Sylvan News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. miner & KREESK. BREVARD. TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. MAY ‘7. 1004. VOL. IX-NO. 21 l>Hnns Rock Lodge No. 26? F. ^ Jt. M. Fi-iday on oi- tilt* full moon i n each nioiil li. ai '2 p. The Nashville Reiinlon. The Reunion Commit toe sends the Southei’n I’l’ess tho i^ood m. Visifm^^ Masons news tluit all arianirements ai « are coi-diallv invitcci meet with us. sptly ^Vm. MaxWKLL. Srr'v. Conestee Lodge No. 237, _ O. O. F. (,•1)*'^^ fvory Moiulay ni^lit at ^ *1. I'JV' art' fo)*- ' '•''•y invited lo visit us. Z. W. XK 'IK )I^S. X. C. Transylvania Lodge No. 143, Knigiils of Pythias 1 Kt‘L:u!ar t*<»nvcnlion t'v- ofy 'fiU'Mlay nii;lit in Ma- souii- Hall. \' i s i t i n o l\ni"lits a It" t'Di'd ia 11V in- alttMid. .1. A. SNOW. perfected ioi' entertaining the United ConlVderate Veteran.s at Nashville, June 14 1(). The C.imps of Vt‘terans, tli(' Sons of Veterans, and the threo Cha|)t(*i’s of th(‘ l)au^ht»M's of the f<)r*th(*ir i-ailroad f.-u r, and when thoy ai-riv(‘ we will food th«‘iiiand provide them lod^^'ing absolutely fi eo of ex|)ons(*. While tii’st considei-ation is <4‘iven the Vetoj’ans. ms op(;i] heai-tcHl hospitality to all, ;is was evt'i’ given a worthy, patriotic i)eo])lo, will be extended. It is earnestly r(Hiu<'st(*d and in'iTod that all Camps r(}p(nt l»romptly to S<*ci‘('tai’y \j. IJ,. PjUILT on quicksand. I Gall for County Gonvenllon. Why the Unstable House of Pro tection Muiit Soon Collapse. COITDEMNED BY ITS ADVOCATES. ( «)nfederacy are working in har- |<] istm;nj tlie numbor nf Voterans mojiy with tho l)nsin<‘ss organiza ! ^vhom fianj entrrtainuKMit is tions f)t Naslivilh) to 1 urnish-;in ! j,, supplit.Ml. Kemi'mbi'r tlu* ontei taiiiment as nearly faultless ! \ [ k*,. The low Brevard Telephone Exchange. HOTliS: l^aiiy 7 a. in. to K» i». in. Sunday - S to id a. ni.. t tt» (i ]>. ?n. < t-‘iitral < )ttict'- ( 'ooi»t‘i‘ l>lofk. i as possibl.'. i The fact 1 liat th(\se con vent ions j had be coiuo so ex])ensive to citi«‘s j <*nt(M'taining so deterred ac ion j that it was h^ft foi‘ Xashvillo to i becoujo host again sooner than I ; was (‘xpecti'd. But the capital of I the Voluiitt'er state, aided by ad ' jacent communities, is i-eady. All jof the })(‘opI(! are in hearty ac rate of oni^ cent pt‘r mile (*ach way. ])lus i!r» cents, with exten sion pi'ivilogti of sev('ral W(,m‘1\S u[>on the j)ayment of r>() cents foi- th(^ di'posit and care of ticket by t i(.* railroal agiuUs, has Ijeen gi \’en C^)mmitt«‘o; M. H. PIIcIkm’. Pr(‘sid<‘ul: Frank Cheatham, \impand IVivoac: Oliver J. Tim- coi-d. and arranufiMiK'nt s art'such I (»i h V. Merchant; S. A. Cunning- Professional Cards. W. A. GASH. that tliis invitation to Conf«*d(*r ate Vet(‘rans (*very where, is ex t»>nded withc)Ut misgiving in any particular. Arrangeujt'nts art ATTOR N E Y~ AT"L-A W. j far bt>tter llian m’or l)efor(' foi Rooms 7 & 8,McMinn BId’g. Brevard, N. C. | \^'terans to meet in their old (om — I inands—on tlu' campus of iht Vanderbilt T"nivtM-sity. The only vaiiation from form ham, l-ijditor of Coiif«‘dt'rate Vet eran; Ivl.nar M. Foslt'r, Manager of t he Xa>iivillt* Banikm-. (!t*n»*ral C'omuiitttH*: (Mia)‘les !