GLAZEMEKS SPECMLS This Week Cotton Seed Meal $1.25; Best Gi’ade Coffee, per pound 20c; Some can goods to close out, big reduction; Specials in Tobacco; Solid Leather Shoes for Women $1.00; Your Spring suit now ready at prices never heard of in this part of the country. We please others and can please you. GLAZRNER the Goods Brevard and Hendersonville EVERY COUNTY MADE A FAVOR ABLE REPORT Continued from page 1. lu'fi rc ini'i'tin.iJ: nf tin' hoard of in .Iniie and T)rot('st uiraiiisr tlu' s-.ilt' of tlif horricultn- i-;il tai-tn. tin* inu' it wi'il ]>i‘ for t \'eryoiu‘ inron'stod to wri'o to tlu- nioTnhors of thi‘ liouvd of a j:i K’ultvirt';iTul’iKtki' a stri’iui- ous kii k uirain'it tli.' saU> of :]ii> ^ , - To lake Advantage of Special 'I H' association also a])])-‘iiit-'d on, n ai’ ( (Miunty to Offer Ma le by S. M. Macfie. h.'fiiii' til.' co/ntv .•oiiinii<sionfr> ot' rosi's. j Renaming Indians. ‘‘Do you know Avliat those a v, i Some years ago in order to make •TohnV" i their ijilioiitanfe of land more siu.,»le -Snr..,-rc|,li,'<l .lolm, -tlM.v are fcomiuls. , . , , ‘ , sioned Dr. Charles A. a An-.oncan hoaurii's; “]uit do | yun know uhont flitMu'.-'” “1 know all abcut th('in, hot'MUSf 1 married om* of rhoni.” “llnh ! Von’vt' j^ot notaini^ on nu‘." rc'tortod .'ohn \vit!iont a sinilo, “1 married a wliole hnnch." '^WANTED: 50 MEN AND WOMEN •1 ol the scvi -!! .* ’Unties ami asl; M .Ma. !h‘, tl'.e *.‘nt('ri)ris;nir ! ' in.'.XMJ Sioux with tlieir family naiiK's. The task was a tremendous one* and ftill of difru'uttief?. \Vh(.*re possiltle Dr. Eastman kept the origiuai Sioux name of some member of a family, as in he- stowinj; the Tianie “Matoska.” meaning: “White P.enr.” on the family of that chief Sometimes the t ombitiation of wife'<» nanie :ind hu.sband's name lias prod loed a musical result, suc h as "Winona Otana.’’ 'J’he favorite name for women means ‘'she who has a iteanrifai home.” wha ii Dr. I'astman li.iH Anuiifizfd in the parronym'.t; “Goo(ili<>ust".” I’ut '.)y far the hardest ask was in rin.liii^z new n.-unes for tlie The Sylvan Valley News is prepared to do up-to-date JOB PRINTING ♦ lu'?n t.' take tlie i;iatter U]) Vitl- 'i- . dvi.U>ili; today foi j j,.^ Indian noiiienclature. W. A. (ir:.]’'un. comniissitonT ( au-i ’dn.r.- *' >r the stati' T VV \\ iiiln\i'- ‘ v.'a> a]'i>ointi‘d to 'er'' ! t ; 1 . '■air fit* 11; ■ ': it * 1 •r n'l'oiH the eoi ,nii'i | er'^ o t a’.' ''ouiit''. .’