Si/ jack LONDON Autho! i>f " The Cail of Ihf ll'Ud," "ir'a'tt' "Martin I-'di’n." ell . Kiustraiious by Dearborn Melvitl Xj. '•‘ < : j: . ’’>• ihit '-.ev.- Vr.ik Heiald CoJ i^Ccr'.' ;,;i 1. i;;,. by the MacMiiiau Compai:y.) SYNOPSIS. PiTAT’TT'R I - narnisli, known all lliM'imli A'a.;!;:! .ts •'liuriiiiu,- tii; I ■' .(I !)Tat> liis N'tii luitl'.tl.iy wiili \ Pi'tuily trcwil ,if r.iinrrs ,it ii>r ('’'i-lt* ill is a .ciii.ial lavnrit-'. a piiiai-c; in !iu' tu'Vv ^.iln 1.'!- ft' dfli .cr !!n’ mail w i )i di>'-;H a’.i! si-'d,',;'. Ill !c‘lb. ' is I'l' Ui ' ’ ;• > ,:i; n jjul I '-iia'-. will sni'H tu* an nv. he i!;T. !m!s • !>• ;ii it :u :U'' start W"l. a:ii'nii.Ms and di'i^s h' ,i ; s i>v» r ll’o '' ii.k aad w i; tia I'ozo; N ,ui.l n li) :-rva>- mlv!", i;. s'l'"*' t'n\T'ri'H III llii'nls ' ina'O'S r ^a’.": ;>■ r .).i I rn;' !■ r> '^s •■..un'ry ’-v t • I-. , "il, apjMM's il ind it .s ;i ^ I :! I'!' i- • V. • ..j ' a rv ■•I't'd at,ai'u t , I a .-ml IS no%\ !ri.«U a da:0; • ii.' 1! .ilii . K : . . I I :K ’V. !Tarni>. . v. p' •)u; . ' t ’ < \ ■ *1 I f '”Ki: t' 'I'. • ’\' ; 1 ‘* -t .1.' Wi j ! S'. '' • t *1 u:i. TM' ortiinl'y, wev.t over to the en emy in the thick of the pltch<’d battle. Daylight lost three niil’ivins before lie was done with It, atid before he was (lone V ith it he saw the California & .•Mtan’.i’ut Tru^ t Con i>?.ny hopelessly wrecked, and <’harle.s Kl'nknt^r a .^ui- :n a frlon s Ci'll Se it \vr!s 'hat Daylight bofamc a s;, > I’ssr.l financier lI;* did noi go '!! swii .lii-'g tl.e workers. Not V <; 1 1ie net have 'he iH'art fjr it, 1 i! !.d rot strike him as a si^crilng • -I’.'I'si■'iT. The workers wore so > Si in'd. wat' mire like I iT- ■ ’ p. : fa.. !ia.ic!-rpar<'(' pheas- . ' /■.n.,'!i.-h pro.sf rvcs he ha.] ■! he s’'(ivt. t ) him, v. a: :■ \ y:ng th«. •.-ucccsm'uI robb(''s .. nc ;'■.'•ir ‘■■t.oll.- froT’’. the:’.;. • ■ :■ Y. kon life liad failed to l'-a:','i It required >'iv- . : a .'I ‘.I's rcsij]-. Ir; : f( t‘, s:'v:;j:e gaii:r he ncu. j-i ly- ■ s h:\bit :al iiv-'ity i;'iT"'r- , • ’v sli|ij!rn A 1. ^ s I i'* f)'t" \ i;;r^ 'V(-rf - I ^>ci■,tail.^ ok r^••i to r.-t-ai- ■■'e. !n ti;e X.;rth h(' ;):■(] dr^nk ■ ”’7 ;T'' :'.t ’■■rf.:’!nr ^it rvrr.;. '-Ki h'r ii--. a’-a' sy;.'-e-:i:r ' ■ : ' i. ■ ii< 1 It \vas !- - ic '. ^ 1 i w ; I'risee li’n : r;- r;'-. '’i't' •; i ■ i’it. i'1' ’.\ --I ;" '.r . S' - < f r.i tv >1 a -^ panics, at San Francisco, at the whole I’acilic coast. It was not much of a blow at first. A Christian Endear .)r convention was being held in San Francisco, a row was started by Exi>ress Drivers’ Union No. 927 over the handling of a small heap of baggage at Ferry Building. A fev/ heads were broken, a score of ar- refits made, and the baggage was de livered. No one would have guessed that behind this peity wrangle was tne fine Irish hand of Hegan, made potent