Sylvan Valley News ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY .V llOMK PA1’1:R KOR llOMK I’KOPI^K-AT^i:, IlOMK 1‘KIJsT VOLUME-XVll liREVAlll). NOHTII OAliOLINA, FinDAY. I'l'lil AllY Hi. 1012. EVERY VOTER INVITED TO SHOW HIS COLORS nioT\t of tlx' TC('\vs that this ('h’ction will he tlit' w.irinrst :)ro])o- ] sitioTi ovi‘r nii(U'rtnlv(‘Ti in tliis { 1‘ontily. Tin- ri'snlt <>t' lhi." hallo: ^ will un(h)uh!('(lly liavi' I in t lu‘(’’licfi.LTo an'l 1 {allinb wi-con-j vt'iitions. ;ni(i it is vi>r\' iitn'i>rtai t I BATTLESHIP MUNE IS FLOATING IN HARBOR DEMONSTRATION WGRK S'1RA>V VOTE rO B1 in ri!F. NEWS S(‘f»r<>tary Wilson has ri'cci v<'d , tlie follow in^'r(’])ort on Di'tnonstra- j tion Work of the Drpartnient in I North <’;•) olina ; i TAKEN ! MANCHUS' RM.E IS ENDED: I )i'iiionstration Work is only four y;':i rs old in N(_;rth (I'olina, V('^ it Bi-i)ii; or S(Mu1 th( hallot i’l at oncc. as tht ]H'lis will m t ' lonir. O’.) 'U \cr’.' IN CHINA has hccoint' a ])o\vi‘j’ tin re for ]>ro- :„’-n‘s>iv(‘ airricnlturt', and. thr(,n^r}j EVERY COONTr MADE A FAVORABLE REPORT SANFORD H. COHEN SELEC TED MAN.VGER. \ ote For > our Choice For I’rcsi- t)ont, SiMii’.tor, Ck>vernor and C v)5i^':i'ossnian A hallot ho\ has oi'tM! |World’s News Sliown at i ^tlio ^t'noral r.Tilift ot tho Creater W estcrn North C.arolinti P' Xew-S oih.T i.Ti.I rac!! vot>-r s ^ j horiU'-lif,* of the iarni(>r. Association Nov/ Rcadv til ni.iMo V ill !n' \. iitti'M in a hook as )i.‘ votos, IT’ o!'['-v t" ])V(-V»'nt any .r<on V )'iii_r r ■ . A> sr.i >T n- rh n.>ils art* ( h scd • .NOW ' liiiii for all u'ooo '1 niov t( >;! ■ T ' t'i ‘ aid of thvir i>ai- i v'.“ r*'<n ma‘Ii'r ■ 1 at yor.r ]M>liti.-a: t"r . ;n':a ■'II ) o\'.‘r till' . ;'non;icc th-.- 'lilimcc for the Henefit of the Busy Mdn. for Business. j Many far’ni'rs. ndvancod in a”:*'. I clcphii't' tli(' fact that Drinonstra- ! tion 'Work did iiot h<‘,i^in S(‘v<‘rai | (Iccjidos airo so that th(>y ini-liT livo tho nic<-lin,- of th.> <Jvoat,‘r Wcsttirn Xrrt'i Ci.roiir.a \>socia- ra '\ ha ' I' a vo'^-' :n no'v ). rh.‘ X. V is -•t 'A .l . Ilf II , L". V- ; av;a adva I --I- • ''vhi. wai in' * a k . Ttin^’- fh'- .