Our Countij—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper, MIXER & F.HEKSE. BHEVAKI). TRAXSYI.VANIA ('OUXTY. X. C., FRIDAY, AITa'ST ]904. VOi,. !X- >0. ;ii Dunns Rock Lodge No. 26? THEORY VERSUS FACT. y?. F. ^ A.M.: I''fi(l:iy <m or ; iK'fon' the full tiuxMi I ioacli nil>iitli. ai p. i i!i. X'isiiiiii:- Mnsotisj ai-c‘ iM<nl ia i Iy iiivitnl to with si)tly W.M. XI A.WVl'.LI., S( Conestee Lodge No. 237, O. O. F. evi'fv Xloiidiv iii^lit at <» ‘‘lock. X’isiliiii: l»i-o!!.fi-s arr cor- '■ially invited to visit it>, - Z. \V. Nl< !!< >!.S. X. C. Transylvania Lodge No. 143, The Relation of Wages to the Increased Cor.t of Livin';. I i WBICtHTS DirriGULT PEOELEM. I - j 11“ l-’iieli-!:v«>rs t<t SIiow 'I’?8sef llj«* i'nr- oliiisii:;; ru\\t*r \Vatv<“s Ui.’s Iii- »• I'o;'. WStiio i'ijvii r»“;i yint'.v 'I'liiit Cost tit' H..S iiii- 1 I 10 i’»“r (one. SPIKED. I lUSCELLAlsEQUS IT22IS. T(j1>. ’’Irad^ of Mack wjiii.iil Insr.- wci'c ^ i i(cc:ili\ i:i J\ i i i i.i-j'CT'lrox- I'lii't ;i!. jjriir/'i/.iiiv io ji'iidfjii. (i!;:sL'iA I ! i i:. i »i;. i.’; Ncv. urk. i i;k( rs. r»()s»o(!. ( liicii'Mi. I!i'(j(,i\!;iXiji. s.), Icr ;i i'< ; -i i .iv- 1.:^! ;.s : . Vpi.puiariiy I 'V |*T no m vitl'll to Mill 1)1 Jc^iii;il‘ coilVl'MllOll cv- iM-v 'ruoii.iy iiiuli! in XI m- si in ic i I a 11. \ i s I t I 11 i\liiulit> ;i i‘i • c() ri i i a I ly iii- .1. A. SN( !\V. (’. ( Brevard Telephone Exchange. IK.I'KS; Daily- 7 a. ni. to 10 p. in. Sunday s to iO a. in.. 4 to •> i>. ( 'ciilral < )Hici‘ (’oopcf li'.ock. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH, ATTOPxNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn BId'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. liooiiis 1 and '2. J’icl\i k-'in!i r liuitdin^'. ZACHARY & EPsESSE attorney:;"-at-law Offices in McjViinn Block, Brevard, N. C. I 'i'hc Ikcpnidican ai'.ii'.micni for jirotvc- I tii.)ii ha.s ht cn runii.'lu a l.\' lli*,- lio- j paftiiiciit oi' cicnuicrcc and l;;l>or, as ; was I'oiN 'mld by ScciH tary Sii.iw in I.is : \Vi;inin,L;ti>ii si"*cch. 'I'in' ■‘iii.ulicst ;ui- ilmr'i’.y” h.-is. after a y<*ar aad a half ' of lan.ir Isy htiiuiri'ds nf cxj.crts, ou- <!c;ivnrcd io provo liiat w.mucs ha\t* I rcl;! 1!\> Iy a(l\'anc«‘tl uiiwc llic cnst ' of liviii!-'. 'I'lii.sc who i‘,'c(‘i\ i> \\ ajics and liav(‘ lictMi (*coiionii/,iii”' to iiiakt* them uicci expenses may knov/ heitcr. kiut the "liiuhest jiUi liori)\ ” atleini)ts t:» prove that, ahliotiuii I'etail idices for I nccessit i(‘s liavi* :ulv;inceil lo.;; per I cent, waives have more than kept pacp ; I>y Jniupin.u’ Uj» 11’.;> j»er cent, i That is extiaoniiiiary yooil iu‘\vs to the harassed honsekeeper. who finds , she has ln'cn dealin.ir witli tin* wroii” ; shop, where pric(‘s l>een ahont I oue-third hiuliei’ than llicy w«‘re a few years a;;o. Xlost