Sylvan Our Count]}—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. MINER & BHKKSE- BREVARD, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY i:i 11'04. VOL. IX-NO. i(» Dunns Rock Lodge No. 267 A. F. Sr Ji- Meets Fi-ulay on ov >Tfioon in eacb nionlb. at - p. ' in- Masons a.o .•.,rchally invited to meet with us. ^ er./,. sptlV WM. A Brevard Telephone Exchange. Hori:s: Daily—7 a. ni. tn lo ]>• ni. Sunciav—S to !(> a. ni.. ^ P- (’enti-al roo’.^-i- lilock. Professional Ccrds. W. A. GASH, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, Rooms 7 & 8. HcMir.n Bld'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWOR.TH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation Df Land Titles a Specialty, liooms 1 and l2. 1 liuildin^. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTOxHNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. Size Must Be Decreased if They Are to Be Full This Year. WAGES EEDUGED, MILLS CLGSIL'G WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. J*i-ac*tie<‘s in all the foui-t'; Rooms 9 and 10 McMInn Block. Brevard, N. C. Miscsiianecus. Dr. H. H. CAi^SCN Surgeon Dentist (illi -f liver r-:iiik. HKNI)Ki;snN VI I.!.!-.. N SatisfavVion in u;l < »i’rralions. f'JH’ C. C. KILPATRICK, CONTRACTOR AND BliiLBER. Office at Barber Shop, Brevard, N. C. l-’stimatfs uivi>ii on :ill kinds ol work ill ilii‘ Wuildin;^' line. T. B. CRAR.Y, Contractor for All Kinds of Biick Work. (Vnient Woi-1.-. 1 *i:i>ti-i in-. !V;bbU‘- dash and llonjih Casiinu a SM-i-talty. BREVARD. iN C. Repnblipans Aiixioii.s to Ailjonru CtmKro.'is Cc*ff:re A<*tu;jJ Facl.s I5«*- c«>ine K iicwn—Fc!» r Ttjpir “Sfiiiiil Pat” «inl “I’rospfrity** Will lie Mad<' Vt orl Iilews. The lU'pablicnns ;iri‘ doin.u their best deoiMA e the po(»i)l;‘ ns to the real conditlDn.-; i!i the business world. Tlu'y j ;u\* poiwini: spceelii-s into eoir^ress for ' use in thi“ coiuinu' <,-anipai|Lcn the tenor { on wliich is “stand pat." “all is well.” j “prosperUy is still rampant." desi>ite a j few facts to the contrary. They wonM ( Lave the country hclli've tlnit we ;ir(‘ ! rapidly recov(‘rin,u' from tlu* tt'mporary { setback t<> industry which occurreil i winter, froni (U t.i’x'r to January, when wat;e reductions bcc.iuie ^(Mieral and when iK'arly half the mills in many industries had to close. , Aithou;;h there never was nK;re im- ' portant business for con.cress to atKMul I to than at present in order to brin:^ re- ' lief from the tyrannical trusts which I have put up jirices and increaseil the ' cost of livini; to the hiuhest j»oint ever known, while rcducin;; wases in all direcliniis, y(>t it is the aim ;ir.d policy of ilu‘ lU‘pul)lieans to adjourn con,:rr(“ss jusl as s(!on as the ap]»ropria- tion bills <-an !»e i-ushed thr->uuh. They v.'ill then b;.‘.uin to circii’att' tli(‘ii‘“stand l':it” a.nd “prosjterity” specclus. to lull to sie<>]t the ,”r(‘al ii;;'.ss of V(»U';‘s and to k<‘Cp them i.u^i-T.