1912 R.esoltitioiis: 1—I will be better prepared during 1912 than ever be fore to supply my many customers with ail that is best in Drugs, Toilet Articles, Stationery, Tobacco and Cig ars, Candy, Souvenirs and Sundries. 2—All Prescriptions will be filled witn the purest drugs and by a competent registered pharmacist. tS. M. Macfie lOCU PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. H. Wilson is ri\ovoriiii: t'om a rrious illnt'ss. T. L. Si'cisor. inovcd into his new home H: sliot.'* W c'<int vs<!.iy. ,I ‘hii i'lildt' is s.Tii'usly il! with r;mni m<mi;i at ins home 'ii strot l. Ki v. .1 \V. Hr’LTjrs I'.as l>roii 'vi‘aili‘r t>' • u o; (.'oihir Mountr.i’i ■ hu Mr. V.' l.iam Mcllaha, wh.t ha.-' i haruc >i rhf f(unity honu', is rcp"r'i‘<! >iri.•u-l>■ iM, tiu' ”roi:n(l hoj; t'i<l I’"-’ : ha(i>)'.v t'is y-.'ar ho i\itaiii! ' ' Sa -im ss. '’'I'.i'i'ias (la.li'U iy av i-.:M'cr ' h.i! ■ ' ra'tatcf. wr’r ;v, I .’■•rli 1 li I, (l.iM-iw. y ina.i-.' a I ;: .’'i .1* (■: i f S v' r !ci ■ n. M '-"inir,.;' :•(. pr n ; , > ' • n L'o. inavi.' .i ! l' ,■ l;ri a ij luul.iv Rev. .1, \V. Iiri!j;<is will ()ro.u h at Carr’s Hill church nc.'ct Suiuiav at 11 a. m. .Mr. W. F lteckcr n turiii'dSaturday 'Tom a visit to New York and Philadelphia. Mr. W. ,\. Hyatt, a prominent business man of Waynesville. ma(ie a busine.ss trip to Urevard this week Mr. T. K. I’at'-on, Jr.. has aect-p'ed a po sit i> r a< foreman of the !>revard Ta’'.nin C->.. ■ ffc Clive t'cbruary l.'i. .N \nnie .Jean ('lasii leaves Friday and uili jt i-,’. Mr. an,I Mrs. K. L. (iash in I'eca- : r. anc. >m tc. New Orleans fc r Mardi . -r s. . . N -it.-I ft a ew days (>n a ' :■> I'.ucher. l);;''in<, her al^senc' A’r-, 1'. I.. '-''I'jlir-I- l as ehar'j:(“ <>f the mi'.- t" • ji-i .'.rtn'cnt. .',1 \\ ,‘dn.'S('a. nighi n.eetinj:'of the ». ■■ ■' ' t vas <1-cided t> orj^anizc a lid uill'.'d the "Hoys of VVo:)<j- Hoys *'r )iV: eiirht vcars olti t(. . '■> ! ’■ ;'.re eiij:’l)!e. \t ei^^hteer t'ltv I .1 cinf '\oodnii'n. .V.l Ivivs aisI inu t ■■vemlv r> .sh"iiid make app ica- . M'. L. il. N, Quite a little excitement was raised I Monday afternoon on the vacant lot in I front of ihc {graded school buildin|i when ; a balloon ascension took place. .J. W. Me-1 Minn, Mayor Breese, W. W. Zachary and a j number of other little boys w'ould have | had the time of their lives if the balloon | i had not caught tire directly after leaving | the ground. ^ j St. Philips Church, Quinquagesima, Feb. ’ 18, 1912. Litany and holy communion \ with sermon at 11. Subject, “Sorrow for Our Sins.” Special orfering for the “(Jen- i eral Clergy Relief Fund.” Sunday school ' at 3;.?0. Missionary e.