^-1 :>^pw^ ’ h^''^ ifinp I have just gotten in the finest line of Combs, Hair Brushes, Xail Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Bath Brushes, Shav ian Brushes, Shoe Brushes and Clothes Brushes 1 have ever l^f], and they were bought at close pricos, and I am selling t^Kia at a vtr>j close price. A large assortiuent to pick from. Come and let us show you. T. B. ALLISON. iGAl PAllAOaPflS. 5L J. Glazener of Eosman sx)ent I'M Friday in Brevard. Miss Emiiia Brov/n left Brevard IJcdnc-idar for Grconvillo, S. C. Fran‘'j: Jcnkin.s left Brerard last ^/itnrday to spend several days in A-'iieviile. .Virs. O. L. Erwin loft Tuosdci,y for a visit to her old home in Greens- ■V.^ro, Ala. TV. W. Z;ichary is away from this week attending Madi:son ■aiuuntY court. The county commissioners have d to keep the court house ^fonnds in good order. Mias Edith England returned last TCT’^fk from a visit of several weeks Vty relatives in I\Iaiden, N. C. £?,ov. C. D. Chapman preached to ■i. krge congregation at the Metho- 'ilst '':*hiirch last Siindaj" night. i^ev. Yv’’. P. Chedester, aceompa- ■I'ad by Lois and Edwin Carter, Ti ent to Asheville TYednesday. Mci^rh McCarroll has accepted a position with I\l. Fred at the clcan- mf' and pressing establishment. A. H. King received from Atlan ta. last week three pairs of fine a<‘W horses—two sorrels, tv.'o dark ■?u3'’S and two browns. Mrs, S. E. Dermid of Asheville, ■rho has been visiting her dangh- tev, Mrs. i\r. A. Cooper, returned iast ^Yedncsday. .S. F. Allisor. and family have re- ’.Tjru/ul from their winter stay in Tujj.pa, Florida, and now occupy “Lit'ir dwelling in North Brevard. W. F. Smitli, of the telephone ex- «&angc, had the assistance of Ca'ole- Sfificer Livingston of Asheville last ’runds. TliO country is getting re?..dy for 3i(0 political campaign this year, ^ntl no stones are left unturned by ♦’.ther party. The sheriff has had a busy season taking in taxes, and :> ; ports that they are practically all up. Nobcdy seems to want to disfranchised this year, and -iiAt indicates a live campaign. ihere was ouite a crowd in town Da. the first Monday, and candidates ^'-nl a fine opportunity. One of the ‘i-trgest subjects for conversation the coming prohibition elec- lisn and all it involved. An old iitizen on the street recalled the li.Kvresting historical fact that 30 T?iivs ago there was a similar elec- in the state, and That Transyl- I't'iiiu had the honor and distinc- of being tlie only county that '“-itcd for prohibition. See call for primaries on page 7. I Clerk of Court Hyatt of Waynes- ! ville was in Brevard this week. I Don’t forget the township pri- ! maries on Saturday the 16th. j Miss Rosa Fred has gone on a visit to relatives in liender son ville. Mrs. YiT. B. Duckworth, w'lio has been visiting in Charlotte, returned home last Tuesday. Llorris Fred has discontiued his dry goods and clothing business in the -$thelwold block. F. Y. V7hitinire and family are away from home at present travel ing in South Carolina. Rev. F. M. Jordan is announced to preach at Catheys Creek church next Sunday inorning at 11 o’clock. It is reported that another mad dog appeared in Pattersons creek section last Sunday and was killed. T. B. Crary has sold his jn’ODerty, containing the cottage in which he lived till recently, to Brance Pax ton. Dr. \Y. J. ^Yallis is having a six- room cottage erected next door to lr.s residence. B. \V. Hamlin has charge of the work. T. B. Crary is putting the finish ing touches to the interior of his house over the store, and now has an attractive suite of rooms there. Miss Sadie North’s Sunday school class had an enjoyable picnic on King’s creek last Monday. The party consisted of six members of the class, the teacher and Mr. North. Yv"". E. Bishoi) went with his force to Fairfield Inn yesterday and will be occui;icd there for several days attending to