-inl of the real f;icts J.s to tlie indusii'ial dt'pressidii v.hi<-h is sti!! on and wliicii iMiniot be van<iui.:h( ti I've’i by Kei)ublie,ni rlu'to- ric. The Keiiub!i<-ans know tliat evt'ry day they remain in Wasliinirton will not only Itrinu' to 11:. lit new scandals in theh’ admi.i'sn-.-ition, but tliat it will avid iit'V,' ( vidence of ll e deinvssinn v.’hich is :!‘>\v nmnii'.u' i!s courst'. 'I'hi'y kii:rvv ill;' ! fer.iucrats hesltatt* t<> pictr.r'" * ''.iriiions as b.-ul as tiiey n'ally are an i lli;;! if con;:r(“ss adjourns at once the I (eii'.ocrats will j'ractically b<> ■without fiTiriiialde s])eeches to oiTsct tlie fr;.n'.'..;I;it* pro--.]»ei'iiy speeches ol' the Iic;)ii'*lie-!!'.s. 'I'his. they think, will t-lve the!!i aniiilier oppoj-tunity to fuol the voi('i-s. 'I'liis aeco inis for niucli of their unseeiidv h;;sti* to jidjourn con- ; G* W. Summcy—Carp lifst of reeommeiidati<*iis-hi- nter wo.'k. .I(d>s in or out ol tow:i acceptt,‘ii. All work o-uiiranteed. J. O. DERMSD, Watches ainl .lew<‘lry *(»r >ale. Watch, and ('lock i«'pa i i-i n<_ Work guaranteed. West .Ma Fine •. All :u St. A. C. NORTON, Os pecialiy Harness Work a West Main Street near Caidvveli. The ^thelwold lirevard's Xew iiol pointments ()]ien '■plic j)ati'ona!.;»‘ <>■ the a-; well as suininer lou)•i^^^ i House, ilrevani. ' .\io<ii‘ni Aj)-I til 1 i?e yeaf. r:i \ fl ■ iii;- p'.ibl i< ()pi). ('oni l Notice of Siinimoiis ty Piifclication. )liei1e;i. X. ( North ('aroli'Ki—Tnm-\ 1\aiiiii County. In siij'i'ti'ir ' o'li'i. \V. M. (iiil'-'pic vs. !• Ill roni <TilU- pi('. Hie .icini.laiit a!.<)Vi iiainc.i, -= I hat aI 'I'"! i‘>1 <'iil it ii'ii a< atni\ ( ill liir SiU'fiii.r Coiirr of 1)V tl.c piaiiiliir aliONf riim iriihtlhc n lln‘ u-i.l Ic-l.i*-. 'tc- tatf Iviii” in tln‘ CoiintN ^vill U'kt'notic ,,.,s 11, oil COlllllUMMC.l Trtii'-vivaiii:! V nnty i.'iuic'l for '-"I dHV.i<lanttlirsliaM-.,i ih;- I' 'nmi „,i,l iKT'onal csr.itf <>t -I.k •! the n-al o tatf lyni” in i f Tr-o'i-vlvania. in thf Si-.ilf <.l .Nwrtli Caro ina. ,,, lai.i clclVii.laiit v'lll n<.ti. r that he i- ‘ liVe.t loi.Dl't-arat iU..‘ n.-^l t.-nu m Uu- Siijx - Court of llH- <aid coui.ty i<. 1, ■ at th- Mrt hoii'C i» H'.-var-). N. <>n th!> niih Vimi.lav alter the tivsC Mun.lay in .M .i. h. r.Mij. I 1 -uiswer or deiiiur M Hu' ( (.lupla’ut ii> i1k action, or th.- j.laiiituV v'ill ai.piy to llic «Aiirt for tli.‘ relH-f .ieiii iiwii'd in his .-oiiii.laii.t. Thib9tl.dayo) Man h, I-.n,. ^ j Cloik of Superior Loiirt. 11m‘ business woi'ld. after some s’ivl'I re:-'.ivery in I\‘bru;'.ry and (‘arly .M.ivch, is :i.u:’ii: on tin* down iirade is rear M.-’bly cei'laiu. 'I'iie te:;ilmony of I'.ie i"r «!r ])ape;-s is e«.iiclusiThus that -,r It trad(* joiM'ual. th(' Iron A.ue. i;i U:. issue of M;!r<-!: . lueulions nu- irei’oas \\:‘.:.e rt'dueiious and clost'ii p.iilis. s(uiu* of wlii<-h :ire ".Mci\inl'-y lo.iue. .'iKi:,!-ramaled .\s- sociation of St(‘el :i:h' 'i’iti IMate Work- <>"s. I’b.vood. Ind.. :ill hoi mill men. n’Mi'.iierin- lias sieciih'd to quit woi'I: rather than :iec‘pt the I'u per cent i’eilu“!ii>n in v.;il.-s ]»ro; os(m1 by tl'.e Aiii'-'ricaii Sh.