Sylvan Valley News Our CountV- u Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. ■I. -I. Ml Xi:i!, BREVAI!!), TUANSYI.VANIA COUNTY, N. 0., FRIDAY. ATlilL 1;!. lOnii. VOL. xr-yo. 15 Transylvania Lodge No. !43, Kni|fitsofPytl]ias Kt'irular coiivontioTi ov- c*fv 'riK‘s(l:iy nl^lit in M a- su'iiir Hall. V i> i t i ii KiiiuliLs aiT I’oniiaHv in- vitcul U) aitemi. T. W, WHITMIRE C. C.Q Brevard Telephone Exchange. r>aily 7 a. in. to 10 p. ni. Sunday to !0 a. ni.. 4 to (i p. ni. Central < Mi-Minn lilofk. Professio3\Gl Ccrds. Special Tax for Graded School. Order of Election--Laws for Same. Legal Objections Jire Null and. Void. So inuny (iiu'stions have ilui ridjio u-liidi divide.' tlif wjili-i-s of Liinihs from tlx ; asked and so many conjectures ! have been made in i-e^^ard lo the 'ord(;r of the board of Commis- Isioners for the s[)ecial scliool tax election that I liave decided, for the benefit of those wlio may be int(‘i’ested, to luind a copy <^f the order to the Sylvan Vall(\y N(‘\vs W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty llooius 1 and 1’ii-kc-lsinu'f ]';uik^ln^^ j for publication, not \vilhstandiny tlic . Board that an «'lection b(‘ lu'ld in i and for said boundary at the ('ourt Brevard's New Hotel—Modern Ai)-iHous(' in Bn'vard on Tuc'sday tin ])()inlinenls < >pi'n all tlu*. y«>af i 24th day of A])i’il lUre cr(‘ek. then aloni;- and with tlu‘ rid^e wtiicb divides the waters of Lambs ereek from the waters ol lirid^'(‘ er«H'k and Kitiifs i*i‘eek to tiie jnnetion of the i-id^e which divid(*s the waters of Davidson rivt'r from the waters of Kind's erei'k. then a south west course alon^' the to]) of said ridj^u' to the junction of the ridiit* that divides tin' watei’s of the (;ast fork of ('athey’s creek, then an east course alony- s;iid rid^i' to t' top of tlie I lii'koi-ynut mountain, tiieii a soutli- east t*oiii-se ah)ny the rid;je that di vides the waters of the east fork of < 'atlu'vs cri‘(‘k from tin* waters of lirusliy t'l’ceic ami Nicholsons «‘reek t<* the road l(!adin‘r from iii'evard to Mass KuykendaUs. then a strai;:iit line to the public road at the top of Rocky hill near (ilady Bi*ancii chui-cii. then a sti-aijiht line to the county liome. then a straight lin»' to the lu'ad of tlie creek thatem])ties into tiie rivei- at the upp('r end of the .1. <'. ('oopei- farm. th(‘ii down and witli said cret'k to the lu'oinnin^'-. .Said petition was jiranted and said election ord(‘i'ed to lie held on Tues- ilay. the iMth day of April. I'.mk;. Ile^ji'trar W. M. Henry, .ludj^es W. II. (ii'oiian atid L. II. Seru^:ii>>. L. \V. I 5k’( >» >K s ('l>‘n, M. W. (iAl.l.oWAV Clerk. Law Of Election. as well as summei* toui'ists is solicited. Opj). ('ourt Mouse. Brevard. N.C' JM-r-A-X-.^ Tabiiles Doctors find A U’ood prcscri[)t ion For maukind The 5-ci'Dt packet ('iioimh for uMi:il -ions. ■ “A'^ailist S]H'C riie lainiiv bottle (f.O fciit';) coiitani-;i vui'i'ly ; I* w fnTtluo* fora year.' AH them. , ’ Say, John, Where did you get that iip-t>o-dat>e Hat»? Jim Aiken Itis .iust rt'Cf'ivi-d a nice line of Ladles’ and Gentlemen’s Hats, ;i7id his i>riees can't be beat in tov>n. ' / FOR Jl ggppij To 1)Pttor :u1v<*rrisr t’:o South’s I.eadiiig UiiHinesA Con«*sf, jn>t a frw 'cholarslup., are jll«‘r«?])< scd isliall vot(‘ a tick(*t on which sliall b(‘ ]n-int«'d or written the words A'^^ainst S]u'cial Tax.’' t)rd(‘red that a n»'w ri'iri strati on of tlu' ('ntirt* v(»t('rs ; of .said school boundary bt'; inad(' |as ])rovid(‘d in s(‘ction 4IIT) of th<‘ School Law of and that W. M. Henry be and is her('by a])])ointcd R('j?irtrar of said (‘h'ction, and that he shall o])('n th(‘n'iristration books and kc(']) th(' satn(* o])on at the plac(‘ and tinu' and in tlu' manner pro- ; vid('d by law. for the rci^istration ^ of all the voters within th(' .