Our Countij—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. MINER & HKEKSK. BREVAKI), TUAN’SYLVAXIA TOUXTY, X. (\, FlilDAY. -II XE 17. l<m. VOL. IX-NO. 24 I>unns Rock Lodge No. 267 F. ^ Ji. M. Moots Kfiday on <>i- })efi)ro tin' full moon in o:u*li Tuontli. at - ]>. in. \'isitin>r Masons are conliaily invilod to with sptly Wm.MaxWKLI- Conestee Lodge No. 23T, O. O. F. M«‘(‘ts ovofv .Monilay t)i;_’'lit at ^ •' flock. Visitiu:;’ lirotiuTs ai'i* «*oi‘- <iially invitod to visit ii>. Z. W. N l( IK >i.S. X. (1. Transylvania Looge No. 143, SailO vl OfV sun I Liular *‘onvrnt ion cv- 'ufxla V ni<_;lit in M i •Hall'. It nt <• Slow to Realize the Evils of Rep-.rblican Policies. LACE or WOKK IN TEXTILE TRADE I'Ik* \V<trs(i‘tl I ml i:Nt r y, Yihiflt In lliuhly —Aii I It:iusx\'(‘rii liio A■(■(‘•a t In l-’iiv«r *»!’ 'I'arifV Ii<>foriii. 'I'll** arlisiiiis mimI workiniriufii »»f the country are fast discovorlni;- that the l)rot»*ctivo tarirr does not protrfi llu*ni I'roni \\;!L,t> ri'ductions, and in many «-:.scs from no \\t>rk :n all. 'I'liis scM'ins to !'»• rs]!oc::illy tnu* in that h(»;h(*il of I i>rotcction. till* stiilc of IN'nnsylvaiiia, ; for tlif ruhlic L(‘di:or - .u’oou licpnlilic- aii auiliority rt'oontly ann.tunct*d that: “With tlionsnnds out of onii>l<iyincnt sTiincr and of nioro lastinj; bcnolit to tin* hont'st nianufacturtT. The Kcpub- li»*au cry tliat DiMnocratic success ‘ would injurt? tlie husiiie.s.s of the coun try is hut partisan ruhhisli, and the liistory of tlu* country shows it to l»e I so. 'i'hi* univers.il prosperity of low : tariff perio«ls. wlien otlu'r <‘anses did not interfen' and wl'.en ih(‘ government j Avas honestly administered, is an un answerable j)roof for a reasonable tariir. K n iulit- ar«‘coi-dia lly iJi-i by an .-ilniost tot;il sta.unation in the vited to attend. S.\o\V. C. Brevard Telephone Exchange. ii(iri;s: Daily—7 a. in. to b* p. m. Sunday S to ;<• a. in.. -1 to (> ]i. in. ( entral < )Hice ( Oohei* llUtck. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, ’iicMinn Blcl'g. Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKV/CKTK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation ot Land Titles a SpeciaKy. 1 iooms 1 ami 2. I’i<‘kel>i!rici‘ l>uiltiin^'. ZACHARY &. EREE£E ATTORN EYi'-AT-LAW Offices in Mc^iinn Blccl(. Brevcrd, N. C. V/ELCH GALLOV/AY. ATTORN i£Y-AT LAW. I ’racl ices in all t Im- court< Rooms 3 and 10 McMir.n Eltck. Erevard. N. C. MiscelianeoKS. Dr. K. H. CARSON Surgeon Dentist (diiiv oviT r.aiik HKNl)KKS(»NVlI.i.i;. N. C. S.iti>iacti()ii (;uaruiii<-< <i in ;»li i nu ra'ion- rj'.t" C. C. KSLPATRiCK, CBNTRACTGPi m BOILOER. Oliice at Barber Shop, Brevard, N. C. l''.stimates yivt-n on all l<ih<is <>1 v.oi-k in liic l)U i Id i p.l:' 1 i no. T. B. CRAU.Y, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Wcrk. ('emt^nt Woi'U'. ria.~’.'M-i!:L‘. I’l-bhlo- da?h and Koui:h ('astiiii^ a S|)ccialty. BREVARD, N. C. G, W. Summcy—Carpenter |>(‘st (>r )mmeiidat ions hi- .lobs in or out of town arofjitr All worlc ^narantfi-d. J. O. DEFiMJD, s ■^Vatches and .It-welry Watch, and ('lofk' Work liT.ai-ai’.tfod. lor Mil ffp.-i i ri r MIC I All 1 W .