waire earners will he ; very nnuh dissatisUed with tiieir pres- 1 «‘nt wa.ii'es Avlieii they disi-mer that the i rejiort of tiic departnicnt of labor th- I dares that the wa.u'es paid to oiheis i than tliemselves have bci n inci’easetl I i>er cent, wliile tiieirs have either , been rediici'd oi’ reinaiiied stationary, j Iltit let tis hopc‘ th;il th(' uo\erninent j statistici:;iis havc> made no misi;d<(“ in I thei)' lii:tires. alihonuli the well known I fact?; would seem lo indicat(“ they h:i\e. I *\«‘arly ev.'r.v nne is ”ruinl)lin.u' ;>.t the j iiicr«\-ised co>t of livini:-. ;ind wh )les;ile I \ rol crea I IMiii.. !i r'Cuiil .'I . till; i Cl 1)1 . u lei WELCH GALLOWAY, ATTORiNEY-AT LAV./. I’ractices in all the courts Rooms 9 and 10 McMinn tiock. Erevard, K. C. MkcelfcT^ieeas. Dr. H. H. CARSON Surgeon Dentist ()11i(‘0 over Hank. MI.M*i:i:Si)N VI l-l.K. N. .<atisi'actiiHI iiiiarantt-cil in all oj '‘iatioii>. C. C. KILPATRICK, CONTRACTOR kE BliiLOER. Office at Barber Shop, Brevard, N. C. Kstiniates eiven <»n all kind.'' of woi-i^ in the Uni!<iiiijj- T. B. CRAR.Y, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Work. t’einent Work'. 1 Masterin^'. I da.sli and lloii^h Casiiii”- a Spei-ialt\ BREVARD. N. C. G. W. Summey—Carpenter Hest of recoiiimciidations—his worl^ .Jobs in or out of town acce])tetl. All work ^iiarantei-d. A. C. NOR.TON, Practical Boot and Slioemsker Ilarnoss Work a specialty. West Main Street near Caldwell. The JEthelivold IJrevai-d’s New Hotel—Modern Ap pointments— < )])en all tin* year. The patrona^re of the traveling puhlic as well as summer tourists is solicit(.‘«l. Op]). Court House, Hrevard. X.C,'. ^ Dissolution. The partner-hip hcn.tf ii-re t'xistiiitj in tin- sawmill business imilt-r Uin style unit niinie oi Mull it f.aiice has hocn (]issf»lvc<l by M. H l.anci withiirawiiitr. The biisii.C'S will ho coMtimici ].v W. Ij Mull, who will niakp all colliii-tioui- iiiio the linn and T>av all (teinamls affhinst it. This July 7, l'J04. * W. I- Ml'Lfv. M. K. LAXCIv ; iM'ii (‘s h;i\»* a.dvanced, accdidin:;' tu ■ I Mill’s I'l lt X Niiinbers. -•;! pi-r cent up ; to Xlarc'i. i;»o}. iMin’s (imires are ad- j iiiiiieii b\' a!l iini'ai’t i:il stai ist icians I to be {)rep:!ted on the best system pos- ' sible. as iii«‘ quantity of each article j used it.v ('acti ;iv(‘r:i;ie indi\i.lual is j Wt'iulited :iccurdiim' to the amount ac I tuall.v consumed. W'liolrsale prices ;:re I consiriered r^'lia.ble. as such prh-i-s are I unixers.-tJly alike and nut lilie reiail i prices, differeiu in ne.