Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. & mivmi BREVAlxM), TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FRIDAY, JIM.Y ^,2. 1904. VOL. IX -VA .N yj- ®unns Rock Ledge No. 267 yt. F. 6r -A- M. Moots Friday on or bet'oiv tlie full moon i n eaoli month, at '2 p. in. Visitin<>' Masons , are 11 v invited with ns. Wm. Maxwklu S(t’v. Conestee Ledge No. 237, O. O. F. Mfft< »‘v,>ry Mdiiday tiiL;lit at ^ "‘•lock. \*isitini:' l'rotiH>rs arr t*oi‘- 'iiaily iiiviti-d to visit us. z. \v. xiciioLs. X. (;. Transylvania Lodge No. 143, HIGH COST OF UV! I J(>n n! a r i*<)!i \ < 'Ut ion t* v- orv 'l’iir>tiay niiilit in M a- s"’ni*- II all. \isitin^ l\uiL:hts ;n'i‘«•(ird ia lly i(i- att.Mid. ~.l. A. SX( )\V. ( •. C. ; Brevard Telephone Exchange. | iKHl.’s; I 1 'aily 7 a. ni. ti> H' p. in. I >^niu'iay to ;0 in.. t to •> ]). ni. j < <‘tjt ra 1 < ('ooit'r J>lock. | ~~ ■" " I Professioi\al Cerds. W. A. GASH. I ATTORN EY-AT-LAW.j Rooms 7 & 8, Mcf^inn BId’g, Brevard, N. C. | W. B. DVCK\VO:^TI-!, | ATTORNEY AT LAW. i Investigation of Laiiti Titles a Specialty. { I llooni- 1 and 2. 1‘ickolsiinrr 1 in^'. ZACHA?vY EFv^EESE ' AI' O R K E' r r - A1' - E A W , Oi'ficoS in riiciiVinn Clock, Brevard. I!. C. | W2LCH GALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. t’ra<-^ ic.'s in ail tlu- couris Rooms 9 and 10 Mcfs^inn Clock. CrGvard. N. C. Miscelarxcus. Dr. H. H. CARSON i Surgeon Dentist OtVu-i'iivor r.aiik. ! HKNI)Ki:SONVll.l.K. N ('. ' <iuara!it« <'-i in all < rj'.i- ; C. C. KSLPATRICX, Olfi.ce at Barber Shop, Drcvard, N, C. I'-tiiiiaics li'ivon on all of \voi-U ill I ii-' hni Idinji’ 1 it:**. T. B. CBJSlRY, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Work. Cciu.-nt Work. I’!a|-t.-i-jn-. 1 >, 1.1.1.- ila-li ‘>i“l Ivf^'i^'li a Sj.f.'ialt\. BREVARD. N C. G. W* Summey— Carpenter (»f rrconnni'iidat (oll^ l;i> wo^k. joiis in or out o[ lowii arci'ptrU. \!1 work Linarantocd. J. O. DERMID, f itfli' S and .h'Wflry lor >alf. l^'inc \\';rn-l> and ('l(*ck rc[)airin_:'. .\!1 \\ (..-k L!uai-antf(Ml. Wost .Main .-t. A. C. NORTON, ^racticsl Boot and Siiosmaker jW orl^ *1. s]K*(*itilt\ . West Main Street near Caldwell. TTie JEthelwold ^'i-evartrt* New HotelModi'rn Ap pointments—( )]xmi all the year, rp) ]K\tronaue of the traveling- public ^\vell 5^^ Slimmer tourists is solicited. * Court House. Hrovard. X.(’. Republicans Making Shifty Ex planations and Excuses. CAN’T DIBFUTL lALPABLE IACT3 Din;;:l('y T;irl£V f^jiw tl.« <>f to tin* lle.vciit* V*il5i Jfi INI V-i III K FiKure.s. If there is otti* lliin'j; tliat is worryiT;: the adminisU ation oi’i. ial.-j r.t \\ ash imrion nion* th.in aM<.tlH>r in ll!«' line of cauipaiiru iisiies il is the fsiets in re- l^ard to thv* pn-si'nt exiretnely liiuu cost of living. 'J'he Kepiildicans anliei- pale tiiat iii<* wieke 1 1 leni t'-r;!ts are ti'oiim to el;ar;;t‘ the whole thln.u; np to Kepui)liean legislation. 