«'et l Tiii I’late eom- p iuy ;!U,] is i’idovs<‘:i )>,\' the ol'i<,-(‘rs of i tlu‘ Am;ili;:imat(Ml associa!ion." ! “At N»*w ('.Mstle. l!ie n;e!i in the j ]o;lu(‘s of tl:i* Amaluania ;ed .-u^sociat ion I employed in the li;i pi-ite mills in the ! (Ireer and S!ien:iii;;o woi'ics of tla* j A i<-;i!i ?'!.< •! :!:ni ”'i;i IMate ! p.any h.nve voI'mI lo aceej't t!''* red.u< - I ti:>n of L'li l»er cent in waucs which I W(‘Ut into (*ri'(*ct on March 21. At South j S'haron. I’a.. the men in l!ie l.>due of the ! Amali^amated jiss.a-i.itioii h:iv<‘ voted ’ iiot to ;icce})t th<‘ rer.iic'iion in wau»*s." I I’itis!;u"u' special says: “■While the An\‘iU'ated o;!ici:'.ls I'cfu^-e to .::ive out ;!n\tlii’t.”' as to v»']'e',iicr th(* vote Ir; in f:iv<ir of or airsiust t!:(* reiluction )Ti v.'.-iL'e-; Vs'(‘ Ic'.'irn from reli.ibU- s:)urces that tli«‘ tin jil.ito work(>rs li;.v(“ vo!(‘d apninst a i‘e'lr,«'tion. It is not i known a.t this tin;<‘ what actio'.i will be talien by th<> ass-tv>n in this evt'ut. but it is probabh' that a n'unltei- of iiu? J uni<jii tin f‘!;;te mills will be closed. At | other points wIuM’e tlu‘ men voic'd in ' i'avor of the reduction, as thi'V did at j tiie (,'r<'er and Shenan;ro w(>rks of ija' American Sheet and 'fin I'laU' com-' p.iny at Xew CastU*. Ta.. the plants, will lik<“ly contimu* tooper.-'.te at tlu' ri*- ! (lu<'(‘d wa.ue .scab'. 'I'Ik* whole situation ' from the Amal,:^ainated ass<*.-iaiion's slantlpoint is serious, and it will re- . qtiii'e the .irri':;lest dipioniacy on tlie i reduction in wases nt the Arrm^lon niilLs, Lawrence. .Mass., ;iff<‘ctin;i tJ.ouo of the 4,(»00 operatives, which took <*f- fect March 2S. It also says that the wooh'n mill at New Castle, I >el..aiid the Chest('r (Fa.) M.inufac'tui’in.i;- company have clo.s<‘d down for indelinite ptTiods; also that the \Vest Warren C'otton mill. Massachusetts, has shut «iown Xo. o mill and that the mills of the Lonsdah' (li. I.» compjiny will in fu ture run only live days a week. Turning' to the Xew York .bmrnjil of ('onimeree of March ol, we learn that .some of the drawer linishers in the narrower Knittinj^ mill at Troy, X. V., are on sti’iUe because of a cut of cents a <lozen <ui the .ijooils handled. Au'ain on AjMil 1 it tells us that HO.ttOO textile (;;»eratives in rhiladelphia are •dll' because of poor conditions in the? cotton and woolen ji'c.ods trade and that “in the next few weeks it is prob- .•ib!(> that ui.'iny u;ore mills will sus pend ()i)crali(ms and that the number of men, women and children out of emphtyment will b(‘ h<cr('ased nuite- rially." It says tlnit “many mills are on half time and some have chfst'd down entin'ly. Amon,*.; tin' lat- t('r are tlu‘ I lobson ('lolli and IManket mills at Man.-iyunk and the Winlield i .Manuf.icturir.;; comj'any.” Other tra<!(' nnl coinmercinl orirans contain siinil.-tr in‘ws r.s to industry. ! Only tv.'o or three wo('ks ;i-j:o ]'.k».(iiio i soft coal miu('i-s vote 1 to accept a n‘- I ducti(ut in w.!;^('s of ever per cent. I It h:ts becoKU' knov. n that the average* I i r(';luction in w;;,!.'