% NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUB LICATION North Carolina, Transylvania County. In Superior Court. Ikfore the Clerk. N. A. Miller et al. VS. W. H. Robinson. Kittie Henson anti Ijus- band, t)at iknson, Pennis Robinson. Haisy Robinson, Card Robinsun, Lake K<»b'"nson, tleneva Robinstui, Mack Rob inson, J. C. Robinson, R. .1. (iaiiinvay, H-.'steran (Jailoway, S. S. Caniin. Kmalrc Cardin. Will Fiiiin'r, Mi.ry rislirr, 'I'ury Reid, Lewis Reid. Freii Reid, Frank Reid, Etlie Re id, Clay Reid, Car Reid, T. 1). Reid and Mary Reid. The defen<lants ('eneva R'»binson. S *S. Cardin, Knial>.«‘ Cardin, Will Fisher, Mary Fisher, 'I'urv Reid Lewis Reiil, Fred Reid, Frank IJeid, C'lay Reid. Kfhe Reid. Car Reid, T H. Reid and Mary Reid, defendants in the above entitltd speeial proieedin” will take notice that on thr Sth day of .lune. 1,15, a summons was issued in said sj>ei. .al proceedintf ai;ainst s:»i<l defendants above naine<) bv Cideman Calloway, deputy clerk of the Superior lourt of Transylvania county, whit Ii sum mons was returnable into the otlice of the rli fk of the Superlt.r court of i'ransylva nia county on July 2(ilh. and the above named non resident defendants will take notice tliat , aiil spe. ial j roceedin^ is hrouuht iiy the jdainlifrs a;»ainst the defen<lants tor th-‘ i'iu|)use of obtaiiiin}.’ :in order for a s;;le of partition aial di vision of certain l.iiids In Transylvania i i'i:nty, N. lyin;; in lluf.;back township, fiartlv on the water's of Iloisepasture rtver and part on 'I'n'i.Hvay river and part (>n Bearwaliow »re«k,and In which lands! the ahove named defendants and each ol them have or chi’m an int 'r'st. .U'd the :(ul defendants a:id e ich ol them -tre nec- i'Ss:irv parlies to Nani special proceediiij^ V ivi ti is brciiiiht !or ihe purp >se ot !iuv- I'l. said lands sol i lor ]);ir;iti.*!i. The defendants each of ll.enj will further take notice that they are re(|tiired t. ..ppeai at the ofh'-e of the cicrk of ll'ic ^^iipi rioi court of i'ransyl .ania couT'.ty on inth day of p'.enij)^!, lU » :*Hk m., and ansv.er or «ienii’.r to the ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE North Carolina, Transylvania County. Having qualified as administrator of R. B. Waldrop, deceased, late of Transylva nia county, N. C., this is to notify all per sons hnving claims a^jainst the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or lH-f(»re the 26th day of Au}(ust, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make im mediate .settlement. This AufrusI 26, lyL^i. V. R \VALI)RO[‘, Administrator. Chas. H. Deaver, Attorney. S-27-6t-pd BLUE A TAR HEEL ENTRY NOTICE .1. F. ('is.son enters and claims twenty acres of land more or less lyin^ and beinjj in the county of 'I'ransylvania, stale of North Candina, in Dunns Rock township, on the waters of C:irsnn*s creek, and bounded and more particularly 'i^’ed | that to bo l.rosidct of as follows: llegjnning on a white oak.; . . the I'aiidler and ('isson corner, and runs M ^rcat scimtllic Ixuly ot iii(*li in a northerlv direction with the Candler t'Hsily pbiiHiS liini ut til.