'I'hey will say that tile IJ(‘i:uldicans passed the Id:;,:;- u*y liiirh larilT law. th;it is nioiher to must of oiii- urcat trusts, that have put l»ric( s t.}> t • the hi^rhesl point in mod ern times. There is no way of dispulin^' the i»al- [>a].l<‘ laets th;!t f.mr-tifths of oiu' trusts were I.orn ui:der liin^iey leiris- laticHi and th;it the cost of li\in,u’ is higher than ev(“r hefore. 'I'hc* K<‘];uhlic-. jins would I'un away froiu them if ihcy could, l.tii nnfortnii.ilely sneh farts are K-uiiiiiion k;iowle,!i;e. 'I'h-.* p;u’s<“r in ev ery hotisehohl knows lh;ii prices of supplies are at tiie ti.j. n .ich. tluaiuli lie may not know 1m»w {hey i.'^et there or upon wi'.om lo place the hl.'.iae. All soits of shifty expl-ui.-itii.tis and exi-ust's for iti^li pri<‘i‘s are In-ini; tixed up hy the i:e]>uldic;in m:i 11;!l:-■:'< an.i statistie;.l iui:.:,^l.-rs. will ::it;‘M;pt to .iiistify liiL’li pi'i<-es. others to show tl.ai tl i>rie:'s of farm pi-M.i’icis have itone i;j> c\e:i moi'c than h:;\e lln.se uf trust pi’o'ircis. .‘Mid ot h ‘I's lh:it iirii'es lia\f !iot u.iiie ui> as niin-li as. while vau'es have ^oiie u;. mtich more th.-ii;. i< ije'I' I'-:!' \' N'.ij);. is:d. 'I'lese e^jda.tia- tiMTis w ill I." Il’ied e!! in (iil'l' -l'eni l.'eal- iti 's, and tii<> IN-i.nMiean spelli.indci’s will c'.ioose the (.lies which aMpear to fit th(“ir \'ari..!ts h.eiilities l.est, 'I’lius Seei'i'tary Sliaw l.iincled all e\]’.!al'.:itliii l op<‘niy .Mid l.ol-lly de- ft'iided I.i:.:h prices in his spee<-h in Wilmington. I>e!.. on .June lie ad mitted that prices were liit;h. hut he pr<iinise(i ili.al ‘‘I'efore t lie eamp.ai.un proeeeds vc’\v far tl'cre will he fur- nislad frofi tlie liiirlicst authisrity in th<* I’nited ^■t:ites tlhe l.urean of la hor of e.iursei w’ell a u t hen I ie;i ted d.Mla showinv. tliat t!;e averace w:'.”-es have i!ie -e, 1 in l;;v;:i r p;-(.ii.!V! ie.n than th<^ ;■ vc";::. »• i' !; v 'if erilin:;ry hottsehi.ld eOTiS'ilii: ;'ei!.” j' (■ oi; >er V ei 1 that “hiuli priced lix ii'.L;' <“xpe;'s(“s art* i.reicrahh* to eni;;i>’ViiU '.it t;> < nly a p:irii< ’i ef our j that ••the iiat i»iiie-s <.f the w;: • < rue:- is d.‘]ie,i(v.-!!t up:)ii hi_h t'.ri (■ ' ’ I!'!’’. pr.';ri’''is'‘ .‘ind th.at "‘tlu* prosj.erii;.' of tlie f.-ineei- is dependent r,p(-n t!:e rc;i(iy .-.nt} c-, ;> (ant emiil.iy- ment of t!;e wa”’e e.'iinir."' Willie he insist<‘d that "it is me.-ism-ahly unim portant w'iiat p: Ici' we js.iy so lom:' as we i»ay tt’.e ]>riec lo <iursci\es.‘' yet he* s]i<»\\(“d his pl'cf;elK-e Ivir hi.U'll ]r:ees hy chisin;,' his pei-:r.iiioi; with the out- hnr:-t. ■■I'ut may tiie L’ood L >rd deliv(‘r us fram airHlicr period when liviiiu’ ('Xp.enst ;!fc clU“:ip." ’The* <-i-iti( ism Jind ridicul(' Uncled at ?('ci‘ctary Siir.w's s]>eecii iattditr-r hiuh prici'S will make the nej)ii! dicatis diary or ('xp'/rimeiitinu further in this lit'.i'. 