>]nT,( a ■ ■!» :- ’ : < 'h• . , i Tl ■ ■ 1 ^ \v!i > ^ c: i t ^ • . t • ‘ hi yi "1 \o”‘‘‘ tl.. ''ol,-. Wet >v ill : i Mr i . i i T- inif V, t ■ 1 '■•t a ll, r 1 .1' An ! . Tlr.s Ti'cj. . ;.'oii V 0-. ,1u ,m!: wih Tf y I’l 1 T- . ( i 'h'iiv ■! (i t V. 1. . 1 't \ ' arlM _r an'>th '■ i .i: ' ll , 1 ut ir T as : i ‘ '. I-. ^ M' ra r. r l 'T' t. Ir I’-T ’n - ’ ''"1' c'o ■*! )I1> ■ f : ; • >rra ^. t ■ ' ^ n\ • ' - . i: 111,' . \]‘ ■ ■ < ll- ■ ]■' >‘i> -Ai.l N ■ \s o''ti', I an r : 1 ■!vt'd to: ■ ;I :K. I-. L' V ’■ HllTtles^l:p Maine Moated. ; lon«j^ ononirh to |]i,. fi'nits of 1 i“' wrt'clv The hatth'shid j its trachin^s. thrri'hy r»vi]-inir ihi* . ;.7'.d tlu“ ri'- j Mai'.u , w .I't h ]i;.s hc-n Ivins; in tin' ! hem fits of nioro houritifni cro]is I ui >v< :idt‘a>t to ^ mild at Tho Dot'civ; »f liavaita har-i prodrn'cil at a iiinmnnni cost of sp. >r;a] l‘‘as('(l hoi- siiKV' i-cl'riary l.>, Isii'--. was , ca']! and lahi r Many fai'ivior.-' who ,r.n >. .\ia\i.ic j iloatcd ,r ‘f <1 tiic innd last i^r.nday’ ht (M1 iti ihi' woi’k <ini' yi*ar ■I'""’'' ^1'“' I^if'Tdin-r T( A.-.-.ociar(d slat.' tiiat as sncfossf nl fr inors | ji],],. fj,,^ v".jnl.i-r I I’rc.-^s d:>]»aT'-ht'S Ma ;o'* i-‘irdy • fld v aro i nlv ottc' vc'a i’old tioii 11(1(1 171 Ashcviiio iasT Tliurs- day S;,ri(,;(| }1, ('ohi fi \va^> clri-l.'d as nianaLTor of th*' assoria iion. Kach ol’ the c(i!:nii( coi sti- tutiiiLT the association ''a vor- •H ENTERTAIN I of ('oiiiniittt“<'!ni‘7i a^)i)oii:ted. rr-ns(;]'. \\ avn.'>vdl.’, . v’ .i 'fj.,. ^yovk is hax-d n]:on sonnd, i acd it was d-,‘CM]<-d to 1.old aa a. \ > ’I 111( .■ '• - ■ I- ( h i: -.*. ,17';'’ i ’ 'Iiiy 1 ^ t he >,i’ • t i' i lo'i?K: ! ,, t 'ui * s Pa ^ '•i.'i- foi-irf, . ■ . ]'’■ ]. : ‘7; t I. '! I' : ' ( ' ■ rri'‘'d 1 -o :!■'! I ' 1 t<- r . - u . I'-rt i,'. ; M ' i-io * h' ■ am I'. ' >. ..v> i;-,s t tile nai:i-> it 1 i. Iiavr i' I '1 n- iiT.i ’n» d :: • ! - "U t ‘i;s j li. • ."I'T.,! >1 W' '>''ir -: ■! n* s’'/h- Iv^' I >iun..i ,;r .. n Ml i ' • ■ ’■ rM._ < IV !' \ vi ■ V. :", i I \ 1 •: ])ol tha i V(-;i : ’■ i ')(■ 1'. ■ ; ! ' t. I. I d - tin . •! ' I ’ I . * * t M I \ , ill ; 1 d - r„ - i: • . : " 'ft . I ■ 1 w.l' ■ .nd 1' i- :: is- r l’l‘ti’-cnt of! ’r *’-i ni.,ttvT ’ ' :>i ):o n-' r ( : . • T, ■ *)i .:- (t' ■\'oti r .r r.ii ^h.