\ News Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. MINER .'c UV.VM. BREVAIJI), TUA.WLVANIA COUNTY, N. C„ FRIDAY. .III!,V ]. VOL. IX-NO. 20 Dunns Rock Lodge No. 267 A. F. ^ A. M. Meets Ffidiiy on or beloi-e tlie full nioon ill (‘iifh iiHUilli. <it 2 ]). 111. Visit ini:- Masons ai-0 foi-diaily invited to meet with ns. splly \\\M. ManWKIJ., S< (••//. Conestee Lodge No. 237, Q. O. F. Mi'ets t‘V('ry Momlay nij^lit at o'eloek. \'isitinu l»t<>!!i'‘i‘S are eor- tiiaily invited to visit us. Z. \V. X l( i :< >1.^. N- Transylvania Lodge No. 143, iiigliss of A 11.'.ju’.Mi- eoiivi'Ution v\ - j i‘fv niiiiit in M a- ^oni.- Mall- Visiting-: .-oi-dially in vited lo attcnii. -I - ^ - Makes Some Llore Ridiculous Figures on Prices. OOST OF LIVING HAS ADVANCEI». Brevard TelepliOije Exchange. iKUU's: Haily- 7 a. in. i>> !•’ !>■ ’'>• Sun('ljiv ti> it* a. m.. 4 to (i p. in. I'enti-ai < ( d(>!"-i- ]’>lofi<. ProfesGional Ccrds. W. A. GASH, ATTOR N EY-AT-L AW. Rooms 7 & 8. McMinn Bid'g. Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORN r:V AT LAW. inYGStigation oi Lar:! Titles a Specially. lIuoin> 1 aiiU Ll. I‘ii'l\''.s;ni. r llui ni inu'. ZACHARY BREESE ATTO I-: N 1-: vr-AT-L AW Offices in Mc^finn Bloc!;. Brevard. N. C. WELCH GALLOVv^AY, ATTORN EY-Al' AW. I ’rai-I ie«‘S in all I!n• foin t" Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn Biock. ErcvEid. N.C. Mi£celiciii.eoKs. Dr. K. H. CARSON Surgeon Dentist ( Hli -r ' 'Vi r l'.:ii\k HKN i)KKSi IN VI I.l.l\ N. < iiiaraiiU fi ni :i. ; >i!' I'J'. C. C. KSLPATjUCK, CONTRAGIOP. BiilLOEe Office at Barbe*- Shop. Brevaid, N. C. Irstidiates ijivcii om :‘.I1 of wofK in tiie liuildin.L: 'iii'-. T. 3. CR.ARY, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Work. ('.•ni'Mit Work'. ria>t.M-ii!_, [‘.-liiilt- dasli and iIoiii;li a Spcria .tv. BREVARD. N C. G. W, Sumnicy—C^’vpciir'cr of i-i-conuni-:ni;.ti(>!;~ i,;., wo. !<. ,lulls in or (uit ol' t(>\vn ac-ciiicd. A !1 work i:uarantc«'ii. J. O. DE?.R1!D, The iswe'er. ■\Vatclu‘s an<l .lcw.--,.y |,,,. -,;.i .. l-'inc Wati'l'. and < loyk r<'pa i li . .\|j Work liuarant-'e-i. \\ i -i .Mainst. A. C. r|goRTON, 021 EGul ilarnfss \Vorkj ^ specialty. West Main St^reet near Caidwe!!. The .^IthelivQld jji-evard s Now {otid Modern Ap pointments y)p(>n all tli<‘ yrjii*. 'j'lif* patronage < ,f t]n* traveling i>nbli< ofi well as sunj nier tourists i.-^ soliiMted. (jpp. Court ^jiijiise. Ih-evard. X.(’. \ NeoeMMtirieN <i«» I |» His .IiiVi* AK'itiiiNt i'orU tiEiil ISoaitK. Other AIt.siir«lities. Carroll I >. Wi’i^vlit. e<»mniissl(>ii<‘r ol labor, i.s .^<1111 doinLr liis bs'st to %va^es up and tiie rost of iivin.n' dowu. Much (lepeads up(tn him this year, if Avatre.s and the prii-(>s uf farm proilnetw eiiii 1»(‘ well sust.-iined. whi'e i/ast priei's ;ind tin' t-ust (if liviiiu- ean li<> k(‘i»t wiihi'i leasonaltle limits, tin* prcs- <“Ut admi:ii>trati<in may bi* eoniinned in pow(>r. 