Baily Papers and Magazines Charleston News and Courier Atlanta Journal Augusta Chronicle New York Sun AH Standard Magazines FOR. SALE AT Allison’s Drug Store LOCil PAIiAGRAPHS. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Church Morris on Saturday, Sept. 12, a boy. ill’s. T. H. Shipman made a visit | Cameron DeVane, a conductor on to Asheville and returned |ast Mon-. Seaboard Air Line, is on a visit day. >k*s. B. Broyles of Yale, N. C., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. B. T. Egerton. ili-s Anna McD^^itt of Madison «>imty visited her father Lctvis Summey last week. 3Dss Anna McIntosh of Waynes- Tille, a sister of Mrs. Frank Jen- "kins, is in Byevard. M. M. Bryant of Rosman vras a visitor to Brevard last Wednesday, ikntl called at this cliice. J. F. Starnes preached to a very b.T^e crowd at the new school house near Selica Sunday. Donald 2*icIntosh, who has been for a few weeks on a visit to 'W'aynesville, has returned. Mrs. S. E. Tenney, of Ajjopka, Flu., was here on a visit to Miss Lila Riley during the week. All ad changes must be brought m by noon on Wednesdays if changes are desired in the vreek's issue. tf Miss Ruth Wiley of Asheville, a niece of Rev. W. P. Chedester, is on a. few days visit to Mrs. E. ^V. Carter. iliss Elisc Yralker, who has been visiting friends in Brevard, return ed last kSaturday :o her home in Tiyon. Airs. J. R. Withers, Vv'ho has been Oil a visit of scv: :-al v\*ecks to Bre- viml, returned to her home in Da vidson last Monday. Miss Gertrude Ziichary left last .’iiomlay to begin her second year at Tjie State jTornial and Industrial College at Greensboro. On 3Ionday, while the puinls and teacrhei? of the Czh'aaed School were taking their horUcty, the bell was put u]) at the school house. Miss Cora W'il-scin, of Piedmont, S. C., Las -ome Brevard to at tend th;.! Brevard Institute, and is staying teinporiirily iit W. M. Henry’s. The "ipworth League devotional .service Friday ev-ning will be con ducted by Prof. Jones. A good at- ndanee of monibors and others is ^3€'sired. «r. M. Butler of Tryon made a visit to the Xc ws oi£ce last Wed nesday. Mr. Butl-r is an old news- pajx'r man, being the father of the fiyon Bee, the ili'-sz newspaper in Polk conutj". Tlioro will be preaching next >* ;ijJay morning at the Presbyte rian church by ihe pastor at the nsnul hour, 11 a. ni. At 8 p. m. Rev. G. V* . Painter, a missionary to China, now on a visit home will itddi’ess the congregMTion. L. Gucnrie of Atlanta, who was in Brev;trd during rhe early sum- iiter, is here again on a visit. He ’■amo to see his sister, Mrs. O. C. Morgan, who has been quite ill but j> novr somov.'hiiT improved.. Mr. Giithri(> and Mrs. Morgan expect to leave here for Aihmta the latter nai't of the week. The 14th Sunday after Trinity, He^pfember 20, lOCR, at St. Philips f:hurCh: 1. jMormn^r x^rayer, com- mr.nion and sern'jon at 11. Subject, ■The Jl-. rality of Words.” Special offering for Indii-.n missions. 2. Saiiday school at 4. Junior Auxil- ti*ry Missionary Mooting. 3. Fri- diiy, Ember Day; service at 5:30. 4. .Monday, Sept. 31., St. Mathews day. Service at 11. The Lesson for the week—“Fciith, Hope and '.'Charity.” The Gospel “The cleansing of the Samaritan Lei^er. ^ hy luith huth n^ade thee whole.” The Epistle—-The fruit of the spir it contested with the works of the nesh.’' The Collect—-The Increase of Faith, Ho77c and Charity.” to his brother F. L. DeVane. August was a great month for tourists. In that month alone 551 pieces of baggage were received at this station. Supt. Henderson held an exami nation for public teachers’ certifi cates at the court house last Friday and Saturday. There was a ball game Tuesday afternoon between the Institute and High School teams. The High School boys won by a score of 10 to 