Rates to Subscribers $1.25 per year In Advance Ki>u Can’t Keep Down A Working j?pa>rt; Let’s pull together J. J. MIFEE, Manager. BEEVAED, TEANSYLVANIA COUNTY, N. C., FEIDAY. MAY 8.1908. VOL. XIII-NO. 19 Only uoiinty ■PRIIISE FOR BRyjN people of Missonri Regard Him as Logical Candidate. I . 80 THINKS REP. DEARMONO In an Address Before the District of Columbia Democratic Association He Says IViissouri's Delegates Would Support Bryan Unanimously. Wasliington, May 1-^Representatlve David Dearinond, of Missouri, in an £ddress before th« District of Colum- Jbia Democratic association Thursday niglit declared that ihe people of Mis. souri look upon Mr. W. J. Bryan as the logical candidate for the presiden cy, and that Missouri’s delegates will support him unanimously at the Den ver convention. Mr. Dearmond said in part: “Some people criticise Mr. Bryan And say lie ‘ran in 1896, he ran in 1900, he Is the perpetual candidate; he is the man always to the front.’ Who ever got there with less self- eeeklng and is in more thorough ac- oDrd with the wishes of those who fol lowed him than Mr. Bryan? Honor to American Citizenship. “Is there anything wrong in his be ing willing to stand again as the can didate of his part}', if his party w^ants him? What is he doing now, or what has he done to put himself in the way of the nomination at Denver, that any' man can criricise? He stands as an honor to our American citizenship; he stands as one of the Wghest and no blest types of men—a Christian, pa triotic gentleman.” Representative Hughes, of New Jersey, also s<poke. He said that there are pivDbably 1,000 democratic voters I’l his state who wo-uld oppose Mr. Bryan if nominated. The unin- etructed delegation,, he said, may sup port the Nebraskan in the convention. Hughes Says Bryan Is Right. Representative Hughes spoke In part as foUowB: “I am for Mr. Bryan because I think he is right. Let us look at it from the standpoint of the politician. I am for Mr. Bryan for another rea. eon. While he may not carry the state of New Jersey or the state of INow York—and I do not say that he oiuld not carry those states—it is my firm belief that he is going to get more votes in those states than any other candidate that can be named by the democratic party.” DUEL IN PUBLIC ROAD. Man After Being Shot Down Kills Hl« Opponent. Birmingham, Ala., May 1.—Dr. J. E. Garrison shot and killed J. D. Wil liams, an electrician for the Alabama Consolidated Coal company, Thursday at Flat Creek, in a duel on the noad. Dr. Garrison recently moved awaj' from Flat Creek, coming to Birming ham. He went out Thursday to sell a stock of drugs he had left there. blood existed between Williams and Garrison about family affairs. \Mien Williams saw the physician, te asked him to wait a few minutes, and, securing a pist»3l, shot Dr. Gar rison down. The latter, while on the ground, shot Williams to death. A coroner’s jury exonerated Garri son. The latter is said to be dan gerously wounded. Zayistas Nominate Gen. Asbert. Havana, May 1.—The Zaylstas have dominated Brigadier General Ernesto Asbert, one of the leaders In the revo- lutlon in 190^5, for governor of Ha- ■^na nrovince. General Asbert was •^ne c.f the first to take the field in the revolutionary movement and did ^he chief fighting in this province. Since the end of the revolution, how- he 'has been very quiet. Woman Confessed to Killing. Kr^3xvil!e, Tenn., May 1.—The dead of Sam 'Meyers, thirty years old, ^ clerk, was found in the questionable house of Maude Herron on Central street. Four bullets had penetrated ^he body. Maude Herron was later ®I>prehende’d by the police and con fessed to the killinig but clfldmed she ^cted in self-defense. She said Mey ers attempted to staib her. A RARE COIN. I^upliccte of $10 Gold Token Which Sold in London for $2,175. Xashville, Tenn., iMay 2.—The du plicate of the ten dollar gold token issued by the Cincinnati Mining com- in 1849 and which, according to a Lon don dispatch, was sold in that J^ity for America for $2,175, has been ^<>cat€d in this city. It is owned 15y Jake Hshel, of the of Herman Bros. & Londaur, ■^aolesale dr^ merchants. The coin was given Me. Pish^l twenty year* ago by his father, Morris Fiffh- el, \<rho *w&s a forty-niner, and con nected with the Cliwilnflati Mining com. pany. The coin bears on one sfije the seal of California and the other an In dian head and "Cincinnati Trading and Mining Company, 1849.” SCHOOL GIRLS UP IN ARMS. Forbidden to Wear Ultra-Fashlonable or Extravagant Raiment. New York, May 2.