.t'a-iinih h a- th' *arai lie- i?i *hi" (“M ;tkv a ■ ]lei lit e 1 I'liie.'S in ei ■;]. a.k. c. .Ill ! .1 .Mr. Wliif! ur > i ti ■ - a - It^.r : . ar. '•■^ii '1 'o .- 'I ai l ~ ’ a 1 '■ t } . ‘ I a T'atctt if '.a' ni; ! ' — ' .iVf ■ 1,1' \\ (M'o s, 'le< : • Vaa-:'!i'_r. la lat ([ k) ■ > ■ • , ;i dt it a" >t th-au ir. i . : d:.t i : 1 '> i eri > if * k,( • . i ' riot’. i '1 ’: 1 ■ .iov. 1V!lt ti ll T V .V I'i'ai • ’ . • ' N M \ I M * • ’ aaa : T - .i-i.a oi. W. '• i' '■ V , W. . , ill •k.T. '!' \V W 1 -aa • . \V M M’ till. 'V ' ' i 1 lic 'V- ’ -k ■ 1 1 )e' '. . '• i-]i' I ’ 1 * t oyi. .i. ’i'- W.iV'li 1 ' -'o a' ( li ntlla- 1. i\ ' . • k v.’ , :i_- N'. 1 . >k .a I- laty. . . ak , . ' -a-.'-r 'r ( 1 ' . !m-. i’ ' •• 1 .• ]e : iilM'-' "• 1 A K ' .,'a k ; i . •■. A ' ■■V- ' 't M7 CURf-i' AhD zim-' INCS J ■ a ! in■ i vt'1 :i‘ . i a iti;- i :v. rr .la T ■ r. hiti.'-rl* : a •' . trefi at , .k, ■ ] ai-oii, .,i;i(a -a. ka U.. • ;nd ri' "1 " I ii.e.v v i a' r,- var.r i' ' 't . ’ 'a 11 >1 J' ina■ . (i,a.- , i"n ' '•■■ I'" a:; 1 ( S'J'' ia^l ai 1 ..d' ~ l!l% " • ’a ai!; )'la ii^^rc.iiait ! ’ I' ad a'aotV -a.llfu j,ro ■ ' - in ] aka -v a;,.- , .- a^re. 'il r-’t-'a;: ;i’u' ia: 1 tr i 1 ; ii\ iiik a •*' a \\ a:’ ' , f , • ■ ’ - I. i I ‘ '' ■ ' I a ’la-.'. •. t' .1 r-'? . < v . • aal.''v ■ a i’ld la !' a.W a ' VO", ■1 . )nL’"l )ir ' - i’l >T ‘iii (a:"' < I.:' 'ir>a i I :if M ■ i : d 1 ■ 1 ' 1 ■ ■ ' al.ia ti.----' - •>. :i'a"' ■ It ka •. 'ti ’ V v'.a-.i--- til ' . . -I' it ■ ■ ‘':-i ti-,71 ' ' \ .la*. a’al 'v'.i.'i'i i ,i r it- ; :• • ■ ■ 1 i"<'' >:•■];* V. ' ai ^ ' le * . k: 'la. .. 'd.i-rt r. ■'U. ' - • iila'! a!' ^ki.t IT - • - I" I - 11 . .1! )* . ■ 1 . ' • ' ■ . I- a . a N t a ■^’la-ii'. ■ . a■ -r \a ii ■' : a- - a-. ■ ' ' ' * ; f' ' / ‘ T 1 1 ' ^' )'• O, il [..■i; i ' 1 \V . ■ • . : .-iu d T _ ■;1,- ;' ■ . : I! f'- a r-' ’ l a a.~ :■ a- • !i , 1 .. I , • • • ‘ i ' ’ a_: a; ’• ta a: r ‘a a' "1 ’ i ■ t f r .-VA . . J .1 ' :1c S . 1 ■ i . 1 - ■' rl ■> ■. I . ■ f ■ ' } e : ' ‘ . Iii' T ' ' • ' . I - a’’ t d ' r ■ ■; - ' •■il’ ; r' ■’ '( ’■ ‘ . 1 . 1 ; a . , V * il ■ ' 'T • aj I: k 1. ^ • • • VV’O ■_ • \ \' " 1' . , • ■ - (•.■’V-- .1 . , 1 1 1 \. 1) . la ^ ! . ■ ' If ’ 1 ‘ , ~ ' 1 ; ' • . 1 ’(■! \ ! . n a ' >■ 1 '. 1 ■> . •• :) 1 .''.a ; ai ’ 1.‘ I < •. *' r )( « ■}' ,r >1'. - .. • is . 'i « a' 1 .1 . . ‘-'M ■ a- il) > l„.d.