'I'he farmers and wairc* eariu'rs;, who liavr llu‘ v<‘tes. must sdiuoIiuw i»e in:ide to fi'cl as cuntiMitcd and satislied as Wri.u'Iil’s st;ii ist i<-s an* viT.v sudtliint^ and will allay any orili- nary discoiit(“nt. An (‘.\aminal itiu of liis latest jtre- s»Tiption of statisiies. tin- M;irch (I'.ioli biilli'liii <if tin* Ifureau <»f labor on wlutl(*s;ii»* pri<‘t“s. shows liini to bo as eU'ar ;i juuuioi’ of limircs :is ev*T. but that he is iinalile to (-o!if«-nd sm-i-ess- fully a:^'ai:isi o\(‘rwholiaini.: oiMs. II is report shr.ws (hat avc‘r;m»* wholr- s;tl(‘ )»riet‘s for the year r.io.*’, were 'SI p(‘i‘cent lii;;'!icr l!ian for the y<-;ir IspT. 'J'his is an admission that prires h:i\«‘ Lione up LIT pi>:- ccnl siiici* llii‘ ii'ust era b*-,^an in with tlu- ji.-issauf of i!i.‘ 1 >iu"li-\v bill. ,\s pi-jces for IM'T were at lli<*ir low<‘st about .Inly 1. just be- foro the pass;iu<‘ <»f tlic l»ir>;;l(‘y iii'.l. and as thoy ai-i* no'.v h:i;!i -:- liian :;t :;riy timo in we may safely coneln le even from Wri.uiit’s liuiires that the ♦ •osi of li\'i:m’ is now .“.(i or imt cent abo\'e \\ I;; I it was on .Ir.Iy 1, A.-- ;; maib r t.f f;;.-t 1 Min's tallies, whic'i art‘ !;ie; !!y ei,!ist riieteij. sli.iw tii.'.L thee .1 <tf iivin;; w.-is on Marcli 1, 1'.'"!. b’> per (-ent hi.Lil’er than *m .inly 1. IMsT. ri;t it is v>itii this la^:t rc'port as a wm!; <1 ; :is the han<!iwoi‘k of one of tlio wovi l’s .urc'atest eraftsnieii. tli.lt V.'t.* :ire la <t eoneelMU'd. l!l [he lir.-t pI;.<M*. tliis and his reiioj-t (,f last ve!;.!:or <.'-i the eo;t of liviitu:' ;'.re re- m:!fi;ai:le :'o!‘ w iiat tliey da not eon tai-i. "rhe iirii'H' au;l avowt^l obj<‘et of these t.-iiiles of j:riees is to sliov»' t!ie eompar.-iti e <-(,. t of lix inu' ;;t difft'reiit liine'-. la order to rea<-h ;i sal’e :iud seieiitiliv- 11 n-it tuily must all ( 1' tiie iiii: oi'i,,it.':;:s of expi'uditnr*' iie e,ii;;-.i ; ■•■e 1. iiiU they iinisi be uiveii :i Wv‘i;.!i! in :;ee.ir.!:ila-e wiih th 'ir im- p.il,\‘,'r;,',;.i dis;-eu:i I'ds ho'.!; ti.-e> ‘ <■ iii.iili-:iis. iie not m.ly <iuiils of i!io i..o.st iiaj.ort.-i lit items oi' e.\,i-ll'..! ar<'. but ia la.diinu' his l;ilile.-! of a\fr;iues h- iii nuiim-.us .an 1 pe|i;u>r .as i f ('iiial iiaporianee wiili i re:-h beef au.l Wri.uiit's axei-au'c.-: are ina.le u'l from qiiotaiions. I'a.eh h;is the sann“ wei,t:ht ei- impoi-tanet* ;is li.-is ev ery (^ther sin_!e (;!:oi;i(j.i!i th.it is. hr has tak(*n tii<* aver.a.ue of ll'.'.O items. < >f lht“ l!*‘M items tjuoted seventy si\. or iie.arly one-tliird. a.i’e for ciothes .-md eloiliiim'. altiiou.uh «'olon •! \\'ri,i;h». told ns in liis N jvember (l'.M'..'b t-;.j,;.rt tiiat eh it hi !!■.;• foriu,'.'. o;.!y i l.ol ]hi- eeut of th<- <-,.r;t of lionu'. while only lifty-four, or ahout oiii iitih <tf all. wei-»‘ bsr food, wiiieli, he ielis lis. i'orm -IL*..”? per eent <if llu* eo.