Sy Ivan News Oar County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, miner & BKEESE. BREVARD, TRANSYI.VANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, JIM.Y s. lOO-t. VOL. IX-NO. 27 ®“nns Rock Lodge No. 267 Jt. F. ^ A. M. Meets Friday on or before the full moon in each month, at 2 p. 111. \’isitini>r Mason.'^ are oordiaily invited fiioet with us. ^ sptly MaxW KLI Sf (• y. Conestee Lodge No. 237, O. O. F. THE STAND PfiT POLICY High Prices a Blessing, Accord ing to Secretary Shaw. oVlock. every Monday nij^ht Visitinir bi-otiiers are at eoi-- diaily invited to visit us. Z. \V. XK'IK )LS. X. Transylvania Ledge No. 143, TKIES TO EOLSTEK UP A T7EAK CASE Fntlle Attempt to Prove 'Flint tlie In I’rttNperonN—Il(>^v lli«» Trust Kvil lias liicroiLst'ti iIk* Citst LiviiiK'—Tlie Trulli Sn stand pat. and a chanee Is necessary. As tlie Republicans declare a^ any clmnsc. tlie vot(*r must turn to tho party whose declarations and tradition al policy are to reduce the tariff that trusts cannot find shelter under it. Such a chanp:e in the tiscal policy of the T'nited Sti’tes is advocatwl by the Democrats, not a radical < han;?e wouM upset business and injure hon est manufacturer.s. but the lariil’ so re- vis(*d that the trusts that sell ch<‘aper iibrojul than at home woukl be }»re- vented from doinp: so any Ioniser, ^'hat is th(‘ “Iowa idea’’ of a lar>;(‘ faction of Itepublicans of Secretary Shaw's own have oui‘ Ici^al sh;ir(? of tlu» plunder? Instead of niinierons trusts why not have a n:itional trust in which <‘V(*ry one caJi be* a stockhold(*r: I’rotection thrives on nul)lic extravagance and breeds <‘onMnMi<>n. anoth(*r :ir.Lruni(‘nt for the Soci;il;si. Honest Kcjmb.ieans who hav<‘ be(‘U led to b(‘li<‘v*‘ in prott'ction should think (»f tlu‘ br(;;i(i road they an* driv ing in anr all”—the A HEAVY DECREASE. ' Ut'd i(( attend. Knigiiis of Pythias Ip 1 te'jtilar convention (“v- ery 'rut'sd:iy niL’ht in Ma sonic Hall. V i s 11 i n y- Kniillits a re ••'•rd ia lly iu- .1. A. SX( >\V. (( Brevard Telephone Exchange. iiOT'i.'s: Tbiily—7 a. m. to Id p. ni. Sunday—S to i(» a. ni.. 4 to <» ]>. < ’entt al ()Hici“—(’oopei* lilock. Professional Ccrds. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId’g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty, ilooms I aiui 2. 1’iekelsiim r Jluildiny. ZACHARY &. EREESE ATTO R K EY i'-AT- LAW Offices in McMinn Blocl(. Brcvarii. N. C. WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. I’l'.i.M ices in all the coi!rt> Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn Block. Brevarti, N. C. MisceManeous. Dr. H. H. CARSON Surgeon Dentist («>vi-r I’iink. HKNDKK.'^oNVII.l.i:, \ S:)ti-i:>ftion (JuanuittH'd in aU < )|>cr;iiioTi> C. C. K1LPATR.JCK, CONTRACTOR AND ByiLDER. Office at Barber Shop, Brevard. N. C. I’rescnt K.-^liinates oiven on all Uuui; in !li(- buii(n!i”' liii<‘. (it wni'l. T. B. CRAR.Y, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Worn. ('.■iiient Wori<. I Mastt-riny. I’t ldde- da.'iii and Kouyh Castiii;j- a Specially. BREVARD, N. C. G. W. Summey—Carpenter |>f.