by the Klondike gold of Hurn- ing Daylight. It was an insignificant aff lir at best—fjr i o it seemed. But the Teamsters’ ITi'ion took up the (luarrel, backed b.v the whole Water Front Federation. Step by step, the .'Strike became invfdved. A refusal of eoeks and waiters to serve scab team s'ers or teams! irs’ employers brought oiit the cnc'ks and waiters. The butchers and meat cutters refused to handle meat: destined for unfair rc'staurants. The combined Fmploy- (':s‘ Association.-; put up a soiid front, at'.d fotirid lacing them the 4d,ti00 or ganized laVorers of Sai Francisco. The rc'.staurant baki rs and the bak.,'ry v. agen drivers struck, followed by the j miik 'vs, milk drivers and cliicken | I'iekcrs. The buihling trades ast-erted I it.- position in unanibiguou.s terms, and i ;'JI San Frai;cisv-o wat, ir. tunnoii. j T'ait .'-•t’ll. it was only San Franc-it-oo. i IK'^an’^ intrigues were masterly, and' ! iny!igi';’s eanipai;?’! steadily devel-' (ip( (1. The ]ioweri';il lighting organi- ■ i i siiiclde, and with one "To Mt:ch Day- DISSOLUTION NOTICE llnht.” After that he did not talk with her again al>out books, lie imagined what erroneous conclusions she had drawn from that particular, chapter, and it stung him the m.ore fn that.they were undeserved, lie piimpeil Morri son, the clerk, who had first to vent his personal ,grlevance against Miss Mason before he could tell ATaat little i he knew of her. “She comes from Siskiyou County. She’s very nice to Avork with in the oHice, of course, but she’s rather stuck on herself—exclusive, you know.” “How do you m?.ke that out?” Day light queried. “Well, she thinks too much of i herself to associate with those she , works with, in the ofiice here, for in- ! Havrng quahfu-cl as executrix of the !ast cii, .* , wHl and testament of .lane Orr, deceased, stance. She wont have anything to i r . * .u- - . . , , , i iransylvania county, this is to no- do with a fellow, >ou see. 1\'; | tifv all persons having claims against the ed her out repeatedly, to the theater said estate of .lane Orr, deceased, to pn- and the chutes and such things. But sent same to the undersigned executrix, on nothing doing. Says she likes plenty or before the 7th day of February, 191.^, of sU'ep, and can't stay up late, and '*i' this notice will be plead in bar of their has to go all the wav to Berkeley— recovery. that's where she lives. But •hat’s all ;my- Ihing arc hereby notihcd and recjutrtd to Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between K. B. Wilson and Ora L. Jones under the firm name of Wilson and Jones is this day dis solved by mutual consent, K. B. Wilson re tiring from the firm. The business will be continued under the sole management of Ora L. Jones who assumes all indebted ness of the said firm, and to whom is pay able all accounts due the said firm. K. B. WILSON. ORA L. JONES. Brevard, N. C., January 2t», 1912. l-26-4t. NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX hot air. She’s rum ing w ith tlie Uni versity boys, that’s what she's doing. Sh(.' needs lots of sleep, an.l can't go to the theater w'ith me, but she can dance ail hours with ther.i. I've heard it pretty straight iliat she goes to all thtir hops and s.u'h things. Ratlier styli.