-irlv everv st »re. I ' • I I’ut wiioK sale prices and I >un s ti,:;- incs v.'cM- twii inist;sble f<ir tlie •iii”h- j e.st aiiilicri'.y,” for too ;:feat an ad- : va!H-e in prices \v;is in.lieate;], s:» tlie •‘hiu!:e;'t :m!1 iiority” started out at ,i^ov- ernni'‘r;t •■\i'ei;se to make jirices of its e\\ :i l:y iiavla;4 tiie cierlis of tin* lie- r>artment of commerci* ami labor send i all (iver th(‘ conidr.v to inipiiri* .about i i.ric's at tJie reta.il stores. ,\s everv I ' ! or;;* .iws, it is not diliieult to find a ' v.’>, I : reT'eiici* in pric(‘ for I hi* same or j a simii.ir article at retail stores, ac- i oonlin.u' to thi'ir location and style of ' tfusiness. V»iu can buy bei-fst‘-ak all i t!ie way from Iw cents to -lo cents a i pound. Many other n;-cessarii-s show I ver.v nearlj’ as ureat a difference. 1 The ‘ hi.irhest authority” saw tliis op- ' pr»rtunity to Ju.ir^le the ti<.vures and I pnne by them lha.t tlh're h:id only j lieen a small a<iv:ince in pri<-i‘s. and I therefore the I >eiu(»<'ratic talk of hiuli I trust prices was iiotliim; but p.-irtisaii bide- ] iiensenst*. It was also incumbent ti;)on the ‘iii.ulK'st anthi>rily.” if it would do its dut.v l<j the !’t-puli!ica:i part.v, to prove tiiat u’afics have a.tlvanced eiionnously, «*veii mtu'e th.-iii i>rices. fur tlie wicked Democrats Avere pointinir to tlie numer ous strikes that are in pro^rress to i»re- j vent cuts in wai;t‘s :ind to the reduc tions niiidc that the nu*n have accepted rather th:ni strike, 'i'o accomplish this feat tlie ‘*hi.i;hest authnrit.v’’ took pains to select for its fi.Lcnres only those in dustries that had been able to ke(>p uj) waj;es, such as the buildiuir trades, j piano inaker.^. etc.. with which thi‘ ! workers are so stronirly or.ccauiz<‘d that | the masters li.'ive so far not been able ! to make reductions. j Now. the proof of the pnddins; is in : the eatiiif;, ;ind those who receive w:i.e:os know lx*tter than the hitrhest i authoiity whetlier they are jcreltiiii; i more or less than they were. The wife I who h;is been ftoln;? to market for j'C.nrs keeps pretty close run of prices and can tell with much more certainty : liovv much tlie beef trust, the oil trust, the supar trust, the steel trust, the ‘ hardware trust, the coal trust, the fruit trust, the salt trust, the biscuit trust and the rninierous other trusts have ad- i vanced i»rices than the “hisrliest author- i ity” can. If wases have advanced ' more than prices, so that the purchas- ' ti al 111 if IX bi of U( ni fii a rc e: a "■ / ' b .1 brV:; r ('l.v e. -■., fail’. . I ;ie p: li i! t > i! '■ .! t I ci.I l • . ■ I' : :.et s t i ;.. . Ti -I I e p! i ii t (.; > I.) J .V : .! i; 'Kisiciii. 1 i;* pricf- (•%: r jiai'" in I priij)! . '■ •.:■ f:.!' a v : t \\'o ' ■ .. ni' and i \\ 11 w n.i ;; cIl'' . ■ ('• ;■ !' r a lew _\ , " ; ■ ai . which h<r s'lii] li.i I fur . j A c(*nvict, wc-,!. ■ other: —New York World. ’ 1 o.(i(.Ito lU'(.1 i.!.I un ;;ci't>iint C'f f:i;ii»-us!oms ri >•' ;],ts. 