Sylvan Valley News Subscription Price Three Months $ .25 Six Months 50 l)iK* Yrur l.(H) I’AYAlil.i: STKK T!.\ IN AHVANCK OKA I^. JONES - Kditor aiul rublisher A i-ro-is mark in lliis siuioe imli i-iitcs (!n- tinu' f<»i- wJiii'li voiir is pai-i Itas aii'i will f't' till' last issiK' \\ r will st'11'1 tit \i*ii imtil a irncwal is at this FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1C, 1315 THE REFU3LIG ThfU. I'lii, sail on. O Ship of Stati-! S:«ii on. O I'liio:;, stroni-: am! Hiinianity wit)’, all its lo;;rs, Witl'i i.ii till*' Itoiu-s of fiilutc yoivrs. Is haii'iinjt hri-;itht» ss on thy fatv! VV(‘ know what Ma;t« r h i*! thy kt'ri. WIk.I workint-n \vroui;lii thy rii's oi sticl. Who made carh mast, juiti sail. ro|»r. Wh.i' ’.vils lanjr. what liamMH-is l)o;it. In vvhal Ji !or;>;(' and what a lu-at Wi'ii’ sha'K’d tiH‘ aniliors oi' liiv hoiu*! Fear not earl! sudden sound and shock, ' I'is o!' il.c wave and not tln' rock; "I'is Init li'.c tlapj'in'sr of thf sail, And i^oi a rent nia(it hv the .I'ah 1 In spile of rock aiid teini'^sl’s r«i«r, !n S;‘ilf <■; f.'lsr lii;1:t;^ on tlii-shore, i-;>r lit hrrast ihe scj;! ur !io:)t's. arc all with ilit'e. o'.ir li'ii'i.prayers, tnir Sail on. i (»ur h: .1' (htr iK'.'. t- <'*nr triii'i'jiS'i ;ni o’c;" oi;i ie:!rs, 'lie ail v>; i’ t'.ci- a:r ;;il with thei! . .fiirV \V;td,■.< >’■ 1 li i ■iinj.rifll*)'v. S.."s til** Stat-’svii'li' i/irni!U'trl., : *■ ■ i' "i: ‘ id lli<‘ liKiiiati Vv'lio iiu< ii'it uiven ntt'’iitiun !''■ >lrs<.'rvt‘s. 'I'h'- 111 I -.'•'■y TH‘\VSJ>:S JHT WIlfl'T shtiuhl ti;r-'fi«‘-.l r>]n*r:a]ly 'I'Mis ]>:ivt 1l"'j i«; lllr M1. 111 V.' ',}• \ !'t1 ■ 1 > Till' »11 i 11. ‘" t r 11 >' > ], . ■ I r N-. 1; ^I p:. >r ‘ i >i' i> s-s r \. r ily," airrud.v tli'vulnl nm- >v.a'- * t > this siiiTii s nt 1 li** an’i'ial k'i!i_'si.'’11. will fruti! li’!i ‘ lo p.i Ir.! ii’.ir !'i -: u ds m th’* !!>• 'fi-aTly intrri-’iTS with ha\ii lici^n iniitlo to fxiDnnd Uu* ]mm)- in tln^ (loftriiui of tho law. i)nr people, as a whole, do not know anythiiif; abont the «in involveil in a violation of the law. “Is it not tiine t hat onr preachers and teachers licstir thl^T^^s«'lves in an etVort to let tlu* pcopK* know the tratliV The Bible is lull of texts that C!in be used with prulit. Tb(> laws of nutnrc, which an* (Jod's laws, (Viniuit l»e violated without speedy and ]»ainfnl results. 