—The girls of Horace Mano school, at Broadway and One Hundred and Twentieth street, have been forbidden to wear ultra-fashionable adornment of Jewel ry, high heel shoes and peek-a-boo waists. This sweeping edict was giv en from the pulpit in the chapel. Ever since, the new dress reform has been the chief to«pic of discussion among the girls, w^ho aver that the boys in the school are allowed wide latitude in thtlr selection of wearing apparel. Virgil Prettiman, principal of the school, 'disparages the talk caused by the new rule, and says that questions of good taste in dress frequently arise in the school. Bewildered Her Colleagues. For months the question of proper •dress has agitated the pupils and in terested the teachers. A certain cJlque of girls have been in the hab it of going to their class in raiment that verged upon the extremely fash ionable tj'.pes. Finally a grrl showed ierself in a hat that bewildered her .colleagues. It was a Gainesborough affair with untold decorations. She was told by one of the teachers that she must not wear such a hat to school. Another girl revealed a coif feur gay with little artificial puffs and was promptly commanded to leave the surplus attachments at home. Another young maid demonstrated geometrical problems on the black board with her fingers decorated with brilliants. These instances aroused a keen rivalry among the girls in the matter of dress, until the decision was reached to tell the girls that there must be moderation In dress. Articles of Dress Blacklisted. The following articles of dress wer< .blacklisted: “Merry Widow'” hats, or liats of ex tremely large proportions, or trimmed in a conspicuous manner. Hair ribbons of too large size or conspicuous In color. False hair of any description. "Lotta Faust” collars, “Dutch necks,” and “maline bows.” “Peek-a-boo” waists or w’alsts with short sleeves. lAII bracelets and Jewelry except pins necessary for the clasping of col. lars. Gowns of conspicuous colors and materials of extravagant price. Light shoes, fancy cloth-topped fthoes, or shoes wltli high heels or with fancy buttons. Thus It will be seen, about all a girl’s little affectations of dresa w'ere forbidden and the glrl« In their “teens” are up in arms. KILLED HIS WIFE'S PARENTS. Terrible Fam>ily Tragedy Occurs at Battle Creek, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich., May 2.—'An gered by an action for divorce started by his wife, Joseph B. Blunt, a li quor salesman, broke into the home of Mrs. Blunt’s parents here early Sat urday morning, where she was living ■with tlielr children, and killed hl» wife’s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Homer S. Jones. Mrs. Blunt, who saw 'her parents killed, fled, scantily clad, from the maddened man’s revolver, rushing out doors into a snowstorm with her babe In her arms. Blunt then came down town and gave ihimself up to the po lice. Blunt broke Into the house aibout daylight and rushed into the bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Jones, where they were sleeping with one of the chil dren in ted with them. He klHeJ both man and woman as they sprang out of the bed, but missed his child. His wife, wTio had been aroused, saw the shooting and saved her own life only by fleeing from the house. Awakes After Long r»ber. Los Angeles, Oal., May 5.—lAfter an \inbToken sleep for a period of 85 days, Mrs. Beulalh Hawkins, a patient at the county boBpitai, awakened early Sunday momln* and aeked for a drink of milk. Her return to oonsclousnesfl Was entirely unexpected and came sev eral hours after sihie had been taiken ffom the clinic room.. ©he was able to fitand and .had full control of ail lier facultlea, altho^clit atlll weak. Seven Inches of Snow at Buffalo. Buffalo, N. Y., May 1.—(Seven Inches of snow fell here Thursday ftiid Thursday night. At Jamestown the snow fall was ten Inches LOOTED imi CAfi Two Men Overpower Messenger and Escape. TAKE PACKAGE OF CURRENCY Bold Robbery of the New York _,SL Louis Express, of the Pennsylvania System—^Amount of Money Taken la Not as Yet Known. Pittsburg, Pa., May 1.—Two nien secrefted on the New York-St. Louis express of the Pennsylvania system, which left this city Thursday night, entered the express car at Walker’s Mills, 10 miles west of this city, on the Pan Handle division, overcome the express messenger and escaped with four sealed bags containing cur rency. The amount tal:en by th-e rob bers is unknow’n. Columbus, O., May 1.