\iaiii St. A. C. NORTON, Practical Boot and Siioemaker Harness AVork a s])ccia]ty. West Main Street near Caldwell. , The /Ethelwold 13revard's New llot<‘l .Modern A]v poiJitments—Open all the year. patrona»r‘‘ol tra velit)” public i the .ur<'(‘d of the prot(*cted interests well ^-'lu’iicd. j aiul niono[toiists is pi-ovin^ that con- Opp- Court House. l»revard. X.C’. tention is best for the American cou- i industry ;;n 1 in the looms of a lar^^e 1 number of inills workim; on h.alf and ! thret'Mjuarters time, worsted yarn spin- . ners in this city i)roj>ose l:» coudtim' to I cut down t]it‘ op< ratives’ w.-i^es tt) tht* I basis of Ihosi-^ paid in New England for I similar worlc. 'I’his means a red.uctiou I of l.“> p(>r cent in llu* earnings of lm.ouO ! spinners.” j r.esides the worsted operatives above ! mcntiomHl, it is r('p{»rted that <;i»,oou utlicr textile workei's are idl<*. all work- in;^ in I'l'olecied industries. Worstc'd yarn is i>rotected l»y a tarifi' dr.ty of or -40 et'Uis a pound. ;iceoi-diii”- to qual ity. and an atiditional duty (»f 4t) per ^•i*nt ad v;ilorem. 'I'his <Miormous pro- l»‘c-tion of eonrst* jtrevenls tiu' in.itijr- l:;tit»n of for(‘iu!i yai'us, exccjii a small amount of Saxony wool. ( spt clally jn'i*- pared for hulies to knit wiili, so the whole lio;i;t> market is preserved for Ihe woo* yarn manufacturers, and ll:<‘ pioIi!s are very larKe. tliei'e beinjr no i-oiiipclit ioii. Vet this proiectiou has resulted in "an almost eomiiie:*- sta^na tiiUi of the industr.v.” with no work for many of the o;icrati\cs .niil a I'ctluclion of wa,:jes c\t‘u to those woriiin^ on lialf lime. 'that is the icrrible etnidition to which these |io; r. deluded (iisci>)!es of pro tection li.i\'e lictMi broii,i:ht in one <»f the hi^iie.-t i>!-()iectcd industries, and tin* condition l.;is e.visled for some time. It must ai.-io be n-mendu'red that the cost of liviuLi' has v:isily advaui-ed uu;ier this prote«aive tariiV sysiem. so that I t‘v-.*n tliose woi'kinunien who are fully I eii,i.loye:i and wln» have been fortunate ' euwu^ii H'>t to have their wa,u,i-s re- I d’.;<-etl h:.\c ail the.v can «lo to make , botii liiet I Ttie I’roice.ive Tariff lea.^rue, which I is an !>!•-aai'/.aiioi; of tiie [irotected : ti'usis :',ud i ;.iM;i)'aciiirers. (ieiims iu : iis e. I. liiiMlon ils o.ijcct lo be "to ; protect .'.iwerican labor by a tariff on ' imiioi'i.-; which sh:ill a<ietiua:ely securt* i ..Vmci'ican iii.iusiii.il j:r.>ducis a;.;ainst i tlie comp(‘litioii of fui'-'iLTu labor.” ‘'I'his KcjMiIdicati ori;a;ii/aiiou, which : controls presitii :it and cou.u'ress, h.ns ■ succi'ided pv-riectiy in slimtinj;,' out competition as far as v>ooleii yarns I an* concerned, but boUi the lea,L:ue and ihe io'juiiilican partj, wii*> i n:ict<’d tiie j Din.uley tariff law. have mist*rably i failed "lo proti*cl American lai>or" in i ■ . . I tiiai iiuiu>ti-y. i 'I'lu* facts are tlial in rUiladelphia I and ( Is^'wiici'e tht* i;iarl>'eis and stort*s ! an* «Towdi'd with custiHiiei's wIkj have ; so litlK' '.o spend t!iat they an* obli^'ed I lo buy tiie i-licaiK’.-it clolhiii”' anil the I poorest provisions, and this poverty ! may be mostly iraccd to tariff monoi»- I tdy. 'I'iie i-heap wiiol clotiiiu;;' is niiu*- i tenths i-otton and mercei'ized cotton or I imitation wool. lienee, the woi'sti'd ‘ spiiuit r is <■111 of worli. for only ihe j well t>) do can buy tin* "all wool and i a yard wide" pi(iduc;i«»n. In other I ji!Mtect‘'d iiidustrii's simiiar conditions } exist. Iiij:h tariff i»r(.'duces ovt-r-jsro- iluction. tostei-s trusts aud combina tions, which !»ooi;i thiuLTs tor a while and then the ineviiable breakdown comes. Th(* wo?