fH£ FOUMTAIN AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION THAT SYMBOLIZES THE BUILDING OF THE PANAMA CANAL ....m UK f j * ^ • ? IJ *> \ ■ A- f--<^ ■ftV }r f- 5 < f V : *'! Rw «•.■ )■ wK-^ ^ A Vf >»;; y X Paint Put-on Think of paint put on and not by tlio pillon. A piilon of paint in th(! can is of Tu> uc( onnt to anybody. Put it on. Now reckon itscu«t and value. The sccret is: ont; ]>aint {'ocs The Austro-German invaders have pressed the Ros.sians back into Old Prussia beyond the bor- df>rs of ancient Poland, anu l.ave now entered Kussia projwr. Thu Russian fortress at Olita has iiecn ah„n,l„m-,l. »ml th. i.,rt ..t Hr,.,, twicr as far as another. A «ood ! Litovsk has also fft"*'"’ ‘ ‘‘*’- one f?(ies twice as far us a bad one. U„j, ji«>ay two stron^' obstrnctions You bave a j(ib, say an «vera-;e , • - , Moscow. The ticr- jdb. It 11 tak(5 10 j_'all(<ns Devoci . ,„,sse'^sion <*f 11k> iind I'.Nir l.^or 1 s or .‘(i of miadlin'' , ‘ ‘ I)o<*r very poor t.nd trash. You | wbole line (4 railway troni^ i Im know iiainter's wasesin your lown. I to Iiialyst(Jk, and the Ilussittns Tut the ]>rice ol a irallon of ]»aint I j^.^n foHMul t«J «*vaeuate the :.nd the paint.-r’s day-wa^^, i f<'„.t< at (irotino and Jlotia. Th.-i.. '/elber. ^ ou can, we can t. i<tiT- ai : Ih^vo.^ c».Hjs 1,‘ss tlu.n any infe is talk.»f Hussian prepara tioiiH lor jrior])aint; there an; hundreds of a stand, but no indication as yet as to where this attenu.t is to made. ALL OAU DIVIDED i f ll( ni. One paint is as ^;ood as another, so lon«; as it lasts {xofxl ; one lasts || ^ THotiths and anotlii'r vrars ; and tin* w :<ait' that j,'<H s furthrst last's loTiL'cst. i)i:v< >!•: Brrvnrd Luiiil«>r Co. sell it. One W. .). Biyjni of Xcbra>:<a ><>rl li <'ari>ljj)a (•<)») h'i}»uted $1.‘I.-\and <‘lsf‘wlM‘i«‘ announces that jii . ill n-vcjiucs 1o the r.-ilcial ' ,„.xt coiiuiinui(’ation to the jn. ■ (vcrtiTiH-iil (hi,riii.i,^ the pa^l iiscal vill be ill three ]jarts. I'hut re iico . car. a'-'-'jnh.nu'’ to rciMn-ts iust i<- i ,i i, . • ‘ ‘ „s of a remark made ]o-i: a-o l.v .’ulius Caesar to the elf; . Iliat “All irall is di%’ideil int<i tliiv. Western Carolina 'I’lric- AiT’<. 1%. 1*. W’harto!) of Circii lioro was riui over and killci] bv au anto btst I-'riday. Xo Itlaine is at - _ tiiclied to thi'driver of t!ie car, ,\.' nfSHTP I^TDDC V. ( aldwcl!. a. ).e uas .Irivin^ .:t a HuU I 0? flfcSIOOf t ry slow speed and tli<* woman %1ei»i.cd in fi-oiit of the car without -f( IHT it. ETC. WANTED. “We ;ire in tiie market fori.irm r?!, l;i!^)r uc?;i ilio 'onilihti;; oA Jhe Panama canal i.s .‘syinbul’.-'ed in the Fountain of Energy, by -\. •r'.iiiL,' < :;! i!T. 'I his arroic sculpture staiul.^ in the center lanoon of the tl’.n e laf^oniis of Ui<- South <'.ardcns aad ■cs :lu' main onlra’a e gales. 'I ln' wcro lirst release*! on oiicnni^ day. I Vbriiary 20, coincidently with tho ••i'tif:;: «'f th'> licrtahs <if ibe exhibit i-alaces and by the same means: the liectric spark transinltte*] across the coii- r,l V.'cMidnvw Wilscn I lie sreat expo.'ition at San Fr:;;:ci.