—^The St. Louis experss on the Pennsylvania rail road that w^as held up Thursday night ten miles west of Pittsburg, arrived 'here at the union station at 2:30 Fri day, forty minutes late. The crew confirmed the story of the holdup by two men at Walker’s (Mill, and of the bandits escaping with four sealed bags containing mail. Tlie crew states that a number of express packages and a quantity or gold bullion were taken, but do not know the val ue of the property. The Adams Ex press company here refuses to make any statement. Neal H. Rosohon, of Neal avenue, the express messenger, states that two men entered his car east of Walker’s Mill and covered "him with revolvers. Then they tied him with ropes txiey had brought Avith them, and rifled the car. As the train ap. proachcd Walker’s Mill, where it does not sti3:p, they pulled the signal cord and stopped tue train. They made their escape wTien tUie train slowed up. It is believed t*hat the booty taken Is of great value, and it may exceed the estimate of $10,000 sent out from Pittsburg. * Messenger Roschon w'as talcen In charge by the local management of the Adams Express company when he arrived here and Is being sweated*. There are some features of his story with which the officers are not satis fied, and they are trying to get at more of the details of the robbery. ANOTHER PROBLEM SOLVED. DIrtsct Observation of Interior of Hu man Stomach During Life. Munich, May 1.—The ploblem of di. rect observation of the interior of the human stomach during life has been solved by Dr. Riehl, according to a medical weekly. The method employed Includes the passing of a double tube through the esophagus to the stomach, the inner tube being fitted with a small elec tric bulb. Water 1b passed by means of a subsidiary attachment through the outer tube, filling the stomach. The light is then turned on, permit ting, ihe medical paper says, the clo sest ob«eiTation of the movement of the organs. The paper regards this as an Im- porant advance which will permit of a closer study of cancer of the stom ach and other Internal maladies. Murdered by Mexican Bandits. El Paso, Tex., May 1.—^News has reached here that S. C. White,.keep er of the tialf way station on the Dolores company’s trail In Chihuahua, Mexico, was murdered by rohbers last Monday. White was a member of the Masonic lodge at Brownsville, Tex. It was on this trail that Wil liam Smith’s pay convoy was robtbed. Smith wounded and several bandits killed about a year ago. Dangerous Rebels Arrested. Paris, May 1.—A dispatch to the Matin from Lisibon says that the po lice arrested seven dangerous revolu tionists during the three days prior to the Oipening of parliament. Two of the revolutionists were found in a house In Avenue Dom Carlos, tlirough which the royal procession was due to pass. BUlLDIiNa TO COiST $50,000. New Hom« for Congregational Meth odist Publishing House. Atlanta, May 6.—iThe Congregation al Methodist Publishing House Is to erect a building of its own, in whicli to house Its modem printing and pub. llshlng equipment, and also will double Its present mftohlnery capacity agLsoon as their owTi -building is ready for occujpancy. It was asTOrtalned from a reliable R'^rce that dnrihg the dya the archi tect of the plant will be given instruc- tif#^ to immediately draw up plans for the proposed structure, to be act ed on at the first annual meeting of the stockholders, which will 'be held In about six weeks. 'The proposed location cf the new bulWing is said to be on a railroad frontage near the heart of the city. Tragedy at mi ami, fla. Safocnkeeper and a Bartender Shot i^nd Kilted.. •l^iami, Fla., May 5.—^At a late Sour Saturday night J. D. Walker, a K^loonkeeper, and Ei-nest Stafford, a "barkeeper, were shot and almost in stantly killed in North -Miami by Hen ry Hopkins, formerly of Jacksonville, but wiio has been a resident of Miami for some time. Hopkins escaped af. ter the shooting, but was paptured la ter in tne morning. The men tad a dispute over the al leged misappropriation of goods taken from the wrecked steamer La Salle some time ago, which caused the trag- dy. Hrvpklns is well know^n in 'base ball circles throughout the ' :utli. CAMPAIGN A WARM ONE. Most Remarkable Race Ever Run In Q«orgla For Governor. Atlanta, May 5.—One month from Monday, June 4, and the battle of the ballots will 'be on In Georgia, In most cc^nties, from United States senator to county surveyor. From now on the campaigning will be on In dead earnest. A majority of the counties have set the county primary for the same date as the state primary, and this dumpa the county political races in-to the campaign pot, too . All Interest now centers about the mos remarkable race for governor ever run In Georgia. ■Narrow Escape from Death. Washington, Pa., May 5.