.<‘s of thosi' of the ' IfiS.C'Kt employ('('s of tl;e sti'cl trust who were not dischai-.ired a fevv- n;o!iths jii;-o was n!ore lU'arly than lo per cetil. 'I’he winrlow. flint ctlass and silk iji- <bist!’i(‘s are perhaps in as l^'id condi tion ;is are those f>f steel. t<*x;il(' and coal minin.rr. R.iilrond <'Mi-:iiuvs :i!-o r('a 11 y <;(‘ev(';iscd not \vi j 11sj11!•! i n tl'.;’.t 1hous;;ni!s of mf'U v,(‘i'e leceut'.y laid <'ff ;ind that hundreds of thou sands h:ive had their waiics i’<'duced. ( itl\' a few (h’lys ac'o Presi(h“ut .Melh'ii of th(‘ X’ew York. Xew ITavc'u a.nd II;;rtford raih‘f)ad aniMuiuct'd tha.t the tva.ih' depression in Xev/ ICuuIaiul li:ul h(';-( !!!(* so s(*vere his h;id fo’.m l it nec(>ss;:ry to curtail its pas- seii;_cr servicc'. ''i’hes<> aro se.u'.e <5f th.e facts that in- I’icate that lJepuI)iic:>n tarilT :;!;.l ti'tist le^isl.a!ion is rapidly reduciu”- tlu' si/.*' cf ihe workin.Liinan's dinu(*r jtaii. Xot only have money w;;*j:f‘s decliiu'd vT(':!tly rec('nily. but the ( est o!' liv- iUL’:. .••<-cordiu-.r to I)un’s tabh s of pi-ices. is no^v -I:'; per c(vtt higher '\h(*!i tlit' Iiiiiulev'iff 1 ill b<'c;Hne a l.nv. If dinner pails are to b(‘ full Ihis yea.r t.hey must I <• vei\v. v«‘ry small. 'I’o < (‘t a fe<‘Ii:'.;i’ of fullness tlu' »'.'or!< i!!<::;ieu ’"usl wear s]!o;-)oi* belts usual and k‘‘er» thern badih'd up tipht. I’YHOX W. Iioi/r. REPUBLiCAN PROiVilSES SHARKS RETURN TO FREY. Futile Pledges to Maintain Pros perity and Kigh Wages. RELIANCE PLACED OE PEOTECTION \^'hen th(' I!epubli<Mi!s :’,r(' crovriiicr over tlK'ir Shei' l.p.v it is wc'll for the voM'r to <i:;i(“t!y :isk if a!iy of th( se laws Jiav(' ever I'l'.slly injured llie trusts or benelited the i>ei')!c. IIa\'e th'S(* .antitrust laws (‘ver rinT.- ped llie deprcila;ions f»f ;i sinuie trust'.'' Are n.'>i th-' beef trust, the Stairlard Oil ti’ .and the pi"e trust doinu' tin* sam<‘ kind of i>iun'!eviu"’ now that tliey dill lu'^'ore tiie cotu’fs d<‘cide,l :i;r.; ’ !i>;t tlu'iiiV I dd rat<'s djM]) wh *n tho -Xoriheiai Secu.ritii's coi:ij)any lost ’M the courtsV If so. v^•hy di 1 the pvicos ol railroad st icks :idvauce so 'a’'i dy i’’ ''V;'.'l street din’inu' the two ks fo’’o',\ ii>‘.r tht* <!<‘cisi >iiV Tl'.e I^;’p'.;bl:caiis do not iuteTid to the ti'KsI.-:. ’■{'Ii-'y not puttin.?.,' hart lese rich ci'imitials in stripes. T)r. E. P<'njamin Andrev*s, ch.aiuellor of the I'niversily of .W'br.aska. Ihird-is that no family should c(uitain o\(‘r 1i*u. cliihlreii. Why not lix .a mininunn lini- it rath(‘r a ma.ximumV TI'.e Ift:ssian a<’mirals ;i!'(' truly u’l- foriunate. r<)or Makaroff ^\•as l.-Iov.-n I up by :i mint*, and Ak'X'.'ieff was blown i up Ity the czar. I , A man in (’h'veland made a bet that he could drink a <piart of whisky, lie won the i»et, but lost his lifi*. The moral is <d<vious. Don't bet and don't drink whisky. At least, don’t do tlieui' in combination, for if you win you lose. The Man tljo .lob Indieatea La«’k of I’i’cssjierlly—'r:n*tJT .13(>noii- oly -Tls; ke.