-;* »)f ll\'ini^' ot liic^ iiver:i;j,o family. .Mr. \\'ri.j:'.it desirs's to please tlu farnu'fs by showin:r :i ptod iii.^li aver- a.Li'e for farm ]iro<luets .and the w:ii;t> earnei's b,y keepinii' th‘,‘ etist of li\ inu,’ a>i l(>w :!S possiiile. lie the!\“!'ore piit:^ r.iw «-.iii(in. w hieh shows an inere.isi* in price of -1-LT I'cr cent, in witli f.irm l'"o.li!cts and sc-oure 1 Ileecv' wool, wideh shows an incri'ast* of only i:.l jkt cent, in with the cloths and cloth in.u' :;ro!ip. As showint: Mr. Wriuht’.s !.’‘<*iiius for ii^^p.n's and for k(‘(“i»in?j: ilown the cost of livinu’. we note th.it nntmeus and bicari>on;il(‘ of soda, wiiieh siiow a <1(‘- eline < f ne.irly -h< per emit for Ifia.'i, are bal;inc('d air.iinst pork and lK*ans. which show an incr«‘ase of about -4U I>er cent In r.*oo. If properly ‘Avri^iit- ed" it is not likt'ly that the avera;Ae for nutmofrs and soda would pull down tlu» aver:i^<‘ of'pork and beans 1 pc-r cent. As Mr. ^^’ri,ii•ht has “wrijihti'd'' them tlu? avt'rajze is p.ulled tlown aluMit 4(» p(*r cent. The price of matches, which declined b"» per cent, affects Mr. Wright’s av('ra,:;es :is much 118 does the price of coke, which ros«* 71 per cent. The price of w’ood screws, which declined 27 per cent, affects hij^ ! averajres as mu<-li as doi^s the iirice of steel billets, which increa.sed .‘iO jier cent, or of coi'ti. which Increased L'l l»er cent. Of course if wood screwii };re »[Uoted once st('el billets should b»i <liiol(d KiO <ir 1!<(0 tiiiK's and corn about times in order to j;ive them prop er wei.uht in makin,:; an avera,l^(‘. Of such stuff are (’oloiiel Wri.i;ht‘M statistic's made. On such liirnn*s does his reputation rc'st. liis w:i;:e statis tics art* of the* s;inu‘ or.ler. Ills ceit- sus statistics of eniidoy* es is made up of “avera^ies” less than the least num ber of persons <>mploy< d :it any one time. M;itlu>matical absiii-dities .are his stock in trad<*. lie ru*serves ureat credit for his .ability to maintain his lead as a statistician and to have his statistics <iUol<*d authoritat i V(*ly al most evi'rywhei’e. He is prob.ably the only man on (*arth th.at conltl i)alni off such ri(ii(-ulotis statistics on such an inti'lliuent jiiiblic and liold on to his job and maintain his present rt'piita- tion. He :-hoiild not hi* pf-rmitted to liecoiiK* a colIen<‘ pre-^idcnt next fall. 'I’ho liepiiblicans need him in tiielr business of fooiiniv the jieoplt*. K(*ep him at statistics. liYliON \V. HOLT. PROSECUTir^G TRUSTS No Results to Consumers From Steps Zo Far Taken. Teaciier's Institute. C0MBIN!:3 USLPUL III CAMPAIGITC THE PACKERS’ COMBINE. AitU'il (li<‘ i:;i ilr<r:c(3s It I'lii ii<lcr8 l'ra>m iiiiii ('onsit isior. 