-kini.-:m:in will have lo study these in:-tiers—nece.-.sity may c<»m]iei him t » do so. If ht* does lie will soon disc«»ver that a tariff which will pi'o- duce enoiiLTh reve!iue to sup[)ort the ^■overnment, honestly and i‘conomi<*ally administered, with trust ]ir(»ductions that are sellini; cheaiter abroad than at lionu' plac(*d on the free iist, will reduce tlu* cost of living and make , mori! stabh' wa.ues and secure employ- nu*nt all the* year around. That is the Denmcratic position, and j ItopnbI icnn DiKorKiiitiKers. j The protectionists of Iowa did not : dare to (*xclude all those IJ(*publicans wh(> favor tariff r«*vision from partici- patini;' in the national conv(*ntion. for till' pn ss dispatches s;i.\ that six of the del<*uates out <>f twenty-six are re visionists. I'erhai's IIk* way Senator Lodue bossed tlu* Job of j^ettini;' rid of a similar trouble* in Massachus<*tts was the better Oil'*. He n>ad those who favon'd n*cii»ro«-i1y out of llu* j»art.v, sayiii.LC their plan* was with the I >em- ocrais. This is wliere all tariff n*vi- , sioni.'ts must linall.v liiK* up if th(*y n'all.v want fo accomj»]i.v)i an.vthinir. I for till* plalfoi'in of tlu' I{e]»ublicaii nation.-!! ctdixcntion will jirov(* that ' the trusts liave mon* power with that ' parly than its honest voters have. THE TARIFF PLANK. It Is <>i\ ieiK' <!:»• IJn imu«“rs «>f th«* ii. (>. I*. Senator Aldricli sa.vs tin* Iie]»ublic- ans will re\ise the tai’ilV when it is necessary to do so, but as the seiiaior nianaycs the KN'pnldican taril'f pro- urantiiH* and in turn is coiilndi(>ii liy the trusts the time for revision is cei’- luiu to be in the distant fuiiir-'. Those of us will! small im-oiiies. at in*.' mercy of Ii'ltIi ti’ust prices, have sc(*n tlie im*- ces^'.iy for taril'l' r«‘lVi-m ever sinct* ihe I'OMii'lnes boosted prices beyond the abiiit.v of the poor man to i>:;y. 'llie Ilfckefeller uroujt <-f industrial tru-<ls. with uiioni S--nator .\!drich is connect ed. wiil hardly consider it necessary to revise the tai'iff unless to raise it to a hi.i:l;ei- plane. 'I'he llepublic.an leadei’s arc* now ti’.v- in,t;' to auree on tariff and trust plank< to be incorporated in the plat form io be adopleil at *'hica.:;(». and the same ju.::'i;!in,u' with \\«>n!s tli.at vvill ai!*>'.v Ix.th f;ictions to stand <m the platform is cei’iain to be |ireseniiti to the vtU ers. Se’i.-itors Aldri«-h and l.cii”e are s;iid to be p;eparini.' Ihe plaii!;s und(*r The close supervision <-f 1'-resMienl ]!<^ose-eii. and tin- \o|<>r that v.ill not b«* able to lind wli.at he v.anJs w ill lie hard to pl('as<*. Yet the fact remains that the prot<*c tionists .and ir;;st interests will wi-i(e tlu* pl;.I!'orm and also control tl.e ac lion ef tlie Republican n: iional coj;- veniion. and as «‘ve!\v rexision of the tariif bv the ll<>i»ublicans h;'.s resulteti in increasiuLT dniies it is certain tiiat if the iti'public.-in parf.v wins the elec tion it will not be considered nt ce-> sary lo r(‘vis»* the tariff, and moi'e ce!