*i I iicrciiNcd «>f 1^1 v- liiti'—\ Questi«»ii For WiiKt? r.arners. The representatives of the Keiaiblie- nn party of the state of Xew York met in convention recently and simon;.; oth er planks adopif'd the followinj^ on the tariff; “We reallirin our belief that the greatest national issue is the mainte nance of prosperity, and we stand s<iuarely for the ii!te,::;rity of the priu- cii>le of a protective tariO'.” That prin ciple is recpiired to maintain the high est scale of Ame;’ican wa!-,es and the KUi»rem.acy «if the American workshop. t;n the day following tlie convenliou tiie prc'ss dispatch(*s frcun Xew Voik city annouticeil th:tt an enormous crowd of nu'n and women, esiimaled at o.oiji), stood around a new d('i)art*iu‘iit store seeking W(Uk at very low wag(‘s. So gre;it was the crowd that a larg(' forc« of extra iioiice were necessary lo k('ey> order. '^i'he stiH'nuous el'forts of these' i»oor peoi>le to g('t a chancc' for <'mployu!e:it did not v(‘rify the la' claim ( f prosperity, tior did the sm.iil amouui, of wag('s olTi'red i)rove tliat prott'.-licni h:id maintained “il.e highest scale of American wages:" r;i{h«*r tlie revers<‘. 'i’he prosp(*rily that liie i^epnoiicans used to boast of was that llu; joi» was sc(‘i;ing ihe m:ni. and not the man sc('k- iug the jvib. Tiiat. b ;asl c:iU no longer bt' U'.-ide, for evidently th('i'e ai'e thou- s.ands sei'king work at low w.ages with the protective tariif in full working > oj'der, sni)post.'d to be automatii-aily lixing high wages for the wage e.ii’uer. .More (‘Vidence w:;s publisht'd in the news dispatches on the s:inu' (h'ly that the I’( publicans of Xew Yoric S(.» glibly resohtd isi favor of prot('ctiou that some of the <*ogv.du‘els of that decep tive principle w(>r(' ot:l of gi'.ar. I'ron: i^awi-»‘iace, Mass.. camc? nc'ws that th? Arlington mills had reopi'iied, whieb had be('n ch»s('d «ui accuunt of a stfike sunoug the ('mjiioyc'es, whosi' wage:^ had receiiily b(‘cn I'educc'd, and the em- j)loyt‘es weie retiu’uiiig ti.» work at the reduced v,':iges. At I'almer. .M;tss.. the nulls of ilu,« 'i'horntlike Manufacturing c<»mpauy at i’almer and Wesi Warren |;egau cUi’tihnelU it! tlU'oittp'ttt by f('- (lucing the riii.ning liiue to foiMy a week. 'I'luit me.tns but fotird;'.\ s’woric u Week a!i<l of <s)urse but Iwo-tlilr Is v.-;ig('s. ,\t I'ail Kiver a similar condi- lion v. as ::nn.»ui;i i‘d. At -M •Minn., the litau' mids \.eri' l » be closed down the end of the wc'ck. 'i'hese :i!UitiUni-etn<‘iits al! ap}>eared in the X(‘u’ Voi'k ./t>uri;;i! of Commeici-> and I’oiiimerci;'.! IJuiietin «'f -Vjiril bJ. a Fid neaidy every ilay iliat news[>ai.‘er, V. hi(-h is devoted to business mailers, c»>nlains curiailmen.s. Me.inw'aih' the prote;-tive tariff, by its rii’.eiier to the moiKipolists. keeps Up iis de;;dly W<>fk of liigii prices, so llial tlie cost of liviii.^' is liig!:i'r ih:;ii I'c.ii'Iy ever be!'oi-e. lli’.t the Iwepiildi.