- ;eri•. - IT ■ an 1 _>•. s ' : nn it." I'lod, ’t; ■ • I. ■ ' ;• . ; ('a t tn : - ' ‘ ' I 4 ^ 1 1 . I >on't , .. i ■ ,'f * k ;t * ^ - ’ L’fles ■ ' r 711 '.aTis k ’ 'at’ ■ • ■ ' •e-^ iT-.’T i:_' 're '^(.ai'il ? ; ui }il: I'-f >;iv. ;_-r - it .• -tv'* ’.' . , >pe lie ■for ! M r (1 \V((!uei' I t tak(* ad-j •ijui.tiuu-d Coyote” was a youn;.' In- 'T' ! !if >]H“(’ill I’.alf pric'.'( clian ui'.s come to prefer himself ■'.rikiT’u t 'o l»r. tloward s ‘■K'loe’.’t 1. Uolt.' Aft<*r a ion^; siniuulc witt! “Ilotion rutniikin" IJt Ka.<!aian it last r>'<-’.)nl--,i the ov.ner ot .l.ivsn.'],sia and-etj ’ aekaiT'- at '.lall ’'ri.c. j . jj,. ndr.commitlai ti’.ii! uf •KoiHTT : l^ JU'.Tiian ■’ ' i> iir cl' the r ‘inark- r r tins s])e'ili'* to cur. a< \\ i 1 a.' r-i:d: lu at; - This Space Belongs to England's Store And in it we wish to thank you for the patronag'e hereto fore given to us, and hope to merit a continuance of it. As to our stock you all know what it consists of and we believe you all know that taking all things into consideration that we sherio. kTioir-nTT^rkjinai j gooQS as chcaply as we can afford to do. And we believe Sir C'.n.oi ..iieii .! i that wc Can and do sell just as cheaply as do the mail order .'t'LCal. « Y . ( 1 f. 1 r < ..vr trnu' .e-. that h' j ii,,. t-u.sii.d s ..i'isii ' nouscs— and our tcrm.s are better, tor we don t ask you tor the fr< : ir nil ]'i -V to -iiiv o . .111. r< :.i wh...n -■ laia, ei o. ., i.i rnoHcy until WC dclivcr the gooas—and we also take ycur pro- 1 • .1,. i ' I i' S was .liawn, uf tlu- i.i >si ^ , : . ^ ^ ‘ ■ rer.iaTk oKf w .s ^ ducc lor gooas—wiicn you have to pay cash in aavance to tne ^ o.Jcr houses. And besides that we are here and help '■ ito > s’ ' < ■!( .11 I of Vv!u -h I)-yle was (nr. . when i _ ^ . lat what v.)ii'vai.t I ii r-,,_ar.ii.. the si:>. j.cMu* reuMrke.i: ' suppol t the cHurchc:^, jchools and vartous objccts of charity. :i' ‘i' s'e’- , a n • !'■ '.;r )t' M ■ -i ■ r.--. •! ■••It' . ■ : 'r anl • ■ h ■ . ■•I”,l: tt M. >la'-- So taking all things into consideration we feel that it is to your mursc tlii-i ".I;,II ;i:!s i't'iMi a "•»!- . ^ !:i : liL’i'ki.’Mi r* ;_in)f:ir ai.d | ■■n'.i , j.. 'v- -I ’■ ■ best intcrcs': to irade w'^th ycur home merchant. i'lf' .i;aii ni.l l!it‘ s • li’er'' s\'v r , I ':u,: ',1^ ka_> I'l ! At - I •:() -h.'Tt In 1 a:.\ •Hi. 