4 SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS DRUG QUALITY There are Drugs and Drugs and Drugs. Whose label is on your bottle? If it’s my label then I vouch for the drug quality Let me furnish your DRUGS Z. W. NICHOLS, Druggist Phone 5. Agency ^unnally’s Candy Sylvan Valley News Subscription in advance, One Dollar a Year. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY J. J. MINKR. - Editor and Proprietor. t)SIK M. MINKK. BookkeoiH.T and ColU'ctor. FORMS CL08K Pages 1, 3, (‘.and s—Tuesday noon. Panes 2, 4, Sand 7—Thursday noon. Fridau MornhKj, AimnHt IV, 1000. Editorial Briefs. We learn that the annual sum mei" excursion from Charleston Private Enterprise. Recojj:ni/jnj' the fact that Brevard lias vot<*d all the tax for street im provement that her property val ues will stand, also n^cognizinf' that a good stre(‘t—good in all kinds of 'sveatlun*—from the depot to Main street is a nt^eessity, tho following suhscriptions, amounting in the aggregate to ovi‘r $500, have been reeeiv(Hl. Whore is there another town which, after voting all the honds that property values will stand, would voluntarily rea(‘h in its own pocket and furnish the money to extend tlu' work which its honds nt quan- instances where jnnvate enter]>rise has made for the betterment of all Brevard citi/A‘ns: Our water sup])ly and I sew<'rage wei'e th<‘ result of ]>rivate been , . , ... , I failed to product'in suffici(‘n1 and Savannnah is to be omiitt'a tity.-' There are many ins' this year. Tlie southern railway has its equipment so largely in use on its regular service that cars for excursions cannot be promised. We regret this decis-: enter]>rise, and th<*y liavt ionof the Southern as the Charles-! transf(‘rr(‘d to tlu* town at actual eost. Th(* court house and county lot was ft‘nc(‘d by ]>rivate snbseri])- tion.^^, and the first work doin* in an eltort to o])en Broad street was ])aid for by ]>rivate donations. It is a rt'al pleasure to add the follow- excursion usually brings Bre vard a lot of visitors each year. * * Ti l e Jack so n Co u n t y Jo u r n al a n • nouiices that W. E. and B. I). CJil- lard have bought the plant and are proof of the loyalty of our citi- noNV editors and pi’opritors. e , /A*ns to lu'tter conditions. had tiie pleasure of meeting macadamizing De]>ot street E. Gillard at the Senatorial con- : to North ('aldwell and Caldwell to vention in Sylva last month and Main the following amounts have believe that Jackson county has j btvn .subscribed : the right man at the head of its ‘ E. On- $ ^o.oo . .1. W . McMinn newspaper. He is, a dcticdl printer with several years ex[>e- Toxaway llutei co rience in city offices, is a popular ; AU?s()ri ... . young Ba])tist preacher and his A. (Jalloway {c’aiv..*rt) .. 11 4 .u. ^ Milior-DeVaiie Supply Co. moral character is abo\ e • g-, j '' proach. Such a man can do a Whitmire vV Verdei-y J. F. HAYS, President R. R. DEAVER, Yice-Presiden THOS. N. SHIPMAN, Cashier Brevard Banking Co. BREVARD, N. C. We do a gimeral banking business and solicit accounts of corpo rations, firms and individuals. Our funds are secnr(‘d l)y both Fir(’! and Burglary Insurance, also by Steel Vaults. Our strong Board of Directors is a further guarant^Hi that your funds will be pro])erly hamllcd. 4 per eent. paid on time deposits. •T. F, Hays E, B, Also]) J, C, Deaver DIRECTORS: R. R, Deaver H. B. Brnnot W". S, Ashworth W. A, Gash O. L. Erwin Thos. H. Shijmian Obituary. 00 (10 2.'). (to 2.').(K> ]!).0U 10.00 Avoi-kl I)f good to any county, and , IImIo Jackson is to be congratulated. |t. s. Wood lo.oo ; X, K. McMinn *1’ # i Mr:?, M. A. !•]. AVoodljrid<;e \V. 1>. ])iu*k\v(>rlli We to have are very sorry l. x. Townsend. aused fTlii esteemed conlempor- w. r. Wiiitmire. •■ •■v, the Asheville Citizen, so f ; icti study and research as to *v. i:. ('rr me beginning of dog days. In our efforts last week to enlighten .1. S. Mroniiicld . readers of the News we pointed ^’i^ipan-il-k^ out our authority and closed our W. II. Duckworth remarks as follows; ‘ Uutil the i: A. Cooper... i’, li. Ell>ili:5h Citizen produces better authority WeU-li (iailoway we are disposed to accept the al- i ]!* manac, ” On Tuesday our metro- i K. W. (’arter politan daily contained tte fol-! lowing: ; W. W. Zachary fTii .• • * 11 x; 1 i .^litciicll Al (,()X Ihe time was originally fixed j twenty days before and twenty | Dr. k. s."'i:n^>-li.'
  • -an t.'c Morris ble effect of following tVie whims (^iran^^e) of the Dog Star as to I 'siug. i The said Sirius has the bad habit | Thos."it.* Shipman’ . 7 of rising at all sorts of times, i J. H. rickelsimer 10.00 10.(!0 5.00 ,■).()(» r».oo 5.00 T).(JO .').U0 f).00 ■>.(jO :».(;o o.OO ■).oo .j.oo (i.OO c..(»o ■>.00 ri.oo <■>.00 r).oo a.OO 5.00 n.oo 5.00 r).oo o.OO r>.oo ().00 ').00 r>.o(t f).00 5.00 5.00 n.oo The angel of death has visited onr community and t)fought sadness to many liearts. Sister Jemima Duck ett departed this life .Inly the l")tli. 190(5. She was born February 11, 1877; age years, t> months and 4 (lays. She was the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John (J. Neill of l)avile and she would read some faithful prom ises to the dying Christian, and then she would remark she was re idy to go to the world of happiness and joy where there is no pain, sorrow nor death. May the Lord bless the bereaved {,‘arents, the two sisters and two l)roth<‘rs and all sorrowing IViends who are left behind, and may her hearthroken husband find comfort in the Divine power. W. II. Wi:sT. ■ ■ — 111 S<‘I1' l)eff land in (jlouce.ster Township, in said ( ounty, on the waters of West Fork of Fiencli 15roa