<\ Ki izzt‘11. (’hair man: L. II. ICast mati. Secrt't irv. W. B. DUCKWORTH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specially. r>otH!i> 1 and '2. rii-kfl.-iia< i- Uiiiltiir.L;- ZACHARY &. BREESE A TTO R K E Y- A 'F- L A Vv" Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT l AvV. ]*rai-' iccs ill all the foiirt'^ Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn Block, Brevard. il.C. Miscellaneous. Dr. K. H. CARSON Surgeon Dentist j The t'lub Woman’s Husbaiul. i iSnrfly it is time ftjr tho wtnan to j turn. ’riu‘ only trouhit.* is that tho er rules of ('ntertainment is that ' vvorm may turn in snuh a lu.-iimt'r as it. of giving lht--()ld solditM-s” pre |\vritl.i!ur. It is to he feruv.l ; rn, . • , i th;it this is the ease with the eluh \vt>- lerence. this action will Ix* ap ' • , , , v- . ■ > ' I man .s husband. Nt)l only must he take jUO\ed b\ e\ \ Io\al. Ix'autitlll j sew on his Imt- i woman who comes to do them j tons anti et)ok his t»wn sujijters. l)ut I in)UO!'. \\ h IK'.s j (onsors and t hei r i l>e;u’ th<* ^Mht's ttf the t>ther sex maids of honor will bt‘ eiitert.ain • ■(I by iheir I)e[>art ment, Divis ion and I»i'igad(‘ Command(*rs. j>rovi>ion Is beigii maile for many of ihom ill the iiomos of (^ir bt*>t pt>opl(>, so the commi11C'e is con tiiU'tit of as jx'rfectly delightful j reiiniori as has ever Ix'eii lit'ld. ; riie orator t>f l in* occasion will be i ‘ivt'W S. AJc!\im. of Washiiiiiton. ; for liis met'kness. .A Mi s (U'uevieve Ct»t>ncia1 ion tlial of iht' ‘‘MoIIkm's t»f tilt* (.\)tifecl(M‘ icv'Wlio ne\t'r ceased tlii'irla )■ )!> a ft »‘r ( ari iig for 11 it* sick and wounded. i)ut went right on '‘i-fct in.ii’ nioiiumi'iits foi- the d'^ad will hold tlieir con vtMiiion. The rniltMl Sons ol C'oiife(h'rate Xflt'ratis will nlsti hold their annual convention, with pit)!!)!."*' of mor(‘ acti\'e stM' \’!te and Z'-al than (‘\t*r befoj(‘. iif!iC('lhe *mpoiMaiice of this rt‘ union is second to nom> in tlic history of tlit; organization. lu'asons not htM iMofoi i' apj>eal iuu' to till? h(‘i()(;s of tht‘('onfid- (‘racy should ix'slir every Soutii • *rn patriol. n impression i>r<‘ vails lhal only a few mor(' ol !!itr-e general I’tMinioiis will be hclti. and as this ni(M‘ting will Ix tilt' tirst since th(*di‘alh of lhal magnetic and matchhjss man. the only Commander in Chic'f while living. (y the largest at tendance ])ossiblt . At ser- vict* .Judg(i Thomas (J. Jones, ex C»ovrovide the small sum G. W. Summey—Carpenter ot‘ reetnnmentiat ion.- hi- wo, i< .loi»> in ri i>f hou.s,*- luilil jK-l. At liiiii s 111' s ;i:i inti lli- K'lU'f is ;tini(ist liiiinaii. jiist ilk'- tho (iip.LT. t >f him it mi.