'i’he packers' combine has such (‘om- plete control of tlic caiile. iioir and lu-ef marki'ts tiia.i it iauuiis at injunctions iind de.es !io( seem to feai' tither !ej;al proceeciinu's liie a<l ia i !i iiM I ion miulit i’i\oUe. if I'resident ii'>o:.eVcll WO’.lld instruct lus atioiaiey u'eMer.J i * itr.M-eeii u#;ainst the indi\iduai meiijhers; of tiie t’ond-ilM- lihder the cfia! l;;il section of the anliti'iist law it is proii.ilile liiat ti i-ir liiiai'iiy wouid m- n c‘ase aiiJ they wouid Ix- su'au' !tr pe;i«-e. < Mu. ti’u.'L ma,-.nale o.aiind iiie iiai's woiiid havk* a res; r.iinin.u: eifeit upon the whole hr-.oil. 'i'he alliance l:et»\'eeu the jiackers' cuuiliine and tin* r.-iiiroail;^ ha.-' i-eeii iioiori'.'Us .and no (,ne !i;is heen .aidi* to (.•on,pete with t!a ni for thai I'easoii aione. .as it ,u:ives iiu>:u a virtual mo- iio;.!i|y of 1 r.aasporta! .on .and luarkeis. 'I he interstti* coiiiuiei'ee colaUiis.'.ion h.as asked for power to in-e\i-n! .and punish diserimin.-i 1 ions ai‘<l ilic payiiiu' of rehaies to f:lVore(t sl'iplnas. itlil neither the pfesideni. nor the ibjiidd;- caii majority of congress lia\e seiaued anxious or wiliin.u' lo pun;sii r.iilroad or trust. The f:irmers and the beri' c.msunita-s are li.'ih \itally interes’.e.i in il.e l.eef moHoj '.ily, ami. .as ('h.airman !’>;i'icock s.ays, the f;irmers. throu-l. reridin.L:- the d.aiiy newters. I;.a\ e tieconie so "in- telliii'ent" mat they keep con:.;i'<'ssi!:e!j bii.iy asidnn' i;Ues:ions (.n m.ailers of publi( interesi. Ii mi:.'.>! pay the f.araiers .-ind tiit* beef c.in.-^umers as well to make espeei.-.l in,iuir:>‘s why tiie beef c ,<i»i!iii:e is n >l piMs-'iaited uiider il'(* criminal .'-eciion and why the rai!:'o;ais are ailowed to di.-; •j-imi- nate in f.avoi- of the few .an'd airainst till* many. If t!i(‘ iut<'iii;.;eai faran>r and the city consnnier ha\e in former cainp.ai.uMs ipiesiion.-d tiieir conurress- luen and were promised relief fioni n.<»- nupoly. v> iiich has ceriainly n; t m;:- teri-a’li/.ed. is it not about time lo (dei-t others in th<*ir jihn-es wiio will not only promise, hut performV These dis- crindnaiions l.\- ihe lailri-a.is and the monopoly (if tiie I'jittle and l.i-u' a.nd beef market liavi* continued for yi'.ars, and lh(* f;i r!!ii*rs and t heii-custoaiers in tlu* city !an<* (p.iie'.Iy s.^iia.ilied to promises of reform, but iaste.ad of re lief tiu* sy sit ill has ,uro\\ n fi'oiii bad to worse. The l)i*mocrats in coni:rf*ss projiosed st'veral bills and anie!idiut*nts to others that would have h.id tlie effect of (h'fealin;’: moiiojiolies. iuii the Ue- publiean ni.ijority ri'fust d i • consiii(*r any measure tiia.t would ?t!ike at tlu* root of the evil. 'I’hey w ■»' too anx ious to follow the orders if rr»*sideiit l;oose\ (‘lt to jiass the ; pjirojiriation bills jiiui i;o honu*. Eviilon<*e He *j.s a —Tliis Iio.'l lirj.s 15<'«*a Siic<*esxfjil on I*re\ ie:tiK sittiis. 'I'll'* e.\i>osure fif th(* ant!;racit(* coal tiiist iiu'thods tlirou^h th»* in\esti.L:a- tioii by the interst.ile ciimnu'rci* coai- missioii shows e.xactly what is cl.iimed by tlu* 1 >emocr:its that thei'e is a c.m- spiracy in coiistr.iint of trade betua e;; thi* r.ailro.ads .and the coal c'omp.iiiies. 