'I'hey will n >'.v await with anx iety th.e new prices and wai_cs tahies which -Mr. (’atroll I >. Wriuht. the head of the lal.or t.ni-e.au. h;‘s e«mtractcil to iiiak(‘ for th!‘in. Tins is u-itatMiitt'ed In sl'.ow that average prices li.-ive net risen niori' tlian have averatie w:ilm‘s ::nd tlial tin* ,L^■reate^:t rise lias Ix't'ii in farm product.s. 'ihis will pic.ase the farmers, wh.o h.ive tlie most vot(“s. ativl will ;^!Ne the lea"t possible olfeiise to the v.:me earners, cl(‘i'ks and j.rofes- ' sio'.ial men. w Iiose votes a.’«? ft‘wer atid liard(>r to comhine. I5<>yond a ri'.ison.ahle (h)uht Mr. (’ar- roll i>. Wriuiht will fulhll his part of th<? c((!itract. II<‘ can pi-ove almost anythini;' in regard to iirict's anil ■\vau(*s. Ilis ]>(culiar metliods t)f classilication :\nd. of makit;;;' a.vera.Lres en:il»le him to iiiakv' statisti<-s to order. Ih‘ has al- rpa<ly classiiied cotton, tlu* j.rici* of w'liich is now vt*r.v hip'h, as a tarm product, and wool, the jirice oi whii'h has ris(*n htit littU‘. as a inanufactm*e;l product. He is likely to classily last year's fowls as farm proihicts and sprln.ii' chickens as manufac-tured prod ucts if he linds that tin* pri<-es of spring- chiek(>ns- larirely ineuhatinl—are hiirli. v.liih' the prices of old hens are onlv niodt'rate. Ho gets “average pric*‘s” hy juittiug in the prices ot uii- linportant artick's. like nutiiK'gs or pep per, along Vvidi importiint articles, like pork or flour. lie can (>asily fuKl enough of these incoTist'tpientiai :;rticl(*s, the pric«‘s of which h.av(' declined during the last s(‘ven yc'ars, lo ofi’set tlu> great advanc(‘ in the price's cf iir.portant ar- tii'les <»f consumption. H!s •‘avc'i'ages” for w;'.ges are juggled most scii'utiHcal- ly and are susc('ptihlo for any purpose or cc'nclusion. Th(‘ bureau of statistics of the tre.as- ur.v (h'parlment is also l.ard at work uuilcinu, Kt'pul'lican slaastics. 'Phe Now York 'rrihune of .June announc ed that tills l.urt'au had inst ]'ro(luc<‘(! statisti(*s showing that "I'ractica.l’y a.ll the farm jtrodiicts in iiicir natural state show' an ;'.dvan(H\” Imt th.at “the cost of living for tlu* inentli of May jtist (‘udi'il has l.c(>n h'ss than for the sat:ie iiionlh of I'.'o:?.” AVith all of tlu* statistical experts iu nil of the gov(‘rnnient e;!u‘es experl- ni<“ntii!g with price ami 'va<r(‘ ligures au(i hard at Avork at govenimet'til ex- j>ens(‘ ujioii the Itepuhlic,in cami>algn book we may expect some startling re sults. Hut the i;<'public;;n party never needed statistical ;iid m<i-i' ih.an today. Can tlu'ir (.-xpct is save tl i-i'a with tal! fiirm-esV liYlJCV AV. iIOLT. POLICY AND PERSONALITY. V«»fei’s I’lirty V. ill I’t'st All votei-.^ sh:>uid re;:iem!.cr that they do nc,t vote f.u- any candidate for presldi'iii dir»A-t!y tlaw v< i.