'riuTc is no escaiH'. < hi<;ht not to l>e any, (iiid lOVt'S us too niucll to l('t us oil •My pt‘o]>lc ar«‘ d'-stroycd ior lack; ol kiiowledue,' Our remedy, at , I h'ast to hi'iiin witli, is to ti'acli all . i the ]ico|tle by line u])ou hnii and ; piecejit ujxiii ]»rerf|)l that law is ot i (lod ami caiinof b«* violate«l with-■ !out sin ai'.d .•'in cannot ^o unj»UM tslu'il. all the truths as to. i I'l'XtTfTUH* ttif law hi’ drivt'ii iioiiu- j upon the consriencf ol llie people. ! SOME LIKED IT 1 i 'I'i^V'i-s ini’st be ^cltitiir nuTuerous j III IJrfVaril. 'I’Ik* .\«*ws tidls of oTU* iwitli lieathiuarters on top ot tl* ^(■otirt htuise which passiHl tlh* irood I'tuHdown it rope with looplioies i?iit. \V<' want Brother .loni s to ‘ tell lis ii' t!ii> is an cllVctivr way to ! piohftii; tin' tourist season, a sub I jret ill wbic'li all iiiountaiu towns 'arc now keenly interested—\Vf>t el 11 ('ai'onilji Dt'iiincrat. 'Tins iiist it ui ion was vei-yattiae tive to so;i;e cf our vi>]1ois. at !e !,-'t one ir:i n beeomiuK >o elieen >l iiV the juiet of thi'' \fry e^ta i>ii>b lueiit that he tb-flared that if he iMiuid ;ri\t' bis i>ro}terty a way bi‘ wouhl ce.inr to ib'cviird, niid mak<* ; !ns ht>!;u- iiere ].enuanenily, He 'I le1'i town soon ul'ferlhc (lise->very . ilie iihin' anii lias r.ot !)ee;i >een 1: Te Must of niir -it. SOUTHERN RAILWAY NEW TRADE MARK hi e.veer. iia c<- !'<'Ue !>aei; i > > i 11 «'aroiiii;! to jiartiripute in Inbition ■•anipai'-'ii now lieiu^-; \v::*:ed th.ere—takinir tbe a irtca’ , Sytvan Valb'V -\ev,s: - O; ]ie:i ''. ]ia> j■ I'm i I T ! i e I 111'‘> Ii t the ’ i lei i ; ^; T11 bi'eii lieai'd from iiii!! mt;.'*' tlie =, ^ ,i,,. no:;ib'ed.]...0!iaf.'-vie;..ry (d \''ooll , ini-il to row W '.H 'wnri'jiiii: Irom ("tei*' = lael 1' v;e un* ton sluw i’.iour a!-; : n'ee-i;ent not to jn,ps’.Tlirii: out a Ii:'". '! his any inoi’.- (i'’.= -fs without tir>. ^wa" ; U'einly imp! e-->e:! uj'ot: inirlb'-ni .Tnl taiii!!': <-;i an uiy niind as ! .-aw oju* !:r;i\e lire- US I'n;. I ell ‘ . .'iT. ! tit ]ia>ai!e,iU> d ra II.LT thf eu::il"'i’-< I:’-; vete approval ^ throntrh the iiuid in the Mr I:-- to hull' t' Tl: ■ . - 'tida V ’ ‘ < ' hp.,-,. ;,t Howards i',;;>ie. l..,;,l where i> ' ryoii’' kn .w- :::i.;ti’:fe ite-ii.iiitu: of a lire v-.Ttli Si’;th ''.!yoh’’:i w;.. '.'I'! ' i''i thi hour.''<'t i.aid w=irk tiie lire ef ].'• ;■ >!i o-i iLe h:is a !-'■'o.l >tart. fiTirte :•!' i r:sl a‘ t!ii< t-'iie a 1 wo-ii.i I’.at ■ :.r l-re l*e:,'c'ii” ’-lii <’:;rid;ria ea >■: p.: i:: n .-hief he f i!r;;i-!;e-i : i it iia : i ;i ; is in l'-: : .:rv> ’'.'eis ,.u kii; p-.e-j- cl;t i: ie;.] lire eWai b > : :■ 1.:.,'!' ■ I I-.. ,\;i\ ■; pu-.