^ht wt-il In- .sai'l, jiarodxin;.; tiii' v.m-ils tu’ th, pint t;ra.\ ; ■•Full ii!aii\’ ;i mat! j;-; Imi-ii to hlush iii’.stM'H And waste hiy swf tnt^.s In a m(iii* rii Hat." He is ;i z« ri) in the d.ic prcMcin. Jlis iil« niit.\- was siirr. n<;>’!i'I .-U III'- altar, only ;i lr;',.nin< lit ui’ it In sav>' t!i;-.i hi- may «till j>ot?s»ys lh«_' virtue ol' ehicks. Anti lias it et>me to this; 'I’o 1>,‘ called a “/ero’’ is ei-rtaiidy not a sooLh- iii.i;' li.iiure t)f speech. Fa*t this is nta lht‘ worst of it. Miss (o-nevieve also ttnau'il proi*het. The wtK>s t»f tin* •.••orm jire hut a prelutle tt> thos»‘ .await him. Xt)t only is he a ci}iiit>r. hnt the rim is to he removed. the i>re dictions of this femimiit* seer; Tl’io time will fonit- whtii the c-l<-v,■ Mi.^s Jiol.hins aiti ]- a.s w«.’!l as hrl'ori' mar riage. Ui- will h,- the nil,' to st:i {•‘■nil'-i- his <-og::i< lai n i.'.i.l In- l'oi-v\ t r al'lrrward Known a.s "? I)ohhins' Ini.-^hanil." I'oor sniifterlt's.s, hnt Itmles.s, name less, rimless ;:ero. onc»> known as “man. proinl man.'’ i.onv n lUin.z rt>et‘ives evi*ii the pity of th<‘ spinsit>rsl l*t>ssiJ)ly (*\'en the hunddi* funetiv)u of si.u'nin.ix checks is to he taken from him. I’.ut there is one privilejiie of whicli lie can nt‘vt>r l>e rohht'tl. 'I’he whisker still is his. \\'om:ui may take all elsi*. hut she cannot steal tlie lace curtains th;it d!\-ipe his manly j:;v, s. Some ('hiea^>’o inventof’s have l»een enabled to ;:(Mier:ite electricity l*y util- izin.LC j;ases that now ;:tj U) wasie. What a larui? ntiinher of dyn.-imos could ho sot running' art>nnd tho na tional capitol at \\'asijin^tt)nl An amhition.s inventor lias contrived what hi' calls •‘:i fool [troof hoat.” He dcx's not spe(*if.v just what the new is. hut if it is tt> lili the hill it wiit vit>lentiy throw tho indjocilo ovorho.ird wiio trios to rock it. Do not .'n ttie \nilt on sollishness. and when its j votaries ct'ase lo receive what tlu'y consider th(“ii- full measuri* of protec- ! tion they are not only willinn to soo ' the whole fahi’ic crumble, l»ut to ox- ■ pose its falh’.cit's anti fre(‘l»ootinji. The I ?uj;ar plantei's are the latest ti> com plain. Th(*y an* bl.-imin^ ruhan reci procity and tlio monopoly t»f the sn;rar market that the t.ariff irives the sti.uar ' trust. It was hartlly to he e.\[K‘ctt‘!l. thoujih. tluit the Ainorican lOeontjunsl, the organ t»f the ri’otectivo 'I'arift’ lea.irne, would {)ul>lish tlu'so e\ident truths about the tariff on su;^ar and tho oxtoi-tit)n of tin* su.uar trust, hnt in tho last issu(‘ of the Kcontmiist ilu'iH' is an article by Mr. Marlin <;iyan. presi dent ami mana,i;i‘r of the Mod(.‘rn L'Uj^ar factories. (Jlynn. La.. v,iiich tells tiie satl slory. He says: ••Whilo tho industry has ap- j>aront i»rf»teclit)n in the IMii.tiltw bill, it is only appai(*nt. 'I'he anne.\ation t>f Hawaii and I*orlt> Kito. ttjucihei' with the i I'ciprttcity with (,’ub.i. en.-ibles thi> trust to st> manipulaU* ih.