- for a par ty with policies. '!'he Ue;'id.licaii jx»I- iey. if approvt d b.v ;i m;!,;.»i-ity «.f tJie V(.ters, is to drift aieng .and tiaist that good cr-)i:s a’.iil high prl -es wi'l con- litiile and claim thai an;, nieastii-e of pros[n-:'ily is t.f K-'ptJ.lie;n manufac tnre. 'i'hese v ^ers wi... ;i:e enamored of roimii ridi.i.-, aail s'.r.-n;i;»sity should unde:-',;: Ml! ilaat ,\lr. Jo.>'<V( ii is !u;i a siii.ali s;'i'ke in the w lu'i i oi (lie j;ar- ty tiiat h;is n.itiiin.aiitl him and tha! he must carry out liepul.I. secii .as ti.e leaders (iiei; ii!;\;ferm I ills f.’r. Wi’*’!) Mr. K;>: !SfV(‘lt acee imition his ieiti i- ,.i’ ;n ,- sh-.iw tliat he t!:(.r.;ii;,:hiy an pi.iie;<‘s ;ind the |)ts the noni ■pi.an -e will in(ii;.’.;es .ail that the K.'j.niilieaii party st.ansls fm-. He eann'U (ilijie;; j;e mast api‘ro\e. 'i'lie nil.' of il;,‘ |i: ny is s;ri>n;:;er tlian personaliiy. and io even not a]i- pro\e. .all t!;at tiie ilep',ii.li<-an p'at- form dc'-I.ires to !,(' the I'oiicy of tli;it (lariy would t.e disastrous to any can- diil.ai(“. 'I'o v-.te li.id; rsi.an !;ng!y and conserve lh('Ir own inlert-is tl.e voters must in\e and decide' l:<'!v,e('n th(‘ polieit s of th ' two great i/arties. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM. Ilffw [t \V'oi'!«s I iKtv'i* tl Kill n A J 12] i ■> iNt r:: t i<«;i. Lo<‘al civil se.viee hoaid- .are oftcti the mosi uitra [ .irtis.an. .and instead of the i‘oad t<> ail o!;iee uinier llie go\aTU- ment li'-iiig opeii.i! to ali. if ihey ean pass the !ieees-;ary ex-iniii:ation. oniy friends el‘ the pjii’ty in |/.iwa‘r h.a\e any such o!!i;o!'f.;nity. l or inst.anee, tin* civil s{‘!-vu-e c<jmmissi..n has dis covert <i in a .\ew iaigland town a s(,'c- ret;ir\. the chief e\e(llti\e olli-.-er of the loe.al l.o.ard. who fr.-inkiy d.'clared tha.t he h.ad l.ceii in oliii-i" liv(> years and th.at no !>t-mocr.ats v.oidd have any sh.ar** in the .administration of this go\’eriiment as long .as he could keep them our. .\M of \vliicii goes to ^i!;!W th.at al though la'.il service refotaii may the- oreiically h.i'.'c strong p(ii'ils in its f.i- V(.r it c;ni and often is hut an aid to the lleiinitlie.aii niachi’ie. Cnder our form of .veiaiimait every c:;ix.en has the right to asjiire to any oiiice l;e is ‘•omi.etiait to lill, jin.l unless we want to estahli.vh an o.'lica'hiilding class, who mus; lie pensiom'<i when r.ge <lis- tpi.aliiies ih«‘!ii. apiiointnn nts for f<.ur years world seem to hi* the best solu tion of the prnl.h 111. H««>t Dieln'f S;« y. Mr. Koet says “the l.eef liaist was ]»ut under iiijunetion." hut he faileii to add that the in.juni-tion has not en- joini'd and th.at the price <.f m<‘at coa- tlnues to ;idvanc(*. —Xev.- York \\'o''ld. Udssia rviKl Kii^^land. (Mie of the m.,st imp<»rtant utterances iii.aOe siiue ti.e or.tl.;'ea!: of the war in th * fai’ ejist is that of i‘rii>'<‘ Hi’SjuM’e ( tikhtoinsky. who was recently in this <• (untry to repre aMit the Kussi.an j.ress at the worl.l’s f ir. Wl.ile i:i Xew York the prince prepared a p.aper f<»i the Outlook, ill wiiic.i the fcilowlng Pigiiilicant hingi:age (scctiireil: AVhen the futuatien in th.