-;h ;ind hi^h-toned for a stoiiog- rapher, J’J say And she keeps a hors<% too. She rides astride all over those hills out there. 1 saw lier t-ne Sunday myself. Oh, she's a high- fiyer, and I wonder how she does it. Sixty-five a month don’t go far. Then slie has a. sick brother, too.” “I.ive with !ior reople?" Da3li^:;ht ask. (1. “Xo; hasn't got ;iny. make immediate settlement of their ac counts with the undersigned executrix. 'I'his February 7th. 1912. •N’inmI' Lkk Okk, Executrix. Welch (Jailoway, Attorney. 2-9-(>ts-pd CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION Dt])artnient of State ct North C;:rolina State. To all to v. hom presents may come ('•reeting: Whereas, it appsars to my satislaction. by duly authenticated record of thi- pro ceedings for the v )luntary dissolution thereof by the unanii uuis consent ( f all They ^vero tlie stockholders, deposited in r.y othce. I well to cio, rv.:> heard. ; bfiT., or ti*at brotluT (.'.r hers couldn’t ! liavo gene to the Unive'’sj!y of (.'ali- ' forr.ia. ife!' fath;r had a !)ig cattle- ; j-ai > 1 , but ho e: il m i’;;oiin-" v. lth mines or sonietiiii'ig. and v.ent bn;ke boi'oro 1;.‘ '.Med. Her inotiiei* died long before I tl at, Iler br' ther nu’st a kn of ' fi'.'-.ey. lie was a iuisky or.ce, !’la\ed ' ; I'.'.II, v.a^’ :;reat on hiniting and be- ini; out in 'lie n'iunfi^ns at'.il such ’V.irigs. H'> got liis iM'cii’na break- ' ifg l'.or^''s, r.hd thea r!ic'.matisni or l.p SOI .’metli;,.;-:t lii:.:. ():’.e l. g is 0 .h and \vi!!;ered t ) v;;i; crntchfs. v,-'!. oac<'—cross- T1 ;; I., ctors h;',ve Ixm n 'iiHi f years, ; nd : i '.o;- liial nov . i !t Sore ind ' ! . li'. i: ’ ! .■ .r*' \ -'AVTiR ■; Sr.n !'.:n. r D'tyi C'f: ad.i- d •: : l- r ',.i:'atl i ; V.;. •■. ' a’ (', v!n r !e t i , '\ f r t i h.a. b - n'.'( w’i i;u,’ a rie'-.l, ... }'is -.’.ly wns a •'ir' I!* and . :: r a'.d n- 'Ut ■^■h-’'‘- V. tv. at-xt \v.)(;;d .'al', 'Ir- : if sur] "i?e v. . ,s \a'‘ST;'. \ ti on the .‘c'i, ;.i.d. fresh '.vih! X' vt'i. h!s m.n l not o’,' ’ ;n -^‘ereo-ypfd anan'.-e'-s. ao '• :i;’:s’..ii .^.'trrev* i.; * . ft " . ' . ■ I- ’ e t.'. '* - ■ and • • ■ d a i tiiT .i la-n’iirarl IT-.,; t- o’ ,iU- e!ie 1; i'- ■.'.’g:'. E.;nyaiov^s ct ^'■.cnlO Park, rramed Aloud. " Ke Com X 'o ...] .,1 :?. ■ .s ...V tl ( <■'. ■' ‘ .< a.iti. :i kr. 'Wi, ■ s tiic Paeitie i-tl )ta' ;Jt>a ■ ■ ■, : a • a.; ; . < r' r.a ■to- ,. . . Mi's t ■. ion •' a' > ; to w( ;k leiiSCii n ■■! ■I,. I’, la- ca.'j^aes w' ■h .