8. Mrs. J. C. King is on a visit to Spartanburg, where she will later move for the winter for the pur pose of sending her children to “School in that city. J. H. Lockett, D. G. S., of Hen dersonville, representing the Im- X^roved Order of Red Men, was in Brevard last week in the interest or that order and called at the Xews office. Miss Olivia Allison of Glade Creek was a visitor to this office last Wednesday. She left as a pres ent an acorn cymling grovcn in her garden, which -looks very much like a round yellow squash held by baby fingers. The Ladies’ Book Club, after tak ing the summer vacation, held their first meeting of the fall and wintef season at Mrs. Cheatham’s last W^ednesday afternoon. ‘ A course of study was outlined, and a selection of books made by the members. The Cherryfield depot is to be moved at an early date from its X)resent x^osition to the crossing at Whitmire &: Hamilton’s new store. The station house will be moved and located ox^posite the store on a lot deeded to the railroad by J. C. Whitmire and J. C. WHiit- mire Jr. / Mrs. Janie Holden, wife of Charles Holden, whose home is in King’s creek glen, died last Sun day morning, and vais buried at the Glazener family cemetery last Mon day. She was the daughter of Dump Searcey, and was married to Charles Holden about a year ago. Funeral services Vv’ere conducted at the grave by Rev. Levi Grant. Begining with next Sunday, the summer schedule on the Southern will be discontinued and the winter schedule will be effective. No. 7 will go down by Brevard at 9 :05 a. m., and No. 8 will arrive from Asheville at 5:40 p. m. There will be no other passenger tra,ins. The local freight will leave this station on the arrival of ■ No. 7, go to Lake Toxaway and back to Henderson ville, and return to Bievard at 5 :20 p. m. The Charlotte News of Sex^t. 7, contains the following x)iece of news about one of Brevard’s boys: “Mr. Clyde A. Duckworth, a member of the firm of C. H. Robinson & Co., has been admitted to the bar as a young attorney. Mr. Duckworth is at present manager of the retail book store of the above firm and will not give any of his time to the X^ractice of law at x^resent but later will be associated with his father Vv'ho has been x^racticing for over 30 years.” RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. Last Saturday night J. M. Kil patrick met with an accident that came near terminating fatally. In company with his wife and one t>f his daughters he was driving from home toward Main street when his horse suddenly took fright, got be yond control and dashed up North Caldwell street. At the same time Mrs. W. H. Allison and her son Haskell were driving down Cald well street, returning home from town. Mrs. Allison heard the ap proaching vehicle and drew to one side as far as possible to let it x>ass. Mr. Kilpatrick’s buggy dashed into Mrs. Allison’s, throwing that lady out, was itself turned bottom up ward and dragged some distance up the road. Mrs. Kilpatrick was thrown eut, but Mr. Kilpatrick was imx^risoned under the upturned buggy and dragged with it. When the buggy was righted by the un evenness of the ground, Mr. Kil- X)atrick w’^as found in a badly in jured condition. He was taken home and very soon several physi cians were on the spot. Mr. Kilpatrick’s wounds were very serious, and at first ax)peared almost fatal. Nearly all the injury was suffered by his face. The nose was crushed, the cheek bones broken, and nearly all the upper teeth knocked out. Breathing was rendered very difficult on account of the cox^ious flow of blood in the nostrils. The skillful vrork of the X)hysicians. however, together with Mr. Kilpatrick’s indomitable pluck, pulled him through the first dan gerous effects of the shock and laceration of his face, and by the next afternoon