~i (d' rec<»nu!ie{]«iatiuii.' iii- \v<». |. .lobs in oi‘ out (d town a<‘oei»ted. All work ii'uaraiiteed. J. O. DERMID, ir. W:\tclies and .lewelry W'atid*. an)• r me I-e|»,( All \Ve.atronaue <>f the travidiriL’' public well as summer tourists is sidieited. Opp- Court House, Brevard. N.C. 1 here is no c'S(*;ii»(‘ f.»r th.* Kt'pnblie- aws from the stand pat posltit.n on the t;iriff taken by them. 'I'hey an* eouj- pt Ih'd liy events to eout«Mid pros perity is widesprt‘ad. I'.ut Secretary Sh.MW in opt^nin,!.; the Ib'publiean cam- ai;rn in l>elawari* under 11k* aus])ie('s of llu* W'iluunjiton K*)osevelt Woikiu.n- nien’s clidt i‘ndeavor<*d to mak(* ‘iabor*’ see that its welfare dep<*nded upon the suee(*ss of tlu* Hepublieans. whos<> policy had [ir(»duc«‘d liiuh f)rices and. ;ts h-' el:iiuieil. i-orresi)ondin>^ly hii;h wair<*s and st('ady empl<»yni(*nt. Seeret.irv Shaw is an ade]»t at t(*llinu' half Iruths and tin'll buihlini; thereon :in .-ii'LTUment to prov«* his <-ontention. He saiil to the Wibnin^^ton workin};m<*n. ••I'niv(*rsal and constaid euiployuH'iit :it r<*asona- bh* wa.LTi's. e\ (>u in the face of hi^h pric(*d livin" expenses, is preferabh* to emplo.vnn'ut to only a porlion of our peopU*. thoULTh at th<* sanu* waires and ai much r(*dnced livinir exix'tises.” Are tlu' worl\inj;:nH“n t>f Wilininirron bh'sseil with ‘•universal constant em- plo.vnient," jis .Secretary .''•Ii:i\v would havt* them believeV 'riit* j’eimi-ts of the ccndition of the shipbuilding:' iiifbisiry. ei'.r shojis. woolen mills and some otliei ii’dustries \vlii< h are c.'irried on at Wil min;xton do imt by any r-eans suirtor? the Shaw tlu'*!>ry that eiu;)l!)ymeul is “universal and constant.'' but ratlii'r j that ur<'Mt many uk-u .ire iilie anil a i nunilxM’ werkiny: oti slioi't time. 'I'li.-it ; this is the ers iM-aiiy ev- ! er.vwlu're is uiil'iirtun;ite!y true, and uti i OIK* sli:tul'i kiiuw it betti'r t!l:in Seci'e- I j tar.v Shaw, v.lm has :!!1 th(* uovermnent I S“nn-(‘s uf information ;it his eoin- mand. j lint )psfe;id of tellin.ur the whoh* truth I arul iK-thinL;- hut tin* truth about tin* j eoiKliticms ]>revail for the Ainerl- i ean v.'orkin-nian under tla^ hi.Lrh jtrieed I trust e!‘:i that Ri'pnliliean policies hav(* j I’atll.v ri>cr;)roc:t v j prf'dnced Secretary Sli.-ivx* ]iri>inises to | h'.v h;id ari’;ni”'e'i. : furnish ••well ::u:]K‘!!ticate iticrease.l in lartri'r prejiirlicn th;;n tin* :'v<*r:!L:e articles I of't, :'v li..'::;ei;n:n! i!) I’c’^ort that S<'cn>t;iry (Vi>-te!\w)!i i.-; jirefcired in the : brr '.in of statis:it-s tla* dat.a Sec- r( ',;;T'y Shaw trives no;ic<* of :iiip<*arinii' -i t f- .‘t. that tin* m:itt(*r for IIk* Re- , pvli”c;;n canit;:!iu'n hook is heimr i»re- ^ p:ii'«-d at ,i;('ve:-i>n!<‘nt eX] ense ; n l to ipaki' ;i showini; favoiMi.’e to tln‘ ;id- vanta.u'es of hi.irh tai-iff and hi;zh ti^ust prices. < :ov(>rnnK‘nt statist!* * ly nni’c'lialiie when nian'if;.ctui'ed to suit pai’tisan [Mirfxises. :uid. .•iIllKtULrh j th<‘ exp(*rt slatisliciaris of tlu* dep.-ii-t- j nn'Ut (tf conunei’ce .-iim! l.-ilor nia.v I prove lh.:it .-ili tter th:;n pai'tisan tiirni-es ' can prov(‘ if to l;i!;i. Th<*re w’ll doul tless Pe a ureat num ber of llo'i^^ev-'lt wcrkinciMcu’s clubs : or;r:’.ni/,eiI by the Ueptiblican politicians .