-( . I' 0 *. a N V' "hoi; ■ .1 I; 1..-! i ' ( ‘ v. d t . 1-- It I ; 1 ■ a) • 1 r ^1 a i! - i’ e 1. 1 ^ \.i i t. 1 ,er<i ;T'. ..- '!li iiad. ' IjC 1 ■ ! !■ 'la i \l']: -T! i(-fi -re ' ' ’h.e ' S - •n ■ s . r -Tf ". s> .it thi‘ F.a]i- ’ ^ ita 7 i> • 1 t: - • ! .;■ ^a^•a • at tl.i ' i - I > r ■. ■ ih,7!'hll till r “ hi V:z. 1 I’l ■■ VIL . ; ^a Ii . ij ■!' - •! t i-.'Tfd a all ■ :. . ‘ a ■ ■ . i\ a i.i• 1 \ .--li , ... I ‘1 C’-- All 'it - 1 r I- ' t--'.--h t I.I !'. a ■ ! . ) - -a ' \\ a ' • p-, V. > ■ > , • 1 - . ! IV. T • ' \! It r\ v; '• t.]> . . t '/li'- ■ 1. ^1.-...1-. > . !' .■< 1 --I a ' - 'ar T- . • T , . ' - . ■ « • 1 ■ - . 7 • ■ ■ ’• 'wa ' 7 .l !! . 'T f L’ 1 • 1 ■ I ■ 1 ..X ■ . ,1 .*,■ -! t e ■ I 5 1. . t . . 1 • I'M ' ri- \-t- ’.y \ ’' ■ - li.l.', . -re i ■' r«“ • t - W •. • -ve.l. ..VI ! al wt -. ' ' ail'- ‘ ■ '.1 ! i , _ . 'jr 1 1- . ; -I )• y -;. •'1 r.c7i ■ 1 V . ]■ i- : - , - )>Ie ^ ' ] i * ' ^ ' at til'- I 1 •!> .r ?1. ' ' h> .-'t T . i 1 * ‘ ■ ' ;‘L •( 11 a t ;' a; .' a J’ t at a i t e .'^lin IV ' < 1 00' .- - i .e . a’i.if'i A -.'I y-- I.' UC ; 1 e- a7:.: \ 'lot 0 ’ f.' > l;7. 1.; -^e'. . >'. ai' -. ; ' ''''d i :'.eet W’t 1 ''7',' ■ 1 t-.'i 1 !■" ■' .“;e'l: S’r.o.i v >111 . ;, 1 1 , • ^ ^ ll rot Ih'!- )>rincjplo. i j>ii‘(‘tinir on March I Ihi'n;i<t >cv. ral inont a:i:l ar last; .-ncii ;,s a d<'<>n soil, -jil.-nry of | ('onsidcrahio :ntcr( si was >Mowti n sncccsMul. ' hMinns. i:n])T-ov.*d si'.d. int(>n.-ivo | in tho nict'l-u: and th- ; ti.f. ian.-.^ ac th- ha'' .•< -I. '.%• oi> the v'V('ck *(ij’ A'.'I!-1 ri d and ossi'idial in h ,, ' . • • ■ • • ■ 1-iiu.-. >i-( .i. JiiiciiM\o I in niciMtn:; and tii- ; tit r. ia]!. rai'cl hy hnildiiur .-iiltivalion. r itation of cro])s. ote | was very lar-. . tl.o hoar ! . f tra<; l'uin])n;': tlh I 1h, Nrork ’sa •r-oinnlishi-n: t],.-, 7.,,,,;,,., hcinc lo,, small to !<i th I r.-vu l>ur;'os- i,,r hit was d.-sMv ,.1. \ ,.^,,vd. the v ,,.r i:, .s n,;i 'I'ari^v r( ]'airi‘d ' shown i?i a nn.'uhcr <.vay.-v. | to th.c Y. M (’ \ oasto i. M. wh-‘?) th- war. ;■ wa>i For instanco th(‘ a ^ci-a-c yi( id of | ],n> was th.- s.‘l.,-i.p or t t|M I'MSl ' ^],,, l.f.-j,,, a rs I'.as h a lit t'< ■ a'? it’.;rT;c(! .toth ' I ■ ('snri *. a mi the ; Noj-t h < a ro',{ >y I h:iM Ic-d . o ts IK ,v alloa* a;jra'.'r.. ; f. >r ’vany ' ’.