-- tain th.tt if an\’ revision is atlenij;ted the prote- tioii tlu* trusts now eii.jc.y will be maintaiiu'ii. luin's index tiuures for .May show that hi^h prices for all the nccessai‘i(“s of life are stiil main tained. and yet wa-ucs are declinini:’. with a vast nunib«‘r of workers uiu ni- jdo.x’ed .and man.v imported industr:<*s runidm;' i>n short lime, .and .v»*t the lii.uii tariff, whicii the Kepublic;;ns de- cla.re I'roduces prosp(‘rity. is in full workinii ord(*r. 'I'lu* prici* of man.v fai‘111 iirttdruMs is fallinir. and .v<*t tlu* cost <d' livimr shows but little if an.v decrease. 'I'l.e Ix'cf trust, th<* c.>al trust, ihe salt trust, tin* oil trust, the suuar trust and tlie minor combin.a- tioiis are p.ayiii,:;’ larue divid(*nds. fos- lerc'd in most cases by tlu* protection llu* ta.riff irives them. It v.<iuld seem, tlu*refore. S<*»>a1or Aldri(di to tlu* contrary notwithstand- iii’-. the Kepublican n.itional jdatf-.i'iu sLc.ulil declan* hen tiu* tariff v. ill be revised .and if tlu* r<‘vision sliall pro vide for ]ii”her or lowi'i’ dtiJii's, I'spt*- ciall.v on trust proiluc-l'-. TWO SETS OF PLUNDERERS. Trust mil! <’,aftl<* Ilaroii.s .\ro ItoitittTN <»t' t ll<‘ II Iv. 'I'ht* orLT.ani/.a.tion of llu* wt*stern <'at- tle b.arons to tiu’Iit the beef combiiu* is an anoaiaiy, as l)otIi are after the same uame of idjuideriiiii' the public, 'i’he liarons have banded th(*mseiv(‘s to.i^ether into what mi>rht bi* lerm«*d the ^rass trust and .are trying to j;et thi‘ farmers of the westeni states to help th(*in to liiiht tlie beef trust. As the cattle iiarons are (*ven worse rob bers tlian the beef barons, iu that they monopolize all the valuable ;^()vei’n- ment land and throuijh th(*ir r(*tainers prevent, by force of arms if nec(*ssary, anj’ owner of a small herd or a settler from inlrudin-r :.L the peril of his lit’e. 'I'o s!a>w tl;,' pow('r of these caille barons tl:(*y have sia-cecded in forcing l*:esiden( ico,»si>velt to ,“,iv(* up his in tention <d’ f( .aovi!*.”’ the barh(*d wire f 'liei's wi;h v.l,!< !i the b.arons have ui:- I.iwfiiil.v inciosi (1 :b »;!t .all tlu* ;'ov(*i-n- ini'iit land on ii.e western pla.ins. I’oiit- tcall.v both t';e.;.‘ c;!;..I':nes aie tiepi;’i- licans and liber.al contributors lo tlu* campaifiu f ind of th.at party, v*h;(h pro!)aly accounts f<»r their immunity from punishniei.t by tlie .adndnisira- tion. r'armers will besi cousi r\-i- their own inl<*resis by sicei iiiL;’ cie:.r of Ik.I'i tlie bi'(*f trust and il;e urass tiaisi, who an? monoii ;iis(s and will idunder the fanners alH'r they have ^Cilled their own differences. Teaclier’s InsliMe. I'lie Tsirirt' Ts«-\. It h:is been eslimatetl b.v export statistiei.ins that ihe tariff tiix ]»aid to till* trusts by the lu :id <.f t!;(* famii.v exceeds by more than live tinu's what is receivi'd by tlu* .L,()Vi'rnni(‘ut and that tlu* aver.atrt* for each f.imily close ly appro.'.ches 'I'liesi* tiguri's are obtaiiu*d by makinu: careful estimates based upon the amounts which are spent f<»r each of the nu;re imi>ortar.t articles c(insunied. 'i'he most exas- jieraiin:; tliin.u in tlu* monopoly th;* l;ir- il’f irives the trusts and coriiorations is that it allows iliem lo sc'll tiieiv sur- jdus |>ro(P,icli(uis cheaiier abroad than here*. whi<-h shows the enormous j)n;f- its reali/'ed from tlu* honu' market. When tlu* trusts export their products they hav(* to pay fn iuht .and (.tlu r ex- ]>ens(-s and llu* taiaff lax tliat :dl oth er coant 1‘ies imposv* excejU l^iiuland. am! .ret undersell iln* s.anu* class of pr ‘.