* head of all Jj'tirf^con-Goneriil Blue, who was rceently elected pr«!Hident of tlio ATJierican Medical As.socijitioii, is a Nortlit’arolinian. His many friertds and relatives in this section of the <!onntry feel proud and honored that snch a viiry hij'h coinplimtmt should coino to one of iier distin- truished sons. To be elcct(id ]>ri/si- dcmt of the American Medical As- .sociation is the ^'reatesl oonijdi- inejit tha( can of t.lie ni(“iliciil profession iii the ITnit- ed States. Po.ssibly the writer may l>e <!.\ciised if he says by way of line to a stake in a;i old road in liie Cand ler line; thence with the old road to a stake in a l(»w place; thence in an easterly directi(»n to the Cisson line: thence with Cisson line to the be^iinninK so as to in elude all vaeant land in said in*un'!ary. Kntered this Auj;usl 28, l'»15. LFAVIS I*. 11 AMI IX. *> 3-4t fs Kntrv Taker. NGTiCE AND SUNiMONS State of North Carolina. County of Transylvania. In the .luslite’s ( ouit. IJefor;' K. I . Hen nin}';, .k I'. W. F,. bishoi) et :il. .1. () Wau rs et al. 'rhe defen iai-ts. .1. () Waters .nil! wife Blanche Waters, will take notice that an action entitled as ah^.ve ha;, been com-! menced in the jnsUce’s court. !*•_■!.ire 1^. T H<‘nniii!.% iustiee ol ! he pi-ac - in an<i tir said county and Brevard !.>wnshiii to fi)recl«tse a l.iboii r's n5at<Ti;.l fnrtiisher's pi'tilioii and c*mi[daint ot the phriiuHTs in ' lien hrrctof<ire tiled against cert;u!i real ■ t'u above procce(liai; which petilioi! and : ]iropertv, v.'hicli is situate and Ijeiiif''in = •;i;np!aint V. ill be tiled within ten days , the said state and county and in the town !!m tht* ihite l.ereol, or the relie! de-j <ii r.revaid. in whicii saul \\ aters and v. ii'e c,: nded in said complaint v. iil in- jiranted. have an inlt rest. .\nd i he delendants. .1. ; (>. Waters and wife, will further taV.e j n<itice that they are reciuirrd lo it and appear before L. 1'. Hennin!;. jtislice of ' the i>eace at hi.' .‘i’lef mi :’«'ev; r-,!. X >rih I'.vay .\lliso;':, .\ltorneys i. > 1 lain- ^ Carolina. townshri. on c-'.itardav. '!!'■■■ ' SepteTnhcr 1. 1'>I5, at Me\;l(i:'k a. I'l., and W. F. llAliitlNi;, ;e of the Superior court. holdin;j ourts = l''th .lu‘l. I)i; t. j)ri)f»*ssinnjil f?t‘ntlemen i?i this cottrUry, and |)ossihly ♦],,)se who s])eak tlni Kn^lish laniinni'e. (Jon- i ral Bltti! was born in Iticluiiond t'ounty. Xortb ('ar<dina, in H(‘ K*!ninaled at tlm I’niV(*rsit3' of Maryland iii ls;»2. He 'was cotn- nii^^iOTHMl Snr^eon-( b‘ii(M-al by I’residt nt Taft tl 'nnary 1.'5, T.M'i. This a|tpjniitiimnt was won by noteworthy and meritorious scrv- i('i> t*s|)((cially cvidejii'f.l in the sup pression an<l rradicatitjn (*f luibonie plapno ill . 