* f;ir enst ha;^ Ix'Cii clcari'c! i:i. I.\- <f iiltiiii.ili ]ti!s.si;ot virt<i!-y, wt’.i. !i is iii'-vilat-ie. tiler.- ulll c.i.ii- a i'l . \vi‘h l-2:!u- lain!, wli" is ('.'.y r' I'o: tile Jai»aiit ?(‘ atta(ac i;;>' n iis. l^.iidaait v.'oiild ii.,\v li!;“ til lia\ -‘ in tti^r r-la 1 ii vvith Knssiii d.'.'a"."* to c'-.ni.- i.j. ■!. th.- ..-iriilii)^ ai;i] ; i li :i'. li r<' j'!''- bl.iadly ailvisir.g in-ac. and h .Idiag niit lit-r liand to sliai'e witli i:s tii ■ .'<i.iii!j; ei vii-tin\. Hut it i.« now i'i>> lat'-. \\«- rec- o^iiizt li«i- as i.i:r lud in*niy, wit;, h.i.- fvi'i' st<..-d ia il'i* i -'th el' l^as^i.-;ll d<-\\ ; oiamait. who h,-:.s by v;irli .;.v iai-:ir.s !u-ic r.s lia.-k frmn ti.i- .^M-a, has ci n: t;i;.tly, l-\ ni<-ans- ef If. r imMi. a i i r.s an.i l .-i- (■Iiini-r\- I'.ir (’!.''•>;( :ninaii;ar ni v.s, f"si<rci: pr. Ji!<!iee>: a^^aitist u.s I an u; t;iii"; t til-- en tire civil!Z( il wmid. 'I'iiis iast atta(-k < i t:.s is only na..- <.f a l)iaid;\-d s • m-.-s lliai we aii-iin.«t J-aiy;]::!;.i, and when inii \v:ir witli .tapan i.s . ii<!< d it will 1. - in I only iiissi!i|.‘. Imt al.'-'e nec-issar-y, that \v-, then iir.^i.-d with the c.-iUciiuilati-i': t.-Xi'cditiiia to India. I’he stat('na“!it is .all the more sig iiilicant because of ti.e position of it." author, rrince i Pikht ijnsl-iy is tl;e edi tor of the St. I'eti'rshurL: \ iedoinosti one of the mo>>t inliuential p;i}.ers it Kurope. He is a ;j‘e:’.tleman of tlx bi’dchaniher at the <-ourt of ti e cz.-u and enjoys tht* persor.a.l conhd.eiice ami frienilshij. <.:f the l.attc r. His ilire.-it .-o^ainst I'lv'-latid .and hi.- t:'.Jk a.baut pttshing on to I’adia are there fore not idle, hut ti.aV 1 e r*-g:irded ;is retlectitig the intentl.ins of h's rova NEWS, POINT AND COIvIJ.IENT. “'I'hink no e\H ’ and k( (*p oiit.'-id.* I tlie s.-iioan. Xatic.nai Ad\(cati'. I (ir.ciii r;:i!; ' i.ow ciaimiai! io l>r‘ tlie jLTi'eatest •\::'.-ky iiiark<‘t in i he we:-!.'. I I'lie \\ lioii-.'.i.t tr.-i.ie tncre :i I! noli I that 11 <“ year wiil he the hta;\i( >t tie j city h;is < ver i l-'oii.' : a t Illinf.is, Lou:.-- j i.ana and ,\! a-'.'a as.-11 s, have pa.-> d ; !aws inaiiir.L'' i? iiaiawfiil to --■d c;- 1 eaine witi.i ..I 1-rip 1 ii ■ a of a li- I ceti.^ed nl’Vsifia!) o.” il rg*.: n. j Tlie ?-';er.:-;i le.a.-e oT n.'is Tiassed a 1-ii! \\l:.c-Ii I'orliids t!a.' maa- ■i.'f.acliir o." <al-- in i-'i'.ance oi ah>Mi:iie i.ai’.d <.tl'.( r :■ ic.'i. I:!'([aofs \\ hi(-!i , an* |.relic. :! <-. i' r ireron-’’ by 'la : Acadin .’.ie<'ie; '.e. I ( ^ iy A:'' ii.icii. Mnrf hy “Oj tei! \ e/., I'l;i I:'■ M ' . t !i’ -ai d'll i> t';' j-( or inoa's ci :■ :>. 'I'l'i ’i . < )i (fon't s. ( i,ow Ie e: a'.' ’ -a; \\ ; ’ a’ it." I-’!.