'Hi J ' . ; 1 . I he dtn". ; ( \ '.t I'.i ’I’- ’ ’ | I V :l;.s a:.d saii, i ' h':* a ■ lit cai:. -cr I *r. si .1 1 ■' '-( ’'ts , (,iiM 1 ' 1“ hi< [x.w.'rs i;f r'-asr,i;:.;;^ 1 wi.' Ml. I a aa il<'I'lftioa id' !e 1 !a:a a'lr y. | ■ a.‘_ ''1).’ ! i liad i:i. i.ia:. .an 1 o i the '-it | ■, ■ . sli'.i f'f Ii.'-' ■ >' '.d iittie . !ue ; * ' J • . ■ ' * *“ 1 I ■li" !i"aa,. (I III .Kin. I'll-.* U’ 'or ‘ j il,, i , .. •lo;-( il i , his -s; ' •'-< d 'Ui oi i,):iri u;is .\ i ''l' 'is is I i ul :'id «,.(la\ 'a.\ Wc!’-' ’ii '.''k‘li ki 1';' 'r ■ j ^'.."y.', .luji.-.'. It 's r.'it :'t’..kltod, i;.--.' ’ I ■Jm ^ BREVARD, N. C 'r a U:: U ;; k. ;• uta.: II' li ■ ra ' of it-r la ’■ ;.i. liis -k. e . ‘—uia HAIR HEAl'K If r vj e Scj < r H.i r 'iVoi'- olo \t cepi This Offer leT' V.' I'-i’ k" ‘ot th. I ■ T; t » 0 ■ a> pv 'T. ’ ■■ ' lur : 'Ti' i -'’k. i. ’ nai” roIi:-‘ d. ( •l.'iin; It V.--. ! y •• k. \o r. j ; ; :id 'vijte il Uii," sai.l 'te V a>on ’(.! I vi t. ' ':ti'fiTLT t' try 'i t cia'-'.er. v; Wnen Cuke Scrubbuci. Vv'aiM ik ■ ; -Jke “I <.; ■ 'HI - < ■ I ii.. w i.-« a vt-r. \. 1:1.u: iMval 1 ua; i >s i-‘ v .is ' ikea 'V lj. ' m(ij.';cr : ijt I'.i. !.<“■■ nj i a1 la;., { > M<M.-y s 1i >di lor ; . r.t r-.-t* '.aKinu i;. tin. r >yai ■ >1 ..n^js't i' sii; .’.late l ha^ i k.-.‘ i.e'.v 1 '.j'ii I .uv’, ' '.ni.aui !i> all tin- j 'a; ■>. 1 I .' \v - j '.lis ;' val lii^k.iess up'-er a (>rt •' of M ■ tne (Iwi.r ii-t a i-U' k- I a) a -, yorir>elt' V'o r. . y .. i >■ 'Ml 1 :'d ' ’’.d< ‘ ‘ ,.l ■ . ■ i • n:: V. .a ■ i' i' al ' 'I I ; w ' • l.u'.' .'.1 Jei'te-i 'is N'val t'.ieiiaess, j “ynii t. li'i ni>-an lae lo sc:aiL» ir u;). ! d'. : o- ’ j “Yt , indeed ” j ka/ yo'i iui;.<t fei ret my j;randmotb- j ••r .- :i.e V" i-a t’ic < )/rtr'iry." said tin* i.iasi-.T. »]• ■■ 1 liusao-i) { ;; ' k y ; ; ■ il: 1 • ■".tite ^at■>^ai•*’ ■i.’\ '.v.iuM k < ;a. V ' ,i V 1 •. .I l l .:k I. ■' . I “I letii.'t' ber it ve*y ua li. ('.ft t.;e wa- j v< ’ ..' i.''ei>. u- aru: eur '■i.ite-i'nts r'(-i'Mi-?i:aM/'-ir liusii.I •■•.■st; V )■,..! -..rTf. j 'i'‘ .".•e 'oi . .l^•-'lre V-. ! isat [{exaM • F.a:i ' nroinj-.tiy er-. .i'cat .•-.1 .• ' ' i;i: u j ai^ • '.akf aa ! .i;i vi nr ’ ’'.‘- '’I.atare VO". 'I'a'.’ .(■>' I--' i 'Ur iL V ■ ". l; r we .tn.' t;'i;C .'i_^ a 'A . . V 1)1 1. • liiaT }{,• v'ltl , ■ ' .1 ■ v. ,’i k i: m-i *k an . a?' V > .U'i a \’i; ;: aLT-’M ^. ■ 11"''' • li : >'.vt L i7- : au i ter ■■ ''Vlierei; ' is ro\ :.l liititau'S.