-.dri 'sc , :siTo>--. ; hi ot;,. cd -.1;; I '■’■■I' 5 ‘shri w.,'- ill I!'.; v’c' .> i.T.dcr 'ici'h n-^i ra*i >n r i ■ ‘ li- , Ih I’l 1. .Ma,-' . Fci-'iison -.vho 1. is ^ ,,1., v,c-c v,> ,i.r.(W>: 1m ]■ -. :t; h 11 I - ■ ■ ■ I (, f 1 1.1 ‘ Wo r 1<. ' *a > 1 1] (1 ■ ' ,:, ‘1 a . • M ; 1 11 ' c ])' I Iici]ia , r • rh- ' ''ouii;n■> ;',s t o ra;liir a--s<>'- in ;;fi‘*-Ti ' '.ishc'-- T'l ]• a. '•*' 'I’hc ,,ts. v’c: > i.T.dcr b'lM. n-iraM >n Vi • h- ! :.-ir-'‘n ■11 v.-s 1 n n • i> 'oin'..' ' ■ i •' ui;T\ . ^vl i: 1, l « ,n ;■ , I'.l^'.iiI >I)(j 1 vc’ iirt' 1 n L'ra t Ilia 11 o; I ('w lii'^ acri , ard i 1 i'oi i:]< wi i’i rc’.va n ;!h.T^ Tl. ' ; . -I • , ‘ I- , ]' I o 1. T . ■ ■ la ' ■' ; i u '. ■I r 11 i I oiv;i ■( 1 ;i .V >■ ,. •' ' wa;- H) lil t *hi’ !).•' lance \' ! ii'ld T J , ^ t -sci . 'll, ;:\ 1'’!' I ’h • /T- a ;1 :i~ » ! vaiM;i co. I'!icS. U a>l,wi^T.,)' tri ^ a' ]>;•(,:,ahlvh- V r - iti I ,-fo:>ah)y :h- -1- 1 cr 1 w . 1 ■ "T , ^ t -cp, : mI , ;v,.;v iva<.yr.. Vr- fj.,. i;;;i a.ii rn'it- a sm1 (•!.: o.: , 1. vic.ii ^ •ua:ti.'-; lla-n.. i' wa- I'l'n'-.r-d ''•V-. t!i' -T'.lc V 1. - ir 1 ■ ’ ,1 j ( 7>, i- ; 1 ]• a:;d'r 11 ■ • I 1' ccmT:.! ; .irt oi • hc‘| t •f s:,oo , )i : h.- .■{ .ijainsi j’olk i o-inty \sa~ M' „iit ]■" '■ I'n: 1 ■' ' n, f -t. I a: 11 ' \ 1 I'.i- t)l ...arh- .■ i r *roT,. V -K-.' !■ 'I'iM- l>cni-.n>traf, ■; Wo-'k sta I’.ls ^ a,ni ^ j-;, ^ n-i-a-nd r 'v.- ih' iro\-, wr rlic irro\>-inL:-T! tic f;,r7n -vcrv : r;,i>^'d w ithin ; o \v dav-. V •''.•Il l, V. r- n< ,* I'"- a- - .-o.. I H ctcd the -s 1 .(>i i' as '(•■'•■'(‘ll : '.'a I n>l it. (I. ■; h iiiT lii'cdcd liicro in Mi'' '.\a\ ( t ' sor '-o '1 i (■ .".11 • ’ • . ■ loll t 1 • . I'- a I '^i■■ . ,^'ht! 1' '“M' ni) ';i ", .-a’' I'nl r.-c >-d' ■ I i :: i r 1.! I'art in. \ koT in t! '■ w. :1: .<V'. v th-'-'i n C t - I a' 'can t)o -rown lor very nrich x-vs 1 vonld lu'ahic t- n ]>oU 1h I'ul r. ,111.1. V a-ii . and wid >..■ t);an niark-.i ;iri,-es. ']’h I'l- ' ^ j anioiivt at a lat-- dw.-H,,.- '!'1, ‘ ’1 >'!i an T’' I' land. I th.■’■•'■fore. '- an c c"t;-<■ ai- or.'- i .a/iintv i.-> 'oeii ■la- T ' oT’:-,ni'atit r in Non r,.r- ' ■■■■ niei'Mn',-. I h" thiT'oai/l 1 ii'u'a” ’■“-jizcd 171 it'dir that eac : .