Sylvan Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. miner & BKFESE. BREVARD. TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. C., FRIDAY, AFriIJST ]0. 1004. VOL. IX—NO.;;;] l^unns Rock Lodge No. 267 F. «S* M- OPPOSED TO REFORM. Meets Fi-itlay on or bofoi-o the full moon in eaeli month, at 2 p. m. Visitin*r Masons ai-o otM-ilially invited t(» moot with sptly Wm. Maxwell, Sfc*'v. Conestee Lodge No. 237, O. O. F. fleets every Monday nii^ht at ^ ‘‘lock. Visitiiiii hi-dtliers are oor- uially invited to visit us.- Z. W. XT(’lh)I.S. X. (5. Transylvania Lo<!ge No. 143, Knigiits of Pythias 1 It'Liular eonvt-niion ev- erv 'riu‘s(];iy iiii.>ht in M a- so'nir Ihill'. V is it in <2- l\niiilit> iiri- vited to attvnd. r<n-(liallv in- .). A. sM )\v. r. Brevard Telephone Exchange. Hon^s; r>aily—7 a. m. to lo p. m. Sunday- -S to 10 a. in.. 4 to (i p. <'entral Ortiee--('o(*pi‘i‘ lilo‘*k- Professional CarcSs. W. A. GASH. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId’g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. Kooms 1 and 2. Piekelsinier iJuildinjr. ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORN EYf-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block. Erevard. K. C. WELCH CALLOWAY, ATTORN EY-AT [ AV/. I’racliees in all the eourt< Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn Clock. Brevard, N. C. Miscellai^eous. Dr. H. H. CARSON Surgeon Dentist ()ili(’o oviT Hank. HKNDKli.'^oNVI LLK. N. (’. Satisfaction <iuarantivil in all • )i'frations. The True Rei>n1>IIcnii I'osftion on llae 'I'nriflr Qu«‘N<ioii, The American Kcononiist. the trust |UI)ported oriran of tlu‘ i)r(*tt*cti(»nists. fntirely jipproves th»* IN'puhlic.-ui plat form and ospeeially c«*Miint*nds tlu‘ t:ir- i£f plank, wliich it s:iys is •’the pled;;e aj^ainst iinn('c(*ss;uy tMiil'f iiiiivc:inu and the pU'd^ie that no schemes fu” reciprocity in trade with forei.un na tions shall lie perniittt'd to injure any industry in the I’nited St.iti's.” It is Well to h.'ive this, the hiuhest anllioi’ity. tell us the K»'pulilic:ui pi.itl'onn does nie.'in <»n the taril'f (luestion. 'I'hoso liepnhlicaiis who itre .‘ni.xious for ree- iprocity with Canada and t»tln*r coun tries Mill know their demands are not to retrive tlio slitrhtest consideration, i The l'](‘onomist also shows its otter ! al)horr<Mice of tlu* ('nl*an reciprocity I treaty v. hich Tresident Koosi'velt j fon-cil throniili congress, for it adds: I “The f.ict will not he lost sijrht of I that hjul the principles enunciated in I the pl.Mtforni uovi'rned tlu* Kepublii-.ui I iiation:il aduiiiiistration dttriu.i; the i>ast ! two yc:irs there would have- bei'U no ( such tliini; as recijirocal tr.-ide airree- ! I inents with ;iny forei.irn luition, no niat- ■ tor how j^reat tin* inc(‘ntive or how I charitable the .spirit which prompted I such ne^xotiation, when the fai-t was j clearly demonstrahle th.-jt more than one industry iti the l’nite<l States was ; certain to be injuriously affected I thereby." ( That is certainly a f:iir slap in the face for rresident lioosevelt, wh« the evidently thinks was not governed by tru»* pr»ttecti(»n principles, for it is “clearly demonstrable that more than one industry in the T'nitc-«l IStates was certjiin to he injuriously aftected then'by.’’ The injured indus- Iries are su^^.ir :ind tobac<-o. both of which are controlh*d by trusts, and th<> lament of this l{ei>ublican ori:;in shows cle:u'Iy the connection between the trusts and that j»arty and the absolute uomination of the trust i)arons over the late Iii>i)ublican conveniion. The monopolists have so tied up the liejniblic.