'I’his work brought him instaiuiy into sm-h prominence 1 hat his fitnt'ss for tli'' jiosition of -Sur<;eon-( Jcnen'l could not !;ut bo n‘Co^'iii/.i*<l. A few years ii*ro i)r. Blue sprnt sonn- tinn* in l-lnrojx* ?«tnilyin:r j):<!Vfntivf medicine as practiei-d tlien^, an.l in tlU" ,<;ni*lu- itt* I from till' Ijondon School of Tro])ii*al ISLaUi itu-. Iti .May of the j same year ht> was detailed to re]» I rt';^?!!! tile H. uiid .M. H. at j tile ('o!iou*'S on ?dedieint> andHv-[ i •rifM’.e at Bueiio .'iires and \vhile | th- r ‘ adva;ita:.je of i!i,- o])oor- ; NEW GOODS ARHIVING EVERY WEE New line of Slippers in Old Dominion, Gold Brand and H. Brand for Men, Ladies and Children, also Tailored Suits for Men and Spring Hats for Ladies. Come in‘and see me before buyins your Spring and Summer Goods. My prices are good and you can most ail the time get what you call for. A nice line of Groceries on hand all the time. L. E. MULL TIXEPHONE 131 NEAR DEPOT FLOHIDA INN. Brevard, J^. C. Will give to Teachers and a number of Stud: ents reduced rates for the school term. See the proprietor. Dr. J. M. BAGGETT, Prop. RTRIGHT METAL SHINGLES never need repairs, are inexpen s/ve, Jbeaafjfu/ dndstormproof * We donihave io worry ^ about the roof " Th^ woni- leak, burn, curl or rot like wood s/tin^es, nor crack like slate. i '--•■'srust 7th. 1**1; >. l.vii i .,'r»;.;\v(’r Or deinur l«: the comphiifii in this ttiiist TV, «-r»-r::r tr> ^" i jr >CtOOlk.L O w.iLiL r. vir'.ae of tile . (■'.'■Ki (ieeJ o ; . ■ 1-.. ;‘a.l : uU>;ersi-:;:-eii i lav of .hdy. 1‘Jl.'. f'e tifftce of the :ed p : .''i.e Cl. ii f'{ . l;.w by • ;;;e .; 'o..- . 1 '.I:: ; , : > • i.U-e. ^::it >: 1 e !. :il ;in<i ■» ...le’t'u in r«‘f.',islt*r el (-•-ris for .li t ion or 1 In ei-;;i'i t-.H Veil oi ^ o! ' cost s. TIm- Ci. Vtl .1 . Alta,-; iC: oi i i.iVt. Vviil app! V iii.el't til 1 he V .n-‘in i r; nsvlvania connty, N. t'.. in i.osiK uf !i:;a l;:a”:>'S and deeus of trust No. al pa"e M7«> et sei;., t</ which retir- nc-. is i. itv nuide. .ind rief:uilt liavin- b.-en in the pavnieat of t!ie indehl -dness >i cin'ed by said deed <ff trust vvherelty the I owi r of sale therein contained has iie^ ;»nie operat iVC. said .Hni'-rsit:ned trustee uoi on .Monday, tie ith flay ot Octohi-r. 1‘HS. at 12 oVlotnon)’.. >el! at public .,ti. lion for cash, at thr cinirt houye door r ,iie town of Hivvr^rJ. countv of '“'ran- vl'.ani.i .ind state of Nort!: ('..roi'iia. lii-- i>!lo\\in^ des.iilied lands and j>re:v.i>e,-.. 'iiuafe, lyinjf and heinj^ ia the t- .vn of i-revard, connty <.i '{'rans_iIvania and !. i'r of i\orl!i Car dina. ai^oinin.