'i his in\est-*,.c.ation h.as not b‘ea car ried on by the aiiminisi rat ion. but by a suit at law coinnieiici'd by a Oemocrat of national refiutation who when tin* c<;al trust refused to exhiiiit its books carried the case to the supreme court of the I'nited Scales, which decide.l ati.ainst the trust. 1 his victory for the people shows wli.at rresl(i(':’t If.iosevell :ind .Attor ney (;»‘iK‘r.al Iviiox nii;,ht h.a\e doi;e t<» curb the tr::.-;i.^ if they had in uoo I f.aitli desiri'd to do so. Inste.ad of pros- e<aili!tu’ tlie trusts under the iM'iminai se<-tion of the antiirust l.-iw .a h.’.lf hearted e<iuity proci edin;v for .an in- jMictioii auainst tlu* beef tiaist is tlie only leu.-il step tii.at has been tak-ii .a:.';iin';! the industrial trusts to luurs'i or restr.iin them. l'l.* beef trust b;; rolls have ]iaid no mor«‘ .attention to tl e injunction th;in if it laid ne\er be--n issued ;ind still contrid not or.iy the jiriaeij :il c:!:;!e ma'‘i<‘ ! b;;i dictate tlu' ]i’.’ic(* of meat, ■file lower branch of e,ai .re^••.; under ti.e whi 1 spi:r of popal.-ir indiuna- l;.m oi'.l( red tiie depa.i tiiaait of ee.ia- laei'ce ,aiul laii: r to invest iu'.’ite Ihe c:it- tle .and bee •oaibines. but .allhouuli wee!;s h.ave p.issed. and no doubt Sec retary 1!'ielyoii is .ardently iiress'uL:' the i!i\-esi'u'1! ion. it doe.-; not ajipear to le-ve h.ad any (ielerrent effect Upon the rapacity of tl.e eon.bine. It ni.ay be that ti:e arditons l:i!:ors of .Mr. ('ortej- yeu in .aidin;:' 1’re.-;;deni Koo.;eveit t>i .arr.aiiue the details cf the ( suiiinu' iie- pr.lilie;, tl ca lap.a 1l;i; have p!‘e\(ai!ed ei ther of llit m front payin:;’ liuicli :it;en- lioii lo (anbimr .a ttaisi. whicii even the ailiaiidst r.-i'iion .admit.', is a li.ad oiu*. It laas been suuLvesiCil that the rea son rre.'idi nt Kooseveit h.as selected eer.'t.ivy <'orteiyou to m.an.ai;e his caiapaiun was that tlu* evidence he h.as (.iitaitu d .i-i'.-'.in'^t the liaists could I (* used ;:s a clnli io m;ik«* them •■<■(•!;!•• ilown.” to the uTiait advanlaue of tlu- lii*i>u!ilic;in campai.mi fund. 'i'hat woibu be n.i new iilan. for it is char,rj:ed tiait <'eii'.'.ressiua.n i'.-ibcork thri'aieiu'd the steel trust with ant.a.adnis; ic I'-.uis- latioii unless th.at .niaut (omiiiiu* m.ade a dona'ion to tlu* ca:..pai.u!i t;:nd of 1’.! ‘J, wlaat it was ni::ch tuv'ded. If the coal tiatst. the be- f trust atiil tin* otiu'r reputed b.ai trusts ii.id been persisie!itly proeee.led aaainst liy tiie adndnistr.’.tion an;l restihs oltainei by forein:,' them lo s(*li their products .It reasop.able prict's the sii;;,uesi ion of their conneclin.u' with llu* c.anipaii;'n fund in lieu of prosecution wc.tild hav(> no weiv'at. I’tU the fact tii.at no trust or conJiiiu* h.as b«*i'n e.'