■<• to 1 0 'a a:: 0 . - ’aii ts I I .1 o' ia't !b>e !<;■' s-,ia ng; hf ‘ aiur. .tiiil ■ . ' ♦ . ■' • ■.-• at M ■- ; ah' htn.dh-rs anil a 5 1 .sente 1 ] '■I 1(0--. t o r' - a!' * a ' . - 1.'• i;nat’ tja an>. t V ■■V {•;, o(i a s:r;ke. ( a 'i'll ’■I., j'.ih... . ■t ;d-^ !.ai. i n J >ayii ,a^t r. at jeeti'. t all ' ' i ■ -^s-. rh-> •aifc bei ,i I', e :.; - •ht tau . •y i: ■ 'on.ii.g e'Ot’s.a.' y-fi a : a e ' iffair. a - '(i ( ... 1 -.vas ''■■(! I'-' ‘t..' ■;rr >n of’l- '..ts .i; Miss wt's t r- . d.-::r.'.i. vi’n IN r ' : ■t- :t r (-! , a'' c;- .i! ! . ■ . • T ■ 1 ■ ;v'»'.g j-, ht reh- \h* ’ 1 (' I* i'' ■ r.■^^ 'hi.> ■ ■. ■ is ; a’.d. W‘: • ; di^(■’''’:D‘ ,l.a‘ ir I ■. : .r r.c'-- t> fo“.- ^ ’ il; ' V ,;y. : ' ' ■t' '■ Ties JiJJ'f 1 I.':■ M r :i no hf I'T ‘-■anei and Dailv r'. 'Il' l sc’'.b or en Clii ;i :ho"c. And \'er t Itii'i :>;• n, the > t ‘ I (' f' < '• K r.nal.t.’’ ( a; 11 id.-. s i: ; lossi- the i’lOn 't :■(! li.c:h:.'rs w-..n He ; .-a>v i;,T' ! u in., ’a« f.-i'r/. • rii.,- ' tii'.g oTi n tl. ' I'Tcnc : t;:i..I..'- .'..1 o,’ v/hieh si.le-h .sor Wfii' t.' i:5c'ia.-. ■s in h'-r. Ye:, ir;: a ■ taned tog' a, q ii. ; .’i^^u-;a:.s of a-!; :’ig !:er io iun< lit cn, !> it his v.:is the .iiaate ( hiv- a>:> jf ih.e fr( tit i( rsa in. and tl'.c* t''0'i,t:l'.ts r.evf-r ■•.■a'lie t'i .fyhing. lie '■:>a \v a s( iitLT, r'P -draiirig n;.'in ’.vas aot .sa; po.s^ d si''r.o; t ) h:nc)'>- wid ]: :]r;'-n, he ];i •■-.s’ t h( '’^la ;!t t g ^. iss!;> c ' t .lid II' ; • iiink r.tivli jf felt Surry l^r ti:e gi: liey must have ^he Hreva'd Sup})lv Co., a ta rp«.'ration cf this state, v,h' j)rincipal aliicc is sit uated in the tiiu n (d I!rl‘v;lr(^ co :nty of Transylvani.i, state ol" North C;;,-olii,a (C. M. Doyle hcing the agent ther. in :>.nd in charge ihereof, upon whom proce.-s m;iv 1k‘ served), has complied with ihe reouire- nvnts of chapt/r 21 revisal i f l'J‘i5, :-n*;- tle.l "C(«rpo!ations," prelimiaary to th'c is.-uing this certitii-ate id' liissniution; Now, ther^'f'. re, 1, .1. liryan Crinu s, se< retary of the slati of North Carelina, do ’.lerehy certify that the said cdii nratioa did, on the l'>th day of October, ITiI, tMe in my ollice a duly executed and a'.testi d consi-nt in v.riling to the dissobiiioa nf said corporation, execnteii l>y .,1 ti . stot 1,- hthee ,is ;)ro\ ided 1)V law. In tfStiiTi'ii V vvhe"eol, ' h; ve !ie;r‘'t ’ , V ■ . ■ ■ ■ .' ■! d ■.>•. ^'il. ■ *■' • W ?cik3 1 ”1. • I . , : ■ .'iO''. - - AShevil.S. U. . v.'L r • aO' , NiatM ■ >■ nta■ V I a 11 1 s ^ i■ f. t' - :i I . i-t ' il : iio', , .1 -I' . it V.' a:; 1: '■ > 1- V -.1)1 ; • \io' 1 • o : ' '. i ist .1 I- ■ - . fs - ro,i' 1 -s. . ( Ol a : ■■ J : .r I ■■■ r "'a i- ;■ ■ VI > . I !' ■ ,'0.1 ,.i:a ii. - ,- 1 . . • an T: t or..; i tear.i:i'ian .