«aid I boundary who may b(‘ l('i?ally (‘n- I tith'd to n'U'istcr and voti* in said ; election. It is also ordt'rcd that j \V. H. (4ro;xan and L. R. Scruiz:t^s I be, and th(\y ar(‘, heri'by a])])ointed :.Tudijr('s of said ('lection, and shall ! hold the sani(', (h'clarc* th(* n'sults I tli(‘r(‘of and niak(' dui' returns of j tlu' same in all res]H'cts asprovidt'd hy law for lioldinij (‘l(*ctio7is in said boundary. It is further ord('rc‘d that notic(> of th(' ('lection bci i^ivc'n for thirty days prior to holdin;' the sani(' by postins? a notic-e at tlu' Court House door and tlmn' otlu'r ])ublic places in said School boun dary. Said boundary is (h'scrilx'd as follows: Beo-inninjr at the mouth of tlic creek which entei's the French Broad river on the side at the u)>per end of the .1. (('ooper farm and runs down _ ' and with said river to the corner be HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Mediolae for Easy People. Brings (Jolden Health and Renewed Vigor, gpeciflc for Constipation. In'lipestion. Liv(? ! tween .1. W, Mills and W. K. Osborne, then with their lino to the public road 1 leadiui: from I5revard to Henderson ville, then with their line to the back > line, tlien due north to the Transylva- ' nia 1 ailroad, then a straight line to and Kifinoy Troubles. Piinpif-s. Kr.s('(l hy tlu* county board of ('ducation, tlu' board of county commissioiK'rs. aftt'r thirty day’s' notic(' at tin* court hous(' door and thr('(' ])ublic ])laccs in the propos('d district, shall hold an (*l('cti(»n to ascertain the will of th(' ])eo])le within the ])ro])os('d s])('cial school district wlu'tlu'r tht'r(' shall lev ied in such district a s])ccial annual tax of not mor(' than thirty C('nts on th(' one hundred dollars valua tion of pro])('rty and nini'ty cents (^)n the ])oll to su])])lem('ut the ])uh- lic school fund, whii*h may 1h' ap- ])orti(m(‘d to such district by tlu^ county board of ('ducation, i?i cas(' such sp(‘(*ial tax is voted. Tlu^ board of ct)unty commission('rs shall api)oint a n'^^istrar and ord('r a n('w r('iristration for such district and tlu' ('h'ction shall h(' h(dd in tlu* district und('i' tlu' law i?overninjj^ LCt'neral ('h'ctions asuoar as may be': Provid('d, th(' ('X])('ns(‘ of holdini; said ('lection shall b(' paid out of the jjc('nin’al school fund of th(‘ ccmnty. At siich ('h'ction thos(' who arc in favor of th(‘ levy and collection of the tax shall vot(‘ a tick('t on which shall h(‘ ])rint('d or writt('n tlu' words ‘-For Sp('cial Tax,” and those who are oppos('d shall vot(^ a ticket on which shall b(^ printt'd or written the words “Against S])ccial Tax." In case a majority of th(' (jualific'd votc'rs at the election is in favor of the tax, tho sam(‘ shall b(‘ annually levied and eollect(Hl in th(‘ mann<'r ])iv- .scrilxKl for tin* h'vy and colh'ction of oth(‘r taxes. All mon('ys h'vit'd uiKh'r tli(‘ provisions of this .s('ction shall, upon c(dlcction, b(' jdacc'd to thi' credit of tlie scliool committ('e (Jolly! 11 is prop- in such district, wliich committ('('| [|iat tifty-four dollars, shall he ap])oiut(Ml hy tlu' <-<>nnty | Xow if Dr. Alli.son with board of ('ducation ; and sucli scliot)] I 1 , „ ‘ ('rty and small laniilv would s:ive comnnit('(' .shall a])])ortion tlu' moni.vtiw. IT' 1 btly lour dollars, would not a moiK y anioni^ tiu' schools lu such Clistricl in swli n,,nmcv „s in ils and more .indiinu'nr s1ii.ll .'(nuilizo wli.iol Cm-is:ivi'wiiy y.iudcr inore'r cilitic's. Section 41i’4 of tlie scliool law plactes the buihlin”' of school houses al)solut(>ly under th(j con trol of tiie (’oiinty Hoard of F^ducation, and dir(':ts them to pay i.ot cxc'eedinir on(‘half th(? cost of t}u‘ sauj(‘ out of tin* build- For instanc(\ if Dr. Allison would save fiftv-foui’ dollars on two children, woidd not l>illy IJrown. his iKMi'iibof'. sav(> si'70 benefit. si’7.00 on th(* (,‘hild or si’70.!;0 on ten children':' Sup})osin^x lha !^>illy Hi’own has no jiropt^rty, (Jrt’al Scott! what a savinijf to in^ fund set aside uiuhn* s('ction X'd Dr. Aillison 411()frotn the^en(}ral fund. Thej ''’ willin;^ to do it. Ilow can balanc(5 of the cost must be!^’'*^^ account for that Doctor'/ 1 can’t. Doctor dot's not say raised i)y private subscrijjiion or paid out of the district fund. Now, l(!t me say foi- the infor mation of thos(* who do not seem to understand th(? proposition! that the lioard of Kducation S(.