Baily Papers and Magazines OiarlestCHi News and Q>urier Atlanta Journal Augusta Chronicle New York Sun All Standard Magazines FOR. SALE AT Allison's Drug Store ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I take .this means of announcing myself candidate to represent this county in the "lower house of the next general assembly, subject to the action of the democratic county convention. If’ nominated and elected I will endeavor to further the best interests of the county and my fellow citi zens. Respectfully, Frank L. DeVane. I hereby announce myself as a candi date fw Representative of Transylvania county in the next general assembly of North Carolina, subject, however, to the action of the county democratic conven tion. G. W. Wilson. FOR SHERIFF Responding to the solicitation of many friends in various sections of the county, I have decided to become a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention. If nomi nated and elected shall strive to fiill the office with credit to the county. F. E. Shuford. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Transylvania county, subject, to the action of the Democratic nominating convention During the four years which I have been Sheriff I feel that ray official a'cts have generally met with the approval of my constituents, and should I again be nomi nated and elected, it shall be my aim and ambition to render to the public such offi cial service as will still meet the approval, not only of my Democratic friends, but of the entire citizenship of the county. Re-, spectfully, C. C. Kilpatrick. After consulting with my friends I have decided to enter the race for the nomina tion for Sheriff of Transylvania county on the Democratic ticket. I therefore desire to announce my candidacy subject to the will of the Democratic County Convention, and to ask the support of my friends throughout the county. If nominated and elected my every endeavor shall be to fur ther the best interest of my county and her citizens. Respectfully, * C- C. Yongue. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. After many solicitations from numerous friends and Democrats of Transylvania county, and after thoughtful consideration of the matter, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treas urer,. subject to the pleasure of the Demo cratic convention, which will be called to nominate county officers. Whatever my friends in the various parts of the county may do for me will be appreciated, and if nominated and elected will strive to fill the office to the best of my ability. This March 16,1908. Respectfully, Z. W. Nichols. At the request of many, many friends all over the county I announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treas urer, subject to the action of the Demo cratic convention. It will be my object, if nominated and elected, to serve the people faithfully. T. S. Wood. » Having been born and reared in Transyl vania county, I have always endeavored to make a true and faithful citizen. Never having been honored with a county or state office, I take this opportunity to ask the good people of my county to nominate me as County Treasurer at the next Demo cratic county convention, and I shall ever be grateful to them and faithful to my duty. Respectfully, W. L. Aiken. * FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. At the solicitation of my friends I an nounce myself as a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds of Transylvania coun ty, subject to the Democratic convention. * B. A. Gillespie. I wish to say to my friends that I am again a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Dem- Acratic nominating convention. This ^s made in response to inquiries from every section of the county as to whethA: I would again be a candidate, and whether nominated or not, I feel somewhat flat tered with having been solicited by so8itions in the drug busi ness. J. A Forsythe has been laid up for several days with an attack of erysipelas. Mrs. M. J. Orr has gone to Mills River to visit her father William Kimsey, who is seriously ill. W.W.Hamlin returned this week from a visit to his son Jones Ham lin at Greenville S. C. He reports crops in fipe condition in otir sister state. Coleman Galloway has been laid up for several days with a sore and swollen