Sylvan Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, miner & BREESE. BREVARD, TRANSYI.VANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY. JUNK 10. 1004. VOL. IX-NO. 23 l^unns Rock Lodge No. 267 Jf. F. Sr -A- M. to meet with us. sptly Meets Friday on or before the full moon in ecach month, at 2 |). m. Visitinjr Masons are cordially invit. in. Sunday—S to 10 a. in.. 4 to »> ]>. m. <^'entral Otliee—Cooper HUiek. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId'g. Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty, lioonis 1 and 2. I’ickelsiinif Huildin*:'. ZACHARY &. BR-EESE ATTORN EYt'-AT-LAW Offices in Block, Srevard, N. C. WELCH CALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. I’raclioes in all tiie oourt- Rooms 9 and 10 McMiriP. E!cck. Breva'rd, N. C, MisceIIar;.eoiis. ConK'>*<*t*»iiinI) Donrki* Coc*l»raii’j* Kx- poHitloii c»f I'nfalriiexM «>f un l*ulicieN—Tiie Funner uittt I«a- borer Kulibed to Cnricli tlie I’ro- teeted Trusts. Conjrressinan W. Itourke (’oekran of New York in his fauKUis sjn'cch on the siiip snlisi was paying no attention whatever to the (juestion actually Ix*- fore us. Thiit. Mr. Speaker. I ;nu ha])- py to say. is a criticism v.hich 1 think wholly unjust. 'I'hen* never w;is a speech, there never was an iippear- unee, there never was a perfornnince. (hat illustrat(‘d more clearly liow di- r<‘ctly every vlcions pi‘rverslon t»f jxov- ernment <-an be ti’aced to the fountain ' it n;eans more hospii.Mis with better of all corruidion- tin* protective tajil'f, : jiinMidance for the sick provided in which lias dein<»ralized our whole po litical pysKMii. Mr. Spe.-iker. we liave befiire us a i measure which, if it havt* any justili- ! calion oi’ <*x;ilanati<»n at ail, is a step i were all in losinjr occiipatiouR w’e would all soon be bankrupt, and then no revenues would be paid into the treasury and no subsidies could be paid out of it. There Is one industry in this country that is self supportinj;, one business that needs no favor from l^overnment. and that Is the basic in dustry of this land—the business of agriculture. Here, then, must be one of the industries from the profits of which the losses of unprofitable in- i dustries must be made {;ood if this sys tem of subsidies be established. * * ♦ I Xow. what is f)rosperity? Mr. Speak- I er, does prosp(‘rity mean, as some pen- i tlemen seem to think, high prices for j worthless securitie.s. a few millionaires. I enriched bj- successful speculation J Does it mean the erection of a few pal aces without any imi)rovenient in the dwellings of the poor? Docs it mean an ijicrease in the nund>er of private ♦•(!uii>:iges. additional pomp in pul)lic ivn'inoiiials or new splenemocr:itic. concep- tioii of pros|>erity is franied on an en tirely different idea. I Inive delim>d It in anotlH'r place, and 1 repeat it here. TM-(»sf'(>ri1y. as Democrats understand It, is an abundance of commodities fairly (iistriliuted among those wln> produce tlvjm. U UK'ans improvi'd cottage.s, lutusing and sheltering he;!l(hi(*r :tnd happier peo-d**. It means l>ett(‘r cloth ing aiul betti'V sho<>s covering sturdier lindis. It means marty of Tran.sylvania county is lierohy called to as.senible in those of'selectinjf delej^ates to the .<^tate convention to b(‘ con- ican people and that they treat thid itin* cily of (ireensborc) on power as an asset of their own, capi- |Thuis(hiy, June 2:id; also delegates t,,lizeitas ,,neottl.ei,-p.