-! ;it I’t \ - “lie c!ui i(! I.': i i v ;! r I'c \\ <.r t;o >a ii.iae; llii-r(‘(i lie a<i I'lK.r a-j:;. ' I’uek. BURIED TREASURE. lllddiMi f;ol«! W'liieli a Jllliid f<»f 'I'lilrlj- I'lvi- l'«‘nrN. iore i. m.-ister. Xoihii'g cot;ld h laln.ati'.e i.f ;!k> pm-jaiM'S td' l:i;s. ;a. I (••::(> of \l,':o.y f.vcr ,h-ip.-in, whiei seen:-; rei.a:'* e;ioug;! ;;t pre-^enL. il l> perf(‘ctly plain tii:;t tiie i-mpiie of tin eza.r imen.ls to ahsoi-f. Chiii;i and uhi niately dominate all Asi;i. Talk ahout ;i yei'fiw i-.^a'il! Whal a’..out a <’os';;i('k peril V 'i'liis ai'.'ra.nce makes it more evident th.an e\er ih.it .I;ipan is lighting th< battle ot civili/.atioii. Even if the tin expeeti d should iiappen ainl tlie mi ka io’s troojis sho'aid he heaten in th< end. it is safe t » s;.y th.-if I-hl'_disl. St ■ ey !tl')W t!ie p’.'.l'p.ises of the St re:ershi:rg ;:iivernm<'m and as a mer( uiatiev of self pr-!teeiic,n will ni-vcT jK'rmit Kussi.i to win the iiresant wat in tl'.e far c.'si. The Norge lyisastor. Tlie sia’ii'.g of tla* S.-andina vian A'lierie-in ste:ims;dp Xorge oi'f the west co.ast oi’ ScotI:in«!. witli a loss of ovei r.:to lives, f >!!(.wing so closely upon t!u Sloeiim (’is.-isier in X\‘W York harbiu’ emphasi/it-s th-* i i rils of thv=-;e who ”< <’-o\'.n to the se.a in s!;i;i> ;i'i!! e!ifor.-e.' t!;e public dein.an.d ,‘o” a spe.-dy refor m.ation in tlu- husincr>s of c;iiTyi!ig pas s(‘iig(‘rs over tli.' .va'.i ”s. It is reporte. that, as in tlu‘ cast* ot the ."'-o.-.im, th< Xorge w.as in.adeon.-may suppiied will life s.-!ving ;ipj);iratt:s and th.it man\ of the life presei’vers were S(. o!-d as t< li<‘ tisi'tess. 'i’iie crew w.as pi;or!y drill I'd and hindiavd rathe!’ than lichped it the work of l.aim.-hing ti.e lifehojits oniy four of wiiicli were suc,-,‘.^srull\ got aw.ay. A tlii:'.! na-i’-iia' <•,;t.i:aroplu should not he naei'ssaty to teacji thi ste.-!niship cojiip.anii's the folly of tlu fa.lsi* I'conomy which emhangers tlu li\es of tlious.inos of {.crsons to savt* a few (lolhifs ill tlu‘ cost of P(iiii:»mout. Tliereisaii i-lil r.cgro. I'nch T-.m Wes ton, down on the I'iorida si.ic of tin- Okclinokoc swamp, who has /-aved fi.a '■i~> year.-' ah-aii a !;ai-ie:i tria-arf wliich he is lii.ahlc • . re(ai\ -r. lie say.', rf port> tlie ( iiieii r,.;'i I(u.ri-r. his old masier biirie.! .-i'u:.'.. • :n j.-,-,! ; (.nrii.ir the c;\i! %'.ar v\ liei, :>i,. rn.ai.'i ;irmy wa.s la.arcli- ir.g thfoui:!. <'.eer:;ia. lie er.nieti tin treasui’e i.o\ : a’ h..- a.a.-t. r and d.iu hole in tin s\' -imp : i \\ I: ieli the r'o'.i. hnrieih A a a.-.-ji'. : .a ,- lie I, in. 1.! ■ i.i' !ie'’ore ii,e u ::' a: : ! •- \\a> : ot .al.Ic !(■ see wl i-re "i ' ;i ; -. \\;i> eo;.ei a 1,'a ! lis naa.-11 1' :. c (': ; m : i.e w ;• r \’. i t li 'an recos eri I : i • a-i,;, a;; .eft !.:; ii.>t ri:c- 'i >n^' < oi.e;-: a.ag t. I'acic 'l'(an i;a.' sntVere.! fr. a, i l.t i-n atisni for n.:ii'\ ye.-irs and i.- a crij.i ie. Tlnaii.’