-an idal form <,U' J.iatiUidc-s of iU'e.sidciU vcll's own sl.ate did nol e\,daiii this ai:oiii:dy of diminisliing \v.i,ues .iiivl re(i'unii;!ut pr'ici's. ’i'his pl.atfoi-m vn:;s doii'.iilc.'S pri'x nted lo rresideiu lioose- velt for his sciani;;y befrnv the con- vi'utiiiu mil and mtisl have been ap proved by liiiii or changed to suil his vit'ws, So that, at last, the couniry knows that he “stands squarely for the intt'grity ou the principle of a proU'c- tive tariff.” Xo reciprocily liiere. n«.> word for reforming thv,‘ monslrous in- eijtuiliiies. If any of the wage t'arners of Xew York e\ er read that idatform, espi'cial- ly the thousands who are hunting the job insti'ad of the job hunting tlu'iu, v>h:it a hollow mockery it must seem to b‘.‘ assuri'd of proli'ctiou and “the higlu'st sc.ile of w.ages" when their pockets are empty and the cupboards ar«‘ barel Ollu'r liepublican state platforms may be called tipon to spe.ak in tin* same strain, and the national platform will only be a little more ('hiborate in details, but will also ignori* falling i wages and incre.ased c*ost of living. ! Henppearance In Hnltic Drlv^ea Away Kmull Fl»)h—I'Mnnj- Tribe Llkea Cbnnsre u( Scene. As Is well known, fish like a change of home, and frequently, without apparent reason, abai.tlon wuers in which they have long (iisponeii. and are next found in sonic, distant part of the sea. A de sire tor a chai'ue of acene, however, is not the of the pilchr.nis suddenly ieaviag the west coast of France, and the fishernitn arv to discover iho n a'^on. Xov,' it is pnnounced, according to the tf:-tirjoiiy cf fisherr.ifn, that the shark has reuirr.ei"; U. Kuro;)ean waters. In th.e lia.iic. v/h^re sharks had been ex- tiacL sii.(C IT."'.), they have made their ro: ppfcaraiici* ia cc;; sirtrable nundjtr;-, ar.d several lirhing ! ( at.=^ report havirg \v’!.o:e cat. h. ^: of dp’. (;i;rtd from tiie net':, w'lich were broken, in the licit and t’n' ('n t ..;^;;t. A si.'.hcrmari wno iell overh-card narrowly ( with ni.s life. ShoalF of s'aarks, foi.-c- of then: of large si^e. have iieen seen off the Ger- uiaa cc-T -t. t’T;d th( y nrer^vcn npcn-lec aj birconiinK far frcun rare in the North sea. 'i heir prosonce is attrihutfMi to t4;eir pur suit of thp h.crriiig shoals ou the west coast of Norway. !Vnt iiriil Trottfra. Of American animals, the moose, elk and caribou are natural trottera. TEMPERANCE BITS. The liquor shop will po in a hurry when the chutxdi poes for it in real earnest.—Xaiioiuil Temperance Au\o- cate. A grog shoj) is the devil's sign that ho is slid (ioii.g biisiue.'s in llie iieighi>: r- liood.—-N a! ioua I Tem pc ra nee Ad vcK-ai c. .'.ahiori kei'pcr di.'idiargcd a c'erk for gettiijg liruhk. A tii>:iiier ail\ir- tis< (] for tw(» teetotalers to run hisstiil. .\ (iiui.kard is at a dii'count with ali I people. 1-Xeii the devil wants a more [ resj)ectable man liiuti a drunkard to : work foi- him.— Haptist Kea^ier. I 'I'he Xai i(;aal I’euiiiL i aiice fe<Ieratiou iias prepared a memoi ial to llie ('ai.;i - dian go\en;metil urging precaution ! against te uIt iply ii'.g incentives to I tlrunkeiiiie.'i^ and lawlessness in tlr‘ j northwestern parts of IJrilLsh X'on'; .