Sylvan Valley News r:;:.7. papir niPRiSENTED for foreign AD^ERTICING BY THE Every reader ol the News should take ailvantaf>:i> cf tlie opportunity of votinir in the contest announced this \vt*ek. (’li]) the ollioial hallot ])rint('d on the first paj^^o ot' this 11 ! issue and hrin'jr ov st^nd it to this LYCEUM AnRACTION The next attraction in the Lycenni course will h(* Roln'rt Man- lov(* on Fehrnary ?:>. Mr. Manlovo is an ini])ersonator, nionolo^ist and r*L ir' GCNIIRAL OFFICES :w yor:c and chicago I ::a:^ichlg 'n all the principal cities |OlUce at once. We lu)iv eacli car-1 reade-. (le is an artist in th<‘j i didat(‘'s lull sti'cnijth will be rolh-d j truest sens(‘. He has toured tluJ I I’etore tlu‘ballot hox closes. j country as a njenihiM’ oi; th(^ Vnn-1 j ■' ' , I derbilt University frh'e club, tht^ hy not have a sju'llin^ ni!>t('li Schunian (|uart(‘t, tlK* SchuuKin | Subscription Price of the News | iH>tw(‘eii some of the townships, or. For tlii'i'c inoiiili!* .'iOi' Foi‘ sl.\ niorths (iOvi Foi one ve:Li' $1.1*0 OKA L. .lONKS. I’ut.'ishi r KOKMS (’I.OSK Thursday N*>on b('tt(‘i- still, liMve a series of ; mutches to dt'termine The chan'pion I sjX'lh'rs of tltc coiiut \’ < M‘ coi rse tile lil’.ii' I'iackctl Spiller should !>e ' UM'd. ('onct'rt (’om])any, the Univt'rsity (!rart('t, and more reci'ntlv withj I the Standard 0])('ra ('ompany.' With all these urjjcani/ations Mr. , Manlnve has Ix'cn a success. His ! work is particularly noticcahh^! I lahini^ the lines of humor and his ! .. W- E. EREESE, JR., FOR THE HOUSE | mission is to mak(‘ you lauirh. | i He 'omes well r('commcnd(*d 1)V ' FRiOAY MORNING, FEB. 16, 1912 At tins t arlv dale w( lu'^^iv. to press and iiiiblii*. As ;; r:i]iid c!ian<;e | hear :-omc il tiM' (h-l iTit (mliticMl i^■ti^t 1k‘ is uriexcclliMl. (-'ermnns, | ufniii n nr ni rnccn rumblMurs. ar.d e\cryIx (ly is vvon ; ])oys and otlu r c'har-; WE WOLLD BE PLEASED |iM*ri!iLr who win l;i‘ the cnudulutes ! jictt'rs are vividly ]»ortr;iy('vl. His' in the c(.mnii: i':iivi];:iiu'u. , hitrm'st liit is his ]\antomime of !i i , 'riien is al\v;:ys a lot ot vlist ns- Uyoman who kef>ns li('r lover wait-! KverylMuU wo ndnep;.-as-a ^V!tn < . ,vho shall '-head i he , .vhile she dress.s. In ttv 1 1, 1' ,ni. At (iiiii . ti('kt t to- Thr ( )ui!'v. 'To our 'I’ickets for this ]iei-foi"iianc(‘will ‘ ' *”■' ^ ‘ • ’'u”f is ■ n** 'iniii in the 1),. ^vit on .'^.•ile at ?>Tai*ii‘‘s ilruu: store! But tht' he.'.-*- wa'- to th'-tr a’'.u m- ,i ♦ x i 'o,.:n\ 'u> te l’**‘ad t t>f ^ V next wecK. howtop^vlor them are s'Imj.m-K ^ mifa mihar wir a ‘ - -- ! npon nh:.