- • t ;i \ ; -e Ve’■* i•;. j>< . :11:* i 1 * ' 1 ■ 1111■ ! 1 i ^ i;.m : \ take < 11i* ■ 11 i 'i Vi eS i >•. f ! Pe' i»■ M t ' a i. • >: --e i : - j !, re a M«1 : ‘ :V ■ ii lei' l.:i> oi" t;:s t'WM. I i\'' r •i! r- I: .'I , - -r r f r; ^ r . t I i L- r. p r .t " ; ’ t *';;ek !j:-e exJint: 'hirers Ail ' !■ he,ill-,• , i iK'i !i o \ e:-;;. rtied itia ‘li'd rvMei'j aiul tiie wImjio :''*or A a - I e . i;’a .< . ! • me miwt ■ ■ 1 lie Were ex '; r. ..-t;!by {hi* !.riap:-r;eU tir.- t \t;nriiislier. i'"e i e^ ;,.r -Ji-fVard. f j:m s r 1!. X■ >i:W' .• mr. 'I’bc Southern IJailway ('ompany lias adopted a new and attrarfive trademark iis shown above, 'Tin sipjii rivers. | Tbeie is bardiy a eity or town of importance throu.:;hout tbeeiitir-- siiiith that i.s tiot eonni I'ted v.'ith the haiatiee of tlie soTit li--;-n liaii w;ty S]i--nf]>~ ribun! s-.“i;(i.i.{io a ye;ir II! a■!\ > rti-•!P.•: ai.i! a i^re.-tl tl'-al of tins ad vert islirL: is d'ljiein the nce i i.ern, eastern i.nd Wes'ern sertii»|t> of t lie e. milt ry So ' a S t o ;i 11 rae{ ]ie< >ple i n t« > ’ h.e So!;tll. and on ail I !iis adver! isint'" matter i!:;s trade mark wi’l appearliere- al'ter. p.p.. 1'be r»'p I t o! ihe t'i»bt» <'our.ty. *!a ., trrand jur .' \,*as jiM-.-eriti o ir; court hi>t Week at Ma!-i*-**,a. and as e.\-]i. eted hv e',erybod.'. it found no faeJs s;i’'.i.-;eiir l.i ind,:ct rinyoiie I’ur tal;in;: parr in tl;e nie-> that ki-i napiped i.eo.M, Frank fr-;!!; tlie si;jle ]i;i.-'<'n I'arTi and ?.an- ed l.iit; to a tre.' n'ear ,\; a "i"! i a . 'i’r.e di el jved in It-- rejiort tl'.af it had I'uUlid se\-eral -lues, bu: tiiai it wa- liiiaMe i > c !i!;e-f any '*rie v,‘it!; theerim--. tliirtv- livi‘ ! t ne>se.s '.Vere e ■■;rj !r. 1 IM'd a, lit ! a ni;::.:ier of I-n. :s. b< ;ii aiiony. moiis and., siinied, were con.-'idcred. 'I'he ie]f:rr ef .'ii’V wa-all that was exptetf.i a;ti ]irol*a,!dy meets the approvai > f ,i harirc nii’ii- b'cr of p.eop’ie in . i <> the Piil lic. •’I i'eel that I »>,ve lh“ ;:ia n ’.‘Vi-• ' r~ ■ . ’ 'ria ' n> < ' >]; •. < ’I;< ■' era and 1 >ia rrlji • "i u“:net'r a W".-d of i'ratit ude," \vr.'- ,' v.'r;!es .'•Ir s. 1'. N . V»'i jheiM":'!. 'T>iv-.-.nda. X. ''i' •• •'. h’':i i i'CLM t t a ! i ;:ir 1 !ns niedi- 1 .::e i wa< in irre-,! p-ih> a-al feelinu' ■ • ■ .'ri' s;--k. 11':.' =,t ..n a'ta'd-, oT : 1 i!,. I -m pl .'.i' i-r i a ki n.c j;,i.