-.'-t^-; •' tak'' rh s-^tt ]) kn 1 at , -i-i.^, 1 m^is's oi a -' ^ ; t;,’j ■, t liel; iti r ,',. •’u • v i' •• '!■ > The eo:in- : ,u;. -It. 1- ,l;vtvier a-. ;it>. ii'tv on,. | d’>tri--t> and T. wn-lni^ uTTLE him TEiVI3 1 ■ • ‘ ' vic . ''t.a 'I’l • ! ■ ; })('i"i e ; A-‘.■'1 . Miiie a' hi I ■ ‘ r I 't t >P. i ’ :. f ■ oi : I' i'h- ’ , ;d is aTen!^ and o' -r ' 1'-ee ’ 1; )'i ' ha m • i-'eu tvxmI wit ■ a •; atr u -h !:,i-ly a-.-.'.-d to -^and farTU 'r- coiidicti:- '-J -, iiia i- f. , Mch (U-t riet ant. 1, ■/ , ]> V 07 ir;>T . ,;n . rt-^. h.'lov. - .vasistn.l^Mi i)]atsavera^iTi^:hre.^;’crexj f; o^e conntics not read;.- tor!-- ht e ,a< :i lei'cr. i!:> wit- ‘•ii< li. Th.- two laip-t 'k-i.vrsira- j p.n-t i,, ,uU v.en‘ ^iven thn /day-v . M'-a!; (*h’l.i.rc:i ;v.'witli lions tin past >ea^on we;-. -n-of j ^vlnch raise thenioi,.- ' 'I'ii • fort’, acres of c.ivp. that nrodticed 1 rs W Manchiis’ Rule Ended. I'ari » 'li'h lia-i *’.rr.i ' . 'V l:\ \lThM’ i ■’.•kel.-llii'’- 'ai" ■.'.'(i I 7 - , I < ilct . e 11' '(pit*>;ien v.-;is hrouirhr ipt a-, t ) tMt- hnshels ]UT aerc an;l one o^ -‘ | wh.'tt tlu* x,a.rk of iI;- ’a>-'cia hr.ndr. d acn'.~ of eott->n that .ir/.-w | sle-;uld Jn- held np t. ,v,;i. tl 'I'h ■ .1! oU*atlori I't' tia? thn t!i‘ hy ‘‘ !i (ir.arter ol cotton ]i-,t j reports of tlic ■. antie:- er ’ !i“ >i iic’iii dynast'.', j'l ('h'na. was ^ <i'monstrators ar.' su- 1 pi,she('i 1. rwa r.l witho-it (le'^v, Ir ■iti iiir*er'.al cdici ikc h)cal airciirs who iti was d»M*ided to in'L^'n \v . k a; aice. execnti'.e eoMiin it Tee '< ctei^ ; '•( ,1, ' '• riar; i ■ ,i" : ' ’it' ■. i r kas iie; t V'. ”y .-lick *or ,' 'out a ■ iC. Mr S. (■ KIk:i\ h.-!.:aTi : "d : 1.ItC( a:' 1 nt"* 1 r. .r.’ c' :i 1 1 ;i'.- ''n .1' Ie ll ...! I....1 , - 7-. ir.-t ntati\e form. i)f LTovern "t'-i' rwi.^e. f^tx al aid for the j ,<inni‘tiin< j?i’. ' 1 I t I. < 1 iTl .4.i 111i j ^^>ue 1 :^’er(..i\ a^ r<.oi., Anot her ! •i’i'^trncted hyiii- .iisrrict thrt)in' act e]>tc'.i I1 t1k‘ niai'.aircr. and i! v^■as le.-ided I, rt -rd w'.-ilc a thin! '-dici ap-j i'cnion-trati; 11 v\ or,v Inisjtliai th;> wor!v for iht' associaTioii ij;r >v d li een'iitionr a^ire*'.1 n])v)n , '■i)-oT).