-in party in its jtl:itf(>rm that OUCH Hl6t1 « TA8IFP IRI FRIENDS FOR TWENTY YEARS. Two Teleffrnp'a Oi;erators Who Ha«l Jtever Met or $««n Bach Other. Of course recent visitors to St. Louis could not get away without one or two minor accidents. —Chicago News. Xew York World. “We can stand Ad- dicks in Delaware if 1 )elaw;ire can. we can st.ind I'latt and Odell in X(‘W York if we h.-ive to. but when it conu's to makin;; .New York tin* dumpiiitr lirouiid for .Vildicks refuse v»hi< i! <*ven Dela ware will not toh'rate Xew York draws the line.” An Idenl Cnndlilnte. The jrreat conserv:iti\«* business ele ment of the (otmtrv. whose interest.s for ;it least the ne.xt four years, if that I demand an orderly. cons(>rvative. sta party is successful, tliere will bt* no tinktM'iUL; with tlu? sacred tiii'iff law. A Kepublican c:indida(«“ for congress m;iy prou)is<‘ t<* favor rt'ciprocity, or to revis(* tin* tariff so if will not fost<‘r trusts, but if eh-cted lu* will be I»ow(M-less to do anythinu: for tariff ri'form without brt*akinj: with his p.irty. It will b<> well for R«‘j)nblic:uis who havt‘ iiitherto voted the IN'jiulilic- an ticket, but now think reci]»rocity or a revision of those* tariff scIkhIuIcs th:it protect tin* trusts in sellinu ;ii»ro:ul clu'aper ti'.nn here should be adopted, to (pK'stion their candidates for <*on- jrri ss on h->w far tlicv will bt‘ willing to fur re<-iprocity or reform. bh* j^overtnuent. will lind in .fud.iie I’ar- k<>r ;i c:indid:ite exactly to their likinir. :ind the.v will sc(‘ that the l>»‘mocralio pl:itform is likt' the candid:it»‘. safi‘, <li^inti<(l, consei-vative ;uid indicative of c:iutio!i in all thinirs, llu‘ cons(>rva- tion of our national prosperity :nid th» pres<*rvation of the national di.unity and honor. TIWZ TO DRAW THE LINE. C. C. KILPATR.ECK, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Office at Barber Shop, Brevard, N. C. K>timates ^iv<.‘n on ail in the l)uildin^^ I inc. kinds <d' \v(jrk T. B. CRARY, Contractor for Ail Kinds of Bricl( Wori(. ('emeiit Work. 1’la>1<*riny. I’elddc- dash and Iloii^h Cjisiinu- a .Specialty. BREVARD, N. C. G. W, Summey—Carpenter l]est of recommendalictns—hi ,iobs in or out of town acce)>t<“d All work Lniaranteed. A. C. NORTON, Practical Boot and Siioemalcer Harness Work a s}x>cialty. West iVlain Street near Caldwell. The JEthelwold ]ji-evard's Xew Ifotel—Modoi-n Aii- pointments—Open all the year. '■J'he ])atronaire of tlie travelinjr ])ublic jis well as summer tourists i.-j solicited. Opp. (.’otirt House, Iirevar<l. X.C. Xew neootiie.s the DiiiiiitiuK (irouiiil of Atl«ii<‘k.s Additksism has lu-en t.ikcn into the K(‘puhlic;ui fokl n<»twitiistandini;- it rep- res(*nts :ill that is censurable in i»oli- tics. The Addicks del(*^ati‘s from I»ela- ware wert‘ s»‘.ited in the li*>publican nation.Ml convention, althoii^h it was well known that [xilitical debauchery was the cause of their beini;- there. rr(*sid<'nt Hoosev**lt h:is :ifi:iin approv- (‘(1 of the rotten siih* of l>elaware poli tics by appointiiiir William M. I’.yrne as ,‘issistant distri<-t attorney for Xew York, who has bc'en one of tlie princi pal Addicks strik(*rs and p:irtisans. lie has only resided in Xew York for a few months, so his appointment is therefore work. ! more reniiirkable, Miid when it is remembered that the I nited States sen ate refused Ui contirm his appointment as district attoriuw for I>elaware it is the more e.xtraordin;iry. To Inject the poison of Atldicksism into the liepuh- liean oriraniz.