^11 over tl.e cMunf.'.v. but it will ke<'p ' Si‘ci^(*tar.v Shaw ;‘.nd other nei>ul>lii-;in ’ spellbinders busy e\p!;iininu’ how, nn- | fa.ctures i dor prf'sent hi,::h trust prices, tlutse of [ ns Avith rc*stricte;l incouM*s »-a!i m.ake ! expenses conie within wh;it is reci'iv- < d. Tin* true test ended for inxm‘i(*s or tl;:;t c.-in be saved for the pr(»vi> r:iiny d:i.v. Each family can decidc* if tlu.v arc* satistied with tlH*ir present coiulltion nmre (-(‘rt.-iinl.v than exjiert tij:nres or tli^e st)eci.‘il pl(*i'.dini; of Se<*retary Shaw can d(*ternune for tlu^m. U' the voter cotn lndes that he is pros perous and Is willint' to i-ontinne to pay hifxh prices and his (»wn sh.-ire of the enormous protits that the Idtrh tar iff allows tlK* trusts to plunder him of he should vttte the Uepublican ticket and thus supi» >rt the st.-iiKl i>!it policy of no chan.Me in present conditions, but if he is not satistied, if he feels that the wn.i^Ct's h<‘ is receivinj^ do not allow him and his family to live in coinfoft be cause the <‘ost of has advancest. de- | pollfioni ji.-icJHsios. clde between tho two jrre.-it parti<*s as | stremious youn- .u^vernor of Illi- Bis r'alling: Off in tlie Prodnetion of 'W'iue ill l'''ruiif‘P Due to Pliylloxern. to the i)olicy which will .irive him the greatest comfort an;e h:^t yn.i. T;u‘ iivera^'-f yield wa* ]Si) ^aiiojis j,t r aLTo, which i.s abort oi;e-third It'.-s tluii; in iv.iii. 'J'iu-total yield was about e<|ua; to the averag-e for tho ten years pi t vii a . to Is'.iil, but ie.'S than the j)rt.(!uct o;' that _\ear. Ilie (’.(c^^‘a^e ir. lie w!; acreaiL'e i.>^ at 11 ibii; a ble aiino.-t (uriuiv to pliylioxei a, v. liich ha.- uiHi(,'iibtt (. iy cf).‘‘t tlje people .'cveral tiiir. >i.ore tiu;n tlie i- I i.dt iiu! it \ ['.-lici i(, I’fussia. In 1'''.)!'). aei ( > wcr-- f/]aiif( (i, u l.icli yi< hit o’ hji'.s. and last year the acn a*je \va> 4,- which pif.duced i.nly 7:-7.7!)l,l ?.') L;'allon>. whlcli was an « r.((;;) iicic.". 1 ht (ii.'irict ki.i.wi. .is I C'harente yielded 7.:»do ualit.i ? ias: REPUBLICAN STAGNATIOTn. Are I..t*nd»*r.s of tli«* I*nrty Ui.siiiiil Kj»iliii*f.s. The ;rr(*at ma.jorily of the Kcp.tdilican part.v ttsed to worship .F:uik‘s I’dain-' .r.'.d tlu' policies that hi* st i;>d for. He favored r(‘eii»rocit.v, esp«-cially with South Americ‘in couiitries. :nid in a siu*i‘ch at \Vat«*rviIh*, Me., .Au,:;. liP, IS'.K). he said: “Oiir .un-.-it i:eed is cvTpar?sion. I m<*an exininsiou of ti-ad»* with conn.- tries where we can lind i»rolit.ible ex chan,ues. We art* uot ainu'Xa- tion of t»*rritory. (V*rt.!iul.v we <[o not ir(* it ttidess it should couk* by the volition of a pt'ople who lui^iht :isk the pricel(*ss boon oi a jdaee uutjt'r tlu* tlag (d‘ tin* I'liioii. I f(-el sure that for a lonu time to couK' the [»eojde of tin* riiiletl Stales will be wisely (-sntent with our itr<*s( ill .area and uoi launch upon .an.v sch(*Ku* of .