\errises. Ash Wednes day Feb. 21. The holy communion with ^ address at 11. Subject, “Sorrows for Our Sins.” Offering for pastoral work. Fri-1 day, Feb. 16—Evening prayer w ith address j at 4;.3l). Subject, “The Coming Lenten i ' Fast.” The children’s Ash Wednesday service at 4:15. CEDAR MOUNTAIN HAPPENININGS Delivering Groceries That is our business. Tradin" (i roceries for money. It is .ilwaj’S our aim to see liow mncli, not how little, we can give for the price. Constantly conipetin”’ with ourselves, endcavoiing to buy good goods at prices which will ])erniit us to seJl at lower prices than we have (iv(*r made before. There is always something doing here to serve our cnstomers so th(*y will be pleased and satisfied. Are you one ot tlieni':' MITCHELL .VI i'll ’a'-t m.'elir;: ■’ -I . o. 1. .1 i'( s V 1- • ' :^;ster M;.:- * U' 'i' Motr sm a !in i >i- ' iu {111... n- , bar >i»ent s..:r • t.me - ;,:i. I’ s on ie;j::;l i usiiv.‘-.s, .1. il. .Mj'i! and f.'.;ni!'. !’.a.. m've'’ ■> '. .u from thf courV\, » f. ■I. llu- h' nv. t s', n i,. n I opl Mr. ( II'. 1 \tav- o! t V 'i r!-, ]• ni ' the i’r -’-;TO '''i!-'-;- i'; s; nl 'I vi i\.'S ‘ iis ei I'. Tl'.i I >.'r.;ght T >1 V.t :fj' • r.ic • VC'- ■.' ii Mi'.iT S i'.’jr.iay ■■nt ■! ■'r. .U rH-mbe'' urg'.*<’ :d ;: V.‘ " I. ija.'-le,' .’Ki"' 7n')\i'd -ra''. .‘:t ri- , ‘ a- >Iic;. '.V iliii'.iti, uar '.hf it ■ ('ppo> le t’'.f S. ,\-,iv..h ■ ncf i'i '\ hiliv.ire sf - t. ^ i'l-v. ./. R. Aver nviveti int. 'v (:t:i. ■ 111 ; ;rrl ■.'( ccui)ieii hy .'i. i M I'nia Ti'e I crs of tae Hap'.i.'t hur : j 1 Hi:'’, i! !,-'ir pasto; M( n<!a> i Tl'.f 's.-vv-. olf'ce 'orct hr.s i-eer :ncr *; '■e i ! ‘ \- •' :r.pi. vrv iu >•'' Iti'i i;; B ".i ■. v|. 'a. uT ,i\c< al. \va!i .h.^; n •-i.v • i.'■■."'ioas. V le.'rnia,..! t .1'.- I'.li ■; l'. ^ ^ ■ I .•all'll- “di \'r.” ! il '■’! /\i!i)-i ri k na.' v-'itiir.n't ' rj i' c " ’ Cart^’^'^ hoii .re tramin;'" ■ ■u' • , ■ ::t .■ .'V(.It t •. ,v ■' i • Nv ; ; . ;avi’ h ■" .!■ '.lit am ‘ ' h- . I ' i. ■ ; X- 'Vinv:.Ku i'" • ...m ( I !■ <V I . J K. wf . ;l ’■ -.1 ' s ’C : .l ra-K M, ,v ’ '^h*. T ;i.' ''‘6'^'. is ;i(i',. | i'L '..r;. I • ■ ptr(.as S'.-:i‘-iin. ‘i’.-..- 'i ''''catini 'i( '•<‘ad a. tlv.- i'l.;'.. ; •'IC! ; I : M .1 Tf. • . • rherr'. ti' If!. .>;if'' T'(i ^ ■ ' ' V; ' 5 .riK ; '■<. i hi., bvrne ' | • ’ TKl;.-. i ■ irn'i I: \ iil: \v:.> sav« .l j ■ I ilii- ’'v.-n i.\. 1;!.; j w .s j •1 t’’i‘ : . ■ f liir.e 'if fir.-, ''.'iv i ■'i'l' r'i .i r'>ni i dcfei"'ve Hae / i ii j lira..'-. ! S. r :f ‘'u t' ■ a' ■ a tiu 'O.it .1. ” 1 'Uii .. . ''ii,-; i’.. ar i .M j *■.■1 ' m.u . t^griVtl tin- 1 -■Uii l i. v... u r fi ic'.vn Lrai': lar . '1 > :< t* ' :c . n 'o T!ii- vvi:, 'v’r>t , a liM (■ rt' ' '.h.' 'r-.e* fr.or. "uial r.i; i, * w!'.. 