-ct) liy wireb-rs. imm A lull sm the o?en!::g day ceremomies AT THE PANA?,1.VPACIFSC !■ ■. . . S t '.J 11 i'il« i—k I" li OI I ! / el ... . . (Hiarititie.s oi: lidHHisness mui C-onstipntion. Beeswax, Lady Slipper Root if is r-f>'hinily si;r,*i-i-inu' that .MuyappJe Root, Sassafras Ikirk iny woman wi'lendin--. iheir.iscr- j>(,ot. Select Bright, Slippery ■ihle 1'fc‘inu's cansetl Ijv t*il,jotism-ss of Tree, Spikenarti uni eoustipation. when relief is so Cirass Root,Star Ro< t. asilv lia.t an.l al so liltb- .■x]>e,i.... ,.^rk. K .!is. Clias. I’eck, Cates. X. . tial Oi!-. Hrri,;. Lf.ivf>. I-Iom; . am! 1 writes: “ 1 t:i: HIt ;t v.'a r a iro 1 ns,.. | " - F'S'v rt-rritil t.f fi*W ■ * . ■ , ■ > ' . S'-r ^-’iiinpin- Uiv-- and ether in!'.rm;r-- f.vo o-.Uies ,.t . l.an.her.n . s la‘.- that v.Ii! -!(sir.-. I'iuc li.sl niai!e<! i . ’ets a ti'.i t (lev eiirt i] 7tie -if hi'io';s. rc'PU :-t. .'.dilres-^: ■ r^.n aii.i (••■ti'-fipiiti.in,” (U.inin- iH )P & Cf). (lilt. ; l(!e e ■.’ei'’A’he I'l ‘. aOV ; .\‘. I,t :-.i.. ,\\v. viiic. , ^0.'^ i r:. j ^ ... i: r-'■ > ■ A. ■f s'»s- - * .... ''v' V ■ . .V-- e -a . ^ f’ «i .; ^ 'i' V^v <' - 'i.?3iryoTO»‘.Tr' isrr’Trrmr'. rx».J§ "■ w "■ r :JCilAMUIlya£aC^MllWl^^ iBrruar^i BREVARD, - «. NORTH CAROLINA Tiie school v/lur!j oiT'-rs tliorou^’i instraction in the most uj' : .il ijrancKf*^ at Ir.ss th;\n artual cost iind undt.-r j^trons? Chri.-;tiaa influfrices. Its r<u-.re^s ot sl'.idy inchide: Primary Scliool, Grarnm;ir School, i Its^tt School, I'ed:agoi:y, ifw C las.sc.s. Practite 1 facbitii.;. Piano inlaying. Voice Culture, iVKisic<il Prtlagogy, Book-keepin", Strno^r.iphy, C<jrnrn('rciTl i-.iv.', i):ess-m;skine. !\blliiit*ry, Fa:icy \\ oik, Cookir.'^. ! iousi-v/<<rk, fbiusehold t.cononiics, f ariii- ir.y, Stock-raisitig, Gardenmg, Bible, iMiissions, Christian W'ork. Its aim throu i'll out is accurate efficiency. Why Not Study Jvst W Aac You Are Fitted For ? S»s^ ■ ■ ijl m It ?/i ■■■■r 4- j;- 'i iHwf' ''5- * -5->'■ -■ f ,A,’ ^ ly '■j. - ^ ' >’U'-v r . % • ■ •: -V V ■ A ify>«-w- \ .... . ii.. vt J ^ I,’ •A. SSH j 7 Jli f/* MEATS -f rs T ■f ■ .\ first class line uf Tr-'sli meats, st<-aks, roasts, stcvs ,-., chops, mufton, siuisi'^e lifessed fovvls aKvays ready for prompt ‘'cifvery. Mso a c.)nii)!cie iin^' of su”;ar cured hams, break- t:is{ b-.:c<.n, boilet! iium. ctc. W e have made our lu.irket sanitary in ev'cry respect aiul will! our oxpv'riciiced meat cutters we are prepared to ^[ivc voi' iusr t'i j jut YOU desire. C?ive us a call. P ■;‘i ■:! v,.i3 (.pv-‘>i--d by a w ire]e,~.--, ;'ji;.i-k. dl'T-t'cb»'--i by s'l'i, \Von<!rnvj ^ he of a \v^-eU*.ss aorial oa t;.-> b'fiy 'rou.-r of !o '>‘!s ;.? Hie cxpo.-i- J ifiterraiioiiai \Vi;. ;i ;;r \\■a^•.:^i, l-n, a:.ii <;.i:^iu e; ticn l;..-;*ati:!y t.. • j.ou/r was iT-lc'a.'i'ii in ih-.- miulify Palace of r.h.chitv ry a*'ji tbe •;'ria!.-? o! the e.