>ss<.«sious. To („ tiu! couvcti.m t(, the fan- value of its pro(l\ict the trust 'i , i i i • , is of course entitled. Under an honest ; ^Henderson- condition of trade that is all it could Tuesd.iy, June 2Nt. lt)(?1; exact. The difference between the fair .also dtdoa-ates to the senatorial con- value to which it is entitled and the , ve-ition yet to be called; al.-o to nom- high price which It is enabled to exact ^ : under the operation of the tariff laws . / ^ eoinity I constitutes the plunder tliat it levieji inchulin^'inenii)(*r of the leg- i on th(? community. In the case of the | i^^iiture, regi.ster of deeds, county ^ IJnited States Steel company tliis pow-, comniissioner.*, siierlff and consta- or (o plunck.f (lie An„.rl«,n p<..i,U. . , j. expected to yield revenues sufhcient to pay dividends on a capital three times i Ola.N ue piopeily bruuj^lit t»e- , greater than the value of all its prop-' the con vent ion. erty. According to this valuation this ' volino- precincts in tlw‘ county power to levy plunder which this con- will be entitled to the lollowing cern exercised was worth twice as much i.. ftwi ^ , .Vi... ”uth ni tne coiiventioii, tiie same as all the projx^rty It posse.vsed. Of its , - , , whole capitalization, then'fore, one- on their vote in t lie last third is based on property and two- ^^'ibernatiorial e;t'ction and accord- tJiirds on plunder. Every share of ity in^ to the denioci atic j)lan of or^ani- stock re]>resents one-third propertj’, Dr. H. H. CARSON Surgeon Dentist | (tllicc iivt-r llanlc. : HliNf'KKSO.WIM.K. N. | Sati^KU'tioii (iiiaraiiii.-O'i in a'.l < )i‘ciail\. BiREV AI-^vD. K C. G. W’. Summcy—Carpenter of i-i‘coTiiint‘!iM:!lion> i;i> uo.k. | ,|(»bs in or ont ol town acciMiicil. All work guar.i;it( ed. ! J. O. DERMID, 4 ■\Vatches and .ic\ve!i-y i'oi- I'ii'o Wabdi anit Clock i-epairicj. .\ II Work guai-ant<'<‘d. Wcsi A. C. NOR.TON, practicai Boot anil Slioeriiaker Harness Work a sjKcialty. West Main Street nsar Caldwe!!, , ‘The JEthelwold Ih’cvard's Now Hotel -Modd-n A]»-i pointments—Open all tlu' year. The patronage of the ti-avtding public well as siimmei-tourists is st>liciied. Op ). Ccurt House, Hrovard, N.C. toward inducing the ci)i:gress of the I'nited Slaies to i-staiilisli a system of shij> snitsidies - tliat is to say. of p:sy- ing moneys from the treasury to i)cr- ' sons engaged in tlu‘ busiut-ss of ship- ; I*ing. It is ;;ctualiy a scheine to iii- dnce certain reluctant nu'iiibei-s «d' th(> ■ in;;jf»rity lo (ake tlu* V4M‘v shoi’t stej» 1 r<.»in indij’i‘<‘t to direct tlse - i lie funds f;>r the benefit of priv.-ite citi zens. .\r!w, I <-aniiot cnderslan ! why so many g: iUli*!n»'n who snpp.>rl pro tection r*“c()il from subsidy. 'I’o : sniisidy is prott'ction in its full fruit } :ind coinidele deV(doj»ni(“nt. 'I'iie gei»- ^ tlem.'in IV »ni jo” a v.'as w!.<»> v, lu'n he nnd.ertouk to Jusiify sidisidy by de- ■ fendjng pr«ttc<-!i' n. The (siily differ- ^ (Mice bftv.f'.'n. s'il'sidy and j>role(iioTi ■ is that oi,e is di’-ei-t and tin* ot'ier in ii | r“ct. < iH‘ stnjes ; l.-iijdy the ;!!i!ount of I'nMic fi;;!.!.-: Id he bi'siowed on an in- ;’ivi(ir;il: »he leavt's the .amonnt Ki’oert;!in. ! If this sr.-;--,''. '* i(.n of sid'fidy can lie | at . li. :{ pr.:;-et*ds. I assume. ! on ii!