‘t i i he abov(. just how nKniychildr(‘n Ik' has in school but if lu‘ has more* than two childI’tMi t}i(‘r(3 would be a saviti^^ in tip? same })ro?)ortioii. illustrates the l^-inci- aside H) ])er cent, of the entire j d(‘monstrates the school fund of tiie caunty as a ! building 1 und before n.'akinjjf the i apiiortionnient to the differentj ^'^ow as it has been sliown that districts. This fund is used ^ wIh.'I'i; the nefMissity is urrtvitcst. ■ save how about tluj rest of and as the most of this fund was us':' W('ll, if the I'iciiest and tiie used in the upper section of the! would save, what in tho county last yeai\ lircn’ai’d is cer tainly (*ntitl(jd t(^ soiiK? of it this yeaj’. So our plan foi’ buildin*^’ a new house is simply this; 'i’aki'our apportionment $ ."jiK) Kuihlinu- fund pi-ovided under St'ction 411(1 .',(»(» Tax k‘vied on special district, 1.:!<'(m Anuiunt borrowi'd from state. name of common scmisc' v/ould keep the balance of us from sav- in,:^'a little'r (ioHyl Now friends, 1 cati think of no man that would not be benelitted moi’e or less. A man without property and witliout any interest whatever in j society, witiiout children or _.J * I ii:randcliildr<'n, without nei^iibors I or mu^dibors* cliildi’en, ini^''ht be If the t,IX is \ oted thei<} is no|jJxcus(*d for not vot iny a scho()l r(>ason why tliis buildin.£>: >‘^honkl I tax i)roposition. not be complet(Hl and ready for i ie„ds, lot us on the l‘4th inst. occupancy by Octobei’ 1st. pledge our |>ro|)erty to the edu- pa.\ back tLt^ amount v\(‘ borrow | cation of our (diiidren and irrand- from the statp in ten equal an | children. Co.dd we ,.lcd-e lo n ual install men t s with 4 per cent ;a better ])ui’pose'? Poiever no. interest. Ihis wo can do ^Jtid i \Ve know not when ad versit3Mnay have at least si,(‘>00 every year j ivdy, when death may lay except thi.s year to run our school. I i,i^^ cold icy hands upon us. and the ar-ument that some j Como what will our property make that it will take ill our; stands i)ledi!:od to the education money for tho next four or five jof our children, it makes no years to build the house is worse | dilference into whosehandsii may go. No proceeding in bankrupt cy can divei't it from that pledge. Voting people, to my way of thinking, it is your most solemn duty—you owe it to your ehil- Do not to argify the topic jdrmi, to your county and to your but to stat(' a lew s(‘lf evichuit (Jod that your (*hildren shall be than rot. W. P. W. Argify the Topic. I’ditor Svlvan V:;llev News: educated. \V. H. F. truths in argunientativ(‘ diction. , lias ever any well regulated so l How’s This ~ ciety existed or been maintained I We offer One Ilimdied Dollars Rc- without a system of taxation': i ward for any case of (’atarrh that. Nay, nay, all alike showMhe ben-icannot be (Muvd by llall’s Catarrh elits of society'—govei’nment. j Cure. F. J. Cheney Jv'Co. Toledo, O. Should not all then contribute to! the undersi.'^ned, have known maintain good society'-' Certain ly. Is not taxation the most .er- tain and ofiuitaVle way of main taining good government':' Evi dently since tte principle of tax- F. .1. ('honey for the last lit teen j years, and believe him ])orfectly , h(»norabIe in all busin('>s transactions j and financially able to carry out any 'obligations made by his firm. W’alditijr, Jvinnaii it .Marvinjr, ation is not wrong and the ob i Whoh'sale Drngsi,ists, Toledo, (). ject for which a tax is collected is ; Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- 2’ight—good society—who can ■ ternally, acting (Jfrcctiy u]>on the oppose'? VVe now have an oppor-1 blood nnicotis surfaces of the system, tunity to increase tho educaiiona! ' Testimonals sent fn e. Price 70c per facilities of the communit}’—is j bottle. Sold by all Drugjjists. Take that w’rong':' Strange to say :constipation some oppose it—oppose wliat'r Increasing the educatioiuil facil- itie.s of the community. Those who opposy the use ot this lini- ho would save fifty lour dollars to j himself. And yet he is not wil- i.'o,.’s,ale byV>'. Xi<-hols Lirovard, lin" to do it. The most amazing i and <). L. i:rwin C;i!v«-rt. .1 — thing about the matter is, that | Trespass noticcs always on hand at Dr. Allison is not willing to save niie News otiiee.