the plumbing of the hotel.' The Inn was opened for guests May 5th. The News office has been invaded by that prevalent and disfiguring disease, the mumj^s. The devil— alias Quentin Dnrward—has had to stay at home this week and nurse a svrollen ja,w. The cotton mill is now finished, so far as the building is concerned. All that remains now to make things complete is the installation of machinery. The village of eigh teen cottages makes a very credit able appearance. Owing to the sickness of the Mayor and the absence from town of tvro other members of the Board the aldermen did not hold their regular monthly meeting on Mon day night, but postponed the meet ing till Thursday night of this week. J. H, Lloyd, a brother-in-law of H. G. Bailey, who recently pur chased the house and farm of Thos. Duckworth on the Island Ford road, received a shipment of his fnrni- ture from the North this w^eek, which was transported to his new home. A large signboard, advising the imblic of what Glenn Sjjrings wa ter vrill do for the human system, leans threateningly over the side walk close to tlie bottling works, and is kept from falling by the sup port of a fence post. If the post should give way or the sign shift its position in a high w-ind and somebody happened to be on the sidewalk in front at the same time, an accident might have to be re corded. The Sylvan \ alley News now prox)oses to ta,ke an ocean voyage and Como in contact with the tur bulent people of a Latin race. This visit, made by a representiitive will be to the home of one Frank Kelly, who dwells in the Canal Zone of Panama. Mr. Kelly is interested in finding out some thing about land in this immediate section suitable to hog i*aising, and he will perhaps want to know many other things about this coun ty which the News will he hapx>y to relate on its ten months’ visit. Prohibition Cam’^aign—page 7. The stockholders of the Transyl vania railroad held a meeting last Wednesday. Among those present fi’om Pittsburg, Pa., were F. Gwin- ner, jr., E. B. Alsop and E. H. Jen nings. The Toxaway Company held a meeting of stockholders on Wed nesday of this week at Brevard. The meeting was reported to be harmonious and the prospects for business brightx?r than ever before. JENKINS-M’INTOSH WEDDING. The wedding bells have been ringing, but so far away that the people of Brevard did not hear them, and had no inkling of the important event affecting the life of a prominent citizen of this place till after the knot was securely tied. Frank E. B. Jenkins and Miss Mary C. McIntosh of Waynes- villo were happily married last Tuesday at Ansonville, N. C. The ceremony was performed by Hev.. Mr. Phelps in the E|3iscopal church of Ansonville. A. N. Jenkins, brother of the groom, was present in the capacity of best man. The church was beautifully decorated with roses, and a large audience v;‘itnes3ed the union of the happy pair. Mr. Jenkins brought his bride home to Brevard Wednesday even ing, and it was not till their arrival that his friends here had any knowledge of the good fortune that had fallen to his lot. He had dis appeared from his usual place of business, on other business bent, and the afl'air had been kept so i)ro- found a secret that the rice throw ers were cheated out of their fun. Mr. Jenkins is a well known bu^-. iness man of this place, and Miss McIntosh was a teacher in the school at Ansonville. The News extends vrelcome, congratulations and all manner of good w’ishes. RALLY AT BR£VARD, The central committee of the pro hibition organization met in Supt. Henderson’s office last Monday and did a day’s work. Besides making the regular weekly appointments for speaking at various places in the county, the committee made arrangements, as far as possible, for a general prohibition rally at Brevard on Saturday, May 16. Ife is expected that two or more speak ers of note will come