* su”:ir mar ket in tiu'i" own iuiei-est th;it they kts'p down the price tif raw suu ir :ind put up the j)rice t)f lelim-tl as hi.uh as they want. They will n-it alit)w us la m.-ike a lino suuar will > strai,i;ht inti) consiMnptit)u, :is tln‘y will nt»t al low the ^^I'ttcors tt» li.amlh* it. "Wlu'n the siiuar industry of this ct)unlry is killetl. which is lu'in.i: (h.*no in’otty f.-ist. llu're v. ill nt» lonmM- l)o any inthicemtMii to h.iv<‘ a tariff t>n suuar any more than there is t)u ct>nee. 'I'heii the p(‘opIi‘ will nt»t .aliow themse!v(>s to hi“ la.\etl ft>r the htaieiil t*f llaw.aii. I’orto Kict» or I'uba or for the suuar trust. Tho pt'ojtle will tiein.ind frei* su.-;ar absolutc'iy free. rt-lint‘d :is wt>ll as I'hen we will l;*‘1 ritl t>f the su.iiar, tin* tirst :inil llit* worst tru.'t <*\cr h;ul in this coumry.” The su”ar tiaist magnates .are t)mnip- oli'iit. 'rii(>y decree to the sun';w grow ers what kintl of su,‘ they sliall man ufacture frt»m their cane ami dicta'iO I to llie jirocers that th<‘y must oidy st>il . trust su.uar. I.tds -;'t‘r's shop. for. ;is I Mr. (ilyim says, “tlie tiaist will n->t :ii- ' low the ^rticers to h:ui(i!e it.” '1 is t!io w.iy the ti'ust.s —most of tl;em — are monopolizing- not tmly tlu' manu- facturin.u. but dict.itin.i; the wholesale and retail terms anil prices t.-n whicii their j'roduct sh.-ill ht> sold. 'J’1h“ su.u:ar trust is no v,'ors(> tho steel trust and lols «.>f other trusts. t*.\ci‘pl that ils product is a m'cessity that all must I»urch:iso. Xow that the iirtdc'ctionisls are be- ratin.L; tho su^iar trust as ••tlu* worst trust’’ anti s.iyinj; *'tht* people will de mand flee sii,L;ar. absolutely fi-et*. re lined i'.s well as raw.” .anti •‘ihen we will ji(*t rid t)f the trust.” shows tho tjuicks.a.ids upon wiiici* tin* l.oust* of ]»rt)teclion is huildetl. 'I'lu* v.hole structurt' is; liable to c:.ll:)pse at any momi'iit. ft»r if ih<* protection to su.L::ir is i‘(‘mt)ve;l v.liy shouiti ti.e enormoas protection on iroii .and sit>eK tence i M'iro. a.\e.s. ii,-iils and irina'rtius oilu'r ' urtich‘s that thi* stetd tiaist is interest ed in be !;:;iintaiiu“ IV V\’liy sht-uitl m*arly all Ih.e othoi' trusts b-.' protected so tiiat tliey c:;a clia.r,”** ,m-e;!t(*!‘ pric(* ft)r their protiucis lu>re than ahrttad? That is tlu' (iuestit»n ft>r the voters to |>f)!!>!or over aii '; in.piire into Jiiid inslrucl tlu'ii' repit'seiitalivi-s U|i0U. l)o!i'l bo fixded by tiie tallacious tales that the proti'ctive tariff l»rt)sperity. That it conduces to hi.uh pi’ices is eortain. ft)r tho cost of liv- in,i;' is now at tlu* toi> notch, as every (.CIO who is (d)!i,ued to count the cost and oconomize knt)ws full well. As yet none of tho cartoonists have compared the war in tlu* far oast to a eonlest bot'woen a mouse and an ele phant. with tho olephant wildly tloeinp over the Yalu. A convention of' tlie ilenuxM’a.tic party of Transylvania county is liorehy call«' state convention to l*o con vened in lilt' city of (irec'ushtM-o on j Ihin^dtty, Junt* alst> de|«:*j;ate.s to the conj?res the s('n;itorial con- Veutit.'ii v(‘t to Im* calk'd; al.