-innexatioii. At the time I think w(* should be unwisely content if we !ic;in lead.'i's are j distinclly'd to .iust. v.liat Mr. ' Itlaine was sirivinj;' for. lie* liliie ' 1htai;.;ht th;;t wiihin a few years a ia*- I ptdilican presid* in would Ik* foi-cibiy ! :inn(*xin;r couatries not in this h>*nii- I stdK're and :i liepublican coti:^:^ess I would Ik* standinu- pat .and refrisina' t ) treaties that .McKin- id :i rr;ni,”'e>i. 'I Ik' lilaiiie llcpubliean must, likt* the few foilow(*rs of be l.iiK oiu that are left, view witli dismay the dismi'l fail ure of their present le;iti>;‘s. who tear to l(*L;;sl;!ie on iinjKii'tani m.-itters, but in place adopt a policy of li*”i;»|,-jtive st.aunation. 1>(k>s an,\ oui* bellevt* that r.laine would stand at the jtresenf juucturc*v PLUNDERS THE FARMER. of i'rofetfion PIi!c»‘n n H«*avy oil Hss ^>i:o9]I(I«‘rs. The p<;iicy «d' ju'otection ii.a.'. from j the be^inn.n.u' of oiu' Lrovernna-uL, been n-<* notorf!)us- ! a burdt'ii, and a heavy one. tht* farmer. It is a jiiiy that oui' farmers, who ai'e til:* b.’u'kitoiu* <ulh C.-iroiina said in <»ur lirst congress, in ITMt, is as true today as it was then. He saiil: “it h:is be<*n said, .and .justly said. sir. that tlu* states whicii .adopied lla* eon- stitntion »*\pi*ct.'d its administration Would b(‘ candticted with a favoi'able hand. 'I'he niannfacturina' stales w'ished the encoui'aii'enK'ut »d' maiui- thi* m.aritime states tlu* en- conr.-i.ireuK'nt of shipl*uil<)(i?;,:r .and lh<* :i,irriculiural states the eucouraiiemt'nt of .‘inricnlture. We h:ive laid lu‘.ivy «biti(*s ujxiii f'»n'i:xn .n'cods to encour- domestic ni.annfactures. W(* are iK)W about to l.a.v :i tonna.tre d.uty the encouraiit'inent of coniinerct*. h;is any one stc'p b(*<*n lakt'u to c »ur;;rj:e tiv.* states? far froTn it tlnit all that has b(*‘ !i don** operates .‘i.irainst then- inti“r(*st. t*very duty we liave l.aid will lu* he.avily felt by South Caroliu!!, whih* nothinir has been done to assist or even enconr-ij^f* her or !u*r :iLrricnltnn'.’’ . , , „ . \ eai-. a<;aii:.'t In fort t to punish those of his aj.'pointees who | di ' i' \i phy I’cxera. r(;)Oi t.' fi'oni >. w!.i;e : vinc> .'ecui to havtcsciMa"! th( i'i;\ii; . , , , , , kins and tlu* otlu'r mendx'rs of the coufxressituial di'leujition opjiosed the winniniLr side. 'I'his strenuous ex hibition (»f hick of brotherly love be tween tin* Illinois Kepublicans shows lh“ merc('u;iry machine tiiat rnl(*s them, which was ai;ied an;l strenirth- ened by I’vi'sii'eid lio )sevelt whf'n he appointed tlu* notari )us 1 >oc .la.nieson a n;'.v:'l oi'ic('r. Such is T'olitics e'.'cr.vwhere :i ni.achi:!'.* over- :'i!ot!'er l:d ti i t!i ! 1 f a;id c,;ni;i!c ‘ o| • >iii|’a:;’ i'avi;’ c,■!.'(■ a.'iiti (i ;) 1: t: SCANDAL IN ALASKA. I’artisicii ppoiiit iisoiii ?»i Ko- •siiits I'Oii.vl > . 'I'he •jiiN i.t inv(‘Ulo|-. 'i'henias .\. laii- son. cha;'L:e-s there .art* ;^ross irrej;uli'ri- ti-'s in tin- I'.atent oJiici* whieli in\olve the coni'iiissioner af j'.ati'nts. I''rc(k*!^ick I. Alh'u. .'Ir. Hdison apj>ears t».» iiave b ea tuiaii d down on a pat( nt coverinn' his ni w' sfoiaae b:ii;ery ami aiiju-iiled to i'reslvu'ui lioosevelt to have his ri'-hts pr.'.tecied, who (M’deret! that a iK'W' h<* j:'vanted. sciiiiiiiil ;rrew out of in.atlers re- hilin.i; io i-Mison’s new electric slor;i5ie b.altery. Wliiie certain j);! tents »iamissi<.Her wl;h .a view lo the caneeiiiiiioa of the an;vndaient.