to Brevard at that time and address the meeting. Col. Yirgil Lusk of Asheville, w^ho has made a reputation for himself iS a prohibition advociite, will be isked to come, and Hon. Isaac Meekin, of Elizabeth City, w’ill also be invited. The committee deserves much credit for the work it has done. There is a great deal of necessary routine to be gone through with vrhich requires time and attention. They have gone to the trouble and expense of getting out printed cir culars which are distributed all' over the county, and the results of this kind of canvass are beginning to tell. It is to be hoped that the meeting in Brevard will be adver tised, that a good crowd will be present and good speakers will be secured. Business Locals. The Cash Store. Don’t order. See Doyle. Don’t forget we sell the Godman shoe.—Cotton Mill Store. Leave orders at Black’s barber shop for coal.—Bromfield Fuel Co. tf Fresh groceries all the time at the lowest prices.—Cotton Mill Store. Corn and pressed hay for sale. Address H. L. Allison, Pisgah For est, N. C. al0-ti8 J. S. Bromfield will be in Bre vard and open up the ice business by May 15th. tf All behind in their town taxes must settle at once or pay cost, J. A. Galloway, T. T. C. tf For Sale—My Canning outfit with good boiler. Good reason for selling. See E. W. Blythe. W anted—35 men for general work ; good wages. Apply to Tox away Tannery, Rosman, N. C. tf “The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating.” When you eat Gro ceries bought from Mitchell & Cox there is no further proof needed. A box of Cigars given away to the person making the biggest score in ten pins, May 5th to 20th. P. H. Hawkins. For cow peas C. Doyle. Fresh Vegetables—’Phone IG. tf Fresh car load of fertilizers.—J. E. Clayton. A nice line of chinaware just in at low prices.—Cotton Mill Store., Lost—A Southern Railroad Mile age Book. Reward to finder.—J. S. Silverstein, Rosman, N. C. Don’t forget that we sell fancy groceries—none better in town—at the right prices.—Cotton Mill Store. Wanted—All the Butter, Eggs and Chickens that is to be had at any and all of my stores.—O. L. Erwin. Your Merchant cannot swell your account when he uses the McCaskey System. So-called “Sharp Mer chants” don’t use it. O. L. Erwin does. Wanted—Ow’ners of Mineral lands who wish to sell their proper ty or have it operated, to write James E. Rector, Box 195, Hot Springs, N. C. tf junS. Do you appreciate the advantage ^ of taking your fainiiy into a store and fitting them with shoes at one timf^? You can do this at 0. L. Er- whi’s. Read the ad. * I Vvill give to the Lady and Gen tleman who can Skate the most gracefully and make the best time in first half mile—First Prize, 1 lb Huylers Bon Bons, Second Prize, { lb Huylers Bon Bons, Thursday, May 14, 1908, from 8 to 10 :30 p. m. —W. M. Bradley, Manager. Wanted!—We want two or three men in each county to place cata logues and advertise our Family Supply Union Department. §18.00 per w-eek salary wath opportunity for extra commissions. Permanent positions. Address, Lake City Wholesale Co., 453 West G3rd St., Chicago, 111. Aprill7t6 Don’t Forget Me w-hen you need Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware. My line is very at tractive and you will find many ar ticles suitable for Wedding and Birthday presents. My prices are low for good quality Goods which are guaranteed as rexn’esented —C. B. McFee, Leading JeTreler. Notice—A primary convention of the Democratic party is hereby called for the Brevard x^rocinct to be held at the usual voting place on Saturday, the 16th day of May, 1908^.t 3 o’clock p. m., for the pur pose of electing Delegates to the County Convention to be held in the tovrn of Brevard on the 23rd of May, 1G08. This the 2nd day of May, 1908.