\ meriea. Here is an a<lvertisenient we saw re- ' ci rit.'y in a lIo(d<fi>rd paj.'er: “Wanted— a i-oI)l)ler lo take ch»irgi> id' ri'[;air .s; ep in our .'■tor./. .Must be sti’ii-tly .sOi<er ;',::d uiK.d workman. 1‘ermanent j:jl> for il.i' rifil.t mai,."’ Xo go(;d liusinc- man v. a 1.1 a d ri i: 1< i ag, iiu?Ieady work- i;.:in ,n his employ. 'Tliis nier(d.:it:l Sell:' shoes. Other mertd’.ant.s sell gi'o- cerie^. dr_\' ir'.'iciothii g. drugs, v’e bat no iieiMv-r what ll.ey st il they wa.;t S(,b. r cierk.-' ;:nd sr.ber w(;rkineii. I^,t ti ! r d. :;’. prefer bar keepers v> h ■ ;.:-f :..;a; . i'ra nd f’-< queiil ly ad- \e:ri: c- fo:- .~n<di i:;t n. Wh.» wai:T' a ;: ;i: ; g n.;:i',. <ir iv ii ati oecasi'^nai ’ :-i;Iwi :•(],:! in - a I;: a; ? The liquor busi ness I (ji'.di iiiiis itMjlf.— be\ t'r. It is sai<l that (•eneral Kuroi»atkin is to bo t!ie new viceroy of the east. It is climate' changing'.''” ask.s a part of the ofiicials of the organization possible that he expects liis choice col- <*ontomporai’y. Most people in tiu' to hohl it together.” ' lection of icons to save him froni the northern half of the country have spent The Vv'ool .-iud Cotton lii'porter of jjooiloo spell cast over the job by Ales- n larger part of the time this sprinf? .Mareli^ol mentions a t<» Jo p^- ront j hoplng that it might do so. nooK'.‘)i. Some time avo a rumor went round that astute prd);i?l'.(-r.« l;ad in tlirirp.^y a h-rj...- i;ur.;;-r of tl'.o n;o.?t aiiraciive 'S'c,ar rtficld or at tnl>!<- h ad the ff-i: vt r.-;?^l lf)n to th'- i ?.;iv: l <;u:tr t he ea-if'st of CO!. I. '■vth/i.'ii ( ;' i:iri;s Dcv’-en strat eer~, whf> !r:y :r orothtr ovcr the :.-e;.u tin; I.::'; ‘e f "tertain each cn?:'r I'-" : i'U'\ J r; !;■ ter. (] ;i; • ,.(o-;-,: j. (,;• :l.i.oh of thi- -| *■- i ' a I i t i..1 - i r* 1;. c d of ! i e ^ h h i. rc *"■ V! it. and ^(d:ig home you sit. cown ar.e f ; - der the l.ook—from the eireuiaiiiig li brary. Every publisher, every theater manager, every deviser of a jiatfiu n:<.- irine knows th.tit the acvi.'e r.f a irit:.'' is a coi:cei;;'-ated aiid p;-rso.;ai pull tlu (;pinif;n of a critic irom the emjiyreay. And if the iilfa v.y.s ever carried out, it doser\e<i to succeed, but no one ever spottrd the I’aid diner- out. There was the artistry of the thing. —London Chronicle. All Are Good. A recent bulletin of 'Lhe department of agriculture says: “It pp])e?.’-s that prae- tically all soils contain sunicient plant food for j:ooii crop yield; that thissupj)!'. will h-'ind«'l::'!iiei\ .iinintaiuf^d, and tiiat this a.-teal \ii-.u tn plants: (M'apted to ihe soil (;. p. tids ri’.-U'.dy, under favorable conditicjii.-. uprui tlie cultural methods and suital)!.' crop rr Jafion.” Congrcs!-''m:!n Ctishmtin of Washing ton says that one of his constituents re gards Roosevelt as the greatest man he ever s;iw, for the retison that the presi dent is the only man he ever laid eyes on that “looks worse than bis car toons.” 1 r AC.

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