> which had been allowed to hi* made t.» tht* rival patent. '1 his is ti.e h(*arin;: ^ I'ommissioner .Mien refusi'd to .Liraut. Such irnave ch.ariJies would sei*m to demand inst.-'ut investi.iiaiion, but .so n -thin;;' !*een pul>i;siu-d to sii(»w iliiit steps haVI* bt'en taken to jtroiect the :nv(*ntinL:' pu'aiic. Nejirl.v every d(‘;'::rtaK-nt of the i;oV(*rnment lias bev‘11 smirched with scandi'.ls th:it are beii*.u’ covered uj) by the ltej)ublic- ans for fe;ir td' their effect ui>on the Voters at tiie comin.u’ election. i! ;i !i t ■ (. c,!rc fi’oa; 1 urv to ;i (•( I. ;y to \'. I'! I'ln tie int s t tr I in \ ;i! ■ i :. ef L ■:ii t- 1 it ’ . t e 11'l : f c: !i a Cl na rc.‘ THE MORPri:P;.Ti KAEIT. \M i ';*:i :«<•** 3 e.> p f CH (! :m«l »• M f •*s. i :> <•( I i 11- la a waak !n:ely pul t -aiLr i I! I (. !•'! morph ‘IK- a; . f w;:icli V. '; ( r.'. I * I a lai 1 he I'a i i ' i a wliieii t 111 but iii;n il Swi‘,it !i an;:' ; I. t ■ t '■ X' r I i I! • ■ ( Otic i." >a’d .-^tailsl'c' ;ir- (a; IC.’i ; 1 a i: n; I'.e la in rp.'. .la ir.i!' ■ Mi ' a; vaa' ;a> i: 'i'nrk \\ to A na'r c:i r- f, •! ‘ . 1 r i: : 1 ill’!.' : ia a ai r’ 's 1)1".'t w! pi ;■ ' \ :c;: m> ' i I; aa.i i: :.- : a; ii:wrj)iri:- >api;:;:n--;- ; jaa . l.i'd of 1 .(•(,o c:;> i (•( m '.'a na II ;nal .;.'.a u , a-s s!m\\ * iiat of : : !ie rn«'(;:c;il proft - ;irt''is: laairiua'. 4a > a ciaia- i,; x*. !.. r. naa .-la.i; ‘. i- a r.; c’.r ■a; V t!a' !• u . :r ai. 1 m ^' i:i; ■ I' m;ih‘ m rul ir.i- • ■ on ."Up;;ii( d ; p a' Cl ir. M. !; ; wi;!i 1 .■) p! r ( n 1.: •p. r c d no! rl, P-. r ( p. ‘ : \ aci.iv ai; 1): \V. la n ; IM' im fi ina’ IMl i|- -ir I a:.: ai. 1; .* eii; . ili! f.K In (. aa I 1 la. na;: , il.' se \ < and prod I’e: i' iuutaior rle V( !I atr<>st(-(i The iiroi;aii • :a;ed to bi :ip>t s iire V. a.. )i I iM-e 1 n • .1 in tile fiaiaiie. i; to m^'d in’”'iinua;’. (if morpii Ilaai.:i II at favorilble. li’.ti; ui;h frt(jiirat.—.lournal (.f III I) . t' ma for l.ut en- So Need \ot IlMnii tin* Ti'iixts Xow. If will 1> ■ a iiic > thia.L;- for Mr. Kmtx to la* tr-ui d'erred froia tin* (h*j);ii'tm(*nt of justice ta t-lu* rniled Stiitt's si'lliip*. As .attorney .Lr{*iH*r;il his feelin,:j:s must hav(* l.M-en hueritted at tlu* tinu*s when i he f. it it his dut.v to stick i>ins in the bl'Lc comhip.ev-to di-iiw blood from the ent ami iiiuiiereiful torture has j)ev- lu'ef tni^ tand rh(* Northern S(*curities luips never lK*en Otiiialed. company. In the senate he will not be ISi'iitnlly iired. A ease eann* to lijiiit that persis; GROWTH OF SOCIALISM. Directly I)in» to tli«* I?«'i»«l»l*oan P«*l- i«'y «»f l’r<»te«*ti«iii. Th(* rapid f^rowth (d' Socialism is di rectly due to tlu* Hej)ub!ican j!oli<*y of protection and subsidies. It leads men to lK*lieve that th<* .trovernment .should care for them as it protects llie trusts and corporatior.s. Sei'inji' tlie tariff barons are math* rich by special law.s, why cannot, they ask, all of us called ,uj)on to be stem. At any rate, if he contimies to hate tliein upon him Sun. hick ot‘('olnsa, (’iilif., writes. '‘I^'or !.*