!>rU‘i< a.i-i aide leiitenants. It means tiiat 'lam- man\’ has absohr.e cniiti!)! in IV/oo!;- lyn, and tliat nnati' that the inllu- ence of one David ii 'i forevt'r j>’one in that cir>-, the V( svhich he has been won to >' the ii:> 'ontalit \- LaughI ord iikanv t ally tied up in a nice package and handed to the democracy another and a corking good campaign is sue in this dirty mess in the Pan ama country. It is the belief here not o ly among democrats, but among many good republi cans. that the recent revolution in the United States of Columbia in Central America, was hatched in this country and at the instiga tion of this republican adminis- ti’ation in order to get control of the Panama canal. In othei* w’ords. the game put u]:) in the Senate to get the usufruct out of those Panama canal bonds has got to go through at any cost. Thi-3 republican administration plays into their hands and indicts revolution down there and robs that little country of a slice of its territory in order to give the senatorial cabal its rake off. How are they going to get away from the imputation that they are re- si)onsible for this revolution^ If they are not, then there must be some ex[)ert mind-readers in the Navy Department, f(u* no sooner had the lirst rumblings of this trouble between Columbia and (me of its states been wafted over the earth than this country had several naval vessels at the pro[>- er point in a j}ffy in order to |)ut backbone int tlie revolutionists and to intimidate the Columbian Forces. Tlien this government makes haste to “recognize” tht* new Republic of Panama. It is an infernal outrage and a national disgrace. JEER FREAKS OF LIGHTING. LOW RATES TO California and the NGR.THWEST! PACIFIC >> TEXAS "^^\R6fLWAY/^ Will sell daily between .SejUeinber* loth and X(tvenaber ;;Oth. iow rate colonist tickets to ])».)inis in Washington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Jirizona and Mexico. Short line, qiii.-k time, no 1)U> tnuisi'cr.-, re. liiHii.u^ cliaii-c.ii';. For r,.tts. Mjlicluifs, niaisand fuVi iiifu:: ; . tioii W T'te t.) F. E. CURX, W. T. SJUSDERS, Traveling; Pu>s. A^'t. Gen. K»". : i. ATI>ANTA. KA. MORGAN WOR.K-® So.'’*'' I