-ition t)f Xew York by plantiiiir one of its slmots in that fertile soil for strate^^y and spoils in the im portant ollice of United States district attorney, where the opportunity for po litical evils are so numerous, is almost beyond coiiiprehension. Talk of home rule and civil service reform and boast, as the Hepublieans do, that rresident lioosi'velt is for their honest enforc-ement and then think of such an appointment when the facts were all well known. I'sually exctises can l>e made for b;td appointments by | the president. He has to rely upon , Sa<l to Coiiteiii|iI:ite. If any on(* dotdds that Theodort I{oosev<“lt is construcled of the real, heroic sttiff, he has only to co!isid»*r hin n'soive not to make any sj»eechi>s ir this ,V(‘ar’s c:iinpaij;ii. Think of th** in- nr.merabk* trains tlyinir back and forth iicross the country without Theodop lIoos(‘V(‘lt on tlu* tail end of a sint;Iti one of tlu'iu:—Ii«tchester II<*rald. I>Kvi.s \ irK'iitla. ''J'he pr"ss is profoundly concerned alnujt the Democrr.tie vice presidential ca;idulale on two score.s. It n*,t;rets his aitviUiced ane mon; than words c;in tell and is already beninniu" to .-idmit the possibility if electi'd lie may not ouilive his term of ollice and also to su,:^.i;est that his n-ould lie too aj^ed a h:ind to hold the helm of state; shonlil he be calk'd upon to as sume the presicic'utial cliair. Si*condly, it is paiiu'd tl';it he should be a m:tu of wea!??:. \v ri:ey $:>0.- 000,(too, instead « f t»ne of m<ire moder ate fortune. 'I'here is a va.mie su^m's- tion in the r-ditonals tliat have i-ome lo our '.'yi' tliat a vice firesidential candi date ouixht not to have that much mon ey and that the iH'iuocratic party has somehow surrenderc(.l its principles by nominating him. — Xew Orleans IMca- yune. Dissolution. The partnership hen.-tofDre existiiij' in the fiawrndl bii>iiu‘.ss lunier ilie style-and naine<if Mull A: Lance has been (li.''"ni\id 1)\ .M. R. l.anto “yjt]i(ira\vin>r. The busiress will be (•(iiitinue<l j,v \V. L. .Mull, who will niukw all collee tionsi iiiie the linn and pay all demands aKt<iuht it. Tiiis July 7, 1W4. W. L. Mfl.L, M. K. l.ANCK. Bound to TruMt'n Chnrfot 'Wheel. The Republicans of Minnesota have sold out bn,tr and bjijriiMire to the mer- jrer and steel trust inter(*sts. and P.oh Dunn, the Hill and Rockefeller candi date, was nominated for governor. 'I'lie (Jovernor Van Sant faction, who insti tuted the nier;;,fr suit in the* st:it(i courts, which foreeel 1‘resieh‘ut Roose‘- velt to follow suit in the feeleral courts, is defeatenl, anel the octopus will rule the rejost. As a sop to the Van Sant faction the platform com mends the frovernor's actiein in “esi>ous- OUR FARIV1ERS HANDICAPPED | .>Iust l*a> M«»re I-'ur Ijt;i>Ieiiieiitt< Tiia:> iJie l-’tireicTier. 'I'hv t.-iri'l’ lax o!i :in;:lcn:en(s ;,nel teiiiis be'ars meist he-.tvily i.'um \',.v f.iiui- er. All. or ne-arly all. of these* ;iriicle-s — plenvs, e-iiltivators. li;irrows. plair.e'rs. ■Jriils, hoe-s, shove'ls. ;i.\es. W!( iu lies. pe-ales, saws, barb wire*, wiie* u;;ils. e'te-. — are* seild at ;rre*;it;y re'elueed pricers ui foreiiTiieTs. (»nr f;i i-i:;e*rs, n.ieii the-y sell whe:it i!i Knul.iinl. compe*U* With the* whe*at from r.ue-utina ;:n.l frvUii Aust r:ili:i. (hir whe-at nrowe*rs are* .ii'reatly han<Ii<'a}i]i» <1 in this conipe-ii'.Ion by thre*e facis; (1» 'I'hey have* ‘ui ;.ay about L!.”! jie*r cent Ilioi'e for the;" ments ;ind to:iis, all !nade ia .Viiurica. than is paid for the*.