-'e (=1 it 1 li;!:i !I.h>!.L.'' to Wait l‘-r r^-ii. f. it :'ei.. ■'d me aim-'.-* 11; i; I r. ■. 1; ; I e 1 y „ * >. ,■ ’ '. e' i J, h I e t * i ‘ V - V. . e. au \ STATEMENT OF CONDITION Brevard Banking Company BREVARD. N. C. At t»he Close of Business September 2, 1*^15 Ki:soi R(;i:s L<»jins and Discounts S^0'),168.42 Overdrf.fts 878,87 Furniture and Fixtures 1,000.00 Ciisli in l^anks and V'ault M,.VI7.()1 S,<78,444.W IJAir.Lri IFS (Capita! .Stock 3100,000.00 Surplus and rmlividetl I*rofits },850.60 liill.s Payable I,=>,000.00 Ke-l)iscounts 25,0.^.i.25 f)ivi Tin at It's 1! Mn:-II matt* i. . ou i«. • thought it tO(> small t(» fo e-.tidihsi! a reputaii-iii ..r '(! .jhility in jc-w- e!r> setliii^:. \\ v art* cri'ic;' w iien we buy ' it a toii ir biit’tt.o ;>• li.ifnoncS. V* e want yoi; to Iv. tb^- sai.;', a ! f ■ i->ny us. \t e sell uiliy stu-h v/-’; ::e;;r cri'XaJ iie.pc*' tioii anil cirt\\ a:ul Brevard Appri'ciutos "i I;is. !■ -a-,- ' lb.- : . r er •, ; I -r 1 V. - ef 1 ;.e ];i :n! u;i i j,:- :.i''.. I i . ' , a ■. ■ 'I. ' I''i i ; i'.'s i > | t he e;;rr i->ue 1 1 ;:>,(• V'l 'iia' nie::,s5ire o*/ blame nt- ta' !i ■■■ '• I ’ pr- ers ane ■; ,i c!'s i'lT The-r =;e-;.'-et in ](r--a'd-iii.i' o.- ar-' e- ' • ’, 'P t;. ;i ! r= ■■■,-,■• -t :• 'w ;*. ■ >K• p- • -I - a ■ i; * . ]tv e! ti. ■ hr savs liev. He!- Xoth’ntT -anb.' trood I'.ir every- riic- V.TI !l;' r: I-., ,;.-re. M. :s 1e f*t •>>! . b-...’.ie. I .■I'j: pN I \ei’y oi. "iiiri Ittian's Kidn*,*v Pill.s ;trc for one* (■itn-. Wit ,.,nt v.i^iiicr to aji- tliiuLC oidy. pe;i,r :> . a,naceuser' nf !j:e Icretlrrcn, di>'*rd'eTi‘d ki-lnevs. I . ,.r' 1 Here is ]-eiial)h- evi(b‘li,-e (.f their 1 I .'I ti.ea-;—■ ra i." • t lie • p.e.-t Ion a.-' ‘ v.'cirtn. to a n = .-asure^ ol !ih«m - attaci.iivir t..: ]A,jr. painter. ;s i'a-^t street. oiii' p. ;ciier.s anii teaeher.s. I A>hevi]h‘, X. i' . savs; find t;;at h:. "c no liiht, t!iat onr ]^r.-aeh*-rs 1 J'tn subject lothe nne- ]>e brought in as -ml! v of ‘t ;‘n>'‘ui me i. verr injuri- , . . , r- . oust"- my kiiuiev.-*. Mv !)ar*k L’-ots r.eidcct in the matter. i.,,,. i ' r lame md soi-,‘and tin* p,is-'UL'es ot ‘•Kead *!\ wln*n did yon hear a ithi‘ kuiney seeretions arc ]j!tinfr:l. sermon on the diirnify of the law ? At tin.cs it isa!mo.--t imj»ossibh‘ for How many .«i!ch sermoijs have yon : ’'•’ a tier sttjojiin:', 1 .1 . , t < . . » ihia 1 s K’linev i*iih alwavs remove iieard in the ]i.;st ten ; r twi-ntv , ; , , ■ i » ' • tb ‘ ]iains in mv bar it kidney r'.'nnniy— rrl.»» II. iKi-t !).»;..