foot. The trouble was the result of poisoning from some un known source. R. P. Kilpatrick has started work building F. E. Shuford’s house on Maple street. The location is a £l,ne one and the building will be a cred it to our town. Leroy Ball of Asheville is in Bre vard, having the contract for fur nishing the new school house with plumbing and heating facilities. The work is now being carried on under Mr. Ball’s supervision. W. E. Bishop has been at work extending the water main on Ma ple street as far as the corner of Zachary avenue. This will accom modate the Price and Jenkins cot tages, as well as the new one now being erected by F. E. Shuford. At his office on Thursday, July 9th, our County Superintendent of Schools Prof. T. C. Henderson will conduct admission examinations for the A. & M. College at Raleigh. The College officers in charge of admission urge that all who expect to enter in September be examined at this time. St. Philips church, the third Sun day after Trinity, July 5, 1908. Morning prayer, communion and sermon at 11. Subject, “The Orig- inal feotirce of Power. ’ Sunddy School at 4 ; Pastor’s class at 4 :45. Tuesday, July 7th Woman’s Auxil iary at the rectory; Friday, even ing prayer with address at 5 :30. A citizen interested in the gen eral welfare suggested Wednesday night that, in view of the protract ed dry spell and its promised con tinuance, the town authorities be urged to have the streets sprinkled. Wednesday night and Thursday a higher law than the town authori ties intervened, and the work was beftter done. The South Carolina Press Associ ation, which has been in session this week at Gafney, S. C., will pass here^July 4th on a special train bound for the Lake, where they will remain over Sunday. This is a good time for our board of Trade to distribute information about this section, to be used by the editors in their home papers. Mrs. W. S. Price and Miss Rose Shipman gave their Sunday school classes an outing last Tuesday af ternoon on Dr. McLean’s lawn. Refreshments suitable to the sea son, such as cold drinks, cake and ice cream were served, and the young people were given a pleas ant afternoon- M. J. Orr was pres ent and contributed to the pleasure with music. A number of leading democrats in Brevard signed a telegram to be sent to the county delegation at the Convention, while the battle Was at its fiercest over the guber natorial nomination. The telegram raad: “Never go to Kitchen.” And it seems that the western counties generally stood by their man, as his vote at the last reached its highest mark. Dr. J. K. S. Case of Greenville, S. C., is visiting among his old friends in Transylvania for a sum mer vacation. He is the same jo vial “Doc” that we used to know so well in the years that are gone*. He has been practicing medicine in Greenville for the past twelye years and has bxiUt up a large and lucrative business, and a summer rest among our mountain breezes and ice-cold springs has been richly earned and will do him a world of good. — ^^ » » . Business Locals. Mitchell & Cox. V Don’t order. See Dovle. Rooms to Rent—See T. B. Crary at the store. If it’s Jewelry, McFee has it, if McFee has it, it’s the Best. Assorted line of long gloves, silks and hosiery at Kilpatrick & Loftis. New line of laces and linen just arrived.—Kilpatrick & Loftis. Freeh line of Hayler»s and Low- ney»8 candies just received at Alli son’s drug store* Glazener’s Sale Saturday July 4. Don’t miss it. • Don’t wait too long—buy your ce advertised as delinquent and property sold.—J. A, Galloway, Town Tax Collector. You don’t need to “break in” the “Patriot” shoe. It feels comfortable and fits right from the firet. See them at O. L. Erwin’s store. * Come to our big reduction sale Saturday, July 4th, and buy your self something for almost nothing. Some of the biggest bargains that has ever been offered.—M. J. Glaz- ener & Son, Rosman, N. C. For Rent—Large, well-lighted store room with warehouse in rear, in Fraternity Building, Broad St., Brevard, N. C. Apply to Dunn’s Rock Bldg Co., H. B. Brunot, Treas., Brevard. tf Right is right. If you owe your merchant $8.00 and that is right, all right, lint if you pay him $9.00, it is more than right. Just $1.00 more. Our McCaskey Accounts shown at your house are always right.