^' i,i!v?> ORDER OF RE-SALE whieli ini'/iit .lies !'i) i"ic it. 't vlo t •:.» St iniy p'a '':e ' IT!; ims^'itile routes by j le and • v fevoj- | •;;:11: i ’■ * . , :!f ' ' !!1 i I ’ S' i .\ Ml I i ■■■' , 1 >:■ . 's a 'iKt'n! eoniJ.Hliit. . rfiill V !‘i f d in eotiv.r- •'.\tion, v.i-ll infonni'd, oci;;rhtftil t-i : listen to and liis pei-.-oualitv and ; ■ ! ire- tniusnallv atlraeti vc. Por Sale by MILLER SUPPLY COl p. revar L. .State of North !’ iroliaa svivania In i!ie Su; fore the tlerk. lleulah Mr.Minn Za. hai' >nnt V n* I ran- rior Court I'.e- STOMACH TROUBLE R. H. A.h liarv, .■\dmini.-ilr.‘*rix, ! iunlian, el ai. ac'di nev iaaii-s O. I. ;' in, 1‘i; helsini' t and . '.’'.er ' ai- i nn r-- : ienlarly descril'id as foih \vs: lieiriiinini' oil an old spr^'ish o:.k n.-ar •!'* road. .In-.-oo Stame\'- bi == ir.nini! •I 'ler, and ians nortii de.a we--' v. ith S::' v'- inii one lumdreil and '.v»en:\ -ix j ! s I;. black iruni, Slaniev's ■:'Mer. li-.Ti.-e s.tiitii I*.' d..-> e:a-t oai* faiadiee ;ia<; t v-.iix poles lo a stake on the o*" ■a old li.ao, ila . in ;i soul iiv--•■■r', ? iivifi and by virtue of tli'‘ po'-.-er Ci-r taiiieil in an order of the ..Superior court (if 'I'ransylvania cf>un‘y, made in the spe- < ial proceedir’^ enlit!e>i I’euiah MMinn Z:ich:irv. .idniinistratri\ 4if tl’.e ( “ ite nl W. \V . Z;a:hary. deceasfii. v;:. i^. !1. Zae|i- ary. ;''iia,riiian ot W»odf*a-.i Za.iiarv, Kliztt- biih /.ic!i:-rv and lieidah M.ie /-i.-i^at v. infant heii"; law of !h> s.aid • ihe ''.'lue iieiiu' No. nf>o i!':' .luci.i' proC'^'d<!ii. d.''ket td '.di: 'I, ■ 'lef'i):,nr;l ci''%':nii:'Stoni-r wifi, on . Sej temh. r nth. I'M"", it Ix'iii : !-;• tii-t .\i-'nd;-.v .S.-'ileml.- r, a- the u t‘oo ., door :n i >ur:tv oi i'».ui: vlv;iv.ia .md in i!ri \'>nh tia-.', e-ier i'-r saU- ■ the !nii'^-r on trrms''. ta None Kqiu’l to Chitinherhiin's. “I, liave, irieil most al! of the eotii;h ettrt's an I find Ihat tlieia* is n<i?i(‘ tliat e jn-il ( iiainb* rlaui''' ('on^h l.’eint (ly !t has never I'-t'iled fo^rivt' m,'- prr-iiipf reliel',’’ units . ilarniT, M ont |)elii-r. Itid. \ ’!i !) \’'>n Ivi a e.jhi mvt‘ FIVE YEARS }. liii.s rci.a-d,v a trial and se yn’vr'adf '.•.'lia! a, sidejiiliti tt;edi<*in- 'f i~. < >!»fai?iabli‘ ev.-rywliore. adv AH£ YOU A peecypfNE? Majority of Hughes V/ould Die, B'jt One Heipcd Hia to iry. If y • a* n.e ' o; I ro.,1 . I on lionir s;ii ! ro.nt u. ir, !>e: -.iinin'’: eij^hl a< le.^. tnor.- or l-- .uui ■ :hi- la.iid:v :,ir-d preiiii,a-s con\e^ye.i lo I . (trr bv O. i^. ICrwin and v.'Jv, N 111. hr 'iee/l dated 1-eiaai;!rv ;lth. 1^'''!, I'had - fr i it' .1.. t( 'islcre a I a.' e ■ t< r ol de. Is ftT Tran^yl (’ . 1 a d< ed Imok No. 2, at j , to whieti reference i.'. re infoi ia.nli-n and d. i ds .\n-j-^t ^‘•l^ ■•V. i:. s vama e 'vniv, na^'e .