•» K'i.ln..y Wlls-tl..- ,, . •„ - . 'tnat .d.r, r.tir b-id. }• osier-.d d- rncidcnfalh-. lar j;s tins s'^Tihc n,,,,,, ButV;,lo, X. Y,— has oiis. rv d. n-j .'pieial eilurts Aiiv. rhan-’-bcTiair/s I'nrt c 'ile- Stop i-.u'ulp.': V. jrat.ii tail: b:;*.- ..... s;i f> u'.ikinij: hani times :UiJ taik iroie; JiiVEfS ami I'eitf' I'trrn vi:t :* c:rcuh:‘rv r. J ru re is ir.<,rc nu nt \ in I i!v.’C(jontry than er lietore. so b' ;= p.ei n to wt'rk ait^l I make j'-’I.T the be t yt ar :.:.r r.i .-iiw ^ .n «,i;r history, '{ hank- I in.iT yui; for > hes to I v(n: anc > i'urs it*r a haj*;'. p ■ • • i:s Niw \ carv> eare, vour tor more*.. NOTICE OF GALE OF REAL EuTY UHDEii £X-CUTiOK I'liilcr hy virti’:- if ,in f-cciitior rr^iai tin- Sa,'. ;h.^' -urt ei' 'i'raii- h. ..JM.'i I'canly. .\. P.. in tlu* nvd- lieii nt';ivt-r-i';UUMi (.'-.riiii.Miy v.s. iVirr (hvcns, 1, ihc uii'ie;rh'.-riiY cl' ' yy*vti:i.i o.Lii'.v. I.,, v.-iiein .-aiii I'xc.-utieii V.;"'. liiriTli'd, i.avf 1 vP-,i upi.ii .-ukI will svli t;> ti;i‘ iiifif'fst f(.r cj'sh. a! tlu* cer.i houpt* (hior ir liv* !i>n:i ni liu-'v.nil, Ti'ar.f.ylv.iiiia cdimp'.. A. i'., cn Moiiihiy. ■ tlic -Uli u/vifti 'pun uiulor .sai.i o.i ratiea, ;(»-\\it; Lyiiif,; .md hciiifr in. Ijtvytl Township, 'frinisylvaiiin ruiinty. N. :uij',>ininL!, llie lands cf lhpt;l:‘,M(i i-t ;d. aiui i’uMy (icscriiictl ■ in It (IrvJ from l>. Sh::s !u !\*ti*r Owens i'v (h-od lieariii‘4 (iaic of Xcvcmht-r 1st, ]S‘i7, and rt*j.;islrrfd in hoi>k .\'e. 1 I at p.t;.;'f li*‘? ( f the di'od rti'erd.-; n!' 'i'ran.-ivl- vani t foui'.ly. l!fi;inniip'j: c:i a iduslnuL and stent- at ^■olln!J;'s feiu't* rorncr and runs 'f’.nh 10'.. dc*; west .■40P- polos to a hickory; Ihctuc soulii 611 dr}x east 5(t polc-S ^1') a while oak; thcnic west -t.^ j)(»les to llu hejdivihn^. containin;^ nine acres more or h'Sf!. an.l incliKiin.i^ the old still house place, exi ej)t one acre laiii out s»juare and inchidin}; the dvvellinK house and sprinj.: (it IVter Owens, .saiti exception havinf^ heen a!l<»lted to him as a homestead. Said sale to satisfy said execution, cost, etc. 'I'his the .'>rd dav :>f Se[)teaii)er. P*l,^. J. H. i‘U'FJ-:LSiMi;i:. Sheriff of Traiwyivmrla ci>tu'-ty, X. C. I 1>. b. Ihi'^iish, AttoiMi-v j t'or JiidgniL'nl CaaitiT. S-Uy-U-dlc I I I Duckwo Drug Company f: r In these days cf ‘“high cost cf living” the iiciisewife has has to eccnosnse in evei’y possilslo^ E.rid i £ilw£iys keep this fact in mind while iixing prices on|my goods. L