1 Ir :an.noa.,’ ir . ! .1. ■ III 11 SV 1yc.i ••• IK* • ■a--;--i -a ' i'a/ ^ 1" ■ , 1’ : 7th. . ■ . n'- 1; ‘ 4 ; . ■ f ■■( ■.. I a,‘. ar ■'■J”, • ; . e ■ ” "ll; T. ac':er'- h a li -.u! . • ir •• * '<■ ri; -p; rc.j :.1 t. < a; ji If ■ ;i M’. ■ ;i. r„: ■ ■ . ir." n L^l'.; ■■ = '.-( i , 1. . loa 1; r- • ’ irn 1^ K vcsl’jale, w'li i < '. I *’ laT,-a’a^Pt .111’ - 1 I 1 W‘ m: ■ ,1:.' ti 'ep';.. e t'j w..s in !ia . ■ ! (.at f'e vv v, i.ho; t rar-’i i 'JT. "'/a i . 'I iVili a- ■'.'('..('r'. 1 ' I:'-’ a*..': rea Iv . >r 'v .'.k. ‘ ma-'l'i-■-v , Mat.i aii'ia o' ,pi:' asi T i.j •'.fier:'ii'h-. it}’ ■>? ; tie i.a-.T wili I K 'a V i.a;s . da; a (! t,'v<' I .lad.-^ f.i sa'i-s | : ae r v:' •• i.- '1: -.(n.rie! . mm-j -elf '* 11 he rc j . '-d . • .Vi'il'.. Mr. j Howari ot the )' r.r; '.’olt t .r; - i;- laiuisvaie, Ky.. .'it= lai-. 1 'a i arj some tine ';:sta’:i:'g .. t. 1 . s t.'c • hitter part o!' ‘ ; ‘'et’; : i i • a : .M^irgi'pt-p, *4 It is snowing to IxMt the hand at this writir.g, (tik'ss it will l)o ii good tiine to rabbit linnt. ?ilr. .V •(' lloolvcr visiU'il rt'Kiti a^s ;i7)d frit Tids in the 'J'aMc Ro<*k i*ove til is w«^t‘k. I .Mr. Ih'nrv (4a)T(Mi is visiting in this ])iirt this wet k. rncle Pink Bishoj) is very ill aiid i i" not (“X]A('ctrd to live. A .mit Harni't has gone; to liivcr View, S. tc takt* trt'at- nn*nt l ar cancf'r (in her face uniU'r l)r. U'illiiDns. ^V(• hojH' slie will hv it'li(‘ved, f'lr ^lic i." one who is l.'arlv lovf'l ’.ly lit*r friends iuid itfiirlibors.. .M^'. vriT\ will be a’VHV most of Mtis Wf'e!-: ilovcn at liis l-JockiM'ook ; ^ali .loi I.Y Cordial Welcome To visit our store more than ever during the coming year. We desire to express our many appreciations for the kindness shown us through the past year by our friends and patrons and wish ail a happy and prosperous new year. J. B. PICKELSIMER, Ph. G. Druggist, and Pharmacists “Everything Best* in Drugs” North CaroUna state distributors for Diphtheria Antitoxin for I'ran- sylvania County and surrounding territory. JUST AS KEEN AS A BRIER Come and size them up in any way you like— Want vou to see just huw perfectly BLUE GRASS AXES are proportioned, fitted and finished for fii5.test work r.nd longest wear—to help you do your work in the quickest, best, easiest and ha.ppiest Nvay. Made from rinest tool s: ci, forged right, ground right and tempered right—the bits are niaJe of extri. high quahty crucible tool steel insert d into the body and every o.'ie sho V.-; iin Vvith a ready-for-\vork edge thac’s “just as keen as a brier’'— sign o', a ;r.igiiiy good one. you know, C •rr, * and let's sarv." y u t;a*.-:e tools, or any other hardware ihat’s best anif oe./n(;r.'iicaI for you to buy. Giad co sec* you any time- WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL HARDWARE FURNITURE. LUMBER AND MINTS

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