~.|1 el ,herei>y inaae ' ■ •■‘pt^ a:. )Kit. 'tlS' ee.. isli a nit iranaindcr i; \ dale et t oa‘a'!;-.' I ioa li,t < a n; Lni'k the j.re- I . ■' iroii; which s;<!e I ■ 1 i j.ieii undi i ! ile e''di.*rs of the c-.arl. 'n vmdividcif one-thi*'-’ ii. asid !■' the fidlouana 1 ea;-- i'--^ ■■ !,^ ..nd 1-in:’' in aid "late a: d c-a;.U\' ;aa! in He-diaek lovvn.-diip, a:o‘, -.p iIt vv.atr,.f latiiati creek of doA.ivav, l^eoi'ili > ai' at it I he''iiH.it on the >itie .(•; a nn»nnv-''i and rans 'i-ilh loti p.d>-- v. n sp:inodi o;d%; your n-itrhhor ;ttvl yun are a, pcrciijdr-c. -a ’ is : ra,t'. Lvt till nee 7‘* tie!’ « .‘St 1‘ i ... thenc :-t»nl h ! . 0 p.>lt . u.ort ii 7tl ti«ar ue-a 1^'^' jn.'.,- .■oiaisinini*' i'l • a,cre NUIiCt-TSuSTEL’S SALE ■.iriaeM :he aavver e.art ni'eii i,iu an d‘-ed in trii^l fxe^aiUii ij> A 'A id -lias. * ■; ao'-'iiiii". lo !!;,■ ttn- trii ‘ee t-i 'a-cia-- tl’.e p _ aaan II- t.i n |.i■aiii'S a \ iioit' ’ I'l h C*!*!. due :eid '.i'-' iai. .'a!\ 1-t, 1 • in aust r.--.ai"tiai,d ia *v-. (latte .= ’ ol' ino,;>. ■■td; et'" Tr;’.!!- . : i:i i i,iiiay: .'-.i.d ivhe>e.is, saie note - it h-en paid in lul and tlu o:. ee '"a- havi.',;.^ dt r ,i; .;t d th'it th-- r:l>;‘d 'in s;itd a -•■.! in hi- s-d'i I-' '! V lln-hatam 'jue .It. :aaa 'a-:.', lla- ■r-i;a**'tl tru:'-. *au aa- i Ik*' I ' tttjuireil, nn'i dt iauU n-a, i.a- a;;. ood, wail :-ei! to Iht ln<.;a‘ . I ;.a e-i-di at tin- ■ <ao ■ I't- ip ■■ai of I'.,; -vP. f!a,-':’tv t'arniiiia <■’: S'taadav. ^^ja^.•^d‘er ai:'. ;;i \2 M all the loiiow- ' en! e<^ i:..': of l;ird, silua* in , K.A'i.- (ov.T'-.insvlvania '. N. r. oi'i ii'ie v.'...*rrs of Uunn’*; adjiania^ 1 : d- oi Cua'idaiai a .a, ;a oil..* . I'i.tmded as t-'':-'; -; ;..d ■onnl v. i T lua i!';,' M.i*-' -t.r.e siinaiU'd .abi an.- !a' htl'. da v W- wtirr^iRiv. C’. 'V ‘-r, AU,ta ,*-v .-.laKe. '*0 tlli Ml ,a'c ■:.'l of I ■ ii.aa. l-'l-. i ihe Ih”. 07 M;n ‘ !. ivjtl ( )itlcr id I’iMn< nev tii(i\t-mont just inatii.'-u- 1 in rnlit-jriiia b.v tlie Hon. an .1. <’>a..:t‘, j.innev seerelnrv i.' tin- treasury. 'I'le-re is no niy. - tery. ii'> initianon fc»a and tn> ta re int.! 11 y , :.inil ved ii lius (• .-'i'U'011.1 the ■;a!lie fancy and is o'roAiiiLr hy lea';-' and leiunil.-. .and .■'j;ri',";iinu er till* e>ii!i:rv, \vhert‘ver Friends TlioasLt Mr. 1medicines. I decided to take his advice, although I did net h.5i';: i any confidence in it. j 1 have now been lakin" Black-Draugh! I j tor tliree months, and it has cured me— t . ...• -..,.1 o- r/.vri’.l s:ck heacaches j . i . using it. I ' 1 1 am so thankful for what El:lck- J. .i't her, Dratiijht has done for me.” V......3 i:.i L:'. v.j : ‘'i was dawn v L!i. Theliord’s Black-Draiijjlit has been stc: . - *’. trouble for five (C) years, :;:td found a very valuable ntedicine for de- wo’ald have sick headache so b.