-i;;c;;ii<> j.iid d! !' it >i<-i\i'il(\v in tin* n;ess;ig(‘ hy ; wi ■( li ;t Cl liii.u 111 the alleiitiou ol' c:>;!’.-.r'‘ss. 'Die Itnrdeii of! th:it message I ii.ave not go! it hefore | i ‘e n«i'.v. Iiul 1 iis rgnnirnt -per- ' feci a;i;;:ifitl('i;ig. ■\’. hich. .accordlo tin* sii; porUTs (.f the hill, must be carried on ;>i a loss, v, i.y would it not he .at h':ist e iua'.ly ;idvis:!ble in jcty a tailor for (*!igaging in his husii-ie:ss'of niidving c!;>t!;es and i .! f;irnicr for en;:agin;.;' in his business ■ "f agricidture. |.<»(!i of which »-:’.n be : (•arried on ::t a prolitV And if it be i>ro|ier to p;i.v :i man for eiiga.ging in any kind of industry, why v.i.iild it n<.‘t , he e«;wai;y pi'ojcr to pay hi:n for o:-ey- | ir:g i!m* );iw liiat is to s;.y. for m.'in- ' tiiining tin* sinc«,‘ pe;«ce is essi'ii- j tial to!’ity in every indusiry? i .\nd after v>'e hav(‘ paid <.>p.e man I’or j going into losing business anr a Ilian il(‘sires anything', he must sectu'c it in liiie of t\vo ways he mm-t mak<‘ it oi- i:-‘ must t;d;<‘ it. Tln'i'e is no oih- (>r way. lie naist n;:ike it himself or he must t;(ke i) fr<»m som(-!-.idy \-.ho has nia.d.e it. Wliat he (.liiains tlirojigh cXvha;;-e th:;t is. b\ giving for it somctliii'g whicli he has made is vir tualiy pro i”c(‘d by hinis'-if. Now, sir. a]';’:”! ai'.ov-i!i: I- fiMni tiu' nin|-al ques tim involved. i>eino<-rats 1m r.cve iliat pi'oili’.ciion is lh(> only reliahle .-iliiin dant f';U!if-'i;i of pri-^ peiil.v, !>ec;inse th(‘ truiis (;f production boundless. whil(“ th(> f'-nils of ph’nder ai’t' lU'ces- s;!rii,v Von gen'Jemen v.ho «-oiii.' in hei'e vs'ith a projios:il that nion t>ys ie t:d\;-n from tiie tre.-’sin-y and .uiven to tliesi' s!np-i\vners, v%hich tliey hav(‘ nev(-r iirodnct'd lhei;ise!ves. must see t!’.;it yi»iir < nterprise is a scheme ol plunder, for ,von c.-iiind c.-ill it pro ir.c- tion. .‘.•id. tla* so’.'i-ce of everythirg v.-iinabh- if it l;e not production must he plunder. * * I coiice !(' the j)ur]»0St‘S (tf the gen- tieiuei! snpfKa'Iing this me.-isui’e are of the l:>fliest. I don't impegn the mo tives even, of the men who ai'e ea.uerly av,';;it in-_ its i>assag“. Never: heh'ss I h'.y it down as m.v fundainei' pr.i])o- sition. capalih* of .ali.suinle deministra- tion. liiat gov(‘rnm!‘!!t cannot int<“rfi"'e in priva;<‘ indr.sir.v exc'pt for plunder; ih;;1 g;iv('rj!ment cannot bi> benevoh>ut Avil!:;a’.t heing iiredal<.ry. I am not spe.akinii n-iw of :my n.irlicniar lue.-'s- nor of an.v p;:r{ici;];tr form v.hich th(‘se aitei'ip-is at beiic--,olence ma.v as- su!'*-. I ai.i advanciTtg a inauciple wliicii ! bei'eve to he self (‘Videiit with- u. and th;it is i>o.s- sible <.»nly ihrongh the aid of ;i tariil wall. We have seen .all the domestic pi*o(iuc(*rs of :i protected article com bined in ;i single concern. i>ut it ha.s lu 'i i*r .vet I'eeii found ]»ossib!e to com- bin<» ii\ ou(‘ conc(*rn th.e producers of the wiiole world in an,y liehl of indn.s- try oi to control b.v any artilicial agree ment the* volume t wlu*rt? labor is high a:*.d \vhere commoditi(*s are cheai). for the sauie causes |U’oenaa‘r:;tic p:'(;:lnciion. but the l>reva rd 7 P>oyd.. 2 < atiieys ( re(.*k 4 I 'iiniis K'ock -J < ' dar .Moinitai;» l j-]ast Fork 'j J-.astato(“ 1 (! loiicestcr 1 I log back Littl(‘ Kiv«*r. ■ ’1 he various piccincts will ph a~o iioi,! tlu’ir pritnaii>*s on Satiirday, ;une nil, i;‘. l, sel.c; d. :.gale> elusive, tenii;orarv jirosjierilv that , . • ... to t.