—Thr<»9 officials of the Jesup Steel company had a narrow escape from death -when a surrey, in which they were driving to the station, was demoll8he*d by a ti^ltch eitglne. The Injured are W. F.'W’^agner, of New York, vice presi dent; George L. Bishop, of Boston, auditor, and James Warren, general manager of the local plant. Auditor Bishop and Vice President Wagner escaped serious injury by Jumping, ^ut both were severely contused. Mr. Warren was pinned under the wreck age and sustained painful bruises. Twenty-Eight Alleged Tigers. Savannah, Ga., May 5.—Twenty- eight operators of alleged Wind ti gers will <be arranlgned in the city court Tuesday. Four counts will >be charged against each defendant, but they will be tried on only one, proba- •bly, that of keeping liquor on hand un lawfully. Whatever the decision of the lower court may be, It will probably be heard of again In the higher courts. Fines assessed by the recorder when the cases were given their first •hear ing have not been paid, awaiting the final decision of the higher courts. Njegro Murderer Killed by Posse. Vicksburg, Miss., May 5.—'News reached here Sunday that Joe Joseph, a negro who recently murdered Branch T. Archer, was shot and killed by former Sheriff McCreary, who led a posse in search of Joseph. Joseph’s head w’as shot almost to pieces while (he was standing In back water, up to his neck, In a canebrake at the mouth of Bayou Pierre, near Bruinsburg. A reward of $1;300 had been offered for tiie negro’s capture tler^l or alive. Killing 1n Atlanta. AtlAnta, May 5.—Jim Huff, of Par- terdale, Ga., aged ahout twenty-twp years, was Bhot and Instantly killed about 11 o’clock Saturday night by Jack Pierce, a cotton mill operator, on Decatur street, near the corner of Decatur street and North Boulevard. Pierce escaped and the police are now scouring: the city for him. There seems to have been some fprevioois trouble ibetween the two men. Trestle Set on Fire. Pensacola, Fla., May 6.—^The long trestle of the Pensacola Electric Co. which spangs'the Mig Bayou was set on fire Sunday morning, supposedly hy strike sympathizers, but was ex- tlngnls'hed before much damage was dione. It Is believed that the parties who fired the trestle reached that point In a boat before daylight. There is no clew to the guilty parties. Spanish Celebration. Madrid, -May 2—The fete commem orating the centennary of the war for Spanish Independence began here Frl. day. The royal family took part in the exercises and Queen Victoria was greeted with frenzied cheering when she held up the Infant prince bf the Asturias to the crowd's. BRIEF DISPATCHES. THURSDAY. Bc'swcll B. Jernlgan, a brakeman, was knocked from a Louisville and Nashville train and killed. His body was shipped to Flomaton. An earnest effort may be made this year to have the military academy at West Point represented at the national rifle matches, to be shot at Camp Ferry, O., in August. With but one dissenting voice the Seattle -cham'ber passed resolutions which favor the retention on the Pa cific coast of not less than twelve battleships. The college of bishops of the Meth odist Episcopal church, south, which has been in session at Nashville, Tenn., two days, has adjourned af ter announcing the plan of Episcopal visitation. It has been learned definitely at Tangier that the report In circulation that Ralsuli, the bandit, had been assassinated Is untrue. He was am bushed 'by the Elkmes thribesmen but escaped. FRIDAY. Mrs. Rucina Steinhart, the mother of Frank Steinhart, former American consul general at Havana, Is dead at that place. The bo’dy will be taken to New York for interment. Two directors of the civil registra tion as&Dciation have 'been arrested at Lisrbon in connection with investiga tions no-w being carried on relative to events in the early part of 190S. Efforts are being made by Prince de Chimay to obtain from the Vatican an annulment of his marriage with Miss Clara Ward, later Mme. Rl^ and now Mme. Ricciardi. A 910 tokeo issued- hy the Cincin nati Mining company in 1849, was sold at auction in London and was purchased for America for $2,175. 