—W. W. ZacharYv Ch’m. FRESH SHIPMENT { Lowney's Chocolate Bonbon Frappc Vanilla Frappe 0)ffee Cho. Ginger Cho* Maple Orange Frappe Lemon Praelines Cocoanut Praelines Choc* Walnuts Choc* Wafers Hershey^s Milk Choc* Peters Sweet Choc* miTCHELL & COX ONE Big Round Dollar will start you on the road to success ii it's placed on Time Deposit with us^ and by adding more of the same kind each week you wonH have any cause to worry about the future* SAFETY Deposit Boxes v/ill enable you to sleep without worry ing about those Insurance Policies, Deeds and other papers that ought to be in a safe place* We have ’em now at $2.00 per year, f 0/ 4% 'We People’s Bank 4 '0 Spring Opening | We speak of Program, Why not? Jill the choice goods in our stock S have an interesting story to tell. Their silent eloquence ^ readily forms Merchandise Songs without words. S J* In Glory Clad 2* Near to Thine Heart 3* At Thy Bosom Let Me Rest 4* The Band of Snowy White 5* Laughing up Your Sleeves 6* You Always.Put Your Foot in It.. 7* Just a HandfuU Soft and Clinging. 8* Visions of Beauty Surround You... 9* The Chill of Blasts Have No Ter rors Now 10* We Softly Tread (Duet) U * To Crown Your Wisdom to the Brim 12* The Rustle So Bewitching 13* Splendors Surround You 14* WeVe Tiny but Important 15* Filmy Threads With Cunning Gath ered (Duet) 16* White as Snow and Just as Pure.. 17* Gaily Float the Streamers Silken .. 18. What Noah Taught Me (Duet)... 19* The Song That Wins Our Suits ** Underwear ** Shirts ** Collars ** Cuffs Hosiery ** Gloves ** Neckwear 44 44 Spring and Summer Suits Boots, Shoes and Oxfords ** Hats Silks ** Dress Goods ** Notions 44 Embroideries ** Linens ** Ribbons Umbrellas ^ l^ain Coats ** Low Prices ^ Cash Store WM. P. WEILT I ! I e wc ^ANDC! ilSMlliJlSIEl MA1M& IN ^.lOUt3 3! This line of shoi Made to supply shoe, at a mode: under one name and The men’s and boys’ commonly known as and smooth inside as under the instep witJ Prices for Me Youths' The women’s, misses metal clinch and reta Prices for' Childrei Come and examine «( Diarrtic When you want a quick c any loss of time, and one that by no bad results, use Chasr’ Cr^'' • r It fa *h Chamberlain’s SSShS Never fails. Buy it now. It ma The Bh STE And sa: COPYRIGHT. 190: Brevard, N. C. 2 CHAPTEU XXXII S they had gatherec Ralph Slade’s tale, s depleted mess of tLi ine grouped thems Percy Darrow’s sequel. Slai *at directly across from tb assistant. Before him lay a •ered with jotted notes, slouched low in the chair ( right. Captain Parkinson ha ^r side. Convenient to Darr lay the material for cigarett talked he rolled cjiinder afte and between sentences consu in long, satisfying puffs. “First you will want to lej fate of your friends and si he began. “They are dead] them. Mr. Edwards, fell to to bury, as you know. He Handy Solomon. The others probably not see. Any one of ocean currents may ha them far av,-ay. The last g that you saw was the signa destruction. So the work o scientist, a potent benefact race, a gentle and kindly old brought about the death of 3*< and of my enemies. The ■and the guilty, the murdere plunder, the officer followiuj one and the same end—a pt our vaunted science is in t «uch tangled fates.” He and bitterly. Then he sq shoulders, and his raanne businesslike. “Interrupt me when any p clearing up,” he said. “If trail at best. You’ve the rigl •as plain as I can make it—w help. Cut right in with 3'our There’ll be plenty to answer, never will be answered. X( get this thing laid out clea own mind. You first saw let me see”— “Xight of June 2,” said “June 2,” agreed Darrow. the end of Solomon, Thracl A very surprising end to th| had time to think,” he addet “Surprising enough from ors’ viewpoint,” said Slade. “Doubtless. They’ve had from you. I needn’t go ovel ship picked up the Laughius serted, and put your first cr^ That night, was it not, yo| second pillar of fire?” Barnett nodded. “So your men met their d( •came the second finding of scliopner. Captain Parkin! ini