-id, at j rangenients cf the stomach and liver. If times, that I thouglit surely I wou’d die. is compos;^d of pure, vegetable herbs, i tried different treatinents, but Uiey coataius ro dangerous injiredienls, and i! did r." t seeiu lo do me any ;]00d. i T'C-t 5Q ba'I, I could not c?.t or sleep, a; :a lii s-1. NOTICE OF SALE CF i^BOPfcRTY B EX,Ll:yr*SN O. ' ..t auth.'i 'IV 'i ia;e:i i ■ I I a> a ! I" I i) ‘oatU i-a. r i - a td: p.-: ■ '>i ! 1 11! am ' ':it- t ,u I oil A i>' l>n .fi ti ■ oil \vil'l! 1 he i':; then «|oVV:l ' > p.i’.e-'. !. ui!) >ai t :■(. aid ran. ip !;--h vt.'t line to l):'rilll an.' \vah lia < r. i- or It.ss. Ilf a ra: :d. . • I'a" I'i '.va:;t vv;-.. onee l!ie -iiia’a llot- ■■ !ta. t; ih'a; '.vith Uie line of :aHd ina:t. a'l dej>r^-es West pates, more or les.s. ■ '-lake in said line, about ) poles from ' apjxisite a sp:;ni<-a oak corner ;if the ■ ' 'a ‘t<dil(oi h r ract; tiien \vi.t: tat said tract. S. deor>-i-s I'.. 1 po.es. '■t' or «e?s to s: 1 i■ 'I sp'i'n':sh oak ri>ra,er•. S. 7'j tle;a‘.-- ■- i'_. .I'-* poles to ji hi* ta>- tlv r- S. 7*> !■;. (ij (,<.ie--: ro a "ike i.; Ti.e (.ut--.ue one of the Daniel o e^' '.-/iiirh thi.' is par'.; t'len ;ti d,e.ore'., s l-„ v.d:h (he Daniel !loI;ien i"'di :: 1" ;• . "...'t.e; '! hen dejrrees ' :ri k , I I Pie ! aa’sdaa'. orl.didiU'; ; ae i .i, nil i\’ ■ * le-;.';. '■-d:- raade to : isfy I)alance ot prinei- ' iijid trst-'rt'-.t due on said note a,nd t'ae -’.ad e.vpcii.'cs of sa»d safe. . t'; I I'; ; .1 ! lOi ro.;r! la : .lid e''t-i'-ili'OS! i'‘'''.‘'ye'i , , 'III :■■■ .il la'-ini'el.t in I ,e or df tiiv nlrin- L^aiiisl the d-i; •■d.-ini in c aa-e eT'-! idore i:„ t'lf u ]U;-liee ac' Oi '-.;d c‘aii:tta' a'nd ejiii- tSed !..-i^-h-on Ha-’veil id. T, \ic(.:dia. 1 udl t'! lo ihe i'.ieii-St hidtler f< r c.ish .'it t ae cour; h-a li' ia' ir. 'da-! ov. n ta' ilrevjird. (.'ajoy cf d"'.ae-- h.aaii.'s, sl:’t<‘ td’ Xoi'iii 't';tMd,a'ia. <*!- .’■'end.iy. I'l'toher d-th, P'i^. r.* if. h:, I. ai., aii llie feillovvia^r ti«*;,cri!;."i rn.-pe”i» vli;.-'i v.as levied iipen ;i;.d a: ;.-ii -d liv f:> in t.,e ;.!>ove can sc oa .!na- ■■ il. !'*la; !;■. a S'ourwoj.d on top iif a iid,.;,e :.r„i rnns nortii (=^'' . dejj west 27 l.id<-' ;i!ai 7 links to a. jiojiiai; la. n north ia dei e.isl !!_' pules to a iaiake; iden n.tith l.V,. tie;r we -t !>oies tt> a stak'- on tin* biiiik ol )*'rrntdj I'ij't'sai'l river; tlien down and with the rivt r lii poles to a si; I.e. Ihtai s<uith - d' -'. a. * 10 aides lo :i de.;^.. ..eta ihen ; -ajlh ”7 d--^ ea.' t L'<> p- 'es to a sisike; ihea sdV’th /a ilre: c.:st 12 uides lo a slake; then s-aith 5‘»-j deg west 15 eoL's to the iieoinnin;:;. e:jnlai!’in<>: i-i-Sl-lOt) aeies, aat re or less. 'Idiis hein^ sa.mt? laml conveyed iiy B. W. Hend.irson, .Ir.. anil wife io'd. Mc- I'i.iha on May 2‘ith, reeor.iLd in d.