he was resting com- XJaratively easily. It is now hoped that he is on the road to sure re- very, though the marks of the terrible accident can never be wholly obliterated. Neither Mrs. Kilimtrick nor Mrs. Allison vras seriously hurt by the collision. Mr. Kilpatrick’s daugh ter jumped from the rear of their buggy before the two crashed to gether. Haskell Allison also made a fortunate jumx> and so escax^cd injury. Both the buggies were X>retty badly smashed in x:>laces. pSfNE-l^ULL Sunday the 13th at high noon, at the bride’s home in the presence of a large crovrd, was witnessed a very beautiful wedding. The hax)l)y x^‘^i’fics were Miss liachael Mull and Mr. William H. Payne, Rev. J. F. Starnes oiiiciating. ]\[iss Mull is the daughter of Mrs. Sarah Mull and the late J. C. Mull, of Dunns Rock tovvuishix). Mr. Payne lives in Piedmont, S. C., where he and Mrs. Payne will make their home. UNCLE ZEKE’S NEWSPAPER. Salmon In the Hudson. That salmon were plentiful in the Hudson 300 years ago is attested by an enti-y in the log book of Juct. the mate of Hudson in ^he Half Moon, which sailed up the North river on Sept. 15, 1G09. The record says: “The morning was misty until the sun arose; then it cleared. So we weighed anchor with the wind at south and ran up the river twenty leagues, passing by high mountains. We had a very good depth, as six, seven, twelve and thirteen fathoms and great store of salmon in the river.” We are plaassd to receive this week the first cox3y of The Plerald, a news])aj)er published at Forest City, N. C., and edited by C. V. Fowles and G. L. Hiott. Mr. Fowles is well known to the read ers of this x^iiper, and is warmly remembered in this office, where he spent many an hour and did many a lick of work. He was “Uncle Zeke” here, and we see that he is “Unce Zeke” there, and tha.t Uncle Zekeism crops out v>uth undimin ished flavor. The Herald is well gotten ui:*, has an opening editorial full of common sense, nevrsy local para graphs, and a corner of “Uncle Zeke’s” own, which is redolent of his peculiar and original thought substance. W^e shall welcome The Herald as a regular visitor to our table, and wish for it a successful career. Business Locals. Mitchell <& Cox. Don’t order. See Dovle. Don’t fail to see Mrs. Norton’s Millinery Opening to-day, Sep. 18. Heaths for the Winter, coal and wood, from $1.50 to $15.00 at W. E, Bishop’s. Fresh shipment of Lowney’s Can dies just received at Allison’s Drug Store. The Robertson new two story residence, in North Brevard to rent. Terms made reasonable. Apply to W. K. Osborne, or W'. P. Whitmire. tf. Dr. J. H. McLean, D. D. S., will will be away from Sex). 5th to 25th. All who are in a hurry for dental work had better call at once. s4t3 Do you appreciate the advantage of taking your family into a store and fitting them with shoes at one time? You can do this at 0. L. Er win’s. Read the ad. * For Rent—Large, well-lighted store room with warehouse in rear, in Fraternity Building, Broad St., Brevard, N. C. Apply to Dunn’s Rock Bldg Co., H. B. Brunot, Treas., Brevard. tf t Wanted—Farm, or large tract of land, part bottom, near B. R., in Western N. C., $500 cash. Owners answer,’ giving exact location and imx)rovemen1 s, if any. M. K, Smith. Box 1180, Providence, R. I. For Sale—A good farm of about 40 acres, three miles from Brevard on the Island Ford Road. Has two dwelling houses, one good bam, and a fine orchard.