>7‘atn.Ti with tht* 1 i:,_ rj"]-,,. new : l>" i’re '.ii'r Y.ian Sl i-Kai and Ihc' ^ ''‘h-.sro. t^;. Fanr.t'rs i idon arid , ;.ijr( v will sjici.d so?7ie lime :n i at-''; '’ihri .ms Tin' tl\'iia-<:v ti ns pri'irrt'ssivt- oi-L'arii/.ati.;!ts. j j-p,> conntie- in Tj'.o as>. < iation, I yi I'.j) iif p,( .ver, afro-' three ^ l^'‘l>:n't?ni'nt or -’^^n'icul-| ^^jtli i he dif- (•' -i’'. "''s ‘ *' ahstili r’lle. ' r. iavt.)r now i,a>-o]>:‘r.'i’in linar.eiauy i fert tu places hef. a-e ‘.,t)inir t ' l-'lori- l;ont tl.',- iir-t ol .1.' ii in nr a n .iT Ml- 'o’ Nev/s’ Preference Ballot Polls No>v open. Lso ( i t; dc-sii,!TJti > )ur t i in the ''te v\fre^- Meticejn 1 ( ;u ii s oter ■. ertiiiod r / vt,\.>st one v I’t. I'h j 'j J • fs nos ■' rjc vr»rer ■. siirn.ilii-t.- j’v .lijtiress, ‘ -'te riiirr i.*s ‘-J' ' •' - 1'- she.i. ')r:t vvftk f'e/(y'e the ' cl^'ses. the J 'fi; V. di ■ , -.un,'.e* 1. Send o hi i. xc.r h-.diir r'le News •'i - ■ i • .. i»r choice r> ''i- n .re biantv i-’re the r . ■ le \< j wish. To ’ i-tt* t r HENDERSON iTcMS H. I w '"k tor the pr-.'si'iU season la’ie'unTs t(i s 1i(•(..Ili), Tilts sh'.ws rhat th'.* neoide are ini.-rc'stetl in I the woric. I Iakena> a whole the outlook is | distril.»f tioii :v. the - a-.^n ‘-atiT-day ni^i t. , very hn^ht lV)r r.Mchin^ and in-'stmrh. h it Mr. (’ohen will .-arrv 1’ r-.t re ,;as ;.t-. a any niort I uat'neui- in a inacti.-Hl way the j nteratm-.> that any of 1 he or- r.>; , mass ot farmers in the stiUe. i ^ani/ations <^f the-^c ta.unli. s may < h- ’ d,‘ R ‘eee l eturnt^u ^ ' f • ! havc on hand. Ti the inspired LONGFELLOW 1 t';" .1.1,1 1 _ .a , I P< V annum, and nrt/vis- I I j ions wen.' madt^ 1. r him to havi'a L lerk, v. h.().s(‘ si.larv shall nt.t ex Mai’ch. 1.1c! w ;11 ]lo^sih'ly hi* tn t!ii> county next w.-tdc. Tln re will iiot t'.' snt'iicient^ htd'tirc .iJtoiri.ix tt) Floritia toi .ant anr >1 ■ W 1 ’^.n FnL.''..-h madi'' a '.in';!, j i-'i - 1 I.'/,.-,. .',.,1 X. Th(“ E]tw- rth l.t aiJtue. will ctde- ttulax.i I T. f n ' > •• rl i r ir- \:vr month. Tl'.e selof 1 irate Jionirlidlou s tarthdav wirn ' * k. ee- w .1* l-{' >rs(> ' r,.- sJ.'H' . ( (K7( T .• < V‘v i' > -■ 11 'i jr.'n CdarK .Mar hdl I or Govi?rr Crii}.' Settle £ aff ve'I (..iininiins Huj:;hes Lai . ilette ?