>e same- impieiue nts anel te)e)ls by the*;r lore-iL-n e-ompe*!itors; (2» tlu'y h;i\<* to be*ar the* burden e>f either prott'e-live tariff ta.xes whieh un- nee-e'ssarily iiu-rease* the cost eif livinu anel e>f preiducini;- v.iie*at: (.‘h the rail- ro:iels e>ver which eiur farnie*rs must ship wlie*at pjiy aliout U.l j’.e*r e-e-nt more feir steel r.iils and many euher mate rials thjin is paid feir the*se same ma terials, all made in Ame*rie-a, by the railroads ove*r whieh the wh«*at e»f Ar gentina anel Australia is shii)iK*d. As if tins were noi siillicienl h.ini’ic.ip upein eiur farme*rs. it is now pi-( pose-el by the politie-al statesmen in e-on;ro! e»f the* party eif this ridiculous sysiei.i oi’ prote*etion to ft-r'.he*" tax our f.-inneiN to provide subsidy ships. Sheiukl subsiely pre'v.iii ;uid this new tax lie le*vie*d, as is proniise‘el by the* Re'jiublie- , ans, Amerie aii bui't ships, dr.iwin.ij ■ hc'avy subsiely, mi.iint re-nhice the for- ('i.uii ships now e*iiL'';i.m*d in trade* be*- twee*n this and fore*iir:i e()untrie\s. 'rhese fore'iu'u ships in tl’e-ir se*are-!i for e-aruM we)u;el leMik to ei;li'*r countrie*s siuii a.*? Australia an I Arirei t ua. ('omj'e'tition in the e)e-e*an e-arryin.;’ <if t!u* i^r.-iins and ine'ats eif those e-ouiurivS wonlel be very ;^re*at and we)uld re'sult in iieni'iit to the' farnie'rs e»f those ce»untrie*s. Our farmers are feiolish te> support a system of ••prote'e*tie)u" Avhie*h ojierates to tlH*ir elisadvautai;e as comparcel with thc'ir fore*i<;n competitors in proeliu-insi anel tr.-uisportins; p.reiuue’ts by land. They will be* ;.!)solute chumps if they vote te) tax the*mselves still more in or der to jrive their feirei.irn cetnipetitors an 1 advant:ige in e)ce*an transportation. The tflephor.e {rirl is not the only one who incidentally I'.a.s a good tinip alon^ with work, speakiiiir her mind when she jileases, bceai;?o hvr idr-ntity is un known. She. ?;.s a rule, is very hi(-al aue! her voice is? freeiuently the; ineai;.'^ of dis elosiny who s-he is, su she is olj!ii;ed ai- times to bo s. m;*. v.'la t re>er\fi, L>u' only “at times.” Witl] liie te-Iii^rapl; operator it is diii'ereiit. lie or >iic in:i\ expre.<is the niii.ei fully if it can bL- done in two or three minute-.s, for tlini i< ^he limit of the time the cipe*ra!(jr dare mono[)olize. lie e-lieks the most diirini; thing's iiver the wire to f ite ojiera :or ai the other end, and the aume Ij- eKektd back. P'requently they will make de.'[)e rate love to eaeii otlnr, iieithej'knou the sex of the other, .’km] will eontii.iie it for months or year.-i. and if of them ii- eliaiis^ed to arctherpo^t iln-ac- <ltiailltaiice wi;! {.-m with the l;C\V op erator where tl.e o!ii ( in- left At times tlit.y will te-11 eadi oth._r their sex at j)artii)^>-, anel if they both hui)pen to be me n eir ijiris it i.-3 put down and told as a i^ooei j<.ike of the bu.'-iness. They always say “ge)e)(l morriing" to each other as rei.^u!arly as if they worked in the san;e room and hate-.I each other cordiaiI\. At the tele^M iipliers’convention, held recently in Chica{>o. a tall, handsome Ihia'iishrn:!!! \\as neitie-ed to hjok ovei the re f^istry bo: k every liour or .--o of tliefirst iwoe;a\sof i he convent ion. At kn^^th sc,'me oi;e asked him why he diel it. “I am iookiiii: fi-r the naiut^ of an old frieiul.” he repiifd. "Won!eln't vou see him if he came- in anel re<ri>te l e-d V” was asked. “Yes. but 1 woultl not know liim. lie has luci; a u;irm friiiK] of mine f^.r :.’'J ye:;rs, st ill I have never set u ll i!U. “We have never met at a convention, whieh is al;out the only place eipt.-rat or.s ever meet. When I ee,u!d fstt off he could not, but this time 1 expecte-d to see his niiMic oi. tl,c re”isiir .