'There is only one other similar to ken extant. In a glove contest held In Dublin, Bill Squires, of Australia, knocked out Jem Roche, the former Irish cham pion, In the fourth round. The purse wae for $1,375, and there was a side bet of $1,000. The Most Rev. Diomede Falconlo, the apostolic delegate at Waahiag- ton, D. C., is among those mentioned as likely to be created cardinals at the next consis-tory In June at Rome, Italy. Jefferson S. Hadley, attorney gen- ei*al of Missouri, has authorized the publication of a letter, announcing that he would accept the republican nomi nation for governor if his health per mits. Mrs. Whltelaw Reid, wife of the American ambassador, accompanied by her daughter, whose engagement to the Hon. John Ward Is announc ed, has gone t#3 Paris to purchase a trousteau for Miss Reid. SATURDAY. It Is officially announced that I. Motonl, Japanese minister at St. Pe- tersiburg, has been promoted to the rank of ambassador. Vice President Fairbanks will offi cially represent the United States at Quebec, Canada, durinlng the visit of the Princc of Wales. Building operations at Montreal had to be partiall abandoned because of a strike of 500 bricklayers who de manded increased wages. The University of Alabama team defeated Auburn in the dual meet in track and field events. The final re. suit by points was Alabama 55, Au burn 14. The negotiations for a settlement of the ship building dispute h&ve failed again, and the lockout notices Issued a week ago will go into effect at all the yards of the United Kingdom. James H. Wallick, formerly an sc* tor and owner of the play, “The Bandit King,” In which 'he toured the coun try, committed suicide in the Com mercial hotel at Middleton, N, Y. The dread of an operation on an injured arm is 'believed to have been th^ rea son for his suicide. Lee Retires from Race. •Newnan, Ga., May 2.—^Hon. S. E. Leigh, who has been making an active canvass for congress in this district for the past three months, prints a card announcing his withdrawal from the race. The probability of an early primary, and the continued Illness of different members of hl« family are as signed as reasons for his withdrawal from the contest. Charged with Regicide. Lisbon, May 2.—iMacedo Braganza and Meades Almeda, who were actlvfe in organiring the manlfestatloiiB at the graves of the men who on Feb. 1 assassinated King Carlos and his «on In lilBbon, have been arrested on tlw charge of complicity In the plot ajbiinst hlfi maiesty. TRANSYLVANIA LODGE No. 143, K. of P. Meets Tuesday evenings 8.30., Castle Hall, Fra ternity building. A hearty welcome for visitors at all times- T. W. WHITMIRE, C. C. Profes^nol Cords. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTO R N E Y-AT-L A W. Rooms 1 and 2, Pickelsimer Buildinfj. GASH GALLOWAY LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts. Rooms 9 and 10, McMinn Block. D. L. ENGLISH LAWYER Rooms 11 and 12 McMinn Block, BREVARD. N. C THOMAS A. ALLEN, Jr., DENTIST. (Bailey Block.) HENDERSONVILLE, - - N. C. A beautiful gold crown for $4-00 and ap. Plates of all kind at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed; satisfaction OF no pay. Teeth extracte<l without pain. Will be Klad to have you call and inspect my offices, work and prices. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors fiad A good prescription- For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough lor usual occasions, rhe family bottle (60 cents) coutainE a sappiy* for a year. All druggists sell ttxem. THE REV. IRL R. HICKS Almanac and Magazino Should be in every home in the land. His weather predic tions can behad onl^ in his own publica ti on s. No other publisher is permitted to« print them in any form, either with or without credit, fils 1908 Almanac ex cels all former editions in beanty and value, and sells for 35cents, postpaid. His monthly maifazine, Word and Works, contains his weather fore casts for each month, tog^ether with & vast amount of the best family readinj^ and costs $1. a year, one almanac with cach subscription. Every earthqoaiks and serious storm for 20 years has been predicted by Prof. Hicks. You cannot afford to be without these pab» ^ications. Address all orders to SYLVAN VALLEY NEWS, BREVARD UNIVERSITY C0LLE8E t OF MEDICINE 8TUART McGUIRC, M. D . PncsioirnT. This CoUcM conforms to the Standards! fixed by law for Medical Educstion. Send lot \ BuUetin No. 11, which tells about it. Tbne tree catsIoguea—Spedty Depmrtcient, i MEDICINE - DENTISTRY - FHJIRKiACr KILLthe COUCH AND THC LUNGS Dr. IGng’s New Diseoveif' FIHl CSifgs"* LAND ALL THROAT AND LUN6TB0UBLES. 0UABAN rE£0 8 ATISFACTOBiq OS lIOirB7 SEFUNI>ED. PIUM COCAfHE AID WHISKEY Habits cured at my Sanatoriom Jn a f«w -weeks. You can retnrn your home in SO days well, free and iiappr. I have made tb^ habits a specialty for 25 years and cared thousands. XQCK Book on Home Treatmentseat Tlifcfc Address DR. S. M. WOOUJBY, 103 n. Pryor Strawt* Atlantis Chamberlain*8 Dii^hoea Reme^. Never fail& Bay it now.

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