^ucts prodi:c(‘d in tlu* c 'unli-y they export 1 heii- pi-o iucp; to. Mr. Halieo<*k'.>>. It is plea.sinu' to !cnow tn.at lle]:re- s('nt.aiive i‘.al .-oei^. ch.airm.an ol' the I'.e- puidican c<iim!es;;;(.n:!l c anmillee, is not sulVerinu' troni insomnia caused liv di>n:al forebodin,-vs of Kenublic.an de- fi'at. It is the o’pinion of .Mr. I'.abcock that tlu* countr.v is <-onlenl with polit ical conditions as ihey are his j»arly in jiower and hi* in ol'.ice. We uivt* liis view of the matter f'«r what it is wor;!:. New York .Vniei'ican. A Teaciicf's Ijistitut(} for Ti'cUi sylvMiiia comity will bo held in itlitJ court li >nso, iiinu^ <it 1* |o clock :i. IU. 'J^iosdiiy, ,JnlV 5tli ! I'.lO-laiul cio.siiit;' witli tiie public f*x;nnillation .1 uly 14th. Th»^ Su])t>rintt‘n(]ont will bo as sisted b}’ i’i'oj. W, Tj. AIUmi. SupL ^railed school.s, Waynusville N. C , as pf'r sci'iioti I’li school law of Xorl li C.’:iroh na 1 i)()o j The abo\(* section says: “All j teachers ol any county in whicn ' such institIIte is lu*id are liorby re<[uireil to a'l»‘iid the same c(jii- linuou.sly «itiriiio’ the sc'ssion tiiereof lor :!l !(>;tst two weoks, if tIu! iustitiit<* continue so loii;^-; and, npoj) tailure to do so. iinloss providentially hind«‘r(*d, shall be debarred troin teachini;' in any of tin* ) ui>lic schools of this stat** lor the t(.*i‘in of one year, or until such teachei" shall h.:i V(‘at t<Mid('d some c(>nnt',’' institntoand school in some otli- er count l^-of. Alloii jx w(*ll fitted for this w..rl\ aiivi v,(* ;ire sure liiat all th(* ttipMiors will vi'ry much onjoy tht* iii>litut(* :tnd will be i^roatly Iiolpi-d in t cirwork*. We hoiK* ai! tt*ach(Ms of l!ie county, and li.io** who ilo.'sire to leaoh. will j i:. ■ op! I \- al t(*nd. 1. 1 . .> 1.\V i ( )-\ . ^ 'o, .S//y;/, TEBIPERANCE BITS. < -/.:ir «3l' I*:iii:iiiifi. Theoiiore KoosevelL is now pn*sideut of tiu* I nitiMl St.it«'s a.nd c/,;ir of the ran.am.a canal /o’u*. I'roui tlu' Carib- I <‘an sea to t!:e Tacilic liis r:uht there is n t:u* to dispute.—i'h.iiadelpdiia liec- onl. i^ov<‘l Way of i*reventinj; Suicide. I'ew 1 i“..;.ie recouni/.e il.v' ixiwer of su””estion. lAeryhoiiy is mon* or less h\p!io; i>;ed at all times, anil the effect of sii.uue'tiou on a l.ype.o.ic subjeit is too well known to nei*d elaboration, 'i'hi* idea tliai ciTtain sorts of laime an* au;.C!n<‘nle(l by news of simiiaf crimes is noi new. 'i'l'at t!u' sam.’ law works in the matter <'j’ suicides is .•^hown in a novel w;;y. 'i'he s.ory is loid in tlu* (‘hicau > Inlcr (Jccaii; 'rn st:t;ai> 'ait ;i suiciilc * jiiil Tvi.' in a Wi stern liiwii ni t leni; .^iiu •• r S'lrt w.as had III a pecuUar 'I'he ne\v;i)a- pi-i's V.'Tc api*'-!*''! 1(1 by tli • am I’.oriiies t.i .-s ;iil tu- lUi-.in ef .^!;< h I'.a.-tS as iieiiir ana ei ns.nt .^1, uilli D'f i •*- P'.iii tliat th*.' * pi.l. niic tpnckly ee.i:-'■!. v."'n;!i! .'-.•i-:;! t i p>-.,\'' ili.it if abs; lute silence I'liili'Wi :i (’e;!il..'^ I'r. lil .'^•■11' Uestrai'- tioii tile pri Sent in.'uia iiii.-ht tie chv'ckcd. Ic is certainly wertii tr\ in;;. Tiu* new blankel posta.ive sta’U]) can be madi* an item of economy i:i tlu’ matter of en\eIoi:es. If folded in tl;“ proper form, tlie st;imi> itself ma.v Le used t\)r an I'livelopi*. A ranadian otlicial ot'fers ?1P0 to any oiu* who will prove tha.t tiu* i*arth revolves around the siai. 