-]: p.-. ple.hli. r. -h-, rv m!' ^hr le-islative' SELICANEWS ! Xo\\.\>h.,. h^^i.u . A 1,. I I uv i:o\ernnu'nt. hi ■ The Brevard Banking Company Welcomes and appreciates your business whether large or small, and believes its extensive re sources developed by nearly 12 years of constant, considerate, conservative accommodations, a splendid endorsement of its most satisfactory servicc to the people of Brevard and vicinity. 'i_: liHinpn i])V tlie snow a i.' ^'eat 1 -r. i' v.oulii hi' a u'c' 1 fijr on* citi/.fns U> ;_Mve t!ie ui 111' /. .a!’/ .V i > ■ ■ tlif matr- r ■ -I'l 'i. Tir 1. Mei it oT s- ‘mt 1:1 1 . t h ‘ wea 11'.v !• ‘s a 1 s ■ r. idV ^' < ( senit \vi ■. w ' i w atli 1 nil vovi's 1 - r It t t I' • 111• U. he ■: i' : 1. ' i].' t ■ il'i I ■' . ' 1 i‘T*' 1 V'lad- hil''I' 1 t m- ’• iMPi 'Ml! 1 •! t' ■ t : r t iia 1. :n V > t'a' . '' : 'li' ' l< ".v' I'V t i'.(‘ tan - is * ■ { ^ t "le V I t Ml anil > 'i ■ ■ I r i • T -. -1 ■ . i . .iM■ 'iI ii nLT a 1 ' ‘ 1 • "I M ; > ' ' ’i. -.d 'S. L''' ''1 i ' ■' a !' ‘ 1.1' "f A a II ;! - ir i' .<■)•.•'. 1]. t 1- •.. (It < S ■■'0’.-!n:i. t V > cl; .1 r ...ds, a’^d th'-y i ::i v. t ‘.'•(■•d t . 1- '• i-t.' l; “ .. '.v .;.ld c !'>■ ii?i i' ' ll'i I'l; t;;“ i ”S • ' f h;-i ' . 'It ' ' • • \i': id ] ! ; M -' vv ‘ V.'a..'o; V •'idv ’1 ,ny V . u' 'I'.v 'V :d'l]' r d ‘ . I ■' wilt f [• ta'- 1 n-;’,i('rs t< ' 1 : ;• maTi i.T a'.d fia ■ nri; .l: !■, : . wi I'l ;d t .1 ' I ;nv "’1 V 1 -1 ha ' e 1V ’i. fla' t' w n- -id i‘ < - A't t 7' .;c -idt■ Til d ' a i i .>!. Th. n ’1" i >'>!!.ei d..'. ^ it hi 1 -Mr. :l ;> a l ai'd "la r *' hf ^ as i^iven Us. and The ''\v(>n (>rr hH" movt'd to (’atlu'v'sl \ > I M rv;<'. in the sta’.'c' >cn- Ic. ! ;• *Mt!< ^ ihai\ ore In-has ’ i\. th v.dhni: am"i n.' - hfci vrrs' sick. di.. anything ind i wvy V'< 1-ave l>n‘j\ la vim.: s< t-a-cold •0'>.' :de ti Uill'.T '.iic ir.tcr- weat’f !' here. ■ !'■ aT.sviv ini't •or.M’ v. As !{ATXiK'W. ahidl;. ihi ‘'an ht' n i i;VU-s- w, ... i,., ii.„ w,!- announcements !' . !»■’* • V-, ^fia’i Ail.'ni I" • ’ * ' '''•il^nT^• bciTi'r ; lnTobv aTiPoua a' n'v , andidai'v firtlu- ■ n ; ■ -^-y. \ I; i' ■■ i:,'.'; I . ■ ; ■ I . Tia ! I ' . '' d A 3r FXpL^r:;;TiOM ’’ - '].■.■ X -.V:- ■ !: ■ ' i d d<- * < l' \ t Ti i y 1 .■ - » 1. : ic>. 11. Z' i\ d . -■ i ' d In ■ V . ' V' ' n a 'a . v’; rii” i f t hr ii ■ V !' ‘I a < 1 ‘ ,r.( I' -, . >v. :i *1, • ;n nil ,i tn . t i:a t di t ;. . . t V. IT t' la asi i ' . V- ‘ r ■ . or-.- t ' r I'^li ini ■- it ’ M " ■ t di ]. inu. i'“: ■ ■ . "I: t ■ 1 d. ■ o t d' 1- T. ;' < a TS i-on ; • . '. iy Id. 