'i'his l,e e\- lined by !!.e i 11 r.::!:!!:■ 1 in.!z‘ statement that ’the lMn,L,U'y t;ri‘V is a tariiV for prosperity,' ami. there not beiau: \ ery [>rospe!‘oi!s tii’a-s. ii is not a ‘.a'.ou •e\(nue p"*>!inc('r.’ ii.-; iji iin p;:rp,js ■ s lo restiict. im;iur{aIii.ii ;;;.d s > ciietk ureii:u traile. a.'id it is only v. hen we uiitwri larueiy in spile <.f it that suf- '.eieiU. l\s\'!!la‘ can !<• e.iiliitid Upon. -Ir. Sli;'w ailiiiitted that ti,e deliiii iuy )f 1'!'! uii.Ier the \V;i.< .>:!-( eii’u;;; n l.iv,' vas less tliaii it wo;:!d ii.av:; 1 v-n u-i i. r the t-in^ley act, !iy way uf aceu'.int- ni:: f.ii- ti:e sl.crteoiaini:: <>i‘ the lattc!- .vhen jdMsjH'rity wanes, but that he •eiisidercd really a mei’it. 'i'he less he seefe:;i,.y manipii!;:;es and ex- >!:,iiis l.i.'; silei;.:-:;t.'' tl)e mc-re cl;;:r- tal>!y i.l i;!e\- j,e jr.-'u^d by tiuise vho tll:.U l>i,, lid tl;;';..." cajii’!! r liol!o\'. self ; . a c'>Ti1 r.';c1or s . : liy ;.i!;nc :;Tc and tiiw.-: -I ; :! I t c I, viv" . locki ■! !i; f t !.e i.i;.’-:-.!. i A > ; . : .; • .!• is are e"' • imp - ' ; ,iy ef i xcwitlii,-: >0'.t •, ior ; i.et sii'c I le 1 a I > l! ii.’ i. ■ ■ from i'. ni w it i> i at < 1 i I ' . ■\\ !iic!i is i. , il.ls ca>. ;! > : ■ I'i t i;ar 1\ ■■■ . I th<' si!:i(;rs in tiieir I.an;:. ^ doa J>t tti i 1 T!uTi*'s Ji > TelT. ■ lia^e a ei^ar, :i fr.ai'!. ■ i > .■ i • i ■; f., . • > :na;. 1 • ■ • .1 ‘a a luirst <;f pi^"' • p- >>■ i . . : _v i!( a r i > ii;-; V. v'. ; ' A.. V. \' it h ' .Sint'. i . spec; ' sl.i;.- ; 1 ‘ I said ; ! c ma n 1- I t .\- PARKER’3 RESIGNATION. It A«1i1n to t?B4' I'':a ^ V'?I rij b.v l!i,N .Iia’.ue 1’a •■Iut's resii;nat iun from he bench ;;:lds to t'le t'avurable im- iressiuu he i-reat«‘d !»y liis nu'ssaije 0 tiie i'<“i,!oer:!tie national con\'(>ntion ;i regard to the irrevucabk* ('siabli.sh- iieiit of the siuiile ^old sland:'rd. I'y this action he praciically (*li:ni- la.tes liimself from the pul it i;,:i 1 (ield a.s [>uss‘Lile candidate n»-.\t ye.ir f.ir tise ecent judicia.l oliice wiiicli he hel.I. I;'.d he nut ri‘sitrue 1 tla.t posi'.ion iie- ore Atiir. Jl he would have been el’ui- ie fur re-election to it next yc'ar for a ill term of foi::-!e< n .v<;;rs in case* he defeated ill N\)\ emiH r for pre:--ideiit the I’ldti'd Stall’s. Ills suci-essur as iii f jud.ne of the c-ourt of appeals for full term will now lie I'lecied next lil. Wliile Jiid.Lce I’arker's resignation is ily in strict line w:t!i the attitude liicli he has ail al-'!>,.r hrkl with re- ird to the ili;:i:ity of tl:c juilicial posi- >n he ccctrpics!, it is a striike of n-evv'd pulitii-s. It iiriiuunls to a pnb- ■ aiinouiicenieiit tliat he is strong' ia iC belief that he will tenant the liite Ilituse :ift»‘r M.irc-h 4. and le fact can hardly fail to inspire Dem- •rats with added aggressiveness and ithusiasm. ';i'lie incidei'it serves as a reminder lat. althiiU.uU the master of liose- louiit is a statesman of hi.uu ideas. ;e!