■a'a .':)inoait' \' ■ ih W:^p.iY :hc 3LSI 3RAND ci Facka^j Goccis ocuxnab!c .n, ;v.: as;: :or, ^ z i\ivc rcccnily . Ja, - .n , 'Il i. NO 'IC.Cn,:: SHv)£3 o' the nirs" up- :: C; Von will g.j ■v^. ::: : i.s bwJcr.: ;:uv-r'g. \ ou ar: a.\v.;>'s our '1 rc. A¥ «v},0’ , r ’t c'ut 1^ i.a-ant ; scal)S. Thi^ phas»’ 1 up ;rul ..!..\vn f.'.t- . i;:.^ 1 all .ae fua’t/ , !i' shtir anil .o aa.i'tai Tne Lge- can. aiid th. j 1'(?.is: v. is' .-^tcari. a!^'. th. liawaiii-, '. i-‘.i(dia -'vlexic:!.’.'. j " et'e lieJ .ii> e.'t’i. "'! ■ ' cn-es d' | la’a. t :-e;iieii.!Oi.:s .,ad t-''.. .^ a.:.' -'ai! '•‘aii. dai-y tii€| i'tr, \^r,r troni h.:' t -.vor.-. . nn-j • a.aa ;>t an\ once” ' i.'C;;:'.!.' ’.he! 1 ’ ‘ li- t’:'-r'‘ '.v'as no i-eace. ' i' '\ilgi;t and jiiayed onr i h ,ad, :.k'd it', .he winnings. :ind ■ .'d -,.)0'ii\ ;...riioTi of t.atti-! to res ::"'. h”si; . i ■’ii', t .- t- 'tning to ■■i\' uon had a ! : 1 l:ini. 'i’fte, ii ■ va- = s ha i h tii'Ded sl aiitiy . • •'.nr.;-,., aad j-pok(. b 'te ’ I'ing ’ •' 1. ,d hardeae 1. :Mal at t!'.* ^ ! c' iii'■ .r.'-■>vari'- -sonled ' ' V. iivtn his !nn;ata aiiMitiiions : -■.•■■lalirg, Vhiyirg a' h:’:id .lavi.-. )!' i.aist o'’ ;h-. r.'.en. v.ath ) Td 'v-’d, ’a('l'i I • i’- -^vniiiathy; , I . . I a: o1 ■ : ,r.o err-'n- ■ of 1 '■'•■la ’'aa'id lit- ^ 'Vi»h ii. a.e Tc he e:t-( at the .‘.’m Pacifi'a In iter T(w. i.attj.' wt: !i ihp '‘TK-e Stiite ef N’urth C.irolirai 'I'ransy’v.inia C'''untv li\ vir'ue t»:' ,i dee.l in trust . e ; thi I th day of .\la>. by .1. li. wa\'.nai wile. .\. .1. ('lalloway. t- 1'iickv'atrth, irusiee, to secure a annaini th rein set ou; to W 0^■.iv, and (leK'Ult ir. Of payment of the sai a'ni.aat having been rn.di', I. tlu under-a:n.‘d. tid- n'.inis*.r;itri\ of W. o. Duckwort'i. i^u,'- as ifarcsaid, will, ' n Mon law he fw’a"h day of .March. 1>12, at 12 o\i...av ai the court house ('. lor ii. the t( wii i: lirt vard, X. C., sell to the highest aiihi. r f -r cash the following described tract ■ r [.;'.r- Va 1 of hard lyiniT and being i”, Ib ^i-.iick township, connty ol '!'ninsylv.n.i;i. s'au (d' Ni>rth Carolina, ;idj(’in.'ng the ia'ids of -\.ndy Smith and \Vhi:tnire: and laiowii as a i ;irt of the .\nt; tl'.e 2Ith day ( f Fel12. .Mas F’.i .\ H. Bitkw ouT.'i. Admx. t'.f \y. B. i'uckworth, 'I'rnst.e. Zachnrv (. ...• ion. .\ttornevs. When Vapor i-s Dry. M. l\lot: S:r;i:li pia'a.ts unt ’’n ;i iijpniai' :tuscrni-i piion iij the ^ui'posi)i ra IhtiL .e;U'‘ ni.s \ap' r and i'-e ar(f wet. They are jn tl.eniselves dry atul i'eeora-i wit ooiy when tney tnra \j water. dr> is: •utueons vaptr iiiat it will J. y a; y ni<'isr obieot ir eories in • aitiK t w i'h.” .‘■'■a; erheat- e(l si earn b< '\.re it 'o idenses i.