—Apxdy to W. H, Duckworth, Brevard, N, C. s24* Fish Roe. Something good for Breakfast 20c Can MITCHELL & COX Net Good at Riddles. A lawyer was (]uostioning a new cl fen ti a widow, the other d.iy. about her history. “My liistory,” she r&plicd, “is simplicity itself. My first was the happiness of my life, my second was goodness Itself, my third”— “Excuse me, madam,” interrupted the attoriiey, “but really we aren’t here to guess charades.” Brevard Institute. Best of Instruction at LOWEST GOST Sagacity Rsoognizcd. “Our forefathers who frarnod the constitution vrere men of mighty in tern gonco.” “Yes." answered Senator Sorghum. “T Rometimf^s tempted to believe they knev,’ as mucli about the con- Rtitutlou as son’e of the lawyers who Iiave since Interpreted it.”—Washing ton Star. m idiu FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 3, (908 In Six Departments Art Improvemers-t. Ml'S. De Iiicho (showiu" her home to Mi*s. Windfall)—What do you think of my Venus do Milo? Mrs. Windfall— Ain’t it a shame how careless servants are! But couldn't j’ou glue the arms on nj?ain?—ruck. 1. ACADEMIC—Elementary and High School. 2. NORMAL—Lectures, Recitations and Practice Teaching. 3. BUSINESS—Book-keeping, Shorthand, Xypewriting, Commer cial Law. 4. MUSIC—Piano, Hand Culture, Voice, Tone Placing. 5. BIBLE—Recitation Talks, Mission Study,Christian Association 6. INDUSTRIAL—Domestic Science, Dressmaking, Millinery, Photography, Printing, Agriculture, Carpentry. PURPOSE—^To Offer Preparatory Education that Young Peo ple Need at a Price that Anybody Can Pay. For full information address C. H. TROWBRIDGE, Brevard, N. C. An Admiasion. Wat^s had just corrie in from his club. lie appeared to be in the best of humor, and his Vvife soon found out why. “You’ve heard me speak of Sellers, haven’t j’ou?” he asked. “That man that knows such an aw ful lot about the tariff?” ventured Mrs. Waters. “The man who talks so much about it,” corrected Waters. “Well, we had ! a long argument about it this evening, | and I came out away ahead.” j , “You didi” exclaimed Mrs. Waters, surprised. j “Yes; I got him to admit that he! -knows no more about it than I do.”— i Exchange. I Mill I B —THAT’S WHAT THE— WEILT’S One-Price Spot Cash Store is—always ahead. We [lave so oiaof Good Tilings to offer to the people, we hardly know what to mention first. AMERJCflW BEAUTY Siyle 62S Kalamazoo Ccr$et Co.,' Maker* CHIFFON BRAND Notice* All parties owning property in the Town of Brevard against which sidewalk tax assessmant has been levied are hereby notified that if said tax is not paid on or before Sept. 25, 1908, said property will be advertised and sold for the payment of the same pursuant to law. Done by crder of the Board of Aldermen. T. H. GALLOWAY, Clerk. Our Fall Dress Goods Fall and Winter Clothing, Furnishings for Men and Women arc exciting the admiration of the people and the envy of our competitors^ and the thousands of things in our other departments are equally as attractive as these* In price^ as well as in style and in quality, you will find The One-Price Spot Cash Store always ahead* We make every dollar do the greatest possible service in our buying, and exiling in this we naturally excel also in the selling, our customers getting the benefit of our ca^ buying—a saving for you*. We buy for cash only/while most dealers buy on long time credit and sell the same way* This gives us the inside track on our competitors, and though it is hard on them, it's a fine thing for our customers* Don't you see? Wise County’s Greatest Store W. p. WEILT’S ONE-PRIOE SPOT CASH STORE Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishing Goods, BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Most of the BEST for the LEJiSr Nig E. Van ■write of 19* reach miser toms, night chest, called to tal^ “Tv to inf was 1 highc one tl ■was r “II; cided plied takin mean “Tl alarn my g as it J “II on t> time Per gist. Old man, Hicks’ Whetht or whal and lie take. ' and 5Uc i ""I ] a subs ing a quencc takiir shete sel u] live t made a pc pound round a bra sold I about broke a well been i & a 3 me or was 1 nothir pnnir Ark” reasor in tov & ain shete Qua Bal] Nia