-e is little of the “rainbow' chaser” 1 his comi;ositiou.—New York Com- lercial. dif- n:. l ' s. 1: iel' vr -1, ard -e. A Self III vf.stiy:«# ion. I’ourko rockrati declared in his Bos- :i sj>c*ech that an horn si investiuation the departm<>nts at \Vashint;ton uuld bo fatal to the Ilepiiblican party, •tlinir the departments investigate emsehes does not hurt tlie .irrafty old rl.v by any startling: exposures, but it rts it just tlie same.—Atl.inta Coasti- ion. . Piei'fjont Moriran is for Uoosevelt. • was iriveu the handlin.:' of the nama canal payment with the un- fst;inding that he w'ould “let uj> on ‘Osevelt/’ which sroes to prove tbec • all have our price. j La<'k «*f Kiio^'. leili; The waat <d' a.coM.'iii fereiit t liei r cii 'in i ■:.! u.'cs anil \ a hie in 1 i. h. •• • . \\ith the ftil.'C 1m; i-'sl:.; Ih rfojcli lack i.f kii'iv. ici:;■ • has ini:e'i in <h> \viih i ariy ; ■ More t lia;t hal f (<f t i.. fiiibit ti-r the mi.Idie ii: • of oiir lives arc- due ti.. av ■! in diet. Old aije i:- e, rtai; aide iinli'ii.s it he acc: nij a;.: ftct I’.ialtii. As eivl!i/at; : and <;i;r k ::o\\ !edsji- of lio'.'. caa;es bet:, r :.i.d clearer, h‘::^;h of I:‘;‘ ratiM a]s;‘: i: perTeet old ny' !.a> i:^-f. i:; '\; ill yoatli. One ca';:;: t dis'-^ :i> f' r L'.> or Oil years ai; ! : ii : ex; , •. ! . , ; - and Li'alt ii i‘.;r t'.’.r a'ki:.',v W I : i n- pairs s ( 111 (jiiiie |:i rfec:, ' is cont iiu;a:ero j.;ij a^;-f.a t. I' ; ■ ;'ii el'i a^e has I ;a i: la a t i'< • lirl'i. 'riiese >;)-caiU‘(; iai.i. i i:e i tr ar»\ in air.I' i':;:-e- (jn; :> : i :';i. ances. !j!;t c:.':; i-;;';- • ' i; ’j'; e (ee- tiine 1 iii>e. 1. ; >i!:,;-a:-and wa:i !'. or stiil n: : ■ a j ari'j^’’ r’e. or eai- iii[) tea. I ’lr.tvd laust flrii.'y tl.i' firsr. st( p tl. r. ::e!i >;:;t\riau' ir: tie. vear*-' to foili.vv. Happiiy fc.r tiil'. i < ra1 i'ai, the intelligent trainiiii;- of ' i:( iiit-dt rn nurse removes such dang'ers.—Lridich." Home Journal. I low’s "!’!iisV V.'c oft(‘r one iiiiiulrd doilars rn- wanl for aiiv case of Cat^tiiii that .cainiot la* ciiioil by Hall’' ( iit.-ii’rli cure. i F. .1. ( i'KM'.V iV ( ().,Ti il<^(!o. n. I We, the t:ii<lersiyiu‘(l. have known F.,I.Ch(*iU'y for the last ir. yiars, and l)(*li(,‘VO him p(‘rfectly lio'.iorahlo i'.i all ImsdK'ss {raii'uctions ;,isl fiimn- cially able to carry out any obliga tions made !>y this firm. NVaMHNO, KiNXAX A: M.VWVIX, I Whol(-aU*ilrujr^ists, 'rolt‘dn,0. I Hfir.s ('.it.irrh cure is takoti iiiter- iialiy, acting tlirectly upon the blood and niucou> surfaces of tl 0 svstom. , Testimonial.'-out fi(‘e. Ti let* T.'* ets. per bottli*. Sold by all drirji'l~t.s. j Tiike Hall’s Faiiiily rillr? for con- Istiiiation.

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