.posed by tlu* admini."tr.atio;> and thai a private citi- ;:en lias h.ad to be;;r .all tlu* expensi- of fisrcin.^ tlu* t*vide:u‘e tiu* maniprda- tions of the coal ttaist i.'iio p'Ublic view c*'-riainly ai!ov\s a sinister emstraicl: m to I »* luit uiioii the lack of energy in piosi'ctiiti'j; the trusts by President lloo.sevelt and his dei>ariiiient of jus tice. Port .\rthur is Russia's jchim: tooth. l)r. .Jajian lirst tri(*d to pliiu' it. but as the aff»*cted nu lar still ,u.ave trouble he has now <-oHcludeil to t'Xti icl it. 'i'he paiiili’ss pnuH’ss will not b< <,.aui)lo\'t“.1 Andrew ('.‘irneuie s.ays '^hat wealth hurts sonu* ]t«*oide. What lar;;i‘ nuiii- h(*r of folks Cariu'irie has savt*d from p*llin.L;' hurt! Hr>os<“^. elf*s r»\-, n Tl'ci’i' is not a de.'.dl of this pi*rson- aliy condu(ii*d canvass for tlu* noiiiina- lioii which h.as esc.aiu'd the interi’"r- (*iic(‘. I'irect <ii' indirect, of llu* man in the While ibmse. 'I'liere has be(*n critici.-wn of a ceriain caiulithite liee.aiise la* h.as frankly and boldly h.unli'd tiie pri'sidt'iiey. Uut .Mr. lioosevelt ha.s liunted tlu* presid(*ney day and niulit. usin;.:'. not his own fortune or .anythin-: th:it is liis. but tiie itowers. patron;i-e and induence which the jieople of tlu'.-e I'liiliHl yiates \dted in trust to lii * siewardsiiip of their serv;int, Willia’.;: .McKinlt'y, four years ajjco. — Alhr.ny A r^4us. A lirooklyn luistoi* has resijjued be cause he will not pretu'b sensational sermons. liut is not the resij^uation itself somewliut seusiitioiml? A TcuicIiIiik: Spectaele. What a touching' specta<*le it will be will'll Mr. I.ou I’ayii jx>kes his leii'.s under the luncheon table at the White House :;nd sw(>etly’ smiles '>t tho “dt?- lighted’* president I—New York World. A Toaclicr's Iii.stitute for Tran sylvatiia coinity will be lu-Id in coiH’t lioiisi*, bo.n'iniiin^ at ioV-loc-k a. in. ''J'ae.sday. July ')tli I li»()l and closin;: with the public j examination .July 14th. ! Th(* Sii])t'i-int(*nd(*nt will Ix* ;is ^.s;.>t('tl by l^roi'. \V, L. Alien. .Sujit. irraded .schools. Waynesville X. C.. <as [)«M' section i’() school law ol‘ Xorth C’jirolin;i l‘,t();j. 'J'he above ^NOiMion s.ays: “All ' Ic;iciH*rs of tiny coiinty in which ' such institute is hold are hcrby ite<inirod tojifond tin* satnc con tinuously during' the ses.sion liu.*roof j'or al letist two wc'ck’s, if tlu* iiistilntc continue so lonL’; and, niHtn iailr.n* to do so. imles -. [irovidonlially iiiiKh*r».‘d. shall Ijo ilebarred I'ldin tcttchinii- in ;uiy of tilt* piiblic schools (l‘ tiiis .stato jdi* thi* tci'iii oi on<* yi'jif. oc uiiiil siicii to.ichc!' shall lui\'e ;inoii(h*d some coupty in-slit iUo ;ind school in .soii.c o'lli- t*r coaiity. '■ Pi'of. Alien i> W(*]l titled for this w.dl\ and wc ;ii-o siiit'tiial all tin* toachors will V(*ry int;i;ii (.‘iijny tilt* in."! it alt* tmd wiil i>o i^i’cally holood in 1 ,cii' woi k*. W (• hope :iil lea.