—O. L. Erwin. Just received a large and com plete stock of men’s ladies and chil dren’s rubbers in the following brands J Womans Foothold, Men’s. Sensibles, Womans Sensibles, Men’s' Puritan, Men’s Radney, ~Mi«ses Bedfords, to be sold at and below first cost. Come and see ds l^fore buyilB.g. ' We can save ' you' 50 ’per cent on tubbers.—J. C. Whitmire, jr Why go to Asheville for"’ clocks jewelry and silverware when you can get it at home. My line is nobby and prices low. Come in and get prices before buying.—McFee. ' All persons indebted to me whose accounts are ovefr one year old must come and make some kind of a pay ment or I shall proceed to take judg ment against them.—T. W. Whit mire. New goods coming in every day. We dou’t.keep goods—they can’t stay with us. Our name Is sell re gardless of cost or value. A large line of brown sheetings and bleach ing expected today, prices first cost. Come and see us; we can supply yoii. Yours for low prices and fair treat ment, J. C. Whitmire, jr., the mer chant that sell? at your price. CLOSING OUT, We have just received a fine as sortment of CAKES and CRACKERS in bulk and in packages, made by the National Biscuit Co., which we wish to close out right quick so we can order some more of the same. Come early and secure your pick before they are all gone. MItOHELL & COX ONE Big Round Dollar will start you on the road to success if it^s placed on Time Deposit with us, and by adding more of the same kind ^h week you won^t have any cause to worry about the future* ^ «*** . Boxes- "' K' will enable you to sleep without Worry ing about those Insurance Policies, Deeds and other papers that ought to safe place* We have ’em now at $2.00 per year. 4% "Ke People’s Bank 4 ^\iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir/ij^ I = PUpGR^M I I Summer Opening | = We speak of Program, Why not? Jill the choice goods in our stock S s have an interesting story to tell. Their silent eloquence = = readily forms Merchandise Songs without wolrds, = = In Glory Qad Our Suits = = 2* Near to Thine Heart Underwear = S 3* At Thy Bosom Let Me Rest Shirts = S 4* The Band of Snowy White ** Collars S = 5* Laughing up Your Sleeves ** Cuffs S S 6* You Always Put Your Foot in It.. ** Hosiery S S a Handful, Soft and Clinging. Gloves S = 8* Visions of Beauty Surround You... Neckwear * = = 9* The ChUI of Blasts Have No Ter- • ^ = S rors Now * * • Spring and Summer Suits S S JO* We Softly Tread (Duet) ** Boots, Shoes and Oxfords S S U* To Crown Your Wisdom to the Brim ** Hats ' = S The Rtxstle So Bewitching ** Silks S S Splendors Surround You * ** Dress Goods S = 14* We^re Tiny but Important i ** Notions = S Filmy Threads With Cunnii^ Gath- = = ered (Duet) ** Embroideries • = S 16* White as Snow and Just as Pure.. Linens ^ S 17* Gaily Float the Streamers Silken .. Ribbons = S What Noah Taug^it Me (Duet)... ** Umbrellas ^ Hain Coats S S The Soi^ That W^ins Low T^rices S S Cash Store ^ WM. P. WEILT Breuard, N. C. = '%iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiitiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiv^ N.C.DEM AND S nominees of tion S'Hd t at Chariot TH lieute SECRF J. SUPERI i: INSURA^ J ATTC r COMMISSI COMMISS CORPORA' ELEC J. W. Bai The Dem in. conventi* allegiance of true De: congratiilat 'wise, the nomical coi since its I'c State. Tn the emor Aycc sentence: extra orc’ilnf party goes one policy gin«.’' The Den ed into po’ came the State, years are trust impc has been is! rations cock and added pres affair^ ha clean ePfic has come Oni of der the ro( no more di The peopl Responsib Condition free deveh To the greater o| and Nort tional leadt stable irovi fidenco, Lo ed with good rondf but are gr tut ions ha' credit and ord is nn duct. Ap as onr nee reduced, able to ad the govern The Co remembereij creased p in the day of the un call of th the blind now holds her unfor a refuge islature c lion dolla all onr un of our a our care. And th( itself to make for section of| curity of 'ty of oui Glenn We endl ^ive ad ml ^ilenn ancj J^pprove a| North ^Pnators ingress We re< <^reased ii huildino '’antages creased laj easy tranj and the c< flnf"'* tear , longer an practical ^ions of States whi find belici improving! good roads PiPdmont ^ith the 2Teat gco< fore, we ternal imj onr State ^^ugcrest th| sembly tal ter as ma^