•' ?r Co:iuress; Reynol' . . . Gtuijier ! ■ >r ■'i n 'tv-; ■'■ini.r ■n> ■\I‘t.'lien -\^ cock . . C’ark C r rant I’t arson Name Address I fv f 71 ; tron of th(“ •h rk will hi' lefr with. ■ 11'.l.. I- ' T 'T T..:.. 1 ■ . ,.7 I 11 .e ' u in ti prtiif 1 iclli . I . .Ind.... 7ii.( _.antl-1 j Mr. Coh“n. Pri'sident K. ■ na r Mr. \ L’e-'ca. | Scripture amn’rayer Rev. L. D. Thonip.^^t.n | jj... and Treasravr Ueo. rowadl. '; J t>"r;-iadoa I'll.-'ine'^-'i trin tv) Life of Longfellow . _ Miss Bulah Oliver [ I' •■;j'ai F'U''‘sr ’.ast v\'et;.Tie,~tlav. I .1. .I','''IiT’:^sw..rth has his new h .use Jinisl/i L -ind i:a-> alKUit fjot nt." l'>ai-'i cor.i))h tt d. ,\!r. riys-es R(‘e\ts anti hands The '^'urnip The Psalm of Lift K va n{;el i n t.-—St or \ Cliar’ies Nic iitils ' Mr. Cohen is a man with much Choir Miss [*:irkin.s ; exp.erienee in the advertising" bnsi- n.ess. lie is u’ell known thrt)u^h- out ti’.e Sorith. He sneicssfully The Villase Hhicksmilh . . Fertit Baihircl j uianas^ed tlie two anniial Ap])alacli- The Bri ige Solo . .Mr.-W. L. Wiley i exnofitions at Knoxville, and L< rgfello-»v as a Poet .A. \I. Flannery a’(' repan inu; anti | jp v^erdery j has had exjxn-ienci' in launc hing 111. tiratiii^ s cret k ant. 1 eliow* Kuildcrs . r>ur\ Brat.-ken j similaT onti'rprises, besides heiny r'-iau. riu'v r.Tt* projzrt s*.i lu slo>^lv (Quotations—It.ach person is rc.juept'.d to , t*x])erieii('cd nt'wspaper man . n aeeonnt of th.'i O;.l we;ither. ,.ome prepared to give a quotatioT. j The proposed Sale o^ the .Blantvn-. That is all ftr this -imt*. With irom Longfellow. [ farm was a,-ain broTight to theat- l. .'t '.vi.-hes 1 rhi N •>' s, 1 After the literary ]»rogram there | tontion of the association. It was V T.\h ' will he a social metdini;;. All ad-, decided to request G(.tvernor W. W. Kitchen, Senators iSimmons and Overman, Hon. Clias. B. Aycock and Chief Justice Walter Clark to Continued on page 3. :,rit must dll- el lyerdrinking h.'Vv pleasant it must he to have the coroner s physician < idl if ‘ refined alcobolism.” rairers of Lon<:fello\v are invit(;d. Methodist church, February '27, 7 -MO p. m. H.A.'iTiE Aiken, Third Vice Prt sident.

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