-ure.” Soon a sliori, Iie;r.y-set n.:',n cd' ,t*a:al ap[ic'arane-e walkeei to the; b;;ok .ind wrote his name with a flourisli. Ihc l''ngli!'hn;:in watched liim, and as lie- turned a\\;:y hjoktd at tlu* Ixjok. ‘■'1 liere l.e i.'.*’ he saie!. and a moment later the two friends of 20 years were ela.-piiiL^ lianels and ^'azii.L’' hito each othe-r"s eyes for the first time.—f. liieag'o Chroniele- CHINESE ARMY ROLLS. ' They Include with the Sol«ller«, Their Horaea and Every Article of KQuipineat. Now thnt. Chinn has Kusi?ia for a near nei^'hhor, it remain.^ t(i he seen how su<-eessfuliy. -ir*. the iiiiddle kinj^ei.«iiu will continue to jiraetie-e iti»' favorite gan.e ( f bluff, liow it has reenforced itji army is shown by th<- euisi. exph.rer, H-erdin, says Youth'n C'■ tn jK.nii'U. I tie C hinese .have a tnovt extraor- (iiiiary way <-f eniiineratiT.g' '1 l'.f \ '•eii 't c< :ileut with <-ouiuii;tr ihe s-oldiers oniy. but re<-kon in als</ their iiMi-.-ej'. ritiij. .'iiiM'.-'. breeches aiiiJ fn forth, so thy; the re.'ultant total is:*, long- w.;ty hOi.-.t- what it «/uq!;i to Le. 'I'liey apparent . n T he s up|H>si- tien ih.:it the- rife i.' at i, j.-i as vaiimbie a> the niaii. an;; l.^ an :i i: >us train of rea.‘(.nir;^’- ti e_\ artri'. Ti'.at a man iv <’f .itlU- use :f h>- !ih> i< ira’el on foot, tiiat lie e-ann- i ” i aii-'iit n.;:lve(i. and e. o;i. llei.<-e e..ant the whide kil. horse, ritie. !ii'eee-i;es and all. By this pv^eiiiiar pr< of arith metic they far.e*y they o’eeeivc the Ku.s- f ians int-ei believin^^ their (;arri»ourf much Bt.r^mger than they are. I Low’s This? We ofi’er oii^‘ liuiidrifl dollars re ward for any case oi' ( atiiirh tiiat cannot be cuieti l»y halP.s ( atarrli cure. r. .J. ( ni:.\ i:v A; ( (*.,Te)le(.lo. 0. Lau.ijh. and you cheat the doctors. Wp, tiie mKh-rsi^^ned. have known Weep, anel the*y’ll se)e>n cheat you. F.J.Cheney I’or I he last l.“> years, and Complain of your ills, and you’ll tind believe liitn perfectly honorable in all business transactions .md tin.-in- inj; tlu‘ cause of the [icople ajrainst the what others tell him about the).se who I railro;id merger and trusts.” How the seek federal appointments, but in the; i trust ni:i.irnates must ,;?rin when they that the bills will shortly boy;in to ae‘e-rue. Knveleji) yotu’ beiuj^ with sun shine, with scads of health you'll bt! blest; but {grieve and niejpe, you will soon take de>p(% and the doctors will do the rest. Byrne case the appointee, Addicks and the debauchiii}? of I>e‘laware were all notorious, and no one had more wealth of details of the rottenness than Pres ident Roosevelt. “This Is the last straw,” says the read about the man they defe*ateel espousing; the cause of the pe'eijih*! It would be interesting to know how much the victory cost the trusts and still more iuterestins to see wliat the voters will think of the combination. The grand lama of Tibet tells tlio British that he will not be at home when they call to see about that treaty. About the only way out oti It is for Great Britain to make a grand lama who will be *dsil>le when he Is wanted. icialJy able to carry <iut any obliga tions iiiaele by this lirni. \v.\i,l)l.\e., KINXAX .'t -M.AHVIX, Wholes;! le driijfgists, Tolede),C). j Hall’s Cntjtrrh cure is taken inter nally, acliiijif directly ii];oii the blood and mucous surfaces (.'t‘the .system, 'restimouials sent free. Trice 7o cts. j per bottle. Sold by all druiEr^Msts. I Toke Hall’s Family 1 ills tor con- ‘ istipution.

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