'I t'lii.y \\, v<' :n i.-'.'i >1 :ddj • t ;i ,w;ytariu' • '’i- ■. . d 'dr'- ! 1' 'M'. a: i;ni' ■ Ilei i 't V • , 1 • ■ a^' ■ o ■ n I r 'ria l f a ' hi . ' i 't i hi; *ur-.- ."I ■ - •.!!> : ■>' ;?i .4 ^V(■ 1 !■( ’• . . I in 1 ■■ -1' \ T,: j;-l, T< I . !; ■ to -I < r’- . a ■■ d, a''. ■( ,(i i: nr ■> • '' V- • ti a lit r." ’ I - ]ir >■! - V I.. ; ■ 1- - ■ 'd •“ ■ a ■ y■' 1 d\' d-- j;d: . to 1 ■!' ■ >n.,_a >T; ai ’ V' a \ a n’' < !' ' n. ;•! :-...rd to rd-.- . .j- .«• ■ ■ ~ - !l y<'U a "' ' a'.i ■■■ 'aa’ -a_r-:< "il.-ai I ■■tt\ r v. . h’ ini: . - nd it f^ ini ' Id ^ W’ jy"" kno\.-^ \a ;y ’ ■ >ad aa-. ,c'dnj ' ';T u •• • .1' • : • 1 ■ -.••'ie’-s m a .a ‘ • i!; t h : t '1' ' (• • • 1 . 7 : M < ; '■ an ." I..i■ . ■ IT>■ .i? t: d' ■ . ; - ■■- -a .• ] i.a, a ^ d,,. !■ n ■ .a I ■ I I ' . i ^ - 1' ’ . 1C - -a . a\ n.r n LM I' : *. t I a t d T. V. I.S'’ ’ 111 : a . d 'v. ai’i' • ■ ■ a a' ' i i. '-1 .lea wdi :. ' ;■> i .«•' . hi“;ii >- -■ . ■’ >1 d' .I ' i'in la the ti'iii.i' nt of !)'.•' Is 1 >r T’un.'^yiv.a’id'. (.daraty siiha. t t" iht .ir*i ir. .d till' ')tT (u ra'.ii.' prim; id-1 Tua’'; fti: ’ d_. (' ■ < ii.’.awA'. I d'f ilatic \ (>: - a! I ran.'. . i'.•.•!nia ^ I'-i; ly • :i'".'uncr av sc’ir a-' a a.ahiial’ or 1\>. ^>■.'1 -r I)! !)(.-c<;s. sii!d, -. t n tn- acli n ( ‘ i! ' 1 lo' ii.^rati. nriia; ’ a> a; 1 i-un\a- I'o’-.. j l);a> . '.'n ]». i av',' a:\. i a rc. >• ..-annul . c iia i a-. <: c.l..■laia.ta ’la- -a la aaiix !ar 'la' td ' for ‘ rans\ > aria ci Ji.Vv’. .siiV- ■ ■ I I U' td'O <■:' " 'J IH I'. ! .'!aiir j<: i : a-.< : ■ a an . v far.\ nation. ' . \ Nian a.S( .a. Professiond Cards. 1^. I.. (iASii, LAWYEFv il .2 ard 13 McMinu Builcin?? d ; - V ''.d', .- What Do You Eat? | U])on th(“ aTiswf'r to that «jr.cstion di ] f7id- yo'.U' ht'alth and ha])])iness. Yor can't de too aari'ful about tlu'kinds of foi'd you hrv. ONLY THE BEST of (‘’'ct ytliiiU-T in Mrocerics ir- to ne fon.nd at this st< a-< . Ksjit'cially i-t f-oT^nncndt-d as th“ lit'Si oli'ainalile is L(»Iir» (ddLVKF/!' -;i. i 'd\[;A-!A (■< >FFKi-]'-^. liack ('f ev.a y'! :r. : solti i?' *his store is tl ■“ .LTUai'antee Your Money Back if Not Plecse?] C. C. YONGUE THe Grocer I a I ■ ' 1 - 'd iiia A ■I-' a - < a ;'■ a- !i 'a ' • '■ ZACHARY a CLAYTON "ll Attorr.eys-at>-Law l.KKVAUla N. td '-I ■V-. 'i'd wd’ V.-' -h to s’.nj); : • :-d).. • i • a ; -vii; b, , It. ;.r ; .. va i' nj w .. a. \ ‘a I'ar t ti. ' la- ia. t . a' ‘ r I d( -i_--iad I 'a!v -a I . aalrct. I ■ >- f ' '■ota-'v i->uW c i egal Blanks Tori-'al-e 1 W. H. SUMMEY '.’•it i nt rio'ie.' I ' ■ - ■; hci” t .