-het s ol' 1 ilo county, and ttiox- who desire t > I >'.icli. will prii:o pf 1 y .ai! (did. 1. ‘ ■; i )X. ! '<>. ■''!Ill. LIARKET VALUE OF BRAINS. Tiio»«‘ >t !(‘<l li> t!:i* I itf or Toi»;ic<M> !):> !Not f-'iiiil ICe;c<Sy M Id ;) I 'I > !I2 «• III. William \I!i 11 White, llie friene r.{ b >\s, >a_\s: ••r(aMeeo i> lil<e whisky ii i.' i-rowiiiL; ill ■.:>fa>oi-. Tle i'e i 1.'^’ in liniporia a sinuie top-er. ia \eir> 'he (d ii'baeeo will i>< M bo. III! a- \\!ii>k\ is. and wl:.i: aa'i-i. w!ii;e ril'b(a.ir> ;ir 1 i'e It ■ lai a* r~ •.ml p’.iiiie.a' a”i'a'iu'> w-n'i be ''c -oiia'Mae 1< r It. The la ' potisl b;' i ry ■\ i i! 0-- in i i; e re'. ; i !i con! pet i; ii: a thi> aje. w ! ie!' ea.'ts up.hi tin '.ftp 'or t'aiinre . r\' iirain I'lat is 'aipai'aii ii.iin ai-\ cause. Thi> v';;i eiaii !. 1 !i;l ii i.' !; e \ i ; !,Ie. and t he ! ie, .- cl' ii.'-d:,;. "Ill a.d prepare i'l.r in the d.i\ \'.'icn they >I;all (!o ba:- ■ ;e !di- .'M-ce-" !■;. mail will c(K!d’"' !:i' ! ra;n^ ai d !.i o.idy a~ a ypoil'!.;-- ,..aa. colic.I hi.- ! .i-'e. I e tla-'c d.a\ ■ i' ae I : \ .■ c. ■ I.. ee I: • :: n it is tiie b« s; • :■.! • a I ^ a • i ii.- . and tiie m.a n o • .'a (•:■.' eel h;." oraii.s willi t:'i>;aao ••ail w I; i- .N \ i i\ m .(• In (! oa i of t he ci il>- I'cr .'i a ire aaii-\ in any litid oi' ae ii\i.y. When a xiaia.”’ m.an applit*.' :'o;- a :ol. in iiii> iewn he i- pracl'eqj .\ aib'j- hi' ''r.ain.". 'ihe naarl-.e: I'lill ('i' lir.iin.'.. aad no enipio\>, r cares i<i iiire a d.am.a^t d ."t • v\ h( n he can i.*ei ,i chain .-.I'l jii.-i as wi !!." - \ t (diison (i lobe. 'I'ln- fi i-<(t ll <:! I I i:. p«" rji !ic«a F a!' h i: :i.i: .: ^ a ■ - at;o .Mid...... •'aii;;!!" w e i < ihi- i n.v ti tal a i i> 1 ;i i!' ■^ I' fill r. |aa a la! i ' .a -IT oi' the :a ■ L.--e ■ ill r- Ip. a a la : i . i,;, \a i'r, p i ^ , ^ ■ 11 , a ,; c > . c a I :; s. ,\ tu i i ■ i :i iso »a la ai I! I I..a I ■ \ t n w 11 lioiit tin a i i 1.!' lliise xaietic" tl.e nniidur ol fi- malc lopcrs is sIirinkiiiLT to a min'- laum. .\t th( c. ml of (^n.aii nata.'s (d‘ lienor li;n: a d.ail\ allow .aia--- III --iN (pi.a'.Ms of beer .ami dr.ank all the wiiii t liey could ”et liidd of. liidiai.ap- oiis I'rcas. 'Fort 5n*t‘il. A (*:ise caiiK* to !i”ht that jxM’sist- (‘iit and ininieri’irnl torture has per haps nt'Vtu- b(*(*n equaled. Joe (iold- biek of( oir.sa. ('a111'., \\rites. ‘*For l.-) year< 1 enilurc*ti iiwuller.ible |';iiu tVom rliomn-itisui and notliiujj: ro- lievtHl nie thoueii 1 trit'd t^verytliin^' known. 1 came across Kleetric l>il- ters and it's tlu* j;re;ite«t modiejne on etirth for tiuit tnuiMe. A tew hot- llt's of it contpietely rt*Iieved and eiifed me.’’ .Tu~t as <»()od for liver and Kidni y troubles and <ien(^ral dt*- hiiity. Onl.v r,Oc*. Satisfaction j?u;ir- aiitecd by all druueists. *

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