*e«l !;ook !\"o. .^2 j'lt 'pa.iie 27t* ixf -'.eed reiairds of Transylvaai.i county. Sale i.uale to :;:.t‘sfv said iud'^ment, i-:tercst. i (,!St and ex]). itses. i his .\iitn;st "'O, i‘'15, .1. U. l'!i;KH!,Sl\Ii-:K. Sheriff of 'rriinsylvaniii t.’ounty. 'pi-nplc iiv‘'‘ who are h-val (n tnir ’ eeuntry and it-- llai.^. d'iie poretijiint* IS the tnilvani-' rnnttliist n'aver Idta'S niiy one aiid , y*d i.s n.<>ver '/Jtteii. Ir.-s ,nyri;;d : ne;^' ari’ i(s ]>V()tertion. atul all ^ .='!o r : .inials irive it a wiile h.-rllj. ; Mr. I'Jaii'c wcnhl luivts tlu; rnitid ; ■'tat: ' in the jidsition td' lh*' ]»i)rcu- ji ii ‘ lie WDiihi !iav(‘ us so sur- f-'umleil and ‘_rii'di-tl hy (iiii'ils ui‘; dt'd'en-e tlmt riJ> IV'rci.Lrn iiulion; \V‘Ui!d care t ? inv;'..ie t>ur junieeful j .-luires. I He ^Y^■nId, Tuif- Ita-.a, ^reat staral- ii.'j: ar-iiy. tier w>»tild h,:iveti> hr’ ^ile tiiecnrs.- t>. a'-*L;re;->i vc :;;iiitari.'Tn ; hut he would havt^ evi-ry iuy.al citi/.en posse.^s thii rudi- • jiionls or military kncwled^'c, tliat when the time e-.mt-N v^emayht* in a jMisUion tu lin.ii the in\ai;cr into t !ii‘ s*'M,s ar.iI vt* a'd• •,juate I. Iiri>teet,.in to our honu*s atnl our; 'VealUi. ; Lil.e thu j)oren]iint*, we art^ a 1 ■jicaec lov'inof prc>|»!e, mthI ask mil.’* i to he l(‘fl -tlont' to pursnt* our ]H>n ^ ortiMt* course to tlf eri.i. — !>arhtu‘'s . W'eeklv. i.e Llzd oxce:-' cnc -Draught ie to iTy C4'A1 d tJ 4^ 11 I cts yst surely. It can be free’y scJ hy youHK and old, and shoUd be chest, a rackai^e today. 0:i!y a quarter. kept in every Limil n E!!TRV NOTICE i! 'rri:*.tee Chamberlain’s rtcac. C?'< 'era and re niedy. j.so it iTO's' o aivv tifa. i\ A. Miller enters and cl 'r.s I've acres of land i'n !!:o.i,1>ack 'rownspi'p. 'rran:--i-iv.a-1 nia connty. I’e^inninj' cai a spanish oak. i 1). Uerd’s earner, east of i nion church . rear a larye rock a.nd runs u ith .!. 1). j Ivtdd’s line to .1. T. Srrdth’s line; thence ■ with tha* line to a stake; then re runnin*' j so as to intdude all vacant iar.d to the ' iiOLdnnine. containin'.; tive acres niorc or i I'nlt-red thi^ .\no..sl M. 191.S. I.KWiS i’. ii.v.MLIN, 't-pd Entry 'I'aker. Teach Cleanliness to the Children by means of a constant practical object lesson, a IMoilern Batlirooin complete with accessories. I’or young children espe- ciallv the niakinfy of the bathroom attractive helps to instill ideas of cleanliness and make personal cleanliness habitual. \\ hen desired we can furnish a low hei{i[ht closet for the children and child’s bath for the b;d'>}'. For the latest luid best in plum!)- in<2^ fixtures as \\ ell as the best \\ orkmanship, consult us. No charjj^e for esti mates. Staiiddi'd r “Occident” Bath f3 P ti O lcs.s. S-2e-

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