\vn '■'.t-anr'e- Reali.', Compan.' Rc?i’ L-r-tate Bou^iit and ROSyi...Nd N. C. 'It.a'l^c" of National Co-Ope"ati ve f I Wc Handle a Full Line of Shoes One of the Best on the Market for the Moncv. Latest styles; and durability uncx- cclicd. Wh- u lav h> w r iv \v f 1 ■ i * : 1 7iin 1 Thr a.-!' sin t ^ •di- h ! :i . * )' a' n- ... S'i-: ■ ..I tho J * > r <» 'iL' ■ Tl. ■r-n- n at-, d ■ia i-i,' ‘ t ». < in-. - a !i atf 1 ■ ■ d' • ry p . 1 to kl : ' .. 'da’’ .i ] 1 rti (' r ’. rL;n.', - f \ .1 VI- - } ~ ^ ' 'Ir. n rnal ra t!.;s a. a i ' 1 !,' > 7 ^ - 1 >1 Un.- i i -> * • * r.v :,i‘ pi)' !in i'‘d iT V 1' ' : -.t nn-.-'ifn. *■ ♦ t o a !•(' : .-n ETCi ' r . -I a 1 'a 1 a"' • li. • ^-d : dir- a Tl - a7.a. l_ ' ‘ >’•, varc H laTi. . ; - a; la s i': . d ; i f - ’ ' '.vi-i. 'a:'7 ‘ I , a o . . . ' ■ ." ■ ' a : ‘ d a - : . nu ’ ■I a I’. ■;o -ni.L't ^.y^ and i '-a* s t' ^rnav - an: sn-na • f ur 'ua a > i-c.;ts -vi'd . d the'- uutv w< 11. it sa aus t.a tis I >; ■ id-: : ■ ■ r *■ ! ir ••’.-a a Su^.' y . a .• >’ ty \ih a]-^-d;n o’, F'i 1)-S- !’l i'. iR ; One Price Cash Store Dealer in Dry Goods, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings Ready-tO'Wear Clothing, Shoes, etc. Our )dd lots must go at greatly reduced prices* Wc will soon see the arrival of new Spring goods, and the nearness of the Spring season necessitates a general stock curtailing and a cleaning up of the odd lots, while they last. Here arc a few of them* Space will not permit mention of i-IOO part of them. Muit t'u •v»; pavinfT \va>ald n-at. -^’ 'ha i>e ..rf'u . '-'ii''e .V'- til'.’f'adv ^ihan'aa Jiavi^ il ”o ■unda *i. oj ■.’.1 ei-o tla- ' streets ha1" i n T .a-a.di ;n i a-d ■ *{ ' .' \a T ai" r a r.ra ■> a _'ta‘;ttrT'. •T )i *■ . t r''V.:a> !'• la,., tda*i the | a lix Id J’l tilt I .I ■ . II, I’ll and I ' " ;a '!di<‘ " 'L^a: wall dc j a daai i .v - V M r; d and AV. I !■- jr. dj. ro -. ■ di h - s< vcral ' I ri Mta^ajrs i ra'i tv a i nnn'rcus -o- Banker Movs(‘, v. ha '.vas reci'ntlv (lety ri»perx T'”t- nahd> nor-' released frjm the »-de’:ne -n.e v'l(*ar.e ! AV'.rli best wishes for th V(-ws, pass tho liatV iiti Underwear Reduced Sl,00 values for 75 cents 50 cent vahies tor 38 cents 25 cent values tor 19 cents Ladies" Coat Suits one-fourtn off. Ladies* Long Coats one-fourth off. Ladies* Scarfs. $1.00 values for 75 cents 50 cent values for -38 cents 25 cent values for 19 cents Men^s, Women's, Boys" and Misses" Shoes, in broken lots, cne-fourtn off. . , % Take ad\^antage of our broken stock reducing and clean up sale W. P. Weilt, At the Old Stand Brevard, NortK Carolina