- a dry gas. of 'he hanil is sa'dieieiU to nieit it. As iee it is dry. An )ther laiseonceptmn is that tile air ctui be eithi-r uioist or •Iry. It is l ondenscd aqaeoe.s vaj'ur in t!ie air is moisv, and it uordd be utoist if iliere a ■ air. A given qiniiitity of ni]tifous ^.ailiiieci in a giv('ti space will be 'vet ‘,.r dry a.c- eordin.g to the* teniperatiire At 02 de- gree.s, fcr insta.iee. it itii.uiii be partial ly eond"ns.-d and consei]aeiitiy wet. wliile at To ex]>au- .'ioM, it wou'd la' dry. ■ : t its in;-, il -iL-n ' ■ai cf ifisrlit ■i-a'a ■'■e.-'t a t’ne I'ii 1 h- D Jf ?. - tJK . ■ Iv'e i I Tilt a;, a ad h;bv ■; d ]i'';'rt!eaiiy tn liattiined ae iitv /l- ■V Ji; -r'. . t-C!' 1:- r.' ] t;; ■de,> va-' 1, i r ‘. i - ; . ( ! Bug Pcvver. If asked to naiae the strongest ani- I inais ni(.'st per-'^oa.s I'e.giu witli liie lar- g«'St. il’.c e -i liaut, and coiitinne with oxen, li u'ses, t't;'. Tliis is oT cou'’se. e'irre< t in so I’ar a- tiieii total pow< r is eoticerned. Luit for real I siren.i:th, p:-'>[>')i'tioued to the size aad weiala iif the animal, one raust go to ' the inse't w .rid ( ompared with iu- ^ sects tl;,* strenuth of aluiost any large .animal, and e^i'eiiai.y of man. is ab surd. .V man is -onsidered strong it In- drag a mass v.eigl’.tnir three or fo'.ir tiii'.e.s as 'auch iis liiniself. but ; tile '.‘I'ciie \vili w;ul. wi'h times his ov. n wei.uh.t. a m-.iu wen.- pl.ieed» nndt-r a >cood..*n box witli tive times : !iis weight on to[i (o liold ii down he , .\ould rv'taaiii there indei'autely. but I to retiiia a stau bi>et!e | risoner in the I same way one must pile oa top of ttie I bo.'v at U‘a>!t l.SOO times iis weight. * LI it. 3iC.: . b « '' ' Cc?Y!-aCHTS ii.. .!..: a > l.'.'t -’i ;u::1 ril' jcr.: i. 'ii M ‘ 1' ' ■ aii":i ’.v-.’. :i..'r ■ tl l’,';'.- I li'-IHliriU*. >'. I : .IM '^Oia. HAi'<0:.aCK • '■■I : yj'Ai: i-:- vr. - ^ ti'-' J. 'I ciiii }>' I'.'il:' > ■ •: ' i’l R-.- 1 ■ . * a : , at l n", imnor- i*'e. I'liO Ifsiro 'o i'.ir a wliia al‘ eonn- .•lOir,at.> of .''-('Vie ■v; ’ I h'Tnsob. he -aip.lo-! <>!''•dh lotli, a- to . ,i. .■a} r ;.n< ai... il’e '.i’ St thr a.jh ’:'t:'.i I was i.di'se' a 1. saie r!a Sor,or.ia ia- ' • have his futi to'st, ; nd V V the 'ai'.ckya’ai .'tevwa'rd, a th.' hi’l. .T'sp av a • - IT jnt’ y lO :o the ’ a'T 'he- I'ounL' .' road at aa < he came to :uid cantert'f’ iiaylit;;’. The grain v al's.. ' ke<‘p straps of oil'-li.nh in reserve for ; 1 fc!l.>\vs like him. Tliey si'reati it on I the lloer ill either si.le of the 1-ed. t/n * Slcj'iai au cold oiicKith v.ben be gets j out of bed is firetty likely to awakeu the most coiiiirmed .c!e«. pwiilker and p; .‘\ en' ncet arnai w audering.”—New Vi.rk I’res-^. L'nint.entional. She—Ob, 1 saw sueli a fnn- u.' )!d fossil in the museum today', t thou;;hl of yi a at oik e. Judge. ceir.s I v.*'.r, i '..rii.i-.-.r McCiil' I’-a.Jir.:; f..-a it4cC.-»n Pr'tcrr.: L- !i i- V, I . ' i; ;:l ■ di'.iler.'! .ss i r.;c('. I s ri)'.Cii,',ca. i’- >: ft ..n your cf.'.I-..r, c; McCALLd'^’ 2'^n * !s C'.