-li i.e i- ! .11 i.d a I.a c;a ; ; ■ <:. I : i-ie T( an fa> i! a(h ■a::-; V ’ ;i; ' • ^ -- a- p a; ,a' : hi(!(a-n tria>ai'e. {a..;. :o be t; i>.-i ppai i t • i<l. 'The ( i(i I. ;. I i- a :!ii! scaat htidy ha’' alreaa'y ta c(.\en-(i i'..a." h(' nral., i’>i.ar.'is several parties inst i; ate(i a sejuaah. I!i' is tin- (.!desl i.ei.>ro i:. ihe Oketir.okc! laL’ioii, ai.d hi si’s rai his door sili i.i', d.ay lotig w ^a.iieriiig about the buried t rt-av~nre a r I! sorI'ow : i;” tlec.a use h(' inn^-: (!ie without sacceedira' in reci.a .-rii.g i t III < J ION.*» I'OM.O'it i:i). a;Vi;; ■; 1' illl ' i Little rc(’;i by—hr—um — tln-rt’s a reni-li pi'ii > j i..-:. la'de.ar. .^axs that ' ie.'ii t iiaii a.i-n. '■ i;i. ia(iei U-- <iet s lie \-.oan n i.ei Mrs. I’ll ■ aad v\ I: . tiiiakiia- i ai late at i ;-;oia-r. •’!. la'dear. 1 \V;;;- i- >ell. pei’liap:- ■ ap f a’ !iU‘ Av ht ?! ike v<ai do.— Kor fill* l-'jinacr. The iK'cf ti'ust has r:iisetl prices .again, .and the marvel of ii this time ihat th<‘ men who grow beef are gi'tting a little more for the raw uia- terluh—Atlanta Constitution. A California astronotr.er has discov- iM-i'd. » new stars. KuropalUin dis- eev.'is niota* than that every time he ;..ets bumped into wh.ile ‘ iuring th.. ,ia{.s oil.” If the newsp.aisers wouhl let T)owle aioiu* it would be a ih'ci.led relief to tlie public aiiti would cause the bottom to f.;ll out of “I’ropliet I‘]lijah HI.'s” l>nsiiie.<s in a very short time. The only way to d.ea.l with some peo[de is to ijure tlieni. A New' York man got .S'-iK) in ;i broach of proiuise suit. This would i!uli<':ite that the jury ktu*w just about what the a.lVections of a New York man are worth. I’erh.aps the re.ason for the recent Haitia.n revolution was that Haiti t!a);igiit Santo J ioniinuo had been mo- napolizin-;- the fooill:;hls long etiougli. . hie doctor announces tiiat loafing is Kervlthful. it would b<* if live eating dill nut run out too soon. < 1 f ^ 'I’rat'k. !-'irst ( ritie- 11 la’cV ■ au-t race of orig- inaiit\-—if it i>n't a ty[.egraphi(ail i i - ror. Seei.nd I l i* ic '.Vliat is I'ii’st Critic jlc sriV' “uii.’f a:al fa'.'" iasvtad of “;.'.r aia; wide.” i’.r-ioklyi' I.if.-. nristjilly Tort iirc*<!. A cat'.!'* to light tiiat jKn’si^t- ent and iiiiniercllu! t<»rtiir<! has ikm- hap' iK'Vor lieeii ooiialcil. Jiio (b-.hl- i»icU ofCohis:*. C.-iIif.. writc.s. ‘'I't.r I.a yeiir- 1 einhirc'd iii-titli'r.ible pain tVoiii rhi'umatisni ;iml nothing- re lieved iu(‘ tlu'tigli ! tried (‘verythinjr known. ! came aeios.s I’lectrii.* Hit* t T' and it's thegre.ate-t modiejno on earth tor that trouble. ,\ lew l)ot- tle- ot' it conjpletelv relieved and cuted iiie.’' -Ui>t ;is good joj- Hver an«l Ividney troiil>le'> ami general de bility. Only he. Satisfaction <ruar- antei'd by all dni;^gists. * i Xi:\vs oflice lor tire job printing'. I

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