-o to nom inate candidates for the t'oimty , oHicc', incindiny: nu'niher of t iie Io<>- , i>lntnrc, rcoisH'r of de<'ds, comity commissioner.-, si e. ilf and consta- ! hies, ;uid to transact such other luisi- ■ nes< as may lu; pi(»perly l»r(Ul^^Mt bc- ; fore the eonV(‘in ion. Tho votino- ju’t'cincts in the count y will lie entitled to the foil tuin^- strenoth in tiu'conventit»n, tii^-sanni i>einji Ijjiscd on their vote in i’-im last ^ulternatiorial eh'ction anti ;>ccortl- inyj to the democratic ])lan ot 1 lock J ('edar .\;onntaia ^ Ivlast I'ork. 2 J-]a-tatoe , ] (i ItjUi-ester I I It»ul)ack Litl't JiiviT. ; flu* varit)u-« pi-ecinci': will ploase Iiohi their primaries on Sat!;i l.iy, .Innc tt!i. 11» 1, :n.ii select th-hj-il's tt) rc|irc->i*nt them in tin* county • »n- vcnt ittn. It is the earnest desir(* ot* ;ili :ha e\ «*rv pr< cinct l»e fully rcpn*.-T^ut( d at tin* eonnt\ conventit)n, ani wt; nr^e all uoimI dem«icrat-« atten. Chm;i. \V. K. ;!>)•:, tv., t^ccret.iry. Iiat o ) slcisi II Sic}’ AlxMit 'i'liis i'oison- tta.s i)i‘iiik. At the tinjr ked i I it \*.(»nld not bi- possi; a- lo u ii hsia.nd this by means of met ; i.ioK. iiisiste:.(.*i- on the dani^'ers of hoi. and 1,\ '■'^lial lie e(nisi(h.“rcd an e\e:: Im i- ler mei!: d. that of ^•('ttino' up for tin' i ast! iu-‘.!of I'atjents lantern - with e\’;'!.ii ii.;;- ol analoaiit." prt-jara- iioi:.~ I.: .'}i,)\v ;he iian;a’ers of ah- Ind. .M. I’rc lia.- I;:id printeil f< r tin i;se o)' ;. i ■. ij a I iei. is a little leatlet. t i;-j icM ot rioisa'' follows: < ! 1 he disiases irt'ated i:> the ;iiise from a leolit die d!:; i ks— is >o >a_\. tlie\ ai’c idtl'.er » a'.iscd ol’ aL’U i’.. ti bv I he a hiise of . i: il. \ ! I a lei. ‘ i ie ned h\’ alcolio! — evt'n if he ne\er },>ets dri::ik, \\lien e\ery tlay he .-ri!!!:- a.lcohol ill tho foian of liquor or tiv much wine, more than tme litc, per (li. 111. “.\le')!(o! is a poison. t?io h.ahitn.ii :;se of whiidi (iesiroys more or h*ss t;i:iek- ly, l>n; n )i;e the less certainly, all the or^^ans lu'cessary to life—the stoinat h, the li\i'r, the kidni‘\s, the l)lood vcs'ii is. the jmkI the itrain. .\leohol i-xeites man. l)ut does not strentrt hen him. It is no stibstit i;te lor food, hnt takes awa.y the taste for it. 'I'ho.-e w!'m often drink aletdio! cr t(H' much v. i.ii- ( more than one lit re a da_\ ) are mutd; more liable to illiKs'-;, ;ind wh(‘n ill .an* miitdi worse, for the t!is- easi' is often complicated with fatal de- liri uni. “Alcohol is a fre(]uent cause of con- snmptioi, l;y its power of weakenin''' tho luntrs. l-'very yt*ar wt'st'e j atii'iits who attend the hospitals for tiiet)hol- ism come hack some months later suf- ferii\<>;- from eonsnniption. Fath."*rsand mothers who drink often have children who ;ire deformed or idiots or wlio die from fits.”