*pn-s(,‘iit llici;! Ill ih'c; couiitv con- co’nc's from Hepubhcan phnider. a pmsperity tliat dazzles a.iul glitters for awhile in the form of fr(*cinct i)o I'liliy represented lowed hy gloomy (h‘pri*ssion. Th:it is a.t llic coiiiily col. vent ion, ::]id we the prosperity through which we have just ]iassed. , . . r... » , r , *1 precinct prii;atries on the da\ i lie protecT(*d manuf;ictur(>rs. the . 1 e!u*;iciaries of the goN'ernn'cut. IjoM nieiiiioiied. Hoped 1 ill!.v, tl;e plunder v.'iih ev«*r t ight(*ning grasp. .). \\ . .Mr.MiNX, (’o. Clitiiti. ’ and. from dividing with the work- \\\ }•'. jif,'j:;;-i-: .Ir,, .S<'crctarv. ingman. the.v are eiUier reducing or threatening to ri'duce the rale of his •»vag( s, w hile at the same time op pressing him by rrasing the cost of 1 evf'rything necessary to his e.xistence. THE LOWER ORDERS OF LIFE. Teaslier’s IssliMe. Toaciii'r’s I ii;-;i ii uio ]■()[• 'Ti'an- ,'sv!vania coaiily will Ix^ iield in i ;i(‘ court )i,)ii.;' :•> visual !)v Prof. \V. Tj. .Sin.;. gl’a(i('d sclio;)!s, \\ ay iio.svi 1 h' X. as j't'i' .si'i'tinii il;‘) .school law ol Xortli C^ii'(!lina I'.i'io. '^rih* aboV(‘ sod ion says: I'-aclKM s of any county in v. liicii •-'.ich instil ut(* is hold ai-o licfi)y rc‘(iuirod toalti'iid tin* saMioc.iu !inii()tisly diiriiio- I'l.; st'ssioa :ii(d-(‘or i'oi- at ioa^t two wi'oj^s. li' ;ho iustitnio coniinnt* s<; lono-; and, njKiii {ailiiia' to do so. tinloss !n-ovi(!(>ntiaily liiiuliM-ot]. shall l>o di'hai'ied from litiliinj.'c in ;.iiv of tie iniblic .scho( of 'his sltiio ior tho loi’ni of Tht* whale is a hi^- iif;h in th(* si ;; oiiiy on aocoiint of his (‘olossal {>rop.\ t! i-ricr. !’n ordinary of l 1L‘ to 14 davs ::■!/ 14 ndles ;i d.Tv. V <,/'k at. five yoiim ■::.!h !>e}fins to de- i: tlie\ |i\f usii;dl\ ■ oi'irii falteiie!'g birds art .Ml nre>. A hunt ' “i < xj;t‘rieiu*e witi' .'.1 .Tsineii wru’.dt red t.f a A !, v. it!< ; N'Mmk!s, r;,i> t 1.1) 1! water. !' ar-i !ir i< tfo'ir <;;• at ait !i! i ::rs. : lit* !', pu'_’i:: < !ii; ic iaj ;.;:i'ty li;i.' ;i n< t L. H!. ( >i;c ;ir I lie ( a- ol I'l:; u t;: lio . oa i!- a.r .des. hut st)ou hi- ard. 'i'lious;indK tjf thi- liad attacked hiiii. iititided him i!i , -..J liiindretls ti? sj»of.s 07J his f;i(*<> .-irid neck. Whci^ rescuetl he wa.s streaming with blootl \<>t n l,.iitiite4l KiHtlnn. Hewitt— How ib your bot)k tin Canada selling? •Jtweit—Creat; e\ ery hank cash it' has to ha\e iiiu'. T -wn'I'tjpies. Imvu mI!cmuK»I .so;,,,, ciiiiilvl l i„ ^ivui ,.,n,„liiy IS constant l.v cotaii.g in, dt'claring dio yt‘ar, rl\ and v.’(' are all th(‘ tt'achcrs will vory nuK-h I :r. Kinj;''.s New I';,r.c< .very for con- stiitiplion, cou:r!i> ctdds to be nn- (tpialed. A rt'ceiii expression from T. .{. .McFarlajid, 1 lentorville, \'a., serv. '; as oxainplv . Ih* writes: ‘‘I t'nji)y liio institute and will bc' had nroiichiiis I'ni’ thrift' .vcars anti roa,t ly lu-lpod in t,('irworl\. dociored all the tinii* without being Wo lioj)(‘ ail t(jacli(‘i s of tlie J'--'!<-‘i'*ted. TIhmi I began taking Dr. coiinty, and who desire to ^ .New i)i-c-'very, and a tew teach, will promptly at tcMid. bottl*" w holly curt-d ti;e.” l.qualiy I. T. Ni-:wton, «"o. Cllective in curing all Lunj;- and . . - I throat tronldes, co.ifunijitlon, i)neii- Tlie Ctii*ne