-; the r.ike if <’i« )iu’.^'-^Joi.lia sc”uL'bed.— ( ki.'!i;;o Trliiuae. s I ' uaa ! 71(1 t i 1 ■. e .,! - ? a !, . ' a - ' 1 ’’i >1 ‘ ’ o '•I : ■' ]>r I . ; r. ' a ] a • ■ • r How tha Dust Gets In. i I vvj.en ’.111' karoia^'tff i'alls the .air ,■ I I iuvand orpUTuls into a lav^er volr.iae, ■’"I.a will a;, 1 tlit^ iilsid • tlH? bo-.»ka-ase tla'j e' (!u'S c oset aa.d Ili<> ciii'l aani :dso , ex );.'!ids .Hid f'’■ 'I's it>''lf oui at '*vecy 1^ : luti . i-evi,-"'' \Vhe:i the ha'-'imct .t ''' ri>»*s a.:ai’i th^* air iasidt- the cai^l' '...'d. M , as ont^-ii.e i-vaiiitaisi'.-^ aa<] i >h’' )i;s aid r;ic -.iir i-i fonad t^a. k int.’ j the ' a| ; .lar.) t-r (■.lua.iizf* flic [ir"<'^u;i*. j . I .1 ai'j!,;^ v.’i.'l! '.lie air in ;.i',>s •'ai* j d .'1. 'rii'‘ .-..aa.ih r ('le a> '■''-‘j - 11- i;: • th. ji't "f air. :r r< :aa' | t: rl -- t.irr. V.’i:a..s-. the dirt Tneks: Ml f--■i; . Si'.T \h dn--i rt'e^'tly fv-ai’a.l j ‘ .a'■•.a V i iv.-s a phnt<'i::;i;.l,s INaa'.-ail'er, j ' V ''ill • L-r , 'I! s(“* t;ii- hari na tci' ■•isin;z. j ■ ad. :'u ' .a ad-ati(.'t;a! <''arcre ( I' das^ N « " ^a'af av.f!'. v.rd I'aJ kareun Id j Carolina OommerGial Sciiool 6 Battery Parl( Place 0111.^8. 10 Pack Square Students may enter at a.iy time. Single course, $25 casht $50 monthly payments; combined course, $50 cash, S70 m.onthly pavments. Declara-Jioi'A cf Kndepencience By Means of a. Btjsioess Sdiication Miss IV'ftie Bowlin-j:, conmierciu! teacher in Brown's Biisi- r c-is Collejxe, l^rookly n, X, ^ . SaUiry .S1300 a year. Miss Nellit' Hili, ’)i^>okkcoper for i!i!l Sc Younj.v. Asheville, N. C. Sa)ar\ $).5.<K] per week. Miss Roberta C(Jok, \\ ith a ijrm in Jacksonville, 1-la. Sal ary S15.00 per week. Mr. (Charles H. BaM. steno^'rapher Southern P.y., Brevard. Miss Lillian Wolfe, ;;tenoi*:rapher, Los Anj^eles, Cal. Miss Mabel Miller, stenoj^rapiier, PruJential In^iiriince Co., \she\ ille, N. C. Miss Carrie Henderson, stenographer an>' bookkeeper, Asheville Dry Goods Store, Asheville, N. G. Miss Mildred Oq;den, commerciai teacher fvlassey Business CoUejje, .Iackson\ iUe, Ma. Miss May Heriderson, stea.)srapher C.irolina Commercial School, Ashe\ ilic, X. C. O. L. Baity, commercial teacher in Texas. Mrs. M. Her, stenographer Weaver it jMurphy. Asheville. tr->‘ .V ’'V' : f. V Ml • [' La - es'. Man i' ^ >' aO' . ■- •it'.ru-t' ■' (' , ■ . e 1' ■ ■ j n - ' I.