'i’he lask ;s worth more money, n^t to furnish iiie proof, lull the umierstandinu'. A consu!:’]»tion microbe lived on a book for tii;; ilays. 'I'la* volume v/as probably OIK* of i'Oiii;n*ssi(>nal spei'idies. and tlu* hot .air made the i;erm dream it was in sonieliody's lung. The bartend.-r i-> very toiider whci. t]ie cusi(;mir i:a- the legal tender.- - Lever. 'ri;e sa!rH)H o’.::;; may ajjpoar I rirm- but it ib a dt^diy weapon.—iiamV i M.rii. \’. omen :iro employed at raiAv.T v points and ei’os'^i.ir^ iii Italy beoaii>e ility do not get intoxicated. li not e\\ or; 1:that tl'.e modfra':- 'pj,;-. !- \\ i;o c;ii. a.ways "drink cri lei 1 a'oiie" iiiver it alone tiii tiuy •any iiim out ai. . ;nit l;;m in a i.'rank ,ii'? grave. — Tae Com mon vv>, a' t ii ( i‘a.). i lie lu lfjiai’. goV: ’a;ment's campaigti :;”air..'t a .co hi .. .i has been i e.-u,. .i ;:.d ilie lanniiap. ! a a t liori I it-.- of are taking I:and. .\i'. order lot !,i' (vo.'itig of al! : ill low i'r .^a !oons has I •, t n i>'nei!. and the poiice have ^-'.'orously about tlic execution of the i'l.e ioiaii'M cr • ary for England has is.-ia,.' !: ; i.i •.'( ; * : eira n! i ii” tlie ir .in !■■ homes for con- idv'r till' new act .!! ollici. 1‘s and a i >t i tut ions mu'^t be 'Lriani IIiiFsin niiii >con rge of a i<-oho! i- :i 11 ract i tin.- .a :: t i on e vcn of po! i- iieiars. w I,;i . i ; t < ravages a piiV'' ical and laarai . .denec tiiat thieai- eas na iional d er — 'i’empcra tice 11lCO!(!. ;. i; ; 1; ;i i;: o I !!.; la \ W-l< d d!-'ii ka;-:;- a 1. li ri 11 li i rc'.' t i. a ' Te::dani> in >i;i.‘;. ; I ot a 1 a !>' i a'; r.i r.-. 1 a i': :- i ce a : ot her COi; u t l ie.-- 11 'I'll;* war in tlu* I'.ar east is not more exi iling than tlu* r.ace bet ween I’aris jind Chefu as to which is the more prolilic manufaclurer of sta.rtliug and original war news. ^^'hen a man sees only bad in his fellow men, it is a sign that he iias b(*en studying himself so Ion;; that his judgment is biased. An inmate of a Washington asylum tried to eat his sus])endors, probably with the idea of bracing up. I>rii<k ti:iJ n<*iitItm. Ohio ta:;);oV; Imale and 14.ST.'- feauoe liacher?. '!'!:e average salar.v of male teaei.t rs i.'r mon t li a m; of female? {>er laonth. 'I'he whole amoiint paid to t lie .'choo!-teaclo r-: oI' Ohio is .S1 IT.'! per annum, .\oour '.(!!)().C'lUi is sp-;. ::; for drink each year Twelve million di.!!ars for ediicatiot.. .S7o.OaO.OtO for drink.—The Amerieao I.»siie. I'rcsli t«‘stlntony in gr(*:U »iuantity is constantly c<»niii,o- in, deciariiig' i;r. l\iu<;'s Xew l)i>cnvery for con- sutiiplion, ciuigb- and colds to be uii- equaU'd. ,\ receni c.xprcssion from .J. .Mcl*'arhnid. !leiitorviile, \'a., serves ;is (*xamp’e. !le writes: “f had lirolicliitis tor tliroo years .and doctored all tlie time without heinj*' honelitted. Tlien I heiran taking- Dr. Ixiug’.s New Di'covory, and a fev.’ bottles w holly cured m(*.” K(]uaily eflective in curing- all I.un}? and tlu-oat troubles, c<)nsiim]diou, pneu monia and grip. (Juaranteed by all <h’ug^i‘-=ts. 1 rial bottles free. R<‘j;u- lar size oOc and .'jf't. ••

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