\hibit pabicn j r-’i'* :i--"l. i,; e:i t'li"’ I'riiia' i"i:nd Jii'tt'r ibe f; r-'i'uiiiJes h;id enited, Secrc';,vry of the Iiiierior Frankliu II. * LniiO. {'nv. i;;ra;:,. J.'r; -..n of (.Mayer .laiih :! .Ir., of .'^an Fraricisfti. Pre;Ui! ril ('. IVIuure of | f. ’*'.(11 -lad .. ef v!.'’ Mw' :K -litar'^ ^ II i;i a.’i’an': ! i!;. i: cf f;'c epodrt! t\ at. la i: ; : -s J. i>; ,;. ■ -. .:• •;! ..deals ar • : a :.i:i2c to .:i • MorM t?!“ n^'-.vs ih. ! i!i • ha;l ciicned. THE r;ilGHTY COURT CF THH Uf'i!VEBSE. THE HUB UF THE ARCHilECnin’.!. SC:;:EM£ at -\'At iHFiAMA-P. ClFiC l^iTLRiMAT:::!At, EXPOSITIOM ALLI-^ OL YONGUE TELEPHONE 47 ar-''' / I \ 1©; ir. I ?* / 'V f > h.*^ J* A* lA*'.^ V -w ^ -^iwr ***-■» jjrs- TilANSYLVANfA DiVISiON Effective Sunday, June 27, 1915 I / / / .1' *? < ' ) ^ gl * ■oU > /I. ri~'fors to T/iO r t"'' <-';’'f.siLiou niakL' i'-’-' ^ in* <■' iltr:ii , I \v o i! < JI 'r' r i ‘ :' r o u n s—: % W-. a -; • ■ ^o-' ■■'■'■ ';i ^ fv p i' ,< * / v^f"** >,-'>■ • A**'' V-—». • ». • • v< <>. A" • • » • - • ji/ : / . ^f . *■ «:•>, <:■.••■•« • ** *“ . V P* . K»i-' s . I !!:a rr'.oilic T.ilcrnrtti^ ird expo:^ii'.''n at Saii Franei?ro a! ;- ''r!c iihh* durmg lluii a! ',hra;ii,h '■'.!• Court. »)i ilio I’nivcri'e. is i. e lu'cjeu coiu't on fjroun-Id ; !■• -t e" *!:t' : ir-lHtf'.-i la-:i ai’tl ;::ro>:nd it!:iie; Xobie yc:'i"+ r-.-iI :;roui>5 emhp’Iish i:, tus i'-f (■■■■• i-"-..; an; 'Mi'' ef fhi‘ West- ; = "! ' ’ • , ■ ; ' f ■ J ; ■ - ■ :tte <:}j»nt arch*:*:-, '•t fe s .htaluir ti^i: ur.'S V ub!i:. ’■■■■I a> int’erni:; .i-)n not Kua ran teed. Nf> . (> .\e . H .\' * . 4 S"'r.\-ni:Ns No 3 Xo . 7 X.. XV a. ;a. r.u \r. a. ni. 1'- IT!. P- 1\-!. r. A5 <) t'.=i .V'- 'U'villr i 5 .^0 ti 15 / 0 } 10 i< H f>n;ia .'.’a V ii!t’ 10 10 2.S 3 0 10 J 03 H» 10 i, 3> Wes t, Hcndcrsttr.vi! !r \5 5 00 '» < '7 t i-S) 10 17 f 1 U i l-'.vi.< 10 0(> '■ 4 52 s 57 / 15 ' 111 2.^ <) \ al.- 10 00 1 15 s 51 / IM) !•' •-’S .=^S ;; 1 .-.c Sla 'f ') 10 ,s ie 7 lo .>] <> 5S t'a!!ii> 11 52 ■! .^7 ,s 7 2'*' !;i Ci'l 1 !!.> 'I,lev.ah , ») •If) : .] ■>1 s ,i7 "Mt ; 1 i lo . iJl.iatyrv *1 1 21 s 3o 7 1 ia f 1 7 17 ! .'V. ! uSi‘ ') .i2 I 17 s 2.i / .-1 i] ; ;i i 2a 1 :'.vii!:-cn i\i'.-.t *) 2> I i ‘S s 1 i / ^ ■ ■> li (M 2'^ I -ih Forest *) 2‘i .. ■I (>5 ,s 11 iS' 05 n !.^ 7 hUiXMUK *) K> 1 (H) s e5 ,s IS 11 2(. i ;<) Si-iira ,s c;i 1 •> 4.1 / S 2.^ !! M 7 .^t) F:a; rvii. i.i s •>!) 7 i’> S 'jS 11 i 7 5‘) ,s J L> 1 ! ■n . S <).> liiosiuan s 4.S ■ 2'* 7 ,>f» 1 i 'ill >■ ii7 tirillmvays •iS ■!:1 i 25 / 3,-> t' !.’ 11 5fi > I.s s .M i .■> IS 7 2t> s 5'2 12 (K) 2."> Rviti.-; I'r* 3 (»0 7 1“ V* 12 l'» ,s ,<1 r-'xaway Inn s 17 • 02 7 12 <) lu ! 2 20 N .'5 A .akt‘Ti:xaway s 15 1 3 (!(> 7 ]0 lit i>. *11. :i,. (1!. .\r. .V. a. m. I ^P- m. _ f’- m. \; M.S. 3 and I inin(’ It* til ran ; h sIcL-; >intr c ar I'ri'm .\tlanta to Laki To> ;av.a\ Xo.>. 5, f>, 7, a ad S through u ■ains .\shcviile to Lake Te.vawav'. .1. 11. WlKH). Division Pass:*nj.^er Agent. S. C. Y.M'i'S. Tirkct .V-ent.

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