-- t .1 I' ' a ' IS e" 1' ^ ( 'ae. I '■ rU 'e •e I t‘T; k‘; a. Keeij ''C ':t Dark. ..i '(,( tii' •.< 'if I'u' '.'■.■i.-vwalk j f i.i 'y liad .■a>a iis'iad fi '.'.si 'f ;.p:ai'a j i- 1.C straw"' .'’r«.>aneil 'ais i (( ' ^a ik- 1 ! ahtr ’.n ^n'.u' to 'ave I ; ' -'I t:. 'i.ipers tk:'’ I’ve <.*ha!i^ed I c, f;-ih: 'A ary'' '.Ik to Wcakle-i ■ s r a y l.niaer'': disjiiae.a’a' j - il' ;!' • i'k ;.vc it nrinted or. ’an»i- j ’ '.I ..s -i’ li-^ti'kaii i> ;lje tlKai'^aial. I'.i-. a'rf'raki' •'.! n 'h.ukv- sladi susju'et .hat ' ui 'ea * d te na i.oii.inn ideas •’ Vgilart -rcl Speedy. - •■'i''ierv's I,.’!'!;." <k \v .Tones.” "I ias.' \un ‘' him muii- ey ’ O:,. y*s I 'a'. V. li a’ s '.vh.'lt made lae s(n.'! < ia: : \\ay. i loatird I'iia •'>kd ■ i<a sii>: moat'.is .t,u ;.p.i I ha^en’r '.a>en 1 r. ak.»' il- <:U..'h I*- , i’-aiisj'il I. a s:rct'. Bjslou C .1 -frL;' k:^n W.'.e’ I ■ lacl. n,..' I. iya;.na ■ .1 , y_ .. '■.•I ’ ‘ 1 J w:i i'' ;■' in the lit ii' I -;, ■'1' -eara'; ‘ e i.>ed ■, y I,oui>v.lle y. arUT-.let.vua Fores o Character. "I . ij vi.ii r’orkade you to marry .••.■^ v. l^a sk.j died';” "So sije tii i. ki ' iiuw r.i! gfOiiiC to s lovv !ier ’v'lo i- : lasJer :n t'ais nou5o.’’ — i.oDdea Oi'Vdva ^^Cardiii Cured Me For nearly teii years, at different times, Mrs. Mary Jinks of Treadway, Tenn., suffered with womanly troubles. She says: “At last, I took down and thought I would die. I could not sleep, i corldri’t eat. I had pains all over. The doctors gave me up. I read rhat Cardui had helped so many, and 1 began to take it, and it curcd me. Cardui saved my iite! Now, 1 can do anything.” TAICE Th^ CAROU I Woman^Tonic If you are weak, tired, worn-out, or suffer from any of the pains peculiar to weak women, such as headache, backache, draf^ging-down feelhigs, pains in arm, side, hip or limbs, and other symptoms of womanly trouble, you should try Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Prepared Irom per fectly harmless, vcj:ietable ingredients, Cardui is the best remedy for you to use, as it can do you nothing but good. It contains no dan-erous drugs. It has no bad after-effects. Ask your druggist. He sells and recommends Cardui. Write to: Lad'cs’ Advisory Dcrt.. Chattanooea Medicine Co., Chatianocga, Tenn., for Special InstmcHons, and(>4-»ace book, •'Home Treatment lor Womea,” sent free. J 54

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